Email from Leslie Parris (DNR) 12-23-2015�_j Ingvalson, Drew From: Parris, Leslie (DNR) <Leslie.Parris@state.mn.us> Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 12:34 PM To: Ingvalson, Drew Cc: Skancke, Jennie (DNR); Mottl, Larissa (DNR); Harper, Liz (DNR); Doperalski, Melissa (DNR) Subject: RE: City of Chanhassen Agency Review Request for 825 Flying Cloud Drive - Golf Zone Request to allow Paintball Drew, Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the IUP application for paintball activities at the 825 Flying Cloud Drive site. The site is located adjacent to the Raguet State Wildlife Management Area (WMA), and the Minnesota Valley State Recreation Area which are considered Regionally Significant Ecological Areas of Outstanding Rank and are Minnesota Biological Survey Sites of High Biodiversity. These and other nearby sites include records of state -threatened species and include rare and protected features such as calcareous fens, karst features, a designated trout stream, public water wetlands and basins, and native plant communities. It is because of these features and designated areas that we offer the following comments and recommendations for permit conditions for your consideration. • The applicant states that only environmental friendly paintballs will be used at the facility. Due to the high potential for surface water and subsurface leeching to reach adjacent water bodies and other sensitive features, we recommend that this be included as a condition to the permit. • There is concern that although paintballs will be environmentally friendly, that overtime accumulation of materials may result iny' al or physical impacts to the surrounding sensitive features from surface runoff or subsurface leeching. If this does occur, the D would recommend the permit include a provision that the permit holder would be responsible for rectifying impacts. The DNR should be consulted with (or may contact the city) should impacts be observed. • The adjacent Raguet WMA is open to public hunting. This is in accordance with Minnesota Statutes. This right extends to the limits of the property boundary and therefore it should be known and communicated to paintball participants that hunting may be occurring directly adjacent to and during paintball activities. The hunting allowance for WMA actions will remain in place so it is important that the site be properly marked (use of signage) outlining boundaries so that paintball participants stay within their designated areas (this includes keeping paintball firing to within designated boundaries as well). Interference with WMA users should be discouraged. Paintball activities are not allowed on the WMA and the WMA shoulq not be used to access paintball designated areas. «n I ij ,� CCC "' Please let me know if you have any questions. 1 ���� V/r, Leslie Leslie Parris NR Specialist MN -DNR Division of Ecological & Water Resources 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, MN 55106 leslie.oarris0state.m n. us From: Ingvalson, Drew[mailto:DIngvalson@ci.chanhassen.mn.us] Sent: Monday, December 14, 2015 4:20 PM To: Parris, Leslie (DNR) Subject: RE: City of Chanhassen Agency Review Request for 825 Flying Cloud Drive - Golf Zone Request to allow Paintball Hi Leslie, I had the applicant submit a drawing that showed the location of the proposed paintball area and signage. Attached is the drawing that the applicant submitted. The dotted red lines show a 300' setback from the north and east property lines (where the paintball course will not permitted). The drawing also shows a wetland delineation line (where the paintball course will not be permitted). Please let me know if you have any comments or concerns. Best Regards, Drew Ingvalson I Assistant Planner City of Chanhassen I Community Development Department 7700 Market Boulevard I Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone 952.227.1132 1 Email din¢valsonCeDci.chanhassen.mn.us From: Ingvalson, Drew Sent: Friday, December 11, 2015 3:49 PM To: 'Parris, Leslie (DNR)' <Leslie.ParrisC�state.mn.us> Subject: RE: City of Chanhassen Agency Review Request for 825 Flying Cloud Drive - Golf Zone Request to allow Paintball Good Afternoon, Per our phone conversation, I have attached the documents submitted by the applicant. You should find the application, aerial images of the proposed locations for the various structures and paintball course and rendering of a proposed sign. As I stated over the phone, we are looking to get a more detailed rendering of the paintball course area. We should receive this no later than Tuesday of next week. Moving forward, please, feel free to contact me at the information listed below if you have any additional questions, concerns or comments. Best Regards, Drew Ingvalson I Assistant Planner City of Chanhassen I Community Development Department 7700 Market Boulevard I Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone 952.227.1132 1 Email dinevalson(caci.chanhassen mn.us From: Parris, Leslie (DNR) [mailto:Leslie.Parris0state mn.us] Sent: Friday, December 11, 2015 3:40 PM To: Ingvalson, Drew <Dlnevalson(@ci.chanhassen.mn us> Subject: FW: City of Chanhassen Agency Review Request for 825 Flying Cloud Drive - Golf Zone Request to allow Paintball Mr. Ingvalson, Good afternoon. I left a voice message for you and I wanted to follow-up by email as well. I received the attached agency review request form concerning an amendment to Interim Use Permit to allow paintball at 825 Flying Cloud Drive (Golf Zone). I would like to request any plans that you may have for this land development proposal. If you have more detailed information for this proposal, would you please provide them to me? V/r, Leslie Leslie Parris NR Specialist MN -DNR Division of Ecological & Water Resources 1200 Warner Road St. Paul, MN 55106 leslie.parris(@state.mn.us From: Skancke, Jennie (DNR) Sent: Friday, December 11, 2015 8:49 AM To: Parris, Leslie (DNR) Cc: Mottl, Larissa (DNR); Harper, Liz (DNR); Meuwissen, Kim Subject: FW: City of Chanhassen Agency Review Request for 825 Flying Cloud Drive - Golf Zone Request to allow Paintball Jennie Skancke - Area Hydrologist (Scott, Dakota and Carver Counties) MnDNR 1 1200 Warner Road I St. Paul, MN 55106 1 T: 651-259-5790 1 Jennie.5kancke(dstate.mn.us From: Meuwissen, Kim[mailto:kmeuwissen@ci.chanhassen mn us] Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2015 10:46 AM To: 'Kate Miner'; Skancke, Jennie (DNR); 'naiadconsulting@gmail.com'; 'gerry_shimek@fws.gov' Cc: Ingvalson, Drew; Mohn, Jerry; Fauske, Alyson; Littfin, Mark; Sinclair, Jill; Hoffman, Todd; Jeffery, Terry; Kittelson, Eric; Generous, Bob; Potter, Jenny Subject: City of Chanhassen Agency Review Request for 825 Flying Cloud Drive - Golf Zone Request to allow Paintball Development Plan Review Agencies: Please review the attached request and respond with your comments (if any) no later than Thursday, December 24, 2015 to: Drew Ingvalson, Planner City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 952-227-1132 dinevalsonPci.chanhassen.mn.us Replies to this email will be automatically copied to Drew. You can view the project web page that includes a link to the project documents at http://www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2016-01. Thankyou! © Kim Meuwissen Sr. Con:municabons/9dmdnistrativeSupport Specialist 952-227-1107 kmeuwissenaxi chanhassen mn us CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD PO BOX 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317