CC Minutes 02-08-2016Chanhassen City Council - February 8, 2016 Mayor Laufenburger: Alright we have a valid motion. Is there a second? Councilwoman Ryan: Second. Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you Councilwoman Ryan. Any further discussion? Resolution #2016-15: Councilman McDonald moved, Councilwoman Ryan seconded that the City Council award the bid for the General Obligation Bonds Series 2016A to Stifel, Nicolas Company in the amount of $6,370,000. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you Mr. Ruff, Mr. Sticha. MINNETONKA SCHOOL DISTRICT 276, 6421 HAZELTINE BOULEVARD: REQUEST FOR AN INTERIM USE PERMIT TO ALLOW SITE GRADING TO WIDEN THE MAIN ENTRANCE/EXIT DRIVEWAY AT MINNETONKA MIDDLE SCHOOL WEST. Mayor Laufenburger: Is there a staff report? Paul Oehme: Yes Mayor, City Council members. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Oehme, nice to see you again. Paul Oehme: Nice to see you too. So this request is from again the Minnetonka School District. The parcel is located at 6421 Hazeltine Boulevard. Just off of Highway 41, south of Highway 7. So the request is for an interim use permit. Typically these projects are pretty straight forward in nature. The reason why this triggers an interim use permit is because there is excess grading material on this project. Anything over 1,000 yards of material hauled off, or trucked in and trucked off the site requires an interim use permit. This project is, I think it’s 2,100 cubic yards of material that will be moved around. The plan that the school district would like to proceed with is the expansion of basically their entrance drive. Highway 41 is over here on the left hand side. The school is located over here so this is the entrance drive coming into the facility. There is one lane of traffic in and out. At this location there is a left turn and right turn lane as you get closer to 41. The school district would like to expand this location here to increase the capacity of the traffic exiting the facility during peak hour times. Also there’s some minor modifications to the main parking lot that the school district would like to take on and the some sidewalk or some trails next to the tennis courts that they would like to make at this time too. Some minor drainage and utility, drainage and stormwater improvements as well and then I think the parking lot would be overlaid after the project is done. Here’s just kind of the traffic flow of what the future access to the, in and out of the facility would look like so basically a designated right turn and left turn lane all the way through the entrance land just sort of for better queuing and better 15 Chanhassen City Council - February 8, 2016 stacking. More capacity of people waiting to get onto Highway 41 from the parking lot. With that I’d stand for any questions. Kate Aanenson: If I may add Mayor, members of the City Council. Mayor Laufenburger: Ms. Aanenson. th Kate Aanenson: This item did appear before the Planning Commission on January 19. There was a public hearing held. I just wanted to point out that there was nobody in attendance at that meeting. There was a few calls from some of the neighbors but staff had addressed those comments I think to the satisfaction of the neighboring properties so there wasn’t anybody at that meeting but they did, the Planning Commission did recommend approval of the interim use permit. Mayor Laufenburger: Alright, thank you Ms. Aanenson. Any questions of staff regarding this interim use permit? Councilwoman Ryan: I just have a couple questions Mayor. Mayor Laufenburger: Councilwoman Ryan. Councilwoman Ryan: Do you mind going back to the diagram? Paul Oehme: Sure. Councilwoman Ryan: This doesn’t totally have to do with the actual permit but it’s more of the design of the interior part of the parking lot. Are they still going to have, are they changing the parking lot so there is no more cut through in the middle of the parking lot? Right now at the school it’s basically split in half and I don’t know if that’s like supposed to be the walkway or what but it’s. Paul Oehme: North/south line? Councilwoman Ryan: Yes. Paul Oehme: I think that was one of the improvements that, I think it was this location here. Maybe that’s the, the school district representative is here. Maybe he can answer that question too but I think that was part of the improvement that was planned for the parking lot. Mayor Laufenburger: Is somebody from the school district here? Cliff Buhman: I’m here to represent the school. 16 Chanhassen City Council - February 8, 2016 Mayor Laufenburger: State your name. Cliff Buhman: My name is Cliff Buhman and I’m with Inspect. I’m the engineer of record on the project working with the City. And the plan for the school is to paint a crosswalk in the area where there is an existing crosswalk. So basically if you look at that little island just below the far right or east tennis courts. Mayor Laufenburger: Yep. Cliff Buhman: That little island that projects, that will be striped all the way across and there currently is an accessible walkway through there with a pedestrian ramp. Kate Aanenson: I was just going to add, that came up at the Planning Commission too. We have access from like 3 different directions that kids can walk to the school and so that was a concern. Mayor Laufenburger: So the concern is to protect the pedestrians that are arriving. Kate Aanenson: Correct. Right. Mayor Laufenburger: So that they have a safe walk route. Kate Aanenson: Correct, so they could come from the north. They come from the west and the south also. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Councilwoman Ryan: So the sidewalk does cut through the middle of the parking lot or does not? Cliff Buhman: No there is not a sidewalk there now. There’s an island that’s going to be removed and has part of a sidewalk on it but the drives obviously are contiguous but that will link that north/south and the pathways too to an existing pedestrian ramp that there is a sidewalk then on the south side. Councilwoman Ryan: On the south side, okay. Cliff Buhman: Yes. Mayor Laufenburger: Any other questions Councilwoman Ryan? Councilwoman Ryan: And then are there going to be sidewalks on the east and west side of the tennis courts or will it just remain that there’s the sidewalk on the, inbetween the courts. 17 Chanhassen City Council - February 8, 2016 Cliff Buhman: Yeah there are 2 paths. Part paths. Partial paths excuse me. Kate Aanenson: …I think there’s one on the. Cliff Buhman: It might show better. Kate Aanenson: You can kind of see on this the trails that come down. Councilwoman Ryan: Yep. Kate Aanenson: Yeah and then there’s an opening on the south side too and actually you can come over somewhere through on this side too. Cliff Buhman: Yeah. Mayor Laufenburger: So the north comes off of Melody Lane right? Kate Aanenson: Correct. Mayor Laufenburger: And then the south comes off, is it Bretton Court or in that area. And then the, on the east. Kate Aanenson: Yeah so you can come down through here. All the way through the tennis courts and that’s kind of what we’re talking about getting there and then from the south there’s that street on the end with the cul-de-sac and I believe there’s another opening somewhere on this side. Yeah. Mayor Laufenburger: Where the water tower used to be. Kate Aanenson: Correct. Todd Gerhardt: Kate can you point to the raised sidewalk in the parking lot I think is what Councilwoman Ryan’s talking about. Kate Aanenson: Oh this one right here. That’s currently there right now. Todd Gerhardt: Yeah, so that will be removed and will be striped as a sidewalk. Cliff Buhman: Crosswalk. Todd Gerhardt: Crosswalk. Cliff Buhman: Yes. 18 Chanhassen City Council - February 8, 2016 Todd Gerhardt: So with no curb. Cliff Buhman: No. Todd Gerhardt: Just pavement flat as the parking lot. Cliff Buhman: Yep, to grade. Councilwoman Ryan: Okay. Councilman Campion: And there will be a sidewalk around the perimeter then? Cliff Buhman: Yeah we’re retaining that. Councilman Campion: Okay. Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you Mr. Buhman. Cliff Buhman: You’re welcome. Thank you. Councilwoman Ryan: But, sorry Mayor. Maybe one more point. But will there be, you know right below the tennis court. Mayor Laufenburger: Where that white vehicle is? Councilwoman Ryan: (Yes). Just to the north of that will that, is that a sidewalk that then loops all the way around? Cliff Buhman: Yes that sidewalk continues all the way north and there’s another section that’s partial path down there but we’re going to continue that path onto the west of you on the lower tennis courts. Councilwoman Ryan: Okay. Cliff Buhman: And continue that one up and it will hook up with the one to the north. Councilwoman Ryan: Okay. Cliff Buhman: So we’ll actually have 2 new paths. Kate Aanenson: Yeah I think that shows up on the. 19 Chanhassen City Council - February 8, 2016 Cliff Buhman: Next one. Kate Aanenson: Yeah. Paul Oehme: It’s in the plans. Kate Aanenson: Yeah. So that’s detailed, it’s on the plans yeah. Mayor Laufenburger: Any other questions for staff? Thank you Mr. Buhman. Cliff Buhman: Thank you. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Oehme, when we grant, there was something about discussion about a traffic pattern, is that correct? Who wants to speak? Or a traffic study. MnDOT is completing a study which will provide us with more information about traffic in this area assisting in decision making regarding potential improvements. Is that still underway? Paul Oehme: It is. So MnDOT has done some preliminary investigation on Highway 41 with traffic and speeds and school district representatives and the City are talking to MnDOT about taking it to the next level, or looking at pedestrian movements and other ancillary information. Basically it’s a pedestrian movement study that MnDOT would like us to, school district to complete and the impetus and what we’re trying to get towards is a speed school zone along Highway 41 so. Mayor Laufenburger: During school movement hours. Paul Oehme: Exactly to reduce the speeds during those peak hours where traffic and pedestrians are coming in and out of the school campus so that’s what we’re shooting for. That’s you know there’s some pedestrian counts that have to be taken so I think we’re going to have to wait til spring to actually get some reasonable counts on that but I think we’re going to try to draft up a report here pretty quick and try to get you know MnDOT to buy into that so improvements can take place this year yet. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Oehme, this isn’t related to the movement of this grading stuff but the City Council participated with I think it was safe routes to schools and we did some crosswalk and flashing and median. Can you just speak to that? Or more importantly will the MnDOT study include potential changes to that or are those, is that construction secure? Paul Oehme: That construction’s secure and actually this last fall when MnDOT did the traffic study they actually did enhance the crosswalk that was out there that the City participated in and built so there’s some stop bars. Mayor Laufenburger: Yep. 20 Chanhassen City Council - February 8, 2016 Paul Oehme: Painted stop bars on the pavement and there’s some additional signage out there as well so now to take it to the next level is to the look at the school speed zone. That’s the next thing that we’re shooting for. Mayor Laufenburger: Okay. Alright. Councilwoman Ryan: Mr. Mayor? Mayor Laufenburger: Go ahead. Councilwoman Ryan: May I just make a comment. Mayor Laufenburger: Go ahead Councilwoman Ryan. Councilwoman Ryan: And again this is not related to the interim use permit but I would just like to make a public plea so to speak that MnDOT does do something. As a Minnetonka. Mayor Laufenburger: Parent. Councilwoman Ryan: Parent and a lot of friends. Mr. Bourgeois you’ve been very responsive so I appreciate your action on behalf of the school district but this is a serious concern to a lot of Minnetonka/Chanhassen. Minnetonka School District but Chanhassen residents of the safety of pulling in and out of Minnetonka Middle School West so I encourage the City and school district to continue to push MnDOT to do something here because I know that the residents would really appreciate it and I know we all feel the same way about keeping our students safe and it’s a, it has to be a priority. Paul Oehme: Absolutely. Councilwoman Ryan: So thank you. Mayor Laufenburger: Comment well noted. Thank you Councilwoman Ryan. Any further questions or comments on the interim use permit? I’ll entertain a motion. Councilwoman Ryan: I’ll make a motion. Mayor Laufenburger: Councilwoman Ryan. Councilwoman Ryan: I propose the City Council approve the Interim Use Permit to permit grading in excess of 1,000 cubic yards to allow parking lot alteration, widen the main entrance/exit driveway and stormwater improvements subject to the conditions of the staff report and adopts the Findings of Fact. 21 Chanhassen City Council - February 8, 2016 Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you, we have a valid motion. Is there a second? Councilman Campion: Second. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Campion thank you very much. Any further discussion? Resolution #2016-15: Councilwoman Ryan moved, Councilman Campion seconded that the City Council approve the Interim Use Permit to permit grading in excess of 1,000 cubic yards to allow parking lot alteration, widen the main entrance/exit driveway and stormwater improvements subject to the following conditions and adopts the Findings of Fact. 1.The applicant’s engineer shall adjust the slope of the expanded drive lane to convey runoff to the northeast gutter line. 2.The plans must be revised to label the catch basins to match the CB/MH Schedule on Page C5. 3.Slopes shall be labeled on all proposed pipes. 4.The note for the draintile shall be revised so that no sock is used on the draintile. 5.The applicant shall submit an erosion control plan (including additional detail plates) for this project per City Code §19-154. 6.A $5,000 escrow to guarantee restoration and erosion control measures will be required with the permit. 7.Staff will require that the applicant provide a proposed haul route for review and approval. 8.An as-built grading plan is required at the completion of site grading to ensure compliance with the approved grading plan. 9.MnDOT comments shall be incorporated into the plans. 10.The parking spaces and aisles must be adjusted to meet the Chanhassen City Code requirements. 11.The parking lot design shall be revised to provide a travel path for north-south pedestrians. 12.The applicant shall submit documentation to the city for how the queues will lay out with use of the gates. 13.The plan must follow all applicable State and Federal guidelines. 22 Chanhassen City Council - February 8, 2016 14.The applicant shall install a total of two islands in the reconfigured parking area and a minimum of four deciduous trees. 15.The interior width of the landscape islands or peninsulas shall be 10 feet. The applicant shall install perimeter landscaping to correspond to existing parking lot site conditions. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 4 to 0. Mayor Laufenburger: Thank you Mr. Oehme, Ms. Aanenson and thank you Mr. Bourgeois and Mr. Buhman. Say your last name again? Cliff Buhman: Buhman. Mayor Laufenburger: Buhman. Thought I had it right. Thank you. That concludes our agenda items for this evening. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS. Mayor Laufenburger: Mr. Gerhardt, any administrative presentations? Todd Gerhardt: Just a quick comment for Paul. Sorry about that Packer loss. We’re feeling for you every day. Little bit of a Packer fan above Paul on that one so. Mayor Laufenburger: Is there? Todd Gerhardt: Yeah. What I’d like to do is thank Todd Hoffman and his staff for a wonderful February Festival. What a perfect event. Thank you Mayor for the wonderful weather that we had and sunshine and it was just perfect but I think we really have to call out the Rotary group. Had a group of about a dozen gentlemen out there drilling 1,000 holes prior to the event and it’s not easy but they did have donuts to work towards so Todd splurged and donated donuts to the guys so. Also the Boy Scouts sold bait, s’more kits. Culver’s was out there. There’s a lot of work that goes into this. You know just showing up for a few hours and Culver’s has always been there and a big supporter of our special events in the community so a big thanks to them. Our Park and Rec Commission, they volunteer their time in helping out in the ticket area. They help out in the food concessions and beverage concessions so a big thanks to them. Chairman Cole Kelly was our emcee again this year. He does a fantastic job of emceeing the event and keeping everybody up to date on fish caught. The door prizes and so I appreciate his efforts and all the volunteers that participated in the event so just a great event and perfect. No injuries. That’s always good and Todd’s got a great team out there and do a fantastic job. Councilman Campion: I’d like to second those thanks. It was a pretty awesome event. I’ve been a couple times in years past but I brought my 4 year old out there who had never ice fished 23