D-3. 9641 Meadowlark Lane - Planning Case 2016-07PROPOSED MOTION: "The Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, L/ ' approves a shoreland setback variance from a tributary for the construction of a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway, as shown in Attachment #15 of the staff report, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the Findings of Fact and Decision" SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a variance from the 100 -foot shoreland setback from a tributary to construct a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway. LOCATION: 9641 Meadowlark Lane (PID 25-7420070) APPLICANT: Dan Hanson Wausau Homes 1463 White Oak Drive Chaska, MN On behalf of Gayle & David Vogel 105 Pioneer Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: Rural Residential (RR) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Large Lot ACREAGE: 2.4 Acres DENSITY: NA LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: Thecity's discretion in approving or denying a Variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for a variance. The city has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 2 of 16 PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting a variance from the 100 -foot shoreland setback from a tributary to construct a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway. The driveway will be 45 feet from the tributary at its nearest point. The single-family home and accessory structures will be 70 feet from the tributary at its nearest point. Proposed structures will maintain a 100 -foot setback from the Lake Riley shoreline. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 19, Article VII, Surface Water Management Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3. Variances Chapter 20, Article VII, Shoreland Management District Section 20-481, Placement, design and height of structures Section 20-482, Shoreland alterations Chapter 20, Article XI, "RR" Rural Residential District BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting a variance from the 100 -foot shoreline setback from a tributary to construct a single-family home, accessory structures and driveway. Per City Code, structures on properties that have access to city sewer are only required to meet a 75 -foot setback from the shoreline; however, since this property is unsewered, structures must meet a 100 -foot setback from tributaries. The intent of the proposed project is to provide access to the home and construct a single-family home with accessory structures. Historically, the site has been used as a recreational lot with no primary structures. There is a non -conforming shed located at the northwest corner of the lot. There is also an existing retaining wall that is on the subject property and the neighboring property to the west. Currently, the only access is a mowed path that utilizes the neighboring property's existing driveway (see Figure 2 below). The parcel was platted as a residential lot with the Riley Lake Meadows Development and was filed as a lot of record in 1988. The site is not serviced by city sewer or water. The property is guided for residential large lot and will not have city services in the future with this land use unless there is a systematic failure of subsurface sewage treatment systems (SSTS) in the area and it becomes a public health issue or the area changes to more suburban densities. Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 3of16 The site has two wetlands located on the south side of the property (see red outlined areas in Figure 5 on the next page). The existing mowed road cuts between the two wetlands. There is also a tributary located on the western portion of the property (seen in blue in Figure 3). Water from a pond across the street, wetlands, and surrounding properties drain into the tributary. The water in the tributary flows north into Lake Riley. Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 4 of 16 In January 2016, the applicant requested a variance and wetland alteration permit to construct a driveway to provide access to the property. This request did not include a house or accessory structures. On February 16, 2016, the Chanhassen Planning Commission approved a shoreland setback variance for a 12 -foot wide dnveway, subject to the following conditions: The driveway shall not be approved beyond what is necessary to access the site and get beyond the wetland. No other portion shall be allowed within the setback unless approved with a site and/or building plan application. 2. Any future structures including, but not limited to, Subsurface Sewage Treatment System (SSTS) shall meet all ordinance and setback requirements. The City Council also approved a wetland alteration permit in February 2016. Figure 5, the image to the right, is a document submitted to the City for the driveway variance and wetland alteration permit. The driveway area in green was approved with the request and the driveway portion in black was not approved. The City did not approve the entire driveway variance request because the applicant did not provide a complete site plan (including, but not limited to, the house, septic, and accessory structure locations). Proposal Figure 5: Driveway Variance Request n f+ The proposed 9641 Meadowlark Lane project consists of the construction of a 12 -foot wide bituminous drive, a single-family home, and accessory structures. The driveway will be a continuation of the driveway approved with the previous variance. The total driveway length will be approximately 350-400 feet in length. The majority of the driveway is 12 feet wide, with the exception of the driveway widening to provide access into a three stall garage. The total area of the proposed driveway is 6,357 square feet. The applicant has proposed a two story, walkout home with a three stall garage, patio, and deck. The proposed hardcover for the project is 9.9 percent (20 percent maximum allowed). Based on the submitted survey, the footprint of these structures are: • House- 1,959 square feet. • Deck/Patio- 861 square feet. • Garage- 1,002 square feet. • Existing Shed- 120. • Front Stoop- 177 square feet. Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 5 of 16 Figure 6: Proposed Plan LAKE RILEY Deck/Patio W" f Existing '"�, i t i Shed I} t � i �; t irlr.. t • - _ --!' House, ;!! t 11{ it Garage, , � e 1 ! t Porch Septic t a i�(�9� \ °r { . ` `.� Sites 1 � " Property Buildable r f f 1 �b� ,, Line N > Area P, tJ 1 Driveway , o \ y sa y 33? z Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 6 of 16 Figure 7: Buildable Area ,re R I c E r l� ;yII r to f I, 9 „r F -- �r x MEA,DDWIARK 'tans- em 9 Buildable Area The buildable area of the subject site is severely limited due to the: • 100 -foot setback from the tributary • 100 -foot setback from the lake shoreline • 10 -foot side yard setback • Wetlands located on the south side of the property It is apparent that the desire of the applicant is to place the home as close to Lake Riley as possible and to orient the structure to take advantage of the views of Lake Riley. This objective is understandable given the nature of the property as it relates to the aesthetics of the lake. However, the narrow buildable area of the lot limits the applicant's opportunity to take advantage of the views of Lake Riley. As shown in Figure 7, the widest buildable area on this lot (measuring west to east) is approximately 44 feet. The widest buildable area width nearest Lake Riley is only 39 feet. However, the desire to locate a structure near a body of water and to take advantage of its views does not, of its own accord, provide adequate justification for being exempt from the requirements that all similar lots must meet. A variance application should request the minimal deviation from City Code needed to create a reasonable use of the property. This request should be approved only if the applicant is unable to avoid the need for a variance completely. Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 7of16 Alternative Plan The applicant has submitted an alternative sketch plan that shows how the property layout might look if the applicant was required to meet all city setback requirements. As seen in Figure 8, the house would be oriented with the front facing west and the garage would load from the south. Also, the driveway would make an "S" shape to meet the 100 -foot setback from the tributary after getting past the wetlands on the south side of the property. To meet city ordinance, the septic systems would need to be moved to the west side of the driveway and closer to the tributary. Per city code, the septic system is required to maintain a 75 -foot setback from the tributary and bodies of water, while all other structures are required to maintain a 100 -foot setback from the tributary and lake. While the ordinance permits the septic system to be closer to the tributary, staff finds it preferable to have the driveway located closer to the tributary than the septic system. Based on the buildable area of the lot, alternative plan, and review of the site, staff has found that requesting a variance for the driveway, single-family home, and accessory structures is a reasonable request. Staff agrees with the applicant that the site is severely restricted by the existing tributary and lake shore setbacks. Figure 8: Alternative Plan Meeting City Code J Single -Family Home iou 5, 75' • ,Y Primary t Septic i Alternative bl Septic A Driveway .m S I- MEADOWLARK LANE -•` �� Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 8 of 16 Shoreland Impact Zone and Grading In addition to the setback requirements, Section 20-482 subparagraph (b) states that "intensive vegetation clearing within the shore and bluff impact zones and on steep slopes is not allowed." The only exception to this is a limited clearing of 30% of the lot width or 30 feet, whichever is less. For the subject property, the shoreland impact zone includes any land within 100 feet of the shoreland. The clearing exemption for the subject property is 30 feet, as 30% of the shoreline would be over 30 feet. This exception was intended to provide for a view of the lake as well as to accommodate access to the lake, but not to overly impinge on the natural look of the shoreland from the lake. The applicant's original proposal did not meet this requirement. Since informing the applicant of this requirement, the applicant has worked with staff and submitted a grading plan that now meets the grading requirements within the shoreland impact zone (see Attachment #5). Grading must have erosion prevention and sediment control practices consistent with Section 19- 145 of city code. The most significant change is that biorolls are not an acceptable perimeter control of gradient of water resources including the lake, stream and wetland. Instead, machine sliced silt fence with metal tee -posts must be used. Variance Minimization and Avoidance Staff recognizes that a shoreline setback variance from the tributary is a reasonable request. The property is significantly restricted by the setbacks from the lake shoreline, tributary, and side yard. Nevertheless, any variance approved by the City should be the minimal variance required to achieve a reasonable use. Staff commends the applicant's effort to provide staff with what is needed for the review of the proposed single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway. However, there are alternatives to the proposed house plan that could minimize the tributary setback variance request for the single-family home, and driveway. Questions posed by the Water Resources Coordinator, regarding minimizing the variance request, include: • Are the primary and secondary septic sites oriented in the only way possible or, could they be rotated some to allow for the driveway to be pulled further from the creek? • Even if the septic sites are oriented and placed in the only possible way, can the driveway still be pulled further away from the creek? • Can the garage be oriented to the house at a more oblique angle than the proposed 90° orientation to allow for a different driveway radius? • Can the house be pulled east so that it is aligned with the eastern wall of the garage thereby increasing the setback from the channel? • Could the septic fields be moved more southerly on the property and the garage be designed to load from the south so that the driveway alignment could meander and meet the setback for at least the northern half of the driveway? • Could the driveway be narrowed? Specifically, the location of the single family -home and orientation of the garage could be altered to reduce the variance request. Staff has reviewed these alternatives and provided information on these options on pages 9 and 10. Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance - Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 9 of 16 Single -Family Home Various reconfigurations of the home and garage could reduce the variance request. Specifically, the home could be pulled eastward, either a few feet or fully aligned with the garage, to reduce the variance request. Bringing the eastern house wall in alignment with the eastern garage wall would minimize the variance request from the tributary setback by nine feet, providing a 79 -foot setback from the tributary instead of a 70 -foot setback (see Figures 9 and 10). However, this action would eliminate a: • window for a family room. • rear door out of the garage. • 2nd floor egress window (required by building code). Per building code, the 2"d floor bedroom is required to have an egress window; however, the location and shape of this window can be altered from the original plan to meet requirements. Considering the loss of an upstairs bedroom window, any reconfiguration of the house that moved it east would reduce the variance request. The reconfiguration would not necessarily need to be a full alignment between the two walls. The applicant could also place the window on the western wall to provide egress. b7 aQ �� M _D 00 r OF SAN m=/ -a c� � o om o [ New Egress -i Window Locationy O p Egress Bedroom Removed/Relocated / Rear Garage Door Removed D ( [ j rn(1 Co� Figure 9: House Realignment Example 1 Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 10 of 16 Garage Rotation The applicant could reduce their variance request by rotating the garage so that it does not line up perpendicular with the home. Instead the applicant could construct a south loading garage. Rotating the garage would reduce the angle needed to access the garage and allow the applicant to pull the driveway further back from the tributary. The applicant would be able to relocate the driveway further from the tributary, reducing the variance request, if the garage was rotated to become south loading (see Figure 11). Rotating the garage to be south loading will eliminate the main floor and upstairs windows facing south (see Figure 10). Moving the driveway will also require the applicant to relocate the proposed septic systems; however, there appears to be adequate space south to accommodate a relocation of the septic systems. Figure 11 shows a realignment of the house, garage, driveway, and septic system (see Attachment #15 for full version). The proposed rendering keeps the same driveway path as proposed by the applicant until approximately 270 feet into the property. At this point the driveway will curve to the east so that vehicles can enter a south facing garage. There is also a 4 -foot wide sidewalk that has been added to the plan. The revised plan maintains the same building footprint submitted by the applicant; however, it reduces the variance request to the minimal amount needed to allow a reasonable use of the property. The structure will maintain a 79 -foot setback from the tributary and a significant portion of the road will be moved further from the tributary. The revised plan will require the applicant to reconfigure the interior layout of the home to accommodate required bedroom egress windows and the desires of the property owner. The septic systems will need to be moved south to accommodate the relocated driveway and meet the 75 -foot shoreline setback requirement. Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 11 of 16 .�11 UI 7-- / p -L99� f f I I Ii f ° IF --I ,¢ RNR 7f 1 i !/ r Example o \ Only n� \ M Example \ \ �zcs— I• �, 1� �i \ A i Only I \ \ \ s \ \ t v t � Figure 11: House, Garage, Driveway and Septic System Realignment k t \ t \ Ji I E � i � J \ I y t y x 3 4N TOjTo, Of aHw' I r� y\ alfi 09 a 1 .�11 UI 7-- / p -L99� f f I I Ii f ° IF --I ,¢ RNR 7f 1 i !/ r Example o \ Only n� \ M Example \ \ �zcs— I• �, 1� �i \ A i Only I \ \ \ s \ \ t v t � Figure 11: House, Garage, Driveway and Septic System Realignment k t \ t \ i r i � J I y t \ r� y\ 09 1 .�11 UI 7-- / p -L99� f f I I Ii f ° IF --I ,¢ RNR 7f 1 i !/ r Example o \ Only n� \ M Example \ \ �zcs— I• �, 1� �i \ A i Only I \ \ \ s \ \ t v t � Figure 11: House, Garage, Driveway and Septic System Realignment k t \ t \ Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 12 of 16 The applicant has been notified by staff that there appears to be opportunities to reduce the variance request. The applicant has declined to make any alterations to the building plan and has decided to move forward with their original proposal. The applicant has provided arguments for the house location in their narrative and responses the Water Resources Coordinator's questions (see Attachment #3). Character of the Neighborhood The subject property is within the Riley Lake Meadows Development. Figure 12 shows five shorcland homes in the Riley Lake Meadows Development that are within 600 feet of the subject property. These homes are typically described as: • Having large front yard setbacks, ranging from approximately 280 feet to over 500 feet. • Being oriented towards Lake Riley. All of the homes appear to have the longest portion of the home parallel with the shoreline. • Having large building footprints (all building footprints exceed 2,500 square feet). • Having a lake shore setback of at least 75 feet and a tributary setback of at least 50 feet (property adjacent to the subject site). 85 ft. �'YY + .., 76 Ft . .125 Ft. 1225'Sq Ft 53 Ft 3�S0100"'F Subject •` Site r�5998JSq F.t tow —& a 14 11 Figure 12: Existing Neighborhood 114 Ft As Ft '00 2583 Sq Ft .1 Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 13 of 16 The proposed home keeps within the essential character of the existing neighborhood. The proposed project has: • An approximately 355 -foot front yard setback. • The structure is in an L -shape with the longer portion of the structure oriented toward Lake Riley. • A house footprint of 2,964 square feet. • A lake shore setback of 100 feet (required by city code) and a tributary setback of 70 feet (100 -foot setback required by city code). It is evident that the proposed home will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. The home has a similar location, orientation, size, and shoreline setbacks as the five Riley Lake Meadows Development properties within 600 feet of the subject property. Variances within 500 feet of the Subject Property The Riley Lake Meadows Development does not have a very extensive history of receiving variances. Staff reviewed city records to determine if any variances were granted within 500 feet of the subject property and found one approved variance at 240 Eastwood Court. This property was granted an 18.5 -foot variance from the 30 -foot bluff protection setback to construct a deck. Response to Comments Made within Narrative The applicant has submitted aerial images of three shoreland properties for comparison of their property and their variance request (see Attachments #3, #10, and #11). Figure 13, on the next page, shows the location of the properties. With the exception of 9611 Meadowlark Lane, none of these parcels are located within the Riley Lake Meadows Development. Staff has provided additional comments regarding each of these three properties below. 9441 Great Plains Boulevard — This home was built in 1960. It has legal non- conforming status regarding any shoreland setback requirements because it was built prior to the City's adoption of the shoreland regulations. 9001 Riley Lake Boulevard — This property is sewered and therefore requires only a 75 - foot setback from the shoreline. The property is currently compliant with City Code. 9536 Lakeland Terrace — This property is located within the City of Eden Prairie. Staff has no comments on properties not located within the City of Chanhassen. 9611 Meadowlark Lane — The existing home and accessory structures appear to encroach on the shoreline setback of the tributary. If these structures encroach on the required shoreline setback of the tributary, the home and accessory structures were approved by City Staff in error. Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 14 of 16 SUMMARY The applicant's request for a variance from the 100 -foot shoreland setback from a tributary to construct a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway is a reasonable request. The proposed use of the property keeps in harmony with the general purposes and intent of Chapter 20 of City Code and is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The proposed plan will create a single-family home, with driveway and accessory structures, which is consistent with other properties in the neighborhood. This plan will not alter the essential character of the neighborhood. The buildable area of the lot is significantly limited by the required setbacks and has created a practical difficulty for the property owner from using the site in a reasonable manner. The practical difficulty found on the property is due to natural occurrences and has not been created by the property owner. The proposal meets several criteria needed for a variance request; however, any variance approved by the City should be the minimal variance required to achieve a reasonable request. While the variance request made by the applicant is reasonable, staff believes that the plan submitted by the applicant can be modified to reduce the variance request. Staff has provided an Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 15 of 16 alternative plan that reduces the variance request through realigning the house, garage and driveway (see Figure 11). The alternative plan maintains the same driveway proposal submitted by the applicant until approximately 270 feet north of the southern property line. At this point the driveway curves east to allow vehicles to enter a south facing garage. This plan also requires the relocation of septic system alternatives and adds a 4 -foot wide sidewalk to the plan. Staff supports a shoreline setback variance that reflects the plan shown in Attachment #15. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, approve a shoreland setback variance from a tributary for the construction of a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway, as shown in Attachment #15 of the staff report, subject to the following conditions: Planning and Building Department 1. The applicant shall apply for and receive a building permit and/or zoning permit for all structures. 2. The applicant shall erect temporary fencing around the proposed septic locations prior to any operation of equipment on the site. Water Resources Coordinator 3. The plan must clearly indicate the shoreland impact zone and encroachment therein. 4. The applicant is responsible for any other agency approvals that may be required. 5. No site disturbance may occur until the city has received confirmation from the Board of Soil and Water Resources that the wetland bank account has been debited thereby satisfying the approved wetland replacement plan. 6. All erosion prevention and sediment control practices must be properly installed prior to any earth disturbing activities. 7. Type II sediment control best management practices are required for all areas up gradient of the wetland, the stream and the lake. This shall be machine sliced silt fence with metal tee posts or other as approved by the City Engineer. 8. All other pertinent aspects of City Code Section 19-145 must be included with the site plan including, but not limited to the placement of six (6) inches of topsoil to all disturbed areas. 9. The city or their representative shall inspect the erosion prevention and sediment control best management practices prior to any earth disturbing activities. Forestry Official 10. Clearing and construction limits shall be located outside of shore impact zone and will be no closer than 100 feet to the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL). 11. Clearing of vegetation along the shore shall be limited to a strip of 30 feet, parallel to the shoreline and extending inward within the shore impact zone. The applicant shall use this clearing for views and access to the lake. No additional clearing is allowed by ordinance. 12. Per city ordinance, all trees 10 inches and larger within the construction limits shall be shown on the building permit survey. Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 16 of 16 Fire Marshall 13. Address numbers shall be posted at the driveway entrance prior to any building construction. Numbers shall be minimum 12 inches in height, located at the driveway entrance, contrasting color to the surface they are applied to. Builder shall contact Fire Marshal for review and approval of numbers. 14. No burning permits will be issued for tree or brush removal. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Decision. 2. Development Review Application. 3. Applicant Narrative dated March 2, 2016. 4. Certificate of Survey & Existing Conditions dated March 1, 2016. 5. Erosion Control Plan and Wetland Buffers dated March 1, 2016. 6. Erosion Control Notes & Details dated February 11, 2016. 7. House Plan dated March 1, 2016. 8. Alternative Site Plan that Meets City Code dated received February 22, 2016. 9. Slope Pictures Submitted by Applicant. 10. Applicant Narrative dated received February 19, 2016. 11. Aerial Images of Miscellaneous Properties (3) Submitted by Applicant dated received February 19, 2016. 12. Riley Lake Meadows Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. 13. Email from Jon & JoAnn Dimino dated March 6, 2016. 14. Email from Lisa Reilly dated February 23, 2016. 15. Alternative Plan 16. Affidavit of Mailing of Public Hearing Notice. \\cfs5\cfs5\shared_data\plan\2016 planning cases\2016-07 9641 meadowlark lane variances\staff report 2.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND DECISION VARIANCE IN RE: Application of Dan Hanson for a shoreland setback variance from a tributary for the construction of a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway on property zoned Rural Residential District (RR) — Planning Case 2016-07. On March 15, 2016, the Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed variance preceded by published and mailed notice. The Board of Appeals and Adjustments makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Rural Residential District (RR). 2. The property is guided in the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan for Residential Large Lot. 3. The legal description of the property is: Lot 7, Block 1, Riley Lake Meadows. 4. Variance Findings —Section 20-58 of the City Code provides the following criteria for the granting of a variance: a. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this Chapter and when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. Finding: The construction of a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway is a normal use of a property in a residential district and is permitted in the Rural Residential District. The subject proposal is in harmony with the general purposes and intent of Chapter 20, Article XI. "RR" Rural Residential District. b. When there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by this Chapter. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. Finding: The buildable area of the lot is significantly limited by the required shoreland setback from the tributary. The property owner proposes to construct a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway. The narrow buildable area on the property has created a practical difficulty for the property owner from using the site in a reasonable manner, which requires relief from city code. c. That the purpose of the variation is not based upon economic considerations alone. Finding: The purpose of the variance is not based on economic considerations alone. The applicant would like to construct a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway on a lot of record in a residential zoning district. d. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. Finding: The location of the tributary stream creates a unique circumstance for the property owner to work around when attempting to construct a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway on the lot. The required setback from the stream creates a narrow buildable area on the lot. The subject tributary was not created by, nor was its location altered by, the landowner. e. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Finding: The homes located on either side of the property are single-family residential homes, and both have a bituminous driveway access, as do all homes in the neighborhood. Granting the proposed variance request will not alter the essential character of the locality or Riley Lake Meadows neighborhood, located within the Rural Residential District. f. Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered construction as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when in harmony with this Chapter. Finding: This does not apply to this request. 5. The planning report #2016-07, dated March 15, 2016, prepared by Drew Ingvalson, et al, is incorporated herein. DECISION The Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, approves a shoreland setback variance from a tributary for the construction of a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway, as shown in Attachment #15 of the staff report, subject to the conditions of approval. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 15a' day of March, 2016. CITY OF CHANHASSEN mm Chairman COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division - 7700 Market Boulevard CITY OF CAAlI1�1SSEN Mailing Address - P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1300 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT (Refer to the appropriate Application checklist formquired REVIEW It must accompany this application) Submittal Date; _2111'1.01 l`p - PC Date: I. I CC Date:—LL'I— � I� — 60 -Day Review Date: la— ❑ Notification Sign (city to install and remove).............................................................. ......... ............................................ $200 .. ❑✓ Property Owners' List within 500' (City to generate after pre -application meeting) ................................................. $3 per address � Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply) ....................... 6 addresses) ..... .... $50 per document El Conditional Use Permit ❑ Interim Use Permit ❑ Site Plan Agreement [I Vacation ❑ Variance ❑✓ Wetland Alteration Permit ❑ Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) ❑ Easements( ease lents) TOTAL FEE; WjLv�c(I Description of Proposal: Proposing to impact approximately 1248 square feet of�etland area for construction of a driveway in order to access private property directly fro street. Property Address or Location Parcel #: 257420070 Legal Description: Total Acreage: 2.40 Wetlands Present? Present Zoning: Rural Residential District (RR) Present Land Use Designation: Residential Large Lot Existing Use of Property: Currently no structure on prope 0 Check box is separate narrative is attached. 9641 NE 1/4 of 21 Yes ❑ No Requested Zoning: F Requested Land Use Lane :tion 25, TI 16N, R23W Residential District (RR) Residential Large Lot (Refer to the appropriate Application checklist formquired submittal information th It must accompany this application) MINE ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment ......................... $600 ❑ Subdivision (SUB) ❑ Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ..... $100 ❑ Create 3 lots or less ❑ Conditional Use Permit (CUP) ❑ Create ........................................$300 ver 3 lots.......................$600 + $15 per lot El Single -Family Residence ................................ $325 ❑ Metes (_ lots} ❑ All Others......................................................... $425 ❑ Consoli Bounds (2 lots)..................................$300 late Lots..............................................$150 ❑ Interim Use Permit (IUP) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ......... __ ............................$150 ❑ In conjunction with Single -Family Residence.. $325 ElFinal PI It ................... ................... .... - ... ........... $700 ❑ All Others......................................................... $425 (Include$450 escrow for attorney costs)* *Additionz I escrow may be required for other applications ❑ Rezoning(REZ) through # e development contract. ❑ Planned Unit Development (PUD) ._............... ❑ Minor Amendment to existing PUD $750 ❑ Vacation of asements/Right-of-way (VAC)........ $300 ................. ❑ All Others $100 (Additional r ording fees may apply) ❑ ........................................................ Sign Plan Review $500 ❑ Variance N R) .................................................... $200 ❑ ................................................... Site $150 ❑✓ Wetland Alt ration Permit (WAP) Plan Review (SPR) ❑ Administrative ❑✓ Single -Family Residence ............................... $150 .................................................. ❑ Commercial/Industrial $100 ❑ All Othe s ...... .................. ................... ............ $275 Districts* ...... $500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: ❑ Zoning App l ............................. ....................... _ $100 ( thousand square feet) *Include number of existinc employees: ❑ Zoning Ordir ante Amendment (ZOA)................. $500 *Include number of new employees: ❑ Residential Districts ....................................... $500 NOTE: When multi le applications are processed concurrently, Plus $5 per dwelling unit (_ units) me appropriate fee hall be charged for each application. ❑ Notification Sign (city to install and remove).............................................................. ......... ............................................ $200 .. ❑✓ Property Owners' List within 500' (City to generate after pre -application meeting) ................................................. $3 per address � Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply) ....................... 6 addresses) ..... .... $50 per document El Conditional Use Permit ❑ Interim Use Permit ❑ Site Plan Agreement [I Vacation ❑ Variance ❑✓ Wetland Alteration Permit ❑ Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) ❑ Easements( ease lents) TOTAL FEE; WjLv�c(I Description of Proposal: Proposing to impact approximately 1248 square feet of�etland area for construction of a driveway in order to access private property directly fro street. Property Address or Location Parcel #: 257420070 Legal Description: Total Acreage: 2.40 Wetlands Present? Present Zoning: Rural Residential District (RR) Present Land Use Designation: Residential Large Lot Existing Use of Property: Currently no structure on prope 0 Check box is separate narrative is attached. 9641 NE 1/4 of 21 Yes ❑ No Requested Zoning: F Requested Land Use Lane :tion 25, TI 16N, R23W Residential District (RR) Residential Large Lot APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bout the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal perioi the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capac should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should cor application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of mat further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, fea any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and e Name: DAN 4tv5otJ Cc Address: Pt City/State/Zip: 0-4006 d—U y.1 Ce 0 Email: Nkv, %%s fQs (e `Naw s a+d*L , t C oA Fa Signature: Ds as applicant, represent to have obtained by conditions of approval, subject only to If this application has not been signed by 1 to file the application. This application of regarding any matter pertaining to this al and the progress of this application. I Dility, studies, etc. with an estimate prior to tibits submitted are true and correct. SA+n f • 2�t1�Zo►\G PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as property owner, have ful legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. t understand that conditions of approval a binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appei I periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I irther understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to iny authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Address: City/State/Zip: David Vogel 105 Pioneer Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Email: dpvogel@gmail.com Signature: David Vogel (612) 991-2848 (612) 991-2848 This application must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all infcpnation and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the pppropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinanced applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant wit PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: L1wF7— Address: /0-779 POl�/�� Litl City/State/zip: C144kA� with 31$ Email: CAP+-1cok\,%cis 1ICNg4gc v� tn4�tE�r� �� wa Who should receive copies of staff reports? 0 Property Owner Via: 0 Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy ❑ Applicant Via: 0 Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy ❑ Engineer Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy ❑ Other' Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy :ss days of application submittal. A business days of application. fylz_ -41%, *Other Cont Information: Name: Address: Email: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and copy to the city for processing (required). I �— SAVE FORM PF SAVE FORM to save a copy to your nth. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital tM I SUBMIT FORM WET LAND SET BACK VARIANCE - 9641 Meadowlark LN., Chanhassen, MN 55317 VARIANCE FOR PLACEMENT OF: Driveway, House, Septic, Well, Deck, & Patio Narrative 03/02/2016 Argument to be granted a variance, 100' setback from the tributary (Creek). Request for variance for the driveway servicing the new home and the house placement on the lot. House placement to include septic system, well, deck and the patio under the deck as shown on the purposed survey. With the driveway entrance wetland setback variance granted, per the Chanhassen Planning Commission meeting on February 16, 2016. The following request for variance addressing the Conditions applied to our request for wetland variance on the entire proposed length of the driveway, approximately 350',as well as the placement of the new home, at the end of the proposed driveway. Both would fall within the 100' set back from the tributary (wetland) and both would require the same variance set back, per our proposed Land Survey. The septic system placement is the critical element to the drive way location and house placement. The house placement includes a deck and patio under the deck, which is identified on the land survey as well. We are showing placement of the deck and patio under the deck now, even though the home owner will be applying for building permit for these items at a later date. We want to avoid having to request another variance, at a later date, for the deck and patio to be added. Lake Set Back- The proposed House, deck and patio, septic system and driveway location meets the required 100' set back from the lake. In fact our current house foundation is located 120' from the lake. This allows 20' for building the deck, which will be a separate building permit from the house building permit. We are also meeting the 10' set back from the property line for the house and Septic System. Proposed Survey- Wet Land Set Back Variance for Road and House • A critical and essential element to our proposed survey has to do with the placement of the septic system drain fields. These are needed for the proposed home (or any home) to be built on this lot. With our current driveway position, we are able to keep the drain field away from the proposed road, fitting it between the road and the required property line set back. Two drain fields are required by the state, the one closest to the house is the primary, the other is a back- up location, used only if the primary field ever fails. Where we have the fields placed on our survey meets all the design specification provide by a licensed septic engineer, hired to design the system. We have provided a copy of his design specification to a representative for the City of Chanhassen, Community Development Department. The septic system engineering is currently under review. • Our septic contractor has informed us that the drain fields must be placed on ground that is not compacted. The area we have placed them on the survey is undisturbed ground that has not been changed or compacted, which makes it an acceptable location. • Our proposed septic drain field location is approximately 75' from the tributary. The system was placed to accommodate the house location on our proposed survey. • The orientation of the drain fields, is also critical. The fields were designed with the orientation on our current Land Survey to meet specific design requirements. Per our septic system engineer, the drain field must run parallel with the contours of the existing landscape. You can see on the current survey the system runs parallel with the elevation lines marked on the survey. • SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATION, drain fields must be on undisturbed ground that is not modified or compacted. The only thing that can be added is sand, in order to level the system. There is a limit to how much sand can be added, so if the elevation change is too drastic, the drain field location can be deemed unacceptable. The current drain field location meets the engineer's specifications. • Move the septic system from the location identified on our proposed survey will be problematic. We believe this is the best location with the restrictions and conditions we are dealing with. We have the septic system placed as far away from both designated wet land areas and still able to service the home. The drain fields cannot be moved from our proposed location without putting one or both of the drain fields partially on the existing compacted trail or dirt road. • DRIVEWAY LOCATION- the location of the driveway is placed on top of the existing compacted dirt road that has been in place since before the land was developed as a Sub- division in the 80". The placement and orientation of the driveway allow for a straight alignment for large trucks and service vehicles to enter the property and access the home. This would include large equipment needed for construct as well as emergency vehicles like fire trucks. With the wet land set back driving the width of the driveway and limited area for large vehicles to turn around, large vehicles will need to back in or back out of the driveway. It would be very difficult, if not impossible for large vehicles to maneuver a driveway with turns or sharp curves. • If we were to try to angle the driveway in the direction of the East property line, to move further away from the creek (wet land) after crossing the ditch area at the entrance of the property. We would create an S-shaped drive that would make access to the home impossible for large vehicles. That is why we feel the straight driveway in the proposed location is the only option. • Driveway width- The width of the driveway is also critical to accessing the home. The driveway entrance- wetland setback variance was granted, per the Chanhassen Planning Commission meeting on February 16, 2016. This variance allows a wet land variance to enter the property with a 12' wide road over the ditch. We are asking for a 12' wide drive to continue the entire length of the driveway. The width of the drive way is critical for the same reasons we stated earlier regarding large vehicles accessing the property during construction, as well as emergency vehicles access. • Also, with the wet land set back, we are required by the Water Shed District to have wet land buffer zones identified along the driveway. Buffer areas are adjacent to the driveway for a good portion of the driveway. These zones will be posted with signs. The home owner will be unable to modify or even mow these areas. The 12' wide driveway is to ensure that cars or trucks have adequate room to access the property. • As stated above, the septic system drain field placement is also the primary factor in the road placement. IF the road were moved to the far East side of the lot, to keep out of the 100' wet land set back, the road would force the Septic system drain fields to be moved closer to the wet lands and on top of the existing trail/dirt road, which would not meet the Septic system design specifications. • HOUSE LOCATION- With our current house location, we meet the 100' requirement for set back from the lake. We are currently at 120', which gives the home owner an additional 20' for a future deck and patio. We have also met the set-back requirement of the property line of 10'. • The current design of the home was based off information that we were given, in our initial meeting with City of Chanhassen. We were told that the set-back requirement from the tributary was 50', the home placement does meet that requirement. We modified the plan at that time to reverse the garage placement and keep it further from the wet land set back. • We have be working with the Chanhassen Planning Department to make modification to our land survey related to driveway, septic system and house placement. We are attempting to come up with a reasonable compromise for placement of the house and driveway, with the 1 00'wet land set back requirement. • We think our house, driveway and Septic System locations are a reasonable compromise related to the 100' wet land set back. We have moved the home as far away from the wet land (creek) as possible and still meet the needs of the home owner. • The current house plans were designed to meet the needs of the home owner, but also to take advantage of views of the lake. In order to do this we need adequate area for windows and patio doors. If we push the home 100' away from the creek, we have approximately 25' of wall space to place windows and a patio door. The bulk of the house would face the property line, facing the neighbor's property, approximately 60'. Comment from the builder- as a home builder I have 110 plans that I access on a regular basis for my customer. Not one of those plans are design to NOT take advantage of the views out of the back of the house. Can we customize something to fit the small area that meets the 100' set back? Sure, but is it reasonable to ask the home owner to pay for a complete re -design of a house plan to meet very restrictive set -backs that result in a poor design for the home owner and a unacceptable house design for the neighborhood. The wet land set back restrictions have deemed this lot unbuildable, due to access to the property. With the wet land variance given by the Chanhassen Planning Commission at the meeting on February 16, 2016, the home owner can now access the property. Our calculation- with all the wet land set back restrictions, including lake and property set- backs, we calculate the portion of this 2.4 acre lot that is buildable is approximately 5%. That seems very restrictive. That is why we are asking for a variance to the 1 00'wet land set -back for the house, the driveway, septic system, deck and patio, as located on our proposed Land Survey, Home Owner's Comments: This property has been in our family for over 100 years, three generations, going on four. We have held the property in the family with the dream to someday build a lake home for our family. When the land became part of the Riley Lake Meadows Subdivision in the 80's we were given our Plat Sheet, showing the lot that we could someday build on. We are finally at a point where we can now build our family lake home. We realize that the people we are working with in the Chanhassen planning areas did not write the regulation related to wet land set- backs. We realize that there job is to get compliance to the regulation, as it is written. However, we also know that there is a variance process. It is our understanding the variance process is to be used when the regulation on home owner/tax payer is too restrictive. We believe this is without a doubt, one of those situations. In our case, the set -back restrictions are changing our ability the use the property the way we intended to be use. Our intent to build on the lot was a reasonable assumption, with the Developers Plat Sheet of the lot and a Tax ID, with a classification as a buildable lot. We believe that if we are held to the wet land set back of 1 00'this would change the classification of the land to an unbuildable lot. If we can't access the lot it is unbuildable. We realize by being granted the Variance to build a driveway over the ditch area, the lot is closer to being a buildable lot. However, we do not believe pressing the Driveway, Septic System and House to the far Eastern border of the lot, to meet the 1 00'set back from the Creek, is a viable option. We have explained in our response above, that the Septic System cannot be moved from where we have it placed. The Driveway must be placed where we have it, for truck and emergency vehicle access. This includes the direction of the driveway, no curves or turns. We are very concerned with the width of the driveway. It was designed to be narrow to reduce the impact to the wetland setback. It would be very difficult to maneuver if there were turns or curves in it. This leave the house placement, as the remaining critical variance for use to finally be able to build our lake home on our lot. The house was designed for us, based on how we would like to live and use it, for our family. The layout of the floor plan intentionally has the master bedroom on the main level. We intend to grow old in this home, so it will become very important to have the master bed room on the main level. This did create a larger foot print for the house, which makes it more difficult to keep the house away from the 100' setback. We currently have three young children and might have more, requiring at least four bed rooms with space for more, if needed. We have been asked to create an alternate Survey, showing the house and garage pushed to the far eastern lot line. We do not feel this is a reasonable option. We are merely asking to build within the boundaries that were established when the lot was platted. The only thing we are requesting a variance for is the 1 00'set back from the wet lands. If this were a lot that had city sewer, the setback would be 50', not 100'. We don't understand why there is a difference. If it is because of the Septic System, we have moved the system as far away from the wet land, as possible. If the difference in setback requirement is because they assume unsewered lots are bigger, which means they can more likely meet the 100' set back. Our response would be NOT all unsewered lots are big enough to reasonably meet the setback. That is why there is a variance process, to deal with lots that cannot meet the requirements. We think enforcing restriction that deems 95% of the lot unbuildable, should qualify us for a variance. Please grant the Variance for the Driveway, Septic System, Well, House, Deck and Patio, per the placement identified on our proposed Land Survey. Thank you. The number for the 95% unbuildable is calculated from the proposed impervious surface (hard surface) calculation provided on our proposed Survey. That hard surface number was 9.8%. The additional 4.8 % was our estimate of the percent of the House, deck, patio and driveway that falls within the wet land set back, on the lot. Keep in mind that the wet land set back includes all of the area on the entire front of the lot that meets Meadowlark LN, the wetland area just over the entrance drive and the 100' set back area the entire length of the lot, to the lake. It also includes Lake and property line setbacks. This leaves 5%, as buildable, out of 2.4 acres. The home owner has made every effort to meet lake and property line set back, as well as a good effort to minimize the impact to the wet lands and natural habitat. HOUSE PLAN CHANGES- We have been asked to address possible changes to the house plans. First, regarding the garage placement, we do not see a viable option for changing the orientation of the garage, because any way we shift the garage pushes the house or garage within property line set -backs, or pushes the house further into the 100' set back from the wet land. The garage depth cannot change, or we won't be able to park a car in it. We can't get closer to the septic drain field because we need room for the system tanks. As we stated earlier, we can't move the drain fields. Second, we can't move the garage so the back wall of the garage lines up with the back wall of the house. We realize this would allow the house to move closer to the Eastern lot line, and further way from the 1 00'wet land set back. However, by moving the garage in that manner we would cover the windows to the main floor office and cover the window to the bedroom above. This window is the only egress from that bedroom above. The bedroom would be unusable. • Also, any reductions to the driveway width or the area outside the garage doors will make turning a vehicle around very difficult. We can't expect the home owner or quests to back down a 350' driveway. We need ample space around the garages for cars to turn around. In our proposed Land Survey, we are trying to minimize the area that falls within the 1 00'wet land set back. This includes the amount of area for turning around in the driveway. • The home we are proposing is also consistent with the caliber of homes in this subdivision. The home owner has shared the house plans with neighbors. The consensus has been supportive of the home design and the location of the home, on the lot. • We feel the proposed driveway and house placement are the best location to minimize the impact to wet lands and undisturbed natural habitat. The driveway we are proposing, makes use of the dirt road that has been on the property of nearly 100 years. We are not changing the direction or placement of the dirt road. There will be no major excavating required. We will simply building up the existing road with a compactable material. • We are currently working with the Water Shed District on their requirements, regarding the driveway placement and entrance to the property over the ditch. Our understanding is that they have a 50' set back requirement. However, they allow averaging of the over- all property to meet the set- back requirement. We believe we are able to meet their requirements. • They also require a buffer between the tributary and our proposed drive way. Which makes these pars of the lot unusable by the home owner. • The ditch at the entrance of the property and the wet land area near the entrance are also identified as wet land, which means they are off limits to the home owner to modify or even mow. Survey- Driveway moved to meet 100' wetland setback We have been asked to comment on the placement of the Driveway, Septic System and House, if we were able to meet the 100' setback from the tributary. An alternate Survey has been prepared, showing the driveway, septic system and house placement. Here is our argument against this option. • If we were to meet the 100' wet land set -back requirement for the driveway, we would be changing the path from the current dirt road, after the designated wetlands at the entrance to the property. It would require major excavating and disturbing an area of the lot that would not need to be disturbed. • This would mean, pushing the driveway, septic system and house to the far Eastern property line. This area is currently not in the home owner's plans to disturb. • The septic system drain fields would now be pushed closer to the tributary wet land and would encroach on the 100' wet land set back area. It would also push them onto the current dirt road area. • This placement will require the same variance for wetland setback as the driveway, in the other proposal, due to the septic drain fields. • Also, the septic drain fields will now be placed partially on the compacted dirt road, which will not meet the septic system design specification, regarded compacted soil. • We have also been asked to identify on the survey where the bank of the tributary is located. IF the 1 00'set back is measured from the bank of the tributary that would move the 1 00'set back an additional 15' closer to the lot line. That would leave approximately 25' of depth between the 1 00'set back and the Eastern property line, to put the home. This is not enough room to place the home and garage. It would also put the Septic drain fields even further into the wetland set back. The approximate 25' of depth would only allow a rectangle box of a house and garage, about the size of a double wide trailer home. The following are properties in the Riley Lake Meadows Development. See the survey enclosed for comparison. • 9441 Great Plains Blvd is located within 35 feet of stream on Lake Riley.(picture attached) • 9001 Riley Lake Blvd is located within 85 feet of stream on Lake Riley (picture attached) Built in 2015. • 9536 Lakeland Ter is located with 43 feet of stream on Lake Riley (picture attached) • 9611 Meadowlark In. House and driveway set back 50 ft from creek. • Riley Lake Meadows Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions require ""community of compatible and complementary single family residential homes of the highest architectural Quality for the benefit of the residents of the community". "preserve beauty of Riley Lake Meadows and to enhance that beauty with distinguished residences of compatible and complementary architectural design" (covenant attached) If we were to be 100 feet from the creek and 10 feet from the property line, we would only have 35 feet of lake facing house which would be totally out of place for the neighborhood and degrade the property value of neighbors. Would also look ridiculous for a 2.5 acre lot with 200 feet of lake shore. \ \ \ �/ EX 18'-72" CMP�y I 1 \ \ \ \ 1\\ \\ \ \ \ \ XIS HOUSE 0 / e // / / / / 1 1 / / / / / INV. 867.79 INV. 866.105 /A/ / 99671 -1 '7 1 \\ 1 1 \ \ \ eyBo�\ \ / / / //mmoro & Engineering �- / / / / / / /� c Z / 10775 Poppitz Ln. Chaska, NN 55318 / � m �16 1a/ / v~ / 612-418-6828 51,/ .54/ S2°00Y12"E / / j / L_j ;_-r ----� // I (v/ -/� -f mx I�I 1 360P0 �D/V.®0.6% 6 GARAGE 884 i / �' ,�QQ.�c/ I / c I O'0 / L_ / / o I m v/ (2.) APRONS ° ' w W I \ \ �a / I //i y i I / �J / \ / / g I /m I I / E- m ? rc \ �_ J \ / / 7 / 20 1 t . / INV 866.6E g°"° J \ \ \ \� -;--- \ I PROPOSED\ \ t/i' p��/ / c / 1 G���' / P / / .� p // ♦� ♦' M INV 866.4 W $ x I o m 1 - F�06 SE (WO� 662 - / t/ 4 / / I / 1 Ja / m i NL T PROTECTION E o ° ti \ m 1 \ 1 \ -878- A _ SEE DE7pIL t�� Q �� I 1° i (' / 3 ro 888 REQUIRED °_ a -' 1 n I \ 1\ 1 I DECK t•� ` / '' ,f/- I---%/��-�� /� w" 01ry/ w J // 1 J /♦ �/, 4�011ENC ----- PATIO \ \ i \e6D / =�_ - �--------�--- ----1, V i O / =�9 x M LL,021 HM BELOW \ - - EX STING TRAIL/ AND PR-7♦♦�Q /51tHous /)---%--------------------- - UI I i a�? sl / / 110 An ___ --- Q I I r 1 o a+vr� 87 ` \ - - _ / _ ---------- o i' \ o mL arC 01 0 1fi ♦� I - - / o� m o $1 �� �I 0 44L ice% / �m \ / B68y++ ! �'y\\ \ \ O ' a I ��� I i♦ / / lit.,} --II „ `o / ' @as 874 ^ �.I- ---- '� / / 1d' -� ` ...x�• PW 10-2P \ QS4, .6\\ \ J.---76��� o- `L \ --= _. .....y...:.. INVENTORY 10 0200 rn i n of 01 81 / 868 \ --/ / sem.. ��._ I n 9 \ - -- y-- 1 CONSTRUCTION / /�--gam\'- - / 86 0 OHW 865.3 \ \ \ - a 66 \ _ 6, /POND HWL 866.7 I \ ..,� )per_ - �/ /,i'� ` - i i6 • g68� _.: .+-.-.' -' ' X866_ O t ICE ELEV. 866.5 N Z ICE ELEV. 865.3 .'y,� �h - - - _ - - / / /'.•s- 2.866-...... 1 -_-.G:•.. - y� ._ . 1 �...... �,.W f T ZV ° O �� AS OF 1/26/16 p rJ i v Co AS OF 1/26/16 I \ ' \`.... ` 868_ L - - _ _ _ / // / • 868=-_�• - _ _ •i �� .` - - - - 868' �J L A N _ 6 z N 1 I .�.,_.r...-•866 •-- "" .arW...�..-/ ,�•� g10 -_ ..`.' _v_ �6 8)p\ \ \ D ^ Co I Q \ o '7 m °� I \ '^A W E T L A N D ',�'/.`'/812 �" 668 - - - '^C �. �B66.............t......... �.:..,.... _ .� '• // / 14� - - \ a J \ _. 04 5 m t •�- II I j I _ -N -DRAINAGE S&�U -_� - _! �geTel - - - / -� �I EX. 54'-18'X28.5'\RCP-ARCH % Q w o m IIV�JJ - 1370- - - -� � SBM T<� - - _ i \ % �^ \ "r B INV 865.28 N W y6SUNG / _ _ T I - _ - - /g18- \ / \ .l - - \ I s8\ INV. 865.34 S \ a 874--_ 9 t l -- _ /' 460.S4°02 Q8"E 74 \ 1 V -7 EX ST NG RETANNG WALL \ I N o P \ 1 m \I \\ 00 c �$ry f EXISTING I I\ 1 0 o U° oN / 1 9�7E --J r,// i 1 1\ 1 \ \ \ \ ��\ 1 / 1 1 to / SEE SHEET 2 FOR PROPOSED GRADING, EROSION CONTROL, AND WETLAND BUFFERS IID 51 0 U PROPOSED ELEVATIONS Cav gi m o`Z'��i m Garage Floor at drive = 886.00 50 HOUSE DETAILa0.13 m Top of Garage Found.= 886.4 to Top of House Found. = 886.9 Scale in Feet Im L09,. Lowest Floor = 878.2 AREAS Lot Area = 2.4 acres See Proposed Impervious Calculations on Sheet 2 WETLANDS Wetlands as shown were delineated by Jacobson Environmental. See the Wetland Delineation Report for additional information. BENCHMARK Top of SPIKE as shown. Elev. 876.54 LEGEND XX.X Denotes Proposed Elevation XXX.X Denotes Existing Elevation --�- Denotes Surface Drainage O Denotes Offset Hub or Spike - - - Denotes Drain. and Utility Ease. • Denotes Monument Found O Denotes Monument Set --980-- Denotes Existing Contour 964 Denotes Proposed Contour - - Denotes Wetland • • • • • • • • • • Denotes Top Bank 0 30 33.54 1 GARAGE Scale in Feet TF 886.4 1' FFE 886.0 0 z.uu PROPOSED 3.27 3.92 9 0) 86.HOUSE TF 886.9(14 25 DECK o 878.2 ^LF 1�2"� 1.PATIOIBELOW 1 0 N w rc 0 1 1604 / l / / / EX. 18'-12' CMP / / Land surveying EASnNI 1 \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \ \ HOUSE /°� 6 / / / / 1 1 / / // // / INV. 86&10"S / &Engineering // // \\ 10775 aP ChasNN 55318 '00 612-418-6828 ��` /��/ / // // I I / / // // / // /r 1 / 612-418-6828 Z"n�9aai / hi '4 �m� ro^� 0�� ^p/ / E N \ - `------ \ - \\ • WIDE VE TIO 882 / i �i��/ I^—r-----�—/� o ROPOSED/ \ \ ALTERATION- 0 r I p / 4 36•-1 %CULV. ® 0.6X „8 e« \ \ \ I GARAGE 66a , //moi \ 1 / ¢ I per? / / ro m / (2) APRONS gg°u, m W 1 \ \ �� \ I ro r /�� �/ i j / ¢� lI ,�J / / / d / w i yl�.� INV/ 866.6 E J PROPOSED m 1 i 2�/ �� ( kr� / 1 ?5 �i /x "f INV 866.4 W 8 o t�0 E WO \8 �P i j ¢u, 1 p0� / / / �� ro i ;bsc° on rn USS ( ) 82� — f` / i / I / I / / NL T PROTECTION u = 0 6 +- m \ ^ SEE DETAIL C ; �\ j / / I / 1 / J ads i / m ago REQUIRED DECK r6 mS Hit s o PATIO � I 880 ag5 ll♦ / —R® .5 0 B�CF/,{fAR.1 BELOW EX STING TRAIL/ N�gND PRO OS DRIVE QE I�1 // X .zm PW 10-2P v INVENTORY #10090200 CONST; OHW 865.3 p1, -O 90 _ . .. „ •, ,. •• ...'8- . •. ••t •., t 6POND ENEHWL 866.7 a CELEV. 866 .5 w 861— AS 6 IS- ICE 1/26/16 dICE ELEV. 865.3 AS OF 1/26/161 8 \ tmo Nm WE l - O \ / EX. 54'-18'X28.5" RCP -ARCH ° INV 865.28 N \ c❑0 TN / / sB� INV. 865.34 S \ N i / \ Z 0 EXISTING WALL RETAINING wa o q a� "/ \ 1 1 1 1 I 1 HOUSEc / / \ I II 1 1 1 \ \ I \ 1 o u 0 50 s W Scale in Feet GRADING NOTES SEE SHEET 3 FOR WATERSHED EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND DETAILS SOILS o. 1. The estimated disturbed area is 0.65 acres and the estimated excavation is 1500 CY. WETLAND BUFFERS Existing soils are Hamel looms looms with a hydrologic soil group C. The z 2. The driveway slopes adjacent to the culvert shall be seeded and stabilized within 24 hours after culvert Disturbed wetland buffer areas shall be seeded with MnDOT Seed Mixture 33-261. soils are sweeping may b tracking. A rock construction entrance is required and m 0 installation. Stabilization shall be with a Cat. 3 or higher erosion control blanket. street sweeping may be necessary. M o 3. Unless noted otherwise, all disturbed areas shall be sodded, or seeded and stabilized with a hydraulic mulch No fertilizer shall be used in the wetland buffer. In establishing the wetland 0 a or erosion control blanket. Seed mixture shall be as per the owner. buffer, the potential transfer of acquatic invasive species (e.g., zebra mussels, FLOODPLAIN o w Eurasian watermilfoil, etc.) must be minimimized to the maximum extent possible. The existing floodplain is shown. No work is proposed in the existing floodplain. z c PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 5 fl—u LOT AREA = 104,348 s ft. PROPOSED WETLANDQ. Perimeter controls and rock construction entrance BUFFER©WETLAND BUFFER SIGNAGE LEGENDmust be constructed prior to land disturbing activiites. XX.X Denotes Proposed Elevation 30' VEGETATIONPROPOSED IMPERVIOUS XXX.X Denotes Existin ElevationHouse = 1959 sq. ft. ® ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Creek wetland b ffer cal ulation East wetland buffer calculation: 9 STRIP AT10N a--+• Denotes Surface Drains e aGarage (attached) = . ft. sq. ft. Wetland perimeter = 17 q. ft. Wetland perimeter = 166 ft. 9 © Front stoop a 177 86 ft. SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG Buffer Area = 39,296 sq. ft. Buffer Area = 2366 sq. ft. — — — Denotes Drain. and Utility Ease. D Deck BR PROJECT N0: /Rear Patio = 861 sq. (8' COMPOST OR STRAW) Average Buffer = 39,296/1199 = 32.8 ft. Average Buffer = 2366/166 = 14.3 ft. --980-- Denotes Existing Contour 1604 Drive = 6357 sq. ft. 984 — MDenotes Proposed Contour S — SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SUCED — Denotes Wetland SHEET 77 TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS = 10,327 sq. ft. = 9.97 . . Denotes Construction Limits 2 of 3 ......••• • Denotes Top Bank SHEETS PROJECT NARRATIVE This project includes construction of a single family home and access drive. Proposed grades are shown on Sheet 2 of the plans. RESPONSIBLE PERSON The person responsible for compliance with the watershed Rule C — Erosion and Sediment Control is: Dan Hanson Wausau Homes 1463 White Oak Drive Chaska, MN 55318 952-994-2184 h ancon d®wou sauhom es. com WATERSHED EROSION CONTROL NOTES a. Natural topography and soil conditions must be protected, including retention onsite of native topsoil to the greatest extent possible. b. Additional measures, such as hydraulic mulching and other practices as specified by the District must be used on slopes of 3:1 (H:V) or steeper to provide adequate stabilization. C. Final site stabilization measures must specify that at least six inches of topsoil or organic matter be spread and incorporated into the underlying soil during final site treatment wherever topsoil has been removed. d. Construction site waste must be properly managed, such as discarded building materials, chemicals, litter and sanitary waste at the construction site. e. All temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs must be maintained until completion of construction and vegetation is established sufficiently to ensure stability of the site, as determined by the District. f. All temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs must be removed upon final stabilization. g. Soil surfaces compacted during construction and remaining pervious upon completion of construction must be decompacted through soil amendment and/or ripping to a depth of 18 inches while taking care to avoid utilities, tree roots, and other existing vegetation prior to final revegetation or other stabilization. h. All disturbed areas must be stabilized within 7 calendar days after land—disturbing work has temporarily or permanently ceased. i. The permittee must, at a minimum, inspect, maintain and repair all disturbed surfaces and all erosion and sediment control facilities and soil stabilization measures everyday work is performed on the site and at least weekly until land—disturbing activity has ceased. Thereafter, the permittee must perform these responsibilities at least weekly until vegetative cover is established. l_J CLEAN WATER STARTS HERE WETLAND BUFFER SIGN Land & En 10775 Poppitz Ln. Chaska, MN 55318 612-418-6828 av o - T z w uE p d �EvS J miON � SE -5 b F Ta n� �R369 0 1604 I— w Q _z J w w IL CO CO h z E a :E o 0 U 0 v Q N °UN's o m—a o E rn p _ O 6 p � 70 �3 6 0 3 3 � M I V .. -- _.___ �._.._, _, e",.y,.,,.Z .v' uie cons ru¢wn a single home by Wausau Homes -Chaska. DATE: 3/1/2016 DRAWN BY: VDG: APV SHEET: A-2 z � J Cl) Y LO LO Q z ,LU v 0 w Q 0 V) U, Z Q a U CO CO h z E a :E o 0 U 0 v Q N °UN's o m—a o E rn p _ O 6 p � 70 �3 6 0 3 3 � M I V .. -- _.___ �._.._, _, e",.y,.,,.Z .v' uie cons ru¢wn a single home by Wausau Homes -Chaska. DATE: 3/1/2016 DRAWN BY: VDG: APV SHEET: A-2 man RIGHT ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" (22x34) 1/8" = 1'-0" 01x17) MINI --' Imo- —W. I--,. i-- I_.— � �I IftI ISI ISI ISI ISI ILII VAI �1 Ill ISI ISI ISI IMl JAI I_ I ISI 11 1 'low W, IAV, lift LEFT ELEVATION 1 /4" = 1'-0" (22x34) 1/8" = 1'-0" (11x17) W W � CL r CL CL 2 Q U Z OD � CO W CO W U > a co z E 0� of 0 L O N U o E H _ N D L E 6 > 0 O 3 0 � 3 M V 3�0 aIld AMDATE:®®® These plans/drawings are protected under Wausau Homes Inc.'sVDG: exclusive copyright and are provided under a limited license to Wausau Homes -Chaska. By accepting a copy of these plans/drawing You acknowledge and recognize Wausau Homes, Inc.'s exclusive copyright herein and agree not to display, distribute, reproduce, modify, or use these plans/drawings other than for the construction a single home by Wausau Homes -Chaska. Z M DRAWN BY: ]L N SHEET: LO J Q Z 3 ,W^ v U w O< V) LU v Q 0, U co z E 0� of 0 L O N U o E H _ N D L E 6 > 0 O 3 0 � 3 M V 3�0 aIld AMDATE:®®® These plans/drawings are protected under Wausau Homes Inc.'sVDG: exclusive copyright and are provided under a limited license to Wausau Homes -Chaska. By accepting a copy of these plans/drawing You acknowledge and recognize Wausau Homes, Inc.'s exclusive copyright herein and agree not to display, distribute, reproduce, modify, or use these plans/drawings other than for the construction a single home by Wausau Homes -Chaska. 3/1/2016 DRAWN BY: APV SHEET: /� /y .-A LAKE slO ss cstoeroa Ir—_—_— -- - - - c -� _----- `E I `�=- - L 5'- 10 I I � I I R _ L 1 __ 1 _ 4 LJ ----L� -- ^ StAIR OETNL: 'N 16 R5 3 AT T-yB' 15 M... AT10' I I I I I I MELIMNILAL I I I I I _ I I n I IiE I I m I I I I L----------- ------------ Y 4 BATH °6� F� --------- 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I III I �I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I%I I ,I I I I — , ® FOUNOPTION OROPPEOE FOUNDATION/LOWER LIEVEL PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"(22x34) 1/8"= i'-0" (11x17) Finished Square Footage: --- T-0 FOUNDATION WALL HEIGHT 2" Foam Aligns uA Wall Sheathing All Dimenslons Are To Concrete Headers or Beams sized by Supplier 3 w LU VIDE THE uARON OR OTHER IBLE U Q Z D C7_CTOH WI MT THEROPEP F.UN ...N. M EN3pN6 IT SIW6 U w Z E FE$PON$IfiILRV TO EN SU XE THAT TX EFOUNDATIONI$CONSTRUCTED Z IN ..FWNCE WRHAPPLICA BLE WOES AN030ILCO.Dm.N6. LQ LO 2. XEIGHTOF PoUNDATION AND COLUMN SPACING AS SHOW MARE J Z 3 U G12 w C RITICAL. IF CNANGES ARE MAGE• THE,MUST BE PEPORTEO OV) N W IMME%giELV iO THE EXGINEE RING DEPARTMENT. ry rtl 0 iI 1 ALL FOUWATIONFOJTING63HALL BEAXONUNOI$TUMEDSOIL LT AT A MINIMUM OE PIH...sV ELOW GRADE (DE PENpNG ON a VT I LOCAL FROST CONOITONS D OF `Ax FMENT WINW WG $HALL 3E I%OF THE <. VENTING AMANT WOR AXEq (2%FOR so- W0E31. COMBUSTION AB 50 �3 FORE.HE TNG EQU FOR XFATINO EpUIPMENT pND FWNOAl10N INS ULATIOXTO SEI. / 0 3 3� I ACCO ROAN E WITHAPPUCABLE COD E$, 3 fi. FOR CPAW LSPAOE FOUNOATp NS, THEMA$ONOONTMOTOX r, IS TO PRO VIDE ANI$'a 20' ACCESS TO THE CHAWL$PACE MIO VEMMPON AT THE RAM OF 11M OFA CRgWL$PACE ggEA COVER CMWLSPACE WITI6 MIL POLY Fl L. I%I I ,I I I I — , ® FOUNOPTION OROPPEOE FOUNDATION/LOWER LIEVEL PLAN 1/4" = 1'-0"(22x34) 1/8"= i'-0" (11x17) Finished Square Footage: --- T-0 FOUNDATION WALL HEIGHT 2" Foam Aligns uA Wall Sheathing All Dimenslons Are To Concrete Headers or Beams sized by Supplier 3 w LU 0 a - U Q Z D I U w Z E > Z LQ LO W J Z 3 U G12 w E OV) N W ° U y Z 0 Q LT 00 70 Ln Ln I Z E OO 0 U E N ° U y j 0 E�P,� 0 � Cr, a 50 �3 a ° 0 3 3� 63 3 r, I 2'-0'• DATE: Ni 3/1/2016 I I ISI DRAWN BY: n I I I I These plans/drawings are protected under Wausau Homes Inc.'s VDG:APV exclusive copyright and are provided under a limited license to Ae I L-- ---- L (------- —� II Wausau Homes -Chaska. By accepting a copy plans/drawing 9 / g4 you acknowledge and recognize Wausau Homes, Inc.'s exclusive SHEET: —_—copyright herein and agree not to display, distribute, reproduce , - ------ modify, or use these plans/drawings other than for the construction /� 3'-0" 7sg••--�—T�-b" -- T, 6, a single home by Wausau Homes -Chaska. sxnmsxee+ros oeu umw L5130Ei c—� GSl]W3 Ia �^ y GAS SERIN6 GROOM MASTER BORM xrl E i a ----- 11 �A lrz earn i 1 s .v.5 F'ER O � 3 R T.�viv.,v ,ifov'9 �o OWNyRS FETNiR,' S I al OR °reaaav uuMvrsr A fm 9 uraRGe p,p2.oR g•-0.. 15'-0.. 0�_g. , 11'-4.. 17.0• 1 � i I � I & I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1STFL_00, RPI R 1/4" = V-0' (22X54) 1/6" = 1' O" 01x17) Floor Square Footage: 1 %5 Garage Square Footage: qqq T-1 10' Wall Heights (u. n.aJ q4 -7/g" Header Height (u.n.o) Dimensions are Framing to Framing Headers sized bg 5upplier These plans/drawings are protected under Wausau Homes Inc.'s exclusive copyright and are provided under a limited license to Wausau Homes -Chaska. By accepting a copy of these plans/d rawin You acknowledge and recognize Wausau Homes, Inc.'s exclusive copyright herein and agree not to display, distribute, reproduce, modify, or use these plans/drawings other than for the construction a single home by Wausau Homes -Chaska. Q — 3 W LU IL I } U Z 00 CO J U W CL 7— a I I I 1i I I 1STFL_00, RPI R 1/4" = V-0' (22X54) 1/6" = 1' O" 01x17) Floor Square Footage: 1 %5 Garage Square Footage: qqq T-1 10' Wall Heights (u. n.aJ q4 -7/g" Header Height (u.n.o) Dimensions are Framing to Framing Headers sized bg 5upplier These plans/drawings are protected under Wausau Homes Inc.'s exclusive copyright and are provided under a limited license to Wausau Homes -Chaska. By accepting a copy of these plans/d rawin You acknowledge and recognize Wausau Homes, Inc.'s exclusive copyright herein and agree not to display, distribute, reproduce, modify, or use these plans/drawings other than for the construction a single home by Wausau Homes -Chaska. Q — 3 W LU IL I } U Z 00 CO J U W CL tvi V7 C Z O O E O L y0 U EN �_O L E O U N O EID O i rn O O aa°�a3 0 3 3 r o 3 � rI v DATE: 3/1/2016 DRAWN BY: VDG: APV SHEET: A-5 7— M Y LO LOJ W 3 Gw OV) Q WC Z O' U tvi V7 C Z O O E O L y0 U EN �_O L E O U N O EID O i rn O O aa°�a3 0 3 3 r o 3 � rI v DATE: 3/1/2016 DRAWN BY: VDG: APV SHEET: A-5 2ND FLOOR PL&H 1/4"= 1'-0" (22x34) 1/8" = 1'4" (11x17) Floor Square Footage: 1210 6'-1 1/8" Wall Heights 62-7/6" Header Height Dimensions are Framing to Framing I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I These plans/drawings are protected under Wausau Homes Inc.'s exclusive copyright and are provided under a limited license to Wausau Homes -Chaska. By accepting a copy of these plans/dawin you acknowledge and recognize Wausau Homes, Inc.'s exclusive copyright herein and agree not to display, distribute, reproduce, modify, or use these plans/drawings other than for the construction a single home by Wausau Homes -Chaska. LZ a m' F;� c: .c Q DATE: 3/1/2016 DRAWN BY: VDG: APV SHEET: A-6 z � J CO Y h LY LO JC G 'LU v w Q h O LU Z V Q LZ a m' F;� c: .c Q DATE: 3/1/2016 DRAWN BY: VDG: APV SHEET: A-6 F T -- _ ` I I I I \ \ I I I I \ \ I I I I I \ \ I I I I I \ \ ---------- 10.12 I I \ I I 10 1z I P-2" I ,0:,2 }—--------� / Y 10 12 10: Ik / I / r / ,o 2 q / 4 I------- --L --1--------- / T:s I j I [V / / f -------- - n 2" M I I I I I L0 i I Ir u II 11-21, II II I I I I ROOF LAYOUT 1/a'= 1'0" (22x34) ,/a"= 1'-0"(11x17) NOTES 20' EAVE OVERHANGS TYPICAL 12- GABLE OVERHANGS TYPICAL (unless noted olhewlse) 12' HEEL HEIGHTS AT 112 8 10:12 _FASCIA TO ALIGN AS NOTED I I / I I j I I I I t___-____-_�� 10 12 � \ I / \ I \ \ - I ,0-,2 1 ,012 � \ f I I!___ ---_-J I These plans/drawings are protected under Wausau Homes Inc.'s exclusive copyright and are provided under a limited license to Wausau Homes -Chaska. By accepting a copy of these plans/drawir You acknowledge and recognize Wausau Homes, Inc.'s exclusive copyright herein and agree not to display, distribute, reproduce, modify, or use these plans/drawings other than for the construction a single home by Wausau Homes -Chaska. Q W CL d S U 00 M M U 00 (7 Z ° ° U�� oUDO _N E N rn =ate aha �O o ID 3L 3 M 11 r DATE: 3/1/2016 DRAWN BY: VDG: APV SHEET: A-7 M Y V) L0 J Q Z ,LU v 0 w Q ce) LU Z S a U 00 (7 Z ° ° U�� oUDO _N E N rn =ate aha �O o ID 3L 3 M 11 r DATE: 3/1/2016 DRAWN BY: VDG: APV SHEET: A-7 SECTION A -A 112" - 1'-9'(22X34) 1/4" Is V-0" (11)W) lent wall construction rested Plate ud Mrhor BAU B' o, ealer ured Wall ®106' NA Damp Proob lid Foxe A Badement Exlerlor no ud Wa115heaMing ured Comite Floor 'sit, Valor Barter Is.. 1111 concrete Footlng ,in Tile 0 Bleeders VI o.c. eyed w/gravel aggregate Wall Lonstluedon yxb Treated Plate wl Anchor Bob B' d 51115 Aer B Pou ed Well @ 46 4 Four Concrete Floor ® Garege -continuous 16'xB (Concrele Footing SECTION G -C 1/2" - VI (22X34) 1/4" = VI (11X17) Wall Construction -B Poured Well ® 45" -Poured concrete Floor ® Porch -Continuous 16" x B" Concrete Footing SECTION B -B 1/2" = 1'-p" (22X34) 1/4" - V -CP (11>W) tNall L =tn.ti 6 Treated Plate W Mold, Solta So c. 115de r Poured ConuAe Floor ® Garage Poured Wall @ 100"wl Vamp Proofing Rigid Foam A Sediment Exterior Allgne ud Well Sheo leg Poured (Concrete Floor 'III Poly Vapor Barter mfinuoue lb" x B" concrete Footing Dran Tile ud BleMers B'-0' c c. )overed a'I aggregate Wall Construction Orb -2x6 Treated Plate wl Anchor Bolls 15' o. c. -ir Sealer -B' Poured Well ®40 -1 Poured concrete Floor ® G cel continuous 16 x B concrete Footing SECTION D -D 1/2" = 1'-0"(22X34) 114" - V-0" (11X17) Basement wall Construction -DS Treated PIA. wl Anchor OOILs 6' o.c. -5111 Seder B Poured WAI ®100 wl Vamp Proofing -y" Rg d Poem at Basement Exterior -4' Poured Concrete Floor bml Pdyvapor Barter -Continuous 16'xB concrete Footlng -4' orcin Tile a Bleeders B o" o.c. Covered a gravel ... ra e Wall Construdlon -hb Wall ®105111 -1I2" Sheetrock -6 mill Vapor all -R-14 Fiberylass Insulation -2x6 Stud0 lb" do, -1116 0511 We11 Shale ng ouse N., -Siding Dub Treated Plate uA Mchor Bolla B' o.c. -Sill Sealer -V Poured Nall ®40' -2 Rlge Foam A easement, Bxlerior Allgne wl W l Shea m, -4" Poured concrete floor -6-11 Poly Vapor Barter -eonfnuoue 16" x 6 concrete Feotng -4 Oran Tile wl BkadersB1ex, Levered wl gravel aggral SECTION E -E SECTION F -F 112'= V-0" (22X34) 1/2" = V-0" (22x34) 1/4" = 1' 0" (11X17) 1/4" = 1'-0" (11X11) Q LU tL wtoCL >_CL alf -F Q U Z lr� � Oct J (1) LU U\ Roof ConstrUdation / 12 Ncnlleclunl5n.due Per Elev.� -Isle Fal -hearode sheamr"d w al5. -0pE Rod as Truss Construction VAtry' J a FlbeglmNLtllWaee Wuhnon -ExI neema WaC Lr)- Twxg UI" o.c) _ C Per Elev. Celina va I Construction `b m. pa a.",a. W 3 G III Construction Soffit Lonstrud'on jr: -aR' SMNock a ill' Np5y 5neNack 12 RooF . w V O -Ddg Wall®T31ly Tall Ball@1311 -a s"6 -Pawn Per EIBV.� Lonstmcfon Q w -ll]" Sieehoek -SL- um. Feetia Lova plecwral snie -151e Pelt bYe � -b mill Vapor senior -3I0'N"m. BdBt Peael -lees^oroelmaexgwc'i;r w -R-1 g Fifierglied Insulation m -toot ` -..e Red Eege \ r -bb Studio 16' o.c. r 2 -Aft W llConstruction Constmct'on _ -Tlib"050 WaII Striating p - 11 VI l e emu va"ream. -EyAaeree woos T,eaed I. r I Z -NWae Wrap `ac -0.14 Flaw Iis I -ora n Per Elev. Q -5ldirg U =V -y Nb Treated Plate UA MfIM Boke O' 5oHt Construction -Bill Sealer -Irwee Wap -51a1aE -y SUPFeatla -5IB'sM1eeYackw l?Na Sq sM1eebock - (as re4Wree) .0 -III reemeare. -B' Poured Wall ® 36' en -TRI Foam at Secement Exterior All sore P."el h Allgne wl Wall Sheaml FloorL sf c"N -P dConcrete Floor or ldaz owiw slue - Z _ III—III III III 6mlmll Poly Vapor Bailer -(Continuous 16 xB Corl Footing nva udxa l6'oumm Rha Fevre < wdll Lonstrud on -Irz•SneeYwk(agreaima) C L a < O Sy III—III III a. Bae e, m - U m 'f—III IIII -4"Vreln Tllewl Bleeders B-0"o.c. n L Celina yonstru o -6 mi pwa ( orae) a re0uvee) O covered W/9faVCl aggregate Construction tion �Puasl N 1116"oebENwSbi(a uM3M feu Spbml (�C- NU U ,• rvM,(Mrem roVawr No-sqsneamk NPslsmsi 0 Wme NO O D 6 E N C, O SECTION G -G _ ' � 7 rn "II on h, ci 3 -0" 1/2" = 1' (22X94) -Il. toes. traywor5wror `n O 3 1/4"-VI(11X17) x q O Q --4Fibnglaelrus.0 C:3 -r a O 3 -111, ods eaenwlerse a .. - Basement r1al COnattrul g) 3 C 3 tu n e tri, r -slmns -Waea>Ime wnamoreau a'w4 „�-111=I$il 111 ICI -IT-1I L5`� 1=1 �>�� L=11 `Ertl Sealer - -B•Poure0' 0 3 s -bb Wall®491C"Tall ,1111 :_. 0-+° 1-11-1. Fw"r M hidearvI -6 Floor Cons tion 6 -bme Pay Vapor e"" Mill vapor -b mill Vapm Banior rO -1513. `Lontlnuo"l I6"stud—sI-octirp <f -R- 19 FI BnnItila l n e u Union O 1.1TB Is --Pg 11110'1JOW16"oc M'pran TleuY BleMers9D'o.c p -y#Studs 0.15 Feerglu= a., Br ',p wvereauN grovel aggmgae 3'5prty FaemalhwlNon O OSD1 11,L. -7116" OSB Wall .treating Iil a Wrep hraeeerron (wlreq"rcal Ba "L+ 51BI9 MLnor Bo Treated Plate udlisB oG t =II hb T.—d! Phew vn m -5115earr 5111 Sealer v t —IIII III .; B P dWall®60" r Ill—III 1-11 m2 III weeW ®Ip0 p pPw y zRyle memar seism Ewa Aq"e "r w sne.un4 GARAGE YYALL SECTION r' -111— III III III -y Rigid Foam A Basement Eddy or n Z m 4"10Mti,.,Ilocr � III aignewlwAlshemh,n 9 _ -bm =olyvaea-ee,; 1/2"=1r_Orr(22x34) �O 9 4 POuredGoncrelner gu S V conamwelblre•ce aeF"ewg m e'pran TAeueBroe 1/4" = 1'-0"(11x1'1) 6m� Polly Vapor Ganef qiY nBrpoc. L mmuous 16"x8 concrete From, vP ew'ercewe'emaggmgne ,Z -4" Dmin Tile o4 Bleeders B'-0" o.c. ilaC^ LoverW u1l gravel aggregate 94 ce .D ce TYPICAL WALL SECTION SECTION H -H 1/2" ei VI (22434) DATE: v2" = (22X34) 1 /4" = 1'-0" (11 x1'1) 3/1/2016 114"" = VI r -o•' n 1X17) DRAWN BY: VDG: APV These plans/drawings are protected under Wausau Homes Inc.', exclusive copyright and are provided under a limited license to Wausau Homes -Chaska. By accepting a copy of these plans/drawing you acknowledge and recognize Wausau Homes, Inc.'s exclusive SHEET: copyright herein and agree not to display, distribute, reproduce, modify, or use these plans/drawings other than for the construction A Q a single home by Wausau Homes -Chaska. �fr+� v W2436L OOU33% I B24LST JL W2136R 42142R BW M D16R15T rL53f�, I i P � I I � Y LO I LO LU o I LL Q Z LU Q N B3oST BD1BA0 63025, Z I n Z 3.9. in I I I I KITCHEN 15-10" x 14'-V I 1 33025, - BD30-3p _._IL AJI_—_ W214215R; 'Z36R W 436L W214213L -- KITCHEN 1/2" = 1'-0" (22x34) 1/4" = 1'-0" (11x17) BATH 1 7=1'-O" H 2 BATH 3 1/2" = 1'-0" (22x34) (22x34) 1/2" = 1'-0" (22x34)1/4" = 1'-0" 01x17) [111/2"' 4" (11x17) 1/4" = 1'-0" (11x17) VLWODL ary1390L HALF BATH 1/2" = 1'-0" (22x34) 1/4" = 1'-0" 01x17) W3n36 T Awa3 M436R BD24-30 LAUNDRY T-1 x 5.-0.. Baca 0210 j 55210 �- -- -ep- BhdfV Rod M136B M1505 LAUNDRY 1/2" = 1'-0" (22x34) 1/4" = 1'-0" (11x17) QWNER'5 ENTRY 1/2" = 1'-0" (22x34) 1/4" = 1'-0" (11x17) These plans/drawings are protected under Wausau Homes Inc. 's exclusive copyright and are provided under a limited license to Wausau Homes -Chaska. By accepting a copy of these plans/drawir You acknowledge and recognize Wausau Homes, Inc.'s exclusive copyright herein and agree not to display, distribute, reproduce, modify, or use these plans/drawings other than for the construction a single home by Wausau Homes -Chaska. 5 LU Il U III 00 CO U DATE: 3/1/2016 DRAWN BY: VDG:APV SHEET: A-9 z � M Y LO LO LU J z Q Z LU Q N 0 w Z DATE: 3/1/2016 DRAWN BY: VDG:APV SHEET: A-9 Q I � 3 w LU d } =Q U z r\ 0 J C7 W U CL eo M Z E a o 0 U a v o °U10 � o E 0.- C, ° ° � CI C) ° ° 00 c3 0 33 � 3 t v DATE: 3/1/2016 z � These plans/drawings are protected under Wausau Homes Inc.'s J exclusive copyright and are provided under a limited license to LO Y � Wausau Homes -Chaska. By accepting a copy of these plans/drawing � Q Z W O a single home by Wausau Homes -Chaska. U w Q V) LU Z V Q 'o = °' U eo M Z E a o 0 U a v o °U10 � o E 0.- C, ° ° � CI C) ° ° 00 c3 0 33 � 3 t v DATE: 3/1/2016 DRAWN BY: These plans/drawings are protected under Wausau Homes Inc.'s VDG: APV exclusive copyright and are provided under a limited license to Wausau Homes -Chaska. By accepting a copy of these plans/drawing you acknowledge and recognize Wausau Homes, Inc.'s exclusive SHEET: copyright herein and agree not to display, distribute, reproduce, modify, or use these plans/drawings other than for the construction c O a single home by Wausau Homes -Chaska. Preliminary CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY for: David Voae1 DEiSGREE W) AS: Lot 7, EE`.oek IG,RNE'(LR.KE MERUQNIS, Carver Coun , MN ADDRFM: 9641 M�adoavt,anc Er Giraaha5sen,,�MN. LAKE RILEY N+7RP .. t 1i )A� 4' J z , 1 - • i +/ ' 1 i_s } RECEIVED t FE 3 2 2 2016 .. . CITY a U" hANHASSEN � 4 a iN d6[• M_ t • z fi T LAN. � NtEi>pQWLARK LANE _ IN OFitt;a '+ �UAA,. .. In -v. �, • 41 i- 1 n WET LAND SET BACK VARIANCE- 9641 Meadowlark LN., Chanhassen, MN 55317 Narrative Argument to be granted a variance, 100' setback from the tributary (Creek). Request for variance for the driveway servicing the new home and the house placement on the lot. With the driveway entrance wetland setback variance granted, per the Chanhassen Planning Commission meeting on February 16, 2016. The following request for variance addressing the Conditions applied to our request for wetland variance on the entire proposed length of the driveway, approximately 350',as well as the placement of the new home, at the end of the proposed driveway. Both would fall within the 1 00'set back from the tributary (wetland) and both would require the same variance set back, per our proposed Land Survey. Proposed Survey- Wet Land Set Back Variance for Road and House • A critical and essential element to our proposed survey has to do with the placement of the septic system drain fields. These are needed for the proposed home (or any home) to be built on this lot. With our current driveway position we are able to keep the drain field away from the proposed road, fitting it between the road and the required property line set back. Two drain fields are required by the state, the one closest to the house is the primary, the other is a back- up location. Used only if the primary field ever fails. Where we have the fields placed on our survey meets all the design specification provide by a licensed septic engineer, hired to design the system. We have provided a copy of his design specification to a representative for the City of Chanhassen, Community Development Department. • Our septic contractor has informed us that the drain fields must be placed on ground that is not compacted. The area we have them placed on the survey is undisturbed ground that has not been changed or compacted, which makes it an acceptable location. • Our proposed septic drain field location is approximately 75' from the tributary. The system was placed to accommodate the house location on our proposed survey. • With our current house location we are requesting the same set back from the tributary as the road location we have proposed. The house is set back from the lake 120', which meets the set- back requirement from the lake, 1 00'with an additional 20' for a future deck. We have also met the set -back requirement of the property line of 10'. • The design of the home was based off of information that we were given, in our initial meeting with City of Chanhassen. We were told that the set- back requirement from the tributary was 75, the home placement does meet that requirement. • It is our understanding that if this lot had city sewer and water, the set -back would be 75 feet. • The proposed driveway and house placement are the best location to minimize the impact to wet lands and undisturbed natural habitat. The driveway we are proposing makes use of the dirt road that has been on the property of nearly 100 years. We are not changing the direction or placement of the dirt road, there will be no major excavating required. We will simply building up the existing road with a compactable material. • We are currently working with the Water Shed District on their requirement, regarding the driveway placement and entrance to the property over the ditch. Our understanding is that they have a 50' set back requirement. However, they allow averaging of the over- all property to meet the set- back requirement. We believe we are able to meet their requirements. They also require a buffer between the tributary and our proposed drive way. Which makes this part of the lot unusable by the home owner. • The ditch at the entrance of the property and the wet land area near the entrance are also identified as wet land, which means they are off limits to the home owner. E C E Rif EEB 1 9 2016 9ck4':Nm CITY OF CHANHASSEN Survey- Drive way moved to meet 100' wetland set back We have been asked to comment on the placement of the Driveway and House, if we were able to meet the 100' setback from the tributary. • If we were to meet the 100' set -back requirement for the driveway, we would be changing the path from the current dirt road, after the designated wetlands at the entrance to the property. It would require major excavating and disturbing an area of the lot that would not need to be disturbed. • It would push everything on the lot to the far lot border. This area is currently not in the home owner's plans to disturb. • The septic system drain fields will now be pushed closer to the tributary wet land and will encroach on the 100' set back area. It will also push them onto the current dirt road area. • This placement will require the same variance for wetland setback as the driveway in the other proposal, due to the septic drain fields. • Also, the septic drain fields will now be placed partially on the compacted dirt road, which will not meet the septic system design specification, regarded compacted soil. • We have also been asked to identify on the survey where the bank of the tributary is located. IF the 1 00'set back is measured from the bank of the tributary that would move the 1 00'set back an additional 15' closer to the lot line. That would leave approximately 20' of depth between the 100' set back and the lot line, to put the home. This is not enough room to place the home and garage. It would also put the Septic drain fields even further into the wetland set back. The following are properties in the Riley Lake Meadows Development. See the survey enclosed for comparison. • 9441 Great Plains Blvd is located within 35 feet of stream on Lake Riley.(picture attached) • 9001 Riley Lake Blvd is located within 85 feet of stream on Lake Riley (picture attached) Built in 2015. • 9536 Lakeland Ter is located with 43 feet of stream on Lake Riley (picture attached) • Riley Lake Meadows Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions require ""community of compatible and complementary single family residential homes of the highest architectural Quality for the benefit of the residents of the community". "preserve beauty of Riley Lake Meadows and to enhance that beauty with distinguished residences of compatible and complementary architectural design" (covenant attached) If we were to be 100 feet from the creek and 10 feet from the property line, we would only have 35 feet of lake facing house which would be totally out of place for the neighborhood and degrade the property value of neighbors. Would also look ridiculous for a 2.5 acre lot with 200 feet of lake shore. m.0. N!:D 2/18/2016 Caner County ProWtylnformatior L, artier C c' i,ii . . Feet Measurement Result 35.4 Feet C�Rc�nr Ptr:�^a �IvJ. RECEIVEM FEB 1 9 2016 CITY OF CHANHASSEN https://gis.co.carer.m.mfpubliGparcw Sear, Dn address. are you looking for? IBJ, oraddI'L,0, t0IT,t� 2/18/2016 Carves CountyPropertyinformetlon What prope ty are you looking for? Search or; address, ,, aoeriv iC7. or ac�ditiol� a ,e Feet $ Measurement Result 87.4 Feet _ https I/9is.co.caner .us/p b icpwcelf 1l2 QC.AYNQ 4Goto _ Property links Clear Imagery results lect a year' None Map layers PID: Hous 3011622220 ParcE 9536 Survey Lakeland Ter Survey Eden Prairie, Abstr MN 55347 Total arket Value Recei itly Sold Survelted Properties Owner: Taxpayer: Parcel Area: Torrens/Abstrac Addition: r Lot: ° w Block: a. n hnpsJ/g is.hennepin.us/propertyfm p/de(atdt.wpx Propertylnterac&a Map l Hennepin Cm ty I Feet Mkasurement Result 43.1 Feet XA4N'1? t/1 Imagery lect a year' None Map layers Hous Number ParcE I Annotation Survey Monuments Survey Grid Abstr ct/Torrens/Both Total arket Value Recei itly Sold Survelted Properties XA4N'1? t/1 DF 25. r C]18P�1/ OtM,,Y`ANU , rM ;PjC TMS 113-YARA'fiGN, made {itis P. vagal aM Gayle M. Vogel nus d of limy, e, 1ft . taferrel tP es "Sbdividersu. ej"d wife, 1ieoR WMQ SSMI MOMS, Subdividers are the owners Of the real praperty 4"Cribso in Article I Of this Declaration hereinafter referred to as Rile Like Hcedo ; and iaelZ°nS, S bdividers desire rc create thereon a Ommmi c uPtible and cmpl rentery single laa11Y smr.u,.a.r.r Dom a O Of the �the rdghftt artylt iral quality for the benefit of the resident ree Inks MsBdO and to enhan a that beeoe reaidertim aztl oOf eytible ani Omplemntery 1, "'Widers deae it necessary for the preaervaticn of aataral bemrty of Riley IUD Headwa arcs for the rsawra acaa nisi-bMt gOelity in =hitach¢al dear N establish sea of�R1�[ake itrahe arcs reatHetiaa gwerNrq the Bevel p Riley W-,dwsi and MOZFAS, Wbdividers deem it hece"ary to create a oc mittea which shall be delegated arci assigacd the pores Of deinit,, and enforeirg the eovaants, onditdan , restrictions the develcfee* of Riley lake Meador. gwen �G OMFORE, Supdeviders herrby declare that Riley 1 old, , w d-Cri� in Article I of Nis Declaration be h s sold the follw , davclghai aW , led in aamrd hereinafter set ! � mnditiore arN restrict: tica rakrictiare shall rna vith the teal MV" Obe blOG r all s,ah Parnas hav le O MV" arcl ben Riley n lleedo,.s deecribed right, title Or interest In Riley i Article I of this fed ,all tl there, zafics Ofeavea, auooasmrs nth assigns, mrd s1a11 rati, the benefit of each suth party, Their Dents, rr4rTserhtatir w>meseorm ani aeaigre. -I- DOOOsent #96136 Filed: May 23, 1988 Consists of 7 paves ImCLE t 3?t'PFu'tY 5Ject tp neoL muoR O—e�,'he reAi Es�tYlcped aeris ,p -talc be held, qQl�{, Wer lo®tei :in the City of aahhg, a,to C "I Mbvaenta, is 4xvAy of Cre w artl. P'eaentlY opted. by euhdividera end J. described az tollcesh � i - ^�^*' �fof w the Plat thereof On az file of county, all of khitlr rayl the QmtY Remrder in arch for said referred to az Riley fake 1pa y in More and herehafter AIM= II lefinitiaep dhe fOUWtlg nerds, -hen used in this Deelaration, ghall have trip folloirri msahhirgee Section 1. '0 re stall mean and refer to the record o.Rrer, stietMs are or more peisus or, entities, of a fee simple title tq airy fat or Daal3ing tWt OMb De to thin olarmtim, but shall not mwn or refer to the mort<gwjw of uy srh rat or D.eilirg Unit wiles and adil axon mortgagee lav aogdred title porv=Tt to forerloane of said marbpye m the period within which the fee curer any rmdem f— such forecloamm has tarmlretai, or P reeWt to deed in lieu of foreclosure, share any ., h fat or Welling Unit is mold by the fee wear by trrRratt for Dtad to a oentreUt Veviee Ne is antitled to possession, the C tract verde - scall be oonsid¢m the "ou - of sutlh property. Section 2. "tat" shall mean and refer to any plot of 1a as est forth in Article I of this neelaratim and az Qh ch ahy rsro[dad plat mf RileY lake Meadghs, srsept that Qrtlot A, Riley tats hlaedoes, shell rot to coaidred a lot for purpm, of thie definitim. section I. "dulling Writ" shall mean ed refer to e reaideatial houshg unit and attedad garage ca iatirg of a qr .V Of rt® and talluays -Mehr are deslgnad and interdei for use living gwtars for a single family. Section 4. "Wh Mdere" -hall amen and refer to Ridaid P. Vrgel, m Yl. M. Vagal, their WJM, representatives, aid asaLye. Se can 5. "hraml+eety" or "Prcpertlos" shall mean and refer to all the rata prtyerty seb3eet to this Declaratfah, ae descrlbad in Article I of thin D=I intim, and aa 3 Additional Ml heraaltar nam wyst to this Deeleratlon. P"," -2- P" L-9 of of -11 n Sectich-on i, Pr'oPettice, Nr shall any edditm the ha mrde bless ax1 ryitll the o,". — aestbetirs and hancon ®r hOt,n�l kwrored by mritirg,4 as to to exr idesign aha loMtm in ror elat Ardd Omts , c�ol�ttee JMPfY, a majority w of th vithh` ty 00) day, sor dist rTi autll Plane a4 apeeifimtia leen mu fitted W aw Plaha Rl dfimtiam love ane ani&All te be � eted ad d faHao+ the 9m Itarl" Off anyj y ata L a m eO;i adin9 Peh¢hg, siding ar beltwO mH'• f�p) days fMe the c am+�t of the mttnstrct m doff a�aij4 Section 2. QmnSt+m lfmPv n Ittee &gall to anPriaed oY ho Rhe Aahittttu� ftedrol Bold at Widn time it shall be ,Vrised ofers t t ee iota are origiml mmbere Of tha ArdlitectaralRichard P. aed,eus. lone ttee WWI be there shall bel 1) apd pyla itH. ,., a Atter thtva 0 red lots are sold f) addttjmal five to a,"rsare s dune Of the oriyixW �r�tt�. the �mlecanent member shall be elecTat frau sap y t the neva � to the Arxbite�'trecal C,,,,O, W,ittee. lot I of the original amvhers shall serve m the Arrhitecb¢al rbnttvl 0-Dittee until Ali lots are sold, after ZIA the . It amara shall elect the membera of the (3) three eIy3Ml� to --eduq (2 tVOW- They shall yery a (to,M. year text, aha may be Seotim 3. prxiritectu.al f 5 �xmlttae shall to `tom• 'The Ar-hit-otual mn du terfaticm only � ahall about a harmoedat .sg aglneerhg expertise. In the axnse Of its duttiim the wdifjMCna1 wntrol xamittee my reguast oeitein mdificatima in the J"ta est of d�ixln ��l 1 the or Omprti de (yyley�11," Lake unit to tO ®Ploy' an architect, g , erel" 11-Y alde% a InrliotY of the desand �d �r . EaccMifltatms in an arddt-himil, esm lT Of arW inteeat I. gtl, his helm, reprexntatly a, gnooesaorm ani .ea Riley lake tini of h" am =MP, + AlVea any right to damages tar Ices,, MMe or Otherwise ktdd result fr® m,Uf,,,tlms ton _3_ Vaca "_= e' 7 Pepet �' _� ttea. 1 bit ial�aarb la to � aril t�be Sinai t ®its atdritmr¢ai d°elgn and its joayp,t Nall be final. AIMN Land use Wo section ?. dYsidentl 1 a lot within Riley lake Meadows Nall be °sed family PurPosee emept for s elected, altersl, Placed or building or structure shall be a single family residr� with permitted �iptrage �i� amcme"Olate a minimum of two automobiles and an accessory building as describad in &.Lilo, 2 of this article. Section 2. hg4w� NO Decry building, clod, barn, or other art-bullding shall be used on any lot at t teo Pmrrrily or permvmtly, wlese &non wry, ding, shad, barn, or art-builddrvl Ss less than eight tesuitrtd iwitthPlhe (mm,deat uOre feet in area am, wTforme architachuaily for P.rsami use sballs� b me,mi )errad ae, a° re. A gazebo or a small greerhau q �ry tuildieg. Section 1. r_samnr &e s _cto for mt '^'^^^ of utilities and drainagea,o, ,oar,alatimn and elrown m the recorded Plat oNeme fvamtedd ala reserved he gOO'c ung mmiclPal authori a, action of the authority. Muni, ll be Placed t arras, m Planting or other material Null be placed or permitted to remain wduda may damage oba[ructI or interfere with tl !!datum n and naintenNnY Of 8o 1 rtilitiea, or which Nal! the °aeMeent areaor d"ge theorf low Of Mulch as waterthrough drainage darvula in tater y °tstrtxt or retard the flow of easement of each let shall be maintained conourl. in the t a� by the lot � except utility for JmProeme,Cs owned by a public authority or a 1. S.ci1o, a. .ib M _NeitherIBl S> 1 norLot 9. Block 1, Rile, aH-d0s may be further gubiivldaSthout the approval of the governing martclpal authority. ARPIQE v PrNribitad activities and Uses Section 1. We, nowl.am Or offereiw hotivitias shall be Carried on � any lot or dolling unit, mr Null ectivlty be owd ucte.. tt�om MdchaaaY bocoma anu r an+oyeRa oe +ufemmv to ton r mni}hmdma�Y e ' o -t z ft Paw . LL wfypM seaptm 2. No atdaWs, limtp* � poultty oQ f R d dogs, •per o?: in RSley tabr� t oelabi tOd PP 1Msei, dare, rata, ,d that W 4 aalq rated Ptte nub' be kept Pzovial that thgy ate not 7c¢!rt, reci or intajhad for ary oaeruial Iaapoae. Section 1. L X+.e am lk. ar maintained as a—�i�-�1 . cot scull be paed �Pb4 9b. dt far rubbish. leash, garbage, xeRC:e ar atlpr oasts dull Ip disposed of outside oL Nil oy Iake a lurt of --a rasSdm eoe. •..••• ��•• •,� sept waW the garble fa[mlig section 4. 2famnra c ...,w...,,a _ No ob-otaa of a tmparmy oharmtor, trailer, basement, teat, ehxk, garage, barn or other oabbUildirg ehall be used on eery lot at arty time am a taetdaro either to orarily or petaermntlY section S. Sim--. No sigm of any kind Shull be la ad to In Public six any lot ar dwelling wit swept a s gn or signq rat aguara feet advertising the PrcPertY for sale or by the Hun owrcr ar omyaot, or any sign or Signe uses by the SUbdividexa to advertise the property during trastnkSion and sale of lots. Seotion S. Vehicles, hb mbraes, tnrooto�aehaileta, unliowa® l autobiles, almaft, tr tars, oY any kind, trailers, watarcras or self-propelled campor vehicles shall be parked, I fC ept, or stored no the property unless parked, kept, or stored within an enclosed garage or aax:soey building. Sa^.tlon 7. 'Spar st,.,,a. No poles, poete, towers or anteraaa wY to inatalled that eaased 10 Feet in height tout an dRside radio or television anteara may be anai , thg coni of a tasidm , Ptwidad that such ante does not e,t¢r d mare than to feet above the toot 14a which it is located. Gtnad aatallite dish antennas say be installed, provided that mxh anter as dD not tbatnat the night lbws of adjoinini lot oanra to fake Relay. MrI= V1 General R islote wa[o� Y I. fP - Arty owner shall have the right to nfur ra a s , rea[r acrd n, at law or in ecpity, all uu eu ants, ictioae now or hvsraafter impueed by the po vlmiau of thla bslaratidr. r Pvn section nut, ..mtf t or rootr v herein con4ii� dwll ill M event be aeemmj a twivep of the eight to m so th rwater. Section r. M�mbility- u��vaai�idation of any one of these it ev+anmts Oon ons, or'restiictima by judgeant or mart order Section 4. puratim. The ooammnts, editions and reatrictioris of this Declaration Nwll mm with and be binding VPm the real property for a term of twenty (20) years fro, the date this DWAB atim is recorded, after Mich ties these c7moantsextended ,congtimp f 1 and restrictions Nall be automatically perio$s of ton (10) years 0scow tareinatedDecla ti the sane majority vote of O.stera nYi[YSSany to swiss, This Declaration. Section 5. Thi- Declaration way be amended dicing the first twenty-year Paled by an imtpxment signal by not less than eighty perrmt (w%j of the asters, and thereafter by an � SnscLBovt signed� not leas than seventy-five (75%) of the Any ^" nest be recorded to be effe tiva as to milteequent Wears. Section 6. ypyya�^g+ , qhs Ardnitecnaal control 0mimittes herelry reserves the right to grant a rwa.pmble variance or adjostsent of these coverenda, renditions and prawislons in order ��uu'eroz � Practical diffimaties and Prevent na..was y Ochined herePs in. tya application reason of the variiarnes " adjaslmente may b ne wanted only in case the granting thereof Neil not be materially detrimental or injur to other property or inpre;spents of the neighborhood and shell not defeat the general intent and pnplae Of this Deolaration. Sech right of variance ahell tetmLvts tWet residences bairg vxstnrted on each and ex y lot. IN Mgd✓F5S MERE f, the Undersigned, being the bIciividers, have heramto est their hands on the day and year first above written., Wrifam! P. Vogel -6- j ' n'. Lc c Gyls . Vagel page. of .,TP." 7700 Market Boulevard PO Bax 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.2271404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Drew Ingvalson, Planner DATE: March 15, 2015 SUBJ: Shoreline Setback Variance — 9641 Meadowlark Lane Planning Case #2016-07 PROPOSED MOTION "The Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, approves a shoreland setback variance from a tributary for the construction of a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway, as shown in Attachment #2 of the memorandum dated March 15, 2016, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the Findings of Fact and Decision" Staff is revising its recommendation to the Planning Commission regarding Planning Case #2016-07 based on evidence obtained after the completion of the staff report. City staff inspected the potential septic system sites at 9641 Meadowlark Lane on March 11, 2016, inspections were not possible prior to this date due to winter conditions. Upon inspection, staff found that the sites proposed by the applicant are the best septic system sites due to unsuitable soils south of their location. Based on this information, staff has withdrawn its recommendation of approving a plan based on Attachment #15 of the staff report, which would have relocated the septic fields to the south. This leaves four alternatives available for the Planning Commission to consider for Planning Case # 2016-07. l.) Approve the variance request based on plans that move the house and garage south of the septic sites (see Attachment #1). Moving the house south of the septic sites would reduce the driveway length and minimize the shoreline setback variance request to the greatest extent possible. However, with the submitted house plan without alterations, the structure will not meet the 50 -foot wetland setback or the structure will not meet the 20 -foot septic system setback. This plan will require the applicant to alter their house plan to meet building code. The house will also lose views of Lake Riley with this plan. This would be staff s preferred plan if the structure was altered to meet the required setbacks. Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 2 of 3 2.) Approve the variance request based on plans that move the house east (see Attachment #2). This plan proposes moving the proposed house 9 feet east so that the east house wall lines up with the east garage wall. This plan will provide a 79 -foot shoreline setback from the tributary (exceeding the required shoreline setback for sewered properties) and will reduce the shoreline setback variance request. This is staff's preferred plan with the existing house plan. 3.) Approve the variance as submitted by the applicant (see Attachment #3). The plan submitted by the applicant does not reduce the variance request to the greatest extent possible. This is not staff's preferred plan. 4.) Deny the variance request. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, approve a shoreland setback variance from a tributary for the construction of a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway, as shown in Attachment #2 of the memorandum dated March 15, 2016, subject to the following conditions: Planning and Building Department 1. The applicant shall apply for and receive a building permit and/or zoning permit for all structures. 2. The applicant shall erect temporary fencing around the proposed septic locations prior to any operation of equipment on the site. Water Resources Coordinator 3. The plan must clearly indicate the shoreland impact zone and encroachment therein. 4. The applicant is responsible for any other agency approvals that may be required. 5. No site disturbance may occur until the city has received confirmation from the Board of Soil and Water Resources that the wetland bank account has been debited thereby satisfying the approved wetland replacement plan. 6. All erosion prevention and sediment control practices must be properly installed prior to any earth disturbing activities. 7. Type II sediment control best management practices are required for all areas up gradient of the wetland, the stream and the lake. This shall be machine sliced silt fence with metal tee posts or other as approved by the City Engineer. 8. All other pertinent aspects of City Code Section 19-145 must be included with the site plan including, but not limited to the placement of six (6) inches of topsoil to all disturbed areas. 9. The city or their representative shall inspect the erosion prevention and sediment control best management practices prior to any earth disturbing activities. Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 3 of 3 Forestry Official 10. Clearing and construction limits shall be located outside of shore impact zone and will be no closer than 100 feet to the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL). 11. Clearing of vegetation along the shore shall be limited to a strip of 30 feet, parallel to the shoreline and extending inward within the shore impact zone. The applicant shall use this clearing for views and access to the lake. No additional clearing is allowed by ordinance. 12. Per city ordinance, all trees 10 inches and larger within the construction limits shall be shown on the building permit survey. Fire Marshall 13. Address numbers shall be posted at the driveway entrance prior to any building construction. Numbers shall be minimum 12 inches in height, located at the driveway entrance, contrasting color to the surface they are applied to. Builder shall contact Fire Marshal for review and approval of numbers. 14. No burning permits will be issued for tree or brush removal. ATTACHMENTS 1. Option 1 2. Option 2 3. Option 3 \\cfs5\cfs5\shared_data\plan\2016 planning cases\2016-07 9641 meadowlark lane variances\planning commission memo.doc _ I + l t IV' - ff/ r EX I. t 11tyy1i{� , ! I 41 9 5 fI / ' � NII I ;. Lane S9+nreyl,>o ■ enylnowinp cris". 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AMP1dJE'FLANQBUFFERS LEGEND G&6" Flaw at 0-i" - OM a a 53 Tap of 0:" Found. - 9M. t xxxil a Top of +*Cj f'aL.nd. aff.9 to F - :awnt flour - 87fk? AREAS Nod t -i Lot .Area . 24 area So Propmed Inpn^.jpuo CCItyla:Ima an Shmt ? • A fi'.4435 0 Wetlaode as ft#ri *we Celiwited By :"Ow, Endraammig Sea the 9htkmd Difineeian Repart 4r additional iri matk:Im �tfi4'id3 f+apaste •�-t4L+. BE4C*hlA'RX 'YNYGtdB 4Yea;larid Tap a" SLAKE es 3enotea 'op Bank Elan. M.54 Wai::. Wall LEGEND c3t}i.K Dmaten Proposed Elamthm. xxxil Dwmtan l:.latirq itemlim - Divates Sdrtaae Dral�ags t -i Denotes 411ac Hub ar Sy&s Dmatea Qruh. and Ailty Eau. • Dmataa Monurrwt FmrLd 0 DrrLataa ■ mufrart Sat --SSS-- watm NrUnq Coulcur $t�, �tfi4'id3 f+apaste •�-t4L+. —. �-..— 'YNYGtdB 4Yea;larid ... _ ...... 3enotea 'op Bank 8'Il at6! j mM7.19HOUSE iTpL r, std -v n Feet 9 Wai::. 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'7 9a 51St F ML tm t Hoar y B7& I r�SMA All al S�a12. 5,,,, s n Foot I fsF e1 AMS 0 2612 -1 R Lot sire& - 14 aces a*e.L g $61C f'rcprs� Imqaniasa [:clwla;irene an "mat 1 LEGEI�S * � - v. W c 'a'.'c1..A4a5 Dinakeo Prapcsed flab&& I two "•• - N a -s4 c e "ttdnds go ft*n *we d me4ted br Juc,%w ks:+trnamerto 560 tAs xxx,x 'S�"• DAnataA Fdstng �i"Wim Donotas Sirrom Dr9hago A Bhtlond Dtfineatlon Raoart � addikknol i•icrmakba. DC+latss MCI Hub or 5 1m t�t:K -aF"1 5 lx$ -- Denotes Droll and Jtiily Eau. yrile*' St as sia 'e. Donato& ktanulrsrt F4Kmd PIAMCAElan. BiB.5A ti 1tnata& Manun`r. t.''w°.'a eo 16N _-98C--'.snotcs ExiI Conta:r ifl.IXl1,"otea Sa Fa I'1'apa> Dwto.. -.--1;RIdA4 $r D= — — .......... wfn&tis II venatas lop Bank Ir T s'ir ttj 3 SH€F Q?) ). day a Moftod W; I C Z Ingvalson, Drew From: Aanenson, Kate Sent: Monday, March 7, 2016 7:56 AM To: jmdimino@aol.com Cc: Ingvalson, Drew Subject: RE: Proposed development -- 9641 Meadowlark Lane Thank you for your email. I will add it our staff report Kate Kathryn Aanenson, AICP Community Development Director City of Chanhassen 952-227-1139 "Planning for Today, Providing for Tommorrow" From: jmdimino@aol.com [mailto:jmdimino@aol.com] Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2016 3:38 PM To: City Council; Aanenson, Kate Subject: Proposed development -- 9641 Meadowlark Lane Hello: We are contacting you to let you know of our approval of David and Amy Vogel's proposed plan for development at 9641 Meadowlark Lane. Regards, Jon & JoAnn Dimino 9751 Meadlowlark Lane Chanhassen MN 55317 Aanenson, Kate From: Lisa <lareillyl2@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 4:06 PM To: City Council; Aanenson, Kate Subject: Lisa Reilly 9701 Meadowlark Lane, Attn: City Council Members My name is Lisa Reilly and my husband and I have lived at 9701 Meadowlark Lane on Lake Riley for 16 years. Dave and Amy Vogel have sent us the survey and elevation of their new home which looks beautiful. It will be great for our block and we are excited to have a new home. I am an interior designer and there is no question the house will be attractive from both the lake and street side. We believe the city should allow for the variance they are requesting and the layout on that lot is appropriate for the scale of the house. Thank You, Lisa Reilly EX IN' -,s' Cw r� ENS,t18 / / ! !4 t f ! ! ! { NW. �ai1 N�- HWSE i I t / I $ 1 k41t4 1t �\� psTt !/ / I 1 1 1 t / / ! rem /✓ zs 7 t� J' Sand Sunreylifp lA Ei'I�plA99PI P,Q /Y claw, 5531$ �4i' as Ali 1612-4aa-682a I _Y]4t v rr _ I' \ \� , f 1 "!/ �Yj!✓ o\ E E ,, T l:'; TiC„c � SEE tit er ,Y' �! - ! ' •1�d CX �� r� I / ! 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Sae Coe watknd Deineeicn Raacrt `ar .addikio•iol irfcrmut{s. S 4c -MARK lab 4 F^E as Grown, Elar. 638.54 LEGEND C3t5i:x Nrinies Proposed €lexeiien ,(lay% Denatao FviathR :lova".ion --� Dowafes Sjrfm Drailape 1-1 Denotes Offu; Hub ar SAx, Dentes Dfoh. and Jt71ty Esu. 0 Donates Manurrwt 47wid �r Y DPnotob Marlytrrs't So! --E•af:-- ena#es Existing Contow ,',intoi fs prvusw cvv te.-. —.Renr}tea We,land ...-......Denotes'ep Bank HOUSE DETAIL 5co;e n r'tet � I 1= ;:di;.a 9•� 11� I pG PPSMED '.Pi 7,v 1 I I� Lr �5 I$ x � %.� { k r — Y � T �j I� Q v 444$1 N N LOW BE e I i 11� CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on March 3, 2016, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for 9641 Meadowlark Lane Request for a Shoreland and Wetland setback Case 2016-07 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Kini T. Meuwissen, D ty Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this.3 day of 0641—ti 12016. Notary Public n.,��n.Nw�nnnnv�n�v�n f ' . JENNIFER ANN POTTER Notary Putalic-Minnesota 2�p ` My Commission Ezplrss don 31, 2020 Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of theagenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for a Shoreland and Wetland setback to construct a Proposal: single-family home on property zoned Rural Residential District (RR). Applicant: Wausau Homes. Owner: David Vogel. Property 9641 Meadowlark Lane (Lot 7, Block 1, Riley Lake Meadows). Location: A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the What Happens public hearing through the following steps: at the Meeting: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2016-07. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Drew Ingvalson by Questions & email at dingvalsonCDci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at Comments: 952-227-1132. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. NEW! Sign up to receive email and/or text notifications when meeting agendas, packets, minutes and videos are uploaded to the city's website. Go to www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/notifyme to sign up! City Review Procedure: • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Weiland Alterations, Rezonings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all properly within 500 feel of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At the Planning Commission meeting, staff will give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will dose the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, whim or modify wholly or parity the Planning Commission's recommendation. Razonings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vole of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commercialMdustrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokespermnfrepresentative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers are enmureged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not. Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. K you wish to have something to be included in the report, lease mmact the Plannino Staff person named on the notification. Notice of Public Hearing Chanhassen Planning Commission Meeting Date & Time: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing may not start until later in the evening, depending on the order of the agenda. Location: City Hall Council Chambers, 7700 Market Blvd. Request for a Shoreland and Wetland setback to construct a Proposal: single-family home on property zoned Rural Residential District (RR). Applicant: Wausau Homes. Owner: David Vogel. Property 9641 Meadowlark Lane (Lot 7, Block 1, Riley Lake Meadows). Location: A location map is on the reverse side of this notice. The purpose of this public hearing is to inform you about the applicant's request and to obtain input from the neighborhood about this project. During the meeting, the Chair will lead the What Happens public hearing through the following steps: at the Meeting: 1. Staff will give an overview of the proposed project. 2. The applicant will present plans on the project. 3. Comments are received from the public. 4. Public hearing is closed and the Commission discusses the project. If you want to see the plans before the meeting, please visit the City's projects web page at: www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/2016-07. If you wish to talk to someone about this project, please contact Drew Ingvalson by Questions & email at dinavalson(cDci.chanhassen.mn.us or by phone at Comments: 952-227-1132. If you choose to submit written comments, it is helpful to have one copy to the department in advance of the meeting. Staff will provide copies to the Commission. The staff report for this item will be available online on the project web site listed above the Thursday prior to the Planning Commission meeting. NEWT Sign up to receive email and/or text notifications when meeting agendas, packets, minutes and videos are uploaded to the city's website. Go to www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us/notifyme to sign up! City Review Procedure: - • Subdivisions, Planned Unit Developments, Site Plan Reviews, Conditional and Interim Uses, Wetland Alterations, Remnings, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Code Amendments require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. City ordinances require all property within 500 feet of the subject site to be notified of the application in writing. Any interested party is invited to attend the meeting. • Staff prepares a report on the subject application that includes all pertinent information and a recommendation. These reports are available by request. At Me Planning Commission meeting, staffwill give a verbal overview of the report and a recommendation. The item will be opened for the public to speak about the proposal as a part of the hearing process. The Commission will dose the public hearing and discuss the item and make a recommendation to the City Council. The City Council may reverse, affirm or modify wholly or partly the Planning Commission's recommendation, Remnings, land use and code amendments take a simple majority vote of the City Council except rezonings and land use amendments from residential to commemialfindustrial. • Minnesota State Statute 519.99 requires all applications to be processed within 60 days unless the applicant waives this standard. Some applications due to their complexity may take several months to complete. Any person wishing to follow an item through the process should check with the Planning Department regarding its status and scheduling for the City Council meeting. • A neighborhood spokespersordrepresentative is encouraged to provide a contact for the city. Often developers, are encouraged to meet with the neighborhood regarding their proposal. Staff is also available to review the project with any interested person(s). • Because the Planning Commission holds the public hearing, the City Council does not Minutes are taken and any correspondence regarding the application will be included in the report to the City Council. U you wish to have something to be included in the report, lease contact the Planning Staff person named on the notification. ANN M WILLIAMSON SUSU ADRIAENS NEIL A KLINGELHUTZ 240 EASTWOOD CT 241 EASTWOOD CT 9731 MEADOWLARK LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8683 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8683 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8626 MICHAEL D WISTRAND 9670 MEADOWLARK LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8694 STEVEN F & KATHLEEN M BURKE 9591 MEADOWLARK LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8693 WILLIAM T & CAROL ANN GRAY 50 PIONEER TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8627 TIMOTHY A & DAWNE M ERHART 9611 MEADOWLARK LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8695 CHARLENE M SCHUBERT 9610 MEADOWLARK LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8694 GAYLE M & RICHARD P VOGEL 105 PIONEER TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8660 MICHAEL T MONK MICHAEL J REILLY DONALD H III & DIANE M KENNEDY 9671 MEADOWLARK LN 9701 MEADOWLARK LN 108 PIONEER TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8695 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8626 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8659 7700 Market Boulevard PO Bax 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.2271404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Drew Ingvalson, Planner DATE: March 15, 2015 SUBJ: Shoreline Setback Variance — 9641 Meadowlark Lane Planning Case #2016-07 PROPOSED MOTION "The Chanhassen Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, approves a shoreland setback variance from a tributary for the construction of a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway, as shown in Attachment #2 of the memorandum dated March 15, 2016, subject to the conditions of approval and adopts the Findings of Fact and Decision" Staff is revising its recommendation to the Planning Commission regarding Planning Case #2016-07 based on evidence obtained after the completion of the staff report. City staff inspected the potential septic system sites at 9641 Meadowlark Lane on March 11, 2016, inspections were not possible prior to this date due to winter conditions. Upon inspection, staff found that the sites proposed by the applicant are the best septic system sites due to unsuitable soils south of their location. Based on this information, staff has withdrawn its recommendation of approving a plan based on Attachment #15 of the staff report, which would have relocated the septic fields to the south. This leaves four alternatives available for the Planning Commission to consider for Planning Case # 2016-07. l.) Approve the variance request based on plans that move the house and garage south of the septic sites (see Attachment #1). Moving the house south of the septic sites would reduce the driveway length and minimize the shoreline setback variance request to the greatest extent possible. However, with the submitted house plan without alterations, the structure will not meet the 50 -foot wetland setback or the structure will not meet the 20 -foot septic system setback. This plan will require the applicant to alter their house plan to meet building code. The house will also lose views of Lake Riley with this plan. This would be staff s preferred plan if the structure was altered to meet the required setbacks. Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 2 of 3 2.) Approve the variance request based on plans that move the house east (see Attachment #2). This plan proposes moving the proposed house 9 feet east so that the east house wall lines up with the east garage wall. This plan will provide a 79 -foot shoreline setback from the tributary (exceeding the required shoreline setback for sewered properties) and will reduce the shoreline setback variance request. This is staff's preferred plan with the existing house plan. 3.) Approve the variance as submitted by the applicant (see Attachment #3). The plan submitted by the applicant does not reduce the variance request to the greatest extent possible. This is not staff's preferred plan. 4.) Deny the variance request. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission, acting as the Board of Appeals and Adjustments, approve a shoreland setback variance from a tributary for the construction of a single-family home, accessory structures, and driveway, as shown in Attachment #2 of the memorandum dated March 15, 2016, subject to the following conditions: Planning and Building Department 1. The applicant shall apply for and receive a building permit and/or zoning permit for all structures. 2. The applicant shall erect temporary fencing around the proposed septic locations prior to any operation of equipment on the site. Water Resources Coordinator 3. The plan must clearly indicate the shoreland impact zone and encroachment therein. 4. The applicant is responsible for any other agency approvals that may be required. 5. No site disturbance may occur until the city has received confirmation from the Board of Soil and Water Resources that the wetland bank account has been debited thereby satisfying the approved wetland replacement plan. 6. All erosion prevention and sediment control practices must be properly installed prior to any earth disturbing activities. 7. Type II sediment control best management practices are required for all areas up gradient of the wetland, the stream and the lake. This shall be machine sliced silt fence with metal tee posts or other as approved by the City Engineer. 8. All other pertinent aspects of City Code Section 19-145 must be included with the site plan including, but not limited to the placement of six (6) inches of topsoil to all disturbed areas. 9. The city or their representative shall inspect the erosion prevention and sediment control best management practices prior to any earth disturbing activities. Planning Commission 9641 Meadowlark Lane Variance — Planning Case 2016-07 March 15, 2016 Page 3 of 3 Forestry Official 10. Clearing and construction limits shall be located outside of shore impact zone and will be no closer than 100 feet to the Ordinary High Water Level (OHWL). 11. Clearing of vegetation along the shore shall be limited to a strip of 30 feet, parallel to the shoreline and extending inward within the shore impact zone. The applicant shall use this clearing for views and access to the lake. No additional clearing is allowed by ordinance. 12. Per city ordinance, all trees 10 inches and larger within the construction limits shall be shown on the building permit survey. Fire Marshall 13. Address numbers shall be posted at the driveway entrance prior to any building construction. Numbers shall be minimum 12 inches in height, located at the driveway entrance, contrasting color to the surface they are applied to. Builder shall contact Fire Marshal for review and approval of numbers. 14. No burning permits will be issued for tree or brush removal. ATTACHMENTS 1. Option 1 2. Option 2 3. Option 3 \\cfs5\cfs5\shared_data\plan\2016 planning cases\2016-07 9641 meadowlark lane variances\planning commission memo.doc _ I + l t IV' - ff/ r EX I. t 11tyy1i{� , ! I 41 9 5 fI / ' � NII I ;. Lane S9+nreyl,>o ■ enylnowinp cris". 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