CC Minutes 02 22 16Chanhassen City Council – February 22, 2016 CONSENT AGENDA: Councilwoman Tjornhom moved, Councilman McDonald seconded to approve the following consent agenda items pursuant to the City Manager’s recommendations: 1. Approve City Council Minutes dated February 8, 2016 2. Receive Planning Commission Minutes dated February 16, 2016 3. Receive Park and Recreation Commission Minutes dated February 26, 2016 Resolution #2016-16: 4. Approve Lease Assignment for Old Village Hall. Resolution #2016-17: 5. 2016 Street Improvements Project 16-01: Approve Plans & Specifications. rd 6. Mission Hills 3 Addition: Approval of Final Plat, Development Contract and Construction Plans. Resolution #2016-18: 7. Approve Purchase of Fire Department Mini Pumper. 8. Approve Massage License for The Transformation Club, 1363 Park Road, Suite A. Owner: Justin Yule. Resolution #2016-19: 9. Approve Resolution Authorizing No Park Zone along Lotus Trail. 10. Approve Award of Quote for Toro Sentinel Irrigation System. 11. 9641 Meadowlark Lane, Planning Case 2016-04: Approve Wetland Alteration Permit to Construct a Driveway on Property Zoned Rural Residential District (RR) and Located Lot 7, Block 1, Riley Lake Meadows. Applicant/Owner: David Vogel. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 5 to 0. VISITOR PRESENTATIONS: COUNTY COMMISSIONER GAYLE DEGLER, PRESENTATION OF HIGHWAY 101 BRIDGE MEMENTO. Mayor Laufenburger: Welcome Commissioner. Gayle Degler: Thank you Mayor, council members. My name is Gayle Degler and I do live at 541 Pineview Court and I serve as. Mayor Laufenburger: In Chanhassen. In Chanhassen. 2