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G-2. Receive 2015 Park and Recreation Department Annual Report
0 MEMORANDUM CITYOF TO: Todd Hoffinan, Park & Recreation Director WHENFROM: Jerry Ruegemer, Recreation Superintendent 7700 Market Boulevard DATE: March 22, 2016 `llll�"l PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJ- 2015 Park & Recreation Annual Report Administration Staff has completed the 2015 Park & Recreation Annual Report. The report Phone: 952.227.1100 identifies accomplishments and information relating to all divisions within our Fax: 952.227.1110 department. The information is used to evaluate performance in order to deliver Building Inspections quality programs, facilities, and customer service to the Chanhassen community. Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.2271190 Highlights of 2015 are listed below: Engineering Chanhassen Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1160 • Weekly and monthly activities were offered throughout the year with a Fax: 952.227.1170 total of 5,702 participants. Finance • Meals on Wheels: 3,210 meals delivered, 534 volunteer hours, and Phone: 952.227.1140 4,940 miles driven to deliver meals. Fax: 952.227.1110 . A total of 611 participants in a variety of education and wellness Phone: 952.227.1130 programs, which included British History Series, Computer Fix It, Park & Recreation Computer Corner, Smartphones & Tablets, Tech Bites, and Planning for Phone: 952.227.1120 the Future. Fax: 952.227.1110 participating. Recreation Center Chanhassen Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard • Had 4,092.25 non -billable hours that were utilized by the city, school Phone: 952.227.1400 districts 112 & 276, governmental agencies, athletic associations, and Fax: 952.227.1404 others. Planning & • The Dance for Fun program had 780 participants with 87 classes offered. Natural Resources . The Rec Center hosted over 20 special events throughout the year. Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax:952.2271110 Chanhassen Rec Center Snorts • Offered 82 sessions of Rec Center Sports with a total of 1,324 children Public Warks participating. 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Youth Programs • Offered over 250 programs with over 3,000 participants ranging from Senior Center birth to age 17. Phone: 952.2271125 • The Summer Discovery Playground Program featured 26 sessions with Fax: 952.227.1110 527 participants. Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow G-2 Teen Volunteer Program • In its third year, youth between the ages of 13-16 provided over 200 hours of volunteer service. They volunteered for youth programs, senior activities, community events, and service projects. Adaptive Recreation • Program offerings include social clubs, special events, holiday parties, and dances. • REACH for Resources helped train playground seasonal staff to identify and help children with disabilities in our programs. • REACH for Resources hosted their annual picnic at Lake Susan Park. • Three inclusions were coordinated for Summer Discovery Playground, which totaled 53.75 hours. Adult Athletics • We had 30 softball teams with over 450 individuals participating. • Softball revenues totaled $13,967.60. Community Events • The Annual Sponsorship Program had 62 sponsors who contributed $41,800. • An estimated 70,000 people enjoyed at least one aspect of the Annual 4`s of July Celebration. • A total of 702 ice fishing tickets were sold for Feb Fest with 1,200 participants and spectators. Facilities • Over 6,300 participants enjoyed ice skating at the eight outdoor rinks. The rinks were open a total of 62 days. • 20,700 swimmers enjoyed Lake Ann Beach while lifeguards were on duty. • 125 pavilion/shelter rentals generated $15,200 in revenue and 14,000 guests. • Watercraft rentals increased to total 1,424, which was the most in Lake Ann's history. Aquatic Invasive Species • In 2015, Carver County took over administration of the city's watercraft inspection program. • The inspection program included three lakes: Lake Ann, Lake Susan, and Lotus Lake. • A total of 5,216 inspections were conducted with over 3,600 service hours performed at the three lakes. \\c95\cfs5\shared_data\park\ammI report\2015\p&r commission report 3-22-16.docx Park Maintenance • Maintained 106 miles of pedestrian trails and sidewalks. • Maintained 503 acres of natural preserve land and 401 acres of developed parkland. Park Improvements • Neighborhood shelters were added at Chanhassen Hills Park, Pheasant Hills Park, and Curry Farms Park. • Dugouts were added to Lake Ann ball fields #2, #4, #5 and #6. • New backstops were added at Lake Ann ball fields #4, #5 and #6. Partnerships • Maintained more than 75 partnerships that involved all divisions of our department. Capital Improvements Proiects • Eight project items ranging in cost from $10,000 to $150,000; totaling $565,000 \\cfs5\cfs5\shared_data\park\annw1 report\2015\p&r commission report 3-22-16.docx O Park &Recreation ANNUAL REPORT 2015 CITY OF n Z CHANHASSEN I FastFacts ...................................................... Mission Statement ...................................... Organization Information ........................... Organizational Flow Chart .......................... Park & Recreation Commission ................. Senior Center ............................................... Recreation Center ....................................... KecCenter Sports ........................................ Youth Programs ........................................... Teen Volunteer Program ............................ Adaptive Recreation ................................... Adult Athletics ............................................. Community Events ...................................... Fad|bies......—~.....—~^~~^ Aquatic Invasive Species ............................ Park Maintenance ....................................... Partnerships~......~....._~~. Park Improvements .................................... Capital Improvement Program ................. � ~^~~~~~~,_~~~,~~_....~—............~. 3 ..........................................~,~~~~_.......~.....—. 4 ,~~~~~^~~~~~,,~~~~~~^.~...._.......—... 4 ~~~~_,~~~~~,_~~~~~~....~.....~....... 5 ~~~^,~,~~~~_~,~~_~......—......—..... 6 ..... 7 ,_~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~~~,.......—....~.—. 10 .~,~~~~~,~~~~~_,~~~~~_.....—.......—' 15 ~~~~~~~~~~^^^^~~^~~~'—.~~~~.—.~~~~~._'~. 17 ~~,~_~'~~~~~~~~~~~~.......—.....~.—.. 19 ~~~~~~~~~_,~,~~~~~..~...~—.....~.—... ZO ^~~--~^~~~—~^~~~~~~~~~~—..~.~~~—~~~~~ 21 ZZ ~,_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~........_..... 25 ,~~~~~,~_~~~.~_,.~~~~,_..............~. _~~~~_'~~~~~~_~~~~~~...............—~. --- 32 34 ,~~~~^~~,~~~~'..,~~~~_......—......_~. .~_,,~~~~~~_,~~~~~,......~~~.....—.... 37 ~~_~~~~~~,~~~,~~__~~~~~~.—~~~..~—.~~~~ 43 __~~~,~,^,~~,~~_,~~~~~~,......—......~ 44 2 FAST FACTS 12 1 Community Events Disc Golf Course' Outdoor Skkaating Rings 15 Tennis Courts 46 PAthletic Fields 6,200 Skate Park Visitors 8,500 Senior Center Participants Meals on Wheels Delivered LTJ 4 Community Parks 4 Park Shelter Buildings 24 Neighborhood Parks 27 Playgrounds Off-Leash Dog Park 3 Boat Launches 3 Fishing • Piers 5 Swimming Beaches 2 Canoe Rack Rental Spots '079 Watercraft Rentals 20, 700 Swimmers at Lake Ann 250 Park Progams Offered --- - 503 Acres of Open Space 2 425 Trees in Mowed Areas 101 Miles of 17,000 Group Picnic Participants trails & sidewalks Mission The quality and number of recreational facilities in a community directly contributes to its quality of life. For this reason, the City of Chanhassen places strong emphasis on parks, open space, trails, and recreation. Mayor and City Council Denny LaufenbuqgecMayor Dan Campion, Councilman Jerry McDonald, Councilman Elise Ryan, Councilwoman Bethany Tjornhom, councilwoman Park & Recreation Commission Cole Kelly, Chair ]anuary—Decenober Brent Carron, Vice Chair ]anuary—DecenoUer Steve Scharfenberg January ~December Jim Boettcher ]anuary—Decenober Rick Echternacht ]anuary—Decemober ]enniferHuuQhano April ~December Luke Thunberg January ~December Jacob Sto|ar,Youth Rep. January —March Lauren Dale, Youth Rep. Apri|—Decemober Park & Recreation Administration CityManager .................................................................................................................... Todd Gerhardt Assistant City Manager ................................................................................................... Chelsea Peterson Park & Recreation Director ............................................................................................ Todd Hoffman Recreation Superintendent ............................................................................................ ]erryRuegemer RecreationSupervisor ..................................................................................................... Katie Favro Recreation Center Manager ........................................................................................... ]udiSades Senior Center Coordinator ............................................................................................. Sue Bill Park & Recreation Maintenance ParkSuperintendent ..................................................................................................... Adam Beers ParkForeman ................................................................................................................... DeanSchmnieQ Park Keeper/Light Equipment Operator — Downtown ............................................... Brad Morse Park Keeper/Light Equipment Operator — Downtown ............................................... DusdnKoske|a Heavy Equipment Operator ........................................................................................... Jim Theis Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator ...................................................................... Rob Heinen Park Laborer/Light Equipment Operator ...................................................................... Gary Berg 4 O u d a c 3 L o V '> R i LL a 6 J N A v o E c- 0 0 O u C E W i d OA D T Y � a C w Y m a d a c 3 L o V '> R i LL a 6 J N A v o E c- 0 0 O u C E W The 2015 Park and Recreation Commission, named from left to right: Lauren Dale, Youth Representative Jim Boettcher Jennifer Hougham Cole Kelly, Chair Rick Echternacht Brent Carron, Vice Chair Luke Thunberg Steve Scharfenberg The Chanhassen Senior Center is located on the lower level City Hall and offers programs, activities, and services for people 55 and older. Our mission is to establish a setting which is inviting and improves the quality of life and use of leisure time for older adults. The service area is primarily Chanhassen, but we always welcome participants from surrounding communities. The Senior Center hours of operation are Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm with special programs offered in the evening and some weekends. The Chanhassen Senior Center has been providing service to seniors since July 4, 1992, and has gained a reputation for being a leader in senior services and addressing issues that seniors face in our community. The Senior Center is staffed by a part-time coordinator. The Chanhassen Senior Center Advisory Board meets monthly and advises the coordinator on programs and services. Volunteers provide weekly office assistance and support daily programs and special events. There is no annual membership fee at the Senior Center. A program fee and/or activity fee is charged to cover program costs and materials. Additional revenue is generated by daytime rental of the Senior Center, the coffee fund, the recycled greeting card program, memorial gifts and program sponsorship donations. The total revenue for the Senior Center was $41,962.20, with expenses of $34,332.08. The Senior Center and its programs are marketed throughout the community in a variety of ways. The primary points of marketing are the City of Chanhassen website, the Chanhassen Connection (quarterly), the Senior Connection (quarterly Senior Center newsletter), e -blasts, Facebook, and the weekly Senior News column in the Chanhassen Villager. Additionally, program information is sent to area churches, the Chanhassen Library, Chanhassen senior housing buildings, the Sun -Sailor Newspaper, Schools of Eastern Carver County Community Education office, social media, monthly email blasts, and most importantly, word of mouth. Senior Center Programs Leisure and Educational Classes and Programs are offered regularly to provide current information, meet the interests of older adults, and fulfill their desire for lifelong learning. In 2015, 611 people participated in 36 classes and programs. They included: AARP Drivers Safety Classes, British History Series Programs, Senior Learning Network Classes, Spring Floral Design, Holiday Floral Design, Grand Times Together (Intergenerational Programs), Computer Fix It, Computer Corner, Smartphones & Tablets, Tech Bites, Painting Class, Planning for the Future, and ABCs & 1,2,3 of Tending Your Treasures. Weekly and Monthly Activities are offered throughout the year and include: Bridge, Bingo, Recycled Greeting Card Program, Chan-o-laires Chorus, Cribbage, Details with the Deputies, Foot Care Clinic, Cards & Games (500, Hand & Foot), Health Insurance Assistance, Woodcarving, and Women's Club. In 2015, 5,702 people attended these activities. Special Events are offered throughout the year and include: An Evening with the Mayor, December Holiday Party, Women's Club Holiday Tea, Annual Lake Ann Picnic, Ladies Tea Lunch and Fashion Show, Laugh Out Loud, Passport to the World: India, Passport to the World: Ireland, Mt Rushmore: Carving an Icon, Remembering the Good Old Days, St. Patrick's Day Celebration, Hard Times & Hot Potatoes, Summer Sizzler, Celebrate Winter Minnesota - Style, Valentine Tea, Honoring America's Veterans and Pancake Breakfast, Senior Center Ice Cream Social & Open House. In total, 858 people attended these events. Health and Wellness: Senior -specific health and wellness programs and services are offered throughout the year to meet the needs of our older adult population. Programs are offered at the Senior Center and Recreation Center. Health and Wellness programs offered include: Healthy Skin, Relationships Matters Scam & Fraud, Severe Weather Preparedness, Memory Screening, Spinal Hygiene, Foot Care Clinics, Health Insurance Assistance, Details from the Deputies, Open Swim at the Americlnn. There were a total of 404 participants in these programs. Nutrition Programs: The CAP Agency Senior Nutrition Program offers the Meals on Wheels and Congregate Dinning programs. • Congregate Dining provides hot, nutritious meals served Monday through Friday at the Senior Center for persons age 60 and older. The program requests a $4 contribution, but no one is denied a meal if they are unable to pay. A total of 360 meals were served. • Meals on Wheels offer a hot, nutritious, home -delivered meal to Chanhassen seniors in need. The service is available Monday through Friday to Seniors age 60 and older. The program asks for a contribution of 8 $4, but no one is denied a meal if they are unable to pay. A total of 3,210 meals were delivered, 534 volunteer hours, and 4,940 miles driven to deliver meals. Trips: Day trips occur on a monthly basis and include travel to theatres, landmarks, community casinos, restaurants, and museums. One -day trips are offered jointly with The Chaska Lodge and Eden Prairie Senior Center. A total of 436 people traveled on 21 day trips. An annual overnight trip is also planned with the Chaska Lodge. The 2015 trip traveled to New Ulm and surrounding cities in Minnesota and had 42 participants. Senior Center Clubs and Activities Women's Club meets regularly on the second Monday of the month from 9:30-11 am. This energetic group of ladies enjoys interesting speakers, crafts, special group outings, and helps with Senior Center special events. This past year, the club has donated homemade items and money to local community organizations. The Women's Club hosts an annual Holiday tea featuring homemade Christmas pastries, a variety of Holiday teas, and features a special speaker. The tea is open for the community. There are 20 members. Book Club meets the fourth Monday of the month from 1:00-2:30 pm at the Senior Center. The group consists of 10 members and has lively discussions of new and classic books. Local authors are also invited to share their books. Bingo meets every Wednesday from 12:30-3 pm. A variety of twenty different games are played. Several of the regular players serve as the Bingo callers. There are 41 people that attend regularly. Bridge Club meets every Monday from 12:30-3:30 pm to enjoy 24 hands of party bridge. All levels of players are welcome. There are 66 members. Cribbage meets on the first and third Friday from 1:00-3:00 pm. Six games are played with prizes awarded to the top three point holders. There are 42 people on the roster with an average of 24 players who play regularly. Woodcarving is a mixed group of 14 men and women that meet every Wednesday and Friday from 9:00-11:30 am. Novice and experienced carvers join together to practice their skills, learn new techniques, and socialize with others who share their love of woodcarving. Youth are often invited to work along -side a skilled woodcarver on a specific project or technique. A woodcarving workshop is located in the lower level of the City Hall building. Chan-o-laires Chorus is a mixed group of 36 men and women who meet every Tuesday (September -May) from 12:30-2:15 pm. Throughout the year, the group sings at various retirement facilities, special events, nursing homes/assisted living homes, and community events. The Chanhassen Senior Center Advisory Board advises and makes recommendations to the coordinator on matters relating to social, recreational, and educational programs and classes at the Senior Center. The board consists of eight members who are elected and serve a two-year term. A representative from the Senior Commission attends the monthly meetings. Intergenerational Programs: The Grand Times Together program offers special holiday -themed programs for grandparents and grandchildren. Recreation Center Manager Jodi Sarles and Senior Center Coordinator Susan Bill plan and promote these activities. �D i i 6 The Chanhassen Recreation Center is located 2310 Coulter Boulevard, on the east side of Bluff Creek Elementary School. The mission of the Chanhassen Recreation Center is to offer quality, affordable fitness, and recreational opportunities that meet the needs and interests of the Chanhassen community. The Rec Center also provides program and meeting space for government and school activities as well as rentals for the community. The Chanhassen Recreation Center is a multi-purpose facility that allows for a wide range of sports and fitness activities, tournaments, leisure programs, meetings, and party rooms. It also serves as a key information and registration site for the city parks and recreation programs. The Chanhassen Rec Center has been offering programs and rentals since the building opened in 1995, and operates under a joint powers agreement with School District 112. The site hosts both the Chan Rec Center and Bluff Creek Elementary School. The City of Chanhassen is responsible for 24% of the facility's utilities, operational, and capital expenses. School District 112 maintains the interior of the building the city is in charge of the exterior maintenance. School District 112 utilizes Recreation Center rooms at no charge. 10 The Chanhassen Rec Centeremploys one full-time Recreation Center Manager, nine part-time Facility Supervisors, one part-time Dance Coordinator, and two part-time Dance Instructors. Facility Schedule The Chanhassen Recreation Center is open Monday—Friday, 5:30am-10pm; Saturdays, Barn —8pm; and Sundays, loam — 8pm. From Memorial Day through Labor Day, the Rec Center is open Monday — Friday, 5:30am — 9pm; Saturdays, 8am — 6pm; and is closed on Sundays. The Rec Center undergoes an annual maintenance and budget shutdown every August. Chanhassen Recreation Center Marketing The Recreation Center utilizes the City of Chanhassen website, the quarterly Chanhassen Connection Newsletter, mailings, Craiglist postings, email blasts, community events, mobile signs, Facebook posts and ads, Google listings, the Chanhassen Villager, and the electronic sign for marketing. Budget Summary The Chanhassen Recreation Center serves thousands of participants each year through the fitness center, studio, gymnasium, and meeting rooms. It also serves as the host site for many of the city's recreation programs and special events. Rec Center Fitness Operations The Chanhassen Recreation Center operates the fitness and open gym on a drop-in basis. No membership is required. Individuals may pay a daily entrance fee or purchase a punch card to utilize the facilities. Open Pickleball is also available through the year. Thousands of visits are recorded yearly. Six free Pickleball Clinics were offered throughout the summer by SouthWest Metro Pickleball Club. Rec Center Capital Investments The Chanhassen Recreation Center purchased and replaced three new Life Fitness Treadmills in May. The cost was $12,782.77. The facility was also updated with a lobby display that simulcasts dance classes for parents to view the classes. The total improvement cost was $7,744.50. General Facility Usage The Chanhassen Recreation Center is utilized for many of the Park & Recreation Department's events as well as public meetings or trainings. ISD 112 also hosts many meetings and activities. Thousands of people visit the Rec Center annually for a variety of programs, meetings, and special events. The Chanhassen Artisan Fair was hosted at the Rec Center in November. It increased Rec Center visibility and offers the opportunity for local artists and crafters to sell their wares. The event was a success with 24 exhibitors and over 600 visitors. The Chanhassen Rec Center also hosted a Holiday Boutique in December. There were 34 vendors and 500 visitors. It was a success for a local artists and businesses to sell their items. Rental Usage The Chanhassen Recreation Center facilities (four meeting rooms, a conference room, gymnasium, and fitness center) are available to the public for rent during regular business hours. 2015 Rec Center Total Revenue: $33,687.72 11 Recreation Center Adult Activities The Chanhassen Recreation Center offered 45 programs for adults in 2015 with over 350 people participating. A variety of programs were offered throughout the year. Traditional programs such as Yoga and Golf were complimented with Zumba, Tai Chi, and Fit for Life. The Recreation Center Manager is responsible for managing, contracting, and marketing these services. The Recreation Center strives to provide quality, affordable programming to the Chanhassen community. All of the adult activities are contracted with area service providers. The Recreation Center negotiates a percentage of the proceeds for advertising and Rec Center usage. The total revenue for 2015 Recreation Center Adult Activities was $21,175.36 with expenses of $12,046.50. 2015 CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER EXPENSES Materials & $300,677.52 Supplies, $15,830.20--__ Contract Service $79,554. Personal Services, $205,292.54 2015 CHANHASSEN RECREATION CENTER REVENUES $220,692.59 _Food Concessions Youth Activities Preschool Activities , ��__ $1,472.14 $999.55 _ Personal Training $11,407.37 �----'.'_ $99.86 Adult Activities $21,175.36 Room Rental $33,687.72 Dance Cc $37,708.41 Dance 15,634.42 s $48,326.84 12 465.5 768.5 2015 Chan Rec Center Non -Billable Hours 4,092.25 • City of Chanhassen Room Use • City of Chanhassen Gym Use • District 112 Room Use • Warming House Tourney Use 2,335.75 • Government Agency Use • Community Group Use • Athletic Association Gym Use • District 112 Gym Use • District 276 Room Use • High School Award Banquets $1,342.50 2015 Value of Chan Rec Center Non-Billbabie Hours $82,283.75 $6,982 • City of Chanhassen Room Use • City of Chanhassen Gym Use • District 112 Room Use $35,036.25 • Warming House Tourney Use • Government Agency Use • Community Group Use • Athletic Association Gym Use • District 112 Gym Use • District 276 Room Use • High School Award Banquets 2015 Special Events Hosted at the Rec Center Chan Rec Center Artisan Fair Barnyard Boogie Bluff Creek Elementary Beach Party Penny Carnival Chanhassen and Chaska High School Extra Curricular Activity Banquets Daddy Daughter Sweetheart Dance Bluff Creek Elementary Kindness Retreat Minnetonka Middle School Friendship Retreat MnSNAP Spay/Neuter Clinic Halloween Party Indoor Garage Sale Dance for Fun Winter Showcase Safety Camp Rec Center Sports Open House Capstone Projects, Chanhassen & Minnetonka High Schools Chanhassen Rec Center Holiday Boutique Community Pickleball Clinics Bluff Creek Fun Run School Board Election American Red Cross Blood Drive Chanhassen Rec Center's 20`h Anniversary Celebration Choice Inc. Artist Open House 14 The Chanhassen Rec Center Sports Program provides fun and affordable recreational youth sports programs. These programsteach children the basic fundamentals of various sports in a positive and stress -free environment. 2015 was the sixth full year of programing. The programs are managed by the Rec Center Manager, as well as a part-time coordinator. The Rec Sports Coordinator directly leads the programs along with part- time Rec Sports Leaders. In 2015, Chanhassen Rec Center Sports offered 18 sessions of Lil' Star Sports (ages 4-6), 54 sessions of Small Fry Sports (ages 3-4), and 10 sessions of After School Sports (ages 7- 11). There were 699 participants in Lil' Star Sports, 557 participants in Small Fry Sports, and 68 participants in After School Sports. La�_, Nli 15 A variety of marketing strategies were used to promote these programs. T-shirts with the Rec Center Sports logo were given to all participants. We utilized e -marketing through email blasts, city web pages, and Facebook. Other forms of marketing include the electronic and portable signs, flyers in the Villager, and the Chanhassen Connection. We also formed a partnership with Community Education for Easter Carver County Schools. Our Rec Center Sports Programs have received significant positive feedback thanks to the tireless efforts of the Rec Sports Staff. Rec Center Sports programs have been recently described to parents as "a non -stressful, fun environment to learn the beginning fundamentals of sports and teamwork" and "well-run — the coaches were great and it was a nice introduction to the sport." The Rec Center Sports programs are funded as self-supporting programs in Fund 1800 off the general budget The programs generated $47,727.41 in revenue with $32,295.08 in expenses. 16 In 2015, the City of Chanhassen's youth programs had many successes. With over 250 programs offered, we had over 3,000 participants ranging in age from birth to 17 throughout the year. Our programs are grouped in one of the following six categories: Summer Discovery Playground, Special Events, Preschool Sports, Preschool Activities, Youth Sports, and Youth Activities. The programs are under the supervision of the Recreation Supervisor and Recreation Center Manger, while some were partnered with the Senior Center Coordinator. All programs were marketed throughout the community in several different ways. Primary points of marketing are the Chanhassen website, e -blasts, quarterly Chanhassen Connection, inserts and press releases in the Chanhassen Villager, flyers, the electronic sign, Facebook, and Twitter. Staff is always looking to explore new marketing tools and techniques into the future. The Summer Discovery Playground Program continues to be one of the most popular programs. It featured 26 sessions over 9 weeks, with 527 participants. Total revenue generated was $25,441.85 with $41,592.42 in expenses. Additionally, the Summer Sensations program for 3 -year-olds was redesigned to last 1.5 hours and took place outside at Lake Susan Park. There were 15 participants. The Penny Carnival offered over 250 participants a chance to enjoy a day of carnival -style games with friends and playground leaders. Total revenue generated was $192.52 with $503.77 in expenses. Daddy/Daughter Sweetheart Dance continues to be a highly successful 17 program with a night of dinner, dancing, and games for fathers and daughters to enjoy. With 39 couples in attendance, fun was had by all. Total revenue generated was $1,874 with $1,577.16 in expenses. Staff is committed to offering a wide variety of high quality youth programs at affordable prices to our residents. We are always looking to develop and update old programs while responding to community needs by adding new and exciting programs. Total revenue for youth programs was $51,865.98, while expenditures were $45,409.13. This totaled a net gain of $6,456.85. The Chanhassen Recreation Center offers additional programs and activities for youth. Youth programs are divided into two categories: preschool activities and youth activities. Preschool activities include the Barnyard Boogie, co-sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Departments of Chanhassen and Chaska; Grand Times Together; Grand Times Together Holiday -Themed activities for Grandparents and Grandchildren; Pint Sized Picassos; Lil' Sprouts Garden Starters; and Little Tigers Self -Defense. The Barnyard Boogie is an annual event that includes a petting zoo, craft activities, dance and refreshments for preschool children and their families. A total of 12 activities were offered for preschool children, with over 300 children participating. Youth programs range from physical activities including Tae Kwon Do to the safety certification program of Babysitting Training and Safe Kids 101. A total of 118 children received their Babysitter and Safe Kids 101 training certifications through these courses. A favorite youth program is Tae Kwon Do, 58 youth participated in various levels. The total revenue for 2015 Recreation Center Youth Programs was $12,508.98. The total youth program expenditures were $8,552.54. The Dance for Fun program completed its 18th year at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. It is a full service dance program for ages 3 to adult. Classes offer dance instruction in a supportive environment with a focus on the student's self-esteem and personal development. The dance season culminates in an annual spring recital. Classes range in style from ballet and tap to hip-hop. There are also competition teams for the children as they advance their skills. During the summer, camps are offered to introduce children to dance and clinics work to enhance older dancers' techniques. Classes offered include: Parent/Tot, Ballet/Creative Movement, Ballet/Tap, Jazz, Jazz/Lyrical, Pre-Pointe/Pointe, Hip Hop, Competitive Teams, and a variety of summer camps and clinics. The staff consists of one Dance Coordinator and two Dance Instructors. The Dance for Fun program offered a total of 87 classes throughout the year with 780 participants in the four sessions. 1015 Dance for Fun Revenues Rec Center Dance Operations $65,634.42 Rec Center Dance Costumes & Competitions $37,708.41 Total Dance Revenues $103,342.83 1015 Dance for Fun Expenditures Rec Center Dance Operations $57,963.35 Rec Center Dance Costumes & Competitions $16,509.07 Total Dance Expenditures $74,472.42 2015 was a year of growth and program expansion at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Continuing to work with the Recreation Supervisor and the Senior Center Coordinator to grow and expand program opportunities for children is a top priority. The commitment to quality and affordable programs is a focal point for the Chanhassen Recreation Center. M In 2015, the department offered the Teen Volunteer Program for youth, ages 13-16, for a third year. The program offered an opportunity for local teenagers to get involved in the community. AtotaI of six participants volunteered for a wide variety of tasks including community events, youth programs, senior activities, and assisted the park maintenance crews with a variety of service projects, just to name a few. In total, the members of the Teen Volunteer Program provided over 200 hours of volunteer service to the community during the summer. f4 The Adaptive Recreation Program is a cooperative effort between the cities of Chanhassen, Chaska, Hopkins, Minnetonka, St. Louis Park, and REACH for Resources. REACH is an agency serving individuals, ages 7 to adult, with developmental disabilities in the west and northwest metro area. Programs include social clubs for various levels of disability, adult athletic leagues, teen social clubs, teen athletic leagues, children's social clubs, special events, and holiday parties and dances. The City of Chanhassen served one participant through our recreation and special event programs. Three inclusions were coordinated for Summer Discovery Playground, which total 53.75 hours. The annual adaptive recreation contract amount fluctuates based on the number of participants. The contract amount for 2015 was $5,208.75. go The City offers a variety of adult athletic activities. Our goal is to create a healthy lifestyle while promoting positive competition and social interaction with other adults. The City takes great pride in providing quality athletic facilities that ensure safe indoor and outdoor playing conditions. In 2015, 30 teams with over 450 individuals participated in adult summer and fall softball. 2015 Softball Revenues $13,967.60 2015 Softball Expenditures $10,227.63 21 The City of Chanhassen takes great pride in promoting 'community' through special events. With generous support of area businesses, the City hosts four special events annually: February Festival, Easter Egg Candy Hunt, 4" of July Celebration, and a Halloween Party. All of these events have longstanding traditions in our community. Residents have been enjoying Feb Fest for 22 years, the Easter Egg Candy Hunt and 4t" of July Celebration for 32 years, and the Halloween Party for 31 years. In addition to these events, the City hosts the KleinBank Summer Concert Series and the Tree Lighting Ceremony. February Festival: The 22nd Annual February Festival was held on Saturday, February 7, 2015 on Lake Ann. The event provides residents with an opportunity to celebrate a good old-fashioned Minnesota winter. Activities include ice skating, s 'mores cookout, medallion hunt, door prize drawings, sleigh rides, and of course, the ice fishing contest! Volunteers from the Chanhassen Rotary generously drilled over 1,200 fishing holes for the contest. The event drew an estimated 1,200 participants and spectators. In 2015, 702 tickets were sold at $10 per ticket and 28 fish were caught, weighed and released. Ticket sales generated $7,018 in revenue and expenses totaled $7,425.48. In addition, many non-profit organizations helped with different aspects of the festival. Local Boy Scout Troop #330 sold bait and s 'more kits that could be roasted on the bonfire. The Chanhassen Rotary Club and Culver's 22 volunteered to sell concessions. Chanhassen High School Key Club, Chaska High School Key Club, and Interact Club also volunteered. The city appreciates their support. Easter Egg Candy Hunt: The Easter Egg Candy Hunt was held on Saturday, April 4, 2015 at City Center Park. Over 1,000 children and parents were in attendance. Activities included candy hunt, coloring contest, and door prize giveaways. Volunteers from the Chanhassen High School Key Club and Chanhassen Fire Department helped and were a tremendous asset with setup, cleanup, candy distribution, and wearing the bunny costume. The Key Club continues to help with many city events and their time and service is greatly appreciated. Total revenue generated by the admission fee was $2,287.40. Total expenses, which included candy, prizes and general supplies, came to $982.15. 41' of July Celebration: On July 2-4, 2015, Chanhassen had its biggest celebration of the year with its 32nd Annual 4th of July Celebration! This celebration is the cornerstone of our year-round series of community events and embodies small town living at its best. Throughout the three-day event, a variety of activities were offered. Events started at 3:00 pm on July 2 with Family Fun Night, and concluded on July 4" with the fireworks at 10:00 pm. The schedule of events included: SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce Business Expo, The Taste of Chanhassen, carnival rides, live musical entertainment, pony rides, skateboard competition, family games and contests, kiddie parade, Tae Kwon Do demonstration, adult and kids fishing contests, medallion hunt, classic car show, the street dance featuring Casa Blanca Orchestra (CBO), July 4th parade, and the fireworks! An estimated 70,000 people enjoyed at least one aspect of the three-day celebration. Another highlight included the Minnesota Twins Youth Baseball Clinic. The Twins clinic had 150 boys and girls participate while the basketball tournament featured teams in grades 4-9. Pony Rides from Fantasy Corral were available this year, providing a fun and unique activity for all ages. The fireworks show _ was contracted through Pyrotechnic Display. It was an excellent display and a great finale to the event. The fireworks were set off at 10:00 pm over Lake Ann and lasted about 20 minutes, with 35,000 spectators. The parade was well attended. The Chanhassen Rotary Club took the lead in sponsoring and organizing the parade. The city supported the parade through in-kind services and administrative help. The parade theme was "Above & Beyond." Tom Furlong was the grand marshal. The parade consisted of approximately 70 entries and included bands, floats, fire trucks, classic cars and local celebrities. The Chanhassen Rotary also brought in local food vendors forthe Taste of Chanhassen. With a total of six vendors, there was a wide variety of food and beverages served on both days. To accommodate the crowds, three food trucks were added to make a total of 9 vendors. The city contracted with several vendors to provide various activities. Fees received from those contracts, as well as t -shirt sales, adult fishing contest registration, mini carnival and family games resulted in revenues totaling 23 $15,121.03. Expenses for services, tents, tables, chairs, advertising, garbage services, and supplies totaled $68,150.87. These costs were covered by the General Fund Budget 1600 as well as generous donations from local businesses and organizations through the community event sponsorship program. Halloween Party: The Halloween Party was held on Saturday, October 24 at the Chanhassen Recreation Center. Approximately 700 children and parents attended. This continues to be a safe and fun experience for Chanhassen families. Activities available during the two-hour event include live entertainment, trick -or -treating, spooky rooms, carnival games, photo opportunity, face painting, hayrides, and refreshments. Several groups helped bring this event together in conjunction with city staff. The park maintenance staff was exceptional with their help in creating the spooky rooms, while the Chanhassen High School Key Club and Chaska High School Key Club provided volunteers to help with candy distribution and carnival games. All of the volunteers were greatly appreciated. We also contracted with Maund Entertainment for face painting, Ken Theis for hayrides, and A Touch of Magic for the live entertainment. Total expenses came to $3,821.61 with revenue totaling $1,572.56. Tree Lighting Ceremony: The Tree Lighting Ceremony was held on Saturday, December 5 in City Center Park Plaza. The event featured a bonfire, carolers, refreshments, live reindeer, the official lighting of the park, and a visit from Santa Claus. Approximately 500 children and families enjoyed this fun holiday tradition. The city partnered with Buy Chanhassen, Mark Halla of The Mustard Seed Landscaping and Garden Center, Byerly's, Cub Foods, and Caribou Coffee. Expenses totaled $607.43 for program supplies and advertising. KleinBank Summer Concert Series: 2015 marked the 11th year for the City of Chanhassen's summer concert series. The program featured nine bands from a variety of genres including folk, concert band, country, variety rock, and children's music. Each concert consisted of an hour-long performance in City Center Park Plaza beginning in early June and running through mid-August. The concerts were free of charge. The average attendance per show was approximately 250 people. KleinBank was a financial partner for this program again this year, and their sponsorship of $2,500 reduced expenditures by half. In addition, concessions were sold by staff, which generated an additional $427.86 in revenue. Community Event Sponsorship Program: The City of Chanhassen is very pleased with the annual support from the local business community in sponsoring community events. This program annually reaches out to the local business community seeking financial assistance, merchandise gifts, labor, or other personal resources. In 2015, there were 62 sponsors who contributed $41,800 in total support, $23,700 of which was cash, $9,500 in gift certificates and gift cards and $8,600 in in-kind services. These donations were used towards February Festival, Easter Egg Candy Hunt, 4th of July Celebration, and the Halloween Party. 24 q Outdoor Ice Rinks and Warming Houses: The 2014-15 ice skating season operated from January 1, 2014 to March 3, 2015. This year's locations included: City Center Park, North Lotus Park, Roundhouse Park, and the Chanhassen Recreation Center. During this period, the warming houses were open a total of 62 days and closed a total of 5 days due to high temperatures, low temperatures, or poor surface conditions. The warming house hours at Roundhouse Park were reduced on weekends and selected holidays. A total of 16 rink attendants were hired to staff the warming houses. The total expenses per day for ice rinks and warming houses was $560. Below are the details of the expenses and rink user numbers for the season: Rink Expenses Temporary and Seasonal wages $9,900.00 Equipment Rental: (warming houses) $3,526.00 Rink Maintenance $29,212.86 TOTAL: $42,638.86 25 Warming House Use — Participant Numbers City Center (1 pleasure rink & 1 hockey rink) 1,386 Recreation Center (I pleasure rink & 2 hockey rinks) 3,253 North Lotus Lake Park (1 pleasure rink & 1 hockey rink) 1,127 Roundhouse Park (1 pleasure rink) 241 TOTAL USAGE 6,007 Skate Park at City Center Park: The Chanhassen Skate Park was open following the snow melt in spring through late fall. It provides a variety of permanent obstacles no larger than 48 inches for skateboards, scooters, bicycles, and inline skates. This portion of City Center Park continues to be a very popular place for residents, mostly those under the age of 18. For the 2015 season, staff recorded over 6,248 participants using the facility while an attendant was on duty. It is believed the skate park serves even more people when the attendant is not working. Park Maintenance staff continues to maintain the equipment and the park. City staff supervised the daily operations of the park along with two attendants, totaling approximately 30 hours of supervision each week from May 30 to August 31. The attendant was responsible for educating users about skate park rules, reporting issues within the park, daily attendance, and general supervision of the facility. Temporary and seasonal wages for the attendants totaled $3,821.38, with a total of 402 hours recorded. Beaches: Chanhassen contracts for lifeguard services at Lake Ann Beach through Minnetonka Aquatics (Minnetonka School District). This longstanding relationship dates back to the 1970s. Over 20,700 swimmers enjoyed the beach at Lake Ann Park from lune 6 through August 16. The 2015 beach contract totaled: $30,879. The charts below indicate the average number of swimmers in the water by month and time. June 2011 - 2015 90 82 80 70 65 63 61 59 60 5 54 51 47 47 50 45 42'9 41 40 40 36. 34 32 33 31 28 29 30 27 25 27 25 . 24 ■ 23.4 25 2121 22 III��� 20 18.3 17 17.4 20 15 15 15 13 13 11. 10 �5 0 � 11 AM 12 PM IPM 2PM 3PM 4PM SPM 6PM 7PM ■Jun -11 Jun -12 ■Jun -13 Jun -14 Jun -15 26 100 90 80 70 60 50 45 4139 40 32 29 30 1921 20 21' 20 14 10 I 0 11 AM 12 PM 78 July 2011 - 2015 95 95 60 S5 80 8 77 77 59 70 65 63 66 62 62 60 56 56 55 57 48 48 51 44 4 41 39 38 36 35 26 IPM 2PM 3PM 4PM 5PM 6PM 7PM ■Jul -11 Jul -12 ■Jul -13 Jul -14 15 Jul August 2011 - 2015 85 80 74 70 69 68 61 61 60 56 51 50 47 47 43 40 37 40 38 39 41 34 34 29 30 31; 30 26 21 23 23 24 2223 19 20 13 1416 1412 1616 15 16 8' 11 10 1 I ' � ' �,.. I 1 o 3.1 AM 12 PM IPM 2 P 3PM 4PM 5 P 6PM 7 P 0Aug-11 Aug -12 ■Aug -13 Aug -14 1 -Aug 27 June 76"F Average High Temperature July 80°F Qty of ChmJha �. Pw.elwn P e.Mn .. (.w M4sKnMtn aww+o sewhLS 61, Ci MImPPuhta RPyIaW Prn m tuMs Mlnnw a (pm"d by Ca ) NIs+NiwdMJ �uylsry.�trwrn MV�/+S.l which helped increase watercraft revenue. inwwwE e.:n a �.w nm aM+wJ Total Boat Rentals i�.w• We Mn Nsh LaN Am N/�srm w ovryl t1Y wm ftlN�Sr 2013 2014 a Paddleboats n 270 366 426 Paddle Boards August 67°F Lake Ann Watercraft Rental and Concessions ff _ In 2015, six standup paddleboards j which helped increase watercraft revenue. Total Boat Rentals 2012 2013 2014 a Paddleboats n 270 366 426 Paddle Boards 363 552 Canoes 137 159 132 August 67°F Lake Ann Watercraft Rental and Concessions In 2015, six standup paddleboards j which helped increase watercraft revenue. Total Boat Rentals 2012 2013 2014 a Paddleboats 351 270 366 426 Paddle Boards 363 552 Canoes 137 159 132 154 Kayak 70 136 117 177 Row Boats with Trolling Motor e 135 93 106 Row Boats 19 22 8 9 Total 619 722 1,079 1,424 F August 67°F Lake Ann Watercraft Rental and Concessions In 2015, six standup paddleboards were available, which helped increase watercraft revenue. Total Boat Rentals 2012 2013 2014 2015 Paddleboats 351 270 366 426 Paddle Boards 363 552 Canoes 137 159 132 154 Kayak 70 136 117 177 Row Boats with Trolling Motor 42 135 93 106 Row Boats 19 22 8 9 Total 619 722 1,079 1,424 M Concession Hours and Wages Revenue/Expenditures 2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 Concession Hours 726 840 871 922.25 Concession Wages $6,053.25 $7,299.00 $7,728.50 $9,290.50 Total Vendor Supplies $8,257.88 $8,349.47 $8,472.77 $8,132.09 Total $14,311.13 $15,648.47 $16,201.27 $17,422.59 Revenue/Expenditures 2012 2013 2014 2015 Revenue $19,589.36 $19,674.68 $22,287.50 $29,791.32 Expenditures $14,311.13 $15,648.47 $16,201.27 $17,422.59 Total $5,278.23 $4,026.21 $6,086.23 $12,368.73 Canoe Rental Racks Chanhassen has canoe racks located at Lake Ann and Lotus Lake. A total of 24 racks were available for rent between April and October. 24 racks rented @ $50 = Revenue $1,200 Picnic Shelters During 2015, the City had three separate picnic areas available for rent. The Lakeside Pavilion and the Klingelhutz Shelter at Lake Ann Park; and the Lake Susan Shelter at Lake Susan Park. There were a total of 125 pavilion and shelter rentals with an estimated 14,000 users. The 125 rentals generated $15,200 in revenue. NUMBER OF PICNICS PER LOCATION ■ Lakeside Pavilion ■ Klingelhutz Shelter ■ Lake Susan Shelter 29 140 120 105 100 95 80 60 40 20 0 2008 2009 Number of Picnic Reservations 122 119 M 113 ME 2010 2011 2012 Picnic Revenue 2013 131 125 2014 2015 $20,000 $18,000 $16,000 $14,000 $12,000 $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 30 Acres of Park Acres of Open Space Number of Picnic Shelters Number of Playgrounds Number of Swimming Beaches Number of Tennis Courts Number of Pickle Ball Courts Comparison of Facilities and Amenities 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 383 390 396 401 401 401 405 434 434 489 503 503 503 503 4 4 4 4 5 9 12 26 26 26 26 27 28 28 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 17 17 17 15 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 CITY OF WIND City of Chanhassen OChanhassen Recreation Center 2 (lighted) 2310 Cotter Boulevard ©City Canter Park 4 (2 lighted) 7700 Market Boulevard ©Lake Ann Park 1 1456 West 78th Street OLake Susan Park 2 903 Lake Drive A Meadow Green Park 2 V 921 Pontiac Lane ©North Lotus Lake Park 2 295 Pleasant View Road 0 South Lotus lake Park 2 (lighted) 7610 South Shore Drive Total City Courts 16 (6 lighted) Eastern Carver County Schools M Chanhassen High School 6 2200 Lyman Boulevard Minnetonka School District Minnetonka Middle School Wast 7 6421 Hawkins Boulevard City of Shorewood ®Cathcart Park 1 3821 W 62nd Street Total Other Courts 15 City of Chanhassen Tennis Court Locations Updated October 16, 2012 City of Chanhassen - Future Tennis Courts ©Bandimere Park 2 9405 Great Plains Boulevard Roundhouse Park 2 3950 Kings Road Total Future Courts 4 RIO 1 r 94 Hyl VJ mI MS Total number of courts in Chanhassen — 1 ""'°""i° K.- Fxisang ..... 31 Future ....... 4/ !$ _y Chanhassen Parks and Recreation 7700 Market Boulevard PH 952.227-1100 www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us PO Box 147 FAX 952-227-1110 Chanhassen, MN 55317 31 � , r Since 2012, the City of Chanhassen has operated an enhanced program to combat the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS). Prior to formulating policy relating to the issue of AIS, the City Council, City Commissions and staff obtained extensive input from the community, including lake associations and individual citizens, the DNR and watershed districts. The City conducted a public information meeting regarding Aquatic Invasive Species at the Chanhassen Recreation Center on October 29, 2011. At that meeting, DNR experts and Lake Association representatives presented information. The City's AIS action plan was approved by the City Council on February 27, 2012 and includes a watercraft inspection program, the incorporation of updated DNR Best Management Practices (BMP) for water access at the three City -owned public access points, collaboration with other project partners, public awareness and education, and the preparation of an annual year-end report to consider future actions. In 2015, Carver County took over the administration of the city's watercraft inspection program through a procession agreement. Funding partners forthe watercraft inspection program include the Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District, Lotus Lake Conservation Alliance, Carver County, and the City of Chanhassen. 32 2015 Year -End Aquatic Invasive Species Report for Lake Susan, Lake Ann, and Lotus Lake Number of Watercraft Inspected Official data from the DNR showed 5,216 inspections over 3,609.75 service hours that were conducted at the three lakes included in the 2015 service agreement between Carver County and the city. A total of 4,250 inspections were conducted on Lotus Lake, 571 inspections on Lake Susan, and 395 inspections on Lake Ann. Of the 5,216 inspections conducted by Carver County inspectors throughout the 16 weeks of base service and 8 weeks of extended service schedule, one inspection on Lotus Lake reported finding a confirmed zebra mussel sample. Percent or Number of Potentially Contaminated Watercraft Of the 5,216 inspections, 117 (or 2.2%) of the watercraft inspected indicated that the watercraft were non- compliant and could potentially be contaminated with an aquatic invasive species. Plants/vegetation were reported on 81 of the inspected watercraft and was removable by hand. Of the 2,906 inspected entering watercraft, 30 (or 1.03%) arrived to the access(es) with the drain plug in, which could have contained contaminated water in the watercraft. It might be suggested that 147 of the 5,216 (or 2.8%) were noncompliant and could potentially be contaminated watercraft arriving to the access(es). 33 The Chanhassen Park Department maintains 30 parks, 14 park preserves, 106 miles of pedestrian trails and sidewalks, and the downtown green spaces and boulevards. This is accomplished utilizing 7 full-time employees and 15 seasonal employees. The city also maintains 503 acres of natural preserve land, and 401 acres of developed parkland. The 2014 budget was $959,500, which covered wages, supplies, operating expenses, and contractual services. The Park Department maintains 19 soccer fields, 20 youth baseball/softball fields, 4 youth/adult baseball fields, 3 adult softball fields, 15 tennis courts, and 6 pickleball courts. The city also maintains 4 park shelter buildings and 3 fishing piers located at Lake Ann, Lake Minnewashta, and Lake Susan; 7 additional fishing docks in various parks; 5 public beaches; and 3 rental picnic areas. Other recreational areas maintained include:4 sand volleyball courts, 24 basketball courts, 1 skate park, 1 sledding hill, 4 hockey rinks, 4 family rinks, 3 boat launches and 26 playgrounds. The community garden and Pioneer Cemetery are also maintained by the Park Department. Winter Maintenance Schedule Snowplowing Trails/Sidewalks: Each snow and ice season, the Park Department Maintenance Division is responsible for clearing snow from 76 miles of public trails, and clearing snow from 10 miles of downtown 34 sidewalks, sidewalks and stairways at 10 public buildings, 6 public parking lots, and 15 parking lots located within parks. Upon each snow event greater than one -inch, the park staff reports to work at 4 a.m. Three employees travel to the Bluff Creek Elementary School/ Chanhassen Recreation Center to clear parking lots and sidewalks prior to the start of the school/rec center business day. Two employees report to City Hall, the Library, Main Fire Station and City Center Park to clear snow from parking lots and trails prior to the start of daily activities at each of these facilities. Two employees will be dispatched to City Hall, the Library, Main Fire Station and Water Treatment Plant to clear snow from entrance sidewalks. Upon completion of these duties, the Park Maintenance Division meets back at the shop (around 7:30 a.m.) to discuss how the day's work has progressed and then formulates a plan to finish out the day. In a typical scenario, two employees will transport bobcat skid steers to the downtown area and begin to clear sidewalks in the downtown and adjoining business parks using attached v -plows and/or snow blowers. Four or five employees will initiate the task of clearing the city's trail system using both v -plows and tractor -mounted snow blowers, depending upon snow depth and consistency. The crew plowing trails also stops to plow the snow from neighborhood skating/hockey rinks as they pass by them on their assigned plow route. Skating Rinks: The flooding season is determined by the weather. Flooding begins as soon as the weather stays cold and frost is in the ground. When temperatures are cold enough, we will flood with two trucks going 24 hours a day for approximately 10 days. Once the rinks are open, rinks are swept and flooded every day. Tree and Brush Removal: Regular tree and brush trimming takes place in the winter when access to the trails is easier and less damage is done after frost is in the ground. In the summer, tree trimming and removal is done as needed due to storms and high winds. SUMMER MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Turf Mowing Schedule: Through the summer months, all parks are mowed once a week and ball fields and soccer fields mowed twice a week. Fertilizing: Fertilizing is done three times a year on athletic fields only (May, September & October) Ball Field Grooming: This starts a week prior to the baseball and softball season. Fields at Lake Ann, Bandimere, Lake Susan, City Center, and Bluff Creek are done daily and all neighborhood park ball fields are done weekly. Trail Sweeping: Sweeping starts in early spring after the trails are clear of snow and ice. All trails are swept three times throughout the summer and all trails going through wooded areas get swept an additional four times. Garbage Pick -Up: Garbage is picked up daily (Sunday -Saturday) at Lake Ann, Lake Susan, Library area, and the Skate Park. 35 Garbage is picked up five days per week (Monday -Friday) at Bandimere Community Park, Rec Center/Bluff Creek School, Greenwood Shores, Carver Beach (both main beach and mini beach), Roundhouse Park and Beach, North Lotus, Meadow Green, City Center Park, and South Lotus Lake Boat Landing. Garbage is picked up twice a week (Monday -Friday) at Bandimere Heights Park, Bluff Creek Park, Carver Beach Playground, Chanhassen Estates Park, Chanhassen Hills Park, Curry Farms Park, Herman Field, Kerber Pond Park, Minnewashta Heights Park, Public Works Truck Storage, Pheasant Hill Park, Power Hill Park, Prairie Knoll Park, Rice Marsh Lake Park, South Lotus Lake Park, South Lotus Lake Tennis Courts, Stone Creek Park, Sugarbush Park, Sunset Ridge Park, and Public Works gas pumps. Equipment required for garbage pick-up includes a truck or workman, push broom, scoop shovel, two garbage can liners, steel garbage can for ash, steel dust pan for emptying grills, and a garbage can liner or 5 -gallon bucket for aluminum. Beach Maintenance: The beach is checked daily throughout the summer. It is dragged daily during peak usage and twice a week during the slower times. Picnic Pavilions: From May 15 -August 15, the picnic pavilions at Lake Ann, Lake Susan, and Bluff Creek are cleaned on a daily basis. Neighborhood shelters are cleaned twice a week, or as needed, after August 15. Facility Aeration System (Lake Susan) Baseball/Softball Bases Portable Toilets Volleyball Nets Tennis Nets Pickleball Nets Soccer Goals/Nets Fishing Piers Docks Picnic Shelters Lake Ann Ball Field Concession Irrigation Systems Swimming Buoys Outdoor Facility Operation Guideline Dates Installation Removal February 1 March 20 April 1 October 15 April 4 October 26 April 15 October 15 April 15 November 1 April 15 November 1 April 15 November 1 April 15 October 15 April 15 October 15 April 15 October 15 April 15 October 15 April 15 October 1 May 20 September 20 W. Partnerships between the city and volunteer groups, civic organizations, and individuals are vital to the success of the community. These partnerships assist the city in strengthening the relationship with its citizens. With more citizens and organizations involved, the city becomes stronger and more effective while serving all residents. The Park and Recreation Department has developed partnerships with the following organizations: SENIOR CENTER KleinBank of Chanhassen: Provides financial sponsorship for the Lifelong Learning Programs and financial educational seminars. Community Bank Chanhassen: Provides financial sponsorship and is a co-sponsor of the annual December Holiday Party. Chanhassen Lion's Club: Sponsors and hosts the annual Lake Ann picnic. Edward Jones: Provided 'Planning for the Future" presentation. 37 Jerry McDonald, Attorney: Partner in providing 'Planning for the Future' presentation. Purple Box Jewelers: Provides financial support for the entertainment at the Ladies Tea Lunch. AARP: (The American Association for Retired Persons) provides instructors for the monthly Driver Safety classes (8 Hour & 4 Hour programs offered). Americlnn: Provides the pool for the Senior Open Swim program. Augustana Emerald Crest: Provides financial sponsorship for the Cruise the World of Senior Housing and staff for 1:1 National Memory Screening Day. Carver County Historical Society: Provides programming at the Senior Center. Carver County Library System: Provides annual tax assistance for seniors. Carver County Sheriffs Department: Provides speakers for Details from the Deputies. Carver County Social Services and Public Health, Office on Aging: Provides information on community services and programs. Chanhassen Library: Provides joint programming opportunities such as Senior Surf Day and other programs in coordination with the Senior Center. A library staff member is a liaison to the Chanhassen Senior Center Advisory Board. Chanhassen Floral: Provides floral design classes Chanhassen Villager: Provides the free weekly column, The Senior News. Chaska Park and Recreation Department: Meets quarterly and plans and coordinates monthly day trips and overnight trips. Click Start: Provides Tech Bites classes and monthly Computer Corner instruction. Eden Prairie Senior Center: Coordinates quarterly casino trips and joint program opportunities. MAAA (Minnesota Area on Aging): Provides the monthly health insurance counseling program. A state certified counselor provides one-on-one counseling services to Medicare beneficiaries at no cost and an instructor for Senior Surf Days. Provides instructor on Medicare and Medicare Part D Program. MN Star Program: Provides a speaker for adaptive devices for seniors. Pickleball Association of Minnesota: Provided instruction and assistance for the launch of Pickleball in Chanhassen. Ridgeview Medical Center: Provides Advance Care Planning Workshop. 38 SmartLink: Provides information on Carver County transportation services. Southwest Transit: Provides transportation. St. Francis Rehabilitative Services and Sports Medicine: Provided speaker for a Health & Wellness class. Summerwood of Chanhassen: Partners on special day trips and events. Walgreen's Chanhassen: Pharmacy Manager for the presentations on health-related topics for seniors. RECREATION PROGRAM 3`d Lair Skate Park: The city contracts with 3`d Lair to provide the summer skateboard series on July 3. Southwest Metro Chamber of Commerce: The city works with SouthWest Metro Chamber to help coordinate the annual Business Expo at the 4th of July Celebration. The SouthWest Metro Chamber also hosts an annual picnic at Lake Ann Park for its members. City Council and city staff assist by preparing the picnic lunch and providing activities and games. Buy Chanhassen: Buy Chanhassen assists with the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony by providing food and beverages at the event. Carver County Parks Department: This group partners with the city for outdoor programing. Living Christ Lutheran Church: Volunteers from the church sing at the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. They provide music which adds to the festive atmosphere. Chanhassen Rotary: The Rotary Club is a wonderful partner for our 4' of July Celebration. The club sponsors and coordinates the refreshment sales for the Taste of Chanhassen and the 4th of July Parade and Classic Car Show. They also coordinated the food and beverage sales at February Festival. The Rotary is a key partner and is vital to the success of Chanhassen community events. Chanhassen Interact Club: Assists with February Festival ticket sales. Chanhassen Villager: Publishes the full-color schedule of events for the 0 of July Celebration. Chanhassen High School Key Club: Provides volunteers for the February Festival, Easter Egg Candy Hunt and Halloween Party. Chaska High School Key Club: Volunteers for the Halloween Party. Woodcarvers: The Senior Center woodcarvers taught woodcarving classes to the youth of our community. Staff feels it is important to offer inter -generational programming EM -4 '.. 1 .. 39 Skyhawks, Sports Unlimited, Brad Pluth, and Minnesota Timberwolves: A variety of youth sports camps were provided by these agencies. These contracts improved our program offerings. KleinBank: They have been a great community sponsor for many years. KleinBank is the title sponsor of the Summer Concert Series. Southwest Publishing: This is a unique partnership in developing a professional promotional brochure for the 0 of July Celebration. Southwest Publishing coordinates selling ads, writing the feature articles and advertising for the brochure. Minnesota Twins: The Park and Recreation department coordinated with the Minnesota Twins to host a free baseball clinic at the Chanhassen High School baseball stadium. The clinic had 150 participants. Minnetonka Community Education & Services Provides lifeguard services and swimming lessons at Lake Ann Beach. This partnership dates back to the 1970's. Scouting Groups: A number of scouting groups cleaned up our park system, which saved labor costs. Pink Swear Kids Triathlon: The department assists with coordination of the triathlon by providing a safe facility for all participants. REACH for Resources: Annually the city contracts with REACH for Resources to provide recreational opportunities for residents of Chanhassen with special needs. Chanhassen High School: Work with Chanhassen High School to provide athletic facilities, schedule facilities and assist with the Homecoming parade and other events. New Horizons Academy: Provides volunteers and supplies at community events. Chanhassen American Legion: Provide assistance and support for the annual Memorial Day Ceremony at the veteran's monument in City Center Park. Berne Scale: Donates the use of two digital scales for weighing fish at the Feb Fest Ice Fishing Tournament. Camp Fire USA/Camp Tanadoona: Volunteered to provide ice fishing demonstrations at the Feb Fest and donated a prize pack to be included in the door prize drawing. Boy Scout Troop #330: Volunteered to sell bait and s'more kits at Feb Fest. Chanhassen Fire Department: Year-round support of all events and programs Chanhassen Rec Sports Program: Coordinated and sponsored the 3 -on -3 basketball tournament at the 4th of July Celebration. Baha'i' Faith: Coordinated a diaper changing facility for families at the 4" of July Celebration. The Mustard Seed Landscape and Garden Center: Partners with the Tree Lighting Ceremony by providing Santa Claus and reindeer. RECREATION CENTER Schools of Eastern Carver County: This partnership is valuable to the Recreation Center in many ways. It increased our ability to have a more flexible program schedule and provided additional space during summer shutdown at no cost to the city. It increased visibility of the Recreation Center to the community members who attend the events hosted at the facility. The beautiful artwork created by the students is displayed in the large lobby and hall and adds ambience to the Rec Center. Bluff Creek Elementary: Shared our facility which reduced expenses and allowed large events to occur. Chaska and Chanhassen High School: Showcase location for high school student's Capstone Projects. Work Experience Program: Utilized the Recreation Center as a job experience work site for high school students. Students assisted the Rec Center staff with cleaning and room set-up functions. Community Ed: Provide program space for district meetings, trainings and events. Athletics & Extracurricular Activities: Provide space to celebrate community youth and serve as a host site for the Debate Team and School Board Elections. Minnetonka Schools: Provided space for Middle School symposiums and sports banquets which increased visibility to District 276 community members. Carver County: Host site for a variety of Public Health community meetings and trainings. SouthWest Metro Chamber of Commerce: Provide affordable space for networking meetings, committee meetings and Home & Garden Expo. These events increase our visibility to the business community and we have benefitted from additional rentals from chamber members. SouthWest Metro Pickleball Club: Provide community training clinics and learn to play opportunities at no cost. The club played weekly at the Rec Center. Chanhassen Rotary: Provide special event space to host parade meetings and long-range planning meetings. University of Minnesota: Provide space for soil and erosion control meetings. Chaska Park & Recreation: Co-sponsors the following annual events: Barnyard Boogie, Tot Time and Sweetheart Dance. Provides additional community programs and shares expenses for unique preschool and family activities. 41 Ridgeview, Clinics: Physical Therapists are allowed to train clients in our Fitness Center using a punch pass. Clients continue to exercise at the Rec Center paying the daily rate. Beyond the Yellow Ribbon: Provide meeting space for organization. PARK MAINTENANCE Sentence to Serve (Adults): This Carver County program allows adult inmates to work off part of their sentence by performing work in the community. Examples of jobs they have completed for the city include: • Build picnic tables • Blow and clean sand from downtown main street in the spring • Rake and blow leaves around city hall, two Fre stations, and the public works building in the spring • Pick up garbage and wood chipped trees where needed Photo Eagle Scout Projects: Eagle Scouts completed the following projects: • Installed new grills • Installed rock pad at Lake Ann Park • Eagle Scout Candidate Rudy Schoenecker competed improvements at Lake Ann Park. SouthWest Christian High School: A group of senior high students volunteer their time working in the community for a couple of days. • Wood chipped trees and bushes at City Hall and the Library Dugout Club/CAA: This group helps maintain and upgrade baseball facilities in the community. In 2015, they helped install electronic scoreboards at Lake Ann Park, Field 1, and at the baseball field at Lake Susan Park. Boy Scout Troop 330: The troops worked on the Kerber Pond Park stair renovation as a service project. Participants included Johnathan Larson, Blake Anderson, Rian Noble, Carson Krant, Luther Wilmot, John Noble, and Blake Wosje. 42 Neighborhood Park Picnic Shelters: Shelters were added to Chanhassen Hills Park, Pheasant Hills Park, and Curry Farms Park. Field Improvements: Installation of chain link dugouts on Fields 2, 4, 5, and 6 and new backstops on Fields 4, 5, and 6 at Lake Ann Park. Swimming Beaches: Aquatic vegetation control is utilized at the following beaches: Greenwood shores, Carver Beach Park, Roundhouse Park, Lake Ann Park, and the Lake Ann Picnic and Boat Rental area. Aquatic Vegetation: Treatments to Lake Ann, Lotus Lake, and Lake Minnewashta were completed to control invasive plant species. Trail Trimming: Selective pruning along trails was completed for safety and aesthetics. Downtown: Over 2,000 annuals were planted in the downtown area. 43 `•� , .�AIF I The 2015 Park & Trail Capital Improvement Program (CIP) included eight items, ranging in cost from $10,000 - $150,000 and totaling $565,000. Below is the status of each project: Trees- $15,000: This allocations of dollars is invested in an annual tree planting program developed each summer and typically completed in the fall. Parks and public spaces experiencing tree loss due to damage or disease, or areas that simply would benefit from having additional trees are selected. This program also plants trees in areas with a high concentration of ash trees to mitigate the damages resulting from their impending loss due to emerald ash borer damage. Lastly, trees donated through the city's Memorial Giving Program are purchased from this fund. Picnic Tables/Park Benches - $10,000: These dollars are utilized to purchase new picnic tables and benches for areas within our parks and public open spaces that currently do not offer seating opportunities or limited seating. These dollars are also used to acquire benches purchased through the city's Memorial Giving Program. Camden Ridge Trail - $50,000: The Camden Ridge housing subdivision included a 1/3 -mile section of the Bluff Creek Trail in addition to neighborhood trail connection. The city's development contract with Lennar specified 44 I 4 , 1f , yip 1 r�tl (V .f J r'i t . Y � c1�a>Ij/ f r fl�' •'.vli.Jr'4 The 2015 Park & Trail Capital Improvement Program (CIP) included eight items, ranging in cost from $10,000 - $150,000 and totaling $565,000. Below is the status of each project: Trees- $15,000: This allocations of dollars is invested in an annual tree planting program developed each summer and typically completed in the fall. Parks and public spaces experiencing tree loss due to damage or disease, or areas that simply would benefit from having additional trees are selected. This program also plants trees in areas with a high concentration of ash trees to mitigate the damages resulting from their impending loss due to emerald ash borer damage. Lastly, trees donated through the city's Memorial Giving Program are purchased from this fund. Picnic Tables/Park Benches - $10,000: These dollars are utilized to purchase new picnic tables and benches for areas within our parks and public open spaces that currently do not offer seating opportunities or limited seating. These dollars are also used to acquire benches purchased through the city's Memorial Giving Program. Camden Ridge Trail - $50,000: The Camden Ridge housing subdivision included a 1/3 -mile section of the Bluff Creek Trail in addition to neighborhood trail connection. The city's development contract with Lennar specified 44 that the city pay material costs for the trail section and that Lennar Homes grade and install the trail sections. The trails are no city property and will be maintained as such. Fenced Dugouts/New Backstops, Lake Ann Park - $50,000: Fields 4 and 6 have new fenced and covered dugouts and Fields 2, 4, 5, and 6 have new taller backstops with overhangs. Soccer Field Fence, Bandimere Community Park - $20,000: A safety and ball containment fence was installed on Soccer Field 1 to restrict most kicked balls from entering roadways or parking lots. Reconstruct County Road 61, Trail Contribution - $150,000: The new pedestrian and bicycle trails along County Road 61 are nice additions to the city's comprehensive trail system. The trails include an underpass of County Road 61 and a full trail passage along the new Highway 101 bridge to Scott County. The future Bluff Creek Drive trail and Highway 101 south trail (down the bluff) will complete these much anticipated trail connections. POSTPONED Galpin Boulevard Trail Extension - $150,000: The City of Shorewood elected to reject all bids for this project. Shorewood had the longest section of trail and was the lead agency on the project. Unfortunately, we do not foresee that this work will proceed in the near future. The dollars allocated for this work will remain in the park dedication fund. GENERAL FUND SURPLUS The 2015 General Fund Surplus Fund included one park and recreation -related item: Neighborhood Park Picnic Shelter Initiative - $120,000: The construction of three new neighborhood park picnic shelters is complete at Pheasant Hill Park, Curry Farms Park, and Lake Susan Hills Park. 45