2. Liberty on Bluff Creek ~ z -< u ~ ~ ~ ~ -< -< ~ -< ~ ~ ~ ~ 00. PC DATE: 1/19/05 7/19/05 [1] CC DATE: 5/23/05 8/8/05 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: 712/05 8/15/05 CASE #: 05-11 BY: Aanenson O~ STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: A mixed housing development (~446 units) consisting of 4 types of townhomes on 91.02 acres of property zoned A2, Agricultural Estate - Liberty on Bluff Creek: 1. Rezoning and Preliminary Planned Unit Development - from Agricultural Estate to PUD, medium density residential 2. Subdivision with variances - 91.02 acres into 7 Blocks and 124 Buildings induding 459 Units, 3 Outlots A-C, and 7 Common Lots 3. Site Plan Review - of ~ 142 Chateau homes, -H-+ 118 Majestic homes, M 62 Premier homes, and ~ 124 Regency homes and a Pool/Community area 4. Wetland Alteration Permit- 5. Conditional Use for alteration within the flood plain 6. Conditional Use Permit for grading within the Bluff Creek Overlay District LOCA TION: East side of Audubon Road, south of Lyman Boulevard and north of Pioneer Trail (E Y2 ofthe NE 1;4 of Section 27, Township 116, Range 23 West) APPLICANT: Town & County Homes 7615 Smetana Lane, Suite 180 Eden Prairie, MN 55345 952-253-0474 PRESENT ZONING: A2, Agricultural Estate ACREAGE: 91.02 gross acres 67.52 net acres DENSITY: 4.94 unit's acre gross and 6.6 units an acre net 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Office/Industrial, Residential Medium Density, and Parks and Open Space SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Town and County Homes is requesting a rezoning to PUD-R to allow for a mixed residential PUD development. The proposed development requires an Environmental Assessment but was included in a larger Alternative Urban Area-wide Review (AUAR). This project includes site plan review and subdivision of 6 blocks and 69 buildings including 446 units, 2 Outlots A & B which represent the Overlay District and 7 common lots of 91.02 acres, conditional uses for the development in the Bluff Creek Overlay District and alteration of the Flood Plain and a Wetland Alteration Permit. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezoning, PUD's and amendments to the PUD's because the City is acting in its legislative or policymaking capacity. A rezoning or PUD and amendment thereto, must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The city's discretion in approving or denying a site plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the City must then approve the site plan. This is quasi-judicial decision. The city's discretion in approving or denying a Variance is limited to whether or not it meets the standards of the city zoning Ordinance. The City has limited discretion in approving or denying conditional use permits, based on whether or not the proposal meets the conditional use permit standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If the City finds that all the applicable conditional use permit standards are met, the permit must be approved. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Location Map Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 ,/"::."-:'"-".-1 ;I"'~'jr""'<~' :~- >--.-- ,:.~,,'\;; '" /"- i .: <:::::;:~, \ ~ l /~-'---TT"~'---< !/.-\ 1\-.._- '\ ~ Subject Site 'CANNED Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 2 PROPOSAL SUMMARY This item appeared before the Planning Commission on April 19, 2005. The Planning Commission recommended that this item be tabled to address some design concerns, specifically the Flood Plan Alteration plan and the Wetland Alteration Permit. The Permits are in for review and are addressed in the staff report. Since the April Planning Commission meeting staff has been working with the property owners and the consultant to select a preferred alignment for the east-west corridor (Bluff Creek Boulevard). The proposed location of the road and the cross section is attached. Town and Country Homes has modified their plan to incorporate the road design. The City's consultant is working out the final design and costs. Any changes to the road must be included in the Liberty on Bluff Creek plans. Approval of final plans is subject to the completion of the plans and specifications and the City ordering the improvement projects for the area. Staff is recommending approval of the plan with the conditions in the staff report. BACKGROUND Town and Country was tabled at the April 19th Planning Commission meeting and given conceptual approval for the PUD in the fall of 2002. One of the conditions of the conceptual approval was the preparation of the Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR). This document was completed ad approved by the City in 2004. Since that time the City has prepared a feasibility study for the infrusturcue in the area and completed multifamily design standards. Since the conceptual approval, Town and County have acquired the JeurissenlJohnson property (2.5 Acres) and it is now included in the project. On AprilS, 2005 the Planning Commission reviewed this development in light of the Bluff Creek Overlay District, the AUAR and the Multi-Family Design Standards. The City has ordered the design of the utilities and road design for the Lower Bluff Creek Area. The City must accept the plans and improvements before any development of this area can take place. The majority of the site has been farmed. There is a large wetland and woods to the north and south of the site. The southern portion of the site is bordered by a creek and rolling topography as well as bluffs (defined by city ordinance) that run through the site. The development of this site is being influenced by several important policies. These policies include the Bluff Creek Overlay District, 2005 AUAR, Multifamily Design Standards, Comprehensive Plan, the City's Zoning Ordinance, and the Livable Communities Act. Following is a summary of each of these documents and its influence on the design of the subject site. Comprehensive Plan/ Land Use With the development of the comprehensive plan in 1998, this property was given the two land use alternatives, residential or industrial, as well as parks and open space within the Bluff Creek Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 3 Corridor. The reason it was given both potential land uses was that the site has been farmed and is relatively flat. In calculating the City's 2020 land use designations, this 80-acre site was calculated at 50 percent industrial and 50 percent medium-density residential. (The City's 2020 land use for industrial zoning was estimated at 1,269 acres or 8.6 percent of ultimate commercial. If this site were to be developed as all residential, there would 40 acres less of industrial land or a reduction from 1,229 or a percentage reduction of .03 percent to 8.3 percent.) Based on the developer's calculations of net developable (67.52 acres) with a maximum of 8 units an acre, the maximum number of units could be 540. The development proposed 446. units. The rolling topography on the site results in extensive retaining walls specifically on the south eastern portion of the site. In reviewing the land uses in the 2005 area, topography was considered. As Town and Country has progressed it appears that the land use on the north side of the east west collector (east of this development) should be similar zoned with medium density. As such the area on the south east comer (east of the wetland) may be more appropriately developed for Office Industrial. This industrial use would allow for better matching of grades, retaining walls and developments to the east. 2020 Land Use Plan Land Use Existing Proposed Change % of Total Commercial 212 212 0 1.4% Office/Industrial 1,269 1,229 -40 8.3% Office 117 117 0 .8% Parks & Open Space 1,466 1,466 0 9.9% Public/Semi -Public 1,242 1,242 0 8.8% Residential Large Lot 2,247 2,247 0 15.2% Residential Low Density 5,473 5,473 0 37.% Residential Medium Density 629 669 +40 4.5% Residential High Density 398 398 0 2.6% Mixed Use 134 134 0 .9% Undevelopable 1,573 1,573 0 10.6% TOTALS 14,760 acres 14,760 acres 100% Land Uses based on the 2020 City Comprehensive Plan and the Chanhassen 2005 Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) I Existing Land Use (*based on assessors code) I I GROSS ACRES TOTAL I 624 ACRES I Agriculture Use (row crop or pasture) 442 Acres Agriculture, Residential 174 Acres Li berty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19, 2005 Page 4 I Residential Estate I 9 Acres I I Other Area Calculations I T.H. 212 Right-Of-Way (approximate area) 125 Acres Wetlands (Chanhassen Wetland Inventory- 54 Acres 45.2 acres and Bernardi Property delineated- 8.8 acres) Floodways (l00 year floodplain) 78 Acres Steep Slopes (Chanhassen inventory of 18% or 19 Acres greater slopes) Bluff Creek Overlay Primary District 200 Acres Net developable 350 Acres LAND USE TOTAL NET PERCENTAGE MAXIMUM PROJECT DESIGNA TION DEVELOPABLE OF INTENSITY OF MAGNITUDE ACRES LAND USE DEVELOPMENT DATA Medium Density 8 du/ acre 528-1056 units Residential/Low 132 38 % Density Residential Medium Density 66 18% 8 du/ acre 528 units Residential Office 17 5% 0.35 FAR 270,00 square feet Office/Industrial 70 20% 0.30 FAR 920,500 square feet Bluff Creek 45 13% Primary Zone Park 20 6% park Net Acres Total 350 100% * Any District 112 school has been eliminated from the 2005 MUSA Alternative Urban Areawide Review The conceptual approval of Town and Country required an Environmental Assessment Worksheet. Rather than completing an EA W on just this site, an Alternative Urban Areawide Review was undertaken for the entire 2005 MUSA (Lower Bluff Creek) Metropolitan Urban Service Area. In reviewing the Lower Bluff Creek, in a holistic setting there were specific mitigation strategies that were established and they are listed below. Attached are the Complete Mitigation Initiatives. All of the recommendations are being incorporated in the design of the Lower Bluff Creek area. All property with the Lower Bluff Creek area will be assessed for the cost of the AUAR on a per acreage basis. The assessment for the AUAR will be paid at the time of plat recording. Specific strategies: 1. All permits identified in the AUAR (See question #8), as well as other necessary permits that may be required, will be secured by the City, or private parties as appropriate, for all Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 5 development activities within the project area. 2. The City will follow its own regulations, ordinances, plans, and policies currently in place in the review and approval of all development activities within the project area. These items include The 2020 Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the official zoning and subdivision ordinances and the Bluff Creek Overlay ordinance. In addition, the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resource Management Plan, the Surface Water Management Plan, the Public Water Supply and Distribution System Plan (currently being revised) and the Comprehensive Sewer Policy Plan will be used as technical resources in reviewing development activities and developing associated public infrastructure. 3. The City will extend public sewer and water services in a manner consistent with existing plans and policies for delivering trunk sanitary sewer service and watermain systems. Abandonment and closure of individual well and septic systems will follow existing local and state regulations. 4. The City will work with MnlDOT and Carver County to periodically monitor traffic as generated from development within the project area as well as regional development initiatives that will affect the project area. Regional roadway improvements such as TH 212/312 and improvements to County Roads (Audubon Rd., Lyman Blvd., Pioneer Trail and future Powers Blvd. extension) will alter travel patterns. Performing traffic counts and monitoring traffic movements will help in facilitating future local roadway improvements. 5. The City will provide for adequate regional and local stormwater ponds and trunk facilities to protect water resources and water quality as guided by the Storm Water Management Plan and Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resource Management Plan. [National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II with individual site development] 6. The City will implement a development tracking mechanism to monitor development within the AUAR Project Area and its conformance with the development scenario. 7. The City will enforce its parkland dedication practices consistent with the goals and policies outlined in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan and the Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resource Management Plan and the requirements of the subdivision ordinance. 8. The City will follow existing zoning regulations including Floodplain Overlay (Article V), Wetland Protection (Article VI), Shoreland Management (Article VII), Bluff Protection (Article XXVIII) and Bluff Creek Overlay (Article XXXI) to protect natural and environmental resources from potential impacts resulting from the Development Scenario. The City will reference policies and strategies outlined in the 2020 Comprehensive Plan, Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan and Bluff Creek Watershed Natural Resource Management Plan as technical resources during the review of specific development projects. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 6 Bluff Creek Overlay District The Bluff Creek Corridor Study is a vision and planning document that has the following goals: 1. Protection, Restoration and Enhancement of Natural Resources. 2. Acquire land to create a continuous greenway along the creek from the Minnesota River to Lake Minnewashta. 3. Create development standards that manage upstream such as mixed or cluster development easements and alternative zoning. 4. Develop educational watershed awareness program. 5. Develop a Natural Resources Plan. An overlay district was created for Bluff Creek with a primary and secondary corridor. The primary corridor boundary delineates a conservancy zone where undistributed conditions are desired. This is the area where any type of development and/or human activity directly impacts the morphological and biological characteristics of Bluff Creek. The secondary corridor boundary delineates a management zone. This is the area where development and/or urban activities directly affect the stream's upland ecosystem. The preservation and enhancement of this area will result in a better habitat and less strain on the stream. Management practices for this area focus on the preservation and enhancement of upland vegetation and the reduction of peak flows. This parcel is partially encumbered by the Bluff Creek Overlay District. The primary and secondary corridor boundaries and the 40-foot setback from the primary corridor are not shown on the plans. The plans should be revised to show the primary and secondary corridors and the setback. No alterations are allowed within the primary corridor or within the first 20 feet of the setback from the primary corridor. The grading plan should be revised to eliminate alterations within the primary corridor or within the first 20 feet of the setback from the primary corridor. All structures must meet the 40-foot setback from the primary corridor. Multifamily Design Standards In the fall of 2004 the City adopted Design standards for Multi-family developments. The request for these standards bore out of the anticipated multi-family developments in the Lower Bluff Creek area. The major design elements include: Sec. 20-1088. Architectural style. . Architectural style shall not be restricted. Evaluation of the appearance of a project shall be based on the quality of its design and in relationship to its surroundings, guided by the provisions of this section. Site characteristics to be evaluated for this purpose include building and landscaping, colors, textures, shapes, massing of rhythms of building components and detail, height of roof line, setback and orientation. Designs that are incompatible with their surroundings or intentionally bizarre or exotic are not acceptable. . Monotony of design, both within projects and between adjacent projects and its surroundings, is prohibited. Variation in detail, form, and sighting shall provide visual Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19, 2005 Page 7 interest. Site characteristics that may be used for this purpose include building and landscaping, colors, textures, shapes, massing of rhythms of building components and detail, height of roof line, setback and orientation. . All building shall have a minimum of 20 percent of accent material. Accent material may include brick, stone cut face block or shakes. The use of any EFIS shall not be on the first story of any building or one story in height. There are four different homes styles in the project. Modifications have been made to the home styles include materials and colors. Not all products meet the 20 percent accent material. Addition brick should be added to the Chateau and the Premier. The color of the gray block on the Regency needs to change to allow for different colors any thing but gray. Sec. 20-1089. Land use. All developments shall create a unified design of internal order that provides desirable environments for site uses, visitors and the community. The following design elements shall be incorporated into a project: . The project shall create a unique neighborhood identity. . Creation of interconnecting neighborhoods in collaboration with adjoining landowners (street, walkways, preservation of natural features, parks and gathering places). . Each neighborhood has a focal point or gathering place including parks, greens, squares, entrance monuments, historic structures (silos/bams) or public furniture (gazebos, benches, pergolas). . Recreation facilities (playgrounds, tot lots, swimming pools and gardens). . Diversity of product type and design to accommodate different age groups and individuals in different socio-economics circumstances. . Broad variety of housing choices--twin homes, row houses, town homes, flats above garages, apartments over shops, garden apartments, senior living opportunities and condominiums. Through the use of the four different housing styles there is a broad variety of housing types. There is a neighborhood identity through the use of association pool area. This will be the first development this types that has an association swimming pool. There are internal sidewalks and trails that connect this area to the future public park. Sec. 20-1090. Curb appeal. To encourage roadway image or curb appeal projects shall create a variety of building orientation along the roadways; attractive streetscape and architectural detail. All projects shall incorporate two or more of the following design elements: . Orientation to the street or access road: . Setbacks . Spacing between buildings and view sheds. . Architectural detail/decorative features. . Windows. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 8 . Flower boxes. . Porches, balconies, private spaces. . Location and treatment of entryway. . Surface materials, finish and texture. . Roof pitch. . Building height and orientation. . Location of garages. . Landscaping including fencing and berming. . Street lighting. . Screening of parking, especially in apartment and condominium developments. . Variations/differentiations in units including, but not limited to, color, material, articulation etc. The primary view from the collector streets including Audubon and Bluff Creek Boulevard will be the narrowest part of any of the housing units. There are no garages facing theses streets. Two of the units have front porches will one has a side porch and one has a rear balcony. There is a wide variety of housing color and material used in the development. A material and color plan will be required as a part of the final plat. Sec. 20-1091. Transportation diversity. All developments shall be incorporate multi-modal transportation including two or more of the following elements: . Streets with trails incorporated. . Off road trials and bike paths. . Provisions for mass transit with bus stops and shelters incorporated into the developments. . Sidewalk connecting internal developments. · Undulating sidewalks. Use of pavers or stamped concrete. · On-street parking and use of roundabouts. · Landscaped boulevards or medians. There will be round-a-bouts used on the collector street with one being located on the eastern side of the development. The median on Bluff Creek Boulevard will be landscaped. There is significant streetscape (landscaping) being provided through the development. There will be guest parking 0 the public streets excluding the collectors. Opportunities for a bus shelter should be incorporated into the design. Sec. 20-1092. Integration of parks, open space, natural historic or cultural resources. . Integrate nature and wildlife with urban environment. · Trails and sidewalks. · Vistas. · Historic features. . Preservation of natural features that support wildlife and native plants (slopes, trees, wetlands). Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19, 2005 Page 9 The incorporation of the Bluff Creek Overlay District preserves the perimeter tress on the north and south side of the development. There are internal sidewalks through the development and trials on the southern end around the wetland and pool area and a trail that provides access from the north to the future city park. Livable Communities Act The City signed on with the Livable Communities Act in 1995. The principles of the act state that the City support: 1. A balanced housing supply, with housing available for people of all income ranges. 2. The accommodation of all racial and ethnic groups in the purchase, sale, rental and location of housing within the community. 3. A variety of housing types for people in all stages of the life-cycle. 4. A community of well-maintained housing and neighborhoods, including ownership and rental housing. 5. Housing development that respects the natural environment of the community while striving to accommodate the need for a variety of housing types and costs. 6. The availability of a full range of services and facilities for its residents, and the improvement of access and linkage between housing and employment. All of the units are intended to be owner occupied. The price range for the units range from the mid $100,000's to upper $200,000's. Any home sale under $193,700 in 2005 would be considered affordable under the Metropolitan Council standards. The only dwelling unit that could meet the affordable range would be the Chateau. This project would be meeting some of the city affordable and housing diversity goals without city financial assistance. Carver County HRA may be pursuing the purchase of few of the village units to provide financial assistance. Planned Unit Development The applicant is seeking a PUD in order to develop the entire site as one project Preliminary PUD The following review constitutes an evaluation of the PUD request. The review criteria are taken from the intent section of the PUD Ordinance. Section 20-501. Intent "Planned unit developments offer enhanced flexibility to develop a site through the relaxation of most normal zoning district standards. The use of the PUD zoning also allows for a greater variety of uses, internal transfer of density, construction phasing, and a potential for lower development costs. In exchange for this enhanced flexibility, the City has the expectation that the development plan will result in a significantly higher quality and more sensitive proposal than would have been the case with the other more standard zoning districts. " Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19, 2005 Page 10 The mix of 4 different housing products makes the PUD an excellent zoning application. Unique design standards will be applied to the different housing types. Site Plan Review The development has 4 different types of housing units including a 3-story lookout, back-to-back 2-story town house, a single, loaded 2-story townhouse and a 2-story townhouse with underground parking. The layout has been modified to reflect the relocation of the road. PUD DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS The applicant has proposed development standards in their PUD plan. Staff has reviewed these proposals, made comments or findings, and then given the staff proposal for language to be incorporated into the final PUD plan document. a. Intent The purpose of this zone is to create a PUD neighborhood mixed-density housing zone. The use of the PUD zone is to allow for more flexible design standards while creating a higher quality and more sensitive proposal. All utilities are required to be placed underground. b. Setbacks The PUD ordinance requires setbacks from roadways and exterior property lines. The following table displays those setbacks. Buldill2~ Setback Required Minimum Proposed From Collector Street 50 feet 50 feet From Exterior Lot Lines 30 feet 35 feet Interior Public Right-of-Way 30 feet 50 feet Hard Surface Coverage (Total site) 30% 26.35 % of net RESIDENTIAL STANDARDS The plans propose 4 products. Each product must conform to the following standards. 1. Premier Homes a. Two-Story (with or without basement). b. Building exterior material shall be a combination of 4" vinyl siding or shake and brick. c. Colors used (yet to be finalized). d. Each town house shall consist of 2, 3 & 4 units with 2-car garages. The garage door shall be decorative with windows. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 11 e. Each unit shall utilize accent architectural features such as: louvers, dormers, shed or gable dormers over the patio, etc. f. All units shall utilize fiberglass shingles. g. All units shall have access onto an interior street. h. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building or landscaping. 1. The home style needs additional architectural elements. 2. Regency Homes a. Two-story building with underground parking, buildings are 10 and 12 units. b. Building exterior material shall be a combination of 4" vinyl siding, vinyl shakes, brick and stone. c. Colors used shall be earth tones such as soft gray, creamy whites, greens and soft yellows, etc. d. Each unit shall utilize accent architectural features such as louvers, dormers, front porches, etc. e. All units shall utilize fiberglass shingles. f. All units shall have access onto an interior street. g. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building or landscaping. 3. Majestic homes a. Three-story lookout town homes (four to seven-unit town homes) with garages in the rear. b. Building exterior material shall be a combination of 4" vinyl siding or shake and brick. c. Colors used shall be earth tones (yet to be determined). d. Garage doors shall be decorative and have windows and have a shed roof over door. e. Each unit shall utilize accent architectural features such as dormers, gable and shed roofs, porches, pergolas over the porch, etc. f. All units shall utilize fiberglass shingles. g. All units shall have access onto an interior street. h. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building or landscaping. 4. Chateau homes a. Two-story town homes with tuckunder garage (four to eight-unit town homes). b. Building exterior material shall be a combination of 4" vinyl siding or shake and brick. c. Colors used shall be earth tones (yet to be determined). d. Garage doors must be decorative and include windows. e. Each unit shall utilize accent architectural features such as dormers, bay windows, arched windows, shutters, etc. f. All units shall utilize Class A fiberglass/asphalt shingles (230 lb. per sq. inch). g. All units shall have access onto an interior street. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19, 2005 Page 12 h. All mechanical equipment shall be screened with material compatible to the building or landscaping. * Additional architectural detail is requested, specifically in the Premier home and the color choices. A design palette shall be approved for the entire project. The palette shall include colors for siding, shakes, shutters, shingles, brick and stone. Preliminary Plat - Subdivision The entire property is 91.02 acres. The subdivision includes 6 blocks and 69 buildings including 446 units, 2 Outlots A & B which represent the Overlay District and 7 common lots. One of the lots includes a association pool. The main streets in the development are public with private streets between the buildings. There is on-street parking within the development. Of the 91.02 acres, the wetland and bluff and right-of-way is taken out of the density calculations as is street right of way. Therefore, the net density is 67.5. The proposed subdivision of the property is consistent with the guidelines established in the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance except for the parking requirements in the driveway spacing in the rear of the Majestic homes. Landscaping and Tree Preservation Tree canopy coverage and preservation calculations for the Liberty at Bluff Creek development are as follows: Total upland area (excluding wetlands and bluffS) Total canopy area (excluding wetlands and bluffS) Baseline canopy coverage Minimum canopy coverage allowed Proposed tree preservation 78.97 acres 19.51 acres 24.7% 25% or 19.74 acres 21.5% or 17.01 acres 23% or 18.01 acres Developer does not meet minimum canopy coverage allowed; therefore the difference is multiplied by 1.2 to calculate the required replacement plantings. Difference in canopy coverage (19.74~18.01) ~ 1.73acres Multiplier 1.2 Total replacement area ~ 2.08 ac. or 142,877 SF Total number of trees to be planted 1M 83 trees Applicant is proposing a total of ~ 1023 trees as a part of the landscaping plan. Additional landscaping required for the development includes buffer yard plantings along Audubon Road and Street A. The following table summarizes the minimum requirements: Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 13 Required Proposed Audubon Road - -l-8 30 overs tory M 106 overstory bufferyard B, 1760' % 59 understory -lG+ 76 understory 30' width (66 evergreens) (11 ornamentals) % 90 shrubs Q 295 shrubs Street A - bufferyard B 120verstory ~ 45 overstory 1156', 30' width 24 understory 9& 58 understory North side 24 shrubs Q 90 shrubs Street A - bufferyard B 8 overstory ~ 44 overstory 829' , 30' width 16 understory ~ 32 understory South side 16 shrubs Q 24 shrubs Street A- Blvd. Trees 39 overstory - each side ~ 45 overstory - each (1 per 30') side East property line, 8 overstory trees 14 overs tory trees Bufferyard C, 1461' 52 understory trees 67 understory trees 78 shrubs 115 shrubs Applicant does fI:et meet minimum requirements for shrubs in the bufferyard landscaping. Staff- recommends that the minimum number of shrubs be reqaired along L\udubon Road and Street L\' The applicant has located boulevard trees along Street L^1 at approximately 15 to 50 foot intervals. Ordinance requires the spaciFlg to be 30 feet. Staff recommends that the applicant meet minimum boulevard tree requirements. Plant materials specified by the applicant are acceptable '?lith the exception of the Norway maple and Colorado spruce. Staff recommends that these species be replaced with bicolor oak and white spruce or white fir, respectively. WETLANDS Existing Wetlands Twelve wetlands exist on-site: 1 natural wetland and 11 ag/urban wetlands. Peterson Environmental Consulting, Inc. delineated the wetlands in June 2003. Basin A is a Type 1/2 wetland located in the north-central portion of the property. The wetland is dominated by reed canary grass, green ash and black willow. The applicant is proposing to fill 20,193 square feet (0.46 acres) of Basin A. Basin B is a Type 2/7 wetland located in the northeast portion of the property. The wetland is dominated by sedges, cattail and manna grass, with some reed canary grass in the southern portion of the wetland. No impact is proposed to Basin B. Basin C is a Type 3/4 wetland located in the northeast portion of the property. The wetland is dominated by sedges and Canada bluejoint. No impact is proposed to Basin C. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 14 Basin D is a Type 1 wetland located in the central portion of the property. The wetland is dominated by reed canary grass. The applicant is proposing to fill 11,010 square feet (0.25 acres) of Basin D. Basin E is a Type 1 wetland located in the central portion of the property. The wetland is dominated by reed canary grass. The applicant is proposing to fill 1,972 square feet (0.05 acres) of Basin E. Basin F (Wetland C) is a Type 1 wetland located in the south-central portion of the property. The wetland is dominated by reed canary grass. The applicant is proposing to fill 5,153 square feet (0.12 acres) of Basin F. Basin G is a Type 1 wetland located in the southwestern portion of the property. The wetland is dominated by reed canary grass. No impact is proposed to Basin G. Basin H is an intermittent meandering stream located in the southern portion of the property. The wetland contains very little vegetation. No impact is proposed to Basin H. Basin I is an intermittent stream corridor located in the northeastern portion of the property. The wetland contains very little vegetation. No impact is proposed to Basin 1. Basin J is a farmed Type 1 wetland located in the west-central portion of the property. The wetland is dominated by reed canary grass. The applicant is proposing to fill 2,341 square feet (0.05 acres) of Basin J. Basin K is a Type 1/1L wetland located in the northwestern portion of the property. The wetland is dominated by box elder and reed canary grass. The applicant is proposing to fill 5,573 square feet (0.13 acres) of Basin K. Basin L is a Type 1 wetland located in the west-central portion of the property. The wetland is farmed and has very little vegetation. The applicant is proposing to fill 951 square feet (0.02 acres) of Basin L. In March 2004, City staff conducted an on-site review of the wetland delineation. The on-site review raised questions about the possible presence of wetland just south-southeast of Basin J. The City met the delineator on-site on May 18, 2004. The conclusion of that site visit was that wetland did exist in that area. Staff recommended that Basin L be delineated and added. The wetland boundary shown on the plans is consistent with staff recommendation. Wetland Replacement Wetland replacement must occur in a manner consistent with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420). The applicant should work with staff to address comments received from the reviewing agencies, including conducting MnRAMs for impacted and replacement wetlands for use in sequencing flexibility for impacts on wetlands A, D, E, J and L. Details regarding the stabilization of areas upslope of mitigation area M2 should be included in Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 15 the replacement plan. More detailed plans for mitigation areas Ml and M2, including cross- sections, should be submitted. The applicant should consider restorations of wetlands A, F and G for new wetland credit. The applicant must receive approval of a wetland replacement plan prior to or concurrent with final plat approval and prior to wetland impacts occurring. A five-year wetland replacement monitoring plan should be submitted. The replacement monitoring plan should include a detailed management plan for invasive non-native species, particularly hybrid cattail, purple loosestrife and reed canary grass. The plans should show fixed photo monitoring points for the replacement wetland. The applicant should provide proof of recording of a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. A wetland buffer 16.5 to 20 feet in width (with a minimum average of 16.5 feet) must be maintained around all wetlands, with the exception of Basin C. A wetland buffer 20 to 30 feet in width (with a minimum average of 20 feet) must be maintained around Basin C. Grading is proposed within wetland buffer areas on Basins A, F, G and K. Wetland buffer areas should be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant must install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and must pay the City $20 per sign. All structures must be set back 40 feet from the edge of the wetland buffer. The wetland buffer setback should be shown on the plans. The applicant must submit a letter of credit equal to 110% of the cost of the wetland creation (including grading and seeding) to ensure the design standards for the replacement wetland are met. The letter of credit should be effective for no less than five years from the date of final plat approval. The applicant should submit a cost estimate for wetland creation (including grading and seeding) so the City can calculate the amount of the wetland creation letter of credit. BLUFFS Several areas on the property have been identified as bluff (i.e., slope greater than or equal to 30% and a rise in slope of at least 25 feet above the toe). These areas must be preserved. In addition, all structures must maintain a 30-foot setback from the bluff and no grading may occur within the bluff impact zone (i.e., the bluff and land located within 20 feet from the top of a bluff). FLOODPLAIN Alterations are proposed within a mapped FEMA unnumbered A Zone (lOO-year floodplain). The applicant has submitted modeling information in support of an amendment of the FEMA map in this area. However, the City has not received Letter of Map Amendment (LaMA) from FEMA. A copy of the LaMA must be submitted to the City prior to alterations within the floodplain. In lieu of a LaMA, the applicant will be required to obtain a conditional use permit for alterations within the floodplain. The developer should determine the base flood elevation (lOO-year) to ensure that the structures will meet all floodplain elevation requirements. This will help future residents determine their flood insurance needs. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 16 Storm Water Management Easements Drainage and utility easements with a minimum width of 20 feet should be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used as PVC and storm water infrastructure. Erosion Control A complete Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) must be in place before applying for and receiving NPDES construction permit coverage from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). Minimization of the amount of exposed soils on the site is needed; phasing of the development is recommended to limit the disturbed areas open. The area has high erosive potential and potential for significant off-site and water resource impacts from sediment if the area is not properly controlled. The creek and ravine system on either side of the development captures runoff from the erosive soils and significant slopes in some areas. Silt fence as the primary control will not be sufficient. All emergency overflows need temporary and permanent stabilization and should be shown in a detail or on the SWPPP. Energy dissipation (riprap and geotextile fabric) is needed within 24 hours of installation of flared end sections and outlet structures. Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3:1. All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round, according to the following table of slopes and time frames: Type of Slope Steeper than 3: 1 10:1 to3:1 Flatter than 10: 1 Time 7 days 14 days 21 days (Maximum time an area can remain open when the area is not actively being worked.) These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes, and any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system, such as a curb and gutter system, storm sewer inlet, temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or man made systems that discharge to a surface water. Sediment Control Temporary sediment basins are needed and could be located in the proposed permanent storm water pond locations. Pond A is currently proposed on a hill and would need to be excavated prior to the ravine/north side contributing slopes being disturbed. If the basin does not get excavated prior to disturbing the contributing area; a temporary basin will need to be located approximately in the areas of Street D and Lot 5, Block 3. Temporary basins should be labeled on the SWPPP. A detail is needed for the temporary outlet structures for the temporary basins. Clay berms will likely be needed to temporarily divert runoff from the construction site to the Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 17 temporary basins prior to discharge. Additionally the clay diversions should be used to divert runoff around the wetlands on the south side of the development to the temporary sediment basins downslope of them. Chanhassen Type 2, Heavy Duty silt fence should be used around all wetlands, streams, creeks, bluffs and ravines; Chanhassen type 1 silt fence should be used around the remaining areas. The existing inlet control (for area inlets, not curbside) detail should be mono-mono heavy duty machine sliced silt fence with 4 foot maximum spacing for metal T -posts. A rock berm placed around the silt fence should be at least 2 feet wide and 1 foot high of 1 V2 -inch clear rock. Wimco-type inlet controls are needed for all inlets through out the project and should be installed within 24 hours of inlet installation. Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as-needed. Surface Water Management Fees Water Quality Fees Because of the impervious surface associated with this development, the water quality fees for this proposed development are based on townhome development rates of $2,091/acre. Based on the proposed developed area of approximately 48.01 acres, the water quality fees associated with this project are $100,389. Water Quantity Fees The SWMP has established a connection charge for the different land uses based on an average citywide rate for the installation of water quantity systems. This cost includes land acquisition, proposed SWMP culverts, open channels, and storm water ponding areas for runoff storage. Medium-density residential developments have a connection charge of $4,065 per developable acre. This results in a water quantity fee of approximately $195,161 for the proposed development. SWMP Credits This project proposes the construction of three NURP ponds. The applicant will be credited for water quality where NURP basins are provided to treat runoff from the site. This will be determined upon review of the ponding and storm sewer calculations. Credits may also be applied to the applicant's SWMP fees for oversizing in accordance with the SWMP or the provision of outlet structures. The applicant will not be assessed for areas that are dedicated outlots. No credit will be given for temporary pond areas. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $288,050. Other Agencies The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Construction Permit), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (dewatering permit), Army Corps of Engineers) and comply with their conditions of approval. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19, 2005 Page 18 GRADING/DRAINAGE/EROSION CONTROL The 91 acre site is bordered by wetlands to the north and south, contains a bluff in the northeast corner and is bordered by groves of significant trees. Before site grading commences, the three existing buildings on the property must be razed. The property lies within the 2005 MUSA Expansion study area. Kimley-Rorn completed a study on the 2005 MUSA area which included street system analysis and proposed trunk utility alignments. The study identifies an east-west collector road between Audubon Road (CSAR 17) and the extension of Powers Boulevard (CR 17). After submitting the preliminary plat plans, the developer's engineer submitted a draft site plan for Liberty on Bluff Creek. This draft includes revised townhouse style and orientation in the southwest corner which significantly reduces the length and height of retaining wall required within the area. The final plat plans must incorporate the revised orientation of these buildings. A concept plan for Peterson's Bluff (the property east of Liberty on Bluff Creek) has been submitted. The developer's engineer must work with Peterson's Bluff's engineer to ensure that the proposed grading on each property matches at the property line and to eliminate and/or decrease the height of retaining walls to the maximum extent possible. The final grading plan must show the proposed top and bottom of wall elevations for all retaining walls. Building permits are required for all retaining walls four feet tall or higher and must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota. Runoff from the northwest corner of the site currently drains the wetland on the northern property line. The northeast corner of the site currently drains to a large open water area in the northeast corner. The remaining south portion of the site drains south to the existing creek along the south property line. This creek is a western tributary of Bluff Creek. The northern portion of the site drains to proposed Pond A, which outlets to the wetland on the north property line. Runoff from the remainder of the site will be conveyed to a pond within Outlot C, which outlets to the existing wetlands on the south side of the site and eventually to Bluff Creek. The developer's engineer has submitted hydrology calculations for the site. Staff will review the calculations and forward any recommendations with the final plat report. Storm sewer calculations must be submitted with the final plat application. The storm sewer must be designed to accommodate a lO-year, 24-hour storm event. The last public storm water structure that is road-accessible prior to discharging to a water body must have a 3-foot sump. The style of home and lowest floor elevation must be noted on the final grading plan. The final grading plan must also include a note to remove the existing driveway at Audubon Road. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 19 A minimum 75-foot long rock construction entrance must be shown on the plans. In addition, tree preservation fencing must be installed at the limits of tree removal. An easement is required from the appropriate property owner for any off-site grading. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes. UTILITIES Trunk sanitary sewer and watermain to serve the proposed development will be constructed with the 2005 MUSA Expansion Improvements, City Project 04-05. The developer's engineer must ensure that the proposed location of the sanitary sewer and watermain and the elevation for the sanitary sewer connection shown on the Liberty on Bluff Creek utility plan coincides with the 04-05 utility plan. Lateral sanitary sewer and watermain within the development will extend from the trunk facilities that will be stubbed to the east side of the property. The lateral watermain will also connect to the proposed 12" watermain along Audubon Road. Blanket drainage and utility easements are required over all common lots, however the following storm sewer segments shall be owned and maintained by the homeowners association: 1. Northeast and west of Lot 5, Block 1, 2. Within the private drives toLots 9, 10, 11 and 12 Block 1, 3. The connection between the private drives to Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 Block 1 and the public lateral within Street D, 4. South of Lots 10 and 11, Block 2, 5. South of Lots 15-17, Block 2, 6. South of Lots 11-13, Block 5, 7. North and west of Lot 13, Block 5, and 8. West of and between Lots 4 and 5, Block 6. Utility services for the buildings must be shown on the final utility plan. Installation of the private service utilities for the site will require permits and inspections through the City's Building Department. The 2005 MUSA feasibility study, which was approved by the City Council in the fall of 2004, listed pending assessments to each of the two underlying properties at $2,039,531 and $20,325, respectively. These pending assessments are for proposed trunk sanitary sewer, storm sewer, watermain, and road improvements. Since the developer will be responsible for extending lateral Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19, 2005 Page 20 sewer and water service to the lots, the sanitary sewer and water connection charges will be wai ved. Each new lot is subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. The 2005 trunk hookup charge is $1,458 for sanitary sewer and $2,955 for watermain. Sanitary sewer and watermain hookup fees may be specially assessed against the parcel at the time of building permit issuance. All of these charges are based on the number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council and are due at the time of building permit issuance. All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. The applicant is also required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. The applicant must be aware that all public utility improvements will require a preconstruction meeting before building permit issuance. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies will be required, including the MPCA, Dept. of Health, Carver County and Watershed District. STREETS Street A will align with Butternut Drive in Chaska and will function as the collector street as identified in Kimley-Horn's report for City Project 04-05. The preliminary plat identifies 90 feet of right of way for the east-west collector, which meets the right of way requirement stipulated in Kimley-Horn's report. After submitting the preliminary plat plans, the developer's engineer submitted a draft site plan for Liberty on Bluff Creek. The draft site plan shows the current alignment of the east-west corridor and the roundabout per Kimley-Horn's design, however it shows that the entire right of way for the north-south segment of the collector and the entire right of way for the roundabout will be on the Peterson property to the east. The site plan may need to be revised so that the west Y2 right of way of the north-south segment of the collector street lies within the Liberty on Bluff Creek development. The remaining east Y2 would be within the Peterson property. Turn lanes on Audubon Road and Street A will be constructed with City Project 04-05. The report also states that a traffic signal will be required at the Audubon Road/East-West Collector (known as "Street A" within the Liberty on Bluff Creek development) intersection when the entire study area is fully-developed. Public streets extending from the east-west collector include Street B and Street C, which will be 32-foot wide back to back streets within a 60-foot wide right of way. The developer proposes to construct turn lanes at the intersection of Street A, which will be striped for a left-turn only lane and a right-through lane. Public Street D will be a 32-foot wide street within a 60-foot wide right of way that will loop north and south of Street B. Street D will also intersect the collector road on the east side of the property. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19, 2005 Page 21 The eastern intersections of Street D to Street B must be revised so that the streets intersect at 900. The remaining streets within the development will be privately owned and maintained. Upon project completion, the developer must submit inspection/soil reports certifying that the private streets were built to a 7-ton design. Due to the proposed Planned Unit Development zoning for the development, Staff supports the proposed 20- foot wide private streets. The developer requests flexibility with the PUD to allow for on-street parking in order to satisfy a portion of the development's parking requirements. Staff supports the on-street parking proposal, subject to the following conditions: 1. On-street parking is prohibited between November 1 and April 1 between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., consistent with Section 12-16 of the City Code: Winter Parking Regulations. 2. Credit for on-street parking is not allowed along the curve of the public streets. The developer also proposes to construct neckdowns- a physical reduction of the road width at a street intersection. Neckdowns shorten the roadway crossing distance for pedestrians, and in some cases reduces the speed of traffic. The developer proposes to install neckdowns at the following intersections: the two Street D intersections at Street A, and south of the private street serving Lots 1-7, Block 5 on Street C. The developer will install five-foot wide sidewalk on one side of all public streets within the development. EROSION CONTROL Staff recommends an erosion control plan be incorporated on the preliminary and final grading plans and be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to City Council review. The erosion control plan should include, but not be limited to, Type III silt fence adjacent to all wetlands and an erosion control blanket on the steep slope adjacent to the eastern wetland. Staff also recommends that the applicant use the City's Best Management Practices Handbook for erosion control measures. All disturbed areas, as a result of construction, shall be seeded and mulched or sodded immediately after grading to minimize erosion. Rock construction entrances shall be provided and maintained at all construction access points. PARK AND TRAILS On March 22, 2005, the Park and Recreation Comission reviewed Liberty on Bluff Creek. Because of the City's desire to put a 10-20 acre park on the Degler property (north of Bluff Creek) park and trail fees will be requested. The Park and Recreation Commission recommend the City Council require the following conditions of approval concerning parks and trails for the Liberty on Bluff Creek PUD: Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19, 2005 Page 22 1. Full park dedication fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of requiring parkland dedication. 2. The trails on both the north and south sides of collector road "A" be widened to 10 feet. 3. The internal or private trail north of Block 1 be carefully planned to allow convenient access to the Bluff Creek Corridor. 4. Other internal or private trails connecting residents to amenities within the PUD be enhanced. INSPECTIONS AND FIRE MARSHAL COMMENTS 1. A lO-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e. street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, Qwest, cable TV, and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance #9-1. 2. There are a number of additional fire hydrants required and some will be re-Iocated. Discussion has been made with Matt Saam, Assistant City Engineer, to their relocation. 3. Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection is required to be installed. Such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction except when approved alternate methods of protection are provided. 4. Temporary street signs shall be installed on street intersection when construction of the new roadway allows passage by vehicles. Pursuant to 2002 Minnesota Fire Code Section 501.4. 5. No burning permits will be issued for trees to be removed. Trees and shrubs must either be removed from site or chipped. 6. Submit street names to Chanhassen Building Official and Chanhassen Fire Marshal for review and approval. The Chanhassen Building Official and Fire Marshal will determine which streets will need naming. 7. "No parking fire lane" signs will be required. Contact the Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of signs to be installed. 8. Submit cul-de-sac design dimensions to City Engineer and Fire Marshal for review and approval. BUILDING COMMENTS 1. Accessibility will have to be provided to all portions of the development and a percentage of the units may also be required to be accessible or adaptable in accordance with Minnesota State Building Code Chapter 1341. Further information is needed to determine these requirements. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 23 2. Buildings over 8,500 sq. ft. in size must be protected with an automatic fire protection system. The State of Minnesota is in the process of revising Chapter 1306 of the Minnesota State Building Code regarding fire protection systems. It is not yet entirely clear how these changes will affect residential construction. It is important that the developer meet with the Inspections Division prior to final design to determine what ramifications, if any, the new requirements will have on the project. 3. The developer must submit a list of proposed street names and an addressing plan for review and approval prior to final plat of the property. 4. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any structures on the site. 5. A final grading plan and soils report must be to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. 6. Walls and projections within 3 feet of property lines are required to be of one-hour fire- resistive construction. 7. The buildings will be required to be designed by an architect and engineer as determined by the Building Official. 8. The developer and or their agent shall meet with the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. RECOMMENDA TION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Planning Commission recommends approval of the request for rezoning from A2 to PUD- R, site plan review with subdivision of 6 blocks and 69 buildings including 446 units, 2 Outlots A & B which represent the Overlay District and 7 common lots of 91.02 acres, conditional uses for the development in the Bluff Creek Overlay District and alteration of the Flood Plain and a Wetland Alteration Permit, as stated below: Planning Recommended Conditions of Approval 1. Provide design plan the shows the color and architectural detail for each unit on the site. Engineering Recommended Conditions of Approval 2. Before site grading commences, the three existing buildings on the property must be razed. 3. The final plat plans must incorporate the changes shown on Westwood Professional Service's July 12,2005 sketch showing the revised layout of the east-west corridor, the roundabout, the additional street connection from the development to the east-west corridor, and the revised Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19, 2005 Page 24 building type and orientation in the southeast comer of the plat. The developer may be required to plat the west Y2 right of way for the north-south segment of the collector road and the roundabout. 4. The eastern intersections of Street D to Street B must be revised so that the streets intersect at 900. 5. On-street parking may be used to satisfy the parking requirement with the following stipulations: a. On-street parking is prohibited between November 1 and April 1 between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., consistent with Section 12-16 of the City Code: Winter Parking Regulations. b. Credit for on-street parking is not allowed along the curve of the public streets. 6. The developer's engineer must work with Peterson's Bluff's engineer to ensure that the proposed grading on each property matches at the property line and to eliminate and/or decrease the height of retaining walls to the maximum extent possible. 7. Ground slopes shall not exceed 3H: 1 V. 8. The final grading plan must show the proposed top and bottom of wall elevations for all retaining walls. 9. Retaining walls over four feet high must be designed by a Structural Engineer registered in the State of Minnesota and require a building permit. 10. The existing driveway at Audubon Road must be removed. 11. All of the ponds are required to be designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards with maximum 3: 1 slopes and a 10: 1 bench at the NWL. 12. All of the proposed house pads must have a rear yard elevation at least three feet above the HWL of the adjacent ponds. 13. Storm sewer calculations must be submitted with the final plat application. The storm sewer must be designed to accommodate a lO-year, 24-hour storm event. 14. The last public storm water structure that is road-accessible prior to discharging to a water body must have a 3-foot sump. 15. The applicant shall include a drain tile system behind the curbs to convey sump pump discharge from homes not adjacent to ponds. 16. The style of home and lowest floor elevation must be noted on the final grading plan. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 25 17. Blanket drainage and utility easements are required over all common lots, however the following storm sewer segments shall be owned and maintained by the homeowners association: a. Northeast and west of Lot 5, Block 1, b. Within the private drives toLots 9, 10, 11 and 12 Block 1, c. The connection between the private drives to Lots 9, 10, 11 and 12 Block 1 and the public lateral within Street D, d. South of Lots 10 and 11, Block 2, e. South of Lots 15-17, Block 2, f. South of Lots 11-13, Block 5, g. North and west of Lot 13, Block 5, and h. West of and between Lots 4 and 5, Block 6. 18. The plat must be signed by a Land Surveyor registered in the State of Minnesota. 19. A minimum 75-foot long rock construction entrance must be shown on the plans. 20. Tree preservation fencing must be installed at the limits of tree removal. 21. An easement is required from the appropriate property owner for any off-site grading. 22. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the City with detailed haul routes. 23. Utility services for the buildings must be shown on the final utility plan. Sanitary services must be 6-inch PVC and water service must be I-inch copper, Type K. 24. Each new lot is subject to the sanitary sewer and water hookup charges. The 2005 trunk hookup charge is $1,458 for sanitary sewer and $2,955 for watermain. Sanitary sewer and watermain hookup fees may be specially assessed against the parcel at the time of building permit issuance. All of these charges are based on the number of SAC units assigned by the Met Council and are due at the time of building permit issuance. 25. Upon project completion, the developer must submit inspection/soil reports certifying that the private streets were built to a 7-ton design. 26. All of the utility improvements are required to be constructed in accordance with the City's latest edition of Standard Specifications and Detail Plates. The applicant is also required to enter into a development contract with the City and supply the necessary financial security in the form of a letter of credit or cash escrow to guarantee installation of the improvements and the conditions of final plat approval. The applicant must be aware that all public utility improvements will require a preconstruction meeting before building permit issuance. 27. Permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies will be required prior to construction, including but not limited to MPCA, Department of Health, Carver County and Watershed Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 26 District. 28. The benchmark used to complete the site survey must be shown on the grading plan. 29. Intersection neckdowns are limited to public street intersections only. Park and Recreation Recommended Conditions of Approval 30. Full park dedication fees be collected per city ordinance in lieu of requiring parkland dedication. 31. The trails on both the north and south sides of collector road "A" are widened to 10 feet. 32. The internal or private trail north of Block 1 be carefully planned to allow convenient access to the Bluff Creek Corridor. 33. Other internal or private trails connecting residents to amenities within the PUD be enhanced. Wetland Alteration Permit Recommended Conditions of Avproval 34. Wetland replacement shall occur in a manner consistent with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420). 35. The applicant shall work with staff to address comments received from the reviewing agencies, including conducting MnRAMs for impacted and replacement wetlands for use in sequencing flexibility for impacts on wetlands A, D, E, J and L. Details regarding the stabilization of areas upslope of mitigation area M2 shall be included in the replacement plan. More detailed plans for mitigation areas M1 and M2, including cross-sections, shall be submitted. The applicant shall consider restorations of wetlands A, F and G for new wetland credit. The applicant must receive approval of a wetland replacement plan prior to or concurrent with final plat approval and prior to wetland impacts occurring. 36. A five-year wetland replacement monitoring plan shall be submitted. The replacement monitoring plan shall include a detailed management plan for invasive non-native species, particularly hybrid cattail, purple loosestrife and reed canary grass. The plans shall show fixed photo monitoring points for the replacement wetland. The applicant shall provide proof of recording of a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. 37. A wetland buffer 16.5 to 20 feet in width (with a minimum average of 16.5 feet) shall be maintained around all wetlands, with the exception of Basin C. A wetland buffer 20 to 30 feet in width (with a minimum average of 20 feet) shall be maintained around Basin C. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and must pay the City $20 per sign. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19, 2005 Page 27 38. All structures shall be set back 40 feet from the edge of the wetland buffer. The wetland buffer setback should be shown on the plans. 39. The applicant shall submit a letter of credit equal to 110% of the cost of the wetland creation (including grading and seeding) to ensure the design standards for the replacement wetland are met. The letter of credit shall be effective for no less than five years from the date of final plat approval. The applicant shall submit a cost estimate for wetland creation (including grading and seeding) so the City can calculate the amount of the wetland creation letter of credit. 40. Drainage and utility easements with a minimum width of 20 feet shall be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used as PVC and storm water infrastructure. 41. A complete Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be in place before applying for and receiving NPDES construction permit coverage from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). 42. Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3: 1. All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round, according to the following table of slopes and time frames: Type of Slot'e Steeper than 3:1 10:1 to 3:1 Flatter than 10: 1 Time 7 days 14 days 21 days (Maximum time an area can remain open when the area is not actively being worked.) These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes, and any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system, such as a curb and gutter system, storm sewer inlet, temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or man made systems that discharge to a surface water. 43. Clay diversions shall be used to divert runoff around the wetlands on the south side of the development to the temporary sediment basins downslope of them. 44. Chanhassen Type 2, Heavy Duty silt fence shall be used around all wetlands, streams, creeks, bluffs and ravines; Chanhassen type 1 silt fence shall be used around the remaining areas. 45. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Construction Permit), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (dewatering permit), Army Corps of Engineers) and comply with their conditions of approval. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 28 Water Resources Subdivision Recommended Conditions of Approval 46. Wetland replacement shall occur in a manner consistent with the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (MR 8420). 47. The applicant shall work with staff to address comments received from the reviewing agencies, including conducting MnRAMs for impacted and replacement wetlands for use in sequencing flexibility for impacts on wetlands A, D, E, J and L. Details regarding the stabilization of areas upslope of mitigation area M2 shall be included in the replacement plan. More detailed plans for mitigation areas Ml and M2, including cross-sections, shall be submitted. The applicant shall consider restorations of wetlands A, F and G for new wetland credit. The applicant must receive approval of a wetland replacement plan prior to or concurrent with final plat approval and prior to wetland impacts occurring. 48. A five-year wetland replacement monitoring plan shall be submitted. The replacement monitoring plan shall include a detailed management plan for invasive non-native species, particularly hybrid cattail, purple loosestrife and reed canary grass. The plans shall show fixed photo monitoring points for the replacement wetland. The applicant shall provide proof of recording of a Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. 49. A wetland buffer 16.5 to 20 feet in width (with a minimum average of 16.5 feet) shall be maintained around all wetlands, with the exception of Basin C. A wetland buffer 20 to 30 feet in width (with a minimum average of 20 feet) shall be maintained around Basin C. Wetland buffer areas shall be preserved, surveyed and staked in accordance with the City's wetland ordinance. The applicant shall install wetland buffer edge signs, under the direction of City staff, before construction begins and must pay the City $20 per sign. 50. All structures shall be set back 40 feet from the edge of the wetland buffer. The wetland buffer setback should be shown on the plans. 51. The applicant shall submit a letter of credit equal to 110% of the cost of the wetland creation (including grading and seeding) to ensure the design standards for the replacement wetland are met. The letter of credit shall be effective for no less than five years from the date of final plat approval. The applicant shall submit a cost estimate for wetland creation (including grading and seeding) so the City can calculate the amount of the wetland creation letter of credit. 52. Bluff areas (i.e., slope greater than or equal to 30% and a rise in slope of at least 25 feet above the toe) shall be preserved. In addition, all structures shall maintain a 30-foot setback from the bluff and no grading may occur within the bluff impact zone (i.e., the bluff and land located within 20 feet from the top of a bluff). 53. No alterations are allowed within the primary corridor or within the first 20 feet of the setback from the primary corridor. All structures shall meet the 40-foot setback from the primary corridor. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19, 2005 Page 29 54. A copy of the LOMA shall be submitted to the City prior to alterations within the floodplain. In lieu of a LOMA, the applicant shall obtain a conditional use permit for alterations within the floodplain. 55. The developer shall determine the base flood elevation (lOO-year) to ensure that the structures will meet all floodplain elevation requirements. 56. The grade stabilization structure at the north end of Basin A is in disrepair and shall be replaced. Before the development incorporates this structure into the permanent storm water management system, the structure shall be assessed and a plan proposed and approved by the city for the repair or replacement of the structure, as well as long term maintenance. The applicant shall work with the property owner to the north to get permission to repair or replace the structure. 57. Drainage and utility easements with a minimum width of 20 feet shall be provided over all existing wetlands, wetland mitigation areas, buffer areas used as PVC and storm water infrastructure. 58. A complete Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be in place before applying for and receiving NPDES construction permit coverage from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). 59. Minimization of the amount of exposed soils on the site is needed; phasing of the development shall limit the disturbed areas open. 60. All emergency overflows need temporary and permanent stabilization and shall be shown in a detail or on the SWPPP. Energy dissipation (riprap and geotextile fabric) shall be installed within 24 hours of installation of flared end sections and outlet structures. 61. Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3:1. All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round, according to the following table of slopes and time frames: Type of Slope Steeper than 3:1 10:1 to 3:1 Flatter than 10: 1 Time 7 days 14 days 21 days (Maximum time an area can remain open when the area is not actively being worked.) These areas include constructed storm water management pond side slopes, and any exposed soil areas with a positive slope to a storm water conveyance system, such as a curb and gutter system, storm sewer inlet, temporary or permanent drainage ditch or other natural or man made systems that discharge to a surface water. 62. Temporary sediment basins shall be constructed and could be located in the proposed permanent storm water pond locations. If Pond A does not get excavated prior to disturbing the contributing area; a temporary basin shall be constructed approximately in the areas of Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19, 2005 Page 30 Street D and Lot 5, Block 3. Temporary basins shall be labeled on the SWPPP. A detail shall be provided for the temporary outlet structures for the temporary basins. Clay berms shall be used to temporarily divert runoff from the construction site to the temporary basins prior to discharge. Additionally the clay diversions shall be used to divert runoff around the wetlands on the south side of the development to the temporary sediment basins downslope of them. 63. Chanhassen Type 2, Heavy Duty silt fence shall be used around all wetlands, streams, creeks, bluffs and ravines; Chanhassen type 1 silt fence shall be used around the remaining areas. The inlet control (for area inlets, not curbside) detail shall be mono-mono heavy duty machine sliced silt fence with 4 foot maximum spacing for metal T -posts. A rock berm placed around the silt fence shall be at least 2 feet wide and 1 foot high of 1lf2 -inch clear rock. Wimco-type inlet controls shall be installed in all inlets through out the project within 24 hours of inlet installation. Street cleaning of soil tracked onto public streets shall include daily street scraping and street sweeping as-needed. 64. At this time, the estimated total SWMP fee, due payable to the City at the time of final plat recording, is $288,050. 65. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Construction Permit), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (dewatering permit), Army Corps of Engineers) and comply with their conditions of approval. Forestry Recommended Conditions of Approval 66. Tree protection fencing shall be installed prior to construction around all areas designated for preservation. 67. A walk-through inspection of the silt/tree preservation fence shall be required prior to construction. 68. A turf plan shall be submitted to the city indicating the location of sod and seeding areas. Inspections and Fire Marshal Recommended Conditions of AplJroval 69. A lO-foot clear space must be maintained around fire hydrants, i.e. street lamps, trees, shrubs, bushes, Xcel Energy, Qwest, cable TV, and transformer boxes. This is to ensure that fire hydrants can be quickly located and safely operated by firefighters. Pursuant to Chanhassen City Ordinance #9-1. 70. There are a number of additional fire hydrants required and some will be re-Iocated. Discussion has been made with Matt Saam, Assistant City Engineer, to their relocation. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 31 71. Fire apparatus access roads and water supply for fire protection is required to be installed. Such protection shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during the time of construction except when approved alternate methods of protection are provided. 72. Temporary street signs shall be installed on street intersection when construction of the new roadway allows passage by vehicles. Pursuant to 2002 Minnesota Fire Code Section 501.4. 73. No burning permits will be issued for trees to be removed. Trees and shrubs must either be removed from site or chipped. 74. Submit street names to Chanhassen Building Official and Chanhassen Fire Marshal for review and approval. The Chanhassen Building Official and Fire Marshal will determine which streets will need naming. 75. "No parking fire lane" signs will be required. Contact the Chanhassen Fire Marshal for exact location of signs to be installed. 76. Submit cul-de-sac design dimensions to City Engineer and Fire Marshal for review and approval. Building Recommended Conditions of Approval 77. Accessibility will have to be provided to all portions of the development and a percentage of the units may also be required to be accessible or adaptable in accordance with Minnesota State Building Code Chapter 1341. Further information is needed to determine these requirements. 78. Buildings over 8,500 sq. ft. in size must be protected with an automatic fire protection system. The State of Minnesota is in the process of revising Chapter 1306 of the Minnesota State Building Code regarding fire protection systems. It is not yet entirely clear how these changes will affect residential construction. It is important that the developer meet with the Inspections Division prior to final design to determine what ramifications, if any, the new requirements will have on the project. 79. The developer must submit a list of proposed street names and an addressing plan for review and approval prior to final plat of the property. 80. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any structures on the site. 81. A final grading plan and soils report must be to the Inspections Division before permits can be issued. 82. Walls and projections within 3 feet of property lines are required to be of one-hour fire- resistive construction. Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 July 19,2005 Page 32 83. The buildings will be required to be designed by an architect and engineer as determined by the Building Official. 84. The developer and or their agent shall meet with the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures." A TT ACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact. 2. Extension Letter from Town & Country dated June 29, 2005. 2. Public Hearing Notice and Property Owner List. 3. Site Plan dated July 12, 2005. 4. Housing Construction Plans - Majestic, Chateau, Regency & Premier. 5. Planning Commission minutes dated April 19, 2005. 6. Roundabout Design. 7. 2005 MUSA Area. 8. East-West Collector Roadway Typical Sections. 9. Bluff Creek Bridge Crossing. g:\plan\2005 planning cases\05-ll liberty on bluff creek\liberty pud prelliminary.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION INRE: Application of Town & County Homes for a Rezoning of property from A2, Agricultural Estate District, to PUD, Planned Unit Development for a townhouse development, Subdivision approval for Subdivision with variances - 91.02 acres into 7 Blocks and 124 Buildings including 459 Units, 3 Outlots A-C, and 7 Common Lots and associated right-of-way, Site Plan Review - of 142 Chateau homes, 118 Majestic homes, 62 Premier homes, and 124 Regency homes and a Pool/Community area, Conditional Use for alteration within the flood plain, Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District and a Wetland Alteration permit to fill and grade wetlands on site - Liberty on Bluff Creek. On July 19,2005, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Town & County Homes for rezoning, preliminary plat approval, site plan review, conditional use permits and wetland alteration permit for the referenced property. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed development preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned A2, Agricultural Estate District. 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Office/Industrial, Residential Medium Density, and Parks and Open Space uses. 3. The legal description of the property is: (see Exhibit A) 4. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider seven possible adverse affects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; 1 d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by this chapter; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause significant environmental damage; f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record; and g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: 1. Lack of adequate storm water drainage. 2. Lack of adequate roads. 3. Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. 4. Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. 5. Planned Unit Development. It will be the applicant's responsibility to demonstrate that the City's expectations are to be realized as evaluated against the following criteria: a) The proposed development preserves the majority of desirable site characteristics and open space, and protects sensitive environmental features, including mature trees, creeks and wetlands. b) The proposed development is an efficient and effective use of land, open space and public facilities through the clustering of the development on the site and the use of a private street. c) The proposed development is a high quality of design and design compatible with surrounding land uses, including both existing and planned. Site planning, landscaping and building architecture reflect higher quality design than is found elsewhere in the community. d) The proposed development provides sensitive development in transitional areas located between different land uses and along significant corridors within the city. e) The proposed development is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. f) The proposed development preserves the majority of the Bluff Creek Corridor primary zone. g) The proposed development provides alternate housing type with a percentage of affordable housing. h) The proposed development provides energy conservation through the use of the clustering of buildings. i) The proposed development will provide signage to reduce the potential for traffic conflicts. 2 6. The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse affects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan. b. The proposed use is compatible with the present and future land uses of the area. c. The proposed use conforms with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. d. The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed. e. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity. f. Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. 7. Conditional Use Permit.. When approving a conditional use permit, the City must determine the capability of a proposed development with existing and proposed uses. The general issuance standards of the conditional use Section 20-232, include the following 12 items: a) The proposed development will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. b) The proposed development is consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and this chapter. c) The proposed development will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. d) The proposed development will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. e) The proposed development will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. f) The proposed development will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. g) The proposed development will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or 3 the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, rodents, or trash. h) The proposed development will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. i) The proposed development will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. j) The proposed development will be aesthetically compatible with the area. k) The proposed development will not depreciate surrounding property values. 1) The proposed development meets standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in Bluff Creek Overlay District. 8. Site Plan. In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the city shall consider the development's compliance with the following: a) The proposed development is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; b) The proposed development is consistent with the site plan review requirements; c) The proposed development preserves the site in its natural state to the extent practicable subject to the revisions of the staff report by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developments or developing areas; d) The proposed development creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space subject to the revisions recommended in the staff report with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; e) The proposed development creates a functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: (1) An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; (2) The amount and location of open space and landscaping; (3) Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4 (4) Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. f) The proposed development protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. 9. The planning report #05-11 dated July 19,2005, prepared by Kate Aanenson, et aI, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDA TION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the preliminary Planned Unit Development, Preliminary Plat with Variances, Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permits and Wetland Alteration permit. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 19th day of July, 2005. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Its Chairman g:\plan\2005 planning cases\05-11 Iibert on bluff creek\findings of fact Liberty on Bluff Creek.doc 5 EXHIBIT A . . ~ o .... .... .e- t1 (I.) cu ~ ta bO ~ tv) C'\J Q) 0'1 c:: o Q:: <0 - - .9- ~ ~ ~ . N C\j c:: o :;:; u ~ "- o I... Q) ~ t ::J a ~ CI) o Q) :S ::J o '. CJ)~ Q)~ :S-E "-CI) o 0 ~l:l ~Q) t:9 ::J b aCl) Q) "t)l:l Q) 0 ~~ ..c::0 ~CI) ::JQ) o c:: l.I) .c:: Q)~ ..c:: ~~ ,,-"'""' o c:: ::J "'""' ,9. t'-J Q..I... ~~ o t ~() ..c:: Ci; ","",Q) N ~Q)o Cl)C) Q)u ~ ::JQ)Q) Q)_ Q)C:: :S 0 1.....c::C) Q),,--'::' Q) r-.... CI) 0'1 ~....... 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'- .2~~ 7----..- ~ /-.....::A.. frj frj ~ ~ C)) ~ CI: .S E c S 0 ~ Ki t t 't:J 0 .S ~ ~ ~ o 15 C 8-....:t .t~ %11 TOWN &: Minnesota Division June 29th, 2005 MCEIvr:n JUN 3 0 Lliu:J CITY OF CHANHA.::h).;.I\! Ms. Kate Aanenson 7700 Market Blvd PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Re: Liberty on Bluff Creek Dear Ms. Aanenson: Thank you for meeting with us to review the Bernardi property issues. This letter represents a written request to extend the city review period of the Preliminary Plat to August 15th, 2005. Please contact me at 952-253-0474 if you have any questions. Thank you. ~~~ Krista M. Novack Community Planning Manager Land Development 7615 Smetana Lane, Suite 180 · Eden Prairie, MN 55344 (952) 944-3455 . Fax (952) 944-3437 MN Builder License #9137 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDA VIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on July 7, 2005, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Continuation of Public Hearing for Liberty on Bluff Creek - Planning Case No. 05-11 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 #\ day of-<J\...dj ,2005. J!~ T. 1'VJ-"....dA~'__ -J N~ 1 N~/M. t MEUWISSE.N 1 ary PUbllO-Mlnnesota Oomm'H/on expires Jftn 31, 2010 SCANNED C) c)c c+:: 'i: m m~ :I:c uo ='0 .cln ::S.- C.E "'e 00 Co o +::C) IlS C ::S'- C C ._ C "'1lS c- oc. oc ...(1) o In (I) In U IlS .- ,c ...c OIlS Z,c o C) C).5 C'" .- (I) ... (I) m~ :I:c u 0 ='0 .0 In ::S.- a..E "'E 00 50 .- C) 1;;.5 ::s c .5 c "'1lS c- oc. Oc ...(1) o In (I) In U IlS ._ ,c ...c OIlS Z,c o ~ 16 "'C Q) 10 ~a:Q) Q)0..c UJ !;2 .!!!Q).!!l ..c0- Q) ~ ~ -..c"'C UJ 0> ","" _Lo_ UJ T""" >cnCii - ::loas ::l ~ .c>:8 0 0.0_ ~ 0 E j ~~.9 ..c -g -5,= ~ UJ o 8 15 8 "" ~ ::l '0) 3: 'e "ti '5 ~ "(j) E 0 E c 0 c: .~ c..~ g "'C .'5 OJ'. Q) 06 >- Q) ctl .- Q) "'C 'C .<= "" a. E ..c ..c "'C e UJ - ~ .0 0 E Q) ....;. . -'" Q) 0. . UJ C c:a :J = Q) III '-' Gl - '-' UJ 0 .- +::_cn.ga.:: > uOEQ) OQ)=E CQ)ito.8~ ill :g~e=~g-=.gE 0-c6"g:;::.QU C 1:::0- ~Q)LoCo.O OCll~",l!!if5E Cll 1II_"5~1i)0.0Q)() . ::2: a. .l!l ~ I::: .!!l E oS .!!2 0. +:: 0) Q) UJ..c Q) E 00<(00 >-... 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Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952.227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all ciaims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. Public Hearing Notification Area (500+ feet) Liberty on Bluff Creek Planning Case No. 05-11 _ Subject Site Public Hearing Notification Area CITY OF CHASKA C/O NOEL GRACZYK 1 CITY HALL PLAZA CHASKA MN 55318 ALLEN M & CAROL A MATHWIG 114002 HUNDERTMARK RD CHASKA MN 55318 JOHN AUGUST BARTOS & ANGELA FAITH BARTOS 2619 RACHEL CT CHASKA MN 55318 CHRISTOPHER B BECKSTEAD & HEIDI R BECKSTEAD 2630 RACHEL CT CHASKA MN 55318 SHADOW WOOD PROFESSIONAL BLDG 2638 SHADOW LN CHASKA MN 55318 DAVID A & L1NEE J MOLDENHAUER 2650 SHADOW LN CHASKA MN 55318 JOHN F WELLS 2658 SHADOW LN CHASKA MN 55318 THOMAS M & AUDREY Q MCGREEHAN 2664 SHADOW LN CHASKA MN 55318 KEITH R & ANN M WYMAN 2674 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 JOSE HUGO ESTUPINAN PORRAS & POLlCARPA HELENA ARIAS RIANO 2682 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 PATRICIA A DAWSON 10806 GLEN WILDING LN BLOOMINGTON MN 55431 LAKE HAZELTINE WOODS LLC 2177 YOUNGMAN AVE ST PAUL MN 55116 PAUL N & LUANN M ENGELHARDT 2626 RACHEL CT CHASKA MN 55318 HULTGREN-MESCHKE INVESTMENT CO 2634 SHADOW LN STE 101 CHASKA MN 55318 JEFFREY J & CONNIE M STOLL 2639 RACHEL CT CHASKA MN 55318 ROBERT F FRANKLIN III & JO ANNE M VERTIN 2654 SHADOW LN CHASKA MN 55318 BRUCE E & MARCINE A JABLONSKI 2661 SHADOW LN CHASKA MN 55318 ERNEST J & CHERISH A VALESKI 2665 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 ROBERT C & LIBBY FAIRCHILD 2678 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 JOHN D & JULIE A MYHR 2685 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 THE JONATHAN ASSOCIATION 111000 BAVARIA RD CHASKA MN 55318 DIRK R & WENDY J GASTERLAND 2614 RACHEL CT CHASKA MN 55318 CHRISTOPHER R STONE & PATRICIA I STONE 2629 RACHEL CT CHASKA MN 55318 MICHAEL N O'BRIEN 2637 RACHEL CT CHASKA MN 55318 KENNETH & CHERYL A ATKINSON 2646 SHADOW LN CHASKA MN 55318 MARK A SMEGAL & LINDA B RUSSO 2657 SHADOW LN CHASKA MN 55318 JEFFREY & JENNIFER S SILUS 2662 SHADOW LN CHASKA MN 55318 JAMES D & DEBRA J KEPPLER 2670 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 KEVIN H & KARLA J JOHNSON 2681 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 PAUL R & LINDA M DEROCHER 2686 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 BRENT A GORACZKOWSKI & JENNIFER L GO RACZKOWSKI 2687 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 ERIC L & COLLEEN P CROWELL 2694 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 JEFFREY 0 & STACY 0 KERFELD 2702 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 JULIA A ZIMMER 2706 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 RICHARD H & MICHELE J IMDIEKE 2710 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 SPENCER T & JILL R COWAN 2714 SHADOWWOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 ERIC E PEDERSEN & NEVA M CROCKER 2718 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 BRICE A BUCKINGHAM 2721 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 KENNETH J & VIOLA M RECH 2725 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 DONALD R & ROSE MARY A FINGER 2726 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 JONATHAN L & RHONDA S DICK 2689 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 MYRON J & KARYL A MUEHLBAUER 2698 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 JOSE R & CRYSTAL M ALVAREZ 2704 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 RUSSELL P & JANET M SONS 2709 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 KURT R & JENNIFER L THERIAULT 2713 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 JEREMY J & DAWN M PETERSON 2715 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 KEVIN H & STEPHANIE A LENTSCH 2719 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 MICHAEL CORLETT & SHANEN LEE 2722 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 JAMES S & KIMBERLY C FREEMAN 2725 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 MICKY J & LINETTE M WILLKOM 2727 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 JAMES S & KRISTEN R VIPOND 2690 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 DAVID E & GAYLE I BARNETT 2700 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 KHAMKONG PHETNONGPHA Y & PHOUTHONEPHETNONGPHAY 2705 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 JOHN E RISCHMILLER & KRISTIN S RISCHMILLER 2710 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 PATRICK J & ELISABETH BROD 2714 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 MARIO & MARl BET MIRAFLOR 2717 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 KHAMSAO R RAJVONG & SOUV ANTHONE T RAJVONG 2720 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 LISA ESPINOSA 2722 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 KENNETH C BA YCH & SOFIA R MARINOS-BA YCH 2726 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 MICHAEL G & SHEILA J JANKE 2729 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 DENISE D SYNSTELlEN 2730 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 ROBERT M JR & KAY M MARGO 2733 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 DAVID L & LINDA M LADNER 2734 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 STEEN C & LINDA L JACOBSEN 2737 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 STEVEN L & LYNDA M VOLAVKA 2740 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 KELLY M RECH 2742 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 JAMES J & KATHLEEN C WISE 2747 WAGNER DR CHASKA MN 55318 MICHAEL & ELIZABETH KLAUDA 2758 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 TROY A & DEANNE A LOGAN 2765 WAGNER DR CHASKA MN 55318 BRIAN D RAMSAY 2774 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 JOHN & DEBRA TRAVIS 2731 WAGNER DR CHASKA MN 55318 TODD & MARGARET MEISSNER 2733 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 JONATHON & MEGAN PAUL 2735 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 YOSHIFUMI & SHELLEY KASAHARA 2738 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 JEFFREY S SODERLlND & CRYSTAL M SODERLlND 2741 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 EVERETT Z & JENNIFER L BAKKE 2745 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 JAN R FREDERICK & CYNTHIA J FREDERICK 2748 WAGNER DR CHASKA MN 55318 ANDREW J & KELLY SUE AU MOCK 2760 WAGNER DR CHASKA MN 55318 MICHAEL L & LISA A GEARMAN 2766 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 JEROME C MAULE 2778 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 VALERIY V & IRINA M SYUL YUKOV 2732 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 CHAD & NICOLE M BJUGAN 2734 AUTUMN WOODS DR CHASKA MN 55318 LEONARD A & SHARON LAUER 2736 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 LAWRENCE LEONARD TWITO 2738 SHADOW WOOD CT CHASKA MN 55318 DAVID J JANKOWSKI & RUTH L BASA 2741 WAGNER DR CHASKA MN 55318 RION F CORNELL & KRISTEN A CORNELL 2746 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 DANIEL J WEBER 2752 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 RICHARD J & MARY M FRANK 2762 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 ROBERT C & STEPHANIE L GEISLER 2770 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 PETER J & JOAN TETRICK 2782 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 KEVIN J & ROSE MARIE GJERDE 2786 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 GREGORY J & ANN ZIMPRICH 2861 TIMBERVIEW TRL CHASKA MN 55318 PETER F & ANITA M NEISEN 2864 TIMBERVIEW TRL CHASKA MN 55318 THOMAS A & KELLY L DOERING 2867 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 DAVID A & JOYCE B MAGNESS 2870 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 LISA L PAYNTER 2875 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 THOMAS G & DEBRA N KERBER TRUSTEES OF TRUSTS 2883 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 CARL M & SANDRA J BEAURLlNE 2888 FOREST RDG CHASKA MN 55318 JOHN FRANCIS MCDONALD & MARGARET CATHERINE MCDONALD 2891 FOREST RDG CHASKA MN 55318 DONALD E & MARLENE M GEORGE 2894 FOREST RDG CHASKA MN 55318 CHRISTOPHER 0 & LORI A KUEFLER 2790 SIMONS DR CHASKA MN 55318 JEAN MURRAY BULLER 2862 TIMBERVIEW TRL CHASKA MN 55318 HENRY M HELGEN III & MICHELE KELM-HELGEN 2865 TIMBERVIEW TRL CHASKA MN 55318 JOHN & KAREN POLLOCK 2868 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 BRUCE E II & BETH L O'BRIEN 2871 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 JAMES K & CAROLYN M ERICKSON 2879 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 SUSAN G ZELINSKY 2886 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 PAUL B & PATRICIA M BURY 2889 FOREST RDG CHASKA MN 55318 STEPHEN J & LAURA L HANISH 2892 FOREST RDG CHASKA MN 55318 MICHAEL J & REBECCA S GLEASON 2895 FOREST RDG CHASKA MN 55318 GENE E II & KARIN A STEINE 2857 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 KEVIN 0 & CHRISTINE L REINEKE 2863 TIMBERVIEW TRL CHASKA MN 55318 MATTHEW & SUSAN M MCINTOSH 2866 TIMBERVIEW TRL CHASKA MN 55318 MICHAEL W & NANCY J KEELER 2869 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 STEVEN L & CAMILLE C WICKSTROM TRUSTEES OF TRUST 2874 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 DANIEL L & EMILY A WILSON 2880 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 STEVEN R GOLLOHER & WENDY 0 BELL 2887 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 JON L & MARY JO HANSEN 2890 FOREST RDG CHASKA MN 55318 DAVID W & KIRSTEN F TAYLOR 2893 FOREST RDG CHASKA MN 55318 RICHARD C & MARTHA J CARLSON 2896 FOREST RDG CHASKA MN 55318 DEREK P & CHRISTINE T SCHMIDT 2897 FOREST RDG CHASKA MN 55318 MARC A & KARA R STRAZZANTI 2901 FOREST RDG CHASKA MN 55318 ROBERT A & JILL S ROXAS 2906 BUTTERNUT DR CHASKA MN 55318 BRYAN E & CLAIRE M SAATHOFF 2910 BUTTERNUT DR CHASKA MN 55318 BHARAT & SHUSHMA B PATEL 609 MONROE BLVD #609 KNG OF PRUSSA PA 19406 MATTHEW E & LISA WALSH 2899 FOREST RDG CHASKA MN 55318 CHRISTOPHER LOMBARDO & MARALEE A LOMBARDO 2902 IRONWOOD BLVD CHASKA MN 55318 TALLIS B BLAKE & ROSE M BIERSDORF 2907 BUTTERNUT DR CHASKA MN 55318 MICHAEL A & JENNIFER M BROBACK 3300 EDINBOROUGH WAY SUITE 400MINNEAPOLlS MN 55435 THE RYLAND GROUP 7600 EXECUTIVE DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 HARRIS COOPER & DARCY R DILLY COOPER 2900 FOREST RDG CHASKA MN 55318 MARK T & SUSAN M JOHNSON 2905 BUTTERNUT DR CHASKA MN 55318 JOHN R & KRISTIN K BILDEN 2908 BUTTERNUT DR CHASKA MN 55318 BOBBIE 0 MORLOCK 5020 PAGE AVE NE ST MICHAEL MN 55376 CHARLES S & JOAN WAGNER 9430 AUDUBON RD CHASKA MN 55318 TIMOTHY TODD 9401 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GEORGE & CONSTANCE ST MARTIN 9231 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN KLlNGELHUTZ C/O JAMES W HEISEL 350 EAST HWY 212 PO BOX 89 CHASKA MN 55318 CHAR JEURISSEN & MARK A & JENNIFER L JOHNSON 9715 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DEAN & LOIS DEGLER TRUSTEE OF TRUST 9111 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 AURORA INVESTMENTS LLC 5215 EDINA INDUST BLVD SUITE 100 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55439 PETERSON-JACQUES FARM LAND CO C/O SEVERIN H PETERSON JR 15900 FLYING CLOUD DR EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55347 GAYLE 0 & LOIS J DEGLER TRUSTEES OF TRUSTS 1630 LYMAN BLVD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KRISTA NOVACK TOWN AND COUNTRY HOMES 7615 SMETANA LANE SUITE 180 EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55344 :::I , ',f '.:jJ ',~ ~ ~ . ~ .J f\':"~' ~~ ~~ \ ~J ~~~f~',; - u -1~0-,\ 1":; . ,J~j ti""\\ '/ g~~ \ ii=t "'-,- \II, ,r~ I,' !\I~ ,i'!1~ \.l ","\ : ~\ \.: ,." ]~~I -- \\;y\\ { i"'r~ -=-. \ \\; /~\; Ii" :~, i. !.. ; hi .~. t tj ~., , ,p.'.!. ,\,\ \ ~',,' :\<'..c:. i':',~ 8 g.h .-' ~ ~! *' ~"!7~I :~;/ h~ <<~ \: {'Rtl<~~;; ...."'.. .;.:\ L> -t ~ a.f~ jA ::~~'8, I \':~~'~I~"'~":?!~Ii(,(: .- 0~Y;. ~ ,~!I ()~ ~',\\ "\\)')r':\~ > (I /;~.:.:=:-: , ~3: :"v'\~~ll\ /!Iij'~ .'.' / :\\(~(/) ~~~ .. .,,~~~~ >J:\.'..-Gi11, I l 0,:-:--- f'rjU/t.~.. ~.- "\' i i- ~\\Y ,'-~ ~-. 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ILLINOIS 60007 VOICE {9471:E9-JeCO FAX"'7n:;9-3856 FAX(ll.7/:J59-385I. rnj<lornoUliosjons.o::m p~ <~ ~~ ")> -I o :z rl-- IL_ 11 II II II II II II II II II n-_J; II II tL_~__1 II " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ~--- '''-.1:,,: I~ <~ 1!J! ~)> -I o :z "rt_ oC----- " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " :r-~- I U---J: : It- " " " " " " " " II U Jr u- I~ ~JlI i~ ~ ~ !. ,Jo,O'I,X1C:&.I().lIaIo.\~YD1"6 ClPl'R1GfT @ 2005~TTHlAS -"NS MlOlITECT AU. RnlTS FESERVED 000EJITJ IIIII11 LI6ERTY a.l BUff CREEK D-A2-Al-AI-A2-D A$5EMBL Y CHANI-IASSEN, MINNESOTA JANS BOBAK MA TTH/AS JANS ARCH/TECT 334 EAST COLFAX SUITE 0 PALATINE,ILLlNOIS 6fX:h7 VOiCE 184T, 359-JaOO FAX 8471359-3856 FAX 8I,7rb9-3f154 Planning Commission Meeting - April 19, 2005 13. The applicant shall apply for and obtain permits from the appropriate regulatory agencies (e.g., Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (NPDES Phase IT Construction Permit), Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (for dewatering)) and comply with their conditions of approval. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to O. Sacchet: Well we wish you luck with this and I got to be very honest. If it was a different developer I would have had a very hard time going along with this. So we'll take a 5 minute recess and we'll try to briefly address the remaining items. PUBLIC HEARING: REQUEST FOR REZONING OF PROPERTY FROM A2 TO PUD-R; SUBDIVISION WITH VARIANCES OF APPROXIMA TEL Y 91 ACRES INTO 84 LOTS. 3 OUTLOTS AND PUBLIC RIGHT -OF- WAY; SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR 459 TOWNHOUSE UNITS; WETLAND AL TERA TION PERMIT; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AL TERA TION OF THE FLOOD PLAIN; AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT. THE PROPERTY IS LOCATED EAST OF AUDUBON ROAD. SOUTH OF LYMAN BOULEVARD. AND NORTH OF PIONEER TRAIL. LIBERTY ON BLUFF CREEK. APPLICANT. TOWN AND COUNTRY HOMES. PLANNING CASE NO. 05-11. Public Present: Name Address Jeff & Jenny Silus Rick Dorsey Keith Wyman Dave Zelinsky 2662 Shadow Lane, Chaska 14215 Green View Court, Eden Prairie 2674 Shadow Wood Court, Chaska 2886 Ironwood Blvd. Kate Aanenson presented the staff report on this item. Sacchet: Thank you Kate. Questions. Go ahead Kurt. Papke: Yeah we're, if my math is correct we're losing about 3% of our office industrial space. Aanenson: Correct. Papke: What's our feeling in terms of tax base? In terms of the market for office industrial right now? You know is this lost? Aanenson: Well that's the question that the council has. When, in the process of looking at the AUAR they spent some time saying that maybe this should be predominantly industrial, this area down here. What you have to remember is when we updated the comprehensive plan in 1998, we put this land use together. Projections were made. People made other economic decisions 69 Planning Commission Meeting - April 19, 2005 based on ultimate population of significant developments that we've had recently. So those, all those things had to be played into balance. Right now, I guess I would ask maybe Commissioner Undestad if he would have any additional comments on the office industrial market right now, but you know we don't always make decisions for today. You have to think long term in holding it but that was one of the questions that the council said too. We can zone it office industrial. It may sit there for quite a while, you know as opposed to getting taxes today so the council did discuss that. Undestad: I don't know. I mean again you're looking farther down the road. I think as the city's probably seen too in the last few years, the industrial's probably slowed down a little bit around here. We've got some large projects out here. Lifetime, things like that but the office warehouse or industrial stuff has been a little slow at catch up again. It's, we're starting to see more activity now but long term, 3% and stuff. Papke: Is that a consideration though. I mean if you look at where this property is, it's all farm land right now. So there's really nothing to compare it to in Chanhassen. There is adjacent, Autumn Woods in Chaska. There's a Chaska single family housing development to the south. I mean you know, it's not exactly an office warehouse area right now so I have kind of mixed feelings about it. On one hand I hate to lose what it's next to, it's next to homes. Aanenson: And that was a lot of the rationale when we put the recommendations for land use. There's industrial across here in Chaska is why we gave that. Could it be, could more of this that's closer to Powers possi bl y be industrial ? Yeah. We looked at this as industrial, kind of in the convergence of that triangle there. You know what this eventually is the frontage road making it's way down through here, so you're right. Sacchet: In terms of designation, I'd like just to clarify one thing. Since it's designated office industrial or medium density, that doesn't mean if somebody comes and uses it for one use that then we have to make up for the other use somewhere else in the city because we'd be basically say anybody coming with one of those two uses has to, if it's the right thing for this, right? Aanenson: Well that's how I would say it. I think the council kind of wants to do a check and balance. If we take it here, you have to give it somewhere else but I'm not sure you can always do that, but that's the challenge and certainly everybody in this area, if they could do multi family high density or medium density... because they can make that happen today. But again we'd be responsible for that mix of different land use choices. Housing types. And I glossed over that which I do want to go back to really quickly. And I apologize. That's one ofthe things too that's important is the different, you know we just approved a lot of subdivisions in the 600,000 plus. Over the last 150 that we've gone lots, single family lots. So in this project it's proposing some price point under the 200,000. As I indicated in the staff report, we are.. . and by today's dollar anything under $193,700 would qualify for affordable owner occupied housing, so and they do have that proposed in this project so again that will meet some of our housing goals. Sacchet: Okay, and that's always something that the Met Council is pushing us to do right? And we're kind of behind with that aren't we as a city? 70 Planning Commission Meeting - April 19, 2005 Aanenson: Yeah, we have, the biggest challenge we have is the rental. That's the toughest to do and this again is market rates. There's no incentive. It's being all, it's market rate driven. There's no assistance from the city or any other agency. Again we've had Carver County lIRA buy some units and work with the developer and rent those out and then move people in a different, more permanent housing. Sacchet: I didn't mean to derail your questioning Kurt. Okay. Anybodyelse? Okay. Now you did mention that staff is recommending tabling and there's a considerable collection of lists I should say from the different departments of what could be done. However this is advertised as a public hearing for tonight so I'd like to follow through the steps with the understanding that if we, as the Planning Commission go with the recommendation from staff and do table this, that this will come back. That we will address this at a later meeting again and I want to just make clear that I would also extend the public hearing to that meeting as well, but with that, if the applicant wants to summarize this under that aspect, without maybe going into real excessive detail. If you want to make some statements, that would be appreciated please. Krista Novack: Good evening. My name is Krista Novack. I'm the Community Planning Manager for Town and Country Homes and I have with me tonight Kevin Clark, who is our Director of Development. Ron Fuchs is our Entitlements Manager and Rick Jansen is our V.P. of Land Acquisition. We also have Ed Hasek and Chris Moerhl from Westwood Professional, planners and engineers of the site here to answer questions but first we'd like to thank staff and they've worked very hard on our property and also to thank Planning Commission for the opportunities to present our proposal and get feedback from you. Kate was very thorough in the presentation and I guess what I wanted to address is just the biggest impact was the re- delineation of the primary overlay district and how that's going to affect our plan and Kate kind of alluded to that. We can go to the site plan. It's hard for me not to be able to point to it but if you can go to the northern portion by the primary and then include the pocket park area and the two connections to the eastern. As Kate mentioned, first of all with the Majestic architecture, which is our rear loading garage, we are increasing the size of the driveways from 10 feet to 20 feet so that area, where you see that, those buildings is going to be shifted along with the areas to the north with the premiere walkout units along the primary zone. That's going to squeeze that pocket park area and so that pocket park area that originally was planned is going to get smaller and shrink up and then also we wanted to do is connect those two streets so we have more of a loop and the buildings on the east side of that loop would be connected by a private drive, so there's more going to be of a loop, a circulation with that road. That's one of the changes that is going to happen that is significant but it's not going to compromise the intent of our plan. Another thing too on the south portion of the site with the primary overlay district and the shifting of that, the southeast corner with the retaining walls, we understand that is an area that we need to address and we are working towards the best possible solution for the retaining walls and the grades. Maybe it's re-adjusting the product or how they layout but we understand that's a hurdle we have to jump and we're looking into that. As well as parking, and overall, generally parking. I think we hit the numbers but we are focusing more on the proximity of the parking area. Sacchet: Do we have any questions for the applicant? Not at this point? Alright, thank you. That was definitely key points you addressed, I appreciate that. Getting right to the point. Now 71 Planning Commission Meeting - April 19, 2005 this is a public hearing so if anybody wants to come up and address this item at this point, this is your opportunity. Please state your name and address for the record. Rick Dorsey: My name's Rick Dorsey. I have property on Lyman Boulevard and I just, I guess at this point in the evening, this is a pretty detailed or big plan. I just would like to say I do have comments and to get into them in detail would not be timely here this evening. Ijust want to make sure that there is in fact an extension of the public hearing to let you know that there is. Sacchet: Yes, I already mentioned that we would do it that way. And I mean, I would think we need a more finalized proposal in front of us to get into the detailed discussion of it so we definitely will extend the public hearing to that point. Rick Dorsey: Even to the point of some of the other issues that you're looking at, besides just the detail of this plan. Change of land use, that type of thing. Sacchet: Okay, thank you. Anybody else? John Chadwick: My name is John Chadwick. I live at 11430 Ryan Circle. I'm here representing the Peterson family. I'm glad to say good evening instead of good morning. It's getting a little bit late. Sacchet: We're not going to be here that long. John Chadwick: Sounds fine. But thank you for the chance to get together here. We have worked quite a bit with staff and have enjoyed that. The Peterson property shares a number of similarities with the Town and Country or slash Bernardi property and that is definitely we would, we share the exact same zoning. We share a couple thousand feet of contiguous boundary. Their east boundary, our west boundary. We share a great desire to have residential on this, on the Peterson property as well, being that we share all of these commonalities. The question before you this evening.. .how does this plan fit in with your overall community goals? How does it fit in with the land use and the whole 640 acres? How does it fit in on this particular parcel, and I guess by definition how does it fit in with the neighbor? So we would ask you to consider that as you move along. I don't know if this is, if there's still room for possibilities on this. Aanenson: It's not going to show up on this but you can see it on your monitor. John Chadwick: Again the same, the same considerations. There's 120 acres sitting there, of which 29 acres is going to be in the primary Bluff Creek. Another 49, almost 50 acres going to be in the secondary Bluff Creek Overlay. Just so, there's an awful lot of detail but it's part of this overall global community AUAR neighborhood area. We would also support staff recommendation. There's a lot of things that have gone into this and careful deliberation and Kate's words are well taken in terms of land use as it applies to the entire area so in brief that's it and thank you for the opportunity. 72 Planning Commission Meeting - April 19, 2005 Sacchet: Thank you. Anybodyelse? Anybody else would like to address this? Seeing nobody else getting up, I will close the public hearing. Bring it back to the commission for brief discussion and comments. Audience: I just want to know when the next public hearing will be? Sacchet: When will the next public hearing be? It will be published. It will be in the Villager and I don't know, do we send a notice out if we have a continued public hearing? So it's not really a different public hearing. I should make this very clear. I did not close the public hearing. I leave this public hearing open. Okay, correction. This public hearing remains open tit this item comes back and then we continue the public hearing. Aanenson: I just want to make for the record, if you want to track an item you can go to the city's web page and then check the agenda. They're tentatively posted and then you can also download the staff report by going to the date of agenda. If you're still not sure then you're welcome to call the city staff where we can help you on when this is. Sacchet: Okay, comments. Discussion. Papke: Lots of houses. Lots of impact on the schools. It is, is the school planning taking, are they aware of this? Are they taking this into their account? Aanenson: Yep. Bob just met with the School District 112 as they updated their, yes. Their population projections. Yep. Again it's under the, if you look at where they're at for density, which we pointed out there too, it's come down from what the original was. The 459 and the overall density which I think they're going to at 5.81. For net. As opposed to the 8. So it may go down a little bit more. Sacchet: It's an interesting comment that came up in terms of looking at the whole area as much as possible as a whole. I mean which is somewhat difficult because I mean the proposal they brought in front of us are market driven and we don't have the liberty to say well, we want this proposal and don't want the other. But nevertheless it creates a context. I mean if we have one use going in, it certainly has an influence of what is going to be an appropriate mix to it and so forth, so I think that's definitely something to look at. I think all the critical aspects have been touched on. I think you were here, as we went through our earlier deliberation here and I want to point out we do take our bluff setbacks and preservations quite serious so with wetlands and as such, primary zone, I think that's been pretty clear of what staff already said so I'm going to reiterate that to be really clear about it. The concern about parking, bringing it closer to the residents, we had that in our discussion session already. The aspect of the retaining walls. I mean they're all pretty clearly defined and then you have tons of specifics from staff to work on. I don't know whether we need to belabor this or if not let's make a motion. Keefe: Just make a motion to table. Sacchet: We have a motion. Do we have a second? 73 Planning Commission Meeting - April 19, 2005 Zorn: Second. Sacchet: We have a motion, we have a second. Keefe moved, Zorn seconded that the Planning Commission table action on Liberty on Bluff Creek, Planning Case No. 05-11. All voted in favor and the motion carried unanimously with a vote of 6 to O. Sacchet: We look forward to see this moving forward and appreciate all your efforts with this. Papke: Which of these materials should we preserve for the future? Aanenson: I don't think you need any of that. Sacchet: We'll get a whole new set. We don't need to keep the blueprints either. Aanenson: Hold on to these. Sacchet: Just the glossy, okay. APPROV AL OF MINUTES: Commissioner Papke noted the verbatim and summary minutes of the Planning Commission meeting dated April 5, 2005 as presented. Aanenson: Before you adjourn, you do have a work session with the City Council. I meant to get you out, what we're going to talk about is the goals that we did last year and the one we did for this year. I was going to remind you of those and send that to you tomorrow via e-mail. I believe it's 5:30 next Monday, but I'll e-mail you on that. Sacchet: Yeah, that'd be a good reminder. Papke: Of course I won't be there. This will be the last semester. I might be giving it up. Sacchet: I hope we'll talk about cul-de-sacs versus dead end streets. Chairman Sacchet adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 10:50 p.m. Submitted by Kate Aanenson Community Development Director Prepared by Nann Opheim 74 = eIJ .,.... \Ij QJ ~ ~ = o "t:J ~ ~ = = ~ il ~I.. ~, '~.~ {; m: a J;;' fj" ~J ~r ::li' Ge < ~ < < 00. ~ ~ 'II ~ ~ N zz "' ,",'" ~ ~~ '"'0 0 .e:z -= "'- I ,,"0 ",'" .. ~>:: ~ '" ~~ <~ 0 l.&..~ ~) :2 ~~ 0 gffi o~ :2'" z <: ii> 0:..., u." .... 0'" >-::c: ;n ~~ u ....u '" u- wOo 1-:12: (3 ...J>- -<: ~ , '"'''' '" ...J.... 0 0== tfg 00 u II ,::-: >. ltJ .(: ;:; .... .... ,.:; (J '" C~i~\ ," ~ w ~ ", "" ~~ 0 I , co .... '" ." '" ':.- 3: 0 ~ 0::: --.l 0 ------- ~~ 0::: to roo::: --.l I- 00 1:::<: en 0::: I- r-.. -r--- w 2 Z Z <( 0 ;;. -' 0 W ~ f= z u z U <( t.Ll 0::: t.Ll :::> 'in -' V) l- V) :::> -l ...J 0::: <( < I ~ W U/"""' ~t.Ll l- e... 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