CC Work Session Minutes 6-27-05 City Council Work Session - June 27, 2005 UPDATE ON THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PUD/2005 MUSA UPDATE. Kate Aanenson provided background information on the planning that has taken place to date in the 2005 MUSA area. She reviewed the timing issues for development and stated that the Town & Country development was not driving the design of the entire 600 acres. She explained the difference between a master plan and master developer and outlined how the density distribution was established between all parcels in the AUAR. Councilman Peterson asked for clarification of MnDot's map which shows right-of-way and the number of acres being taken. Paul Oehme explained the scope of the city improvements being proposed in Project 04-05. He showed a map with existing conditions, proposed public improvements, including round about designs on the new east/west collector street as a traffic calming measure, the different alignment options for the east/west collector street, along with storm sewer and sanitary sewer improvements and how all those issues work together in the design of the entire area. Rick Dorsey stated he has looked at the master plan and asked if the plan which was created a couple of years ago is still relevant today. He asked that the city clarify the definition of buildable land. Because of the number of landowners involved and the natural features in this area, it will be very hard to develop. He stated that he and owners of the Fox properties are talking about working together but would ask for flexibility in the design of the east/west collector street. With the natural features and infrastructure that's available, he is also concerned with under development of their properties. He showed examples of areas like Centennial Lakes, Excelsior Grand and 66th and Lyndale as ways of incorporating parks and natural amenities along with housing and commercial development. The work session was recessed at 7:00 p.rn.. It was reconvened at 8:45 p.rn.. CONTINUATION OF TOWN AND COUNTRY PUD/2005 MUSA UPDATE. Mayor Furlong asked Todd Hoffman to talk about the proposed uses for the 20 acre park and the Bluff Creek corridor. Councilman Peterson asked for clarification on the timing for the road and utilities. Paul Oehme stated to stay on track with the other projects in the area City Council needs to pick a road alignment by the end of July. Kate Aanenson discussed the tools staff has used in planning this AUAR area. Councilman Peterson asked for clarification on what was driving the layout of the road. Todd Gerhardt stated a key item was the results of soil borings. Jeff Fox explained the impacts of Option 1 on his properties and showed their preferred alignment which would minimize the number of acres being taken. Councilman Peterson asked if all owners agreed to take their property out of ag preserve, which would be the best road alignment. Rick Dorsey explained the ag preserve status of his property and why it can't be changed for 6 years. Kate Aanenson explained that the job of staff is to try and get a consensus with the landowners and what is really driving the development in this area is the preservation of the Bluff Creek corridor. Sever Peterson stated that when staff described this area as being a signature area, it peaked his interest because that is what he, along with his neighbors are hoping for in development. His family is interested in the quality of architecture, landscaping, grading and timing. He has appreciated the City Council and staff's willingness to listen to the concerns of the neighbors in this area. Councilman Lundquist stated he would concur with Councilman Peterson that it's unfortunate that all property owners can't develop at one time. Kate Aanenson reiterated how staff is working to pull together the needs and desires of everyone. She then 2 City Council Work Session - June 27, 2005 presented a review of the Town and Country project, where it is in the process and how it got to that point. Kevin Clark with Town and Country explained how the construction of 212 pushed up the timing on their development and how with a piece of property ofthis size (600 acres) it's difficult if not impossible to get all property owners developing at the same time. Councilman Lundquist asked that Town and Country continue to work on the exterior of their buildings because of the amount of "stuff' in the development. Kate Aanenson asked for feedback from the council regarding density and the idea of going vertical to increase density. Councilmen Peterson and Lundquist stated they were not looking for higher density, i.e. if medium density is 4 to 8 units per acre, they would be leaning toward the 4. Councilwoman Tjornhom expressed concern for life cycle housing and the need for senior housing which would mean housing without stairs. Councilman Peterson stated he would support higher density with new and unique products that are interesting and distinctive. Councilman Labatt agreed stating that this development will set the standard for the whole AUAR area. Mayor Furlong was concerned with the layout of the buildings and the look along Audubon Road. Councilman Labatt agreed that it looked a bit like Fort Ripley. RESULTS OF THE CITIZEN SURVEY. Justin Miller presented the results of the citizen survey and showed how the results for the City of Chanhassen compared with the national average. Mayor Furlong asked that the City Council get a copy of the survey results. Councilman Peterson asked how this survey compared with the survey conducted by the other company. Justin Miller stated he felt the city got better results for less money. UPDA TE ON WEST WATER TREATMENT PLANT LAND ACOUISITION. Todd Gerhardt stated this item will be brought back at the next work session where council will see language in the development contract. Mayor Furlong adjourned the work session meeting at 10:15 p.m.. Submitted by Todd Gerhardt City Manager Prepared by Nann Opheim 3