Variance Document for recording CITY OF CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPARTMENT 7700 Market Boulevard P.O. Box 147 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317 (952) 227-1100 FAX (952) 227-1110 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE I JOB NO. 7/20/05 ATTENTION Sue Nelson RE: Document Recordina TO: Campbell Knutson, PA 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 WE ARE SENDING YOU [8J Attached D Under separate cover via the following items: D Shop drawings D Copy of letter D Prints D Change Order D Plans D Samples D Specifications D Pay Request D _ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 1 5/17/05 05-1 0 Variance 05-10 Sharratt Variance) 1 6/27/05 05-17 Variance 05-17 McHuQh Variance) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: D For approval D Approved as submitted D Approved as noted D Resubmit copies for approval D Submit copies for distribution D Return corrected prints D For your use D As requested D Returned for corrections D For review and comment [8J For Recording D FOR BIDS DUE D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COpy TO: Josh Metzer, Planner I SIGNED. . If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA VARIANCE 05-10 1. Permit. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City of Chanhassen hereby grants the following variance: The Planning Commission approves Variance #05-10 for a 5-foot front yard setback variance, 1.0 percent hard surface coverage variance and a 32-foot shoreland setback variance for the demolition and rebuilding of a single-family home on a riparian lot zoned Single Family Residential (RSF). 2. Propertv. The variance is for property situated in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota, and legally described as follows: NW 1,4 of the SE 1,4 of Section 24, TWP 116, Range 023 9015 Lake Riley Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN 55317 3. Conditions. The variance approval is subject to the following conditions: 1. Drainage swales are required to be graded in along each side of the house. 2. Maximum side slopes greater than 3: 1 are not allowed. There is a slope along the northwest side of the proposed home that is greater than 3: 1. Revise this slope to comply. 3. The applicant must be aware that any retaining wall over four feet in height must be designed by a registered civil engineer and a permit from the city building department must be obtained. In addition, encroachment agreements will be required for any retaining wall within a public easement. 4. Show the top and bottom wall elevations on the survey. 5. The applicant's contractor will need to verify the existing sewer and water locations and submit revised service tie cards upon connection. 1 6. Grading shall be revised to avoid intensive vegetation clearing within the shore impact zone. 7. The applicant shall determine whether permits will be required from the Riley- Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District and Minnesota Department of Natura! Resources for the project, including the shoreline riprap. All necessary permits shall be obtained and all conditions of approval should be met. 8. Type III silt fence shall be provided during demolition and during construction on the lake side. Type I silt fence shall be installed along the side property lines. Silt fence shall be removed when the construction is complete and the site has been revegetated. 9. Erosion control blanket shall be installed on all slopes greater than or equal to 3:1. All exposed soil areas shall have temporary erosion protection or permanent cover year round, according to the following table of slopes and time frames: Type of Slope Time (maximum time an area can remain unvegetated when area is not actively beiIll!: worked) Steeper than 3: 1 7 Days 10:1 to 3:1 14 Days Flatter than 10: 1 21 Days 10. Tree protection fencing shall be installed around all trees to be preserved on site prior to any construction activity. 11. A minimum of one tree shall be planted in the front yard setback area. 12. The areas beneath decks must either be sodded or landscaped with mulch or rock with a fabric liner." 4. Lapse. If within one (1) year of the issuance of this variance the allowed construction has not been substantially completed, this variance shall lapse. Dated: May 17, 2006. 2 (SEAL) CITY OF CHANHASSEN By:~A AND:~Z&MaYoc odd Gerhardt, CIty Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss ) COUNTY OF CARVER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this B-~ay of ~ t.L 2005 by Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor and Todd Gerhardt, City Manager, of the City ofC anhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by its City Council. ~ . , .~ .. m u...sL6L} 0 /V"'--- .. - ~YPUBe- I KIM T. MEUWISSEN I Notary Public-Minnesota . My Commission expires Jan 31, 2010 .. DRAFTED BY: City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 (952)227-1100 g:\plan\2005 planning cases\05-10 sharratt variance\recording docnment.doc 3