Affidavit of Publication NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING , VACATION OF EASEMENT CITY.OF.CHANHASSEN NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVENthat the ChanhassenCitYCouncil will hold apub~ichearijJ.gonMonday, June 13; 2005,' at7:QQ . p.m. . tn. the Council Chambers atChanhas~enCity Hall, 7700 MarketBoulevard. . The purpose of this hearing is t.o consider the request of Lecy Bros. Homes for the vaoatiol1 of all drainage and utility easements on the underlying parcelS of property within the plat of Crestview. .' , .'. _ Alegal description and drawing of the proposed vacation; area are availa~le(()rpuQlic reviewabGlty HalL4~J.'egularbusinllss hours. .;,t\IlJnlete&tedpersonsID'einvited to attend this public hearingaild express .theiropinions with respect to this proposal. . P/l-uIOehme; CitY Engineer Phone: 952-227' , j 1169 (Published in the. Chanhassen Villager on Thursday,.May26,2005; No. 4441) . RECEIVED JUN :'/6 2005 CITY OF CHANHASSH- Affidavit of Publication Southwest Suburban Publishing State of Minnesota) )55. County of Carver ) Laurie A. Hartmann, being duly sworn, on oath says that she is the publisher or the authorized agent .of the publisher .of the newspapers knDwn as the Chaska Herald and the Chanhassen Vil- lager and has full kn.owledge .of the facts herein stated as f.oll.ows: (A) These newspapers have c.omplied with the requirements canstituting qualificati.on as a legal newspaper, as provided by Minnes.ota Statute 33IA.02, 331A.07, and ather applicable laws, as amended. (B) The printed public natice that is attached ta this Affidavit and identified as Na. t.;t;t; I was published an the date or dates and in the newspaper stated in the attached N.otice and said N.otice is hereby inc.orporated as part .of this Affidavit. Said natice was cut from the c.olumns .of the newspaper specified. Printed bel.ow is a capy .of the I.ower case alphabet from A t.o Z, b.oth inclusive, and is hereby ackn.owledged as being the kind and size .of type used in the campasitian and publicati.on .of the Natice: Subscribed and swam befare me an 1id this ~day .of ,2005 GWEN M. RAOUENZ NOTARY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 2010 Natary Public RATE INFORMATION Lawest classified rate paid by cammercial users far camparable space.... $22.00 per calumn inch Maximum rate allawed by law far the abave matter................................ $22.00 per calumn inch Rate actually charged for the abave matter............................................... $11.18 per calumn inch