Application for Development ReviewNORTH Lake Lucy Road Residential Neighborhood Chanhassen, MN By: Yosemite Holdings, LLC Terrry Forbord, Principal 4-1-2016 PRELIMINARY PLAT, REZONING, & VARIANCE APPLICATION Lake Lucy Road Y o s e m i t e A v e . Pheasant Hill Park Pheasant Hill Park 2 Lake Lucy Road Y o s e m i t e A v e . LAKE LUCY ROAD, YOSEMITES HOLDINGS, LLC RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD SUMMARY OF REZONING, SUBDIVISION AND VARIANCE APPLICATION Yosemite Holdings LLC respectfully requests approval for a rezoning, subdivision approval and three variances for flag lots to authorize the development of a 12 lot subdivision located in the NW Quadrant of Lake Lucy Road and Yosemite Avenue in the City of Chanhassen. We have reviewed the application checklist, submitted all of the required items and the relevant fees and believe our application is complete to initiate the City review and approval process. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY The Subject property is guided Low Density Residential In the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan which is consistent with the rezoning to RSF District zoning that we are seeking. The Comprehensive Plan supports the policy of zoning the property RR Rural residential until municipal utilities are available to support development at densities consistent with the City’s 15,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size. The City has fulfilled its plans to provide municipal sanitary sewer and water to serve this property and the developer is seeking the rezoning required to extend these utilities and develop the land as anticipated in the Comprehensive Plan. REZONING FROM RR RURAL RESIDENTIAL TO RSF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT With the availability of municipal water and sanitary sewer service to the property the existing property owners have elected to sell their property. The rezoning from RR District to RSF District is fully consistent with the Comprehensive Plan now that the City has constructed the utility services to the area to improve this property. SUBDIVISION APPROVAL The City of Chanhassen‘s minimum lot size in the RSF District is 15,000 sq. Ft. The Subject Property contains a total of 390,563 sq. ft. (8.96 acres). As the development summary on Figure C1.01 shows, this gross density is reduced by 38,687 sq. ft. of existing street right-of-way from Lake Lucy Road and Yosemite Avenue and an additional 41,629 sq. ft. for the street to serve this subdivision. There is also 32,984 sq. ft. of delineated wetland area within the property boundaries and the City ordinance requires an additional 17,404 sq. ft. of wetland buffer area surrounding the wetland boundaries. The combination of all of these factors reduces the total net acreage of the property to 259,895 sq. ft. (5.96 acres). Pursuant to the Comprehensive Plan, this area is sufficient to support just over seventeen (17), 15,000 sq. ft. lots. However, the shape of the property, configuration of the wetlands, the site topography and access limitations make it impossible to utilize the property to this level of efficiency. These factors combine to yield a total of only 12 single family lots. All of these lots exceed the City’s 15,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size and all of them are configured to accommodate a minimum of 70 ft. wide pad sizes. Many of the pads are 80 ft. wide and several lots exceed 20,000 sq. ft. in area and are fully consistent with the general image and character of Chanhassen’s low density single family residential district. VARIANCES REQUEST JUSTIFICATION The factors listed above all justify the approval of three simple variances that will allow the property to be put to a reasonable use without jeopardizing the essential character of Chanhassen’s single family neighborhoods. Each of these factors is also graphically illustrated on exhibits that are attached to this narrative. Again, all of the proposed lots exceed the lot area requirements and all will accommodate large house pads. The difficult shape, tight dimensions along the western boundary, access limitations and the shape of the wetlands and buffers all combine to necessitate three flag lots. These proposed flag lots are lots 5, 8 and 9. All of them contain well over the minimum lot sizes and all of them have generous building pads. It is the dimension of the north western site boundary that makes it impossible to meet the letter of the code for these highly desirable park-view lots. The following information describes all of the ways in which the Subject Property complies with the conditions and criteria needed to justify the requested flag lot variances. The following is taken directly from Sec. 18-22 – Variances in the Chanhassen Code. Sec. 18-22. - Variances. The City council may grant a variance from the regulations contained in this chapter as part of the plat approval process following a finding that all of the following conditions exist: (1)The hardship is not a mere inconvenience; (2)The hardship is caused by the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the land; (3)The condition or conditions upon which the request is based are unique and not generally applicable to other property; (4)The granting of a variance will not be substantially detrimental to the public welfare and is in accord with the purpose and intent of this chapter, the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan. The property has an irregular shape due to surrounding subdivision patterns. It contains two irregularly shaped delineated wetlands that require 50 ft. and 55 ft. of wetland buffer and setbacks. The site also has access limitations and constraints along both Lake Lucy Road and Yosemite Avenue, including a spacing requirement from Lake Lucy Road along Yosemite Avenue to accommodate safe traffic queuing. Required setbacks around the perimeter of the property (rear yard and some side yard setbacks) further complicate the challenges associated with the shape of the parcel. Adding to the challenge of putting the property to a reasonable use is its topography and the limited depth of the sanitary sewer pipe that will serve the development. In our presentation before the Planning Commission we will provide a more complete description of the numerous site plan alternatives that have been explored and reviewed with City staff. There are two exhibits that illustrate existing, limiting site conditions; (pages 4 & 5). An added four exhibits included in this submission packet that are labelled Sanitary Sewer Serviceability Study (pages 6 – 10). Each of these illustrate development constraints due to the project topography in relation to the elevation of the 3 Pheasant Hill Park sanitary sewer pipe that will serve the property. These exhibits each describe different aspects of this constraint as it relates to different development concepts, but the essential point is that a significant portion of the property does not offer basement elevations that are high enough to drain by gravity into the sanitary sewer system. This fact, when coupled with the other constraints listed above, has caused the Development Team to explore numerous design alternatives. Each of these have been reviewed and discussed with City staff, including numerous options for site grading, sewer lift stations, grinder pumps and other forms of pressurized sewer systems before the proposed plan was selected. The relationship between the physical conditions of this property and the existing sanitary sewer elevation is a practical difficulty that is unique to this property. A review of the great lengths the Development Team and staff have gone to find an acceptable solution proves that these sewer service constraints present more than mere inconvenience. The result of granting the requested variances results in a subdivision that meets the purpose and intent of Sec. 18-22 Variances and the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. The consequences of the hardships and practical difficulties facing the development of this parcel are directly related to its distinct physical surroundings, shape, topography and natural conditions; and they present challenges that go well beyond mere inconvenience. As previously mentioned the property contains 259,895 sq. ft. (5.96 acres) of developable land net of wetlands and right of way. Pursuant to the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance this is sufficient land area to support 17 lots, based on the required 15,000 sq. ft. minimum size. The requested variances to allow three flag lots will allow the property to accommodate a total of 12 lots that all exceed the 15,000 sq. ft. minimum. Consequently, the result of granting the requested variances is reasonable. Conversely, failure to grant these variances would deny the property owners a reasonable use of their property, as defined by the Comprehensive Plan, zoning ordinance since all of the conditions in Sec. 18-22 have been met. In summary, the conditions that justify the granting of these variances are unique to this property and are distinct from the conditions on any other property in the City. The granting of these variances will allow the property to be developed for single family detached housing in accordance with the comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. The proposed lots will all meet or exceed the 15,000 sq. ft. minimum lot sizes and will be served by sanitary sewer and water and the neighborhood will be served by new storm water ponding and conveyance systems and will cause no adverse impacts to the public welfare. The proposed variances meet all four required conditions contained in Sec. 18-22 variances. We respectfully request the approval of these variances to allow the property to be put to a reasonable use, consistent with the goals of the comprehensive plan and the purpose and intent of the Chanhassen Zoning Code. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The application by Yosemite Holdings LLC is fully consistent with the Chanhassen Comprehensive Plan. The rezoning from RR Rural residential to RSF Single family Residential is also fully consistent with the Comprehensive Plan now that the City has provided municipal utility services to the property. Finally the requested variances to permit three flag lots meet all of the requisite conditions required in Sec.18-22 of the Chanhassen Code. The conditions found on the site go well beyond mere inconveniences and they are unique to this property, The result of granting these variances is reasonable and the proposed subdivision will be fully consistent with the essential character of Chanhassen’s single family neighborhoods. We respectfully request approval of our application and we are pleased to bring this fine new neighborhood community to the wonderful City of Chanhassen. 4 Lake Lucy Road Y o s e m i t e A v e . Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN Yosemite Holdings, LLC NORTH 4-1-2016 V:1938/ACTIVE/193803412/GRAPHICS/LAKE LUCY NARRATIVE GRAPHICS.INDD 0’ 40’ 80’ 160’ LIMITING EXISTING CONDITIONS PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES THAT SATISFY VARIANCE CRITERIA Property, Access, Grades, Wetlands & Buffers High Point1032 * Low Point1004 * * Ti g h t d i m e n s i o n An g l e d l o t l i n e Limited access preferred Maximum distance for neighborhood access, to provide sufficient traffic queuing Inefficient, environmentally disruptive access location Ri g h t o f W a y The property has an irregular shape due to surrounding subdivision patterns and ownership. It contains two irregularly shaped delineated wetlands that require 50 ft. and 55 ft. of wetland buffer and setbacks. The site also has access limitations and constraints along both Lake Lucy Road and Yosemite Avenue, including a spacing requirement from Lake Lucy Road along Yosemite Avenue to accommodate safe traffic queuing. The following exhibits each describe different aspects of site constraints. The essential point is that a significant portion of the property does not offer basement elevations that are high enough to drain by gravity into the sanitary sewer system. 16 0 . 0 0 ’ Culvert/ Low Point Wetland & Buffers Wetland & Buffers Best Access Elev. 1010 Perimeter property dimensions, and standard lot width criteria, result in fractional lot size differences and inefficient land use. * * Lake Lucy Road Yo s e m i t e A v e . Low Point1002 EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PIPE ELEVATION 1007.96’ 5 Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN Yosemite Holdings, LLC NORTH 4-1-2016 V:1938/ACTIVE/193803412/GRAPHICS/LAKE LUCY NARRATIVE GRAPHICS.INDD 0’ 40’ 80’ 160’ 10’ 30’ 30’ 30’ LIMITING EXISTING CONDITIONS PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES THAT SATISFY VARIANCE CRITERIA Property Shape, Access, Grades, Wetlands & Buffers Wet Ponds, Bio-Retention Ponds The property has an irregular shape due to surrounding subdivision patterns. It contains two irregularly shaped delineated wetlands that require 50 ft. and 55 ft. of wetland buffer and setbacks. The site also has access limitations and constraints along both Lake Lucy Road and Yosemite Avenue, including a spacing requirement from Lake Lucy Road along Yosemite Avenue to accommodate safe traffic queuing. Required setbacks around the perimeter of the property (rear yard and some side yard setbacks) further complicate the challenges associated with the shape of the parcel. Adding to the challenge of putting the property to a reasonable use is its topography and the limited depth of the sanitary sewer pipe that will serve the development. The neighborhood will be served by new storm water ponding and conveyance systems, that, while causing no adverse impacts to the public welfare, further limit site use and impose further practical difficulties. Wet Pond Bio-Retention Pond Bio-RetentionPond 6 Lake Lucy Road Yo s e m i t e A v e . CB=999.18INVN=6.30INVS=6.41 CB=998.44INVN=8.4INVS=8.45 18"CULVERTINV=993.49 STMH=995.39INVN=7.3INVS=7.32 SANMH=1021.12INVE=13.18INVW=13.16 E - B G -B G-B G - B G-BG-BG-B > S-7ELEV=1029.2 SBELEV=1028.7 SBELEV=1028.7 B-6ELEV=1009.4 B-8ELEV=1011.3 B-5ELEV=1017.5 B-4ELEV=1010.20 B-3ELEV=1008.08 B-2ELEV=1007.88 B-1ELEV=1009.90 B-10ELEV=1004.52 OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN Yosemite Holdings, LLC NORTH 4-1-2016 V:1938/ACTIVE/193803412/GRAPHICS/LAKE LUCY NARRATIVE GRAPHICS.INDD 0’ 40’ 80’ 160’ EXISTING CONDITION Basement Levels: 31% of site can be served without grading (cuts). (Area shown is above 1,014’) MIN. BASEMENT ELEVATION1,014’ Assumptions AREA OF SITE ABLE TO BE SERVED BY EXISTINGSANITARY SEWER ELEVATION AS IS EXISTING SEWER SERVICABLE AREA EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PIPE ELEVATION 1007.96’ Areas above 1,014’ Elevation ƒSanitary sewer main, 8” pipe at 0.5%. Sewer service line 4” at 1.5%. The minimum basement floor that is servicable is at an elevation between 1,013.5’ and 1,014.5’. A 1,014.0’ elevation was used for a average minimum basement elevation. ƒFront building pad: An 8’ difference between garage floor and basement floor was used to determine front building pad elevation. Front pad elevation - average 1,014 + 8’ =1,022’. ƒStreet grades 2-5% slopes were used to determine street and garage grades (slopes and elevation) Street grades are 1-2’ below garage floor or 1,022 - 2’ =1,020’ VARIANCE FINDINGS: Sanitary Sewer Serviceability Study 7 Lake Lucy Road Yo s e m i t e A v e . CB=999.18INVN=6.30INVS=6.41 CB=998.44INVN=8.4INVS=8.45 18"CULVERTINV=993.49 STMH=995.39INVN=7.3INVS=7.32 SANMH=1021.12INVE=13.18INVW=13.16 E - B G -B G-B G - B G-BG-BG-B > S-7ELEV=1029.2 SBELEV=1028.7 SBELEV=1028.7 B-6ELEV=1009.4 B-8ELEV=1011.3 B-5ELEV=1017.5 B-4ELEV=1010.20 B-3ELEV=1008.08 B-2ELEV=1007.88 B-1ELEV=1009.90 B-10ELEV=1004.52 OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN Yosemite Holdings, LLC NORTH 4-1-2016 V:1938/ACTIVE/193803412/GRAPHICS/LAKE LUCY NARRATIVE GRAPHICS.INDD 0’ 40’ 80’ 160’ ƒSanitary sewer main, 8” pipe at 0.5%. Sewer service line 4” at 1.5%. The minimum basement floor that is servicable is at an elevation between 1,013.5’ and 1,014.5’. A 1,014.0’ elevation was used for a average minimum basement elevation. ƒFront building pad: An 8’ difference between garage floor and basement floor was used to determine front building pad elevation. Front pad elevation - average 1,014 + 8’ =1,022’. ƒStreet grades 2-5% slopes were used to determine street and garage grades (slopes and elevation) Street grades are 1-2’ below garage floor or 1,022 - 2’ =1,020’ PROPOSED CONDITION Fill Requirements Basement Levels: 51% of site must be served via grading (fills). (Area shown is above 1,014’) MIN. BASEMENT ELEVATION1,014’ Assumptions AREA OF SITE ABLE TO BE SERVED BY EXISTINGSANITARY SEWER ELEVATION BY FILLING PROPOSED MINIMUM BUILDING AREA Areas above 1,014’ Elevation FILL IN EXCESS OF 10’ REQUIRE SPECIAL MATERIALS AND COMPACTION - SEE SOIL REPORT EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PIPE ELEVATION 1007.96’ 8 VARIANCE FINDINGS: Sanitary Sewer Serviceability Study Lake Lucy Road Yo s e m i t e A v e . CB=999.18INVN=6.30INVS=6.41 CB=998.44INVN=8.4INVS=8.45 18"CULVERTINV=993.49 STMH=995.39INVN=7.3INVS=7.32 SANMH=1021.12INVE=13.18INVW=13.16 E - B G -B G-B G - B G-BG-BG-B > S-7ELEV=1029.2 SBELEV=1028.7 SBELEV=1028.7 B-6ELEV=1009.4 B-8ELEV=1011.3 B-5ELEV=1017.5 B-4ELEV=1010.20 B-3ELEV=1008.08 B-2ELEV=1007.88 B-1ELEV=1009.90 B-10ELEV=1004.52 OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN Yosemite Holdings, LLC NORTH 4-1-2016 V:1938/ACTIVE/193803412/GRAPHICS/LAKE LUCY NARRATIVE GRAPHICS.INDD 0’ 40’ 80’ 160’ Areas above 1,020’ Elevation ALL FRONT YARDS WITHSTREET MUST BE ABOVE THIS ELEVATION 1,020.0’ EXISTING CONDITION Street & Front Yards: In order to serve a basement elevation of 1,014’, the garage floors need to be at 1,022’, and the street needs to be at 1,020’. (Most of the site is be- low elevation1,020’) Site is too low, to fully served by the existing sanitary sewer invert) Assumptions ƒSanitary sewer main, 8” pipe at 0.5%. Sewer service line 4” at 1.5%. The minimum basement floor that is servicable is at an elevation between 1,013.5’ and 1,014.5’. A 1,014.0’ elevation was used for a average minimum basement elevation. ƒFront building pad: An 8’ difference between garage floor and basement floor was used to determine front building pad elevation. Front pad elevation - average 1,014 + 8’ =1,022’. ƒStreet grades 2-5% slopes were used to determine street and garage grades (slopes and elevation) Street grades are 1-2’ below garage floor or 1,022 - 2’ =1,020’ 9 VARIANCE FINDINGS: Sanitary Sewer Serviceability Study Lake Lucy Road Yo s e m i t e A v e . CB=999.18INVN=6.30INVS=6.41 CB=998.44INVN=8.4INVS=8.45 18"CULVERTINV=993.49 STMH=995.39INVN=7.3INVS=7.32 SANMH=1021.12INVE=13.18INVW=13.16 E - B G -B G-B G - B G-BG-BG-B > S-7ELEV=1029.2 SBELEV=1028.7 SBELEV=1028.7 B-6ELEV=1009.4 B-8ELEV=1011.3 B-5ELEV=1017.5 B-4ELEV=1010.20 B-3ELEV=1008.08 B-2ELEV=1007.88 B-1ELEV=1009.90 B-10ELEV=1004.52 OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P O H P INV 1009.18 INV 1010.46 INV 1011.06 RIM 1021.12 INV 1007.96 INV 1008.58 CENTERLINE ROAD ELEV. 1,010.0’+ Lake Lucy Road Chanhassen, MN Yosemite Holdings, LLC NORTH 4-1-2016 V:1938/ACTIVE/193803412/GRAPHICS/LAKE LUCY NARRATIVE GRAPHICS.INDD 0’ 40’ 80’ 160’ ƒSanitary sewer main, 8” pipe at 0.5%. Sewer service lines 4” at 1.5%. The minimum basement floor that is servicable is at an elevation between 1,013.5’ and 1,014.5’. A 1,014.0’ elevation was used for a average minimum basement elevation. ƒFront building pad: An 8’ difference between garage floor and basement floor was used to determine front building pad elevation. Front pad elevation - average 1,014 + 8’ =1,022’. ƒStreet grades 2-5% slopes were used to determine street and garage grades (slopes and elevation) Street grades are 1-2’ below garage floor or 1,022 - 2’ =1,020’ PROPOSED CONDITION Fill Requirements Street & Front Yards Due to existing sanitary sewer invert elevation, at least 25 % of site must be served via grading (fills). (Area shown is above 1,014’) Estimated fill volume result: 20,000 - 25,000 yards Assumptions EXISTING SANITARY SEWER PIPE ELEVATION 1007.96’ FILL IN EXCESS OF 10’ REQUIRE SPECIAL MATERIALS AND COMPACTION - SEE SOIL REPORT PROPOSED FRONT PAD AREAELEVATIONS 1,022’ & 1,024’ FILL IN EXCESS OF 10’ REQUIRE SPECIAL MATERIALS AND COMPACTION - SEE SOIL REPORT ELEV. 1,020’ Areas above 1,020’ Elevation 10 VARIANCE FINDINGS: Sanitary Sewer Serviceability Study Lake Lucy Road Yo s e m i t e A v e .