Queueing Tech Memo-signedMemo To: Stephanie Smith, PE Project Engineer From: Mark Powers, EIT City of Chanhassen Stantec Consulting Services Inc. File: 193803412 Date: February 25, 2016 Reference: Lake Lucy Road & Yosemite Avenue Housing Development Queueing Study INTRODUCTION A development consisting of 12 single family homes has been proposed to be built in the city of Chanhassen, MN near the intersection of Lake Lucy Road and Yosemite Avenue. Access to the new development will be off of Yosemite Avenue. he proximity of the entrance for the new development to the intersection at Lake Lucy Road and Yosemite Avenue, there is concern that vehicles may queue back to the intersection. Stantec has been asked to investigate the potential for queueing of vehicles attempting to enter the new development on Yosemite Avenue. METHODOLOGY COUNTS Stantec performed turning movement counts (TMC) at the intersection of Lake Lucy Road and Yosemite Avenue on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 25, 2016 from 4:00-6:00 PM. It was deemed that only PM peak counts would be required, as that is the time when the most vehicles would attempt to turn into the development. The counts taken were seasonally adjusted according to MnDOT standards. TRIP GENERATION Trip generation was performed using the ITE Trip Generation Manual 9th Edition. The results can be seen in Table 1 below. Table 1 - Trip Generation Land Use Average Weekday Total AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour In Out Total In Out Total New Development 12 Single Family Homes 149 4 14 18 10 6 16 Total 149 4 14 18 10 6 16 To simulate the maximum amount of strain on the system, and create the most potential for queues to develop, all vehicles entering the development were set to originate from Lake Lucy Road. mp c:\users\mtpowers\desktop\chanhassen\queueing tech memo.docx February 25, 2016 Stephanie Smith, PE Project Engineer Page 2 of 2 Reference: Lake Lucy Road & Yosemite Avenue Housing Development Queueing Study FORECASTING Analysis was performed for the year 2036. The MnDOT traffic projection factor for Carver County is currently 1.4. This factor was applied uniformly to all TMC. SIMULATION The 2036 analysis was performed using the software Synchro/SimTraffic 9. The results of the simulation from this software provide the projected queueing data required to determine if any problems could potentially arise by the year 2036. RESULTS The results of the simulation showed no problems with queueing at the new intersection. The maximum queue observed in five runs of simulation was 18’ in length or roughly two cars. The 95th percentile queue was 9’ or roughly one car. Even under conservative estimates of TMC, the simulation shows that there should not be a sufficient amount of traffic to create queues reaching back to the Lake Lucy Road and Yosemite Avenue intersection. STANTEC CONSULTING SERVICES INC. Mark Powers Transportation Engineer In Training Phone: (651) 967-4595 Fax: (651) 636-1311 Mark.Powers@stantec.com mp c:\users\mtpowers\desktop\chanhassen\queueing tech memo.docx