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E-1. 445 W 79th St - Chick-fil-A
�� v o y F Ay H ASS CITY OF CHANHASSEN PROPOSED MOTION: PC DATE: April 19, 2016 E —_1L CC DATE: May 9, 2016 REVIEW DEADLINE: May 17, 2016 CASE #: 2016-08 BY: RG, JM, JS, SS, ML, TJ "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the site plan with a variance for hard surface coverage subject to conditions of approval and adopts the findings of fact and recommendation." SUMMARY OF REQUEST: Site Plan Review with a Variance from the hard cover requirement to construct a 4,775 square -foot restaurant with a drive thru — Chick-fil-A. LOCATION: 445 West 79th Street (Lot 2, Block 1, Zamor Addition) `KI_ APPLICANT: Chick-fil-A Inc. Chanhassen Shoppes, LLC. 5200 Buffington Road 9478 Riley Lake Road Atlanta, GA 30349 Eden Prairie, MN 55347 (404) 68408530 (651) 336-6060 jason.hill@cfacoro.com JavScott@solomonre.com PRESENT ZONING: Highway and Business Services District (BH) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Commercial ACREAGE: 1.32 acres DENSITY: 0.08 F.A.R. LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: The city's discretion in approving or denying a Site Plan is limited to whether or not the proposed project complies with Zoning Ordinance requirements. If it meets these standards, the city must then approve the site plan. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The city's discretion in approving or denying a Variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Zoning Ordinance for a variance. The city has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant, Chick-fil-A, Inc. is requesting site plan review with a variance to permit 77.5 percent hardcover on a 1.32 -acre parcel for a 4,775 square, one-story restaurant building with a drive-thru. Planning Commission 445 West 79th Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page 2of16 APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 20, Article II, Division 3, Variances Chapter 20, Article II, Division 6, Site Plan Review Chapter 20, Article, `BH", Business and Highway Services District Chapter 20, Article XXIII, Division 7, Design Standards for Commercial, Industrial and Office - Institutional Districts BACKGROUND City has a purchase agreement for the easterly portion of Lot 2, Block 1, Zamor Addition to Chick-fil- A to be combined with the property on January 11, 2016. City approved a 10,000 square foot, one-story, multi -tenant retail building, called the Highway 5 Centre, on July 22, 1996 on a 1.06 -acre site, SPR#96-03. The site was previously occupied by the Prairie House Restaurant Building. The building was demolished between April 3-10, 1996 to prepare the site for future development. The applicant is requesting site plan review approval for the construction of a one story, restaurant building with an area of 4,775 square feet and a drive-thru service facility. It is proposed to be occupied by Chick-fil-A, a fast convenience restaurant. A variance for hard cover is being requested to permit an increase from 65 percent to 77.5 percent. The site is zoned BH, Highway Business District and bordered by West 79th Street to the north, Highway 5 to the south, Holiday Service Station and Great Plains Boulevard to the east, and Chanhassen Inn to the west. Access is via West 79th Street. The existing development has a hard cover of 81.9 percent. However, with the expansion of the site through the acquisition of the easterly portion of the site, it would have a weighted hard cover of 65.8 percent. The proposed development is requesting a variance to have a hard cover of 77.5 percent. Staff is recommending several revisions to reduce the amount of hard cover (landscape islands and peninsulas with 10 -foot inside dimensions, reducing service sidewalk length and reducing drive-thru entry to one lane), but we do not believe that we can reduce it sufficiently to meet the ordinance. Site Constraints The westerly access to the property is a joint driveway with the Chanhassen Inn. Normally, this area would serve as a perimeter buffer and landscape area which would help in reducing hard cover. However, since this serves as access to the property to the west, it cannot be utilized for pervious surface. Planning Commission 445 West 791s Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page 3 of 16 Wetland Protection The City of Chanhassen Wetland Inventory, the National Wetland Inventory, a review of historic aerial photography and a site visit did not reveal any indications that wetland is present on either site. Bluff Protection There are no bluffs or steep slopes present on the site. Shoreland Management The property does not lie within a shoreland overlay district. Floodplain Overlay This property does not lie within a floodplain. ARCHITECTURAL COMPLIANCE North and East Elevation Planning Commission 445 West 791i Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page 4 of 16 Size Portion Placement The main entry is located in the southwest corner of the building and is accentuated by a projecting vestibule that steps down from the parapet of the main structure and is constructed of light beige colored brick. An aluminum, flat canopy projects over the entrance doors and wraps around the south side of the building. These type of canopies are also located over service doors. Material, Color and Detail The applicant is proposing a two brick colors for the building. The east and north sides of the building will be predominately light beige (Silverstone) and the west and south elevations will be predominately reddish brown (Red Velour). The building incorporates three course soldier courses of red brick for a cornice on the south elevation and a two course soldier course cornice on the rest of the building and a two course soldier course cornice of beige brick. A band of brick ends is proposed around the building at a window sill height. The building includes projections of the building plane as it transitions from one brick color to another Height and Roof Design The building height is 21 feet to the top of the parapet, which shall be used to screen the rooftop equipment. The top of the parapet is capped with a dark bronze aluminum cap. The main entry parapet height is stepped down from the main building parapet. The applicant is providing dark bronze, aluminum canopies over all the windows within the red brick portion of the building. Flat, dark bronze, projecting canopies are proposed over the main entry, the pick-up window and the service door on the east and west ends of the building. Facade Transparency The applicant meets the 50 percent glazing (window) requirements. In the service and storage areas, such windows will be spandrel glass. The window casing shall be dark bronze aluminum. Doors shall be painted dark bronze. Loading areas, refuse area, etc. Delivery and service door is located in the northeast corner of the building and shall be accessed via the drive-thru lanes. A sidewalk system leads from this area to the parking lot for refuse movement to the trash enclosure. The applicant shall investigate the shortening of this sidewalk on its east end to reduce hard cover. The trash enclosure located on the north end of the parking lot will be constructed of concrete masonry units covered in a brick veneer to match the building. Planning Commission 445 West 79a' Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page 5 of 16 Lighting The applicant is proposing light -emitting diode (LED) area lighting throughout the parking lot with a height of 25 feet 6 inches and a 90 -degree cut-off angle. Such lighting complies with city code. The applicant is also proposing decorative sconce lighting on the building. Such lighting must also have a 90 -degree cut-off, i.e., it may not project upward. They are also proposing mini -wall packs in the trash enclosure. City code does not permit the use of metal halide so this must be replaced. There is one spotlight proposed on the east side of the building. City code only permits this type of lighting for the United States of America flag. Signage The applicant is proposing signage on the east, south and west elevations of the building. The applicant has street frontage on the east, south and north sides of the building which would permit wall signage on each of these elevations. However, they intend to forgo the wall signage on the north elevation and locate it on the west elevation instead, which is also their main entrance to the building. Signage must comply with the standards for Highway and Business Services District and will require a separate sign permit application and review for each proposed sign. Wall signs shall use individual dimension letters. The applicant shows a pylon sign on the south side of the building. This pylon may not be located within the drainage and utility easement or within 10 feet of the property line. The pylon sign shall be relocated on the site to comply with city code. The pylon sign may be 16 feet tall with 64 square feet of display area. Company logos shall not occupy more than 30 percent of the sign display area. Pylon sign shall use individual dimension letters, at least one-half inch deep. Site Furnishings The applicant is proposing a patio seating area on the south side of the building. With the redesign of the drive-thru beginning with a one lane entry, this patio area may be enlarged. A decorative fence shall separate the patio from the drive-thru. Landscaping Minimum requirements for landscaping at the proposed development include 3,436 sq. ft. of landscaped area around the parking lot, landscape islands or peninsulas, 13 trees for the parking lot. The applicant's proposed as compared to the requirements for landscape area and parking lot trees is shown in the following table. Planning Commission 445 West 791' Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page 6 of 16 The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area. Bufferyard Requirements Landscaping Item Required Proposed Vehicular use landscape area 3,020 sq. ft. 3,803 sq. ft. Trees/ arking lot 12 trees 12 trees Islands or peninsulas/parking lot 6 islands/peninsulas 6 islands/peninsulas The applicant meets minimum requirements for trees and landscaping in the parking lot area. Bufferyard Requirements Landscaping Item Required Proposed Bufferyard 3 Overstory trees 7 Overstory trees 4 Understory trees 0 Understory trees 8 Shrubs 19 Shrubs Bufferyard 6 Overstory trees 5 Overstory trees 13 Understory trees 0 Understory trees 19 Shrubs 68 Shrubs Bufferyard 3 Overstory trees 3 Overstory trees 6 Understory trees 3 Understory trees 9 Shrubs 25 Shrubs The applicant does not meet bufferyard requirements along the south and east property lines. While the site provides the minimum required area of landscaping, the space needed to install all required bufferyard plantings is hindered by utilities and drainage needs. However, additional required trees could be added. Staff recommends that the south and east buffer yards show additional trees. The applicant is proposing to remove an 8" oak tree that appears to be on the shared property line, or possibly off the property. The tree is located very near a gas line and at the very edge of the grading limits along the northeast property. Staff recommends that the applicant shall preserve the tree. The applicant is proposing 2 tree species that should be amended. The first tree in question is the Norway maple which is not on Chanhassen's Approved Tree List due to significant insect and disease issues that affect the long term health of the species. The second tree in question is the London plane tree which is a zone 5 hardiness that is not sufficiently hardy here in Chanhassen. The trees are not planted in MN due to low survivability caused by our winter temperatures. Both of these trees must be replaced with appropriate species selected from the city's approved tree list. The applicant shall provide enhanced landscaping to the north of the building. Such landscaping will occur in the peninsula between the drive-thru and the parking lot as well as in the landscape islands and the north property line. Planning Commission 445 West 79th Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19,2016 Page 7 of 16 Lot Frontage and Parking Location The lot fronts on three public streets: Highway 5, Great Plains Boulevard and West 79h Street. Its only access is via West 79`h Street. Parking is located to the north and west of the building. EASEMENTS There are several existing easements on this property as shown on the survey. An existing access control for MnDOT's Trunk Highway 5 is along the southern property line. This property is subject to a cross -easement for parking with the adjacent property to the west. A drainage & utility perimeter easement for the city was dedicated with the original ZAMOR ADDITION plat. Several proposed items are shown within the city's drainage and utility easement, including: both retaining walls, clearance bar post for the drive-thru and the Chick-fil-A monument sign. These items must be moved out of the easement or the applicant must enter into an encroachment agreement with the city after, but concurrent to the site plan agreement. An additional drainage and utility easement shall be recorded over the two drainage basins located south of the parking lot. GRADING AND DRAINAGE Drainage The majority of the site drains to the south and west into the MNDOT right-of-way and eventually reaches Rice Marsh Lake. The proposed site plan generally keeps the same drainage pattern. The water will be captured and directed to an underground treatment system to meet water quality, water quantity and rate control requirements. The neighboring property to the west has indicated to staff in the past that they experience minor flooding in their parking lot during certain rain events. As designed, it appears that approximately 20 to 25 feet of the entire western parking lot south of stone manhole 25, will not be captured by the proposed system but will continue to drain onto the neighboring property. The applicant shall consider modifications to site grading, catch basin placement or both to minimize to the maximum extent practicable, the amount of runoff leaving the site in this area. In order to verify that the grading plan will not cause runoff to flow towards structures, the first floor elevations of buildings on adjacent lots and the elevation at the corners of the proposed building shall be shown on the plans. Existing and proposed elevations shall be shown at each corner of the lot to verify the plan will tie- in successfully to the grading of adjacent parcels. Several flow arrows are pointing in directions contrary to the grading contours. The arrows shall be revised to show a flow pattern consistent with the contours. Planning Commission 445 West 79s' Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page 8 of 16 Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control When a building permit application is submitted, an erosion control plan consistent with Section 19-145 of city code is required. The proposed development will exceed one (1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore, be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit). The applicant shall prepare a Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and submit to the city for approval prior to the issuance of any grading permits or the commencement of any earth disturbing activities. This SWPPP shall be consistent with the NPDES Construction Permit and shall contain all required elements as listed in Parts III and IV of the permit. The proposed development will exceed one (1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore, be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit). The applicant has prepared a Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for city review and approval. Although staff did not observe any obvious deficiencies it is worth reminding the this SWPPP must be consistent with the NPDES Construction Permit; containing all required elements as listed in Parts III and IV of the permit. It must also be updated throughout the project. The SWPPP should note that these are the minimum anticipated best management practices and that erosion prevention and sediment control measures may need to change as site and weather conditions change. The following changes shall be included in the plan set: • Sheet C-3.1 the two swales/basin areas shown on the southern property boundary shall be stabilized as soon as possible after going on-line but no more than 48 hours afterwards. • Sheet C-5.0 the stabilized construction entrance plan shall be modified to require the "mountable berm" and shall modify note 2 to reflect MN DOT equivalents. • The silt fence detail shall be changed to indicate metal tee post must be used; wood post are not acceptable. The area east of the drive-tbru shall be stabilized with erosion control blanket or sod in the time frame required by the permit. Retaining Walls The plans propose construction of two retaining walls. The wall near the southerly property line is approximately 35 feet long and 2 feet tall. The wall that curves around the sidewalk on the northeast side of the building is approximately 60 feet long and 2.7 feet tall. Both walls shall be segmental block retaining walls. Planning Commission 445 West 79' Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page 9 of 16 PARKING LOT & DRIVE-THRU The drive-thru aisle contains a 23 -car stacking from the entrance to the service window. This is greatly in excess of the code requirement for 6 car stacking for fast food restaurants. The applicant is also proposing more parking stalls than City Ordinance requires. These excesses account for a portion of the hardcover variance request. Please see the section on stormwater management for staff s concerns about hardcover and downstream capacity. The applicant's engineer shall verify whether an adequate sight line is provided for vehicles exiting via the eastern site access. Staff is concerned that the pine trees fronting W 79a' Street near the proposed trash enclosure are within the sight triangle for that access. If the trees are an obstruction, the applicant shall prune the trees to provide adequate sight lines or they may be removed subject to the approval of the City's Environmental Resource Coordinator. A pedestrian route is provided to the proposed building through the drive-thru lanes. The applicant's plan shows crosswalk striping and pedestrian crossing signage. Staff recommends use of MN MUTCD approved signage for these crossings. The applicant shall follow the accessibility code for the construction as well as all applicable State and Federal laws. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT Article VII, Chapter 19 of City Code describes the required storm water management development standards. It states that sites must meet the National Urban Runoff Program recommendations of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System standards, whichever is more restrictive. Section 19-141 states that "these development standards shall be reflected in plans prepared by developers and/or project proposers in the design and layout of site plans, subdivisions and water management features." The NPDES requires that 1 inch of runoff is treated for water quality and that there is a net reduction in runoff volume post -development. Minnesota has elected to meet this requirement through Minimal Impact Design Standard guidelines which requires abstraction of 1.1 inch of runoff from all impervious surface. This standard has been adopted by the Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District. As well as a 90% reduction in total suspended solids (TSS) and a 60% reduction in total phosphorus (TP). This water quality standard is consistent with Chanhassen removal requirements. Planning Commission 445 West 79' Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page 10 of 16 The applicant is requesting a variance to exceed the allowed hardcover. There are known deficiencies in treatment and in pipe capacity downstream. Even with the assumed 1.1 -inch abstraction, by allowing additional hardcover the proposed development will likely further burden the system. In particular, pond RM -P4.9 bounces significantly during most rain events and is the source of numerous concerned resident phone calls. This must be considered when determining the merits of the variance request. The applicant is proposing to meet these requirements through the use of a Stormtech SC -310 chamber system underneath the parking lot. They have calculated the required water quality volume as 4,091 cubic feet and sized the system to accommodate this volume. They have assumed an infiltration rate of 0.06 inches per hour and provided the necessary surface area to have a presumed draw down time of 48 hours as required. -V Figure 1. Storm conveyance from subject property to pond RM -P4.9 In reviewing the provided Geotechnical Engineering Exploration and Analysis report dated February 3, 2016 it was noted that there is significant evidence of reduced conditions in the manner of grey, gleyed soils as well as oxidation of metals. These are strong indicators that water is present in the soil for extended periods of time. The report indicates a similar observation in section 7.0. Given the potential for periodic soil saturation infiltration may not occur at the assumed rate or may even be contraindicated. The applicant shall do additional subsurface exploration to provide more substantial evidence that the system will work as modeled. The method of exploration shall be left to their discretion. In the event the findings indicate that infiltration is not feasible, stormwater management plans shall be modified accordingly. The stormwater management report also include the winSLAMM water quality modeling results. Based upon the assumptions and model inputs the proposed stormwater management practice will should result in removal of 90% TSS and 87% TP. It should be noted that one of the primary assumptions is that near surface groundwater will not impede infiltration and that the feature will achieve an infiltration rate of 0.06 inches per hour. Should the additional subsurface exploration indicate that these rates cannot be achieved then the pollutant removal rates will be different and changes must be made to assure adequate removal of TSS and TP. This system will be private and shall be maintained by the property owner for the duration of its life. The system shall be placed in a drainage and utility easement. A drainage and utility easement shall also be recorded over the two drainage basins located south of the parking lot. The applicant shall prepare an operations and maintenance plan which shall be recorded against the property. This shall include inspection activities and schedule, anticipated maintenance and schedule and who is responsible for these activities. The city shall be granted rights to come onto the property to inspect the facilities during construction and after they have gone on-line. Inspection reports shall be made available to the City within 30 days of a written request. Planning Commission 445 West 79th Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page I 1 of 16 If the operations and maintenance manual is made for the watershed district this shall be acceptable provided it includes the aforementioned information and the city is granted site access per above. The proposed system will discharge into a basin which will drain into the MN DOT system. During larger rain events, the pipe connecting to the MN DOT system will be full and water will bounce to the west where it will be picked up by an existing flared end section (FES). This FES discharges into the same MN DOT structure as the aforementioned pipe. The applicant must evaluate the downstream conveyance to assure adequate capacity exists. The model shall also be modified to include the area that drains into ST -41 and the area that drains into ST -6 as basins. There is a short wall on the north side of the basin that drains into ST -6. The design should be altered to prevent inundation of base of the wall. The wall should not be within the D&U. If this cannot be done, it must be clearly stated that the wall is the responsibility of the property owner. Storm Water Utility Connection Charges Section 4-30 of code sets out the fees associated with surface water management. A stormwater utility connection charge shall be due at the time of final plat. These fees are based on land use type and are intended to reflect the fact that more intense the development type, the greater the degradation of surface water. This fee will be applied to the new lot of record being created. It is calculate as shown in the table below. In the event that abstraction rates change, the credit will be modified accordingly. PERMITS Agency A Minnesota Department of Transportation permit will be required for a drainage permit and work within the right-of-way. STREETS, ACCESS AND INTERNAL SITE CIRCULATION Traffic Analysis Staff is working with the applicant's engineer on a traffic analysis for how this proposal will affect Level of Service (LOS) for the intersections at W 79th Street & Great Plains Boulevard. Per acre rate Size of new lot in acres Totals Stormwater Development Fee $30,299.00 1.32 $39,994.68 Abstraction Credit 100% of 1.1 inch = 50% reduction $19,997.34 Total due at final plat $19,997.34 PERMITS Agency A Minnesota Department of Transportation permit will be required for a drainage permit and work within the right-of-way. STREETS, ACCESS AND INTERNAL SITE CIRCULATION Traffic Analysis Staff is working with the applicant's engineer on a traffic analysis for how this proposal will affect Level of Service (LOS) for the intersections at W 79th Street & Great Plains Boulevard. Planning Commission 445 West 70 Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page 12 of 16 From the initial analysis, it is expected that substantial queue lengths for the eastbound traffic trying to enter the Great Plains Boulevard intersection with cause a significant proportion of the traffic to reroute itself to the Market Boulevard intersection. This is expected to result in better functioning of the Great Plains intersection, but it will impact the Market Boulevard intersection. Staff has requested further analysis to include the Market Blvd intersection. The applicant's engineer shall also examine ways to mitigate the queueing and decreased LOS. Examples of mitigation may include but are not limited to signage, off-duty police traffic direction during opening weeks, and restriping the intersection of W 79a' Street & Great Plains Boulevard to provide a longer left turn queue. The final traffic analysis and mitigation recommendations are not available at the time of this report. UTILITIES The plan proposes removal of the existing 2" water service and 4" sewer service due to capacity concerns for the proposed building. The applicant proposes to tap a new 6" sanitary service line into the existing city -owned 10" sanitary main that is under W 796 Street. The applicant proposes to tap a new 8" Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) waterline into the existing city -owned 10" water main that is under W 79' Street to service the proposed hydrant and building. Staff recommends using C900 pipe material rather than DIP, due to soil conditions prevalent in the City of Chanhassen. The applicant shall coordinate with city staff prior to removal or construction of the services regarding inspection and traffic control on W 79a' Street. The applicant shall retain ownership of the proposed sanitary service, water service and hydrant constructed on this property. PARKS & RECREATION The applicant is proposing a sidewalk connection to the trial within the Highway 5 corridor. No Park and Trail frees are being collected because there is no subdivision. Planning Commission 445 West 79`" Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page 13 of 16 MISCELLANEOUS The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Retaining walls over four high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. Sanitary and storm sewer service must comply with Minnesota State Plumbing Code (see Table 701.1). Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. COMPLIANCE TABLE Building Height Building Setback Code 2 stories NA feet N -25'E-10' W -10'S-25' Parking Stalls 60 stalls (One space per 80 square feet) Project 1 story 21 feet N -180'E-27' W -99'S-38' 73 stalls Parking Setback N - 10'E - 10' N - 11' E - 10' W -01S-10' W -01S-10' Hard Surface Coverage 65% 77.5% # Lot Area 20,000 sq. ft. 57,588 sq. ft. (1.32 ac.) #Applicant is requesting a variance to exceed hard cover. RECOMMENDATION Staff reconnuends that the Planning Commission recornmend approval of the site plan for a 4,775 square foot, one-story building with a drive-thru and a variance for hard cover, plans prepared by HR Green, Inc., dated 02/23/16, subject to the following conditions: Building: 1. The building is required to have an automatic fire extinguishing system. 2. Building plans must be prepared and signed by design professionals licensed in the State of Minnesota. Planning Commission 445 West 79h Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page 14 of 16 3. Retaining walls over four high must be designed by a professional engineer and a permit must be obtained prior to construction. 4. Sanitary and stonn sewer service must comply with Minnesota State Plumbing Code (see Table 701.1). 5. Detailed occupancy related requirements will be addressed when complete building plans are submitted. 6. The owner and or their representative shall meet with the Inspections Division as soon as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. Engineering: 1. Several proposed items are shown within the city's drainage and utility easement, including: both retaining walls, clearance bar post for the drive-thru and the Chick-fil-A monument sign. These items must be moved out of the easement or the applicant must enter into an encroachment agreement with the city after, but concurrent to the site plan agreement. 2. An additional drainage and utility easement shall be recorded over the two drainage basins located south of the parking lot. 3. Staff has requested further analysis to include the Market Boulevard intersection. 4. The applicant's engineer shall also examine ways to mitigate the queueing and decreased LOS. 5. The applicant shall and re -stripe the intersection of W 79`h Street & Great Plains Boulevard to provide a longer left turn queue. 6. The applicant's engineer shall verify whether an adequate sight line is provided for vehicles exiting via the eastern site access. 7. The applicant shall follow the accessibility code for the construction as well as all applicable State and Federal laws. 8. The applicant shall coordinate with city staff prior to removal or construction of the services regarding inspection and traffic control on W 790' Street. 9. Once construction is complete, the applicant shall retain ownership of the proposed sanitary service, water service and hydrant constructed on this property. Planning: 1. The applicant shall combine the two parcels as one lot. 2. The applicant shall enter into a site plan agreement with the City and provide the necessary security to guarantee erosion control, site restoration and landscaping. 3. Wall lighting and the trash enclosure lighting shall comply with city code. 4. The proposed monument sign shall be relocated on the site to comply with city code. 5. Signage shall comply with city code and requires separate sign permits for each sign. 6. The applicant shall reduce the drive-thru entry width to one lane to add a landscape peninsula in the southwest corner of the building and to expand the patio area. 7. The applicant shall investigate the shortening of the service sidewalk connecting the building to the parking lot. 8. The applicant shall provide enhanced landscaping to the north of the building. Planning Commission 445 West 79th Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page 15of16 Landscaping: 1. The applicant shall revise the landscape plan to accommodate more of the required bufferyard trees in the south and east buffer yard areas. 2. The interior width of all landscape island must a minimum of 10 feet. 3. The 8" oak tree located on plans along the southeast property line must be preserved. Revised landscape plans shall note the tree as saved. 4. The London plane tree and Norway maple listed in the Plant Schedule shall be replaced with appropriate species from the city's Approved Tree List. Water Resources: 1. The applicant shall consider modifications to site grading, catch basin placement or both to minimize to the maximum extent practicable, the amount of runoff leaving the site to the west. 2. Sheet C-3.1 the two swales/basin areas shown on the southern property boundary shall be stabilized as soon as possible after going on-line but no more than 48 hours afterwards. 3. The applicant shall do additional subsurface exploration/investigation to provide more substantial evidence that the infiltration system will work as modeled. The method of exploration/investigation shall be left to the applicant and their engineer's discretion. In the event the findings indicate that infiltration is not feasible, stormwater management plans shall be modified accordingly. 4. The Stormtech system shall be owned and maintained by the property owner. 5. A drainage and utility easement shall be recorded over the Stormtech system and the two basins located south of the parking lot. 6. The design shall be modified to prevent the wall from experiencing inundation. In the event this is not possible, the D&U shall clearly state that the retaining wall is the sole responsibility of the property owner. 7. The applicant shall prepare an operations and maintenance manual which shall include a schedule of inspection as well as anticipated routine maintenance to maintain performance in perpetuity or until such a time as all parties agree it is no longer necessary. This document shall include persons responsible for inspections and maintenance and shall be recorded against the property. 8. The city or their representative shall be granted rights to come onto the property during and after construction to inspect the facility. 9. Inspection reports and maintenance records shall be made available to the City within 30 days of receiving a written request. 10. The applicant must evaluate the conveyance downstream to assure adequate capacity exists. 11. The model shall be modified to include the area that drains into ST -41 and the area that drains into ST -6 as basins. Planning Commission 445 West 79' Street — Chick-fil-A — Planning Case 2016-08 April 19, 2016 Page 16 of 16 12. Additional detail is needed for the Stormtech system to fully evaluate its efficacy. These items include elevation of chambers, interconnection between chambers for evaluation of short circuiting of the system, and elevation of the stone. 13. The applicant shall be responsible for all other agency permits such as MPCA, RPBCWD, MN DOT, MNDOT, et al. 14. It is estimated that $19,997.34 in stormwater connection fees will be due at lot consolidation. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation. 2. Development Review Application. 3. Chick-fil-A Project Narrative 4. HR Green Variance Letter Request 5. Building Elevation Southwest Perspective 6. Building Elevation Northwest Perspective 7. Building Elevation Southeast Perspective 8. Line of Site Views 9. Floor Plan 10. HR Green Plan Sets: Civil, Landscaping, Lighting and Autoturn 11. Lighting Specifications 12. Anchor Sign Package 13. Letter from Tod Sherman (MNDOT) to Robert Generous dated 4/7/16 14. Public Hearing Notice and Mailing List g:\plan\2016 planning cros \2016-08 chick-51-a\stWreport chick fil a.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Chick-fil-A Inc. and Chanhassen Shoppes, LLC. for Site Plan review with a variance for hard cover. On April 19, 2016, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Chick-fil-A Inc. and Chanhassen Shoppes, LLC. for Site Plan Review with a variance to exceed the hard cover to construct a 4,775 square foot, one-story restaurant buildings on the property located at 445 W. 79th Street. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed conditional use and site plan, which was preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1. The property is currently zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH). 2. The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for Commercial uses. The legal description of the property is: Lot 2, Block 1, Zamor Addition 4. Site Plan. In evaluating a site plan and building plan, the city shall consider the development's compliance with the following: a. The proposed development, a commercial redevelopment of the property, is consistent with the elements and objectives of the city's development guides, including the comprehensive plan, official road mapping, and other plans that may be adopted; b. The proposed development is consistent with the site plan review requirements and meets all the specifications of city code subject to compliance with the conditions of approval and approval of the hard cover variance; c. The proposed development will preserve portions of the site in its natural state to the extent practicable by minimizing tree and soil removal and designing grade changes to be in keeping with the general appearance of the neighboring developed areas; d. The proposed development creates a harmonious relationship of building and open space with natural site features and with existing and future buildings having a visual relationship to the development; e. The proposed development creates functional and harmonious design for structures and site features, with special attention to the following: 1. An internal sense of order for the buildings and use on the site and provision of a desirable environment for occupants, visitors and general community; 2. The amount and location of open space and landscaping; 3. Materials, textures, colors and details of construction as an expression of the design concept and the compatibility of the same with adjacent and neighboring structures and uses; and 4. Vehicular and pedestrian circulation, including walkways, interior drives and parking in terms of location and number of access points to the public streets, width of interior drives and access points, general interior circulation, separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic and arrangement and amount of parking. f. The proposed development protects adjacent and neighboring properties through reasonable provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, preservation of views, light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantial effects on neighboring land uses. 5. Variance Findings —Section 20-58 of the City Code provides the following criteria for the granting of a variance: a. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this Chapter and when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. Finding: The granting of a variance will generally be in harmony with the purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance. The property is zoned for commercial development, which from a planning standpoint has an anticipated hard cover of 70 percent. With the inclusion of storm water improvements that will improve the surface water discharges from the site, the variance should be consistent with the comprehensive plan goals and policies for water quality. b. When there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by this Chapter. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. Finding: The practical difficulty for this development is that it is not located within the Central Business District which does not have a maximum hard cover limitation. Additionally, the inclusion of the drive-thru and the joint driveway with the Chanhassen Inn to the west does not permit the addition of perimeter landscaping, which is generally used to meet green space requirements. The joint access with the property to the west reduces green space by approximately 2,800 square feet. c. That the purpose of the variation is not based upon economic considerations alone. Finding: The purpose of the variance is to permit an efficient operation of the site for a restaurant. d. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. Finding: The applicant is trying to redevelop a site that currently exceeds the hard cover limitation by 17 percent (81.9 percent hard cover). Even with the addition of 0.26 acres of land, the proposed development will exceed the hard cover by 11.5 percent. e. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. Finding: The variance approval will not alter the character of the area since it is a continuation of a commercial use of the property which exceeds the maximum hard cover permitted in the BH district. f. Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered construction as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when in harmony with this Chapter. Finding: This does not apply to this request. 6. The planning report #2016-08 dated April, 19, 2016, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve the Site Plan with variance subject to the conditions of the staff report. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 19th day of April, 2016. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Andrew Aller, Chairman poi(, -off; BG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division —7700 Market Boulevard CITY OF CHANHASSEN Mailing Address — P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1300 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 2 APPLICATION FffOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Submittal Date: ✓ 10 i PC Date: _I �A L 15� CC Date: I - 60 -Day Review Date: (Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment ......................... $600 ❑ Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ..... $100 ❑ Conditional Use Permit (CUP) ❑ Single -Family Residence ................................ $325 ❑ All Others......................................................... $425 ❑ Interim Use Permit (IUP) ❑ Metes & Bounds (2 lots)..................................$300 ❑ In conjunction with Single -Family Residence.. $325 ❑✓ Consolidate Lots..............................................$150 ❑ All Others ......................................................... $425 ❑ Rezoning (REZ) ❑ Final Plat ..........................................................$700 ❑ Planned Unit Development (PUD) .................. $750 (Includes $450 escrow for attorney costs)* ❑ Minor Amendment to existing PUD ................. $100 Additional escrow may be required for other applications ❑ All Others......................................................... $500 ,Sign Plan Review ................................................... $150 ❑� Site Plan Review (SPR) ❑ Administrative.................................................. $100 ❑✓ Commercial/Industrial Districts......................$Soo Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: 4(,775 thousand square feet) *Include number of exist ino employees: *Include number ofnewemployees: ❑ Residential Districts ......................................... $500 Plus $5 per dwelling unit (_ units) ❑� Subdivision (SUB) ❑ Create 3 lots or less ........................................ $300 ❑ Create over 3 lots.......................$600 + $15 per lot (_ lots) ❑ Metes & Bounds (2 lots)..................................$300 ❑✓ Consolidate Lots..............................................$150 ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ......................................... $150 ❑ Final Plat ..........................................................$700 (Includes $450 escrow for attorney costs)* Additional escrow may be required for other applications through the development contract. ❑ Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC)........ $300 (Additional recording fees may apply) Variance (VAR) .................................................... $200 ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) ❑ Single -Family Residence ...................... I........ $150 ❑ All Others ....................................................... $275 ❑ Zoning Appeal ...................................................... $100 ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)................. $500 NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concurrently, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. ✓❑ Notification Sign (city to install and remove)...................................................................................................................... $200 ❑� Property Owners' List within 500' (city to generate after pre -application meeting) .................................. . ............... $3 per address ( 21 addresses) ❑r Escrow for Recording Documents (check all that apply) ................... ... $50 per document El ...........................❑.............. Conditional Use Permit ❑ Interim Use Permit � Site Plan Agreement ❑ Vacation El Variance ❑ Wetland Alteration Permit ❑ Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) ❑ Easements easements) TOTAL FEE: $1,413.00 Section 2: Required Description of Proposal: Demolition of the existing commerical building & parking lot and construction of a 4,775 SF Chick-fil-A restaurant, parking lot, underground detention system, & associated utilities. Property Address or Location: 258900020 Parcel #: 258800021 Legal Description: Total Acreage: 1.32 Wetlands Present? Present Zoning: Highway and Business Services District Present Land Use Designation: Commercial Existing Use of Property: Commercial Retail ❑✓ Check box is separate narrative is attached. 445 W. 79th Street *See Attached* ❑ Yes ® No Requested Zoning: Highway and Business Services District (E Requested Land Use Designation: Commercial APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, 1, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by ithe property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and 1 am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. 1 will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. 1 further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Chick-fil-A, Inc. Contact: Jason Hill Address: 5200 Buffington Roadq Phone: (04)684-8530 City/State/Zip: Atlanta, GA 30349 Cell: Email: jason.hill@cf;lcorp.com Fax: Signature: Date: 3/15/16 PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, Il, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, ' authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. 1 caddy that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Chanhassen Shoppes, LLC Contact: Jay Scott Address: 9478 Riley Lake Road Phone: (651)336-6060 CRy/StaterZip: Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Cell: Email: JayScott@solomonre.com Fax: Signature: Date: This application must be completed in full and must be accompanied by ail information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (t applicable) j Name: HR Green, Inc. Contact: Joe Vavrina Address: 420 N. Front Street, Suite 100 Phone: (815) 385-1778 City/State/Zip: McHenry, IL 60050 Cell: Email jvavrina@hrgreen.com Fax: Who should receive copies of staff reports? •*Other Contact Information: ❑ Property Owner Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Pgper Copy Name: ❑✓ Applicant Via: FlEmait ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Address: ❑✓ Engineer Via: ED Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy City/State/Zip: ❑ Other' Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Email: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FOR.t to send a digital copy to the city for processing (required). SAVE FORM PRINT FORM , 1 SUBMITFORM J PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Parcel 1: Lot 2, Block 1, Zamor Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carver County, Minnesota EXCEPTING THEREFROM the following two tracts: All that part of Lot 2, Block 1, Zamor Addition, according the recorded plat thereof, which lies Easterly of the following described line: Commencing at the most Easterly corner of said Lot 2; thence on an assumed bearing of North 85 degrees 10 minutes 11 seconds West, along the boundary between said Lot 2 and Lot 1, Block 1, said Zamor Addition, for 154.54 feet to an angle point in said boundary and the actual point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 18 degrees 20 minutes 00 seconds East for 129.14 feet to the Southerly line of said Lot 2 and there terminating; and That part of Lot 2, Block 1, Zamor Addition, shown as Parcel 2088 on Minnesota Department of Transportation Right of Way Plat No. 10-3 filed March 14, 1991, as Document No. 122284, 3/16/2016 4:40 PM YOFC ANHASoEt EECEN ED Chick-fil-A, Inc. MAR I b 2U16 5200 Buffington Rood Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2995 Introduction The following narrative outlines the proposed Chick-fil-A restaurant to be constructed at 445 West 79th Street in the City of Chanhassen, MN. Chick-fil-A and Solomon Real Estate Group, as current property owner, have executed a ground lease to redevelop the subject parcel. In addition to this narrative, HR Green has submitted a complete Application for Development Review consisting of plan documents to support a Sign Plan, Commercial Site Plan, Subdivision (Consolidate Lots), and Variance Reviews. Please refer to these plans and other documents for additional information which is outlined in this narrative. Project Description The subject lease property is currently a 1.32 acre lot of the Zamor Addition located on the north side of State Trunk Highway No. 5, just west of Great Plains Boulevard. The site is currently split up into two separate parcels which are proposed to be consolidated. The subject parcel is currently occupied by a 9,684 square foot one-story commercial retail building and associated parking lot. The property is currently zoned with a classification of BH -Highway and Business Services District. The project will consist of razing the existing building and bituminous parking lot and constructing the proposed restaurant which will contain approximately 4,775 square feet of floor area. This restaurant development will be attractively landscaped and will feature an outdoor seating area adjacent to STH No. 5. The challenges for Chick-fil-A in determining a site layout for this property were implementing a plan that would fit a building and drive-thru facility within the lease property while providing sufficient parking to meet the needs of the restaurant. Additionally, locating the building such that it could be visible from STH No. 5 was important from a brand recognition standpoint and for potential customers to easily identify where we are located. Visibility and appropriate signage will be paramount to the success of the store. Chick-fil-A feels the plan presented before you accomplishes all of the aforementioned challenges. The site has been oriented to locate the building in the southeastern corner of the subject property with the playground facing east towards the intersection of STH No. 5 and Great Plains Boulevard. It was important to orientate the site in a way to maintain the points of access to the site in order to minimize traffic backups onto West 79th Street and into the western neighboring development's parking lot. Additionally, this layout allowed us to isolate the drive-thru traffic from the dine -in traffic which will also help to eliminate traffic backups. The drive-thru lane has been proposed to start at the southwest corner of the building and continue around to the drive-thru window located at the northwest corner of the building. The proposed drive-thru will feature two stacking lanes up to the order points that will merge into one lane leading up to the pickup window. Chick-fil-A has found that this drive-thru configuration increases efficiency and minimizes vehicle overflow into the parking lot and arterial roads. Chick- fil-A has also found that they need enough space for nine vehicles to stack between the SCANNED Chick-fil-A, Inc. 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 pickup window and order points which provides them the optimum spacing to maximize operations of the drive thru facility. The nine car stack creates a 90 second wait time from the order points to the pick up window. To minimize backups into the parking lot drive aisles, Chick-fil-A tries to maintain a minimum sixteen car stack from the order points to entry of the drive-thru lane. The proposed drive-thru configuration allows for the preferred car stack to the order boards and a reduction in this stack would most likely cause drive-thru traffic to back up into the on-site drive aisles. Chick-fil-A does not typically include a bypass lane within their drive-thru layout. They train their employees to react to stalled vehicle incidents by pushing the vehicles through the drive-thru. Maintaining constant drive-thru operations is a vital part of Chick-fil-A's business model as approximately 62 percent of their business is through the drive-thru. An AutoTURN exhibit has been provided within the civil plan set which demonstrates how the proposed drive-thru configuration can accommodate the turning movements of a typical pick-up truck. Vehicular access to the proposed restaurant will be provided via two access points along West 79th Street. These access drives will remain as existing and the western access is shared with the Chanhassen Inn development. Utilizing two access points will minimize impacts to the existing roadways as vehicular traffic will have multiple options to enter/leave the site. Looking at overall parking counts/requirements for the entire development, the Chick-fil- A will require 60 parking stalls. This requirement is based upon City Code which requires 1 stall per 80 square feet of building area. The parking lot has been designed to provide for a total of 73 stalls. Although the parking lot has more spaces than required by Code, Chick-fil-A typically likes to ensure at least 70-75 spaces are provided. From past experience, Chick-fil-A has discovered that providing this number of parking spaces maximizes overall efficiency of restaurant operations. The Chick-fil-A is proposed to have a total of 120 indoor and 8 outdoor seats, and have approximately 15 employees during the restaurant's peak shift. Chick-fil-A employees will be encouraged to park in the 7 proposed stalls located at the north of the site by the dumpster enclosure due to the low turnover rate. Pedestrian access to the site has been provided at the south side of site via a sidewalk connection to the existing bike path along STH No. 5. Utility service to the proposed restaurant will be provided via new service connections to existing infrastructure located within the West 79th Street right-of-way. The proposed sanitary and water services are proposed to be tapped into their respective mains located north of the site. The site has been designed to capture the majority of stormwater runoff in its proposed on-site storm sewer system. This system directs runoff to an underground stormwater management system which has been designed to meet the City's and Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed's requirements for stormwater quality and detention. These requirements inclide providing abstraction for 1.1 inches of runoff from on-site impervious surfaces, 90 percent reduction of total Chick-fii-A, Inc. 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 suspended solids, and 60 percent reduction of total phosphorus. The underground system has also been designed to have a release rate at or below the existing rates to the Minnesota Department of Transportation's storm sewer system, matching existing drainage patterns. The proposed improvements will be increasing the amount of impervious area within the existing subject lease parcel by approximately 6,754 square feet. The Chick-fil-A building is proposed to be a predominately brick building with glass accents. The brick colors currently being proposed are a combination of Red Velour and Silverstone. The visual emphasis of the building is the earth tones of the materials leading towards the glass openings of the storefront and signage. The building has been designed to meet the 50 percent glazing requirement for the elevations facing the public right-of-ways. The goal of the architectural design is to promote their brand identity while offering a contemporary and non -thematic design. Mechanical units for heating/cooling will be located on the roof and will be screened via a parapet wall. Building signage is being proposed on the west, south, and east elevations. Accent light via wall sconces are proposed around the building to provide nighttime interest. A trash enclosure is proposed which will be constructed out of CMU with brick veneer to match the building. The gates for the enclosure will be constructed out of a plastic resin that CFA has found to be more durable than metal and certainly wood. A freestanding monument sign is proposed to be located on the STH No. 5 frontage. To accomplish the development as described above and as shown on the attached plans, a variation from the City code is being requested. Chick-fil-A is requesting a variance to allow the proposed development to exceed the maximum lot coverage of 65 percent. The Chick-fil-A Story It's a story that actually began 94 years ago when a man named Truett Cathy was born in 1921 in the small town of Eatonton, Georgia, about 80 miles from Atlanta, where he grew up. Truett's mom ran a boarding house, which meant she had to cook a lot of meals — but Truett helped, and he paid close attention, and picked up cooking and serving tips that would come in quite handy later. Along the way, he also learned to be quite the entrepreneur. He sold magazines door to door, delivered newspapers all over the neighborhood, and sold Coca -Colas from a stand in his front yard and all the while he was learning the importance of good customer service. After serving his country in World War ll, in 1946 Truett used the business experience he gained growing up and opened his first restaurant with his brother, Ben, calling it the Dwarf Grill (later renamed the Dwarf House). Hamburgers were on the menu but, ironically, no chicken because he said it took too long to cook. Truett worked hard with that first venture, but considered Sunday to be a day of rest, for himself and his employees and as you know, that's a practice that Chick-fil-A honors to this day. Chick-fil-A, Inc. 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 The early 60s would be a pivotal time in Truett's life. That's when he first took a boneless breast of chicken and spent the next few years experimenting until he found the perfect mix of seasonings, he breaded and cooked the filet so that it stayed juicy, put it between two buttered buns and added two pickles for extra measure and in 1963 unveiled what we now know as the Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich. As far as the name, Truett says it just came to him. He had it registered that year in 1963 and created a logo that has been updated but is still very similar to the original designed 50 years ago. The Chick-fil-A sandwich was a huge hit, and in 1967 Truett opened his first Chick-fil-A restaurant in an enclosed shopping mall where, up to that point, food normally wasn't sold. Frankly, the developer of the Greenbriar Shopping Center in Atlanta wasn't too keen on serving food inside his mall, but as we know that turned out to be a very smart decision, on his part, and especially Truett's. Today, Truett is recognized as the pioneer in quick -service mall food. It wasn't until 1986 that Chick-fil-A opened its first "freestanding" restaurant on North Druid Hills Road in Atlanta. Today there are close to 1,600 restaurants locations in 39 states and it's become so popular that people literally camp out in the parking lot the night before a grand opening of a new restaurant; they're hoping to be one of the first 100 people in line because they'll be rewarded with free Chick-fil-A for a year, which gives new meaning to the phrase "happy campers!" Chick-fil-A is now the largest quick -service chicken restaurant and one of the largest that's privately -held. Two generations of Cathy family members are involved in the business, including Truett's sons Dan (the president and CEO) and Bubba (senior VP) and also, his grandchildren. Our Food There are a lot of things people say they like about Chick-fil-A, but it all begins with the food, and especially the Original Chick-fil-A Chicken Sandwich. It was a significant product innovation, and it remains our best-selling item on the menu. Our innovations didn't stop with the chicken sandwich. In 1982, we were the first restaurant to sell chicken nuggets nationally, and three years later added our trademark Waffle Potato Fries to the menu, and we still use 100% fully refined peanut oil, which is cholesterol and trans fat free. In 2010, we introduced the Chick-fil-A Spicy Chicken Sandwich. With its special blend of peppers and other seasonings, it became such a "hot" selling item that we soon after introduced the Spicy Chicken Biscuit. More recently last year we introduced to our menu a new grilled chicken sandwich and grilled chicken nuggets. People also like the fact that we offer a variety of menu options for those wanting foods that are lower in calories, carbs or fats, such as the Chick-fil-A Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich, entree salads and fruit cups and by the way, fruit cups are an option with our kids meals these days. In fact, Men's Health magazine named us "America's Healthiest Chain Restaurant for Kids." The high quality of our food is the number one reason people keep coming back to Chick-fil-A but there are a few more reasons — and one has four legs and is a terrible speller. Chick-fil-A, Inc. 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 Serving our Customers Whenever you ask people what they like about Chick-fil-A, one of first things they say is "the service" and it's an important part of our story, because it goes back to Truett's experience as a young businessman and to the values he instilled in Chick-fil-A. We call it Second Mile Service, and it's based on the belief that if someone asks you to carry something for them one mile, you do one better and carry it for them two. It's doing those unexpected things that make people feel special. Our drive-thru has been voted "America's #1 drive-thru" for six years in a row. We do our best to ensure a quick and pleasurable experience, and might even have a nugget for the family pet when you arrive at the window. But no matter if you're being served in our restaurants, at our drive-thrus, or with an outside delivery, you can always count on our team members responding to your words of thanks with two special words of their own — "My pleasure." Chick-fil-A Philosophy and Operator/Employment Model The Company's philosophy is that their restaurants become integral parts of the communities in which they are located. Toward that end, Chick-fil-A makes scholarships available to store employees and sponsors the Winshape Foundation which supports a family of programs designed to encourage outstanding young people nationwide. The Foundation has a college program and operates a series of camps, homes, and retreats. On the local level, individual restaurant operators typically engage in community support activities such as sponsoring youth sports teams, supporting educational activities, and leadership initiatives. Finally, and in accordance with company policy, the operators and employees in each Chick-fil-A Restaurant strive for a level of customer service unequaled in the quick -service food industry. It is quite common to go into a Chick-fil-A and have your tray carried to your table, have people clear your table, and ask if they can come and refresh your beverage. Beyond the above, Chick-fil-A's operators model is very unique in the fast food industry. In their situation, the operator is part owner with Chick-fil-A. It's similar to a franchise except they usually have one location. Sometimes they have two but for the most part they have one location and what that provides is a situation where they have very competent partners with great character in the restaurants and they are involved in the community, are part of the community, and they spend a lot of time in the community. What Chick-fil-A likes to say is that their operators are in business for themselves, but not by themselves. It is very unusual for an operator to shut down and the retention rate for operators is about 98%. A typical Chick-fil-A store will employ approximately 45 permanent jobs with approximately 120 jobs created for temporary construction employment. A typical store will operate between the hours of 6:00 am to 10:30 pm; Monday thru Saturday and are always closed on Sundays. Hrgmhnas\O:\86150013\Design\Corr\Ih-Proled Narratiue_03-ll-16.doc NRGreen March 17, 2016 Community Development Department City of Chanhassen 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen. MN 55317 RE: Chick-fil-A Variance Letter Request HR Green Job No.: 86150413 Dear Distinguished Community Development Department Staff: OF G �ANHAS0& REC_IbED MAN 1 8 2016 ' !fAP'NdSSEi.;F({,nlNlti"a�IF:,� On behalf of our client Chick-fil-A, we would like to formally introduce the proposed project as well as identify the lot coverage variation to the City's Code of Ordinances that is being requested along with justification for the variance request. The subject lease property is located at 445 West 79th Street which is generally located at the northwest corner of the intersection of State Trunk Highway No. 5 and Great Plains Boulevard. The property will be leased through Solomon Real Estate Group and the overall leased area is approximately 1.32 acres. The site is currently developed with a 9,684 square foot one-story commercial retail building and associated parking lot. The subject property is zoned BH -Highway and Business Services District. The project will consist of razing the existing building and parking lot within the parcel and constructing the proposed restaurant which will contain approximately 4,775 square feet of floor area, will be attractively landscaped, and will feature an outdoor seating area adjacent to the STH No. 5 frontage. A drive-thru service facility is also proposed which will feature two stacking lanes up to the order points that will merge into one lane leading up to the pickup window. Vehicular access to the proposed restaurant will be provided by two existing driveways to West 79th Street. Seventy-three off-street parking spaces will be located within the subject property which includes three handicap spaces. Although the site layout is providing more parking than the required 60 stalls, Chick-fil-A requests each location to provide for at least 70-75 parking spaces in order to promote efficient operations at each restaurant. The request for more parking limits the amount of pervious area that can be provided throughout the parking lot. One of the challenges for Chick-fil-A in determining a site layout for this property were implementing a plan that would fit a building and drive-thru facility within the lease property while providing for sufficient parking for the new restaurant. Additionally, locating the building such that it could be visible from STH No. 5 was important from a brand recognition standpoint and for potential customers to easily identify where we are located. As such, the Chick-fil-A building is proposed to be located at the southeastern corner of the lease parcel. The majority of the area that will be occupied by the building and a portion of the drive-thru lane is currently all pervious surface. This reduction of pervious surface causes the proposed Chick-fil-A development to be unable to meet the lot coverage requirements as stated in Section 20-715 of the City Code. Phone 815.385.1778 Fax 815.385.1781 Toll Free 800.728.7805 SCANNED 420 N. Front Street, Suite 100, McHenry, IL 60050 Community Development Department City of Chanhassen Chick-fil-A— Variance Letter Request HR Green Job No.: 86150413 March 17, 2016 Page 2 of 4 In order to provide for adequate parking, and sufficient drive-thru lane vehicle stacking to efficiently operate the Chick-fil-A restaurant, and locate the building to provide for visibility from adjacent roadways, we are requesting a variance to the City Ordinance: • Allow the proposed development to exceed the maximum lot coverage of 65 percent. To further support our request for the variance noted above, we will examine it as a whole as it relates to the six main variance criteria and provide information as to how we feel we satisfy these criteria. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this Chapter and when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. a. Chick-fil-A is requesting a variance to exceed the maximum lot coverage with in a commercially zoned parcel. According to the City of Chanhassen's Comprehensive Land Use Plan, the subject parcel is proposed to remain commercially zoned in 2030. The properties neighboring the Chick-fil-A parcel have also been planned to retain their zoning classification. The requested variance does not alter the goal or intent of the City's comprehensive plan. 2. When there are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance. "Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by this chapter. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. a. Chick-fil-A is requesting a variance to exceed the maximum lot coverage requirement in order to provide a site layout that provides for efficient operations for the development. Chick-fil-A typically requires 70-75 parking spaces at each store location in order to provide enough parking for their team members and customers. In addition to this, Chick-fil-A at a minimum needs a drive-thru stack of 24 vehicles (9 from the pickup window to the order points and 14 from the order points to the entry). Being able to meet these design criteria will improve traffic circulation throughout the site and to reduce any impact to adjacent arterial roadways. Adhering to the City minimum parking requirement will compromise Chick-fil-A's ability to provide ample parking for their customers and team members resulting in traffic congestion within the plot. Chick-fil-A typically also provides a dual stack drive-thru lane to minimize customer wait times and to reduce chances of creating a vehicle que within the parking lot drive aisles. Reducing the drive-thru to a single lane could potentially have adverse effects to the traffic circulation within the associated and neighboring parking lots. To maximize the efficiency of the drive-thru facility, Chick-fil-A has found that the following should be provided in each drive-thru layout: A nine vehicle stack between the pickup window and order boards and a sixteen vehicle stack between the drive-thru entrance and order board locations. Although the proposed layout exceeds the Community Development Department City of Chanhassen Chick-fil-A— Variance Letter Request HR Green Job No.: 86150413 March 17, 2016 Page 3 of 4 maximum lot coverage, Chick-fil-A would not be able to operate at an efficient level without the increased parking spaces and dual drive-thru lane. 3. That the purpose of the variation is not based upon economic considerations alone a. The request to allow the development to exceed the maximum lot coverage is not based upon economic considerations. The request has been made in order to propose a site layout that provides for efficient operations for the restaurant. The increased parking stalls and dual drive-thru lanes, although increase the overall lot coverage, are important factors in creating a desirable layout for Chick-fil-A and to reduce the chance of traffic congestion throughout the site and adjacent roadways. 4. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property and not created by the landowner. The request for the lot coverage variance can be directly related to the size and shape of the subject parcel. The 1.32 acre property does not provide the development with the opportunity to incorporate the open space required by code after the building, drive-thru, and parking lot are configured. The layout of the existing development to the west also affects the amount of open space that can be provided. It is impractical to introduce green space along the west property line since the parking lot and access drive connections must be maintained. 5. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. a. The approval of allowing the Chick-fil-A development to exceed the maximum lot coverage amount will not alter the essential character of the locality. The properties adjacent to and within the vicinity of the subject parcel are all zoned commercial. The added coverage within the subject property does not affect the goal and intent of the commercial land use. 6. Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered construction as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when in harmony with this Chapter. a. The Chick-fil-A variance request does not relate to earth sheltered construction, and as such, this item has been determined to not be applicable. Overall per code, this project would be allowed a total lot coverage of 65 percent. The request before you proposes a Chick-fil-A development with a lot coverage of 77 percent. We are very excited about this store as well as becoming a part of the City of Chanhassen and look forward to presenting the project in greater detail at the Plan Commission Meeting on April 1 g`", 2016. Community Development Department City of Chanhassen Chick-fil-A — Variance Letter Request HR Green Job No.: 86150413 March 17, 2016 Page 4 of 4 If you have any questions -or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, HR GREEN, INC. Joseph F. Vavrina, P.E. LEED AP Project Manager JFV/ech Attachments Hrgmhnas\0:T615041310esign\CoMtr-031416-Impervious Cover Vananw Letter d= a r_ 0 i lam_ I� �I ��B �ggI gyp a a Q ue sa I OunwG14J @: i. � 9� l 4 MIN � � 8 LL :{ nngk y� 8 X555 H 0 uaaiCdH N_ W Y� Y���g➢ vi d Asx woo•uaaOIIH ®I N Fo to Z p �w 2& o v ILo �� Y ow agag $ yp :{ nngk y� 8 X555 H 0 /© W 19ofse W Y� Y���g➢ vi d Z Wn wW N s to Z N �w 2& o v ILo �� Y W Z NH 0 0 z z N Do M� o G z S W o>N Z aw z W mi;i �� eP y 3z m Z � I V /© ure�u¢-rar'vsiobvwwnwn�an rwuae•wrreiwiAsw+r �i°�ix invn�s+w1. �e-�wu��%.r'°eo- ienwwm nw v Ld z 4 CD W 19ofse df ke Y� Y���g➢ vi d N s oil �w 2& 61 O L Q U mi;i eP ure�u¢-rar'vsiobvwwnwn�an rwuae•wrreiwiAsw+r �i°�ix invn�s+w1. �e-�wu��%.r'°eo- ienwwm nw v Ld z 4 CD Ez 19ofse df ke Y� Y���g➢ ure�u¢-rar'vsiobvwwnwn�an rwuae•wrreiwiAsw+r �i°�ix invn�s+w1. �e-�wu��%.r'°eo- ienwwm nw v Ld z 4 CD Ez 19ofse gk y�ON Y� Y���g➢ 2& 61 ure�u¢-rar'vsiobvwwnwn�an rwuae•wrreiwiAsw+r �i°�ix invn�s+w1. �e-�wu��%.r'°eo- ienwwm nw v Ld z 4 CD Ez oe 2& 61 ure�u¢-rar'vsiobvwwnwn�an rwuae•wrreiwiAsw+r �i°�ix invn�s+w1. �e-�wu��%.r'°eo- ienwwm nw v Ld z 4 CD mi;i eP Sdii k k a ure�u¢-rar'vsiobvwwnwn�an rwuae•wrreiwiAsw+r �i°�ix invn�s+w1. �e-�wu��%.r'°eo- ienwwm nw v Ld z 4 CD o suaaaJFJH� woo•uaai �a SIR sl O O !11 91 {1 as:23 111i"aFg€33� 21111 jB�Oa ®a�OM®.O W i llI °$fill fill' a8 & I; aj. } g -ifj fill }! j, $$j a $ '�a i +ia{g ; ! + §2 i$ ja gy`4• 1 g gg [ 1 a` EF °[[jF 4E 'jt$ It Eefj$dj$ . 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Ill 1{Ii F1{ {l { € ,{ i t 11{ 9 } Mill It iat !#8 g =1{ {+{ Fal ti ti� 1st il� if❑❑{ }I I tg (iIi { i li {}� i}l li SyyyI`i t lli � pt ii 81 `I illi 1 1 I{=, {s• 14+e', �FFI � �Ela; 11 {ll 1{ � 1 Hill fig' 1 IFfB pp gt#! iel$Ix� it ##{ i °!381 it 8#i {8 188{ E 6E# i}8Et1883 y {l} �x �^ a sIry ,s ' J uee��FJH woo'u8w!DUH s as o"1 °9 s rm 0 -g M- 9 V4. ' J Ji 2. pV� I G i I 1 � I , r , r r I `♦ 1 m� I "! e e asap m I I s IP I 1 II NOTES '. L/THVAMA LIGHT/NG _i One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • Fax: 770.918.1209 • wwwlithonla c m 2011-2014 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. SCANNED FIXTURE OD/OD1 D-Series Size 1 m'be LED Area Luminaire b'rightwiL 7daseripes EYP` .factsIntroduction The modern styling of the D-Series is striking yet unobtrusive - making a bold, progressive Specifications statement even as it blends seamlessly with its environment. EPA: t.2 _ W The D-Series distills the benefits of the latest in m.1 LED technology into a high performance, high Length: 33" 33 (331 —_ efficacy, long-life luminaire. The outstanding 13•• photometric performance results in sites with Width: (3301•) L -- excellent uniformity, greater pole spacing and Height: 7-172" H lower power density. It is ideal for replacing 100— i190`mi 40OW metal halide in pedestrian and area lighting Weight 27 Ibs applications with typical energy savings of 65% (max): 01.2ky and expected service life of over 100,000 hours. EXAMPLE: DSX1 LED 60C 1000 40K T31M MVOLT SPA li D5XI LED DS%1 LED Forward 530 530 30K 3000K (80 ITS Typelshort MVOLP Shipped included Shipped installed Shipped DDBXD Dark optics mA CRI min.)installed T25 type 11 short 120' SPA Squarepole PER NEMA mist-lock bronze 30C 30 LEDs 700 700 40K 4000K(70 T2M type 11 208' mauntin receptadeonlybo HS House- DBIXD Black (one mA engine) On min.) medium r RPA 240' Aound ole controlsl' .side DNAXD Natural 1000 1000 SOK 5000 K(70 i35 T elllshott yp 277 mounting DMG 0-10Vdimming shield" aluminum 40( 40 LEDs mA (two 11 A) CRD 13M Typelll < WBA 347 dZ homntrols)' WTB Utility Wallbracket Di wine terminal ` engines) AMBPC Amber phosphor, medium 480, SPUMBA DCR Dimmableand Square pole black" DDBTXD textured controllable 60( LEDs converted' T4M Type universal viatm[s)9 no SF dark (two (t medium medium mounting controls)" (120 277 bronze (120, 77, engines) TFTM Forward adaptor' DS Dual switching 'o" 347VI" DBLBXD Textured Rotated throw RPUMBA Round pole DF Double black PIR Motion sensor optics' P medium universal loon8-75' fuse(208, DNATXD Textured mounting height 60C 60LEDs 15VS T eV very YP ry 240 mounting c natural adaptor' TIRE Motionsensor, 48OV)' (two shoe 15-30'mounting aluminum L90 Left engines) KMAB i55 TypeVshott Mastarm height" DWHGXD TexturedDDBXDU t i5M Ti mounting BHO Bilevel switched optics" white Lou ketadap- O medium dimming, 3096" tor�spR90 Bight eci(y T5W TypeVwide _ finish)" BL50 Bi-levelswhched rotated dincium00% 1111 optics NOTES '. L/THVAMA LIGHT/NG _i One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • Fax: 770.918.1209 • wwwlithonla c m 2011-2014 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. SCANNED Lumen Output Lumen values are from photometric tests performed in accordance with IESNA LM -79-08. Data is considered to be representative tithe configurations shown, within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts. Actual performance may differ as a result of enduser environment and application. Actual wattage may differ by +/-8%when operating between 120.480V+/-10%. Contact factory for performance dam on any configurations not shown here. r 30C I 700 mA 68W 1 TIS US T2M T35 TIM TV TFTM TSVS T5S T5M 15W 5,2% 5,540 5,360 5,479 5,452 5,461 5,378 5,708 5,639 1 5,710 5,551 ur 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 .r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 0 0 1 1 1 1 78 81 79 81 _ 80 M 79 M 83 84 82 6,524 6,833 6,611 6,757 6,714 6,736 6,633 7,040 6,955 1 7,042 6,047 rn 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 3 3 r r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 1 2 % 100 97 99 99 99 % 104 102 104 101 7,053 7,387 7,147 7,305 7,269 7,282 7,171 7,611 719 7,613 7,401 r+r 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 1 3 r r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p 1 0 2 104 2 109 2 105 2 107 2 104 2 107 2 105 1 112 0 111 2 112 2 109 (30 LEDs) IODOM IOSW T15 I'm 2 1 0 1 2 69 9,168 2 0 1 87 9,874 2 0 2 94 T25 7,572 2 1 0 1 2 72 9,603 2 0 2 91 10,342 2 0 1 98 12M 7,325 2 0 2 70 9,291 2 0 2 88 10,,405 2 0 3 95 T35 7,488 2 0 2 71 9,4% 2 0 2 90 10721 2 0 2 97 TIM 7,451 2 0 2 71 9,450 2 0 2 90 10,177 1 0 2 97 Tem 1,464 2 0 2 71 9,467 2 0 2 % 10,195 2 0 2 97 TFTM 7,351 1 0 2 70 9,323 2 0 2 89 10,090 2 0 3 96 TSVS 7,801 3 0 1 74 9,894 3 0 1 94 10,655 1 0 1 101 T55 7,003 3 0 2 74 9,774 3 0 1 93 10,526 3 0 1 100 iSM 7,707 3 0 0 73 9,897 3 0 2 94 10,658 4 0 2 102 TSW 1,586 3 0 2 72 9,621 4 0 2 92 10,363 4 0 2 99 40C 700 MA 89W T75 6.876 2 0 2 77 8,639 2 0 2 97 9,345 2 0 2 105 T2S 7,202 2 0 2 81 9,049 2 0 2 102 9,788 2 0 2 110 T2M 6,968 2 0 2 78 8,755 2 0 2 98 9,469 2 0 3 106 T35 7,122 2 0 2 80 8,940 2 0 2 101 9,679 2 0 2 109 BM 7,088 2 0 2 W 8,905 2 0 2 100 9,632 2 0 2 108 UM 7,100 2 0 2 80 8,920 2 0 2 100 9,649 2 0 2 108 TFTM 6,992 1 0 2 79 8,785 2 0 2 99 9,502 2 0 2 104 i5V5 7,421 3 0 0 83 9,323 3 0 1 705 10,005 3 0 1 113 T5S 7,331 2 0 0 02 9,710 3 0 1 103 9,962 3 0 1 112 T5M 7,423 3 0 2 83 9,326 3 1 0 2 105 10,087 4 1 D 1 2 113 T5W 1 7,216 3 0 2 81 9066 4 0 2 102 9,M7 4 1 0 1 2 110 (40 LEDs) IOOOMA 138W TIS 9,521 2 0 2 69 11,970 2 0 2 87 12,871 3 3 0 93 TS 9,972 2 0 2 72 12558 3 0 3 91 13,481 3 0 3 % TIM 9,648 2 0 3 70 12,149 3 0 3 % 13,093 3 0 3 95 T35 9,862 2 0 2 71 12,418 1 0 2 % 13,331 2 0 3 97 T3M 9,814 2 0 2 71 12358 3 0 3 % 13,267 3 0 3 96 UM 9,831 2 0 2 71 12,179 2 0 3 90 13,290 2 0 3 95 TITM 9,681 2 0 1 70 12,191 2 0 3 118 13,087 2 0 3 95 TiVS 10275 3 0 I 74 12,937 3 0 1 94 13,890 4 0 1 101 T55 10,150 3 0 1 74 12,782 3 D 1 1 93 13,721 3 0 1 99 T5M 10,278 4 0 2 74 12,942 4 0 2 1 94 13,894 4 0 2 101 T5W 1 9,991 4 0 2 1 72 12,582 4 0 2 91 13,507 4 0 2 % 60C MOW 131W TIS 10,226 2 0 2 78 12,871 3 0 3 98 13,929 3 0 3 106 T2S 10,711 2 0 2 82 13,481 3 0 3 103 14,589 3 0 3 111 T2M 10363 2 0 3 79 13,043 3 0 3 100 14,115 3 0 3 108 T3S 10592 2 0 2 81 13,331 2 0 2 102 14,427 3 0 3 110 BM 10,541 2 0 2 00 13,267 3 0 3 101 14,357 3 0 3 110 TIM 10,559 2 0 2 81 13,290 2 0 3 101 14,382 3 0 3 110 TFTM 10,398 2 0 3 79 13,087 2 0 3 100 14,163 2 0 3 108 TSVS 11,036 3 0 1 84 13,851 4 0 4 106 15,032 4 0 1 115 T55 10902 3 0 1 83 13,721 3 1 0 1 105 1484 4 0 1 113 T51d 11,039 4 0 2 84 13,894 4 1 0 2 1 IN 15,036 4 0 2 115 TSW 1 10,732 4 1 0 1 2 1 82 1 13,507 4 1 0 2 1 103 14,617 4 1 0 1 1 1 112 (60 LEN) 1000IM 2D9W TIS 14,017 3 0 3 61 3 0 3 M 19,007 3 0 3 91 T25 14,601 3 0 3 70 3 0 3 88 19,908 3 0 3 95 TIM 14,204 1 0 3 68 3 0 3 85 19,260 3 0 3 92 US 14,518 3 D 3 69 3 0 3 87 19,647 3 0 3 94 BM 14,448 3 0 3 69 3 0 4 87 19591 3 0 4 94 TAM 14,473 3 0 3 69 3 0 3 87 19,625 3 0 4 J17,923 94 TFTM 14,253 2 0 3 68 ) 0 4 86 19326 ; 0 4 91 TSVS 15,127 4 0 1 72 4 0 1 91 20512 4 0 1 98 T5S 14,943 4 0 1 71 4 0 1 90 20263 4 0 1 97 i5M 15,131 4 0 2 72 4 0 2 91 M,517 5 0 3 % TSW 14,170 4 0 2 I0 3 5 1 0 3 1 89 1 19,946 S 0 3 95 Note: Available with phosphor -converted amber LED's (nomenclature AMBPC1. These LED's produce light with 97+%>530 nm. Output can be calculated by applying a OJ factor to 4000 K lumen values and photometric files. 'L/ryp/ysq One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • phone: 800.279.8041 •. Fax. 770.918.1209 vwna.FthoRa cnrn DSX1-LED • L/GHT/NG 0 2011-2014 Acuity Brands lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 09/15/14 Performance Data Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Use these factor5lo determine relative lumen output for average ambienttemperatures from 6400 (32-1049. 0'C 3rF 1.02 10-C WE 1.01 20-C 68-F 1.00 25'C 77'F 1.00 30'C 86'F 1.00 40-C WE 0.99 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Dara references the extrapolated performance projections for the platforms noted in a 25-C ambient, based on 10,000 hours of LED tasting (tested per IESNA LM -0098 and projected per IESNA TM -21-11). To calculate OFF, use the lumen maintenance factor that corresponds to the desired number of operating hours below. For other lumen maintenance values, contact factory. i's, 0 25.000 50.000 Imi DSXI LED60C 1000 rp-., 1.0 095 0.93 0.88 DSXI LEU 60C 700 1.0 0.99 098 0.96 Electrical Load 120 268 240 m 3417 4180 30 I 530 52 1 0.52 0.30 0.26 0.23 J00 68 0.68 0.39 0.34 0.30 0.24 0.17 40 I 700 89 0.89 0.51 0.44 0.38 0.31 0.32 530 99 0.97 0.56 0.48 0.42 0.34 0.24 60 700 131 1.29 OJ4 0.65 0.56 0.45 0.32 1000 209 1.98 1.14 0.99 0.86 0.69 0.50 EMZZZ•W` To see complete photometric reports or downloac ies files for this product, visit Lithonia Lighting's D -Series Area Size l homepage. Isomomandle plots for the DSX1 LED 60C 100040K. Distances are in units of mounting height (20'). LEGENDs , , s oz 4 = 4 a a t o, a a 4 T o 4 3 4 a: 4 z t ■u 4- - - 0.1k 3 ■ 0.5 fc_- _ 1 + � v � 0 i1 a ... ". j i TiS dw t T3M qu a �..i _. T4MDz �T 5W FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The sleek design of the D -Series Size 1 reflects the embedded high performance LED technology. It is ideal for many commercial and municipal applications, such as parking lots, plazas, campuses, and streetscape5. CONSTRUCTION Smglepiece die-cast aluminum housing has integral heat sink fns to optimize thermal management through conductive and cormective cooling. Modular design allows for ease of maintenance and future light engine upgrades. The LED driver smounted in direct contact with the casting to promote low operating temperature and long life. Housing is completely sealed against moisture and environmental contaminants 0P65I. Low EPA (1.2 Uri for optimized pole wind loading. FINISH Exterior parts are protected bye -infused Super Durable TG IC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A tightly controlled multi -stage process ensures a minimum 3 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate changes without cracking or peeling. Available in both textured and non -textured finishes. OPTICS Precision -molded proprietary acrylic lenses are engineered for superior area lighting distribution, uniformity, and pole spacing. Light engines are available in standard 4000 K (0 minimum CRI) or opdonal 3000 K (W minimum CRI) or 50D0 K (70 CRI) configurations. The D -Series Size 1 has zero uptight and qualifies as a Nighttime Friendly"" product meaning it is consistent with the LEED' and Green Globesr" criteria for eliminating wasteful uptight, ELECTRICAL Light engine configurations consist of 30,40 or 60 high -efficacy LEDs mounted to metal -core cirmit boards to maximize heat dissipation and promote long life (up to L96/100,000 hours at 25'Q. Class 1 electronic drivers are designed to have a power factor x9016, THD x2016, and an expected life of 100,000 hours with <1 %failure rate. Easily serviceable 10kV or 6kV surge protection device meets a minimum Category C Low operation (per ANSI/IEEE C62A1.2) h INSTALLATION Included mounting block and integral arm facilitate quick and easy installation. Stainless steel bolts fasten the mounting block securely to poles and walls, enabling the D -Series Size 1 to withstand up to a 30 G vibration load rating per ANSI Cl M.31. The D -Series Ste 1 utilizes the AERIS'm series pole drilling pattern. Optional terminal block, tool -less entry, and NEMA photocontrol receptacle are also available. LISTINGS UL Listed for wet locations. Light engines are IPM rated; luminaire is IP65 rated. Rated for -40'C minimum ambient. U.S. Patent No. D672,492 S International patent pending. DesignUghts Consortium® (DLQ qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www.deugnl Ights.org to confirm which versions are qualified. WARRANTY Five-year limited warranty. Full warranty terms located at acuhybrondsmm/Cursoroerpecource_/iarms_and_conde:a, sp Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. '. L/TNOMIA One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.2798041 • Fax: 770.918.1209 • vo., ri turn DW -LED L/GHT/NLs 0 2011-2014Acuiry Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 09/15/14 D -Series Size 1 LED Area Luminaire IM ,A,,;OLF , 3 gluing facts FIXTURE: ON DSXI LED Forward Introduction 30K 3000 K(80 d"series The modern styling of the D -Series is striking Shipped included Shipped installed yet unobtrusive - making a bold, progressive Specifications statement even as it blends seamlessly with its mA CRlmin.) - environment. EPA: 12 ft' _ W The D -Series distills the benefits of the latest in I bronze MI 30C 30 LEDs - LED technology into a high performance, high Length: 33„ 33" rva,ml 208' efficacy, Ion life luminaire. The outstanding Y. 9- 9 receptadeonly(no 13" photometric performance results in sites with Width: rvn m1 as L excellent uniformity, greater pole spacing and Height: 7-172" controls) side 1° H lower power density. It is ideal for replacing 100— " °o I 1000 1000 40OW metal halide in pedestrian and area lighting Weight 27 lbs 1 applications with typical energy savings of 65% (max): (1214 and expected service life of over 100,000 hours. • • ' 40C 40 LEDs (two EXAMPLE: DSX1 LED 60C 1000 40K T3M MVOLT SPA DDBXD DSX1 LED T3M Typelll 277' 3q7< DSXI LED Forward 530 530 30K 3000 K(80 TIS Typelshor[ LMEL Shipped included Shipped installed Shipped DDBXD Dark optics mA CRlmin.) TZS Typellshort 120' PA Square pole PER NEMAtwist-lock installed I bronze 30C 30 LEDs 700 700 40K 4000Kp0 T2M Typell 208' 1 Frounfinct receptadeonly(no HS House- DI Black (one as (Rl min.) medium 240 a APA Round ale controls) side 1° DNAXD Natural engine) 1000 1000 50K 5000 K(70 T35 Type short YP mounds 9 DM6 0-10Vdimmin 9 shield aluminum 40C 40 LEDs (two mA (1 A) (RI) AMBP( Amber T3M Typelll 277' 3q7< WBA Wall bradet driver (ria controls)° DCR Dlmmableand WTO Utility terminal DWHXD White engines) medium SPUMBA Square pole block" DDBTXD Textured 60C 60L s phosphor converted ° T4M Type IV 4804 universal controllable via ROAM" (no SF Singlefuse dark (two medium mounting controls)' (120,277, bronze in ines) TFTM Forward adaptor' DS Dual switching 10J 347V)1fi DBLBXD Textured Rotated throw RPUMBA Roundpole Pill Motion sensor, 8-15' DF Double black optics' medium universal running height a fuse (208, DNATXD Textured 60C 60 LEDs T5VS T eV ve YV ry mounting tar' ado FIRM Motionsensor, 240• s 480V)' natural (two short P 15-30'mounting l90 Left aluminum engines) T55 TypeVshon KMA8 Mastarm height" rotated DWHGXD Textured DDBXDU mounting BL30 Bi -level switched optic° white TSM TypeV bracketadap- dimming, 3096"+' medium tor(speci(y R90 Right 15W T eVWide YP finish) BL50 dimming, 50 11 dimming,5096'!' rotated optic 11 NOTES '• L/THUYI One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • Fax 770.918.1209 • www.lithonia.mm LIVHT/NG 02011-2014 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Lumen Output Lumen values are from photometric tens performed in accordance with IESNA W-79-08. Data is considered to be representative of the configurations shown, within the tolerances allowed by Lighting Facts. Actual performance may differ as a result of anal environment and application. Actual wattage may differ by+/-8%when operating between 120 80V +/-10% Contact factory for performance data on any configurations not sham here. 1 30C t 700 mA 68W 1 TIS 4S T2M BS T3M T4M TEIM T5VS T55 T5M T5W 5,290 51540 5,360 5,479 5,452 5,61 5,378 5,708 5,639 5,710 5,551 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 7 1 2 2 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 78 81 79 01 80 W 79 84 83 84 82 6,524 6,833 6,611 7757 6,724 6,736 6,633 7,040 1 6,955 7,4 6,847 -rar 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 1 2 96 100 97 W 99 99 98 104 102 104 101 7,053 7,387 1,147 7,305 7,269 7,282 7,171 7,611 7519 7,613 7,401 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 104 2 109 2 105 2 107 2 107 2 107 2 105 1 112 0 111 2 112 2 109 (30LEDs) 1000MA 105W TIS 1,229 2 0 2 69 9,168 2 0 2 87 9,874 2 0 2 94 T25 7,572 2 0 2 72 9,603 2 0 2 91 10,3422 0 2 98 12M 7,325 2 0 2 70 9,291 2 0 2 BB 10,005 2 0 3 95 111 7,488 2 0 2 71 9,496 2 0 2 9D 10,227 2 0 2 97 TIM 7,451 2 0 2 71 9,50 2 0 2 90 10,177 2 0 2 97 T4M 1,461 2 0 2 71 9,461 2 0 2 90 10,195 2 0 7 97 TFTM 7,351 1 0 2 70 9323 2 0 2 89 10,040 2 0 3 96 TSN 1,801 3 0 1 74 9AM 3 0 1 94 10,655 3 0 1 101 T55 7,803 3 1 0 1 2 1 74 1 9,114 3 D 1 1 93 10,526 3 0 1 1 1 1W TSM 7,707 3 1 0 1 0 1 13 1 9,897 3 0 2 94 10,658 4 D 2 102 T5W 7586 3 1 0 2 1 72 1 9,621 4 0 2 1 92 1 10,363 4 0 2 99 40C 700MA 89W TIS 6,876 2 0 2 1 17 1 8,639 2 0 2 1 97 1 9,345 2 0 2 105 125 7,202 2 0 2 1 81 1 9,049 2 0 2 1 102 1 9,788 2 0 2 110 T2M 6,968 2 0 2 78 8,755 2 0 2 98 9,469 2 0 3 106 T35 7,122 2 0 2 80 8,995 2 0 2 101 9,679 2 0 2 109 T3M 7,088 2 0 2 80 I'm 2 0 2 100 9,632 2 0 2 108 T4M 7,100 2 0 2 80 8,920 2 0 2 1W 9,6492 0 2 108 TFTM 6,992 1 0 2 79 8,785 2 0 2 99 9502 2 0 2 107 TNS 7,421 3 0 0 83 9,323 3 0 1 105 10,085 3 0 1 113 T5S 7,331 2 0 0 82 9,210 3 0 1 103 9,962 3 0 1 112 T5M 7,423 3 0 2 83 99,326 3 0 2 105 10,87 4 0 2 113 15W 7,216 3 0 2 81 9,0% 4 0 2 102 9,80 4 0 2 110 (40 His)T2S 100010, 138W 175 9521 2 0 2 69 11,910 2 0 2 81 12,871 3 3 0 93 9,972 2 1 0 1 2 1 72 1 12,558 3 0 1 3 1 91 1 13,81 3 0 3 98 T2M 9,648 2 1 0 1 3 1 10 1 12,149 3 0 1 3 1 88 1 13,43 3 0 3 95 T3S 9,862 2 0 2 1 71 1 12,418 2 0 2 90 1 13331 2 0 2 97 73M 9,814 2 D 2 71 12,358 3 0 3 90 1 13,267 3 0 3 96 MM 9,831 2 D 2 /1 1y379 2 0 3 90 13,290 2 0 3 96 TFTM 9,661 2 0 2 n 12,191 2 0 3 M 13,087 2 0 3 95 T.SVS 10,275 3 0 1 74 12,937 3 0 1 94 13,890 4 0 1 101 T55 10,150 3 0 1 74 12,782 3 0 1 93 13,721 1 3 0 1 99 15M 10,278 4 0 2 74 12N2 4 0 2 94 13,894 4 0 1 2 1 101 15W 9,991 4 0 2 72 12,582 1 4 0 2 91 13,507 4 0 2 98 60C 700 mA 131W TTS 10,226 2 0 2 78 12,871 3 0 3 98 13,929 3 0 3 106 T25 10,711 2 0 2 82 1 13,481 3 0 3 103 14,589 3 0 3 111 T2M 10,363 2 0 3 19 1 13,043 3 0 3 100 14,115 3 0 3 108 T35 10,592 2 0 2 81 1 13,331 2 0 2 102 14,427 3 0 3 110 BM 10541 2 0 2 80 13,261 3 0 3 101 14,357 3 0 3 110 T4M-- 10559 2 0 2 81 13,290 2 0 3 101 14,382 3 0 3 110 TFTM 10398 2 0 3 79 13,081 2 0 3 100 14,163 2 0 3 108 TSVS 11,036 3 0 1 M BAN 4 0 4 106 15,032 4 0 1 115 T55 10,902 3 0 1 83 13,721 3 0 1 105 14,849 4 1 0 1 113 TSM 11,039 4 0 2 84 13,894 4 0 2 106 15,036 4 0 2 115 T5W 10,732 4 0 2 82 13,507 4 0 1 2 1 103 14,617 4 1 D 1 2 112 (60 LEDs) Month 209W ITS 14,017 3 0 3 67 17,632 3 0 1 3 1 84 19,001 3 0 1 3 91 125 M,681 3 0 3 70 18,461 3 0 1 3 1 88 19,908 3 0 3 95 T2M 14,204 3 0 3 68 17,867 3 0 3 1 85 19,260 3 0 3 92 US 14,518 3 0 3 69 18,262 3 0 3 1 87 19,687 3 0 3 9/ T3M 14,498 3 0 3 69 18,173 3 0 4 V 19$91 3 0 4 94 T4M 14,473 3 0 3 69 18,205 1 / 0 4TITM 14,253 2 0 3 68 11,9211 3 M 3 0 4 92 i5V5 1587 4 01 4 0 1 96 %03 $19,62S3 T55 14943 4 0 T ]1 111197 4 0 4 0 1 97 T5M 15,131 4 0 2 71 19033 4 1 5 0 3 98 T5W 14,710 4 0 2 70 11103 5 9 5 0 3 95 Note: Available with phosphor -converted amber LED's (nomenclature AMBPC7. These LED's produce light with 97+%>535 nm. Output can be calculated by applying a 0.7 factor to 4000 K lumen values and photometric files. 'LATHLYI One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Gaorgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279.8041 • Fax: 770.918.1209 • v,va..11fl- on a no.rr DS%7-LED • LAGHMV0 19 21717-2014 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev 09/15/14 Performance Data Lumen Ambient Temperature (LAT) Multipliers Use these factorsto determine relative lumen output for average ambient temperatures from OAK (32-1 WF). o -C 32'F 1.02 10-C 501 1.01 20T 681 1.00 25-C 77-F 1.00 30T 861 1.00 40T 1041 0.99 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Data references the enrapolated performance projections far the platforms noted in a 25-C ambient, based on 10,000 hours of LED testing (tested per U SNA Bull and projected per IESNA TM -21-01). To calculate UF, use the lumen maintenance factor that corresponds to the desired number of operating hours below. For other lumen maintenance values, contact factory 0 251000 50.000 100,000 Mill LED 00(low 0.52 1.0 0.95 0.93 088 05%I LED 60C 700 - 10 0.99 0.98 0.96 Electrical Load Current iAi ,unser o�onsot sol. a3lF,0a. lmN W • • - .• To see complete photometric reports or download.ies files for this product, visit Lithonia Ligh9ng's D -Series Area Size l homepage. Isofootcandle plots for the DSX1 LED 60C 1000 40K. Distances are in units of mounting height (20'). LEGEND 4 J z n _ a a x 1 0 1 z J a `s 1 0 1 2 3 x £ x s z < 0 a 5 r ...,. T ___. i 4 .1 J z _ z 1 0 1 z a e ♦ vv+ J 3 1 _ _ 3 �-�0.1 fc Al 0.5 fc z 3 � S I ■ 10fc 3 3 3 Y MV r > x iti '- < T15 T3M z T4M TSW z FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The sleek design of the D -Series Size 1 refie. the embedded high perbirmanw LED technology It is ideal for many commercial and municpal applications, such as parking lots, plazas, campuses, and streetecapes. CONSTRUCTION 5ingle-piece die-cast aluminum housing has integral heat sink fins to optimize thermal management through conductive and convective coaling. Modular design allows for ease of maintenance and future light engine upgrades. The LED driver is mounted in direct contact with the casting to promote low operating temperature and long life. Housing is completely sealed against moisture and environmental contaminants 8P65). Low EPA (1_2 fe) for optimized pole wind loading. FINISH Exterior parts are protected by a onc-infused Super Durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A tightly controlled multistage process ensures a minimum 3 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate changes without cracking or peeling. Available in both textured and non -tenured finishes. OPTICS Precision -molded proprietary acrylic lenses are engineered for superior area lighting distribution, uniformity, and pole spacing. Light engines are available in standard 4000 K (70 minimum CRI) or optional 3000 K (80 minimum CRI) or 5000 K (70 CRI) configurations. The D-Sedes Size 1 has zero uplight and qualifies as a Nighttime Friendly' product, meaning it is consistent with the 1_EEDo and Green Globesrra criteria for eliminating wasteful uplight. ELECTRICAL Light engine configurations consist of 30, 40 or 60 high -efficacy LEDs mounted to metal -core circuit boards to maximize heat diuipation and promote long life (up to 1_96/100,00) hours at 25°C). Class 1 electronic drivers are designed to have a power factor >90%, THD <20%, and an expected life of 100,000 hours with <1%failure rate. Easily serviceable tOkV or 6kV surge protection device meets a minimum Category C Low operation (per ANSI/IEEE C62.41.2). INSTALLATION Included mounting block and integral arm facilitate quick and easy installation. Stainless steel bolts fasten the mounting block securely to poles and walls, enabling the D -Series Size 1 to withstand up to a 3.0 G vibration load rating per ANSI C136.31. The D -Series Size 1 utilizes the AERIl series pole drilling pattern. Optional terminal block, tool -less entry, and NEMA photocontrol receptacle are also available. LISTINGS UL Listed for wet locations. Light engines are IP65 rated; luminaire is IP65 rated. Rated for �afi minimum ambient. U.S. Patent No. D672,492 S International patent pending. Design Lights Consortium® (DLC) qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at wwwdes, nTigh Is.org to confirm which versions are qualified. WARRANTY Five-year limited warranty. Full warranty terms located at .+m,wacuitybrands.co0CLrIo PesourrnsRenns_and_mrd�9 oos,a px Now: Specifcations subject to change without notice. '. L/THON/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279:8041 • Fax: 770.918.1209 • www.lithoniacom DSXt-LED t/GHT/NG 02011-2014 Acuity Brands Ughting,Inc. Allrighereserved. Ree 09/15/14 530 52 0.52 0.30 0.26 0.23 - - 30 700 68 0.68 0.39 0.34 0.30 0.24 0.17 1000 105 1.03 0.59 0.51 0.45 0.36 0.26 530 68 0.67 0.39 0.34 0.29 0.23 0.17 40 700 89 0.89 0.51 0.44 0.38 0.31 0.22 1000 138 1.35 0.78 0.67 0.58 0.47 0.34 530 99 0.97 0.56 0.48 0.42 0.34 0.24 60 700 131 1.29 0.74 0.65 0.56 0.45 0.32 1000 209 1.98 1.14 0.99 0.86 O.69 0.50 • • - .• To see complete photometric reports or download.ies files for this product, visit Lithonia Ligh9ng's D -Series Area Size l homepage. Isofootcandle plots for the DSX1 LED 60C 1000 40K. Distances are in units of mounting height (20'). LEGEND 4 J z n _ a a x 1 0 1 z J a `s 1 0 1 2 3 x £ x s z < 0 a 5 r ...,. T ___. i 4 .1 J z _ z 1 0 1 z a e ♦ vv+ J 3 1 _ _ 3 �-�0.1 fc Al 0.5 fc z 3 � S I ■ 10fc 3 3 3 Y MV r > x iti '- < T15 T3M z T4M TSW z FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The sleek design of the D -Series Size 1 refie. the embedded high perbirmanw LED technology It is ideal for many commercial and municpal applications, such as parking lots, plazas, campuses, and streetecapes. CONSTRUCTION 5ingle-piece die-cast aluminum housing has integral heat sink fins to optimize thermal management through conductive and convective coaling. Modular design allows for ease of maintenance and future light engine upgrades. The LED driver is mounted in direct contact with the casting to promote low operating temperature and long life. Housing is completely sealed against moisture and environmental contaminants 8P65). Low EPA (1_2 fe) for optimized pole wind loading. FINISH Exterior parts are protected by a onc-infused Super Durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering. A tightly controlled multistage process ensures a minimum 3 mils thickness for a finish that can withstand extreme climate changes without cracking or peeling. Available in both textured and non -tenured finishes. OPTICS Precision -molded proprietary acrylic lenses are engineered for superior area lighting distribution, uniformity, and pole spacing. Light engines are available in standard 4000 K (70 minimum CRI) or optional 3000 K (80 minimum CRI) or 5000 K (70 CRI) configurations. The D-Sedes Size 1 has zero uplight and qualifies as a Nighttime Friendly' product, meaning it is consistent with the 1_EEDo and Green Globesrra criteria for eliminating wasteful uplight. ELECTRICAL Light engine configurations consist of 30, 40 or 60 high -efficacy LEDs mounted to metal -core circuit boards to maximize heat diuipation and promote long life (up to 1_96/100,00) hours at 25°C). Class 1 electronic drivers are designed to have a power factor >90%, THD <20%, and an expected life of 100,000 hours with <1%failure rate. Easily serviceable tOkV or 6kV surge protection device meets a minimum Category C Low operation (per ANSI/IEEE C62.41.2). INSTALLATION Included mounting block and integral arm facilitate quick and easy installation. Stainless steel bolts fasten the mounting block securely to poles and walls, enabling the D -Series Size 1 to withstand up to a 3.0 G vibration load rating per ANSI C136.31. The D -Series Size 1 utilizes the AERIl series pole drilling pattern. Optional terminal block, tool -less entry, and NEMA photocontrol receptacle are also available. LISTINGS UL Listed for wet locations. Light engines are IP65 rated; luminaire is IP65 rated. Rated for �afi minimum ambient. U.S. Patent No. D672,492 S International patent pending. Design Lights Consortium® (DLC) qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at wwwdes, nTigh Is.org to confirm which versions are qualified. WARRANTY Five-year limited warranty. Full warranty terms located at .+m,wacuitybrands.co0CLrIo PesourrnsRenns_and_mrd�9 oos,a px Now: Specifcations subject to change without notice. '. L/THON/A One Lithonia Way • Conyers, Georgia 30012 • Phone: 800.279:8041 • Fax: 770.918.1209 • www.lithoniacom DSXt-LED t/GHT/NG 02011-2014 Acuity Brands Ughting,Inc. Allrighereserved. Ree 09/15/14 I� L/THON/A L/GHT/NG® FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS CONSTRUCTION — Weldable -grade, hot -rolled, commercial -quality carbon steel tubing with a minimum yield of 55,000 psi (11 -gauge), or 50,000 psi (7 - gauge). Uniform wall thickness of .125" or .188". Shaft is one-piece with a full- length longitudinal high -frequency electric resistance weld. Uniformly square in cross-section with flat sides, small corner radii and excellent torsional qualities. Available shaft widths are 4, 5 and 6 inches. Anchor base is fabricated from hot -rolled carbon steel plate conforming to ASTM A36, that meets or exceeds a minimum -yield strength of 36,000 psi. Base plate and shaft are circumferentially welded top and bottom. Base cover is finished to match pole. A handhole having nominal dimensions of 3" x 5" for all shafts. Included is a cover with attachment screws. Top cap provided with all drill -mount poles. Fasteners are high-strength galvanized, zinc -plated or stainless steel. Finish: Must specify finish. Grounding: Provision located immediately inside handhole rim. Grounding hardware is not included (provided by others). Anchor Bolts: Top portion of anchor bolt is galvanized per ASTM A-153. Made of steel rod having a minimum yield strength of 55,000 psi. Catalog Numher TYPICAL POLE FOR FIXTURE TYPE: OD, ODI, Notes OD2 e Anchor Base Poles `*961 SQUARE STRAIGHT STEEL ORDERING INFORMATION Lead times will vary depending on options selected. Consult with your sales representative. Example: SSS 205C DM19 DDB sss 25 5C ,— — Series Nominal fixture Nominal shaft base size/ Mounting' Options Finish' mounting height wall thickness SSS Tenon mopntino .Shipped installed Stondand colors 10-39feet (See back page.) PT Open top UAB Less anchor bolts I WB Dark bronze (see back page.) T20 2-3/8'O.D.(2"NPS) DAN T25 2-7/8'O.1L(2-12' TP NPS) HAN®HOLE ORIENTATION T30 3-1/2'0.O.(3'NPS) G T35 4'0.0.(3-12'NPS) ...,....., Drill maunonnz DM19 1 et 90° DNA DM2s z at 1ao° p '! B DM28PL 2 at 180° with one GALV side plugged DM29 2 at 90° -.A_-- DMA 3 at 90° CPLl2xx DM49 4 at 90° Classic colors AFRIS-/OM FROTe O rill mountinaz Handhole 3/4" coupling' OSS DM19AS tat 90° NOTES: DM29AS tat 1B0° DOC DM29AS 2 at 90° 1 When ordering tenon mounting and drill mounting for the same l/T threaded nipple4 pole, follow this example: OM28/T20. The combination includes a DM39AS 3 at 90° required extra handhole. DM49AS 4 at 90° 2 The drilling template to be used for a particular luminaire depends A RIS^ S sp nd drill mo mtinaM on the luminaire that is used. Refer to the Technical Data Section DMISAST_ 1 at 900 of the Outdoor Binder for Drilling Templates. DM28AST_ 2 at 1B0° 3 Insert'1"or"2'to designate fixture size; e.g. DM19AST2. DM29AST_ tat 90° 4 Specify location and orientation when ordering option. DM39AST_ 3 at 90° Forlst'z': Specify the height in feet above base of pole. DM49AST_ 4 at 90° Example: 5ft=5 and 20R=10 0 M FROT- Suspend drill For 2nd'X': Specify orientation from handhole (A,B,D,D) mo.mina Refer to the Handhole Orientation diagram above. OM19MRr_ 1 at go - 5 Horizontal arm is 18" x2-3/8' O.D. tenon standard. DIANMRT_ 2 at 180° 6 Combination of tenon -top and drill mount includes extra handhole. 01029MRT_ 2 at 90° 7 Additional colors available; see www.lbhonia.com/archcolors or OM39MRT_ 3 at 90° Architectural Colors brochure (Form No. 794.3). Powder finish OM49MRT_ 4 at 901 standard. VO Vibration damper DAN White TP Tamper proof DBL Black H1-18Sxx Horizontal arm bracket ONE Medium bronze (1 fixture)4.3 DNA Natural aluminum FDtxx Festoon outlet less GALV Galvanized finish electrical' CPLl2xx 12" coupling ° Classic colors CPL34xx 3/4" coupling' OSS Sandstone CPL1 xx 1' coupling° DOC Charcoal gray NPL12xx l/T threaded nipple4 DTG Tennis green NPL34xx 3/4" threaded nipple4 DEB Bright red NPLIxx 1" threaded nipple° DSB Steel blue EHHxx Extra handhole°° Architecct'ra�rrs (powder finish)T Outdoor Sheet#:Pole-SSS PL -320 SSS Square Straight Steel Poles BASE DETAIL i 18' TECHNICAL INFORMATION Shaft Bolt Bolt Anchor bolt base EPA (ft=) with 1.3 gust Base Template Anchor bolt and template Catalog Number NominalWall shaft length (feet) Pole Shaft Size (in xft) Thickness (inches) Gauge 80 Max. 90 Max 100 Max. mph weight mph wei ht mph wei ht Bolt Circle (inches) BoltSize (in.xin.xin.) Approximate ship weight (pounds) SSS 10 4C 10 4.0 x 10.0 0.125 11 30.6 765 23.8 595 118.9 1 473 8--9 3/4 x 1 B x 3 75 SSS 12 4C 12 4.0 x 12.0 0.125 11 24.4 610 18.8 470 14.8 370 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 90 SSS 14 4C 14 1 4.0 x 14.0 0.125 11 19.9 498 15.1 378 11.7 293 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 100 SSS 16 4CP25 4.0 x 16.0 0.125 11 15.9 398 11.8 295 8.9 223 8--9 3/4x 18 x 3 115 SSS 18 4C4.0 x 18.0 0.125 11 12.6 315 9.2 230 6.7 168 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 125 SSS 20 4C4.0 x 20.0 0.125 11 9.6 240 6.7 167 4.5 150 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 140 SSS 20 4G4.0 x 20.0 0.188 7 14.0 350 11.0 275 8.0 200 8--9 3/4 x 30 x 3 198 SSS 20 5C5.0 x 20.0 0.125 11 17.7 443 12.7 343 9.4 235 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 185 SSS 20 5G5.0 x 20.0 0.188 7 28.1 703 21.4 535 16.2 405 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 265 SSS 25 4C4.0 x 25.0 0.125 11 4.8 150 2.6 100 1.0 50 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 170 SSS 25 4G 25 4.0 x 25.0 -x25.0 0.188 7 10.8 270 7.7 188 5.4 135 8--9 3/4 x 30 x 3 245 SSS 25 5C 25 5.0 0.125 11 9.8 245 6.3 157 3.7 150 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 225 SSS 25 5G 25 5.0 x 25.0 0.188 7 18.5 4fi3 13.3 333 9.5 238 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 360 SSS 30 4G 30 4.0 x 30.0 0.188 7 6.7 168 4.4 110 2.6 65 8--9 3/4 x 30 x 3 295 SSS 30 5C 30 5.0 x 30.0 0.125 11 4.7 150 2.0 50 - -- 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 265 SSS 30 5G 30 5.0 x 30.0 0.188 7 10.7 267 6.7 167 3.9 100 10--12 1 X36 x 4 380 SSS 30 6G 30 6.0 x 30.0 0.186 7 19.0 475 13.2 330 9.0 225 11--13 1 x 36 x 4 520 SSS 35 5G 35 5.0 x 35.0 0.188 7 5.9 150 2.5 100 - -- 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 440 SSS 356G 35 6.0x35.0 0.188 7 12.4 310 7.6 190 4.2 105 11--13 1x36x4 540 SSS 39 6G 39 6.0 x 39.0 0.168 7 7.2 1>m 3.0 75 -- -- 11--13 1X 36 x 4 605 BASE DETAIL i 18' O -I IMPOHTANr INSTALLATION NOTES: • 00 not erect poles without having fixtures installed. • Factory -supplied templates must be used when setting anchor bolts. Lithonia Lighting will not accept claim for incorrect anchorage placement due to failure to use Lithonia Lighting factory templates. • If poles are stored outside, all protective wrapping must be removed immediately upon delivery to prevent finish damage. • Lithonia Lighting is not responsible for the foundation design. IMPORTANT: • These specifications are intended for general purposes only. Lithonia reserves the right to change material or design, without prior notice, in a continuing effort to upgrade its products. IA L/THON/A L/GHT/NG® An SNcuityBrands Company Sheet #: Pole -SSS 91994-2010 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 11/11/10 Lithonia Lighting Outdoor One Lithonia Way, Conyers, GA 30012 Phone: 770-922-9000 Fax: 770-918-1209 www.lithonia.com Pole Data Shaft Bolt Bolt Anchor bolt base circle projection Base Template Anchor bolt and template size A B square description description number 4'C 8-1/2" 2-3/4'-4" 8' ABTEMPLATE PJ50004 AB18-0 ABSSS-4C 4'G 8-1/2' 2-3/4"-4" 8' ABTEMPLATE PJ50004 AB30-0 ABSSS-4G 5' 10'-12" 3-3/8'-4' 11' ABTEMPLATE PJ50010 AB36-0 ABSSS-5 6' 11"-13" 3-3/8'-4' 12-1/2' ABTEMPLATE PJ50011 AB36-0 N/A O -I IMPOHTANr INSTALLATION NOTES: • 00 not erect poles without having fixtures installed. • Factory -supplied templates must be used when setting anchor bolts. Lithonia Lighting will not accept claim for incorrect anchorage placement due to failure to use Lithonia Lighting factory templates. • If poles are stored outside, all protective wrapping must be removed immediately upon delivery to prevent finish damage. • Lithonia Lighting is not responsible for the foundation design. IMPORTANT: • These specifications are intended for general purposes only. Lithonia reserves the right to change material or design, without prior notice, in a continuing effort to upgrade its products. IA L/THON/A L/GHT/NG® An SNcuityBrands Company Sheet #: Pole -SSS 91994-2010 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 11/11/10 Lithonia Lighting Outdoor One Lithonia Way, Conyers, GA 30012 Phone: 770-922-9000 Fax: 770-918-1209 www.lithonia.com IA L®THON/A L/GHT/NG® FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE For entrances, stairwells, corridors and other pedestrian areas. CONSTRUCTION Rear housing is rugged, corrosion -resistant, die-cast aluminum. Front cover is one-piece UV -resistant injection molded polycarbonate, internally painted. Cap- tive external hardware is specially treated for corrosion resistance and includes slotted hex -head and tamperproof fasteners. FINISH Dark bronze (DDB) corrosion -resistant polyester powder. OPTICAL SYSTEM One-piece die -formed reflector is diffused aluminum. Refractor is clear UV stab i- lized polycathen ate. Front cover is sealed and gasketed to inhibit the entrance of outside contaminants. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Ballast: Metal halide: high reactance, high power factor. HPS: 35S, 50S, 70S, 120V are reactor, normal power factor. 100S 120V is reactor, high power factor. High reactance, high power factor (XHP) optional for 50S, 70S and 1005, 12OV. 208, 240, 277,347 and TB are standard XHP. Ballasts are 100%factorytested. UL listed 660W, 600V and 4kV pulse rated. All components are heat-sinked directly to the cast housing for maximum heat dissipation. Socket: Porcelain, horizontally oriented medium -base socket with copper alloy, nickel -plated screw shell and center contact. INSTALLATION Mount to any vertical surface or to a 4" round square outlet box. Back access through gasketed slot. Top wiring access through 1/2" threaded conduit entry. Through -wiring requires use of a conduittee. Photocells are field -installable. LISTING UL listed for wet locations. IP65 rated. UL Listed to US and Canadian safety stan- dards (see Options). NOM Certified (see Options). Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. ORDERING INFORMATION TWA Options Finish Series Wattage Voltage TWA Metal halide 1 120 Single fuse (120, 277, ® 208' 70M 240= L/LP Less lamp loom 277 aluminum Hiah pressure sodium 347 Emergency circuit' 35S' TBI QRS 50S 23050HZ4 70S Listed and labeled bronze 1005 NOTES: 1 120Vonly. 2 Must specify CWI in Canada. 3 Optional muki-tap ballast(120,208,240,277V). In Canada (120, 277, 347V) ships as 120/347. 4 Consultfactory for available wattages. 5 Optionalfor 120V HPS only lNa 35SI. 6 Maximum allowable wattage lamp included. 7 Not available with TB. 8 May be ordered as an accessory as TWAWG U. 9 Finish applied to housing only. 10 Must be specified. Catalog Number Notes Type OK Specifications Height: 10' (25.4cm) Width: 11-1/2" (29.2cm) Depth: 8-15/16'(22.7cm) *Weight 10 Its.(4.53kg) Mini Wall -Packs MA METAL HALIDE 50-100W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM 35-10OW *Weight as configured example below For shortest lead times, configure product using standard options (shown in bold). Example: TWA 50M 120 LPI Ballast (blank) Magnetic CWI Constant watt- age isolated XHP High reac- tance (lag), high power factor' Outdoor Sheet #:TWA -M -S 0 BM -600 Options Finish Lamp10 Shipped installed in fixture (blank) Dark LPI Lamp SF Single fuse (120, 277, bronze included 347V) DNA Natural L/LP Less lamp DF Double fuse (208, 240V) aluminum EC Emergency circuit' DBL Black QRS Quartz restrike systema DMB Medium CSA Listed and labeled bronze to comply with DWH White Canadian Standards DSS Sandstone NOM NOM Certified' CR Enhanced PE Photocell' corrosion - Shipped separately resistance' WE Wireguard CRT Non-stick protective coating' Outdoor Sheet #:TWA -M -S 0 BM -600 �® L/THON/A Acla"nNG9 FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE —For neaealion areas, parking lots, building facades, car lots. CONSTRUCTION — NEMA heavy dutyconMmmon. Contoured, low -profile dlecast aluminum housing and front bezel. Fmnt bezel Is hinged foreasy removal via position-oderned hinge -cam design. Sealed by a one piece bonded high-temperature cliconegasket. Lens: impact -resistant, thermal -and shock resistant clear tempered glass. Fin lsh:Standardfin ish is dark bronze (D BE) corrosion resistant polyester powder. With additional architectural cdais. OPTICS—Anodizedalum Imim reflecmr protides highly efficient rectangular beam pattern. Optic chamber seal ed to Inhibit entranceofoutside mntamiCams. ELECTRICAL — Bar Ila stHighpreauresodium: 150WIsbig htea chance, high power face r. Camara niwattage auto rans- formerfor200-400W. Metal halide: I5OW is high reactance, high power fascour ano is standard with pulse -start Ignitor technology. "SCWA" not required. Con stant wattag e action ansformerfor 175-400W. Super (WA (pulse start ballast), 88% efficient and EISA legislation compliant, is required for metal halide 1514MW (SCWA option) for US shipments only. (SA, NOM or INTL required for probe start shipments outside of the U5. Pulsestartballast (SCWA) required for 20OW, 320W, or 350W. Ballast is 100% factorytested. Soder: Porcelain, horizontally-oriented, mogul -base socket with copper alloy, nickelplated screw shell and center contact. UL listed 1SCOW, 600V,4XV pulse rated. INSTALLATION — Conoslon-resistant, heavy-duty, painted steel mounting yoke standard; die-cast Integral tenon cluinter optional. All external slotted hex -head screws specially coated for corroslon-resistance. LISTINGS — Listed and labeled to UL standards. Listed and labeled to CSA standards (see Options). NOM Certified (see Options). UL listed for 25-C ambient, 40°Cfor250Mand belowor 1505 and below. UL listed for wet location. IP65 rated. Note: Specifications subject to change without notice. Catalog Number OC Notes Type Floodlighting TFR METAL HALIDE: 15OW - 40OW „��I PRESSURESODIUM:150W-400W Specifications Height 10 (26.7) Width: 17-5/8(44.8) 12-3/4 Depth: 12-3/4 (32.4) 132.41 'Weight 27 lbs (13.2 kg)o EPA: 1.3110 � 17-5/8 10-3/4 'Weight as configured in example helm. (44.8) All dimensions are inches (centimeters) unless otherwise specified. For shortest lead times configure produg2gng standard ootions(shgsvn in bald). Example: TFR 400M TA TB SCWA LPI TFR 7 Must specify CAN for use in Canada. 15 Maximum allowable wattage lamp included. 1 175M SCWA not available with 480V. 8 Optional muhl-tap ballast (120, 208,740, 277V). 16 Photocell not included. 2 These wattages do not comply with California Title 20 regulations. In Canada 120, 277, 347V; ships as 120/347. 17 Prefixwith TFR when ordered as an accessory. Field modtfiatlon Series Wattage Distribution Voltage Ballast 18 See wwwRhania.com/archcolors for additional color options. Mounting ii Must specify finish when ordered as an accessory. 19 Black finish only. TFR Metal halide Ceramic 120 (blank) Magnetic ballast Shipped installed 6 Not available with 1505. Shipped separately 150M me halide RB (6X6) 2087 (WI Constant wattage isolated (blank) Yoke EY Extended yoke" 175M1r` i50MHC RC (5X5) 240'$— O IS Integral slipfitter FRWB Radiuswall bracket'' 200M9 Huh pressure 277 .....-..,... •..,... (2-3/8"ODtenon) FSAB Steel angle bracket' SCWA pulse start 250M4 sos dam' 347 ballast�A FSPB Steel square pole bracket' 320M3 7505 480' Note: For shipments to U.S. territories, 350M7d 2505 FTS Tenon slipfitter (2-3/8" to 2-7/8" OD SCWA must be specified to comply with tenon)11 400M' 4005 23050H29 EISA. FWPB Wood mounting bracket'' OPUMS Fnhhu Lamp— Shipped installed in fixture CF Charcoal filter Shipped separatelv10 (blank) Dark bronze LPI Lamp included SF Single Ica (120,277, 347V)14 CSA Listed and labeled to comply WG Wire guard"11 DNA Natural aluminum L/LP Lesslamp DF Double fuse(208,240,48OV)" with CSA standards VG Vandal guard119 DBL Black EC Emergency drmit9 NOM NOM Certified" U/ vlr Upper visor 0 DMB Medium bronze QRS ,s INTL Available for MH robe start Quartz restrike system P DWH White PER NEMA twist -lock photoelec- shipping outside the U.S. FV Fullvisar nm tric receptacle1x REGCI California Title 20 effective PEI NEMA twist -lock photomntrol(120, 208,24OV) CR Enhanced corrosion resistance C62 2'16-3 SEO cord prewired 1/1/02010 PE3 NEMA twist -lock photomntrol (3471) (RT Nan -stick protective C42 2'14-3 SEO cord prewired PE4 NEMA twist -lock photomntrol(48OV) coating19 C22 2'12-3 SEO Cord prewired PE7 NEMA twist -lock photocontrol(277V) SC Shorting cap for PER option Notes 7 Must specify CAN for use in Canada. 15 Maximum allowable wattage lamp included. 1 175M SCWA not available with 480V. 8 Optional muhl-tap ballast (120, 208,740, 277V). 16 Photocell not included. 2 These wattages do not comply with California Title 20 regulations. In Canada 120, 277, 347V; ships as 120/347. 17 Prefixwith TFR when ordered as an accessory. Field modtfiatlon 3 Mustmder SCWA. 9 Consult faclayfor available wattages. required unless ordered with fixture. 4 These wattages require the REGC1 option to be chosen fix shipments 10 May be ordered as an accessory. 18 See wwwRhania.com/archcolors for additional color options. into(alifornia forihle 20 compliance. 250M REGCI in not available ii Must specify finish when ordered as an accessory. 19 Black finish only. in 347 or 4801. 12 Yoke mounting only. 20 Must specify. LAP not available with MHC. 5 Not available with SCWA. 13 Requires IS or FTS slipRter. 6 Not available with 1505. 14 Must specify voltage. Not available with IN. OUTDOOR TFR-M-S Fixture Type: OL Location: P5642 SERIES LED Wall Mount Wet Location PROGRESSLED Specifications: P5642 -30/30K Description: Images: The P5642 Series are ideal for a wide variety of interior and exterior applications including residential and commercial. The Cylinders feature a 12oV alternating current source and eliminates the need for a traditional LED driver. This modular approach results in an encap sulated luminaire that unites performance, cost and safety benefits. Construction: • Powdercoated Antique Bronze ( 20), White (-30), Black (-31), Metallic Gray (-82) Die-cast aluminum construction -Flicker-free dimming to l V. brightness with most ELV type dimmers (See Dimming Notes) • Covers a standard 4" recessed outlet box Mounting strap for outlet box included r Performance: Dimensions: G Number of Modules 2 Input Power 29W per module A B Input Voltage 120V 6" 18" Input Frequency 60Hz B Lumens/LPW 2000/68 (LM -79) PER MODULE Extends H/CTR CCT 3000K 8-7/8" 8" L CRI 90 Life 60,000 (1-70/1-M-21) EMI/RFI FCC Title 47, Pan 15, Class 0 A Min. Start Temp -30o C Max. Operating Temp 30°C Warranty 5 yrs. Labels cCSAus certified for wet locations Catalog number: Base P5642 Finish 20 - Antique Bronze 30 - White 31 - Black 82 - Metallic Gray Color Temp CRI 30K -3000K 90 CRI For more information visit our website: wwwprogresslighting.com Progress Lighting • 701 Millennium Boulevard . Greenville, SC 29607 P5642 SERIES LED Wall Mount • Wet Location PROGRESS LED P5642 -30/30K Dimming Notes: P5642 is designed to be compatible with many Electronic Low Voltage (ELV-Reverse Phase) controls. The following is a partial list of known compatible dimmer controls: Electronic Low Voltage ELV Reverse Phase Controls Lutron Diva Series (Part Number DVELVgoo) Lutron Nova T Series (Part Number NTELV-300) Lutron Vierti Series (Part Number VTELV-600) Lutron (Part Number MAELV-600) Lutron (Part Number SPELV-600) Levilon (Part Number AWRMGEAW) Digital type dimmers are not recommended. Dimming capabilities will vary depending on the dimmer control, load, and circuit installation. Always refer to dimmer manufacturer instructions or a controls specialist for specific requirements. Dimmer control brand names where identified above are trade names or registered trademarks of each respective company. For more information visit our website: www.progresslighting.com Progress Lighting • 701 Millennium Boulevard • Greenville, SC 29607 M CO LL s a 3 r m E E b a y a � B B c c W D U 2 w C U! o O c c N o o€ a 2 N O y a U U U co o O O O o o m o a fi a�ISON IIa3311e11 N co 0 w z Z Q U IN W 1. W m d I 4b r% m 2-5 )k��! ;k | \d /Q g &|-|V a!r /l.!Ev. b:; j 2.0 2,:=• N a a oma U A. ES w,C 600Wy Un 0 O' so tUG W U m - R Z E Z0 W C C 0 od nsN �oyd�� @XU c^ gas=y�cam sao au-6j�y.�`o �a o. so pm w -E L'E omiosyE=3 2 s me �- we c c rp !9 u E m Z'mU c`oc N Ne e%wm mOp X y U' WZtp 0'8. c IL -{W �N thY I � m ZM ) \) 11,6's)9 �8" ZZ »- - I ° 3 G-;® q h#2' Ge !;l:;!!� _ # / l,..Dtm �g g� !,#! . Wit | li.,�§._. ;2-Ow!;!!rr , Z.}ke i ® \\\ im q / .�§ ))( 0H [ m:u .«R / 3 i 8 El 8 Li I4 N n v N m R hi N r L p 6 j NN • O L C W 0 O Z9 dE'i' C-5 �Z o� o c $' o r o amIoEN S }�N WnmUVrnN N ZEnZWSc �- a `coo NE_�n cu O m N.n O C N a W N.O ON a WE a o C.=W GCfON �EC QV NUCaC NN.C. Q'�-(W OIJ OIOp ,CN y o ; R IR7'O, c FCW �th0 ww NNF- ��i C UO�o U U C � s b o wm> fez �rc0 3 i 8 El 8 Li I4 N n v N m R hi N r L p 6 j NN • O L C W 0 O Z9 dE'i' C-5 �Z o� o c $' o r o amIoEN S }�N WnmUVrnN N ZEnZWSc �- a `coo NE_�n cu O m N.n O C N a W N.O ON a WE a o C.=W GCfON �EC QV NUCaC NN.C. Q'�-(W OIJ OIOp ,CN y o ; R IR7'O, c FCW �th0 4 n a �gggGm 90 � V O 3.3 o - 481 O v Nc o y V N U Y may Y A 0 C S I§ H / E ! ! � ■®i �\\ $ )k� }!i!0 2 H H / Ed (|e § § ! _| k® a» s - ■ _«�§\ ) §§ !� #[§ »" ■ e .§e Rb2, ! ;■ !!, a;G e � ■ ;w 4 ; .BL �Em 77. 0 Ahfi LL9 c m K p E a m❑ a M LL9 G� kw IL e §/ § � k� m -1 . . ! ! | � \ $\\ 2k■ �\\\ ; e §/ § � k� m -1 LL CY Ir p E E 0 2 U mQ p i 12 � cm m d 3 o,o m ESa a w C> N U m n m E m m L o mEa N.C'GC � Cd 'i LL CY Ir �E § � k\ � H.- E ) m ! \ 2 ■!+ |` | �_ � ow ■»/! {k )) § � k\ � H.- E IL � •' ° um E IL / \ � *( \/\ \O U )! \ / \ � � I E § a R « 2 7S 15 !!r § a R « 2 §ke m#wa § a R « 2 rz 1�1 • 1`�J�1 ro L7! jm� .0 .Ol W c`0 >o L N O c a 7A A-,0 zu O a v EO O G EOv V C7 �` C 1-4 c O o V • x F w � o • • o � x A-,0 Minnesota Department of Transportation Metropolitan District Waters Edge Building 1500 County Road B2 West Roseville, MN 55113 April 7, 2016 Robert Generous, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT: Chick-Fil-A MnDOT Review #S16-025 North Side of MN 5, West of Great Plains Blvd. Chanhassen, Carver County Control Section 1002 Dear Mr. Generous, The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has reviewed the Chick-Fil-A site plan and has the following comments: Design The plans submitted to MnDOT are difficult to read. MnDOT right of way in greater detail. Please submit plans showing the proposed work on For questions concerning this comment, please contact Nancy Jacobson (651-234-7647) in MnDOT Metro District's Design Section. Water Resources: A drainage permit is required. The proposed development will need to maintain or reduce existing drainage rates to MnDOT right of way. The project developer will need to submit the most current construction plans and existing/proposed hydraulic computations for the 10 and 100 year rainfall events verifying that all existing drainage patterns and systems affecting MnDOT right of way will be perpetuated. The Drainage permit application can be found at: htip://www.dot.state.mn.us/utilitv/forms.html- Application for Drainage Permit A drainage permit checklist should be attached to this review letter which can be found at: http://ihub/metro/wre/Link%20Files/Drainage°/u2OPermit%2OApl2lications°/`2OChecklist.pdf The checklist provides more information about the requirements associated with the submittal of a MnDOT Drainage permit application. For questions regards these comments, contact Tahsina Alam, Metro Water Resources, at tahsina.alam@state.mn.us or 651-234-7541 Right -of -Way: There is an existing Limited Use Permit (LUP) with the City of Chanhassen, LUP 1002-009, that is attached. The City of Chanhassen will need to work with Dan Phelps to modify this LUP to include the new sidewalk connection from Chick-fil-A. Dan Phelps can be reached at 651-234- 7585 or dan.phelpssgstate.mn.us Permits: As previously stated, a drainage permit is required. Additionally, any use of or work within or affecting MnDOT right of way requires a permit. The proposed sign must be located entirely on the Chick-Fil-A property. Permit forms are available from MnDOT's utility website at http://www.dot.state.mn.us/metro/maintenance/permits.html Please include one 11 x 17 plan set and one full size plan set with each permit application. Please direcl any questions regarding permit requirements to Buck Craig (651-234-7911) of MnDOT's Metro Permits Section. Review Submittal Options: MnDOT's goal is to complete the review of plans within 30 days. Submittals sent in electronically can usually be turned around faster. There are four submittal options. Please submit either: 1. One (1) electronic pdf version of the plans. MnDOT can accept the plans via e-mail at metrodevrcviews.dot@state.mn.us provided that each separate e-mail is under 20 megabytes. 2. Three (3) sets of full size plans. Although submitting seven sets of full size plans will expedite the review process. Plans can be sent to: MnDOT — Metro District Planning Section Development Reviews Coordinator 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, MN 55113 3. One (1) compact disc. 4. Plans can also be submitted to MnDOT's External FTP Site. Please send files to: ftp:b2p2 dot state mn us/pub/incoming/MetroWatersEdge/Plannin¢ Internet Explorer doesn't work using ftp so please use an FTP Client or your Windows Explorer (My Computer). Also, please send a note to metrodevreviews.dot@state.mn.us indicating that the plans have been submitted on the FTP site. If you have any questions concerning this review, please contact me at (651) 234-7794. Sincerely, �4 Tod Sherman Planning Supervisor Copy sent via E -Mail: Nancy Jacobson, Design Tahsina Alam, Water Resources David Sheen, Traffic Douglas Nelson, Right -of -Way Buck Craig, Permits Diane Langenbach, Area Engineer Russell Owen, Metropolitan Council STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LIMITED USE PERMIT FOR NONMOTORIZED RECREATIONAL TRAIL C.S. 1002 County of Carver City of Chanhassen TH 5 Trail from CSAH 17 to Carver/Hennepin County Line in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Section 161.434 and 23 C.F.R. 652 also published as the Federal -Aid Policy Guide, a Limited Use Permit is hereby granted to the, City of Chanhassen, Permittee. This permit is for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating a nonmotorized recreational trail, (hereinafter called trail), within the right of way of Trunk Highway No. 5 as shown in red on Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. This permit is executed by the Permittee pursuant to the attached resolution. In addition, the following special provisions shall apply: SPECIAL PROVISIONS The construction, maintenance, and supervision of the trail shall be at no expense to the Minnesota Department of Transportation. 2. Before construction of any kind, the plans for such construction shall be approved in writing by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, through the District Engineer. 3. No permanent structure(s) or advertising device(s) in any manner, form or size shall be constructed, placed or permitted to be constructed or placed upon the State of Minnesota right of way. 4. No commercial activity or activities shall be allowed to operate upon said State of Minnesota right of way. 5. Any and all maintenance of the trail shall be provided by the Permittee; this includes, but is not limited to, the plowing and removal of snow, and the installation and removal of regulatory signs. 6. This permit is non-exclusive and is granted subject to the rights of others, including, but not limited to public utilities which may occupy said right of way. Page 1 of 4 7. The Permittee shall preserve and protect all utilities located on the lands covered by this permit at no expense to the Minnesota Department of Transportation and it shall be the responsibility of the Permittee to call the Gopher State One Call System at 1-800-252-1166 at least 48 hours prior to performing any excavation. 8. Any crossings of the trail over the trunk highway shall be perpendicular to the centerline of the highway and shall provide and ensure reasonable and adequate stopping sight distance. 9. The Permittee shall construct the trail at the location shown in the attached Exhibit "A" subject to verification by the Minnesota Department of Transportation District Engineer that the construction geometrics and procedures result in a trail that is compatible with the safe and efficient operation of the highway facility. 10. Approval from Minnesota Department of Transportation District Engineer shall be required for any changes from the approved plan. 11. Upon completion of the construction of the trail, the Permittee shall restore all disturbed slopes and ditches in such manner that drainage, erosion control and aesthetics are perpetuated. 12. This permit does not release the Permittee from any liability or obligation imposed by federal law, Minnesota Statutes, local ordinances, or other agency regulations relating thereto and any necessary permits relating thereto shall be applied for and obtained by the Permittee. 13. Any use permitted by this permit shall remain subordinate to the right of the Minnesota Department of Transportation to use the property for highway and transportation purposes. This permit does not grant any interest whatsoever in land, nor does it establish a permanent park, recreation area or wildlife or waterfowl refuge facility that would become subject to Section 4 (f) of the Federal -Aid Highway Act of 1968, nor does this permit establish a Bikeway or Pedestrian way which would require replacement pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 160.264. 14. This permit shall be subject to cancellation and termination by the Minnesota Department of Transportation, with or without cause, by giving the Permittee 90 days written notice of such intent. Upon said notice of cancellation the trail shall be removed within 90 days by the Permittee. Upon cancellation of said permit, or any portion thereof, the Permittee will be required to return and restore the area to a condition satisfactory to the Minnesota Department of Transportation District Engineer. The removal of the trail and the return and restoration of the area shall be at no cost to the Minnesota Department of Transportation and at the sole expense of the Permittee. Page 2 of 4 15. The Permittee, for itself, its successors, and assigns, agrees to abide by the provisions of Title VI Appendix C of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which provides in part that no person in the United States, shall on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from, or denied use of any trail. 16. The State of Minnesota, through its Commissioner of Transportation, shall retain the right to limit and/or restrict the parking of vehicles and assemblage of trail users on the highway right of way over which this permit is granted, so as to maintain the safety of both the motoring public and trail users. 17. No assignment of this permit is allowed. 18. The Permittee shall not dispose of any materials regulated by any governmental or regulatory agency onto the ground, or into any body of water, or into any container on the State's right of way. In the event of spillage of regulated materials, the Permittee shall provide for cleanup of the spilled material and of materials contaminated by the spillage in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, at the sole expense of the Permittee. 19. The Permittee shall hold harmless and indemnify the State of Minnesota, its Commissioner of Transportation and employees and its successors and assigns, from liability claims for damages because of bodily injury, death, property damage, sickness, disease, or loss and expense arising from the operations of the trail or from the use of the portion of highway right of way over which this permit is granted. 20. The Permittee shall hold harmless and indemnify the State of Minnesota, its Commissioner of Transportation and employees and its successors and assigns from claims arising or resulting from the temporary or permanent termination of trail user rights on any portion of highway right of way over which this permit is granted. 21. The Permittee will hold harmless and indemnify the State of Minnesota, its Commissioner of Transportation and employees from claims resulting from temporary or permanent changes in drainage patterns resulting in flood damages. 22. The Permittee (for itself, its contractors, subcontractors, its materialmen, and all other persons acting for, through or under it or any of them), covenants that no laborers', mechanics', or materialmens' liens or other liens or claims of any kind whatsoever shall be filed or maintained by it or by any subcontractor, materialmen or other person or persons acting for, through or under it or any of them against the work and/or against said lands, for or on account of any work done or materials furnished by it or any of them under any agreement or any amendment or supplement thereto; agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the State of Minnesota from all such liens and claims. Page 3 of 4 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL By: istrict Engin er Date(, APPROVED BY: COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION By: Direc or, Office of Land Management- Date_/��� The Commissioner of Transportation by the execution of this permit certifies that this permit is necessary in the public interest and that the use intended is for public purposes. Page 4 of 4 CITY OF CHANHASSEN Its And T 4�� Its Date .5 - �-4 CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA DATE: April 12, 2004 RESOLUTION NO: 2004-19 MOTION BY: Peterson SECONDED BY: Lundquist A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE LBUTED USE PERMIT FOR NON -MOTORIZED RECREATIONAL TRAIL FROM CSAH 17 TO CARVERMENNEPIN COUNTY LINE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Chanhassen City Council hereby approves the Limited Use Permit for Non -Motorized Recreation Trail, per attached document. This permit is for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and operating a non -motorized recreation trail from CSAH 17 to Carver/Hennepin County Line as shown on Exhibit A. Passed and adopted by the Chanhassen City Council this 12's day of April 2004. ATTEST: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager YES Furlong Ayotte Labatt Lundquist Peterson Thomas A. Furlong, Mayor Rue None None 9 5 ° _ a Pc g jDs � p 2 a" UFO, T.� 6 sc� c sa h 1 .. NO 5 J 1114mig 8��ssa22sse���jgjaflR�aCSeg£y��Pa � a1Ivy' `:e59E n �1scpcc c 98Ai Pa€ 1P� s s " . VIx E a o ES C '.NImNN3N {I WW nj 4 p T.� W 1 n VIx O 3 i 4 u $ y gp �2 3 �;8;4 1 a, r;o: �.� W let �� a ���� ig5 z e� a � � a �yyy S 31tliVHd N3Pq ' v s � � a� � aEal .'ave N3 HNMp f`-1 �� E a o ES C '.NImNN3N {I WW nj 4 p T.� W VIx 3 i 4 u $ y let �� a ���� ig5 e� d p m v s � � a� � E a o ES C '.NImNN3N {I WW nj 4 p a VIx $ ally �� a ���� ig5 e� v � � a� � aEal Ev V _g ohm R aHm N. Fi F HE SCc eF 5" SSE.UP 3_aFg^7g''"d�3a tlPB:• p# ,�� g� HUM «' Rg ««_E�gi: 3 geS5g8c°Bam 889ggg88, BSA" MP lu ..g C 'aNIB EB€a"?i� �e�a'" �6 a»•• �3 A6'2« ed'A '� . EEE E C. 9FF EEE B Ff 5 5f 555E CEEE CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on April 7, 2016, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for Site Plan Review with Variances to construct a 4,775 square -foot restaurant on 1.32 acres of property zoned Highway and Business Services District (BH) Case 2016-08 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Kim . Meuwissen, Deput clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2 day ofA321n 12016. ( JENNIFER ANN POTTER vPubl'io-Minnesota otaryPublic Notary" 31.2020 p�'r4. My Commission Expf L L C N d O «. N (6 N d •w O 0 ,� m c o >. 0 8 0 '°omEo vi d C «` d a w d�=L...L d d @ v �• .`m°t m„am c'E o o'q O @ to Y d C w O C d 9 2 @ o n5 c N N L U C7J N N a N U c d 'oO2 E3 ma SE ao$ )O fq d 3 O .o C m W"� 8»mm Ta= E m U 7 d 3 0 U D. t'C.0 E j y d 0 O) O E8 ` vE ME `E ca O f� 2 J O C c T Q N O N d c O C'c c 0 Ea 3 3v @ may m.. c td > V N d a) L v'o 0 0 U m E' Q 3o c C N C >` a) oa 'mm°vAc qoE on mo. O.M oo` o ae N c> @ N u C aL. d N 2' C E O d vEE`”`-'oo N N E N d u O E d O d V E T C �= C d •0 E" m`c `3 Eta' aEc mmUac �m w t °)Y N N n Oc0=NnYd E d U U �N E w E 3 d d@ C'fA d,p =Oc om vo cw mp=`v�wE E._ oc)E'la_"5epm_a9, F l6 2 C T O L e0 0, -O O C n 0 ..@.. c C.- E O L p) 3to �•b p_?3uE vTm _ °2 @ U Q C d m m O. y O U d aD O d' N3 v�5 amnv `"v Q� T 0 O UC. c «wn.,C-_, C O)d Nyd w OUyE@o•> �dyL n"•Rd O.r' 88 =@gc yuan m.F cra m o um`°c„ CL h 0 d u! 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