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Administrative Packet
a, Public Works HCRRA- Chanhassen Slope Failure Severe storms, straight-line winds, flooding and landslides all over Minnesota occurred in June and July of 2014. Millions of dollars in damages was later grouped as part of Presidential Disaster 4182. This included several parts of Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority's Hopkins to Chaska corridor in Carver County. Project overview The most significant damage occurred on a portion of the corridor between Pioneer Trail and Highway 101 in Chanhassen along a Three Rivers Park District trail. Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority (HCRRA) qualified for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funding for two projects as part the presidential disaster. Both projects involved slope failures. HCRRA's maintenance contractor Tree Trust completed the first and smaller project in summer 2015. Aerial image of 80 ft. slop failure (large project) They repaired slopes at the edges of HCRRA's corridor, where the trail was at the bottom of the slope. FEMA assessed this damage at $58,000 to remove fallen trees, clear ditches and install erosion control. The second and larger project will restore an 80 -foot slope failure, where the trail sits at the top of the slope. The failure occurred at the edge of the 20 -foot wide trail, but it was impossible to know the structural integrity of the remaining slope. Three Rivers Park District closed the trail immediately with chain link fencing on both sides of the failure. Detour signs direct trail users at Pioneer Trail and Highway 101. Barr Engineering performed investigation, geotechnical and structural analysis to prepare design alternatives for restoration. They will create 30 percent construction plans of the preferred design by end of 2015. Emergency Repair During onsite analysis in October 2015, Barr Engineering discovered significant erosion under the culvert at the base of the slope failure. The photos below show the change from 2014 to 2015. To avoid further damage to the slope before the full restoration in 2016, HCRRA contracted Tree Trust and Engineering & Construction Innovations for $150,000 to grade the base of the slope, extend the culvert pipe to redirect water, and backfill under the culvert with concrete. This work will happen in January 2016. See pictures on back side of page. Looking upslope from 80 ft. failure Looking downslope from 80 ft. failure August 2014 Schedule December 2015 January 2016 April 2016 May / June 2016 Summer 2016 Late summer/early fall 2016 October 2014 Barr completes 30% construction plans FEMA will allocate funding to repair slope failure Barr will complete Final Bid Package Solicit / award construction bids Construction Trail open to public October 2015 Partners HCRRA owns the Hopkins to Chaska corridor and Three Rivers Park District operates the trail through a permit from HCRRA. As the property owner, HCRRA works directly with FEMA to secure funding and lead the restoration project. Three Rivers Park District received FEMA funding to resurface the trail in this area after the slopes are restored. HCRRA has consulted with the City of Chanhassen and Carver County. Cost The preliminary cost estimate for repairs associated with the large slope failure are listed in the table below. Including a 20% contingency, the estimated project cost is $1.8 million. This is in addition to the first repair and emergency repair costs. It also does not include easement acquisition, engineering or construction management costs. The damage is eligible for FEMA funding as part of the presidential disaster declaration; however, Barr Engineering's estimated costs, described below, substantially exceeded FEMA's original cost assessment. FEMA staff will evaluate in early 2016. South Pipe Crossing Fill and rammed aggregate piers (RAP) North Pipe Crossing Pipe extension, filling void, erosion control Southwestern Toe 4Filling void and erosion control Contacts HCRRA Project Manager Jessica Galatz Principal Planning Analyst 612-348-2691, jessica.galatzkhennevin.us HCRRA Project En ig neer Dean Michalko, PE Senior Administrative Manager 612-348-6286, dean.michalkoghennepin.us $15853,000 $96,000 $61 NO Three Rivers Park District Danny McCullough Regional Trail System Manager 763-559-6746 dmcculloughAthreeriversparkdistrict.org Barr En ineerin4 Joel Swenson, PE Project Manager 952-832-2799, j swenson(abarr.com. ;Y�k Al 4 i August 2014 Schedule December 2015 January 2016 April 2016 May / June 2016 Summer 2016 Late summer/early fall 2016 October 2014 Barr completes 30% construction plans FEMA will allocate funding to repair slope failure Barr will complete Final Bid Package Solicit / award construction bids Construction Trail open to public October 2015 Partners HCRRA owns the Hopkins to Chaska corridor and Three Rivers Park District operates the trail through a permit from HCRRA. As the property owner, HCRRA works directly with FEMA to secure funding and lead the restoration project. Three Rivers Park District received FEMA funding to resurface the trail in this area after the slopes are restored. HCRRA has consulted with the City of Chanhassen and Carver County. Cost The preliminary cost estimate for repairs associated with the large slope failure are listed in the table below. Including a 20% contingency, the estimated project cost is $1.8 million. This is in addition to the first repair and emergency repair costs. It also does not include easement acquisition, engineering or construction management costs. The damage is eligible for FEMA funding as part of the presidential disaster declaration; however, Barr Engineering's estimated costs, described below, substantially exceeded FEMA's original cost assessment. FEMA staff will evaluate in early 2016. South Pipe Crossing Fill and rammed aggregate piers (RAP) North Pipe Crossing Pipe extension, filling void, erosion control Southwestern Toe 4Filling void and erosion control Contacts HCRRA Project Manager Jessica Galatz Principal Planning Analyst 612-348-2691, jessica.galatzkhennevin.us HCRRA Project En ig neer Dean Michalko, PE Senior Administrative Manager 612-348-6286, dean.michalkoghennepin.us $15853,000 $96,000 $61 NO Three Rivers Park District Danny McCullough Regional Trail System Manager 763-559-6746 dmcculloughAthreeriversparkdistrict.org Barr En ineerin4 Joel Swenson, PE Project Manager 952-832-2799, j swenson(abarr.com. 0 r• Agenda— Eastern Carver County Linking Trail Meeting 2(jI We& May 11,, 1,6,,q 2:00 Victoria City Hall, Second Floor. ®® Welcome Guests Approve the agenda and the mhutes of the January 13, 201-5 meet'sg �see ttachment�. Met Councflnformat'mn Bob o KAN R'Wer Nuffs Oosure Update o 2040 Met CouncH Parks and To ods Nan �o� Carver County Updates o Miarty Waash o OpUoons fog- the MN R'Ner Nuffs TraH repa'r or reaHgnmant o'oo Chs--,,ska Updates o Podhradssky- — Wayflndhg IcSf-cgn(,,=2,ga projeeLi o Dan Keyport oo'o Mctor'2 Updates o Anne Mahnke o Konnect Bo'ke RWe 2015 o Lauroe Hokkanen o Tom O"Conner ,I'® SW Chamber comments ®® 30WMg Communo�ty Comments Open Mscussmn Next Steps, Meetong Eastern Carver County Linking Trail Committee (ECCLTC) Adopted Jan. 13, 2016 Mission To foster creation of a linking trail between Chaska and Victoria and trails between other Eastern Carver County communities: • Create a vision of linking trails between Chaska, Victoria and the Regional Trails, • Advocate for trail policy with stakeholders, Counties, Eastern Carver County communities. • Generate support from the communities and County for completing such trails along county right of ways, City rights-of- way, utility corridors, and other public open space areas. • Provide support to the Government entities to seek grants for funding of the project. • Communicate the vision to stakeholders, generating enthusiasm and involvement Vision A completed linking trait connection between Chaska and Victoria will be opened before 2018: • Providing a link between the MN River Bluffs Regional LRT and the Lake Minnetonka Regional LRT trails, • Providing local community residents and visitors from �he Twin Cities metro an enjoyable and scenic trail system, • Benefiting our citizens and businesses. Goals for 2016-18 1. Repair the MN River Reg. Trail washout in Chanhassen south of Pioneer Trail and east of Hwy. 101. 2016 2. Secure DNRg rant for the trail section between Hwy. 5 and 86th St. along Co. Rd. 13. Support Victoria.. 2016 3. Build the trail section between Hwy. 5 and 86th St. along Co. Rd. 13 in Victoria 2017 4. Support Chaska's wayfinding signage project 2016 5. Identify preferred routes between Chaska and Victoria — Dwtn. Bus. Alliances, cities 2016 6. Promote Konnect, Trailhead opening at Firemens' Park 2016 7. Engage county, city and SW Metro Chamber, and business groups to establish and fund a marketing plan 2016 a. Marketing sub -committee to lead the effort b. Address important issues, including 1. Marketing Goals, Strategies 2. Common Communication theme, name, logo. 3. Costs., cost participation and a funding plan 4. Obtain participant agreement, inclusion in 2016-2017 budgets 8. Make presentations about our updated Mission / Vision and 2016-18 Goals and recent accomplishments to the following in 2016: City of Chaska Council Carver County Commissioners Chaska and Victoria Business Alliances Chanhassen Parks and Recreation 7700 Market Blvd. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 952.227.1121, Jerry Ruegemer PICNIC EVALUATION In order to better serve users of our picnic facilities, please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and provide suggestions. Thank you! Y S' `/- -, - " u"'/In Picnic Facilit LA Group Name (Optional) Comments.- J-6. What did you enjoy most about the facility.? t-zo'k--r 319 e-- LZ- *('0 r _f'O \-:) t1k What amenities would you like added? y Vk.01-V-C_ 6.4 C-4- +-AA "h,6. 4� What improvements do you feel would enhance the (Evaluation form continued on other side) Exceiient Good Average Fair Poor (Please circle one) Procedure for Reserving Picnic 5) 4 3 2 Picnic Reservation Fee 5 F 3 2 Cleanliness of Facility 5 4 3 2 Sufficient Number of Tables and Grills & 4 3 2 Fulfillment of Expectations 4 3 2 1 Overall Impression of Facility 5) �7 4 3 2 1 Comments.- J-6. What did you enjoy most about the facility.? t-zo'k--r 319 e-- LZ- *('0 r _f'O \-:) t1k What amenities would you like added? y Vk.01-V-C_ 6.4 C-4- +-AA "h,6. 4� What improvements do you feel would enhance the (Evaluation form continued on other side) Do you have any suggestions or ideas to better the picnic reservation process? Additional Comments: Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation. Your input and comments are very important to us. Please return this survey 1 week after receiving it to: Chanhassen Parks and Recreation 7700 Market Blvd. PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Play Ball! Minnesota - Yotith Clinics I Minnesota twins wins Page 1 of 5 About Programs Resources Awards & Events Twins RBS (httpo//w v.mpisstpaulrbi.org/) Twins Community Fund (/min/community/fund/) 0 i The summer (af 2,0T-, 6 it OL:he 56th summer the MR'nnesota TVV.IOns lins -n 0 0 ��� part'nersiahu whth Great commumty Fund and Play BaRD mffineso t a 0 0 Ral'vel Energy, w1OIRT cffer free youth basebaRR/scftbaRR climacs. Crec-i,,Ited �`n .L� 196by 'Longtme Twh'ns scout AngeRo uhlanh the cl,-'n L � Hc p1rogram sees as a wCay for the bahRclub to promote the games olf baseba 1, and ��Is softbaRll to b,3,ys and gthroughout the re ho The 7211ay BaHHMR' nnesolz-a Youth Clinics have aRways been, and V�TIUR continue to bl e, avaflablie to participants and communith't\a-s free of 0 ta- Youth CRJinl charge., Funding fc� the PTA'ay BaRH Mjinneso IR 0 Hproves'ded oics S by the TWH'ns Comm uinRty 17und and Great Rver 1"Energy- No 0 0,-,�, - - 0 regRstrationis requh.LeC ta partchpate En a cRh'nR'c; just show up on the day of the cRh'nR'c and be ready to Rear . and have fano The current baseba R cUonk format was deve o eel by Twins generai 0 manager Terry Ryan and former Tvmns executive Bob Gebhard. The current- softball] chink format wasdeveRoped by Ter Ryan Award http://minnesota.twins.mlb-com/min/play-ball-minnesota/programs/Youth-clinics/ 4/21/2016 Play Ball! Minnesota - Youth Clinics I Minnesota Twins Page 2 of 5 0 winner and longezrnecsof tba'H Rnstructor JiM Berbee. Clinics are broken up into two sessions (unless otherwise noted); the first session is for 6- 9 year olds, and the second 'or 10-13 year olds. 20i6 Play Ba//,Minnesota Youth Clinics schedule 0 , Date Tine i Time 2 CRYy April .2 3 ao-ooo aa -0 3 c Tg Lake, a. m. a. m. MN Apr�"R 3o ac -000 one OUM'a, MN (SoftbaH a.m. session Clinic) Outdoor Field Indoor Facility Big Lake Big Lake Softball Middle School Complex Pemberton DR'rks FR'eRd BOLD HROgh p.m. SchGoR May 7 I'll, -0 (3 (D 1.03c Rue Earth, CollinsFR'e'lLd at Pemberton P.M. p.m. MN 14th Street May 7 no-oo one Treasure Prairiei M sland n/a a.m. 0 session sRand, MN �ndioian CommunRoty FieZs May a4 9-ooo io-03o Blaine, MN 0 Raine atonal a.m. a.m.© Baseball Sports Center �omplex LI-IRe'J'cl Sports Hall 5 May 14. a00 00 110 30 Farmington, LevRo Dodge Levho Dodge a0m. a.m. MN Mh'ddRe School MR'ddRe School TA'ger McRd a May 16 Z,,, -0 co, IJ" 50-3c St. Paul' MN 0 JRMmy Deop, Rmmy Lee P.M, P.M. Re,,Creathoon Recreation Center Center May 2� ,$10 o 0 10-30 Robbins Lep, Park n/a a.m. a.mo MN May z, go - cc ao-03o Woodbury, Bielenberg WeR enberg a0m. a.m. MN Sports Center Sports Center http-.Ilminnesota.twins.mlb. coil minlplay-ball-minnesotalprogramslyouth-cl*ln'lcsl 4/21/2016 kvlay ball! Minnesota - Youth Clinics 1 Mm'nesota Twins Page 3 of 5 Date Th"Mell Tiome 2 C R Outdoor Field Indoor Facflitry June 4 10000 alc,30 ArEhngton, ArRington SlRey E ast a.m. am. MN B a s e CS// a R di Park High 13)chooR June 4 10000 111030 71 Farlau'Llt, BeRR FieRd Armed Forces a.m,, a.m. MN R.serve Center June 8 2C-00 one Brainerd, Forestvhew ForestvRew (Softball p.m. se, s sio n MN Middhe School,, MR'dd T e In n i c) B a Y,.,, t e r SchoaR, Baxter June �.lo 0 PaynesvL'Ihe, "Payn es vl'l e PaynesvR'llie p.m. pm011 . MN Va r sh" t y High Schooil BasebahT, Gym Stadilamll, June Grand .LS POTKia Bllu e. U1S e Club a.m. a.m. Forks� ND campRey, June �,.i 0 9 -co 0 10-30 Etc, Moud VTh, I'Ltney 1 at n 14 E, y a.m. a.m. MN MemortaR Park Recreaton Cen'L'*er 41 TI r) P Mkir' �.,`4J IL L A a.m. p.m. H.'gh 3-choolL High Scho(ahl FR' e R d June a7 0 L,2 -3G 0 2.00 Monteva'deo, MontevR'dec Montev'deG p.m. pm. MhT VaJAL sTty MK'lddJ,,e Schogad � BoasEba�R .CL i'iehd Gym June 17 4 0 3-00 0 4-3G St. james� S t a=,,,, e s WatGnwan P.M. p.m. MN VaTl-sillly FIT'L e R d C(aunty Fairgrounds Juneig 9 -co 0 110-030 RedfleRd, SD Centennial Ken Greenc a.m. a.m.0 Pal-,k/Am erh) can B uh"R d i n LegRoon fR'eRd http://minnesota.twins.mlb.com/min/play-ball-moinnesota/-Pro rams/youth-clinics/ AL 9 4/21/2016 Play Ball! Minnesota - Youth Clinics I Minnesota Twins Page 4 of 5 Date Time '.'Ll Themn e 2. CEOty or outdoField T ,nnuc3TP 'Ra M ILc June 18 0 -0 Ge 10 a 3 0 We R C0 n-rA e 9 7-1 ox Lake Marti n Cc ung a.m. a'M. IV iN comphex �j'rv0'\ZACC'-TM-"e jtsRenn,entary June 24,, 90 30 One Chaska, MN Chaska n/a a. ML . es e S CIL, 3 n Athletl'lc Park June 24 3000 4030 CUnton, MN CGB BasebaRR CBG P.o P.M. F d" e R d ERementart' oym June 25 g000 20030 Benson, MN Northshode Rec pU'tT '�-I C BeTLI,Ison j a. Lt L. a. rzi. Area SchooRs J une :z5 9 co 0 '1-30 "0 0 Owatonna, SteeeRe County Gvqatann(-�[, a.m. a.m-, MI FaRorgrounds 7 �uno,,cr HR) -h Diamond #a J u RY 3 j-0000 11, 030 Chanhassen, Chanhassen Chanhassen a.m. ?- .M. MN Hh'g'-Itl�l SchooR RecreaU"on Stad�oum Center Juhl 9 3 0 GG 4030 Rus -,h CR"ty, Rush Ch'ty Rush Ch"ty li tl 11 no nn ml\\T ;z 0 7 ` L r1l "Lgh SCT UR -0 11 l tt .L6 0 0 Mayer, MIIJ (31 1. a' M IL a.m. Schs o�hGuse C, 3.[S nib., , u !l !L �b Park OlIq '�ent-er 0 0 MN Tra, AORvaoew 0 0 Mo.'Lr.'a CRVILC a.m. a.M. F hoeRds Centez IS 0 3' 0 0 0 0 3 3 Kaoson MN Kasson- Kasson- p0m. p.m. Mantcrvfl'�e hA1Tantczv RR.,Ie ERementar�\7 Ei'hen,�Rentary July 15 3000 4-0 3G Shi-luk Centre, Jaycee Park 1,3 -auk Cen-t"--rp. P.M. Porto MN 0 0 C.Lvac AT-rena JuRY �63 2:1 000 3030 Eyota, 1AN Dover-Eyota Dcvez-Eyota p.m. 1D. -.i,. -no High SchooR H�`gh Skc-1h3ai http,-Illm*lnnesol*,,a.twins.mlb.comlmi-tilplay-ball-m'I-L-mesotalprogramslyouth-cl*ln*lcsI 4/21/2016 r" Play t�an .1 M, innesota - Youth nn Clinics I Minnesota I wins Page 5 of 5 'r -O 0 Date Time i Thome 2 k�..oftIr 0, u t d (a o r FR' e"R 1, d Rndoor Fay lity July 16 go -co 20-030 Foie y� MN FoleasebaH Foley a.m. a.m. Complex Fieldhouse JURY 22 3 0 00, 40 30 E, neer Grave RR"ch Valley Veterans 0 p.m. p.m. Heights, MN AthT-,etHc MemariaT, July .23 9-000 �00-3o a. m. a. Eli . 17 �Uh7 23 (-Go, 100-30 a.m. a, -mo Ail,�,gust 100-00 one 20 a.m. sesshon Gh, r hs, B a see CRR' nh' c ) http://Minesota.twins.mlb.coiiillminlplav-ball-minnesotalprogramslyouth-clinicsl 4/21/2016 complex Cc m m u nT"L Center Rcq MN Fredrickson Elk® New Fi e R, d Market Fire S t a, tion Jackson, MN Wacker R"ei JCC HROgh Schod Auxh"H'Ia, \r Gym St. PaVAN. ',11, MN TonRo State n/a Stadhc'um http://Minesota.twins.mlb.coiiillminlplav-ball-minnesotalprogramslyouth-clinicsl 4/21/2016 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone, 952,2271180 Fax: 952.2271190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.2271170 Finance Phone-, 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952,227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.2271110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227,1110 Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Chanhassen Athletic Association Mr. Ted Ellefson 7609 Walnut Curve Chanhassen, MN 55317 Dear Mr. Ellefson, Through generous donations from the Chanhassen Athletic Association and The Dugout Club, brand new electronic scoreboards were installed at Lake Ann baseball fields #2 and #3 and at the baseball field at Lake Susan. Your association or group has been identified as using one of the fields with the new scoreboards, which are available for your scheduled games throughout the 2016 spring and summer seasons. The scoreboard controllers are located inside a locked, weatherproof box, which is mounted on the scoreboard support post. The lockbox code is 1072 and it contains a key to unlock the locked, weatherproof box. Laminated instructions, like the following, are placed inside the box explaining how to operate the scoreboard: Start Game Turn power on at box Remove controller at box. (Lockbox code for key: 1072) End Game ® Turn scoreboard off (hold on/off until boardpowers down) ® Return controller to box and plug in ® Turn power off at box To Edit Press Config/Edit Select function to chance, ie Inning +1 Select number to change If you have any questions, please let me know. Have,A greats on! oni J e,,)Ru emer Recreation Superintendent City of Chanhassen tom rnuui KV for Lite - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Chanhassen Athletic Association Mr. Jeff Cook 8750 Lake Susan Court Chanhassen, MN 55317 Chanhassen Athletic Association Mr. Ted Ellefson 7609 Walnut Curve Chanhassen, MN 55317 Minnetonka Baseball Association Mr. Matt Walker 4932 Green Valley Road Minnetonka, MN 55345 Liga Latina de Baseball Association Mr. Gilberto Ortiz 2712 Rhode Island Street, ##125 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 Chanhassen Nigh School Mr. Dick Ungar 2200 Lyman Blvd Chanhassen, MN 55317