01-116037 - Bandimere Park - UTS&STR -Proposal - 5-16-16Receipt of Addendum No. _____ through _____ is acknowledged. SUBCONTRACTORS: 1. 2. 3. May 16, 2016 Plan Date: 5-12-16 TOTAL PROPOSAL AMOUNT Contractor PHONE: BY: CONTRACT PROPOSAL for UTILITIES & STREET - BANDIMERE PARK in CHANHASSEN, Minnesota ADDRESS: In submitting this bid, it is understood that the right is reserved by the Owner to reject any or all bids, and to waive irregularities in bidding. The undersigned bidder, having examined the site of the proposed work, and having full knowledge of the conditions under which the work must be performed, hereby proposes that he enter into and perform the contract set forth in the Contract Documents, of which this proposal forms a part, and will do the construction therein described on the terms and conditions therein set forth, and that he will furnish all required labor, tools, equipment and materials, and pay all incidental costs, all in strict conformity with the Contract documents, for the following prices as payment in full. Total Storm Sewer Proposal Amount Total Streets Proposal Amount Total Future Work Proposal Amount Item # Contract Item Unit Unit Price Quantity Amount ST-1 8" PVC SDR 26 LF 157 ST-2 15" RCP Class 5 LF 125 ST-3 8" FES EA 1 ST-4 15" FES EA 2 ST-5 12"x12" NDS Catch Basin w/NDS 1215 Steel Grate EA 2 ST-6 48" Pond Control Structure w/Weir EA 2 ST-7 RIP RAP Class III CY 25 ST-8 4"HDPE Slotted Drain Tile (Fittings Incidental) -Filtration Basin LF 192 ST-9 4" Drain Tile Clean Out EA 2 ST-10 4"HDPE Slotted Drain Tile (Fittings Incidental) -Streets/Rink LF 425 ST-11 Scourstop Transition Mat SY 14 ST-12 Item # Contract Item Unit Unit Price Quantity Amount RD-1 Mobilization LS 1 RD-2 Remove Existing Bituminous Trail SY 80 RD-3 Remove Existing Curb & Gutter LF 171 RD-4 Sawcut Bituminous LF 177 RD-5 Subgrade Preparation (Parking) SY 1325 RD-6 Subgrade Preparation (Rink) SY 1844 RD-7 Subgrade Stabilization Fabric (Parking)(As Directed) SY 1325 RD-8 24" Granular Fill (MnDOT 3149) (Parking) SY 1259 RD-9 12" Granular Fill (MnDOT 3149) (Rink) SY 1814 RD-10 6" Class 5 Aggregrate Base (MnDOT 3138) (Parking) SY 1200 RD-11 6" Class 5 Aggregate Base (MnDOT 3138) (Rink) SY 1785 RD-12 3" Bituminous Wear (MnDOT SPWEB340B) (Rink) SY 1756 RD-13 2" Bituminous Wear (MnDOTSPWEB340B) (Temp Mat-Entrances)SY 134 RD-14 B612 Curb & Gutter LF 18 RD-15 Ped Ramp Concrete SF 188 RD-16 Ped Ramp Truncated Domes SF 24 RD-17 3" Trail Bituminous (MnDOT SPWEB340B)) SY 635 RD-18 6" Trail Class 5 100% Crushed (MnDOT 3138) SY 756 RD-19 Pedestrian Crossing Sign EA 4 RD-20 Pavement Crosswalk Markings SF 100 RD-21 Bid Proposal Section A - Storm Sewer Total Storm Sewer Proposal Amount Total Streets Proposal Amount Bid Proposal Section B - Streets Project: 116037 Date: 05/16/2016 Item # Contract Item Unit Unit Price Quantity Amount G2-1 Secondary Erosion Control Fence (Around Pond) (Future) LF 215 G2-2 Filtration Basin Media (In Place Volume) - (Future) CY 50 G2-3 Basin Seeding (MN Mix 33-262) (Future) SY 65 G2-4 RD2-1 Sawcut Bituminous (Future) LF 109 RD2-2 Remove Temp. Bit. Mat Entrance (Future) SY 134 RD2-3 2.5" Bituminous Base (MnDOT SPNWB330B) (Parking) (Future) SY 1,042 RD2-4 Tack Coat (MnDOT 2357) (Parking) (Future) GL 60 RD2-5 1.5" Bituminous Wear (MnDOT SPWEB340B) (Parking) (Future) SY 1,042 RD2-6 Concrete B612 Curb & Gutter (Parking) (Future) LF 533 RD2-7 Ped Ramp Concrete (Future) SF 94 RD2-8 Ped Ramp Truncated Domes (Future) SF 12 RD2-9 Curb Cut (Parking) (Future) EA 2 RD2-10 Backfill Curb & Gutter and Grade Boulevard (Parking) (Future) LF 533 RD2-11 Stop Signs (Future) EA 2 RD2-12 4" Solid Pavement Striping (White) (Parking) (Future) LF 500 RD2-13 ADA Parking Space Symbol Marking (Future) EA 1 RD2-14 Total Future Work Proposal Amount Section C - Future Work Total Storm Sewer Proposal Amount Total Future Work Proposal Amount TOTAL PROPOSAL AMOUNT Total Street Proposal Amount Bid Proposal Project: 116037 Date: 05/16/2016