B-3. Foxwood Wilson Nursery siteCITY OF CHANHASSEN z PROPOSED MOTION: PC DATE: June 7, 2016 —� CC DATE: June 27, 2016 REVIEW DEADLINE: September 3, 2016 CASE #: 2016-13 BY: AF, RG, TH, ML, JM, Ti, JS "The Chanhassen Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve a Conditional Use Permit for development in the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD), rezoning from Agricultural Estate District (A-2) to Residential Low and Medium Density (RLM), and a 46 lot, six outlots and public right-of-way preliminary plat with variance for the use of a private street and a 20 foot setback variance from the Bluff Creek Primary zone subject to the conditions of approval, table the Wetland Alteration Permit and adopt the Findings of Fact and Recommendation." SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a Wetland Alteration Permit, Conditional Use Permit for development in the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD), rezoning from Agricultural Estate District (A-2) to Residential Low and Medium Density (RLM), and a 46 - lot subdivision with variances (Foxwood). LOCATION: 9150 and 9250 Great Plains Boulevard APPLICANT: Providence 55, LLC. 1000 Boone Ave. N., Suite 400 Golden Valley, MN 55427 (763)432-4500 billcoffman@cbburnet.com PRESENT ZONING: Rural Residential District (RR) 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density (1.2 — 4.0 units/net acre) ACREAGE: 43.55 acres DENSITY: 1.05 units per acre gross, 2.55 units per acre net LEVEL OF CITY DISCRETION IN DECISION-MAKING: Jim Wilson & Paul Paulson 9150 and 9250 Great Plains Blvd. Chanhassen, MN 55317 The City has a relatively high level of discretion in approving rezonings because the City is acting in its legislative or policy-making capacity. A rezoning must be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The City's discretion in approving or denying a preliminary plat is limited to whether or not the proposed plat meets the standards outlined in the Subdivision Regulations and Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the City must approve the preliminary plat. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 2 of 24 The city's discretion in approving or denying a variance is limited to whether or not the proposed project meets the standards in the Subdivision Ordinances for variances. The City has a relatively high level of discretion with a variance because the applicant is seeking a deviation from established standards. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The city has limited discretion in approving or denying Conditional Use Permits, based on whether or not the proposal meets the conditional use permit standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If the city finds that all the applicable conditional use permit standards are met, the permit must be approved. This is a quasi-judicial decision. The city's discretion in approving or denying a Wetland Alteration Permit is limited to whether or not the proposal meets the standards outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. If it meets these standards, the city must approve the wetland alteration permit. This is a quasi-judicial decision. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet PROPOSAL/SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a rezoning of the property from Agricultural Estate District, A-2, to Low and Medium Density Residential, RLM, to permit the subdivision of the property into 46 single-family lots, six outlots and public street right-of-way. The applicant is proposing to subdivide two parcels with a total of 43.55 acres into 43 building lots and six outlots. In conjunction with the plat, the applicant is requesting a variance to permit the use of a private street and to have a uniform 20 -foot setback from the designated Bluff Creek Primary zone boundary. This private street will provide access to the two homes currently on the property, one of which is not included in the subdivision. The area is the first area of the area southeast of Highway 212 in the 2010 Metropolitan Urban Services Area to come in for single- family residential development with urban services. The new, primary public road is a temporary cul-de-sac until development of the property to the south at which time, street connections will go out to Powers Boulevard. Water main and sanitary sewer would be extended to provide for future development. The applicant is also requesting a Conditional Use Permit for development within the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Prior to any development the city must review a conditional use permit for the project. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS Chapter 18, Subdivisions Chapter 20, Article II, Division 2, Amendments Chapter 20, Article IV, Conditional Uses Chapter 20, Article VI, Wetland Protection Chapter 20, Article XIV, Division 1, "RLM" Low and Medium Density Residential District Chapter 20, Article XXXI, Bluff Creek Overlay District Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 3 of 24 BACKGROUND The structure on the Wilson property was originally constructed in 1900. A wholesale nursery has operated on this property since The house on the southern property was built in 1986. SITE CONSTRAINTS Wetland Protection The City of Chanhassen Wetland Inventory indicates the presence of four wetlands on or immediately adjacent to the subject property. Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company performed a field review and delineation on October 2, 2015. At that time, 5 individual wetland basins were identified. Due to seasonal constraints, staff felt that the area between wetland 4 and wetland 3 should be revisited in the spring during the growing season. On May 10, 2016 the Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) was convened and met on-site to review the area in question as well as three recently delineated basins on the Paulson property to the east. At this TEP it was determined that wetland 3 and wetland 4 were connected. The consultant is in the process of updating the delineation report so that it can be reviewed and approved or will need to be further modified. This connection means that the impact for the road will be larger than originally thought. As of today, May 27, 2016, there is no approved wetland delineation. In the absence of an approved boundary, the total impact area is indeterminate. As such, no wetland alteration permit may be considered for approval at this time. It is the City's practice to have wetlands and buffers placed into outlots to implement the no net loss goal. The city requires that all runoff is treated prior to discharge into a wetland. Treatment practices are being proposed for much of the drainage being directed to the wetlands. The only exception are the backyards of Block 2. This area will have a wide buffer to provide treatment and only consists of 3 backyards. For this reason, the runoff should not have a deleterious impact on the wetland water quality. The wetlands on the property are classified as either management classification 1; wetlands Ip, 2p and 3p as well as wetland 1 and wetland 2; or management classification 2. Manage 1 wetlands require a minimum buffer width of 25 feet and manage 2 wetlands require a minimum buffer width of 20 feet. Both require a 30 -foot setback from the buffer edge to the primary structure. The primary zone should be, at a minimum, incidental with the wetland buffer edge for those areas tributary to Bluff Creek. These buffers must be managed with native vegetation. If they are not disturbed, the existing vegetation will be adequate. Any buffer that is disturbed must have a planting schedule and vegetation management plan. Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 4 of 24 Any impacts on the site will be subject to the following conditions. 1. The applicant must demonstrate that they have met the sequencing requirements of Minnesota Rules Chapter 8420.0520. They must first seek avoidance of wetland impacts. If this is not possible then they must mitigate the impacts to the greatest practicable extent. 2. The applicant must provide the updated wetland boundary, supporting documentation and a georeferenced shapeile for approval by the LGU. 3. The applicant must get approvals from all other agencies with jurisdiction over wetlands on the site. This may include, although not be limited too, the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 4. The applicant must identify a suitable replacement plan for any unavoidable impacts and submit to the City and other appropriate agencies for approval. 5. Signage will be required at every lot corner and angle point along the private lots adjacent to the wetlands not bound by the BCOD. The city has wetland buffer signs available and the signs shall be at the developer's expense. Bluff Protection There are no bluffs on the property. There are some areas of steeper slopes. Care should be taken when grading in or near these areas. Shoreland Management The property lies beyond the shoreland overlay district for Lake Riley. As such it will not be subject to shoreland requirements for land development. Floodplain Overlay This property does not lie with a floodplain. BLUFF CREEK OVERLAY DISTRICT A significant portion of the site lies within the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD). This is intended to protect the characteristics of Bluff Creek from development pressures. The requirements of the Bluff Creek Overlay District are stated in Article XXXI of Chapter 20 of City Code. City staff and the consulting engineer for the applicant have worked together to identify the limits of the Bluff Creek Overlay District. At a minimum the BCOD should include the wetlands and wetland buffer area around wetlands 1 and 2. Any disturbance within the BCOD must be re-established with native vegetation and have a planting schedule and vegetation management plan. The following conditions apply to the Bluff Creek Overlay District. Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 5 of 24 1. Infiltration basin I111 located north of Lots 10,11,16 and 17 of block 1 shall be evaluated for methods to reduce tree loss. The designer shall work with City staff to meet this end. 2. The Bluff Creek Overlay District Boundaries shall be shown to be incidental with the boundary of Outlot A. 3. Any grading within the Bluff Creek Overlay District must be restored with native vegetation. A planting schedule and vegetation maintenance plan of at least 3 years shall be provided to the city for review and approval. 4. Signage will be required at every lot corner and angle point along the private lots adjacent to the BCOD. The sign language shall be provided by the city and the signs shall be at the developer's expense. These signs shall be placed by the developer prior to selling any of the lots. REZONING The existing zoning of the property, Agricultural Estate District, is not consistent with the land use designation of the property, Residential Low Density. The comprehensive plan allows less intensive land uses to remain in place. However, any approval by the city for development of the property must be consistent with the comprehensive plan. The following zoning districts would be consistent with a Residential Low Density land use: Single -Family Residential, RSF, Mixed Low Density Residential, R-4, Low and Medium Density Residential, RLM, and Planned Unit Development — Residential, PUD -R. Staff and the applicant initially looked at proceeding under the typical RSF zoning regulations. However, the topography of the site and the natural features including woods and wetlands made it difficult and inefficient to meet all the standards. Similarly, the R-4 District had the same limitations and constraints as the RSF District. The use of a PUD -R zoning did not seem appropriate due to the fact we were not proposing flexible standards to accommodate unique housing styles or affordable housing. Furthermore, the applicant and city were interested in finding opportunities for the preservation of many natural features on the property. The RLM district is the most appropriate zoning district to rezone this property since the developer is preserving significant upland areas as well as wetlands within the outlots for common open space. The RLM district permits single-family homes, as well as twin homes, townhouses and attached housing. This RLM subdivision will be limited to single-family homes. The RLM district requires that large areas of upland are preserved or created as permanent open space to balance the higher hard surface coverage permitted on the individual lots. Staff is recommending the rezoning to RLM be approved Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 6 of 24 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT The City of Chanhassen established the Bluff Creek Overlay District, BCO, by ordinance in 1998 to protect the Bluff Creek Corridor, wetlands, bluffs and significant stands of mature trees through the use of careful site design and other low -impact practices. This parcel is partially encumbered by the Bluff Creek Overlay District. A conditional use permit shall be issued by the city for all subdivisions, site plans, and prior the erection or alteration of any building or land within the BCO. Outlots A and C contain the Bluff Creek Corridor primary zone. The Primary Corridor is designated open space. All structures must meet a 40 -foot structural setback from the Primary Corridor boundary as required by Chanhassen City Code. However, since the city is designating the Primary Corridor Boundary as incidental to outlot A, which is more convenience then actual boundary, we recommend a blanket 20 -foot setback, requiring a 20 -foot variance. The developer may dedicate Outlot A and C to the city. 1. Infiltration basin IB 1 located north of Lots 10, 11, 16 and 17 of block 1 shall be evaluated for methods to reduce tree loss. 2. The Bluff Creek Overlay District Boundaries shall be shown to be incidental with the boundaries of Outlots A and C. 3. Any grading within the Bluff Creek Overlay District must be restored with native vegetation. A planting schedule and vegetation maintenance plan of at least 3 years shall be provided to the city for review and approval. 4. Signage will be required at every lot corner and angle point along the private lots adjacent to the BCOD. The sign language shall be provided by the city and the signs shall be at the developer's expense. These signs shall be placed by the developer prior to selling any of the lots. Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 7 of 24 The applicant is proposing a 43 lot single-family detached housing subdivision served via public streets. EASEMENTS Existing Conditions Survey The survey shows a 16.5 -foot -wide telephone easement through the center of the site. This easement must be vacated before the City Council considers final plat approval. GRADING The applicant proposes to mass grade the site. The site contains three wetlands- Wetlands 1p, 2p, and Wetland 2- where the wetlands are higher than the adjacent homes. Wetland 3p is part of the Wetland 1p/2p complex and is approximately the same elevation of one of the proposed adjacent homes. The existing drainage area to the Wetlands 1p, 2p and 3p is relatively small. Based on staff experience a portion of the hydrology to this wetland complex may be via groundwater. Section 18-40 (4) d. 2. i. requires a three-foot separation between the water elevation and the adjacent low floor elevation. The building pad for Lot 4, Block 1 is 50' from Wetland 3p and the low floor elevation is approximately 7 feet below the wetland elevation. Similarly, Lot 18, Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 8 of 24 Block 1 is approximately 60' from Wetland 2, and the lowest floor elevation is 5.5' lower than the wetland. Soil borings were not taken in the area of the Wetland 1p/2p/3p complex or Wetland 2 therefore staff recommends that the developer install shallow monitoring wells or piezometers. Water elevations shall be monitored for a minimum of four weeks during a time when seasonally high water table would be expected. This information will be considered in determining the appropriate elevations of the adjacent homes and/or infrastructure necessary to meet City Code. An oversized drainage and utility easement is required at the back of Lot 1, Block 6 as this area conveys drainage from the adjacent parcel. Staff recommends that the 916' contour extend into the drainageway to create a Swale versus the sheet drainage pattern that is currently shown; it has been staff's experience that landscaping/hardscaping/etc. on the downstream parcel tends to impede sheet drainage. Per Section 18-40 (4) d. 2. v. a drain tile service is required for Lots 1-4 Block 5, Lot 6 Block 5; and Lots 1-3 Block 6 as these lots are proposed to drain from the back of the lot towards the street. There are several locations throughout the site where the driveway grades exceed 9%. The developer's engineer shall ensure that the maximum driveway grades shown on the plan are calculated such that a 10' landing is provided where the driveway connects to the street and a five to 10 -foot landing is provided at the garage. The recommended grade at these locations is 3%. On the grading plan label the existing contours. 111 '1XII IMITHS Under existing conditions, the site is divided into three major drainage areas. The northern approximately 17 acres of upland and about 8.5 acres of wetland drains to the large DNR Public Water Wetland located north and west on this and adjoining properties. This wetland ultimately drains to Bluff Creek which is listed as impaired for turbidity and fish indices of biologic integrity. A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) implementation plan was finished in 2013. This study revealed that low base flows and flashiness after larger rain events are the largest contributors to the impairments. This makes achieving volume reduction more imperative than it might otherwise be. The middle 12 or so acres of upland drains to wetland 3 in the southeast of the property. This heavily wooded portion drains to the east and ultimately to Lake Riley. The remaining portion either drains directly to the right-of-way for T.H. 101 or to the most southerly wetland, wetland 4. In either case Lake Riley is the receiving water body and at 0.3 miles is well within the 1 -mile radius pertinent to the NPDES permit. Lake Riley is impaired for nutrients. Riley Creek, downstream of Lake Riley is also on the 303D list as having a turbidity impairment. This is just over 1 mile from the site but the site is within the contributing Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 9 of 24 watershed and the development of this site should be considered in regard to the forthcoming waste load allocation that will be given to the city. The Stormwater Management Hydrologic and Hydraulic Study (H&H Study), dated May 6' 2016 was reviewed. There are several assumptions and practices employed in this model that staff does not feel are accurate or meet the intent of code. The first is the assumption that the entire site has soils that fall into the hydrologic class of a "D" soil despite the USGS Web Soil Survey indicating that the majority of the soils on the site are in the `B" hydrologic group. The H&H Study assumes that the soils will have the same hydrologic properties after full build out. This is contrary to known construction practices and resulting increases in bulk density. The typical methodology of site preparation involves extensive clearing and grading with large proportions of the development experiencing cuts or fills. High soil densities are desired as this minimizes settling which can lead to cracking of foundations and paved surfaces. However, the compaction is typically not confined to these areas as the entire site is prepared en mass. There have been several studies, such as the 2001 study conducted by Ocean County Soil Conservation District, that show that the accepted NRCS Technical Release 55, (TR -55) Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds curve numbers underestimate infiltration rates in wooded areas and overestimated infiltration rates in disturbed soils with high bulk densities. When bulk densities increase above 1.65 g/cm3, infiltration rates slow and approach zero. The MN Stormwater Manual references two studies indicating that bulk densities on mass graded sites increase 0.34 to 0.35 g/cm3 over undisturbed conditions. The MN Stormwater Manual also indicates that "urban fill soils" have a bulk density between 1.5 g/cm3 and 1.9 g/cm3. For all these reasons staff feels it is not accurate to assume that post construction soils will have the same hydraulic characteristics as the current undisturbed soils as the H&H Study does. The model shall be modified to reflect the fact that current soil conditions and vegetative cover will have a lower bulk density and a higher infiltration rate than fully developed conditions. In reviewing the model, staff noted several instances where the time of concentration increased post development. Given the installation of pavement, curb and gutter and storm sewer pipe with the specific purpose of quickly collecting stormwater and conveying it to a receiving body, this is counter to what would be expected. In some cases, such as drainage area D -W4 the vegetative cover remains unchanged but the distance the runoff needs to travel decreased yet the time of concentration increased from 1.7 minutes to 10 minutes. Drainage area D -W3 goes from an 11 acres wooded tract of land that spans the entire site from west to east to a 4 -acre area that includes 8 additional backyards and approximately '/< the travel distance for runoff. However, the time of concentration increased from 6.2 minutes to 10 minutes. The model must be modified to accurately reflect times of concentration for each drainage area. As noted earlier, the soil survey for this area indicates that the area is predominately "B" soils. Exceptions include the depressional areas where wetlands are located. However, the model assumes "D" soils throughout yet indicates that they will get 0.45"/hour at infiltration basin #1 Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 10 of 24 and 0.20"/hour at infiltration basin #2. These rates are consistent with `B" and "C" soils respectively. There is a distinct incongruence between these assumptions. It has been staffs experience that geotechnical borings lack the temporal and spatial resolution necessary to ignore soil survey data. In the absence of measured infiltration rates, the site should be modeled with conditions similar to what is anticipated given the soil survey and the proposed construction methodologies. City code requires that rates are not increased at any point where runoff leaves the site. By definition, entering a water of the state, is considered leaving the site. The wetlands cannot be used to meet rate control. Rate control must be achieved prior to discharge to any of the wetlands, MN DOT right-of-way or adjoining properties. The aforementioned time of concentrations shall also be modified accordingly in determining rates. EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL The proposed development will exceed one (1) acre of disturbance and will, therefore, be subject to the General Permit Authorization to Discharge Stormwater Associated with Construction Activity Under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination/State Disposal System (NPDES Construction Permit). The applicant has prepared and submitted a Surface Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the city for review. The SWPPP is a required submittal element for preliminary plat review. No earth disturbing activities may occur until an approved SWPPP is developed. This SWPPP shall be a standalone document consistent with the NPDES Construction Permit and shall contain all required elements as listed in Parts III and IV of the permit. The SWPPP will need to be updated as the plans are finalized, when the contractor and their sub -contractors are identified and as other conditions change. Changes to the erosion prevention and sediment control plan that should be made prior to final plat are as follows: 1. The infiltration basin areas shall be protected from construction traffic and other construction related activities throughout the duration of the project. This shall be noted on the grading plan, in the SWPPP and shown with pre -construction silt fence location. 2. The infiltration areas shall be graded last. The tributary area shall be graded and stabilized prior to excavation of the infiltration basins. 3. The mass grade phasing schedule shall include stripping and stockpiling of top soil material. 4. The grading and erosion plan shall include stockpile locations. 5. The SWPPP and erosion plan shall include topsoil quantities necessary to place six inches (611) on all disturbed areas to be re -vegetated. 6. A detailed planting schedule and plan shall be included for each infiltration basin. 7. Redundant perimeter controls are required for all disturbs soils draining to wetlands. This may be silt fence, biologs, wind -rows of salvaged and stockpiled topsoil or other as approved by the city. Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 11 of 24 8. The developer shall be responsible for procuring the NPDES construction permit and providing proof to the city prior to any land disturbing activities. RETAINING WALLS The plans identify 10 retaining walls that are proposed to be constructed with the project. Location Maximu in Height Length Comments Lot 1, Block 1 3' 52' Lot 2, Block 1 3' 70' Lot 6, Block 1 Side yard 3' 85' Lot 6, Block 1 Back and 8' 107' Lot 17, Block 1 5' 90' Lot 5, Block 2 6' 50' Lot 2, Block 4 8' 100' Must be moved out of the drainage and utility easement. Lot 7, Block 5 4' 40' Lot 10, Block 5 6' 60' Lot 11, Block 5 4' 55' STREETS The development will construct a minor collector road, Road A from TH 101 to the project limits. This street will ultimately extend to Powers Boulevard when the property to the south develops. A temporary cul-de-sac will be installed at the end of Road A. The grading plan must be revised to eliminate the 3H:1 V slope within the temporary cul-de-sac. The developer shall dedicate an easement over the temporary cul-de-sac; the easement exhibit shall be submitted with the final plat application. The streets shown in the preliminary plat are 31' wide within a 60 -foot wide right of way; cul-de-sacs are shown at 90' diameter within a 120' right of way. The developer will install a private street to the two existing homes at 9250 Great Plains Blvd (Lot 5, Block 5) and 9350 Great Plains Blvd. The private street will extend from Road A within Outlot B and must be built to a 7 -ton design. Pedestrian curb ramps from the sidewalks to the street are required must be ADA -compliant. Based on the road profiles submitted the developer should ensure that the ramps at the intersections of Road A/D and Road D/E will meet ADA requirements; issues have been encountered in other developments where it is difficult to construct ADA -compliant curb ramps when the street grade at an intersection exceeds the maximum grade allowed by ADA. Planning Commission Foxwood - Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 12 of 24 SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN The well on the property must be properly abandoned. This site lies within the service area of a future, permanent lift station that will be located on Powers Boulevard between Highway 212 and Pioneer Trail as shown on the map below. The City will not reimburse for the cost of the temporary lift station and force main that will service Foxwood as the developer has elected to proceed with developing the site prior to installation of the City's trunk lift station and force main. Future force main • Subject property - Future permanent lift station The cost of the trunk lift station and force main will be assessed to the properties that will be serviced by the system. Staff is mapping the service area to determine net benefitting area. At a future council meeting a feasibility report will be presented and will recommend an area sewer fee for these utilities. The Foxwood development would be subject to this fee, which would be paid with the final plat. The temporary lift station will be installed at the southern end of Road A and must be located outside of the temporary cul-de-sac. The temporary force main will connect to the existing gravity sanitary sewer on the south side of Lyman Boulevard at Crossroads Boulevard. These temporary utilities will remain until the property to the south develops and extends gravity sanitary sewer to the site. The developer must work with staff to ensure that the invert elevation is at or higher than the invert elevation established during the concept planning of the undeveloped parcel to the south. Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 13 of 24 The developer proposes to extend eight -inch C-900 water main from the 12" trunk main within TH 101. The water main will be stubbed at the temporary cul-de-sac and will be looped to 16" trunk main within Powers Boulevard when the property to the south develops. On Sheet 18 modify Note 2 to state that 10' horizontal separation is required between water and sewer lines and modify Note 11 to state that sanitary sewer services shall be 6" diameter. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT Article VII, Chapter 19 of city code describes the required storm water management development standards. Section 19-141 states that "these development standards shall be reflected in plans prepared by developers and/or project proposers in the design and layout of site plans, subdivisions and water management features." Storm Water Utility Connection Charges Section 4-30 of city code sets out the fees associated with surface water management. A water quality and water quantity fee are collected with a subdivision. These fees are based on land use type and are intended to reflect the fact that the more intense the development type, the greater the degradation of surface water. This fee will be applied to the new lot of record being created. It is calculated as shown in the table below: ASSESSMENTS Water and sewer partial hookups are due at the time of final plat. The partial hookup fees will be assessed at the rate in effect at that time. The remaining partial hookups fees are due with the building permit. LANDSCAPING AND TREE PRESERVATION The applicant for the Foxwood development has submitted tree canopy coverage and preservation calculations. They are as follows: Total upland area (excluding wetlands) 29.648 ac. Baseline canopy coverage 58% or 17.38 ac. Minimum canopy coverage required 35% or 10.37 ac. Proposed tree preservation 27% or 7.86 ac. The developer does not meet minimum canopy coverage for the site; therefore, the applicant must bring the canopy coverage on site up to the 35% minimum. The difference between the Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 14 of 24 required coverage and the remaining coverage is multiplied by 1.2 for total area to be replaced. One tree is valued at 1,089 SF. Minimum canopy coverage to be replaced 2.5 ac Total number of trees to be planted 120 trees The applicant has proposed a total of 124 trees throughout the development, which satisfies the reforestation requirements. The applicant is required to provide bufferyard plantings along Great Plains Blvd. Bufferyard requirements are as shown in the table: Landscaping Item Required Proposed Bufferyard B — South 2 overstory trees 2 overstory trees property line, Lake Lucy 3 understory trees 8 understory trees Rd., 178', 30' width 5 shrubs 5 shrubs The applicant meets bufferyard landscaping requirements and has also provided a bufferyard planting area along the stormwater pond to the north of the entrance. MISCELLANEOUS Final grading plans and soil reports must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits will be issued. Buildings may be required to be designed by an architect and/or engineer as determined by the Building Official. Engineered design and building permits are required for retaining walls exceeding four feet in height. Submit proposed street-name(s) to Building Official and Fire Marshal for approval. Each lot must be provided with a separate sewer and water service. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any structures. Proper removal, abandonment or sealing of storage tanks, on-site septic systems, wells, etc. is required. Permits are required, as applicable. If applicable, existing home(s) affected by the new street will require address changes. The applicant and or their agent shall meet with the Inspections Division as early as possible to discuss plan review and permit procedures. A three-foot clear space must be provided around the fire hydrants. No burning permits will be issued for tree, brush removal. Submit proposed street name to Chanhassen Building Official and Fire Marshal for review and approval. Street signs (temporary allowed) shall be installed prior to building permits being issued. Fire Marshal must approve signage. Prior to combustible construction fire hydrants shall be made serviceable. Prior to combustible home construction fire apparatus access roads capable of supporting the weight of fire apparatus shall be made serviceable. Additional fire hydrants will be required. Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 15 of 24 PARKS AND OPEN SPACE The quality and number of recreational facilities in a community directly contributes to its quality of life. For this reason, the City of Chanhassen places a strong emphasis on parks and open space. As the City of Chanhassen has developed and increased in population, more pressure and attention has been given to providing recreational opportunities for our residents. Increased leisure time, health awareness, greater mobility, and high disposable incomes have all contributed to the increased demand for recreational activities. The challenge of the next century will be to provide facilities for a growing and diverse population. Parks can be defined as public areas that provide active or passive -oriented recreational facilities. A significant characteristic of parkland is its accessibility to its users. Open space is any parcel that is not used for buildings or other structures and is left in a natural state. Parks and open space perform diverse functions such as: meeting physical and psychological needs, enhancing and protecting the resource base, enhancing real estate values, and providing a positive impact on economic development. Park Plan The city's comprehensive park plan calls for a neighborhood park to be located within one-half mile of every residence in the city. The park service area of community parks extends to a distance of 1-2 miles. The proposed Wilson Tree Farm Subdivision is located directly adjacent to the 58 -acre Fox Woods Park Preserve and directly across Highway 101 from the 45 -acre Bandimere Community Park. Bandimere Community Park offers a wide and growing array of recreational amenities and has been open to the public since 1999. Development of public access points to the Fox Woods Park Preserve, through a combination of vehicle and pedestrian touch points as well as the installation of a series of nature trails within the preserve, will begin concurrent with the development of the Wilson Nursery property. Additional acquisition of public open space through the application of park dedication requirements is not recommended as a condition of the subdivision. Trail Plan Residents purchasing homes within the new Wilson Tree Farm subdivision will have convenient pedestrian access to area public facilities through careful planning and construction of some key pedestrian improvements: ➢ Planning and construction of interior sidewalks within the subdivision. park Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 16 of 24 ➢ Planning and construction of two planned 10 -foot wide trail connections leading from two cul-de-sacs into the Fox Woods Preserve. ➢ Planning and construction of a Highway 101 trail connection between the current trail terminus at the Bandimere Park Pedestrian Underpass and the northern terminus of the plat adjacent to and along Highway 101. ➢ Dedication of an outlet adjacent to Lot 32 and across the southern portion of Lot 46 to accommodate future construction of a trail. Trail right of ways within the subdivision shall be provided within outlots as a condition of the plat. Acquisition of trail easements outside of the plat shall be the responsibility of the City of Chanhassen. The Developer shall be responsible for the installation and payment of the two planned 10 -foot wide trail connections leading from two cul-de-sacs into the Fox Woods Preserve. For those sections of the Hwy 101 trail situated north and south of their property boundaries, the Developer shall be reimbursed by the City of Chanhassen for the full cost of planning, engineering and construction of a planned 10 -foot wide Highway 101 trail connection between the current trail terminus at the Bandimere Park Pedestrian Underpass and the northern terminus of the plat along Highway 101. For that section of the Highway 101 trail located within or adjacent to the Developer's project boundary, the applicant shall be reimbursed by the City for the cost of the aggregate base, trail surfacing, retaining walls and storm water systems utilized to construct the trail. This reimbursement payment shall be made upon completion and acceptance of the trail and receipt of an invoice documenting the actual costs for the construction materials noted. Labor and installation for the trail surface and design, and engineering and testing services for all components of the Developers section, are not reimbursable expenses. All trails shall be 10 feet in width, surfaced with asphalt and constructed to meet city specifications. Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 17 of 24 PERMITS At this time staff has determined that the developer must contact the following agencies for permits: a) Minnesota Department of Health for the water main. b) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for the sanitary sewer system. c) Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for the NPDES storm water permit. d) Minnesota Department of Transportation for a Work in Right of Way permit for the force main installation. e) Minnesota Department of Transportation for a drainage permit. f) City of Chanhassen for building permits. FEES Based on the proposal the following fees would be collected with the development contract: a) Administration Fee: if the improvement costs are between $500,000 and $1,000,000, 2% of the improvement costs. If the improvement costs exceed $1,000,000, 2.5% of the first $1,000,000 plus 1.5% of the remainder. b) Surface water management fee: $218,662.84 c) A portion of the water hook-up charge: $2,065/unit d) A portion of the sanitary sewer hook-up charge: $691/unit e) Park dedication fee: $253,000 f) GIS fees: $25 for the plat plus $10 per parcel g) Street light operating fee for one year: $300 per light h) Area sewer fee for future trunk lift station and force main: Amount to be determined. COMPLIANCE TABLE Lot Area Lot Lot 35 %Maximum (sq. ft.) Width Depth Site Coverage Notes (sq. ft. Code (RLM) 9,000 50 110 3,150 Single -Family Detached Housing Blk 1,Lot 1 12,600 90 140 4,410 Wetland Lot 2 15,147 100 130 5,301 Corner lot Lot 3 16,091 85 130 5,632 Cul-de-sac, show 10' side setbacks, Wetland Lot 4 14,525 85 123 5,084 Cul-de-sac, wetland, show 30' front Lot 5 15 123 85 118 5,293 Cul-de-sac, wetland, show 30' front Lot 6 1 14,718 85 118 5,151 Cul-de-sac, wetland, show Planning Commission Foxwood - Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 18 of 24 Lot Area (sq. ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth 35 %Maximum Site Coverage (sq. ft. Notes 30' front Lot 7 17,581 103 146 6,153 Corner lot, wetland, show 30' front Lot 8 11,739 90 121 4,109 Wetland Lot 9 12,799 90 126 4,480 Wetland Lot 10 14,240 90 130 4,984 Wetland, show 10' side setbacks Lot 11 15,306 90 132 5,357 Lot 12 11,688 92 123 4,091 Lot 13 14,974 103 127 5,241 Corner lot Lot 14 12,133 120 127 4,247 Lot 15 11,980 102 196 4,193 Lot 16 18,390 72 139 6,437 Cul-de-sac, show 30' front setback Lot 17 17,136 82 218 5,998 Cul-de-sac, Wetland, show 40' front setback shown Lot 18 15,244 106 202 5,335 Cul-de-sac, Wetland Blk 2, Lot 1 12,599 110 124 4,410 Corner lot, Wetland Lot 2 11,652 91 133 4,078 Wetland, show 10' side setbacks Blk 3, Lot 1 13,500 90 150 4,725 Lot 2 15,253 128 121 5,339 Show 10' side setbacks Lot 3 17,814 106 139 6,235 Corner lot Lot 4 11,430 90 127 4,001 Lot 5 12,958 116 127 4,535 Lot 6 13,843 116 145 4,845 Lot 7 16,669 88 150 5,834 Shows 30' front setback Lot 8 19,487 86 143 6,820 Cul-de-sac, Wetland Lot 9 17,911 91 158 6,269 Cul-de-sac, Wetland Blk 4, Lot 1 13,255 135 133 4,639 Wetland Lot 2 12,340 125 130 4,319 Wetland Blk 5, Lot 1 14,995 107 145 5,248 Wetland, Adjacent to private street Lot 2 11,200 81 132 3,920 Wetland Lot 3 12,105 108 132 4,237 Wetland Lot 4 14,557 158 130 5,095 Wetland Lot 5 # 120,342 216 507 42,120 Wetland, Paulsen residence Lot 6 13,634 100 130 4,772 Wetland Lot 7 12,096 85 136 4,091 Lot 8 13,598 82 153 4,759 Lot 9 15,699 82 179 5,495 Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 19 of 24 # Remnant of the lot surrounding the existing home to remain. * Lots range from 11,200 square feet to 21,204 square feet. RLM Setbacks: Front: 25 feet, Side: 10/5 feet - House/Garage side (minimum 15 feet separations between structures), Rear: 25 feet. Wetland Setback: Buffer 20 feet, buffer setback 30 feet. Bluff Creek Primary Zone Setback: 20 feet subject to approval of a 20 -foot variance. VARIANCE The applicant's variance request is for the use of a private street. This access will be for the two existing homes on the site. It will eliminate a shared driveway access on to Highway 101 and allow them to access via the new, local public street, which will be a safer access. The new street will line up with the access to Bandimere Park, creating a fun intersection. Staff believes this is a reasonable resolution for the access to the two existing homes that will remain. Outlots A and C contain the Bluff Creek Corridor primary zone. The Primary Corridor is designated open space. All structures must meet a 40 -foot structural setback from the Primary Corridor boundary as required by Chanhassen City Code. However, since the city is designating the Primary Corridor Boundary as incidental to outlot A and C, which is more convenience then actual boundary, we recommend a blanket 20 -foot setback, requiring a 20 -foot variance. Lot Area (sq. ft.) Lot Width Lot Depth 35 %Maximum Site Coverage (sq. ft. Notes Lot 10 15,214 100 204 5,325 Lot 11 16,829 82 204 5,890 Lot 12 13,683 90 151 4,789 Wetland Blk 6, Lot 1 21,204 122 177 7,421 Comer lot90 Lot 2 16,551 90 182 5,793 Lot 3 17,317 113 186 6,061 Adjacent to private street Outlot A 531,348 12.2 ac., Open Space/Wetland, Bluff Creek Primary Zone Outlot B 5,531 0.13 ac., Private Street Outlot C 58,500 1.34 ac., Open S ace/Wetland Outlot D 243,114 5.58 ac.,0 en Space /Wetland Outlot E 68,876 1.58 ac., Open Space/Wetland Outlot F 6,602 0.15 ac., Open Space/Wetland ROW 203,861 4.68 acres Average Lot Size * 15 ' 321 Excludes Lot 5, Block 5 Total 1,896,980 43.55 Acres # Remnant of the lot surrounding the existing home to remain. * Lots range from 11,200 square feet to 21,204 square feet. RLM Setbacks: Front: 25 feet, Side: 10/5 feet - House/Garage side (minimum 15 feet separations between structures), Rear: 25 feet. Wetland Setback: Buffer 20 feet, buffer setback 30 feet. Bluff Creek Primary Zone Setback: 20 feet subject to approval of a 20 -foot variance. VARIANCE The applicant's variance request is for the use of a private street. This access will be for the two existing homes on the site. It will eliminate a shared driveway access on to Highway 101 and allow them to access via the new, local public street, which will be a safer access. The new street will line up with the access to Bandimere Park, creating a fun intersection. Staff believes this is a reasonable resolution for the access to the two existing homes that will remain. Outlots A and C contain the Bluff Creek Corridor primary zone. The Primary Corridor is designated open space. All structures must meet a 40 -foot structural setback from the Primary Corridor boundary as required by Chanhassen City Code. However, since the city is designating the Primary Corridor Boundary as incidental to outlot A and C, which is more convenience then actual boundary, we recommend a blanket 20 -foot setback, requiring a 20 -foot variance. Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 20 of 24 WETLAND ALTERATION PERMIT Staff cannot recommend approval of the Wetland Alteration Permit at this time. There is insufficient information to determine the extent of wetland impact let alone to determine if the required sequencing argument is met. At the time that sufficient information is submitted to make a determination the following conditions will apply: 1. The applicant must demonstrate that they have met the sequencing requirements of Minnesota Rules Chapter 8420.0520. 2. The applicant must provide the updated wetland boundary, supporting documentation and a georeferenced shapefile for approval by the LGU. 3. The applicant must get approvals from all other agencies with jurisdiction over wetlands on the site. 4. The applicant must identify a suitable replacement plan for any unavoidable impacts and submit to the City and other appropriate agencies for approval. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the Conditional Use Permit for development in the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD), rezoning from Agricultural Estate District (A-2) to Residential Low and Medium Density (RLM), and a 46 -lot preliminary plat with variances for a private street and a 20 foot Primary Corridor Boundary setback, plans prepared by Alliant Engineering, Inc. dated 5-6-16, subject to the following conditions, table the Wetland Alteration Permit and adoption of the attached Findings of Fact and Recommendation: Rezoning: 1. Contingent on final plat approval. Conditional Use Permit Subdivision: Buildine: 1. Final grading plans and soil reports must be submitted to the Inspections Division before building permits will be issued. 2. Buildings may be required to be designed by an architect and/or engineer as determined by the Building Official. 3. Engineered design and building permits are required for retaining walls exceeding four feet in height. 4. Each lot must be provided with a separate sewer and water service. 5. Demolition permits must be obtained before demolishing any structures. 6. Proper removal, abandonment or sealing of storage tanks, on-site septic systems, wells, etc. is required. Permits are required, as applicable. Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 21 of 24 7. If applicable, existing home(s) affected by the new street will require address changes. 8. Provide a 1:200 "clean" plat drawing. En ing eering: 1. The 16.5' wide telephone easement must be vacated before the City Council considers final plat approval. 2. The well on the property must be properly abandoned. 3. Label the contours on Sheet 2 of the Existing Conditions Survey. 4. The grading plan must be revised to eliminate the 3H:1 V slope within the temporary cul-de- sac. 5. The developer shall dedicate an easement over the temporary cul-de-sac; the easement exhibit shall be submitted with the final plat application. 6. The private street within Outlot B and must be built to a 7 -ton design. 7. Pedestrian curb ramps from the sidewalks to the street are required must be ADA -compliant. 8. The developer will install shallow monitoring wells or piezometers in the area of Lots 1-4, Block 5 and Lot 18, Block 1. Water elevations shall be monitored for a minimum of four weeks during a time when seasonally high water table would be expected. 9. An oversized drainage and utility easement is required at the back of Lot 1, Block 6 as this area conveys drainage from the adjacent parcel. Staff recommends that the 916' contour extend into the drainageway to create a Swale versus the sheet drainage pattern that is currently shown; it has been staff's experience that landscaping/hardscaping/etc. on the downstream parcel tends to impede sheet drainage. 10. Per Section 18-40 (4) d. 2. v. a drain tile service is required for Lots 1-4 Block 5, Lot 6 Block 5; and Lots 1-3 Block 6 as these lots are proposed to drain from the back of the lot towards the street. 11. The developer's engineer shall ensure that the maximum driveway grades shown on the plan are calculated such that a 10' landing is provided where the driveway connects to the street and a five to 10 -foot landing is provided at the garage. 12. On the grading plan label the existing contours. 13. The retaining wall on Lot 2, Block 4 must be outside of the drainage and utility easement. 14. The temporary lift station must be located outside of the temporary cul-de-sac. 15. The developer must work with staff to ensure that the invert elevation is at or higher than the invert elevation established during the concept planning of the undeveloped parcel to the south. 16, On Sheet 18 modify Note 2 to state that 10' horizontal separation is required between water and sewer lines and modify Note 11 to state that sanitary sewer services shall be 6" diameter. Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 22 of 24 Environmental Resources: 1. Prior to any grading, the applicant shall install tree preservation fencing using metal stakes. The fencing shall be placed fencing at the grading limits. Tree #2524 shall be included in the fencing area rather than fenced separately. These protections shall remain in effect until construction is completed. 2. Signage identifying outlot natural areas will be posted at property corners on lots 1, 3-6, 8-9, 17, 18, block 1 and lots 1, 2, block 2 and lots 8, 9, block 3 and lot 1-2, block 4. Fire: 1. A 3 -foot clear space shall be maintained around fire hydrants. 2. Submit propose street names to Chanhassen Fire Marshal and Chanhassen Building Official for review and approval. 3. Street signs (temporary allowed) shall be installed prior to building permits being issued. Fire Marshal must approve signage. 4. Prior to combustible construction fire hydrants shall be made serviceable. 5. No burning permits will be issued for tree/brush removal. 6. Prior to combustible home construction fire apparatus access roads capable of supporting the weight of fire apparatus shall be made serviceable. 7. Additional fire hydrants will be required or relocated. Parks: 1. Full park dedication fees shall be collected per city ordinance in lieu of requiring parkland dedication; and 2. Dedication of an outlot adjacent to Lot 12, Block 5 and across the southern portion of Lot 5, Block 5 to accommodate future construction of a trail. 3. Planning, engineering and construction of two planned 10 -foot wide trail connections leading from two cul-de-sacs into the Fox Woods Preserve. 4. Planning, engineering and construction of a planned 10 -foot wide Highway 101 trail connection between the current trail terminus at the Bandimere Park Pedestrian Underpass and the northern terminus of the plat adjacent to and along Highway 101. 5. Trail right of ways within the subdivision shall be provided within outlots as a condition of the plat. Acquisition of trail easements outside of the plat shall be the responsibility of the City of Chanhassen. 6. The Developer shall be responsible for the installation and payment of the two planned 10 - foot wide trail connections leading from two cul-de-sacs into the Fox Woods Preserve. 7. For those sections of the Hwy 101 trail situated north and south of their property boundaries, the Developer shall be reimbursed by the City of Chanhassen for the full cost of planning, engineering and construction of a planned 10 -foot wide Highway 101 trail connection between the current trail terminus at the Bandimere Park Pedestrian Underpass and the northern terminus of the plat along Highway 101. Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 23 of 24 8. For that section of the Highway 101 trail located within or adjacent to the Developer's project boundary, the applicant shall be reimbursed by the City for the cost of the aggregate base, trail surfacing, retaining walls and storm water systems utilized to construct the trail. This reimbursement payment shall be made upon completion and acceptance of the trail and receipt of an invoice documenting the actual costs for the construction materials noted. Labor and installation for the trail surface and design, and engineering and testing services for all components of the Developers section, are not reimbursable expenses. 9. All trails shall be 10 feet in width, surfaced with asphalt and constructed to meet city specifications. Water Resources Coordinator: 1. The model shall be modified to reflect the fact that current soil conditions and vegetative cover will have a lower bulk density and a higher infiltration rate than fully developed conditions. 2. The model must be modified to accurately reflect times of concentration for each drainage area. 3. In the absence of measured infiltration rates, the site should be modeled with conditions similar to what is anticipated given the soil survey and the proposed construction methodologies. 4. The wetlands cannot be used to meet rate control. Rate control must be achieved prior to discharge to any of the wetlands, MN DOT right-of-way or adjoining properties. 5. The infiltration basin areas shall be protected from construction traffic and other construction related activities throughout the duration of the project. This shall be noted on the grading plan, in the SWPPP and shown with pre -construction silt fence location. 6. The infiltration areas shall be graded last. The tributary area shall be graded and stabilized prior to excavation of the infiltration basins. 7. The mass grade phasing schedule shall include stripping and stockpiling of top soil material. 8. The grading and erosion plan shall include stockpile locations. 9. The SWPPP and erosion plan shall include topsoil quantities necessary to place six inches (6") on all disturbed areas to be re -vegetated. 10. A detailed planting schedule and plan shall be included for each infiltration basin. 11. Redundant perimeter controls are required for all disturbs soils draining to wetlands. This may be silt fence, biologs, wind -rows of salvaged and stockpiled topsoil or other as approved by the city. 12. The developer shall be responsible for procuring the NPDES construction permit and providing proof to the city prior to any land disturbing activities. 13. The developer must meet the requirements of MN Rules Chapter 8420 and the Federal Clean Water Act. 14. The development shall meet the CUP conditions for the Bluff Creek Overlay District. 15. Signage will be required at every lot corner and angle point along the private lots adjacent to the wetlands not bound by the BCOD. These must be installed prior to selling the lot. Planning Commission Foxwood — Planning Case 2016-13 June 7, 2016 Page 24 of 24 16. Any grading within wetland buffers must be restored with native vegetation. A planting schedule and vegetation maintenance plan of at least 3 years shall be provided to the city for review and approval. 17. The Storm Water Utility Connection Charge due at final plat is estimated to be $218,662.84 Conditional Use Permit: 1. Infiltration basin 1131 located north of Lots 10, 11, 16 and 17 of block 1 shall be evaluated for methods to reduce tree loss. 2. The Bluff Creek Overlay District Boundaries shall be shown to be incidental with the boundaries of Outlots A and C. 3. Any grading within the Bluff Creek Overlay District must be restored with native vegetation. A planting schedule and vegetation maintenance plan of at least 3 years shall be provided to the city for review and approval. 4. Signage will be required at every lot corner and angle point along the private lots adjacent to the BCOD. The sign language shall be provided by the city and the signs shall be at the developer's expense. These signs shall be placed by the developer prior to selling any of the lots. ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact and Recommendation 2. Development Review Application 3. Property Survey Sheets 1 & 2 4. Preliminary Plat Sheets 4-6 5. Site Plan Sheet 7 6. Grading and Drainage Plan Sheet 10 7. Grading Profiles Sheet 13 8. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Sheet 14 9. Erosion and Sediment Control Notes and Details Sheet 17 10. Utility Plan Sheet 18 11. Wetland Management Plan Sheet 22 12. Tree Canopy Coverage Plan Sheets 23 & 24 13. Tree Inventory and Preservation Plan Sheets 27-29 14. Memo from Scott Barr Engineering to Bob Generous 15. Memo from Michael Corbett, Minnesota Department of Transportation to Bob Generous 16. Public Hearing Notice and Affidavit of Mailing List glplan\2016 planning cases\2016-13 - foxwood cup, rezoning & subdivision\staffreport foxwood.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND RECOMMENDATION IN RE: Application of Providence 55, LLC. and Jim Wilson & Paul Paulson for Rezoning, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Plat with Variances and Wetland Alteration Permit. On June 7, 2016, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Providence 55, LLC. and Jim Wilson & Paul Paulson for a Wetland Alteration Permit, Conditional Use Permit for development in the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD), rezoning from Agricultural Estate District (A-2) to Residential Low and Medium Density (RLM), and a 46 -lot subdivision with variances for a private street and a 20 foot Bluff Creek Primary zone setback. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed rezoning, subdivision and variance preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT The property is currently zoned Rural Residential District (RR). 2. The property is guided in the Land Use Plan for Residential Low Density use. The legal description of the property is: The East Half of the East Half of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter, and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, all in Section 23, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota. And also that part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, lying southerly of the north 730.00 feet as measured along westerly line thereof and lying westerly of the centerline of State Highway No. 101, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 116, Range 23, a distance of 632.52 feet east of the Northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; the bearing of the North line of the Southwest Quarter is assumed to be South 88 degrees 46 minutes 29 seconds East, thence South 4 degrees 24 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 413.72 feet thence on a tangential curve, concave to the east having a central angle of 11 degrees 38 minutes 21 seconds and a radius of 1962.29 feet a distance of 398.62 feet, thence South 7 degrees 13 minutes 34 seconds East tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 217.65 feet thence on a tangential curve, concave to the west having a central angle of 14 degrees 29 minutes 17 seconds and a radius of 1166.15 feet a distance of 294.88 feet, more or less, to a point on the South line of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24 and there terminating said point distance 660.44 feet easterly of the Southwest corner of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter. Except that part taken by the State of Minnesota in Final Certificate filed August 27, 2009, as Document No. A506726. Except that part taken by the City of Chanhassen in Final Certificate filed May 31, 2013, as Document No. A577806. Abstract Property 4. The Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider six (6) possible adverse affects of the proposed amendment. The six (6) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed action has been considered in relation to the specific policies and provisions of and has been found to be consistent with the official City Comprehensive Plan since the zoning is consistent with the land use designation of the property, utilizes available infrastructure and provides housing opportunities. b. The proposed use is or will be compatible with the present and future land uses of the area, which are single-family detached houses. c. The proposed use conforms to all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance, subject to approval of the Bluff Creek Primary Zone setback variance. d. The proposed use will not tend to or actually depreciate the area in which it is proposed since the use is similar to surrounding uses. e. The proposed use can be accommodated with existing public services and will not overburden the city's service capacity since adequate infrastructure is available to the site. f Traffic generation by the proposed use is within capabilities of streets serving the property. 5. The Subdivision Ordinance directs the Planning Commission to consider seven possible adverse affects of the proposed subdivision. The seven (7) affects and our findings regarding them are: a. The proposed subdivision is consistent with the zoning ordinance; b. The proposed subdivision is consistent with all applicable city, county and regional plans including but not limited to the city's comprehensive plan; c. The physical characteristics of the site, including but not limited to topography, soils, vegetation, susceptibility to erosion and siltation, susceptibility to flooding, and storm water drainage are suitable for the proposed development; d. The proposed subdivision makes adequate provision for water supply, storm drainage, sewage disposal, streets, erosion control and all other improvements required by the subdivision ordinance; e. The proposed subdivision will not cause significant environmental damage; f. The proposed subdivision will not conflict with easements of record; and g. The proposed subdivision is not premature. A subdivision is premature if any of the following exists: 1) Lack of adequate storm water drainage. 2) Lack of adequate roads. 3) Lack of adequate sanitary sewer systems. 4) Lack of adequate off-site public improvements or support systems. 6. Section 20-58 of the City Code provides the following criteria for the granting of a variance: a. Variances shall only be permitted when they are in harmony with the general purposes and intent of this Chapter and when the variances are consistent with the comprehensive plan. The proposed variance provides a uniform Primary Zone Setback since the city is designating the Primary Corridor Boundary as incidental to outlets A and C, which is more convenience then actual boundary. b. There are practical difficulties in complying with the zoning ordinance, which include the fact that the city is designating the Primary Corridor Boundary as incidental to outlots A and C. 'Practical difficulties," as used in connection with the granting of a variance, means that the property owner proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by this Chapter. Development of the site for single-family homes is a reasonable use of the parcel. Practical difficulties include, but are not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. c. That the purpose of the variation is not based upon economic considerations alone, but permits the efficient and logical development of the site. d. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner since the city is designating the Primary Corridor Boundary as incidental to outlets A and C. e. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality, but would permit the development of homes similar to those in the development to the east. f Variances shall be granted for earth sheltered construction as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 216C.06, subdivision 14, when in harmony with this Chapter, which is not applicable to this development. 7. Variance findings within a subdivision: a. The hardship is not a mere inconvenience by providing reasonable access to two properties, eliminating an access to Highway 101 while reducing potential impacts to the natural features on the site; b. The hardship is caused by the particular physical surroundings, shape or topographical conditions of the land including wetlands, Bluff Creek and significant areas of poor soils; c. The condition or conditions upon which the request is based are unique and not generally applicable to other property because of the previously stated conditions of the property; d. The granting of a variance will not be substantially detrimental to the public welfare and is in accord with the purpose and intent of this chapter, the zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan since it will reduce direct access to Highway 101 and reduce potential impacts on the site. 8. When approving a conditional use permit the City must determine the capability of a proposed development with existing and proposed uses. The general issuance standards of the conditional use Section 20-232, include the following 12 items: a. The proposed development will not be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort, convenience or general welfare of the neighborhood or the city. The developer shall preserve and protect the Bluff Creek primary zone. b. The proposed development will be consistent with the objectives of the city's comprehensive plan and this chapter. The developer shall preserve and protect the Bluff Creek primary zone. c. The proposed development will be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so to be compatible in appearance with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and will not change the essential character of that area. The project proposes the development of homes similar to those in the development to the east. The developer shall preserve and protect the Bluff Creek primary zone. d. The proposed development will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or planned neighboring uses. The project proposes the development of homes similar to those in the development to the east. The developer shall preserve and protect the Bluff Creek primary zone. e. The proposed development will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services, including streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal, water and sewer systems and schools; or will be served adequately by such facilities and services provided by the persons or agencies responsible for the establishment of the proposed use. The development will reduce one, direct access on to Highway 101. The developer shall preserve and protect the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space. f. The proposed development will not create excessive requirements for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. The developer shall preserve and protect the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space and dedicate such land to the city. g. The proposed development will not involve uses, activities, processes, materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons, property or the general welfare because of excessive production of traffic, noise, smoke, fumes, glare, odors, H rodents, or trash. The developer shall preserve and protect the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space. h. The proposed development will have vehicular approaches to the property which do not create traffic congestion or interfere with traffic or surrounding public thoroughfares. As noted, the development will eliminate one, dorect access on to Highway 101. The developer shall preserve and protect the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space. i. The proposed development will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of solar access, natural, scenic or historic features of major significance. The developer shall preserve and protect the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space. j. The proposed development will be aesthetically compatible with the area. The project proposes the development of homes similar to those in the development to the east. The developer shall preserve and protect the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space. k. The proposed development will not depreciate surrounding property values. The project proposes the development of homes similar to those in the development to the east. The developer shall preserve and protect the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space, potentially improving property values. 1. The proposed development will meet standards prescribed for certain uses as provided in Chapter 20, Articles IV, VI , XIV Division 1, and XXXI of the Chanhassen City Code. The developer shall preserve and protect the Bluff Creek primary zone as permanent open space as required by city code. 9. The planning report #2011-13 dated June 7, 2016, prepared by Robert Generous, et al, is incorporated herein. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends that City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for development in the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD), rezoning from Agricultural Estate District (A-2) to Residential Low and Medium Density (RLM), and a 43 -lot preliminary plat with variances for a private street and a 20 foot Primary Corridor Boundary setback, plans prepared by Alliant Engineering, Inc. dated 5-6-16, subject to the conditions of the staff report, and table the Wetland Alteration Permit. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 7t' day of June, 2016. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION MM Its Chairman 5 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division — 7700 Market Boulevard Mailing Address — P.O. Box 147, Chanhassen, MN 55317 Phone: (952) 227-1300 / Fax: (952) 227-1110 CITY OF CHANgASSEN APPLICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW r� Submittal Date: t, PC Date: !,0 / -71 /!Y CC Date: '% �, % 60 -Day Review Date: 1 5 Section 1: Application Type (check all that apply) (Refer to the appropriate Application Checklist for required submittal information that must accompany this application) ❑ Comprehensive Plan Amendment ......................... $600❑ Subdivision (SUB) ❑ Minor MUSA line for failing on-site sewers ..... $100 ❑ Create 3 lots or less ........................................ $300 [[]'Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Create over 3 lots..........$600 + $15 per lot ❑ Single -Family Residence ................................ ["All Others $325 ( 52 ots2j....ots.) ❑Metes & Bounds (2 lots).................................. $300 ......................................................... $425 ❑ Consolidate Lots.............................................$150 ❑ Interim Use Permit (IUP) ❑ Lot Line Adjustment ....................................... ❑ Final Plat $150 ❑ In conjunction with Single -Family Residence.. $325 ..........................................................$700 EJ All All Others .............................................. $425 $450 escrow for attorney costs)* Additional escrow may be required for other applications ❑ Rezoning(REZ) through the development contract. ❑ Planned Unit Development (PUD) .................. $750 ❑ Vacation of Easements/Right-of-way (VAC)........ $300 ❑ Minor Amendment to existing PUD ................. $100 (Additional recording fees may apply) 0 All Others. ........................................................ $500 13 Variance(VAR) ❑ Sign Plan Review ................................................... $150 .................................................... $200 21 Wetland Alteration Permit (WAP) ❑ Site Plan Review (SPR) ❑ Single -Family Residence ............................... $150 ❑ Administrative.................................................. $100 All Others....................................................... $275 ❑ Commercial/Industrial Districts* ......................$500 Plus $10 per 1,000 square feet of building area: ❑ Zoning Appeal ...................................................... $100 (_thousand square feet) 'Include number of existin employees: ❑ Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA)................. $500 'Include number of new employees: ❑ Residential Districts .................. ... " )�� $500 NOTE: When multiple applications are processed concurrently, Plus $5 per dwelling unit (_unnitsits) theappropriaw fee shall be charged foreach application. ❑✓ Notification Sign (City to install and remove)......................................................................................................... $200 ............ ❑� Property Owners' List within 500' (City to generate after pre -application meeting) ................................................. $3 per address ( 15 addresses) ❑ EscJow for Recording Documents (check all that apply) .................................................... $50 per document 0' Conditional Use Permit El Interim Use Permit ❑ Site Plan Agreement ❑ Vacation ❑ Variance R] Wetland Alteration Permit ❑ Metes & Bounds Subdivision (3 docs.) ❑ Easements (_ easements) TOTAL FEE: $2,450.00 Section 2: Required Information Description of Proposal: Preliminary Plat approval for a 46 lot single family subdivision with 6 outlots (Foxwood) Property Address or Location: 9150 and 9250 Great Plains Boulevard, Chanhassen, MN. 55317 Parcel #: 250232100 and 250240810 Legal Description: Total Acreage: 43.55 Wetlands Present? ® Yes ❑ No See Attached Present Zoning: Agricultural Estate District (A2) Requested Zoning: (RLM) Residential Low and Medium Dens Present Land Use Designation: Residential Low Density Requested Land Use Designation: Residential Low Density Existing Use of Property: Wilson Tree Nursery and Residence and Paulsen Residence 2 Check box is separate narrative is attached. Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant Information 0 APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: Providence 55, LLC Contact: Bill Coffman Address: 1000 Boone Avenue North, Suite 400 Phone: (612) 202-0692 City/State/Zip: Golden Valley, MN. 55427 Cell: (612) 202-0692 Email: billcoffman@cbburnet.com Fax: Signature: Date: 4/27/16 PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, 1, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Jim (218) 398-0114 Name: Jim Wilson and Paul Paulson Contact: Paul (952)-484-2698 Address: 915 8 9250 Great Plains Blvd, Phone: City/State/Zip: Chanhassen, MN. 55317 Cell: Email: Fax: Signature: Date: This application must be completed in full and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, refer to the appropriate Application Checklist and confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and applicable procedural requirements and fees. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written notice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: Alliant Engineering, Inc. Contact: Mark Rausch Address: 233 Park Ave. S. Ste. 300 Phone: (612) 758-3080 City/State/Zip: Minneapolis, MN. 55415 Cell: (612) 767-9339 Email: mrausch@alliant-inc.00m Fax: (612) 7583099 Section 4: Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? *Other Contact Information: ❑ Property Owner Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Name: Q Applicant Via: ❑Q Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Address: ❑� Engineer Via: ❑✓ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy City/State/Zip: ❑ Other* Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Email: INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete all necessary form fields, then select SAVE FORM to save a copy to your device. PRINT FORM and deliver to city along with required documents and payment. SUBMIT FORM to send a digital copy to the city for processing (required). SAVE FORM PRINT FORM SUBMIT FORM Section 3: Property Owner and Applicant Information APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, 1, as applicant, represent to have obtained authorization from the property owner to file this application. I agree to be bound by conditions of approval, subject only to the right to object at the hearings on the application or during the appeal period. If this application has not been signed by the property owner, I have attached separate documentation of full legal capacity to file the application. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc, with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Name: _ Providence 55, LLC Contact: Bill Coffman Address: 1000 Boone Avenue North, Suite 400 Phone: (612) 202-0692 City/State/Zip: Golden Valley, MN. 55427 Cell: (612) 202-0692 Email. Fax: Signature: Date: 4/27116 PROPERTY OWNER: In signing this application, I, as property owner, have full legal capacity to, and hereby do, authorize the filing of this application. I understand that conditions of approval are binding and agree to be bound by those conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hearings or during the appeal periods. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. 1 further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. I certify that the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct. Jim (218) 398-0114 Name: Jim Wilson and Paul Paulson Contact: Paul (952)+184-2698 Address: 91T& 9250 Great Plains Blvd. Phone: C9 S 2') Z 33 - S "'5 -1 City/State/Zip: Chanhassen, MN. 55317 Cell: C-9 9 -2-) `(& 9 2 6 Y 8 Email: AQ t. d. Av150vl t? Fax: Signature: i -,_ Date: S 3 PROJECT ENGINEER (if applicable) Name: Alliant Engineering, Inc. Contact: Mark Rausch Address: 233 Park Ave. S. Ste. 300 Phone: (612) 758-3080 City/State/Zip: Minneapolis, MN. 55415 Cell. (612) 767.9339 Email: mrausch@ailiant-inc.com Fax: (612) 758-3099 Section 4: Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? "Other Contact Information: ❑ Property Owner Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Name: Applicant Via: Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Address: Engineer Via: Q Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy City/State/Zip: ❑ Other" Via: ❑ Email ❑ Mailed Paper Copy Email: APPLICANT OTHER THAN PROPERTY OWNER; m srgrnng this application. I. as applicant represent to have obtained authormaron from the pmpeny owner to file this sPPlrcabon I agroe •o be hixnrc by rnnultroim of approval subject only to ght the rito object at the nearmgs on the application or during the appea• period If thcs application has nor -)seri signed be the prr+pen+ owner I have aaachen separate documentation ot'uli legal capa�rh to file the application This epphoettion shown be prof sec in my •am, and I air the party whom the Coy should contact regarcinp any matter pertaining to this appircabon. 1 will keep myselr irtormea of the deadliges to submissta of material and the progress of thw app icaiion. I further understanc that additional ees may be charged for consulting fees feasibility Studies etc. wnh an estimate prior to any authorization to prucesc with :he study I cervy that the information apd exhibits submitted are true ane correct. Name Address Frovmence 55, LLC, 1000 Boone Avenue North. Suite 400 Corits,. Bill Coffman Phone _ t612) 292-0692 •:itv/State2ip GoldenValley, IJIN 55427 Carl (612) 202-0692 Enitt bilmliman@obbumat. Com -` Fax _.._.._. -- Signature Date. 4127!16 PROPERTY OWNER; to >igninp ihis dW; l,c atx,+.. as proPerty owner have 'u4 iega ;:auacity to and hent .ig authorme the filing of this appitcatioo I understanc that ,onditions of approval are binding and ague ru pe o[r Jnr by ttrcts,: conditions, subject only to the right to object at the hea^rigs or during the appea. panuswit keep myself nfo-med of the deadlines for submission of material and i, -le progress or this application i further understand that: additional tees may he JmIged for a:nsulbhu !tees feas.uiliiy Fic. with an a.<tnnate prroi tb any au[honzation to pl(reeed whh :he stud, I certify thet the Qunnalon and exhibl:a submated are -rue and worst- Jin.. (218) 398-0114 Name. Jim Wilson and Pau; PeuleOn Address 915-8 9265: Great plains Blvd CRy/State/Zip Chanhassen. MN 55317 Email— Signatura Comet' Phone Paul 49621-484.2698 Fax Date rT-hrs aPPlicalron must be Som letev in fol and must be acro --_— i P cation l to all the aparopl and ptang required by apps:anlS City Ordinance prw:sions Before fitng tmc application refer to bhe approp+late ApNlctttlon Checldist and confer with the Plarnino Department tic determine tin; specific ordmsnce Snot applicable procedure! requirements anc fees. ! A determination of completeness of ^e application shall be made with,, r5 business days of appiirsttut, nuomdta A j written notice of application deficiencies shop oe mailed to the applicant within 15 business days it appficatton I PROJECT ENGINEER (it appticaiNei fliparr: Engineering. Inc. Contact Address _ 21F Paix Ave. S See 300 ._ Phone. CiiytStatel71p morsapotis MN_5541',___�_. Calf Email, mrausChtralshiant-+nc.com Fax Mark Reusch tB 12) 756.3080 (�72) 767-9339 (612) 758.3088 Se�tion4, Notification Information Who should receive copies of staff reports? 'Other Contact Information: [_ PrCiPeny Owner via iJ Email 0 Maled Paper Gopy Name Apoliaerd V a iv Email D Mailed Paper Copy Address _ CJ'' Engineer via ] Ema.: Q Mailed Paper dopy Crtyistate2 p _. Other' Via D Eme,l t ? Mailed Paper Cupy Email INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Complete atf necessary tomo herds.:hen select S4v E FORM tp save a cOjay tt vori Jev,ce I V and tiefiver tr ON Slung riot ,eueireri documents and payment. 51;8 Mr- F ORrt ie send a digital uop4 :O thecity for processing (required! SAVE FORM PRINTFORM i susrin FORM "FOXWOOD" WILSON NURSERY AND PAULSEN PROPERTY COMBINED LEGAL DESCRIPTION The East Half of the East Half of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter, and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, all in Section 23, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota. And also that part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 116, Range 23, Carver County, Minnesota, lying southerly of the north 730.00 feet as measured along westerly line thereof and lying westerly of the centerline of State Highway No. 101, the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 116, Range 23, a distance of 632.52 feet east of the Northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; the bearing of the North line of the Southwest Quarter is assumed to be South 88 degrees 46 minutes 29 seconds East, thence South 4 degrees 24 minutes 47 seconds West a distance of 413.72 feet thence on a tangential curve, concave to the east having a central angle of 11 degrees 38 minutes 21 seconds and a radius of 1962.29 feet a distance of 398.62 feet, thence South 7 degrees 13 minutes 34 seconds East tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 217.65 feet thence on a tangential curve, concave to the west having a central angle of 14 degrees 29 minutes 17 seconds and a radius of 1166.15 feet a distance of 294.88 feet, more or less, to a point on the South line of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24 and there terminating said point distance 660.44 feet easterly of the Southwest corner of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter. Except that part taken by the State of Minnesota in Final Certificate filed August 27, 2009, as Document No. A506726. Except that part taken by the City of Chanhassen in Final Certificate filed May 31, 2013, as Document No. A577806. Abstract Property. ^r OF CHANHAS3Et RECEIVED MAS j LU10 CHANHASSEN PLANNING 0F PT asa 1/1 ., we aamv .s r• � i off,O y'6 5S P% 11 A e.. rt..eel 1 _ ea . Y � - l -/°.arta <' • � � "amu Y •p'aa�s Oda Par 10 In, +� 1/ ai 0¢ 0 r,0 e rt" ^� CY a]5 % 0, 13 d6 uuo RY O6R W�S i. iOr Os,o O 0RM O / CIZ.0 ares"� woM1l ahas ''Y �\ \ Afo it \I /_ v yT.011re. , 6S ss�®� lox Ora- .� zxa `rim ,. — uta. acv !argbd• xA! �u J�r� .Of.URHERY GN,,K O , dao 02177 off O Oev O \ r �^�^ O J " O .. 1\pie. l O x --'O Oscar _l Oaao odea +u] . Q'as„-_�Wxx, -". Y. +'A OIn X nA \- �� _ 21.- ar + its\ X + + _ .Pc eay + 22 / x j I I I a III I J, ' +✓+ 589'4754 "E 58ilo i - `,� i ? as rm ✓ \ aaw,m �°° y ! ort I; `o y✓— Via! s So —0Bz9W _-tom Fl Y G/ -ox�v— 4aa a' O' i 52.38 b_ �.1zMa..iaaab.. ah \ 2z"Op i>s 6aab kp em w ` o bdays 7111� \j X i 03 ia - �I m \� _\ 1 1 ® A s\I�1`: � 1 A A oma amn - a .Btl° F wnua ]I NW6ERY 6TOCN W ..N are may)--- aw• 1) l IRRIGnnoNA�Q i.Y,^,'�.. to ti] ere .' y ✓d0 oes / 1t 4�omIf _ I__ �,r I I ( I � R 4 a lar — --- NURSERY STOCK . I I EyJs4iI4 l ee - 0 My SE U --- Ila al,- - - -- I �I\L _ 1 Ma - awarwe I--` T --F 1 \ i. an, . , p I s1 -1s y I � sup, l ln a { I A _ - _ II ......-/'HLRSERY 6Tg6IC . / NIMSERY STOCK'. I � I � : I / 0 X 1 a f{ a y 4 _ _ %we .M �n .,� w m \ h ; ; �. ' �"°d � , � / Y`bv'R"wa � l - I F z! x, + ..- J ggg2��51 a _., or ' --ig e@ O /: Creep`. ,SB 653'00° I D D B I 589'5341 £ r /, _ ort G �a0 4/35 I Mnneade aperCe. ? ar 'em rest, 2�10* 3 �� ithe aa DENNISD.OIMSTEAD IN Oa X \ O w J � P�r_tbyyR REVIEW ae 2 Dere License Number If ox1� o r o f se, 33'00 E GONYEA HOMES �/ -� Is ��o i 18.00 1 nag � CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 'Arm � I LEGAL DESCRIPTION byj m i._ The Bass Halt of Ne Ful Hai plic"etn Halt celM 6oulMesl Duares ere soNMatt Duller Wife NoMea90uariereathe SONbeaat QMwyc all In 6MIDn 23 To arphis 116 INnga2S Ca, ducce ry M nnesola MOako Nal peri dlM NOM HaItoMa SoutFw d0uaaeresegbn2A.TawnaM1p 11611ange,Carver CwMy. Mlnned aa !/Ing soNhedr dr ]3 lhe no000 kel ae meuuretl One olongwe54rIY thereof aM Mi,g weaddlyalthe wn4aned Sk4Hgh WNw1011hewntrnmdwhch¢dmalbeaaabilms', 9egnnirg ata Fan[onihe NCM Ilne oltl,e $gMweN Dueaerd 6etlkn 24 Tovmsnp 116 Range 2J a esianLe d m l' N2.52ktteuldlMNuderedtm Sourth le Sodhwttl Dumwma) seconds East euro Simildegrees degrees cry i-: 24 Mmseam sxr,he Vleeta,aepM mInta]zrea[tnenw onaenaedal curve mncevemireesst lavine a aamml angle d I1 aegreea M min,nas z1 aemnasane a rears of 1952.Mktte dlsm„Pod 390.62 kNIM1mm$mu]dwmr 1amlMs3 sxmdo East tangent to me last cosrnbetl oroa a-sla,ce he z l)�rem thence an a 4ngemid creme, vm mss to Me west one Ing a Central ari 14 degr Sas IIMWa1]aemnaaaMamalusdllWl5tOad[alanm OIN4. Wtmomorigsma poem on the 6Wlh BM dNe NoaM1 HaHat Ne 6odhxesl OuaMr W 6%tiM24 anti there 4rm,ytl,p %tl . Mtlttto, �4a B. rasleq m1 Ne schire betwMe, d the Nunn Hall OINa Sauthweat Duerr ! Except lha[paapkan by the 61a4 of Mlnnpda In Final Cedfica4 Ned Angular V. 2009 u Document No, 66rz6 AGMTOa[paa4ken Ey �heCM olCNnhueen In Rural Ceal1ka4111ed Mey 31 2019 as Ccarmem No Asn6 C6 Abatracl PrapGty. \ AND I@� Thalpaaat Ne Wes12]I19he1 dfM1e Noah]8220mNe 5odMvert Duarlar o11he 9aNwe90uvter 6ec6on 24 Tosery 116Rangez3end Ihal Pod Nthe NMhxieffeetof mid6a mw Duanardlhe6Ml,mMOuaeer lying dlhe West2]I]91cetIhereolandwe&erly DI IM1e ranter line ON" 101 ettepllng Mat Paadfhe NOM 33000kHdNe EM 1660hu form Wesst2]Inkat duld6 WMDuanerdthe Southwest Quarter lying i eouM fore NorIM1IW.OJkel Nerrol andlN[Pon aIMB 6odh]3226 kel of Ndth ]62201aH aI5ad 6WMw. Career d Me SaMwest Chapter. Abstract Properly NOTES 1. The s may and Me property description shown herein are bared upon mmrmaton found in the commitment fer the Impare w pmPorea W Ousmm Home Iii Ism LLC any kauing agent for Ola Hepuble National Title lesumnm Comparry CommHmem no. HK)MYS) dared December 15 M16 i z The lmarders Of underground faiNes are depleted based on lmorm w from Gopher S440re Call p,an fora 'Boundary Survey bnla” The Inmrmam tlwas pmvMed by a combination a1 reallable maps w proped piens or ON records aM dela Mort mis which may nor be exalt Vai all clUes ahcal to Ponsvuctlon or daalgn. 3 The orientation d Nes bearing system Is basad on the Hannepin Cerny CooMlnam Syabm Been General R Hadif County ground kel based an IM1e Mlnresok Cwndnda Syalem Southern Zone Bell 19061mn HPAN values) CooN,ate values dated January 2005 /® 4 All al9anms am In reel. o SThe ye a d the abWe d9sGbaa proeM Is 188radi 5quareCar if 43549 urea LEGEND I O SET CAP IRON MONUMENT 18425 —e UNDERGROUND GAS • FOUND IRON MONUMENT —e — STORM SEWER HYDRANT WATERMAIN Q$ SANITARY MANHOLE —'°— UNDERGROUND FIBER OPTIC ` SIGN —X— FENCE ❑CATCH BASIN GUARD RAIL 3Fr LIGHT MNDOT ACCESS CONTROL 0 STORM MANHOLE = = WETLANO DELINEATION RIPARIAN VEGETATION EDGE OF WATER 15428"W FLARED END SECTION 0 CONCRETE ® CATCH BASIN ® TRANSFORMER 0 GRAVEL OR COMPACTED SURFACE G9 GAS METER O BITUMINOUS SURFACE re ELECTRIC METER M MAILBOX 16 SCHEDULE 8 ITEMS SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS E do 0 Ce0 T E toof so 0 0 30 60 120 '�7 1� SCAL® �` Minneapolis, MN 55415 Mnneade SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS E do 0 Ce0 T E toof so 0 I murder obbli rat this suaey. Ward, or meant w aprepareabyms aunaymyurems 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 su pemsimand Matlama dory t"caatsatena e saneyo.anayre lawaaraakrea �` Minneapolis, MN 55415 Mnneade 612.758.3080 MAIN DENNISD.OIMSTEAD ALLIANT 612.758.3099 FAR v✓ .alliant-incom aa.raaa.rRe ,vwa P�r_tbyyR REVIEW siignaturree/i Dere License Number DRAWN BY SUB GONYEA HOMES CHECNEDBY DRO 9150 GREAT PLAINS BLVD. DATEISSUED 11-116 SCALE 1'-'ql CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 JOB No. 15.0119 SHEET 1 OF 2 SHEETS E do 0 Ce0 T E toof so 0 J I N xx, MI �.. * C vz o q° 7 o / d' o N, A , ... o a 0a0 bo .' o �^ Ysai� 1—.,02— $vdODUP xm o Oeay \\ °z°.2',';,•° OR. /i ° 24WO 9' o NN- 021- 02 N– Oxvzv02 \/ O RII �.o ox.. 0. s�o�, �• -o nti 2xs>a / 9 os -010 0 Oa.z Og 'ssp OO 0I.-- ORI. , n o�Ex 11 ��O p w O Ovv 7b a4. v '2114 Ovs.} r � Or C / Sb o=.tet--. o ..ox• 04 0 `r yd b oy«bom \ (-opo < L O .-. xzxt \ l Szn1 0z'7 0 A CM. 02.E �„ 1A ° w 3 0 � oxiX, �s! Div _e, I Y ✓ a 14- S891 Y e o3 b s O- O O n W O O 0�277� 10 l v7 q tt j . o„ 02- 2--1.4 .—•—•. II, -01 II biro°o. a 2,9e 02,11 o tO'. as Ovae _ ouYe oxen 6' .w7�.u.'m. ��Ic� 1 xE.v r� �_ jp 0—I 4 Owv ..Quid v ! .'d,�, i. 9 i Y, �O%� --Oa•z p� # ,- 7 / J 7' 02N1 s•. j 1 '` I - 02551 l dc - a �IpV�� \ x qxn / ._ v I I I r 3 t� ' °$n M �ooa= \II II�� \o kt 7 \\ I I0x7re a TiIT\ ni.,'1 j_ /6.00 �T 0 30 60 120 LW SCAL® VICINITY MAP — s SITE�� LEGEND GONYEA HOMES 9150 GREAT PLAINS BLVD. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 1h ,by sertityrYref(Ms avrvey, Pran, www wasPre DXI6ymewundermydire,t suPe vcnand Maf rrowsameeury LicensedUW �rveyo, ender nre w me ware a Mlnnemk. DENNIS B. OIMSTEAD PPOR REVIEW q—rZ. Dare uwsse Num6n DRAWN BY GJB CHEGNEDBY DW DATEISSUED 17416 SCALE 1--w JOB NO. 150119 BOOK SHEEr20F2SHEErS C— UNDERGROUND GAS • FOUND IRON MONUMENT »— STORM SEWER HYDRANT I— WATERMAIN Q$ SANITARY MANHOLE —^— UNDERGROUND FIRER OPTIC SON —X— FENCE ❑ CATCH BASIN GUARD RAIL LIGHT ,NMNDOT ACCESS CONTROL ® STORM MANHOLE — WETLAND DELINEATION +j RIPARIAN VEGETATION EDGE OF WATER FLARED END SECTION 0 CONCRETE ® CATCH BASIN M TRANSFORMER D GRAVEL OR COMPACTED $ ® GAS METER BITUMINOUS SURFACE ®ELECTRIC METER O MAILBOX 15 SCHEDULE B ITEMS GONYEA HOMES 9150 GREAT PLAINS BLVD. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 1h ,by sertityrYref(Ms avrvey, Pran, www wasPre DXI6ymewundermydire,t suPe vcnand Maf rrowsameeury LicensedUW �rveyo, ender nre w me ware a Mlnnemk. DENNIS B. OIMSTEAD PPOR REVIEW q—rZ. Dare uwsse Num6n DRAWN BY GJB CHEGNEDBY DW DATEISSUED 17416 SCALE 1--w JOB NO. 150119 BOOK SHEEr20F2SHEErS 233 Park Ave S. Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 Mary A L L I A N T 612.758.3099 FAX www.alliant-inc.com GONYEA HOMES 9150 GREAT PLAINS BLVD. CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 55317 1h ,by sertityrYref(Ms avrvey, Pran, www wasPre DXI6ymewundermydire,t suPe vcnand Maf rrowsameeury LicensedUW �rveyo, ender nre w me ware a Mlnnemk. DENNIS B. OIMSTEAD PPOR REVIEW q—rZ. Dare uwsse Num6n DRAWN BY GJB CHEGNEDBY DW DATEISSUED 17416 SCALE 1--w JOB NO. 150119 BOOK SHEEr20F2SHEErS SB9°23'34'E 671.93' �',.. h �: ra- LEGEND N a vaaxr- �__69.66'Os'E x <�.Nv'°•'vr'" - 69.66' / I u�-R=1995.2 6.01-1 LOT ERTY LINE 581.10 / - 1 � A -1 -02 -DO' ;; _ ,�, - awrx...nc nr'mwm,xima - EASE .as avwsp umw xms,�a< � - EASEMENT LINE FOUND IRON MONUMENT 1 q: - 0 50 100 200 1 - -� BL SKI 9°36'29 N! DRAINAGE AND L___ J UTILITY EASEMENT RCO DISTRICT RWNDMY ^ _ ® PER PTY CpIP. PUNS1�A6 14$7 E SCALE IN FEET C ' / I 5. I'll 4 It LUTLOTA OUTLOTA II a DNAIxAGEAnD vn EA Msxrs ARESHDNrvmus i THISEASEMENT }N TO BE VACATED �G 1 r y urr sE root 124211) 1 / 9 , d Rcro PER CITDISTRICT uWATER = .:�¢<' •2- T I p I r5 Y -'Y.. % RESOURCES DEPT. T 1 Z a II -IN 7'' 1 _'--ono--1_-__ J / .resmalm.:aln.mm '-.O (ROW B-,r----__,.mm.m.rklmlmaaldan''.i.xas.00.M.a�n . 1 J. -.-J / / 1 \• 10 ` 2 ' I BLOCK y Be 1 / (- I 6 I � ! 300'E' ` __ - ' fl ' -•� lI 3 &LOTA :17 w__+l5i!`6-9-°53'0-_0 - 03S1036569'' :q (R am DlsTatt BOUNDARY BL K1 PER CITY CIXAP. PLAN / -------- a`" _• . I _ ___ ` O i 1' 12 1s ! UT or r�_ I Fns\1 ' 15 ✓� ^•` _n ___ _____ I 15600 00'E BLOCKS �o -` OUTLOTC 1( 14 �% !/ 6 'I 5 !2 13 7 BL, 2 1 3 !� L !/ UTLO C :% W M1 x# y �' -6 \ -\'J ',- 6LOCK�EW i S/ I L___ 11 z 12 7_______} i OU_TLOTE OUTLOT D \ yr P: LS OUTLOTE 04 0140 Foe P\M`NPRY PV4 DOS<R NO� OP N REATABLE m EASF AREA AC 2.600 0 29 5,14] 035 6,091 K17�.l 0.37 3 4,525 0.33 a 5,123 0.35 4,718 0.34 BI -1-7,561 0.40 31-18 11,739 0.27 3149 12,799 029 B1 -L10 14,240 0.33 31-111 15,306 035 B1-112 11,688 027 81-113 14,974 0.34 B1-114 12,133 6.25 B1 -L15 11,980 028 B1 -L16 18,390 DA2 W -L17 17.136 039 Bt -L18 15,244 035 B2-11 12,599 0.29 B2 -L2 11,652 0.27 133-11 13,500 0.31 E34L2 15,253 0.35 B3 -L3 17,814 DA1 13-14 11,430 026 83-15 12,958 0.30 BZ1-6 13.843 0.32 B31-7 16,669 0.38 B3-10 19,487 0.45 8349 17,911 0.41 B0.L1 13,255 0.30 84-L2 12,340 0.28 BSL1 14,995 0.34 13S -L2 11,200 026 BS -L3 12,105 0.28 35-14 14.557 0.33 85.15 120,342 2.76 BiUB .131634 0.31 B54.7 12,096 0.28 85-18 13,598 0.31 85-19 15,699 036 85-LlO 15,214 0.35 35i11 16.829 039 35-112 13,683 0.31 BSLi 21.204 0.49 B612 16.551 0.38 66.13 17,317 0.40. OUTLOTA 531.340 12.20 OUTLOTB 5,531 0.13 OUTLOTC 58.500 1.34 OUTLOTD 243,114 5.58 OUTLOTE 68,876 1.58 OUTLOTF 6.602 0.15 ROW -A 1,236 0.03 ROW -B 202,625 4.65 TOTAL 1,896,980 43.55 El GONYEA HOMES & REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 OFFICE: 763432-0500 FAX 763-032-0501 46 ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 MAN 612.758.3099 FAx www.alliant-Inc.com n m M M 'Go` ~ OM 3 3 D] y W a a Z Z Z_ O �w F N0wzW CCZ G cZc G Lu O 2 LL Ul U a a 1 NnbY 11011, lh,1 INa plan .padNcal.n "pod w'a PI.P. Gy ma erune., 'EI 'I -al P.rv01on a n9 mcl I a aulr U ... o.4 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER undo, Iha law. of the sl.l. at MINNESOTA MNM RAUECH, PE Dal. usanaa Ne. OUAUTY ASSURANCE/CONTROL DESIGNED: MPR DRAWN: ELL PROJECT NO: tis -Ons 4 SHEET 4 of 32 a; I jtI a S89°2334"E 671.93' Nag far; SO°DznsE a - -LI 69.86' ,i a I I 0 25 50 100 1 \ SCALE IN FEET P� 1 � I I � A a < ��Nb3'G]10E 1270 MC \ 1 ` eco DISTwM B9IPoVDARY '� / _ PER Ott C9MP. PLAN p v I N6� i 1 1 8 Sa 140 5 4p1 hN </ lop ae 1 ss ef, ® OUTLOTA �� rvs �� 9e6eai � nw Rs awp„„y ® 6p� a \ W 6JDSJ. J00 G9 pG 00. a j W BE EFVACATEED \ (DDC /94211) / ♦� b I I / S6 z121'w V 1 p 8 / - BCD DISMICT UMns j D/ / li v3111 2, elf a� a TOT </, KS()URR=WD`AEPPT. I I/ 5%j� -K2�21 s1 7 1 i�R 1pp*2�L - N65'3 / \ S 18 6J8 Y:309 kA A, 56,Lv +o`p z6�1 O 52FS / \ \ g t w I�r TD a r \\ 10 / I / � 4-�., /1�,,gg- / ro\ \ \in\ s9vJ DD"w �x.v 8 —�£\ \_ -\ 2959-il ryr < 4I 1 / 0h/ ,� Y. ��\��\I 3 g / m/ I I '� seg s3aDE l9 OUTLOT A I 17 I i �^' I\ j 11 Qjm / f way\\1 //� l51'gp3 P/5 fig, 9J'E : BL K 1� 4 I 11 55 / Iq� t=b189' ( / I L� 58q 50 q5'E 1314fi 1 ) L' 6;599600 / 16 'or\ _ / �� a<,f ! J _�. .; "' t. 1 '!'o' DRAINAGE EASEMENT- P 0 45 M1"I W y mJ 5432)'19'E ' A se4 OU ELT IKr'-_33.12' ,6:� 9m:,.zn T 13216 ! I a e-agsso-� r _s're 3-W I Ia 16 ~ io Ie F I .n of i O J9 _ I Iw I„ ,ti'' p0 s 8^'I 12 ry s2F 1- o/ L- la� p / 1 1 °sYz.e i / n . '56 00'W 69DZo_ I\C esA a/s s9'i6�3JNB9S5E 100.19 Iz lP L-702 BLOCK 5 3 OUTLOTC b891 -.ice 14 ii ia7d'P111�. I g < 5D3 eN ss aD P; f l� -1 �-+ , ` - (� 0 8B Nz I 1. ....\'3o- T �b 13 / �� >?r9„ ------------ 10s e `I = - GONYEA ,-F:3,6:1:29 35 S=1°02'W' HOMES & REMODELINGS °47'54"E 581.10' 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 MIN A' ,,swm ..a;c. cY sc. a. -'1 Q Go DE. OFFICE: 75343245M C FAX: ]63<32-4501 I j 91y m L, e loz6� S 06'29NV 'sz. e' ALLIANT i ^ 233 Park AVID S, Ste 300 83. Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 MAA, e 612.756.3099 FAx www.alliant-Inc.com } ; OUTLOTA " I� Tn.\, NBYZ9'3q'W 9600 3I I! L— 58JV615'E 13090 — J I \ LV r io z h 2 113 II: B Q 2 ml wI Mew I{ Y o� I I IQF 44)'30° N87'39'34'W 269.15' — — J ------------ To n m (ROW - B)M ROAD A 4 .I o Q g g E b352'j _ _ 58,J$' H8]'29'J4'W 26915' O 1J'2a5G' FI 4� m W ar -- VI 0-�I I Q P / Z .L aY 3 I I 1 o aZ � Q Q z 111 1 I ro G 0 ~ W ZZ cZ 0 W f/1 G C 1 wl d �I '1 hl n �1V I g Q i J J 1 8l 1 JXXC0 Z LU LU 1 1 3 rl '1 I CR 0 N a 2 O J / LL mc�i a a S89 53000 E BLOCK 6 - 715y ..nl,y that 1N1, g' 41.35' I -I �, T ,f'lp I p'm`T dor 71".11 waa T I $$ prepare. Hy ma .r unser my - s99J 99'w 1 { —I' I _ _ even duly Ucen and mn 1 29 s9 I I f ` - r — .m a SIO ENIAa I I t QI / PRDLE5310NAL ENGINEEfl anon ]0 L—.,—J90] _ J L_— 9998 J �— 11099 J: IM1e Iowa "1 IM1e Slole of —T -- 41.1 q' `\ 68`5'26°W NINNESMA S89'53'00"E 335.24' 30.3¢' / MAPN 9AUSfiX. PE (ROW' -A) I 9a1, D.m,. N.. / DUAUW ASSURANCE/CONTROL ou O BY MTE E" LEGEND: z DRawwEAxv Mnuly PASEMEx.s AR6 sxaxNJx9s DATE ISSUE PROPERTY LINE 5-6-18 CITY SUBMITYAL LOT LINE S --I R.O.W —6 EASEMENT LINE J L • FOUND IRON MONUMENT _S89153W'E I --'1 DRAINAGE AND No osML=. UTILITY EASEMENT Beiresleelo.,a 71ae'd'..1mnamlocnm riaP a,y Mdn�9'a .vayll"d UMoapMmlm N1,V Q a ea.nme qn PROJECT TEAM DATA DENIGHM. MPR folk Vk \�P` `� DRAWN:: Eu �c0` 'JO '104 PROJEtt N9: 215-0 119 P NOS F 0P C N89WOO-W J 16'00 SHEET 5 of 32 � 0 II 509.36' SW03'40'W 198895 • r 1959fi � L fle ]2' 1^ 56Y3539'W Rp S 1, z1.ae f/ o®w' v.a-srcvs 1 eco BISIR. OWMARY W _ 1 a^.(•P, e°�'4i \ � p L 1 I ` PER att CORP. PLAN /vY a' c BCO msmlcT UMlrs PM 1 p gym. o e°P �'Q1 Bz•E -1 pm aTr WADER I v• 6.,6` o �,'\\ REB011RCE5 DEPT.GONYEA pS 01 - <a y'ff p I p� HOMES &REMOOELINGS S �z II E1581B �'.�� °Sz _ \'\zp ^al C ` 1 1 - c _ s_yz3'z °__,` p• 1.269 'a'f \\ -N 3 I � 13 -1 IWO BOONEAVE N, SUITE 400 0 25 50 100 !L ," 1 N aq Vg° 'L / ♦ s� LLEY, MN 554n p c I i n p ` OOOFFICELDEN A163-032-0500 _ - 'O�„\°$, \ y Pb., / \ �. ft i { r D ` < FAX: 163-032-0501 SCALE ® \♦ '/<^\ ab♦} srm azT fiGm _ va �1REER r< N r °y J, 1 L I \ a6.45 ' 3, s2 , L •a.as a\(e / ^ 4 1 t2O y' l _ r _ `a zpeE\ \.,yo. zs 9s bB2O'�� 4W. W�' / r'e v. /` �. ♦ I ` a s W A '. \ f' iA' In 1 m % / boa.' s\\\"'Y ✓ Y \\ 50 \ ( 891 S { ALLIANT e4 -V ! %� In 'I 3% '1 \. \ ♦ E`d=]5540 a iSo ♦�.ENGINEERING '9. \\ qm - (m +pt/7 m \�♦ s 90 a "'o\ �3 t,>� = nnD'M1SS2T to ."I / 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 / / .i/.// \\ 'vh CC \.: >< fa: �g0.4P f5. 612.758.3080 MAN S2'51'35'w j .N \ \ / d ` a I9 T3-° \'°° '� 1 0 1z 1s aha f www.a8.3099 pc �-✓ L L _✓ / `Vtii/ ✓ \$\ °° < `� yt mo's505w _ Nets .D"°" �a3n `7 www.alliant-ino.com { ,as:ao 4265' E. laj // \\\ a +>01ar v°d ativasa3" 51 GJ 02 E M7> 3kgz5 ^ R,/ ✓ ♦ giAy,W _516'W 56 W P3M1 f L-9-00 } r 36D0� F >9 I / Y ,p (� -Po• 4.M• Amy'Y'l� i'•'\ 4 A=5'4450' p ✓y° AV A �1 A Or,GE v ry O a I l0 �ry \\ ani^/ i/ ♦ \3sb']aM IN -i { _ I 1 \ tiT/ // 3s16'0o s6'w ,\ ♦\ I 1 1 1 IgJ 1T4 f- �, m s\ 1 / m / \ \ °hr / ry j Jr♦ \ 1 \ / e♦\\ .rr \� Ami 7 a\\ m EE I1�/. w -f �l\ N\1\ / r / f 48� Y'Z A1tl420 t\ \� 5569''4 y 1 ser3z'a0"E 1 ¢" g r L __� I-_ y' Lssw J I 584t 1 r BD mwl$ srsy`0};W r/r n.w' I 1 7C s5'v9'BaE -. 94 02' S1V1OtEH1522..51 - ce ae 'S -3b41 � R�A+vOpw / 3`° hT /o z>��-.�} ( .siiizalaE f Im N /� ?� k Q - - /'— /4A oD ^�.� / /001:f S a.NP°O ROW B q s'>2>� J 3 cs 1 I t�s. ( ) 9W� g ROAD A L-8112' t >>D9 e,'GRU2"E 25251 It E'14 '0 _ �� w \ L, C J Dfi ', mzs 34 I 1 I I w ,1 Be Or ers a-, as v, / D:d E -nw'51 a0' m �..." I 1 __ /krE 22z��e.._ r�>� 35 W._ x1 -u o'L _L_.ez CI I-' f//.f -�o \\ / n �\ B2a` nano 'I sonz _ _e�s`e.�J/ I 1 /f �o° mw d d IDIS EASEMENT / ° I 9 W d_1>� Os E fi0.4Y -� T _ h �.1 E �\ , / D a,\ F+ I Y 1' / ( A D✓$610` ?223 29'20' h z y. TD BE VACAiFD `, I N I ' - F9 E+ � 8p C,_ / ✓ � Z / // •�\ F I. _ I / ABG• ff�PG, zz Q � em4j ^� O (i l ,� a Q Q 05E50.45 oOil 0 /LA 1 sr:vv v:I I.I� t In //a w /:/ e�na io e1`ou�:__. ,86fi waoo '3 z> ♦ 0 ¢NREEN sGYzv' �, m /�' 1 / I 1 �• 1199 a R \. ao J J > - ao �� / j^v /f 11En � �I 1� /l/a /n`"ry Y f:� aB �' v �S - /4 / z, rvm �a q� ^, . i / 1 I ( ! ( wii a \ LL cxi Off. CL a }e'3s /r ./L „Av1 L_ J ! ry ./ F �-_._ r- ♦ /� m a 2 350330.,E'Vfy wT'SPSU SOT205E 9002' /� 1L _..-_/ h H \ _ \` .., —1 ss a10 `� // 'F rvas'3>'oe'w 1 k Fay. / / I / /z __ / !' / ' s 1 a f n \ F I NEreer carr um this plan GINE, 16024 - { I,fl I ---- f y.2 pr.,. d on, or rep an eras ry GIy „ 116.55' - � ,l - ( _\_ l Iz _ _ 1 ,., r L— _ �'f/ /� v\\ � `b: e1 <e .�p.Iw!.ms and that I No°ozros•w sse.u5' IMSMININNIN IV DRAINAGE MO VIIM EA5EMENI5 ARE $HERN MUS: PROPERTY LINE I I LOT LINE 5--1 - - R.OM --- EASEMENT LINE • FOUND IRON MONUMENT --------I DRAINAGE AND xOTTB.. 1 _____ 1 UTILITY EASEMENT BEap s,mlm.amamwdn rplNMeEa,41DIExn w•sh AEG ELio ,g,yn m«.1EGE uNessowaBE Uti ee annE pu w a£v\E VO \v`P�N P Ff �P O'AS`,ty�V� ♦\ £\\ 1 f-r:y ^' \ � DATE ISSUE � 1 8-6-16 Cltt SUBMITTAL I as e v A i 9w5^ VP O \1 \ J i I V> I \ r' o\ j. MM DATA z9�9g00'W 51859 OE914NE0: MR I ORAWN: ELL N• T ----,- nI L -::,' p1 PANE. NB: 215-0119 294.54' 4_ ___gyR3y, _1 NM205'W NO°02'O5NV 432.26' 150. W' NO°O2'05'W I L 11111 Tf�3,5 A�,B'23 sG s \ N89°53'00°W 869°53'OOE 150.00' r -'--- - ` 16.D0' 16.00' 'j s�vY00'w z B9' SNEER 6 of 32 IN 11,.1 1 1 l` 0 50 100 ' 200 .. - L III DISTRICT BOUNDARY s JSL SCALE IN FEET PER aw col PUN � i' 5 \ J R WETLAND 1 6UTLOTA r Ir -, L �. � � 3-I, \-� OUTLOTA 1 mzsaWl I' F m Bc0 DISTRICT UNITS .. m 6PER 1 FER RRPIRRCESWDEPT. 7I 7 I 9 �1 Y// �-� 1\ L3 II Z Ilr 1. I v n • e n a I)6TLOTA 17 - x i c ' BCD p51RICT BWNOMTX'11 L KSTv LYPERaTr CCNP. Pux- m .0 16 E r J SVET yp 1 F r �I 1 -, 1 L 1 '.. 1 T �_ f • ' lz.' O 15 l BLOCKS I� 5 C r - E y < � z OUTL ° I / / }I z/OUTLOT E R ' I 6 WETIAND4p u .. _ L 1 J I n MU r,.1 : L � 12 7 LL L , OUTLOT.E / ( $1 -'a, _ g/° - wErlAxDa s z 0 WETIAN04 J OUTLOT D X�\ ----` � NET DENSITY 1.55 UNREi/NET ACRE SITE PLAN DATA LEGEND: WETUND BUFFER 4.872 ACRES - xa,m PUBLIC PONT OF WAY DEDICATON 4.680 ACRES 6Ac / PUBLIC OUTLDT DEDICATOR 20.855 ACRES (7.068 AC UPLAND) j EXISTING ZONING A2-AGRICULNRAL ESTATE DISTRICT / TOTAL LAND DEDICATION TO PUBLIC 25.535 ACRES (58,6R OF PROPERTY) T@+Do /. m w PROPOSED ZONING REM-RESIDENRI LOW AND MEDIUM DISTRICT----------------- N2 EASEMENT UNE y / FOR PAULSON PROPERTY IS UNDERWAY, THEREFORE, MINOR ADJUSTMENTS TO EXISBNG LAND USE RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY (1.2-4 U/AC) -- BUILDING SETBACK 0 I— w / ¢o PROPOSED LAND USE RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY (1.2-4 U/AC) VSpIEM PROPERTY LINE ol LjjF ------------------------ NAM 5£IPM UNE o ! M EIl I LOT LINE I hereby canny that ala plan, n na GROSS AREA 43.549 ACRES F - NLL 9LSE.1 ROW no m lap WETUND AREA 13.929 ACRES" " ' -�-"�- WENAND DEUNEATON 1 n6y 6 14x]H TH 101 R/W DEDICATOR 0.028 ACRES — - WETLWD BUFFER ]IAp zs NET BUILOPBLE AREA 29.592 ACRES 0 WETLAND BUFFER MONUMENT hot 1176 a W PROPOSED DWELLING UNITS 46 — -""""' --WETAND BUFFER STRIP I X 0 x5o GROSS DENSITY 1.06 UNRS/CROSS ACRE y y 1 DENOTES PID ARU INS � NET DENSITY 1.55 UNREi/NET ACRE M b, W N, MRPeat -.1. SWCMb Selpyra Ea, . a qM qW ab1 Ma.W Seaaab ..' SAWN, e.Nno o 210 as xWaoa ID WETUND BUFFER 4.872 ACRES - xa,m PUBLIC PONT OF WAY DEDICATON 4.680 ACRES 6Ac / PUBLIC OUTLDT DEDICATOR 20.855 ACRES (7.068 AC UPLAND) (Pu6GC bid -yr RXI =WDIS PNNAJE ORTU T 8) g 1. / TOTAL LAND DEDICATION TO PUBLIC 25.535 ACRES (58,6R OF PROPERTY) T@+Do /. m w sp N2 "SEE WEI MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR WEIUND DATA WETUNO DEUNEATION qCq § / FOR PAULSON PROPERTY IS UNDERWAY, THEREFORE, MINOR ADJUSTMENTS TO WETIANO AREAS MAY BE NECESSARY. 0 I— w / ¢o g VSpIEM IL ol LjjF ------------------------ NAM 5£IPM UNE o ! M EIl I z I hereby canny that ala plan, n na Preporad by me o untlar my tllracl auparvlalan antl foal F - NLL 9LSE.1 so no na lap W L Dal. n6y 6 14x]H s 30 xs.a IDD ]IAp zs 6so 6a ona xna hot 1176 mo baa W GSD 10'av,un bl« fo'a.nm:al I 6 a 0 x5o &a y y 1 DENOTES PID ARU \` ' FOR REv1Ew °N&Pa� KGs1,00 �V rootfo I . 25' PGR 5llbdKK I➢IE_j 5 TYPICAL LOT DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 6a.w°od'cemmPmem-Amwnae Ma ceRayaMnm PArapmuwnm«a wnma nysm,Ma,m R G' 1l .5't Na.4 ss s B %f CEaP t oaite w,a ,.DS 2 1 11 9 Oa a4 4 iapar SeC 11/2' NN00 2360 IDWLBl M Na �a DraM1ae T=k Lml v57 w.mwntay. 2 MMJ7 2Yp Iahoo }1R mW c 49poy: Bo 24 IAVXd ]111 In SM Granter Ea vo- (-See Nate T ISM' fllpht W y RaWeaC 60. ]. Mi1' 1 y C ] ]'JS 0 1,0 pbaeL t aall.." F c 1 ,b 6. Tnc bl T 9 avlaa. alan b Ra,,4 if. f " of fall pl { A "_I_ y Ftett (In P aC 5 tl II be P 1 y en P r a1 P n Ir n t "IC.l— bg b C an. 6. El Mal on Pll n, hall,akea a, no"—, _ea pate 3.2 a.— TYPICAL RE_.__- ­ mom DB L�M6nuwD11 STREET SECTION a:almGLm sada ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Ra: 5200 Ia,S ass Mah IN H, xxv ass im�maax < Mn M M"ry YL N Nae �Wxx MF "EDGED, 6ew:Hrk ma roM aMsye „w IMb ,W,k Sh WW 1 o Ma yes SeavL b, W N, MRPeat -.1. SWCMb Selpyra Ea, . a qM qW ab1 Ma.W Seaaab ..' SAWN, e.Nno o 210 as xWaoa ID a.. On�N W.3a pn peaplan pealW ancon Iyar xa,m n 6Ac M a ss n ¢ so ° 0 o m— m w sp N2 on W,Ax Z a�a 0 I— w zo ¢o g IAA IL ol LjjF 0 M 1O2v i z I hereby canny that ala plan, n na Preporad by me o untlar my tllracl auparvlalan antl foal u so no na lap no 6so Dal. n6y 6 14x]H s 30 xs.a IDD ]IAp zs 6so 6a ona xna hot 1176 mo baa W GSD 10'av,un bl« fo'a.nm:al oA n: e pn 6 a 0 x5o &a ao m.a m Into 9�0 : o 2 R a'n5bl N m sso ^ 6cw Izx¢ a a Sao aoo 6so a p3z 166¢ Ylbas 1 .27a Sf 6¢ a 5 aa9 ¢p s.p b ao no n A D as a.p p ID�o p Mvs tyl xa9a m m m sso 65.0 as aanm a,im Wa.nm f,lm U 1m so au x IxIM F ss.--No- mo Im3 au m no Nap NERD man xz 1839° pAx 1>,IY a a3s s� 6 S.9R a0 90 so u x ns bb1clo'avnmin6 xsa zb n.os7a ssono RID Wa/anMfnmaw p, mem 1 am 1x 0.P x x1.65E ° 1 so 4 a.o as x ss m s nu As ls0 xsD nsa "Ic an 70 mo a mp, 6n °mmwe, l mWayq a�°wn 061 usob ens o a 9no xsaxsa Isaa Elo aa'wnm tl.'.aw rota oassi Isev< ] ss x a sp u lag as xsa 1me 1¢I sc o a a6 ns�se a o a zo xna ssb 6s o n sowoaIn,m To uD A ¢o 6 ° sm6 sa xp.o loo ss zsp me fsaa xswa.owm,m,n.,, sso m,a Na. 6 46m ma T 2°3.0 6z0 wGTsweonminlp ] E69 a.0 9L3 u0 ¢b no o1ceWyb,p E,lm 1 1335 n6A ap 16°,6 ULe Aco ¢p o", "nn law SID 133E ]SO z0 llSl M nl 5 s x 2498 s d u1W a.V x s51 xu x,5m ni6x uo u0 Sa a.o fp.0 mo 35 x 11of A of b s 159. ,1 a4 n/a 16vz Izvs no zp 6zp Mwmala. w�arvnm a,ia,am aervnm Aum zs IuImm,.,66i3�v5Ra 2np°0. "aas a. xs $q. a4 V. 6Mssoa0 ¢3 .0 V 250 o Mao saso aMa pAIS Smxn6l so m. 11 6 s 5 a a� m6u 5,83J 8.0 ao Sa o ssxsa a �..bo Ay4 alma 6So s oat 1!,651 nm sso b ssvx ¢ S.a 6 0.p II,zN "a Iof Msc' 6 3 a3a 5°]9 10 mp a0 3 4p61 m0 IGB 6so El GONYEA HOMES & REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 OFFICE: 7634324500 FM: 763-032-4501 4` ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.756.3080 MAN 612.758.3099 FAX www,alliant-ine.com DESIGNED: MPR Dol ELL PROIEGT NO: 315-0110 7 SHEET 7 of 32 Q n a�/ m M Nn M l000 �` J ° 0 g m w a N2 Z Z a�a 0 I— w mooZ g IL 0z LjjF 0 M LL m v a N I hereby canny that ala plan, spacflcaHon. or "pod way Preporad by me o untlar my tllracl auparvlalan antl foal am a duly ua.nr.a PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under ma Iowa of ma Slala of MINNESOTA MARK RAUSCH, PE Dal. u..na. xa. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL DESIGNED: MPR Dol ELL PROIEGT NO: 315-0110 7 SHEET 7 of 32 { M 0 50 r 200 3y5$1t'e^ �W1iYi v T�MR SC&E IN FEET ^r��S ��) 1P► -w1 — tr-, � �I FYI �4�����`�0.•1P,lPi �f- ea".n �W...., .. '',.l.. INNIF Y do �,p! �`�� ���II �.I�f 1• � � •431 T{�' T 1� ® �®�/• (p�e % P r�.pyy�.��I�i' D �> SIE._•-wb \\T A�1�� v• B PAD WOM 65 70' P� TYPE QW, _ &✓ w40,' A r INN i C _ �i>`� d¢,, e � � wia a� �tU��i e Surly rz c��fiu►��rd'f✓r�� �l��e€��,Ij�d�l R•..,��I�+ gee_M 4� �P,AS� I,5W PAD LOOK OUT uop,W NL�OUT PADS PANGAIHOLD DOWN DETAILS GRADING NOTES: I. ALL FINISHED GF4➢6 SHALL SLOPE AWAY FROM PROPOSED BUILDINGS AT MINIMUM OWE OF 2.OS. ALL MOVES SK. HAVE A MINNNM SLORE OF 2.001L 2. THE COXIRKTOR SHALL KEEP ME ADJACENT ROADNAYS FREE OF DEME µD FIG. THE OFF -SERE ,l OF SOIL IN AGNMA GE MOM ME REWWEN. OF THE CIF` AND WATERSHED. & NOMY DONOR SATE ONE GLL, AT MRS)252-1III. 40 MUM MOR TO STMT C£ CCNSIRUCRON. A. µ1 IMMMMENM TO CONFORM AIM CRY OF CHWNARGEN CONSTRUCTION Srµ6WDS SPECIFlGTNN, Joan EgMN. • ROCK CASRUCNON ENTRANCES SMVL BE PROADED AT AL. CONSINUMN ACCESS POINIB • @Ept TO GEOIFLXXIGL REPORT µD PMVECr MW WL, FOR SOIL COMEC NDN REOUIREMEµ N S D TIMING nQUIREMFNRS. 7. STRIP TOPSOIL PRIOR TO ANY CdV5T1.gICTION. RRUSE SNCKPILE ON In STOCKPILE PERWEIERS MUST BE PROTECTED MM SILT FENCE B. MEN TO STARING CONSTRUCTION. ME CONTRACTOR SHLLL BE RESPONSIBLE TO MAKE SURE THAI ALL F OR REGUIRED FLRMGG µD MPRWAIS LAVE BEpI CBTANID. NPBRGMN SWa1 BEGIN ONRL ME CONDUM TOR HAS RECENED µD MOROUG.- O RENEWED ALL WNSIRUCROX OR Fµ0 MHFR NWR M MENPRyaED a! AL CF ME FERMIIIWG AVIXORRIES. S. IMMEDIATELY FOLLMING OWING OF (]:1 OR GREATER) SLOE SLOPES µ0 DRADWE SHAMES, WOOD PRIOR BLWKET OP PER OER APPRMD SOIL BNOUDNG MEMOD (APPRO ED BY ENGINEER) SHALL BE AOPUED MR APPRUNED SEED MXLRE µ0 A MINIMUM OF 4' TOPSOIL 10. ME CEHEPIL WMRN,'TOR MUBT DISCUSS MWATWNG PWIS WRH NL SIIOCCNTR4CtORS Tp IFMA NME5 REOUIREMENS. IF MU A&W. IS MUIRED DURING CM6TRU.I COMPACTOR To CYWSULT NM EROSION ¢NMOL INSPECTOR ANO ENGINEER TO DETERMINE APPROPRIATE METgD. 11. REFER TO STDRMRATER POILURON PREYENTON PLAN (SMPFP) FOR ALL MND,, MD VDID M W.I DMCE LOCATION, DESCRIPTION% NOTES AND DEMOS MOLDING CONCRETE W.ThIIOIR STATION INSIMICTIONS. II. WETWiD BUFFER MOMIMM SIGNS SIWL BE INSTALLED AT EACH POINT WHERE A IDT WE WTERSECIS WITH ME GGI BUFFER. 13 BUILDING PERMRS ME REWIRED FOR ALL MELANINS GALS 4 FEET IN HBGNT OR GREATER µD ME WALLS SXNL BE DESIGNED BY A STRUMR.LL ENGINEER WRH DfSIGN REGIME, µD APPRWID BY ME GDY PRIOR 70 INSrAL,TWN. 14 A S FOOT SAFM RAUNG IS REQUIRED ANP ALL GALS 4 rOT TOIL OR GREATER. INFILTRATION BASIN NOTES: 1. HL MMPORAM EROSION WMROL DENCES MUST BE NSTALLFD PPopt TO INSTNU110.Y/CONBMUCIpN OF INFlLTRADON BASIN. 2 AL BMCRMN.ATER RUNOFF SPALL BE DIVERTED AWAY FlNM INFILL WIION MG N lENP02M' SEGMENT PoNO UNTIL flA41N IS COMPLETELY GRADED AND PLANNED 3 CONSIINCTNN OF &SIX STALL BE SLSFFNOED WRINC PEPoODG Oi PFP:FALL OR BXBXAELi. WNSTRUCNON SFWL RENAN SUSPEWEO IF PCNCEO WATER 6 PREBEM OR IF RESIDUAL SOIL NUSNRE CONTRIBUIFS SWFKANRY TO ME PUTENML FOR WMIRMEM X. 4. WMPA N AND SNFARING C£ ME SOLS BENEAM ME WOR AND SIDE SLOPES OF ME INALTM70N WIN ATEA, SPIAL BE NMIMRED. DURING SIZE OEVELWMFM. ME ATEA DEAGArM TO ME NFlLTPATON BASIN SHAL BE CORDONED OFT TO PRWM AWEA BY HUN( EQUIPMENT. ACCEP LE EOUI DND FOR —SMUCLA. ME BASIN INCLUDES E% ADO. NOES, WM EQUIPMENT MM MOF TYPE GR6, AGAIN EOUIPNEM OR MOE TRACK LOADERS 5 IF COMPACIIOM OCCURS AT ME BASE OF ME WN, ME SIL S4LLL PO REFWrVMD TO A CEPM AT LEAST 36'. IF SMEARING OCCURS, ME SMEARED MEAS OF ME IMEWACE SIWL WRRECRD BY RAKING OR ROM-TWNG. B OGNMAOIM N DM TEST PRS DURING TIME OF CONSTRUCTION N EVALUATE µY 1:, SGUL, NEECO FOR SL CORMCTONS. ENGINEER N REVRN TEST PITS N DEME NINE ME NMO FOR NO UNOERDRMN FDR GRIPER TEMPORA%! MRF EST USHMEM, OR N REURE SMORGOLY NON WATER CONOGDON5. DEVELOPER: MMUENCE 55, LLC IOW BOONE AVENUE NORM, SUITE W0 GOLDEN VAUNT, MN M427 ROCK WEEPER (NTS): 1/2 -2' NOCK 12 ELOPE WATERT INFlLMATCN BASIN BOTTOM FLOC ROCK WEEPER PROFILE VIEW GEO FMPoC May ITAF E IV NOTES: BOTTOM OF flIPPRAP M 1. SEE MJWT svE45 Gsn, ]9p1, EKII ]7G] h RBBB 2. CV55 -IV MPRO TYPE N (SPECJI]])P (SPEC. SBO;) WITH GEOTLE FABRIC UNE%, GRADING LEGEND: �- ak RUAMNG WALL WETLWDO \ wWn RwR eMw>w Ill PROPOSED CATCH WINS fN mow Gw'�vEwmx a -a > OUTLOT D PROPOSED STORM SEWER ----- --- PROPOSED EASEMENT i..'�;.. ------ ` ------- EKIBMING CONTOUR PROPEM LINE +-L-m —789— PROPOSED CONTOUR - - - - - SETR4CK LINE M ' 42.M g9S. PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION LOT LINE M wLx TOP OF WAU_ EIEVAnCIN ---- RICHT-OF-WAY A_ FOP P1uVLE \� Pa LIMITS SN xA% BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION---�_-- WflUN ME BUFFERNNWUMEM A�� ���A gtPOrcS10N .2.oex w of DRAINAGE r EXISTING VEGETAPON UMTR Q FOP `B'O'N � EMERGENCY OVERFLOW ROUTING ALK OUT WETIANO BUFFER .moo-�W GONYEA HOMES & REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY MN 55427 OFFICE: 7&44324500 FM:763-432.4501 ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 MAIN 612.758.3099 PAx W W W.alllant-inc.com r I boner o.Mro1 pa.........I, Prepune by m. aT.A. ....rv.Ion duly Uaom PROFESSIONAL EN .'Go. of U. 1 MINNESOTA MARK RAUSGX PE .1 M. pMn ,Pon my ane teut I :D SNEER urm, Talo of QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL DESIGNED: MPR DRAWN: ELL PROJECT N. 21Y0119 10 SHEET 10 of 32 950 I _..._ ... m.m m,n ,,.m Road A - Profile ..nna. ow 980 -- m.m m,n ,,.m Road A - Profile Road B - Profile 0 50 100 200 SCALE IN FEET Road C - Profile :m mm 5 e 940 � .x 96o i 930 � eaM1 I I" 9so Road D - Profile OtAI FOR VIE", PREF FOR "StP NOS Road E - Profile »ee m El GONYEA HOMES & REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55,127 OFFICE: 763432-4500 FAX: 763+1324501 46 ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.756.3080 vvvN 612.758.3099 PAK www.alliant-inc.mrn l 980 m,w p an m `LJ r 950 e 5 950 940 4,.'C R li 940 ..— 95G _ I eaa axo In r 1 n, 930.... 9I0 N 910 900... A. CoLU J e90 — E. 870 660 GGO 'G B80 SB �i ¢ Road B - Profile 0 50 100 200 SCALE IN FEET Road C - Profile :m mm 5 e 940 � .x 96o i 930 � eaM1 I I" 9so Road D - Profile OtAI FOR VIE", PREF FOR "StP NOS Road E - Profile »ee m El GONYEA HOMES & REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55,127 OFFICE: 763432-4500 FAX: 763+1324501 46 ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.756.3080 vvvN 612.758.3099 PAK www.alliant-inc.mrn OESIGNEO: NPR ORA": BILL PROJECT NO: 215-0119 13 SxEET 13 of 32 `LJ r � m M M M N CoLU J J '0 MWa Zz OU. ¢ a a Q Q F W Z UVJ K M � a J C)z LUM Q M Q CC L LL Ono a (� M1are cetli(ay that this plan, apeci(icaN, as report wa ,repand by a under my direct su,ervI., and that am a duly Uawaed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under IM1e Iowa al IFa Stale of MINNESOTA MARK huGun H, FE Gme ur.nae xo. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL GY M-11 DATE ISSUE OESIGNEO: NPR ORA": BILL PROJECT NO: 215-0119 13 SxEET 13 of 32 Q / •. I 4 'I r � (t4. l wg eq•�. f+1�yx5.QF)'' � BAs:�., �. //1�a 0 50 100 200 SCALE IN FEET LEGEND: '°°-- - - DeSTNG CONTOUR 7B9 PROPOSED CONTOUR (LAND DEVELOPMENT) PROPOSED RETAINING WALL DIRECTION OF DRANWE 111 • PROPOSED CATCH WINS — •............. >.._- PROPOSED STORM SEWER - - - - - - - PROPOSED FASENENT A DOHYDROTMIJUCH TYPE 5 PROPERTY UNE — — SETBACK UNE 4. DANDY BAC (MnDOT TWE B) LOT UNE — - - RIGHT -DF -WAY arm EpSTNG VEGETATION UNITS (APPROX.) 0 EMSTNG TREE TO REMAIN - - - - - - - TREE PROTECTION UMTS eeee Ncm or 0eee PROPOSED SILT FENCE (PRE GRADING) rsi PROPOSED SILT FENCE (POSE GRADING) 1�--Is INLET PROTECTION DDND W Nu DISTURB AREAS n TEMM DRAINAGEROMNG \V J DURING MASS GRADIN ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 11 ( WETIAND4 o OUTLOTD 7 F P•EVtEW Pv�4�MtNWR 1�'G,t1oti xaj DRQ - ME MASS GRADING CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTA -ATCN OF ALL 0 SEDIMENT CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) AS SHOWN IN TIE R MASS GRADING SWPPP (EXCEPT FOR POST GRADE GRIPS NEEDED AFTER UTILITY TIE STREET AND UTILITY CONTRACTOR AND Cltt WILL MEN ASSUME ME RESPONSIBILITY TO PRONDE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ANY IN-PLACE BMPS AS WELL AS INSTALL TIE ADDITIONAL BMPB REQUIRED IN TIE STREET AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT SWPPP. UPON COIJPLETON OF STREET AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION, TIE STREET AND UMUTY CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ANY BMPS INSTALLED DURING ME STREET AND UTILITY PHASE ]IAT ARE NO LONGER REWIRED AND COORDINATE ME TRANSFER OF NPDES PERMIT RESPONSIBIUTES BACK TO TIE DEVELOPER OR TERMINATE ME PORTION OF TIE NPDLS PERMIT TRANSFERRED TO ME CITY AND THBR CONTRACTOR. EROSION CONTROL RESPONSIBLE PARTY: TBD GONYEA HOMES & REMODELING 1000 BOONE AVENUE NORTH, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 CONTACT: BILL COFFMAN PH: 763-432-4500 EM; b'licoffman®Gbburnet.com CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING: MASS GRADING PHASE, I- INSTALL STABIUZED CONSTRUCTOR ENTRANCES. 2 PREPARE TEMPORARY PARKING AND STORAGE AREA 3. INSTALL TIE PPE -GRACING SILT FENCES AND INLET PROTECTION BMPe ON ME SIM. 4. CONSTRUCT ALL PRE -GRADING EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL BMP& 5. COMPLEX MASS GRAINNG AND INSTALL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING AND PLANING. 6. CONSTRICT POST -GRADING SILT PENCE ON THE SM. -- STREET & UTILITY PHASE' 1. INSTALL UTUTES, UNDERDRAIN% STORM SEWERS, WIRES AND COTTERS 2 INSTALL RIP RAP AROUND WT ET STRUCTURES S INSTALL INET PROMCPON AROUND ALL STORM SEVEN STRUCTURES. 4. PREPARE SITE MR PANNG. S. PAVE STE. 6. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION DEMCES 7. INSTAL. POST STREET AND UTUTY SILT PENCE 6. REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEMCES (ONLY IF SIM IS STABILIZED), IF REWIRED BY TRE CONTRACT SWPPP BMP QUANTITIES (PER PLAN): DISTURBED AREA 15.0 AC SLT FENCE 8.548 LF INLET PROTECTION 40 EA BIOROLL TBD W/ FINAL PLANS SEED/SOD POST GRADING AREA 20.5 AC NOTE: 1. SEE SHEET 17 FOR ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES AND DETAILS SEDIMENT BARRIERS 1. SILT FENCE (MODOT 3886) ANT -TRACKING CONTROI 1. 2' CRUSHED CLEAR ROCK STAR1117ATM BMP'c 1. STRAW/HAY 2. CURB LOG 3. ROCK WEEPER (LAND DEVELOPMENT) MnDOT TYPE 1 MULCH 2. EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TNI FT TEMPORARY REED M X MnDOT CAT. 3 PROTFfTQN DFMfFe 1. W1MC0 (MnDOT TWE A & C) M A DOHYDROTMIJUCH TYPE 5 2. INFRASAFE STORM GRAIN /CULVERT 3. SILT SACK MnDA OT TWE ( ) 2. Mn00T-150 (1-2 YEAR STASIUZATION) q TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT 4. DANDY BAC (MnDOT TWE B) ppRMAN Ni $FFD MX/STAR 7 SC250 NORTH AMERICAN GREEN OR EQUAL-MNDOi CAT 6 arm z z 2. SOD c • AEi �lL CO SYSTEM PROMDED AND COMPLETED n N BY TRE CONCRETE CONTRACTOR. on C_ ❑ Go F JW ED0 a I ED �z > F P•EVtEW Pv�4�MtNWR 1�'G,t1oti xaj DRQ - ME MASS GRADING CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTA -ATCN OF ALL 0 SEDIMENT CONTROL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) AS SHOWN IN TIE R MASS GRADING SWPPP (EXCEPT FOR POST GRADE GRIPS NEEDED AFTER UTILITY TIE STREET AND UTILITY CONTRACTOR AND Cltt WILL MEN ASSUME ME RESPONSIBILITY TO PRONDE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE OF ANY IN-PLACE BMPS AS WELL AS INSTALL TIE ADDITIONAL BMPB REQUIRED IN TIE STREET AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT SWPPP. UPON COIJPLETON OF STREET AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION, TIE STREET AND UMUTY CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE ANY BMPS INSTALLED DURING ME STREET AND UTILITY PHASE ]IAT ARE NO LONGER REWIRED AND COORDINATE ME TRANSFER OF NPDES PERMIT RESPONSIBIUTES BACK TO TIE DEVELOPER OR TERMINATE ME PORTION OF TIE NPDLS PERMIT TRANSFERRED TO ME CITY AND THBR CONTRACTOR. EROSION CONTROL RESPONSIBLE PARTY: TBD GONYEA HOMES & REMODELING 1000 BOONE AVENUE NORTH, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 CONTACT: BILL COFFMAN PH: 763-432-4500 EM; b'licoffman®Gbburnet.com CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING: MASS GRADING PHASE, I- INSTALL STABIUZED CONSTRUCTOR ENTRANCES. 2 PREPARE TEMPORARY PARKING AND STORAGE AREA 3. INSTALL TIE PPE -GRACING SILT FENCES AND INLET PROTECTION BMPe ON ME SIM. 4. CONSTRUCT ALL PRE -GRADING EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL BMP& 5. COMPLEX MASS GRAINNG AND INSTALL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING AND PLANING. 6. CONSTRICT POST -GRADING SILT PENCE ON THE SM. -- STREET & UTILITY PHASE' 1. INSTALL UTUTES, UNDERDRAIN% STORM SEWERS, WIRES AND COTTERS 2 INSTALL RIP RAP AROUND WT ET STRUCTURES S INSTALL INET PROMCPON AROUND ALL STORM SEVEN STRUCTURES. 4. PREPARE SITE MR PANNG. S. PAVE STE. 6. INSTALL INLET PROTECTION DEMCES 7. INSTAL. POST STREET AND UTUTY SILT PENCE 6. REMOVE ALL TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEMCES (ONLY IF SIM IS STABILIZED), IF REWIRED BY TRE CONTRACT SWPPP BMP QUANTITIES (PER PLAN): DISTURBED AREA 15.0 AC SLT FENCE 8.548 LF INLET PROTECTION 40 EA BIOROLL TBD W/ FINAL PLANS SEED/SOD POST GRADING AREA 20.5 AC NOTE: 1. SEE SHEET 17 FOR ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES AND DETAILS SEDIMENT BARRIERS 1. SILT FENCE (MODOT 3886) ANT -TRACKING CONTROI 1. 2' CRUSHED CLEAR ROCK STAR1117ATM BMP'c 1. STRAW/HAY 2. CURB LOG 3. ROCK WEEPER (LAND DEVELOPMENT) MnDOT TYPE 1 MULCH 2. EROSION CONTROL BLANKET TNI FT TEMPORARY REED M X MnDOT CAT. 3 PROTFfTQN DFMfFe 1. W1MC0 (MnDOT TWE A & C) 1. MnDOi-100 (OATS 20-120 DAY STABIUZATON) A DOHYDROTMIJUCH TYPE 5 2. INFRASAFE STORM GRAIN /CULVERT 3. SILT SACK MnDA OT TWE ( ) 2. Mn00T-150 (1-2 YEAR STASIUZATION) q TURF REINFORCEMENT MAT 4. DANDY BAC (MnDOT TWE B) ppRMAN Ni $FFD MX/STAR 7 SC250 NORTH AMERICAN GREEN OR EQUAL-MNDOi CAT 6 1. MnDOT 270 (RESIDENTAL TURF) z z 2. SOD GRADING Acm^tt 1. CONCRETE WASHOUT IS DONE BY TRUCK WM A MOBILE WASHOUT CO SYSTEM PROMDED AND COMPLETED n N BY TRE CONCRETE CONTRACTOR. ACTIVE SWPPP SCHEDULE WNSTRUCnON SEQUENCE APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN PUB MAR APR MULCH BERM FISEfR ROLLS / MULCH SOCKS SILT PENCE TEMPORARY MULCH COVflt TENPORART H19 .LGH EROSION CONTROL B.oET RIX]( DRIVEWAY / ROAR PADS UNEP PROTECTION DEVOIS PAVEMENT (DRIVEWAYMOADS) SW STOCKPILES NOTE: CONTRACTOR, GENERAL CONTRACTOR OR SWPPP INSPECTOR TO COMPLETE TABLE AS GRADING PROGRESSES GONYEA HOMES & REMODELING$ 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 OFFICE: 7634324500 FAX: 7634324501 46 ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612 758.3080 MAIN 612.758.3099 PAx www.allianFinc.com DESIGNED: MPR DRAWN: ELL PROJECT NO: 215-0119 14 SHEET 14 of 32 3 IL J O J a z z k O U CO z Z n N WW on C_ ❑ Go F JW ED0 a N ED �z > ❑ 5� a a ❑ OW Z z O �� 2 O Di J N oQ W O O m u EL W NnbY catl11or mot iF ¢ plan, spedticafI.. ...a was prepared by me or under my dire.f cupervalan end That I e. a duly Deemed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under In. laws of Me St.f. of MINNESOTA MARK BAUSCH. PE Dat. ..... No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL 9 DATE DATE ISSUE DESIGNED: MPR DRAWN: ELL PROJECT NO: 215-0119 14 SHEET 14 of 32 aael�ail. .A Z- We, PENCE MACHIN BTSM j AT n. MAX. XPAreW"RE-1 rC.orz,- AeMc ;TX mara OF� ° � BUT AND, or I N ILW ss A-- J A. w3 nl H X cuiul,°�im.' LT RUPEE, TRUANT LI NPRIPBIERABPE _ CanSI:MCTION tAT.tt a I: fi� ARTAN aN�T PENCE THAT PEREMINPR CpNMIL affffSILT IMMM I FENCE Tp xNIE¢WwAUEIa\w6 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I-"-"-- 5300 EROSION CONTROL GENERAL NOTES: We i"-] CLEAN CRUSHED ROCK 7MQ Mas°"v„x /:Fcy c / v •MJGUAI IN Fx RN IHD"MIN.IXPTH FGR WDDD.^HIPSaRn 9N M W N 13" 4NIMUMAOFF 3ERN 10 TO MINIMIZE gVIICFF FROM SITE FUER ENDING NOTE: io ERO'PKlo uSIICPPRBBE� iNRCEOGX pp AKROG% Ad YIIy ROCK GEM CONSTRUCTION Uml1e M ENTRANCE Irt`.aFR I -IO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT NAR XP. 5301 1. NO LAND MOURE ST ACTNITY SHALL 0.C' W UMI- A GRADING PERMIT INS BEEN FINED FROM ME CRY OF MARENUMEN AND TIE WTERSHEO BISTRICI. Z. BEEF MANAGEMENT PRODUCES (PAP'S) REFER TO EROSION AND SEDIMENT MXIR0. PMLTCES DEME) IN ME IBCA FAOTE W WAILR OVWIY NI URBAN aff/9 AND TIE MINNE501A MNSIRUCRON SUE EMERN AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLUMBING WBICBWK. 3. ALL BMP'S SELECTED BVL. BE APNNMR PRMR THE TIME OF RINS. BE CONDRIIXIj AND ESTMATED Dutow. Or LEE. 4. ALL YARN AND IMTERWS ENVL SE CIXISFRLCIED ACCORDING TO ME MPRWID PLANS. ANY D... FROM THE APPROVED FINIS SHALL RESIDUE MBUFN MPRWAL FROM ME EHGMEER OF REWNE S. A COPY W MESE PUNS MUST BE ON ME 1. SUE WNBIEVBi WIETRIII.T.. M IN %M',RESS 6. ME BWW RUES OF ME LAND DISNRBWCE IMUS SHOWN OR ME PIANS SHALL BE CIF 1 FVA"EO M ME MUST PRCR M MISIRU=M. NO D6NPB ' BMW ME DSNRBED UMTS, 7. VNEREYW KRONE, PR6BhE ME GISTND TREES, ORA4 µD OTHER VEGEW NE ONMR M NELP FUER .M., B. ESFABUSH A PERMANENT VEGEFMNE COVER ON All gPoSED BEES MERE LAND, IS MMLVG WF OF AGKKUWRAL PRCWCMN, PLANT AS SOON AS FOSEBUS M ESF . SENSE GRASS FILTER Phi M CONSTRUCTION µD M MINIMIZE WEED GNiNlll B. ALL WEEK NM TRIED FOR REMWK SIAL BE P. .. W NOT OPERATE EQUPMENT.1. ME DRIPUNE ROOT ZONES OR SUHIN TREE P.WFECTg4 FENCE TEAS. 10. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT MMM IMILIDES ( FP; RXNL SE IXSRIDED MOON OPF W NM PRIOR M LAND gSNRBW LE ALTNIIES µD THEY $MNL BE SITBFRCTORIOr MMMNFED UNTIL COEIDERDOWN 6 COMPLEIEO AND ME KINGDOM FOR EROSION HURS PASSAGE 11. SILT FENCE IS REQUIRFO AT DOWN GRADIENT PERIMEIFR OF GEM. AREAS µ0 $FWNRILS. PROIECF NEIVNOS. WATERCOURSES µD ADJACENT PROPBTIES pre. $EGRRMATIGN µ0 S CERNAMFR SUM, 12. ME RMYS SHOWN ON ME RNHS µE ME MINIMUM �IR.. Foup ME AS CCHSIRVLTON PROGRESSES AND W D UNEXPECOM OR SFARY CONO.. pURALL, IMA1E0 SUE WNp1IDH5, E PERMNIEE/COMRACMR SHALL ANTICIPATE THAT MORE BIAP'S WILL BE NECESSM' TO ENSURE µ0 SEDIMENT CONTROL ON THE SUE DURING ME COLUSE OF CONSTRUCTION. IT AS ME RESPoNGRUIY OF ME PGMTRE/CONTRACTOR TO AGURFSS W NEW COXNIIONS THAT MAY BE DR. By CONSTRUCTION ACIMRES µ0/pN OF BE N CJNATGN ME EVENTS µD i0 BECAME ANWWNL BUYS O/ER µ0 µTE ME MIMMU µREWIFEMEMS SITY.YX O%AVS. M IMV ®ED M PRWIBE BFECITrE NHORCIION WATER 0 ERIC RESOURCE 13. ME BMP5 SIAL -1. BE INSPECTED CµY BY ME FERMRIFE/WHIMCIgi µ0 VaMAMEO AS XEC65NY M ENSURE MEW COMIXUEB NNCROMENO. SLi FENS WOODS ED RFPWFD AT SEDIMENT BUILDUP OF 1/3 OF ME FENCE HEIGHT. 14. W0 MSNRBING ACT. M SMALL OCCUR IN WCRD OF wgNWBLE SIZE SUM TMi µW ONE CONTROL VN BE BROADER MROUWOJF ALL PRISES OF CWSSU E. ME S. FAMTGL µFA SIWL BE EMMSCO be TAT ERMAGE E STURGED M ANY GXE TME 15. OMMM TUCK EQUIPMENT (WZW UP µEM SED DOWN ESED SML U. ON RWL P.LGS, IEANXG TNCI( GRWMII PERPENDICULAR TO MC MOPE W NOT BACK-BVOE LEAVE A SURFACE ROUGH M MNIMIZE MEW.R. 16. ALL µG5 DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SMALL SE SFMTBPo MGM EROSION MATIN 7 GS BE SUESFPNML SON"PEON OF ONNW N TUT AAE, TRPoRARY BEED µ0 MULCH SINCE CON. ALL pPpSFD NE, IF COMING COMPLETON IS DEUYED LONGER TNN 7 BAYOU PEWMNEM SEW AW MISCH OR SOD 6 REOULRED WFUR 3 Gn BE CgINERON OF NH4 DRAONO. I7. GENERAL 1EMBSPARR SEED S UA L BE MXGOT MM 160 Se MO LRS. FETE WERE OR AFPRDIFp EGUV. PERNWFM SPUN SHALL BE NINON MX 270 C 120 M. PER ACRE OR MPMMD SOCIAL, (NUMBERS,sm, PER SPEC Z57S) MILLER SIWL HE JESSE TYPE 1 (CLEAN NO SUUM O 2 MI6 PER ORE AND DISK .CI . IH PLACE OR APPWICO EOWV" ME Z. EIWL BE W -BO -.W NPN NR AME (UNLESS P REBSC71W5 APPLY) AND INWRPoGTEO INTO ME SIM BCO. N. WERAND BUFFER MFRS SIWL BE SEEING IN AWOEgWLE 1RIX VNDSGA PLR. 19. AUL MAXMARY MSON µD SEDIMENT LONIR0. MEASURES SHALL SE RMPOM.Y DIUREG ED OF BONN Ti (30) G15 AFTER - 511E BFMWUTW S GOUGED W OFTUN ME 1FAIPoPIAI' MEWIMS ME W LONGER NEEDED. 20, µ KTFG7E EROSION B SEDIMENT CONTROL- WART SNVL SE REWIRED Epi VNO DISNRGNCES ON FICH WT AS P. GS OHY iVNED BULDMG PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SMUCUMES µ0 DRNFMTS EROSION CONTROL SCHEDULE: SEDIMENT TRAP MANUEACTUREO BY WIYCTLLC SHLOPEE, MN., EMS ]ROS., CORCOR4J, MN, OR EQUAL S>ll/XA M14i PALO S^A4^`%. SJ� m WAAM ME 11 - MODELNCG23 m m arc wI-IEnpR OP"RE.q 1 .awe -BP 6r zs mF N'.aBRNBEMR. C4'2' �• LES-}J.1.Y XQv-now raWG TES. H CLW, FILTER MEGA Arnp EACH RAN EYJJT AND REP -AAE IF FILTER IS CAGGEO WITH SEGMENT 2. REMOVE DEBRIS/SEDIMENT PASO RECEPTACLE AFTER INCH RAN EVENT, QITOP CATCH BASIN omw SEDIMENT TRAP TIE xu5a w ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PALL xo" 5302A 1. PRIOR i0 µY COXSIINCMN OR ...OK SILT FENCE µ0 FILTERS SNALL BE INSFALLED M MOON TO INIFFCEPT RUxCPF. 2. ALL EROSION CONTROL INEGUNTUR NE SWll REMVN M PEACE µD BE ..NO M DOW COMMON W TIE CIXPRPC UNTIL ME EIDE HAS BEEN pE-YEL£TAIEO. CONNAMOST WY Be. NECESSARY SET FEW NL/TILTAS M Cp1.. RONWATS, WHILE Iµ MNNWG ADEQUATE CAMPION CONTROL IN ADJACENT NffA 5. SUFFICIENT T L 91NL BE STOLAPIRFD i0 NLOM FORT ME REPLACOMEM OF 4" OF MARK MR g ROM ARMS TO BE Po-VECETgiEO. 4. ME MNTNC SIAL SCHEDULE SUE GRADING. BTXDT I.ISTaNTON AND PAVEMENT DGMERNCWN W THAT ME GENERAL. SUE GN BE MULCHED µ0 RE -SEEDED BONNARTU R pI5NR8WCE µEPS THAT WILL WE BE SUSPECT i0 CONSTRUCTION TAP, SHALL EE S®ED (NSM! QM 180 O Hypi µ0 WRCXED OR SOCO. WTNM SEVEN (7) NOS CF BONG OBMMM. 5. WNNKTNi SMNL INSTALL EROSION MMROL DIVIDES AS INDICTED ON THIS CEMENT CONTROL PVN AND ANY PLMpNAL REQUIRED B45ED ON YGNj NEUW W AND SEQUENCES OF Wl1STRU ON. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES: I- SEDIMENT CONIpM PRACTICES MOST MINIMIZE SEDIMENT FROM FNIEANG SURFACE WATA, INCLUDING CUL. AND NEEDED BYUSING µ0 GROWN SEWER IN. 2. BEBILEXT CON ME %LLRC. MUST BE 6... M ML BONN OpµIFM PERAMEM BEME ANI RUPGRADIEM LAW MISLEADING ACUYT116 BEGIN. MINE PRACTICES SHALL REIWN W RACE VNW FINAL. STABILIZATION TAX BEEN ESTABISNED. 3. ME TIMING OF ME MM.WAMX OF SEGMENT CONIRO" PPµTGES MAY BE µlI15RED M µWMMOSCE S.dT-1ERM MIMTI6 EACH AS ... CR GRWBING. OR PASSAGE OF "B BJERE ABU MWT-TERM ACTNRY MVM BE Co. AS W., AS POSSNI£ MR ME BEDIYGU WNIPM ARNEWSS YUGF BE INSTALLED IMMEL Y AFTER ME ACTMTY N CONPIETED, NONE4FR, SEDINGAN WM.PoL PRALINES .REE NE INSTNLW ..BE UPS NIXT PREMWNUON EVENT CEI IF ME ACBMY 6 NOT COMPLGE 4. AL..... NREW NOSE BE PW2CIE0 BI MPppy,N' NFE WRING CM MUMON UNTIL ALL MARKED MT. ME. FOR OISHNµGWG M ME REME NAME BEEN STµIIIED. 5. TMFgtA4Y WL STOCIIPIRES MUM HAVE SILT FEXC6 OR OMG GTECRN£ BEDIYEM COMPOTES. µD GANNET BE PLACED IN SURFACE WATER , INCLUDING GRgW WATER GIXNETµCES SUCH AS CURB AND GUTER BYGSMS, AN CONWUS AND DENNIS. 6. SITE CWLMMCUON ENIRNCES JELL BE AS SHOWN 04 ME PLM. ROCK CONS.OI ENTRANCES SRWll BE IXBTALFB AT SAM ENTRANCE. FINAL STABILIZATION: THE CDNSKTOR MUST EIRE FINN SEABILIUTON BE ME EUE ME CMUGCFOR MUST SUBMIT A NOTICE 0E MINIMUM (NOT) W IN 30 GM NT EV MAL STµIL NM IS COMPLETE. OR AMTMES ONIFR/OPESSAMR (PERMITIE£) WS ASEAN. CONTROL OE ALL. AREAS W ME BITE TNNAV T E WMT V.E iNN. SFµlUMNON. FINAL BFMI ON Cµ BU ACl11EM0 IN ME FOLLOMW WAT: ALL. ME DISRMBING KT M M ME ME INSEE BEEN COMPLETED AND NL WINS MUST AS ME SUE MER CONSTSTNRACTED ANLTWISCO\MPL CRVN FROM ,Mo.. EROSgN: YVUU ST BE BE MµBZED M BE NL T PW SMXETC. µ0 SIRLYTIIPAL EROSION P EVENFRON µD SEDIMENT CONTROL SED I" AST GET FENCE) MUST BE M.AS PNR CF ME SUE REALPEAR E TW: µ0 C THE CANIPACTORS MUSE CLEAN RITE NL SEGMENT FROM WMEYNILE4 µ0 Lam_ m, aPn-a.T.m.LT.Naa. - rt X ro-I Me aos\ac1eS Nolen A.,/.,l 6ewle,, P't.ty IN t aeB, WU con Pool, ..B Amer ;BAN. Hole a WHUM-Nt ACAG' ea aM <A ", clmlai-1 Ny Nmnp -W1' cenYen -PHape PAAmH, • '.NA_N< amlMa wn nM.N. Mar a A. `M' N... aneDW, .1 kna. • Sea HURT ANNE .INET. 25e] N, sea. �E91.A E.nnel A. gaaa n IM,Ma. mn TMWmwa Pa a E. e w P.A.AE, MAHN. R DAMAGE a OE `NPeHF9 s. f6 I", -el team ON-RUalun Ana .^I b A.-d.B H.n at a Bqm of RAN" R... Pv4nela-NNav -Tal a1 ;All. d, -rd Noau IomAdy NHEr 1-1 e 11 N.Mae of TI, galby B e STAB mwgy B.011m. • 51 ARE SIe4a LAN I:1 AN Imbue UM -.. Rahn el Be at.. naB a LEXaEa .n HX.Pm1--WHa,y.1 Pm.m aPCA'd • Sxa WO.t ar- BNS. 25]5. SMHaa-.A. MNA...- IFN t0 • AH--XAAd NSE Bama II eMae I. MY EROSION CONTROL FOR MUM INDIVIDUAL LOTS (TYP.) hrgMM;M7,7.-,j ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I -"- 53028 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM: 1. INSPECT BIT FENCES IWMKY AFTER FICA RIINFNL aro AT LFA4T DAILY DURING PPoIAWiED RNNFNL IYXESLAELY Mare. FAILED OR I.E. BILI "ED 2. REPLACES. - Ned. 51WL BE POEWE0'Poo Y WHEN R SECT FBSES OR BECOMES INEFFECU2 BEFORE ME BWRIFR 6 NO LONGER EMOTIONS. 3. ALLIMEM R. - SEOIMEM OEP . SHOULD BE ".. AFTER, GLM Mand EVEN. ENTER MUCT BE REMOv£D WMEN L1EPo505 Muhl A.PROXWTELY RIE -M. ME HEIGHT OF THE MARK, µY SEDIYEM RBWNING IN 1. NIFR ME SILT FENCE OR AFTER FABRIC R NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL. ES SUBS'. TO CONFWM MM WRITING GMOE PREPARED, AND SEEDED W11M THE APPROPRIATE SEES MIM, OR OW.EO AS DIRECTED B1 THE ENGINEER. 4. REMMA. OF MIT [BN - SILT FORCES MADE. ES ISYbaEO WHEN MET WE $ERVID TIGER USFFVL PURFDSF. &IT NOT BEFORE ME OPNNA INTERIM AREA N44 BEEN PERRL BW REMEMBER). IF ME UFWµO SLOPING µG 6 M BE EYPOOED LOWER TWWSRX B) WO E. THAT MG GAVE. BE -ED WDM LEY. WGERAWN WNEH , EIdos-0. (5]. ME WMRK MIDST MIUTNFLY .SPEC! ME MR. En ONBE MG, SMI GRGIER l.µ.. GypkINCHCCOS INNSIRVCII.NESµD WT HIX 24 IKURB MER A RNNIALL FINITE 6. ALW L INSPEBNS AND MAINTENANCEWNDUCTUBT WRING CONMEECTIJN MUST BE REWRCCO IN WNNIXC 10 MESE 111, MUST BE Ky. WRH ME SA1WP RECORM OF M. INSEECTON µD WIXIEN . ACTIN SWVL INCLUDD, A DARE µ0 RUE BE NSIDENSNS: B. NWE OF PBSON(S CONDUCTING INSPECMN% C. MRMS qc MSFE ONS INCLUMM RECOMYENOATWS AOR WIFE. ALFAS: D. CpWECME MAGE TA EN (INGLWING ]WEE. MUM. µD Pµ WYRES MVMENµCE ALIM6. E GATE AND AMOUNT OF ALL RNNGLL GEMS GRGTFR THAN 1/2 ( IMOII OTS IWM6) N 24.W B: F. CCC.. OF CHANGED RINE M ME MINE` µ RESUMED N PAM AIA.. 7. WHERE PARS OF ME WHSIMMRON 91E WE UNDERWXE ARM. BTM..K BN WORK REMAINS ON OTHER BMW OF SUE MSPECTONS OF TIE STµUEID µE 9 WY BE FREEDOM M ONCE FIR MMC... WHERE ROGER HAS BEER SUSIµOEO SUE M PAZEN GROUND WHORIDIIB, ME RELVIFED INSPFLTOXS AND MVMFIIWCE MEAT TAME PULE µ OWN µ WNNT MCIR$ AT ME 515 BE PRIOR TO RESUMING C0161PIJCTCN. WIPMEMR CCN6 FlBE POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES: NE COMPOCICR SHALL IMPLEMENT ME FgLONNG POLLNUON PRMNTON WJY6EUMEM Y... ON THE MET 1 WEE, WASTE WLLECIER PEDIMENT, ASPHALT AND COMEES MI.. PMTNG WEBS. PAW. NURSING. Whop. COIGT .. µ0 ...0.... aA OTTER WATITE W5F BE BbM5E0 OF flMPERLY µ0 MUSE COXPLT WT. MPG GRONSS E gEWIREMENR. 2. NA7A®OVS M4TThOL DEL. GSOUXE PNM µD MT HVMOOW SLBSFaMfS .USF BE PgDPERLY SNPEO. IXCLUOING SEIXNGRI COMaWFNF. M PIE]EHT SPILLS, LI OR ORNER BBCRAME RESTEE D PCCESS M STp+KE AREAS UST SE PNrMCO M Pd. M. SMRAZ£ µ0 pSPoSLL DP IN .. RAME MUST BE IX CONPYNLE NTH MPG REGUVTpNS, 3. COMPETE WASH]IU IS MANE Tfi1CK By MUIX WITH A WBIE WMIPoN MTGI PRNMEI µD COMPLETED BYME LpNcgES cMIEWLFaq. FOR. MUM BE DERROMES, ALIO wµlE P.I, 0... 1.. 4. W MINE PACKAGING B ALWWED W SITE WOMEN LATIN SHALL BE NAI.£D 2" x 0" HORIZONTAL MEMBERS ESTRELY TO ME FUST MEMBER CWTNUWS GbJ1ID TOP AND TO SECURE FILTER FABRIC. BOTTOM. A I STED i0 EACH 1051 9NO R -16D COMMON NAILS 2" xx S LONG MONP<ILAVEYT cLo2ATA1 WOOD `POSTS. B REDO. FABRIC As PER ROTE BLE USES -I MANNI SUSSE), AOOmONAL S -MC OF FASPIC T.I AT BOTTOM OF BOA T 0" EPBRIC FLAP_ BURY i Ei MAC TO PREVENT UWARWASMNG �- WASHED ROCK 1DEEP x 2' Y.1DE MTrs. CONTRICTOR SHALL CCNNRUCT SET BOR M FN AROUND FEE LCCAT STRUCTURE YAM 6' MINIMUM at CE TO EOOEE He STRUCTURE. CLT BOX TO BE PLACED ON AN EVER SURFACE 6' BROW STRUCTURE OPENI.'IG. TOP OF SILT BOX TO ERTEED IE MINIMUM ABO\E POLSTER GRADE, SILT BOX SEDIMENT TRAP ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I"May": 5302G �I mu, w.xmp'mnl nT, A.- ASAAAA ernme- fie, F�I SRWnxAA.aw" COUNAM-1- ERG90x WN10.0L9PXIRT IMTATNDCH FOP P�M�N P�� °°Nssa NDZ p°P GONYEA HOMES & REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 OFFICE: 7634324500 FAX: 763432-4501 6 ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 NOUN 612.758.3099 FAX www.alliant-inc,corn r- A ANAN I LE Q:nxu m- J ,, w3 H X cuiul,°�im.' SILr PExcE PREAssEMBLEO(YD S-acC I L65 FTxKKixA� num NAP 1.a, uET WW SOUNCE A IX nlEx MAw Tm If F4T 11-1 G �aWsl�m.1EADD LOCPTON M SLi FENCE "I QNIRGYA t M . rN I nva z NPRIPBIERABPE _ CanSI:MCTION tAT.tt a I: fi� ARTAN aN�T PENCE THAT PEREMINPR CpNMIL affffSILT IMMM I FENCE Tp xNIE¢WwAUEIa\w6 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I-"-"-- 5300 EROSION CONTROL GENERAL NOTES: We i"-] CLEAN CRUSHED ROCK 7MQ Mas°"v„x /:Fcy c / v •MJGUAI IN Fx RN IHD"MIN.IXPTH FGR WDDD.^HIPSaRn 9N M W N 13" 4NIMUMAOFF 3ERN 10 TO MINIMIZE gVIICFF FROM SITE FUER ENDING NOTE: io ERO'PKlo uSIICPPRBBE� iNRCEOGX pp AKROG% Ad YIIy ROCK GEM CONSTRUCTION Uml1e M ENTRANCE Irt`.aFR I -IO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT NAR XP. 5301 1. NO LAND MOURE ST ACTNITY SHALL 0.C' W UMI- A GRADING PERMIT INS BEEN FINED FROM ME CRY OF MARENUMEN AND TIE WTERSHEO BISTRICI. Z. BEEF MANAGEMENT PRODUCES (PAP'S) REFER TO EROSION AND SEDIMENT MXIR0. PMLTCES DEME) IN ME IBCA FAOTE W WAILR OVWIY NI URBAN aff/9 AND TIE MINNE501A MNSIRUCRON SUE EMERN AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLUMBING WBICBWK. 3. ALL BMP'S SELECTED BVL. BE APNNMR PRMR THE TIME OF RINS. BE CONDRIIXIj AND ESTMATED Dutow. Or LEE. 4. ALL YARN AND IMTERWS ENVL SE CIXISFRLCIED ACCORDING TO ME MPRWID PLANS. ANY D... FROM THE APPROVED FINIS SHALL RESIDUE MBUFN MPRWAL FROM ME EHGMEER OF REWNE S. A COPY W MESE PUNS MUST BE ON ME 1. SUE WNBIEVBi WIETRIII.T.. M IN %M',RESS 6. ME BWW RUES OF ME LAND DISNRBWCE IMUS SHOWN OR ME PIANS SHALL BE CIF 1 FVA"EO M ME MUST PRCR M MISIRU=M. NO D6NPB ' BMW ME DSNRBED UMTS, 7. VNEREYW KRONE, PR6BhE ME GISTND TREES, ORA4 µD OTHER VEGEW NE ONMR M NELP FUER .M., B. ESFABUSH A PERMANENT VEGEFMNE COVER ON All gPoSED BEES MERE LAND, IS MMLVG WF OF AGKKUWRAL PRCWCMN, PLANT AS SOON AS FOSEBUS M ESF . SENSE GRASS FILTER Phi M CONSTRUCTION µD M MINIMIZE WEED GNiNlll B. ALL WEEK NM TRIED FOR REMWK SIAL BE P. .. W NOT OPERATE EQUPMENT.1. ME DRIPUNE ROOT ZONES OR SUHIN TREE P.WFECTg4 FENCE TEAS. 10. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT MMM IMILIDES ( FP; RXNL SE IXSRIDED MOON OPF W NM PRIOR M LAND gSNRBW LE ALTNIIES µD THEY $MNL BE SITBFRCTORIOr MMMNFED UNTIL COEIDERDOWN 6 COMPLEIEO AND ME KINGDOM FOR EROSION HURS PASSAGE 11. SILT FENCE IS REQUIRFO AT DOWN GRADIENT PERIMEIFR OF GEM. AREAS µ0 $FWNRILS. PROIECF NEIVNOS. WATERCOURSES µD ADJACENT PROPBTIES pre. $EGRRMATIGN µ0 S CERNAMFR SUM, 12. ME RMYS SHOWN ON ME RNHS µE ME MINIMUM �IR.. Foup ME AS CCHSIRVLTON PROGRESSES AND W D UNEXPECOM OR SFARY CONO.. pURALL, IMA1E0 SUE WNp1IDH5, E PERMNIEE/COMRACMR SHALL ANTICIPATE THAT MORE BIAP'S WILL BE NECESSM' TO ENSURE µ0 SEDIMENT CONTROL ON THE SUE DURING ME COLUSE OF CONSTRUCTION. IT AS ME RESPoNGRUIY OF ME PGMTRE/CONTRACTOR TO AGURFSS W NEW COXNIIONS THAT MAY BE DR. By CONSTRUCTION ACIMRES µ0/pN OF BE N CJNATGN ME EVENTS µD i0 BECAME ANWWNL BUYS O/ER µ0 µTE ME MIMMU µREWIFEMEMS SITY.YX O%AVS. M IMV ®ED M PRWIBE BFECITrE NHORCIION WATER 0 ERIC RESOURCE 13. ME BMP5 SIAL -1. BE INSPECTED CµY BY ME FERMRIFE/WHIMCIgi µ0 VaMAMEO AS XEC65NY M ENSURE MEW COMIXUEB NNCROMENO. SLi FENS WOODS ED RFPWFD AT SEDIMENT BUILDUP OF 1/3 OF ME FENCE HEIGHT. 14. W0 MSNRBING ACT. M SMALL OCCUR IN WCRD OF wgNWBLE SIZE SUM TMi µW ONE CONTROL VN BE BROADER MROUWOJF ALL PRISES OF CWSSU E. ME S. FAMTGL µFA SIWL BE EMMSCO be TAT ERMAGE E STURGED M ANY GXE TME 15. OMMM TUCK EQUIPMENT (WZW UP µEM SED DOWN ESED SML U. ON RWL P.LGS, IEANXG TNCI( GRWMII PERPENDICULAR TO MC MOPE W NOT BACK-BVOE LEAVE A SURFACE ROUGH M MNIMIZE MEW.R. 16. ALL µG5 DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION SMALL SE SFMTBPo MGM EROSION MATIN 7 GS BE SUESFPNML SON"PEON OF ONNW N TUT AAE, TRPoRARY BEED µ0 MULCH SINCE CON. ALL pPpSFD NE, IF COMING COMPLETON IS DEUYED LONGER TNN 7 BAYOU PEWMNEM SEW AW MISCH OR SOD 6 REOULRED WFUR 3 Gn BE CgINERON OF NH4 DRAONO. I7. GENERAL 1EMBSPARR SEED S UA L BE MXGOT MM 160 Se MO LRS. FETE WERE OR AFPRDIFp EGUV. PERNWFM SPUN SHALL BE NINON MX 270 C 120 M. PER ACRE OR MPMMD SOCIAL, (NUMBERS,sm, PER SPEC Z57S) MILLER SIWL HE JESSE TYPE 1 (CLEAN NO SUUM O 2 MI6 PER ORE AND DISK .CI . IH PLACE OR APPWICO EOWV" ME Z. EIWL BE W -BO -.W NPN NR AME (UNLESS P REBSC71W5 APPLY) AND INWRPoGTEO INTO ME SIM BCO. N. WERAND BUFFER MFRS SIWL BE SEEING IN AWOEgWLE 1RIX VNDSGA PLR. 19. AUL MAXMARY MSON µD SEDIMENT LONIR0. MEASURES SHALL SE RMPOM.Y DIUREG ED OF BONN Ti (30) G15 AFTER - 511E BFMWUTW S GOUGED W OFTUN ME 1FAIPoPIAI' MEWIMS ME W LONGER NEEDED. 20, µ KTFG7E EROSION B SEDIMENT CONTROL- WART SNVL SE REWIRED Epi VNO DISNRGNCES ON FICH WT AS P. GS OHY iVNED BULDMG PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF SMUCUMES µ0 DRNFMTS EROSION CONTROL SCHEDULE: SEDIMENT TRAP MANUEACTUREO BY WIYCTLLC SHLOPEE, MN., EMS ]ROS., CORCOR4J, MN, OR EQUAL S>ll/XA M14i PALO S^A4^`%. SJ� m WAAM ME 11 - MODELNCG23 m m arc wI-IEnpR OP"RE.q 1 .awe -BP 6r zs mF N'.aBRNBEMR. C4'2' �• LES-}J.1.Y XQv-now raWG TES. H CLW, FILTER MEGA Arnp EACH RAN EYJJT AND REP -AAE IF FILTER IS CAGGEO WITH SEGMENT 2. REMOVE DEBRIS/SEDIMENT PASO RECEPTACLE AFTER INCH RAN EVENT, QITOP CATCH BASIN omw SEDIMENT TRAP TIE xu5a w ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT PALL xo" 5302A 1. PRIOR i0 µY COXSIINCMN OR ...OK SILT FENCE µ0 FILTERS SNALL BE INSFALLED M MOON TO INIFFCEPT RUxCPF. 2. ALL EROSION CONTROL INEGUNTUR NE SWll REMVN M PEACE µD BE ..NO M DOW COMMON W TIE CIXPRPC UNTIL ME EIDE HAS BEEN pE-YEL£TAIEO. CONNAMOST WY Be. NECESSARY SET FEW NL/TILTAS M Cp1.. RONWATS, WHILE Iµ MNNWG ADEQUATE CAMPION CONTROL IN ADJACENT NffA 5. SUFFICIENT T L 91NL BE STOLAPIRFD i0 NLOM FORT ME REPLACOMEM OF 4" OF MARK MR g ROM ARMS TO BE Po-VECETgiEO. 4. ME MNTNC SIAL SCHEDULE SUE GRADING. BTXDT I.ISTaNTON AND PAVEMENT DGMERNCWN W THAT ME GENERAL. SUE GN BE MULCHED µ0 RE -SEEDED BONNARTU R pI5NR8WCE µEPS THAT WILL WE BE SUSPECT i0 CONSTRUCTION TAP, SHALL EE S®ED (NSM! QM 180 O Hypi µ0 WRCXED OR SOCO. WTNM SEVEN (7) NOS CF BONG OBMMM. 5. WNNKTNi SMNL INSTALL EROSION MMROL DIVIDES AS INDICTED ON THIS CEMENT CONTROL PVN AND ANY PLMpNAL REQUIRED B45ED ON YGNj NEUW W AND SEQUENCES OF Wl1STRU ON. SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES: I- SEDIMENT CONIpM PRACTICES MOST MINIMIZE SEDIMENT FROM FNIEANG SURFACE WATA, INCLUDING CUL. AND NEEDED BYUSING µ0 GROWN SEWER IN. 2. BEBILEXT CON ME %LLRC. MUST BE 6... M ML BONN OpµIFM PERAMEM BEME ANI RUPGRADIEM LAW MISLEADING ACUYT116 BEGIN. MINE PRACTICES SHALL REIWN W RACE VNW FINAL. STABILIZATION TAX BEEN ESTABISNED. 3. ME TIMING OF ME MM.WAMX OF SEGMENT CONIRO" PPµTGES MAY BE µlI15RED M µWMMOSCE S.dT-1ERM MIMTI6 EACH AS ... CR GRWBING. OR PASSAGE OF "B BJERE ABU MWT-TERM ACTNRY MVM BE Co. AS W., AS POSSNI£ MR ME BEDIYGU WNIPM ARNEWSS YUGF BE INSTALLED IMMEL Y AFTER ME ACTMTY N CONPIETED, NONE4FR, SEDINGAN WM.PoL PRALINES .REE NE INSTNLW ..BE UPS NIXT PREMWNUON EVENT CEI IF ME ACBMY 6 NOT COMPLGE 4. AL..... NREW NOSE BE PW2CIE0 BI MPppy,N' NFE WRING CM MUMON UNTIL ALL MARKED MT. ME. FOR OISHNµGWG M ME REME NAME BEEN STµIIIED. 5. TMFgtA4Y WL STOCIIPIRES MUM HAVE SILT FEXC6 OR OMG GTECRN£ BEDIYEM COMPOTES. µD GANNET BE PLACED IN SURFACE WATER , INCLUDING GRgW WATER GIXNETµCES SUCH AS CURB AND GUTER BYGSMS, AN CONWUS AND DENNIS. 6. SITE CWLMMCUON ENIRNCES JELL BE AS SHOWN 04 ME PLM. ROCK CONS.OI ENTRANCES SRWll BE IXBTALFB AT SAM ENTRANCE. FINAL STABILIZATION: THE CDNSKTOR MUST EIRE FINN SEABILIUTON BE ME EUE ME CMUGCFOR MUST SUBMIT A NOTICE 0E MINIMUM (NOT) W IN 30 GM NT EV MAL STµIL NM IS COMPLETE. OR AMTMES ONIFR/OPESSAMR (PERMITIE£) WS ASEAN. CONTROL OE ALL. AREAS W ME BITE TNNAV T E WMT V.E iNN. SFµlUMNON. FINAL BFMI ON Cµ BU ACl11EM0 IN ME FOLLOMW WAT: ALL. ME DISRMBING KT M M ME ME INSEE BEEN COMPLETED AND NL WINS MUST AS ME SUE MER CONSTSTNRACTED ANLTWISCO\MPL CRVN FROM ,Mo.. EROSgN: YVUU ST BE BE MµBZED M BE NL T PW SMXETC. µ0 SIRLYTIIPAL EROSION P EVENFRON µD SEDIMENT CONTROL SED I" AST GET FENCE) MUST BE M.AS PNR CF ME SUE REALPEAR E TW: µ0 C THE CANIPACTORS MUSE CLEAN RITE NL SEGMENT FROM WMEYNILE4 µ0 Lam_ m, aPn-a.T.m.LT.Naa. - rt X ro-I Me aos\ac1eS Nolen A.,/.,l 6ewle,, P't.ty IN t aeB, WU con Pool, ..B Amer ;BAN. Hole a WHUM-Nt ACAG' ea aM <A ", clmlai-1 Ny Nmnp -W1' cenYen -PHape PAAmH, • '.NA_N< amlMa wn nM.N. Mar a A. `M' N... aneDW, .1 kna. • Sea HURT ANNE .INET. 25e] N, sea. �E91.A E.nnel A. gaaa n IM,Ma. mn TMWmwa Pa a E. e w P.A.AE, MAHN. R DAMAGE a OE `NPeHF9 s. f6 I", -el team ON-RUalun Ana .^I b A.-d.B H.n at a Bqm of RAN" R... Pv4nela-NNav -Tal a1 ;All. d, -rd Noau IomAdy NHEr 1-1 e 11 N.Mae of TI, galby B e STAB mwgy B.011m. • 51 ARE SIe4a LAN I:1 AN Imbue UM -.. Rahn el Be at.. naB a LEXaEa .n HX.Pm1--WHa,y.1 Pm.m aPCA'd • Sxa WO.t ar- BNS. 25]5. SMHaa-.A. MNA...- IFN t0 • AH--XAAd NSE Bama II eMae I. MY EROSION CONTROL FOR MUM INDIVIDUAL LOTS (TYP.) hrgMM;M7,7.-,j ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I -"- 53028 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM: 1. INSPECT BIT FENCES IWMKY AFTER FICA RIINFNL aro AT LFA4T DAILY DURING PPoIAWiED RNNFNL IYXESLAELY Mare. FAILED OR I.E. BILI "ED 2. REPLACES. - Ned. 51WL BE POEWE0'Poo Y WHEN R SECT FBSES OR BECOMES INEFFECU2 BEFORE ME BWRIFR 6 NO LONGER EMOTIONS. 3. ALLIMEM R. - SEOIMEM OEP . SHOULD BE ".. AFTER, GLM Mand EVEN. ENTER MUCT BE REMOv£D WMEN L1EPo505 Muhl A.PROXWTELY RIE -M. ME HEIGHT OF THE MARK, µY SEDIYEM RBWNING IN 1. NIFR ME SILT FENCE OR AFTER FABRIC R NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL. ES SUBS'. TO CONFWM MM WRITING GMOE PREPARED, AND SEEDED W11M THE APPROPRIATE SEES MIM, OR OW.EO AS DIRECTED B1 THE ENGINEER. 4. REMMA. OF MIT [BN - SILT FORCES MADE. ES ISYbaEO WHEN MET WE $ERVID TIGER USFFVL PURFDSF. &IT NOT BEFORE ME OPNNA INTERIM AREA N44 BEEN PERRL BW REMEMBER). IF ME UFWµO SLOPING µG 6 M BE EYPOOED LOWER TWWSRX B) WO E. THAT MG GAVE. BE -ED WDM LEY. WGERAWN WNEH , EIdos-0. (5]. ME WMRK MIDST MIUTNFLY .SPEC! ME MR. En ONBE MG, SMI GRGIER l.µ.. GypkINCHCCOS INNSIRVCII.NESµD WT HIX 24 IKURB MER A RNNIALL FINITE 6. ALW L INSPEBNS AND MAINTENANCEWNDUCTUBT WRING CONMEECTIJN MUST BE REWRCCO IN WNNIXC 10 MESE 111, MUST BE Ky. WRH ME SA1WP RECORM OF M. INSEECTON µD WIXIEN . ACTIN SWVL INCLUDD, A DARE µ0 RUE BE NSIDENSNS: B. NWE OF PBSON(S CONDUCTING INSPECMN% C. MRMS qc MSFE ONS INCLUMM RECOMYENOATWS AOR WIFE. ALFAS: D. CpWECME MAGE TA EN (INGLWING ]WEE. MUM. µD Pµ WYRES MVMENµCE ALIM6. E GATE AND AMOUNT OF ALL RNNGLL GEMS GRGTFR THAN 1/2 ( IMOII OTS IWM6) N 24.W B: F. CCC.. OF CHANGED RINE M ME MINE` µ RESUMED N PAM AIA.. 7. WHERE PARS OF ME WHSIMMRON 91E WE UNDERWXE ARM. BTM..K BN WORK REMAINS ON OTHER BMW OF SUE MSPECTONS OF TIE STµUEID µE 9 WY BE FREEDOM M ONCE FIR MMC... WHERE ROGER HAS BEER SUSIµOEO SUE M PAZEN GROUND WHORIDIIB, ME RELVIFED INSPFLTOXS AND MVMFIIWCE MEAT TAME PULE µ OWN µ WNNT MCIR$ AT ME 515 BE PRIOR TO RESUMING C0161PIJCTCN. WIPMEMR CCN6 FlBE POLLUTION PREVENTION MANAGEMENT MEASURES: NE COMPOCICR SHALL IMPLEMENT ME FgLONNG POLLNUON PRMNTON WJY6EUMEM Y... ON THE MET 1 WEE, WASTE WLLECIER PEDIMENT, ASPHALT AND COMEES MI.. PMTNG WEBS. PAW. NURSING. Whop. COIGT .. µ0 ...0.... aA OTTER WATITE W5F BE BbM5E0 OF flMPERLY µ0 MUSE COXPLT WT. MPG GRONSS E gEWIREMENR. 2. NA7A®OVS M4TThOL DEL. GSOUXE PNM µD MT HVMOOW SLBSFaMfS .USF BE PgDPERLY SNPEO. IXCLUOING SEIXNGRI COMaWFNF. M PIE]EHT SPILLS, LI OR ORNER BBCRAME RESTEE D PCCESS M STp+KE AREAS UST SE PNrMCO M Pd. M. SMRAZ£ µ0 pSPoSLL DP IN .. RAME MUST BE IX CONPYNLE NTH MPG REGUVTpNS, 3. COMPETE WASH]IU IS MANE Tfi1CK By MUIX WITH A WBIE WMIPoN MTGI PRNMEI µD COMPLETED BYME LpNcgES cMIEWLFaq. FOR. MUM BE DERROMES, ALIO wµlE P.I, 0... 1.. 4. W MINE PACKAGING B ALWWED W SITE WOMEN LATIN SHALL BE NAI.£D 2" x 0" HORIZONTAL MEMBERS ESTRELY TO ME FUST MEMBER CWTNUWS GbJ1ID TOP AND TO SECURE FILTER FABRIC. BOTTOM. A I STED i0 EACH 1051 9NO R -16D COMMON NAILS 2" xx S LONG MONP<ILAVEYT cLo2ATA1 WOOD `POSTS. B REDO. FABRIC As PER ROTE BLE USES -I MANNI SUSSE), AOOmONAL S -MC OF FASPIC T.I AT BOTTOM OF BOA T 0" EPBRIC FLAP_ BURY i Ei MAC TO PREVENT UWARWASMNG �- WASHED ROCK 1DEEP x 2' Y.1DE MTrs. CONTRICTOR SHALL CCNNRUCT SET BOR M FN AROUND FEE LCCAT STRUCTURE YAM 6' MINIMUM at CE TO EOOEE He STRUCTURE. CLT BOX TO BE PLACED ON AN EVER SURFACE 6' BROW STRUCTURE OPENI.'IG. TOP OF SILT BOX TO ERTEED IE MINIMUM ABO\E POLSTER GRADE, SILT BOX SEDIMENT TRAP ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT I"May": 5302G �I mu, w.xmp'mnl nT, A.- ASAAAA ernme- fie, F�I SRWnxAA.aw" COUNAM-1- ERG90x WN10.0L9PXIRT IMTATNDCH FOP P�M�N P�� °°Nssa NDZ p°P GONYEA HOMES & REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 OFFICE: 7634324500 FAX: 763432-4501 6 ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 NOUN 612.758.3099 FAX www.alliant-inc,corn 1 hereby LATIN that this TT ele. r r uwaP prepared By oOnaal my re . Nn and that ... out, U. the Nw510NAL a State unser MIN Dasa OI the $Iola OI MINNESOTA MARK MBSCH. BE Nf UE.na. Na. DUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DAT DATE ISSUE PROJECT TEAM DATA DRIGNED: MPR WWW": ELL PROJECT N0: 215-0119 17 SHEET 17 of 32 J H W D z Z Q U) W F O J Z a J O H Z m O N UU J fQ C~ G mw o LU Z 2 `L / to a OOW Q Z Z_ Q wW O J of W O RT WE O R U 4 W 1 hereby LATIN that this TT ele. r r uwaP prepared By oOnaal my re . Nn and that ... out, U. the Nw510NAL a State unser MIN Dasa OI the $Iola OI MINNESOTA MARK MBSCH. BE Nf UE.na. Na. DUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL BY DAT DATE ISSUE PROJECT TEAM DATA DRIGNED: MPR WWW": ELL PROJECT N0: 215-0119 17 SHEET 17 of 32 N PROPOSED STORM SEWER —M—F—M— PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER 0 50 100 200 —1—I—I— PROPOSED WATERMAIN SCAI-E IN MET • PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE N PROPOSED DATE VALVE * PROPOSED HYDRANT .�i EXISTING DATE VALVE -�" 6. NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY UIIUIY WORK. _ EXISTING HYDRANT --.—I—I— EXISTING WATERMAN ® EXISTING CATCH BASIN GJ N —'^—^- EXISrING STORM SEWER -� EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE '—"— EXISTING SANITARY SEWER �s WERAND UMITS _ too N AR36' HORIZONTAL SEPARATIOE MANTANED. !� a 13. ALL CURB BOXES SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO AN ELEVATION OF 1' BELOW FINSHEO GRADE -14. ALL 8' PND 8' WATERMAN SHALL BE C900 • a SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN NOTES: I. SWRARY SEWER FORCEMAIN COVER DEPTH TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF CIUNHASSEN REQUIREMENTS. .BRI, ,I / 2. ALL DIRECTIONALLY DRILLED FORCEMAIN STALL BE DR11 OR DR17. IrF I I N 3. IN AREAS OF DIRECTIONAL DRILL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DEPTH OF EXISTING SMNL IRILRIM (GAS, FIBER q OPTIC, TELEPHONE, ETC) EVERY 50'. 1/Y 4. AIR RELEASE MANHOLES TO BE PROVIDED AS NEEDED AT HIGH POINTS. th. law. 0 th. BORING PIT LOCATIONS TO BE INCLUDED IN FUTURE SUBMITTALS. MINNESOTA 6. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PER MNDOT TRAFFIC MANUAL STANDARDS. zs STORM SEWER NOTES: n /II: 1 IES, SERVICE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. MAIKAN A MIN 18' VERTICAL SEPARATION AT ALL PIPE CROSSINGS. 3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERMITS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 4. PROVIDE POLYSTYRENE INSULATION FOR ALL STORM SEWER CROSSINGS MERE VERTICAL. OR HORIZONTAL r, r LEGEND: --- PROPOSED STORM SEWER —M—F—M— PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER —"— PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN —1—I—I— PROPOSED WATERMAIN ■ PROPOSED CATCH BASIN • PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLE N PROPOSED DATE VALVE * PROPOSED HYDRANT .�i EXISTING DATE VALVE -�" 6. NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY UIIUIY WORK. _ EXISTING HYDRANT --.—I—I— EXISTING WATERMAN ® EXISTING CATCH BASIN GJ EXISTING STORM MANHOLE —'^—^- EXISrING STORM SEWER -� EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLE '—"— EXISTING SANITARY SEWER �s WERAND UMITS _ 1 a� >;a L 4S WETLANDI OUTLOTA hb aazwwl 10 la OUTLOTA !y 11 BL KS � l �i �I WETUND � i �, '� • WETIAND4 > J OUTLOT D "'A 9 IN fp.....ASo .vax TINE j 1 E%ISONC UTILOIES, SERVICE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4 ; n BL K1'-' M ^111 Y t: 1 3 2 11 /�- WETIAND 4p �J .�i 5. ALL IRIUTY WORK WITHIN THE R.O.W. SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ENGINEERING GUIDELINES. ' 6. NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY UIIUIY WORK. _ T 4 N LAYOUTS -FIELD MANUAL' LATEST REVISION, FOR PAT CONSTRUCTION WITHIN PUBLIC R.O.W. NST £ 2 - 8. ALL SANITARY MANHOLES TO BE 48' DWMETER CONCRETE W/NEENAH R-1842 CASTING, UNLESS NOTED �.- BLOCKS 6� I� > 9. WATERMMN, SERVICES, AND VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH MINIMUM 7.5' OF COVER. 1 5 O 11. SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE 4' PVC SCH 40 MINIMUM 2S SLOPE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PUNS. �s IN 3 TINE � Y,1 -LATCH _ 1 E%ISONC UTILOIES, SERVICE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4 2. MAIKAN A MIN 18' VERTICAL SEPARATION AT ALL PIPE CROSSINGS. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES TO n J. M ^111 Y t: 1 3 2 11 /�- WETIAND 4p HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS LESS THAN 3'. .�i 5. ALL IRIUTY WORK WITHIN THE R.O.W. SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ENGINEERING GUIDELINES. ' 6. NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY UIIUIY WORK. _ T IN 3 TINE � Y,1 -LATCH _ 1 E%ISONC UTILOIES, SERVICE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4 2. MAIKAN A MIN 18' VERTICAL SEPARATION AT ALL PIPE CROSSINGS. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES TO n ------------- L BLOCKkOUTLOTE M 3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERMITS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. h 4. PROVIDE POLYSTYRENE INSULATON FOR ALL STORM SEWER AND WATERMAN CROSSINGS WHERE VERTM OR /�- WETIAND 4p HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS LESS THAN 3'. .�i 5. ALL IRIUTY WORK WITHIN THE R.O.W. SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ENGINEERING GUIDELINES. ' 6. NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY UIIUIY WORK. _ T 4 N LAYOUTS -FIELD MANUAL' LATEST REVISION, FOR PAT CONSTRUCTION WITHIN PUBLIC R.O.W. NST £ 2 - 8. ALL SANITARY MANHOLES TO BE 48' DWMETER CONCRETE W/NEENAH R-1842 CASTING, UNLESS NOTED �.- BLOCKS IVT 9. WATERMMN, SERVICES, AND VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH MINIMUM 7.5' OF COVER. O2E 5 O 11. SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE 4' PVC SCH 40 MINIMUM 2S SLOPE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PUNS. �s IN \ p � ONStP rock;, \off `1401 cP c UTILITY NOTES: TINE � Y,1 -LATCH _ 1 E%ISONC UTILOIES, SERVICE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 1 2. MAIKAN A MIN 18' VERTICAL SEPARATION AT ALL PIPE CROSSINGS. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES TO n ------------- L BLOCKkOUTLOTE M 3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERMITS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. h 4. PROVIDE POLYSTYRENE INSULATON FOR ALL STORM SEWER AND WATERMAN CROSSINGS WHERE VERTM OR /�- WETIAND 4p HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS LESS THAN 3'. .�i 5. ALL IRIUTY WORK WITHIN THE R.O.W. SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ENGINEERING GUIDELINES. ' 6. NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY UIIUIY WORK. GO0 ). PROVIDE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL IN COMPLIANCE MTIOT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONE w N2 N LAYOUTS -FIELD MANUAL' LATEST REVISION, FOR PAT CONSTRUCTION WITHIN PUBLIC R.O.W. NST \ p � ONStP rock;, \off `1401 cP c 0 n, F— LYMAN 90ULEVARO A _\ `CONNECT TO 4 — —' EXISTING SANITARY } '.-.._.-... SANITARY._ -- .__SEWER SEWER MANHOLE FORCEMAIN. JIY,I/J� CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE IWTHMAGEL�N ON GAS I 11 PIPELINE CROSSING 4. FORCEMAIN ALONG HIM 101 TO BE DIRECTONALLY BORED IF NECESSARY TO AVOID SMALL UTUTY CONFLICTS AND HWY 101Y DISTURBANCE. --L r I MATCH LINE a El GONYEA HOMES & REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 OFFICE: 7634324WO FAX: 763-0324501 i all ALLIANT 233 Park Ave 5, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 MAIN 612.758.3099 Fax w .alliant-inc.com UTILITY NOTES: TINE � Y,1 -LATCH _ 1 E%ISONC UTILOIES, SERVICE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. MAIKAN A MIN 18' VERTICAL SEPARATION AT ALL PIPE CROSSINGS. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER LINES TO n MAINTAIN 10' VERTICAL SEPARATION. LOWER WATERMAN AS NECESSARY. M 3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERMITS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. h 4. PROVIDE POLYSTYRENE INSULATON FOR ALL STORM SEWER AND WATERMAN CROSSINGS WHERE VERTM OR In [3 Q HORIZONTAL SEPARATION IS LESS THAN 3'. .�i 5. ALL IRIUTY WORK WITHIN THE R.O.W. SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ENGINEERING GUIDELINES. ' 6. NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY UIIUIY WORK. GO0 ). PROVIDE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL IN COMPLIANCE MTIOT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONE w N2 N LAYOUTS -FIELD MANUAL' LATEST REVISION, FOR PAT CONSTRUCTION WITHIN PUBLIC R.O.W. NST £ 2 - 8. ALL SANITARY MANHOLES TO BE 48' DWMETER CONCRETE W/NEENAH R-1842 CASTING, UNLESS NOTED �.- OTHERWISE. IVT 9. WATERMMN, SERVICES, AND VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH MINIMUM 7.5' OF COVER. O2E 10. WATER SERVICER SWJ.L BE 1' DIA TYPE 'K' COPPER, W/ 1- CORP. STOP + 1- CURB BOK. O 11. SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE 4' PVC SCH 40 MINIMUM 2S SLOPE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PUNS. �s 12. WATER SERVICES MAY BE PLACED IN SAME TRENCH AS SEWER SERVICES PROVIDED THAT A 24' VERTCAL & A too N AR36' HORIZONTAL SEPARATIOE MANTANED. !� a 13. ALL CURB BOXES SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO AN ELEVATION OF 1' BELOW FINSHEO GRADE -14. ALL 8' PND 8' WATERMAN SHALL BE C900 • a SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN NOTES: I. SWRARY SEWER FORCEMAIN COVER DEPTH TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF CIUNHASSEN REQUIREMENTS. .BRI, ,I / 2. ALL DIRECTIONALLY DRILLED FORCEMAIN STALL BE DR11 OR DR17. IrF I I N 3. IN AREAS OF DIRECTIONAL DRILL CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY DEPTH OF EXISTING SMNL IRILRIM (GAS, FIBER 18 / IY, OPTIC, TELEPHONE, ETC) EVERY 50'. 1/Y 4. AIR RELEASE MANHOLES TO BE PROVIDED AS NEEDED AT HIGH POINTS. th. law. 0 th. BORING PIT LOCATIONS TO BE INCLUDED IN FUTURE SUBMITTALS. MINNESOTA 6. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PER MNDOT TRAFFIC MANUAL STANDARDS. STORM SEWER NOTES: n /II: 1 IES, SERVICE LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. MAIKAN A MIN 18' VERTICAL SEPARATION AT ALL PIPE CROSSINGS. 3. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL PERMITS PRIOR TO THE START OF CONSTRUCTION. 4. PROVIDE POLYSTYRENE INSULATION FOR ALL STORM SEWER CROSSINGS MERE VERTICAL. OR HORIZONTAL SEPARATON IS LESS THAN 3'. �j 5. ALL STORM SEWER WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN ENGINEERING GUIDEMNES. 6. NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY UTUTY WORK. 7. PROVIDE TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL IN COMPLIANCE WITH KNOUT TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL ZONE LAYOUTS -FIELD MANUAL' LATEST REVISION. FOR ANY CONSTRUCTION WITHIN PUBLIC R.O.W. 0 n, F— LYMAN 90ULEVARO A _\ `CONNECT TO 4 — —' EXISTING SANITARY } '.-.._.-... SANITARY._ -- .__SEWER SEWER MANHOLE FORCEMAIN. JIY,I/J� CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE IWTHMAGEL�N ON GAS I 11 PIPELINE CROSSING 4. FORCEMAIN ALONG HIM 101 TO BE DIRECTONALLY BORED IF NECESSARY TO AVOID SMALL UTUTY CONFLICTS AND HWY 101Y DISTURBANCE. --L r I MATCH LINE a El GONYEA HOMES & REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 OFFICE: 7634324WO FAX: 763-0324501 i all ALLIANT 233 Park Ave 5, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 MAIN 612.758.3099 Fax w .alliant-inc.com OUAU`FY ASSURANCE/CONTROL DESIGNED: MR DMWR: ELL PROJECT NO: 315-0119 18 SHEET 18 of 32 J n m M h In [3 Q GO J GO0 w N2 a Z Z ZZQ O2E Z a O �s 0 !� a m H LL m d I h—S, ..rlry the IN, pla, ap¢Ifimllan, or np.d wad pnpana 6y m..1 ands m Y 'ImAt sup.^'lalun une mW I n duly U --d PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under th. law. 0 th. Slat. pf MINNESOTA MARK EA=H. PE OUAU`FY ASSURANCE/CONTROL DESIGNED: MR DMWR: ELL PROJECT NO: 315-0119 18 SHEET 18 of 32 N 0 50 100 200 SCALE IN FEET WETLAND 7 (10-214W) I OUTLOTA I II I WETLAND SUMMARY LOCATION WETLAND CLASSIFICATION AREA 1 WILSON 1 MANAGE 1 367.654 SF (8.440 AC) 1 tt WILSON 2 MANAGE 1(ASSUMED) am SF(0.157 AC) z L WRSON 3 MANAGE 2 3,137 SF(0.072 AC) �1 WILSON 4 MANAGE 2 187,925 SF (4,314 AC) WILSON M MANAGE 2 2,837 SF (DOGS AC) PAULSON 1P MANAGE 1 PAULSON 2p MANAGE ((ASSUMED) PAULSON 3P MANAGE 3(/SSUMED) PAULSON 4P MANAGE 2 NOTE: m APPROVE DEUNEXTIONSTIME ON THE PAULSON PROPERTY ARE ONGOING AND NOT CONFIRMED OR APPROVED AT THE TIME OF THE PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION SUBMOTAL ME AREAS HAVE NOT BEEN IS1IS WECLCONFIRM CCS IR ATIONS DS 2, 2P.AND 3p PRE ASSUMED, OTHER A MnRAM ANALYSIS IS3,UNDERWAY,1, TO CONFIRM CLISSIFIED CO IS THOSE WITH HWETLANDS.IT THE OTHER WETLANDS 1, kG 4, 1P. AND 4p PRE CVSSIFIEO CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN'S J1 WERANO MANAGEMENT DATA / WETLAND BUFFER CALCULATION II !� ASSUMED BUFFERING R OUIR U NT 1 r THE RSH OF I:TRICT AVESEN ANDBUFFER RILEYERR REQUATORYIREMENTS BLUFF CREEK WATERSHED OI. THE HAVE BaFFER IREMENTS ME AER ULWID I ' - CVSSIFlGTION. 1HE BUFFER RFDUIREMENR PRE PS FOLLOWS: I f L l( mRalel Uwl S a['IPrmTuIe IW I' Nn'NRaI Crce6 WvhrsL d B,Ifc I WVIMW Bull' S4q P:iwq,al5auvlun An,aray gruvl,m: W, sn AeeruH RuRvr Width R.,,tr I CNssRseivp li pvercrt Se16a�kN Bu(fw SGLakroYl4ltt (4.ss,kvlxo WeWrlYe:µrcd Width liequ'ved �BL0GK5- 1 WETLAND 1p WETLAND 2p _ I' Jif WETLAND 3p I ',` I -WETLAND4p 3 t �WIILAND BUFFER '"THIN LOT5 1, 2, BLOCK 4 1 !1 �i WETLAND_FRONTAGE BUFFER AREA MIN BUFFER MOM AVG. WIDTH Z 1 1,555 UF 94,776 SF 30' 60.9' I ,d� 2 405 LF 24,317 OF 30' 60.0' g I 3 310 LF 12.422 SF 20' 40.1' /! f, 4 969 LF 39.028 SF 20' 40.3• / 4a OMITTED FROM BUFFER CALL. SEE NOTE y / - 1P 236 LF 30' f� 2P 89 LF 30• caF 3P 119 LF 16.5' G W DUE TO PROXIMITY TO WETLAND 2p and 3p BUFFER CALC IS DONE COMPOSITELY 1p+2p+3p 444 RF 26,675 SF 16.5-30' 60.1' GOUJ 4p 334 LF 14.993 SF 2O 44.9' NOTES: a BUFFER DETERMINATIONS MAY REQUIRE ADJUSTEMENT BASED ON FINAL DELINEATION AND MnRAM ZZ DETERMINATIONS a AN SMALL IMPACT IS PROPOSED TO WETLAND 4a TO CONSTRUCT A ROADWAY CONNECTION TO THE PROPERTY TO THE SOUTH. THE REMAINING PORTION OF 4a TO REMAIN WILL BE WITHIN THE WEITPND 'R 0 BUFFER PROVIDED FOR WETLAND 4. �= z c 0_ g 0a W I.- O 2 W LL on u d I hemby aanlry that mlv plan, apeclflaallaq or mparl was Prepared by ma er under a, dlred s.,-(.I.n and that I duly U.... l4 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under sh. low. of It. ShIs at MINNESDTA MARK RAIISLH PE .h. Laena. Na. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL v 1�9gd9jljjE5jvv/r" �� •�h� w� WETILAND IMPACT f OUTLOT kWETLAND a 4 I II I WETLAND SUMMARY LOCATION WETLAND CLASSIFICATION AREA 1 WILSON 1 MANAGE 1 367.654 SF (8.440 AC) 1 tt WILSON 2 MANAGE 1(ASSUMED) am SF(0.157 AC) z L WRSON 3 MANAGE 2 3,137 SF(0.072 AC) �1 WILSON 4 MANAGE 2 187,925 SF (4,314 AC) WILSON M MANAGE 2 2,837 SF (DOGS AC) PAULSON 1P MANAGE 1 PAULSON 2p MANAGE ((ASSUMED) PAULSON 3P MANAGE 3(/SSUMED) PAULSON 4P MANAGE 2 NOTE: m APPROVE DEUNEXTIONSTIME ON THE PAULSON PROPERTY ARE ONGOING AND NOT CONFIRMED OR APPROVED AT THE TIME OF THE PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION SUBMOTAL ME AREAS HAVE NOT BEEN IS1IS WECLCONFIRM CCS IR ATIONS DS 2, 2P.AND 3p PRE ASSUMED, OTHER A MnRAM ANALYSIS IS3,UNDERWAY,1, TO CONFIRM CLISSIFIED CO IS THOSE WITH HWETLANDS.IT THE OTHER WETLANDS 1, kG 4, 1P. AND 4p PRE CVSSIFIEO CONSISTENT WITH THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN'S J1 WERANO MANAGEMENT DATA / WETLAND BUFFER CALCULATION II !� ASSUMED BUFFERING R OUIR U NT 1 r THE RSH OF I:TRICT AVESEN ANDBUFFER RILEYERR REQUATORYIREMENTS BLUFF CREEK WATERSHED OI. THE HAVE BaFFER IREMENTS ME AER ULWID I ' - CVSSIFlGTION. 1HE BUFFER RFDUIREMENR PRE PS FOLLOWS: I f L l( mRalel Uwl S a['IPrmTuIe IW I' Nn'NRaI Crce6 WvhrsL d B,Ifc I WVIMW Bull' S4q P:iwq,al5auvlun An,aray gruvl,m: W, sn AeeruH RuRvr Width R.,,tr I CNssRseivp li pvercrt Se16a�kN Bu(fw SGLakroYl4ltt (4.ss,kvlxo WeWrlYe:µrcd Width liequ'ved �BL0GK5- 1 WETLAND 1p WETLAND 2p _ I' Jif WETLAND 3p I ',` I -WETLAND4p 3 t �WIILAND BUFFER '"THIN LOT5 1, 2, BLOCK 4 1 !1 �i WETLAND_FRONTAGE BUFFER AREA MIN BUFFER MOM AVG. WIDTH Z 1 1,555 UF 94,776 SF 30' 60.9' I ,d� 2 405 LF 24,317 OF 30' 60.0' g I 3 310 LF 12.422 SF 20' 40.1' /! f, 4 969 LF 39.028 SF 20' 40.3• / 4a OMITTED FROM BUFFER CALL. SEE NOTE y / - 1P 236 LF 30' f� 2P 89 LF 30• caF 3P 119 LF 16.5' G W DUE TO PROXIMITY TO WETLAND 2p and 3p BUFFER CALC IS DONE COMPOSITELY 1p+2p+3p 444 RF 26,675 SF 16.5-30' 60.1' GOUJ 4p 334 LF 14.993 SF 2O 44.9' NOTES: a BUFFER DETERMINATIONS MAY REQUIRE ADJUSTEMENT BASED ON FINAL DELINEATION AND MnRAM ZZ DETERMINATIONS a AN SMALL IMPACT IS PROPOSED TO WETLAND 4a TO CONSTRUCT A ROADWAY CONNECTION TO THE PROPERTY TO THE SOUTH. THE REMAINING PORTION OF 4a TO REMAIN WILL BE WITHIN THE WEITPND 'R 0 BUFFER PROVIDED FOR WETLAND 4. FOR PEN,E`N`P�V ?*AW"'00 , v;0 NOS FOR WETLAND IMPACT DATA WETLAND IMPACT - WETLAND 4A - 1,841 SF (OFFSITE MITIGATION IS PROPOSED) LEGEND: - - - - - --- - EASEMENT UNE BUILDING SETBACK PROPERTY LINE LOT LINE - — ROW -- -w.- - -xt- WETLAND DELINEATION WETONO BUFFER O WERAND BUFFER MONUMENT WERAND BUFFER STRIP WEILAND IMPACT El GONYEA HOMES & REMODELING$ 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55,127 OFFICE: 763-432-0500 FAX: 7634324501 ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 Mary 612.758.3099 FAX www.alliant-inacom DESIGNED: MPR DRAWN: ELL PROJECT NP. 215-0119 22 $NEEP 22 of 32 J Z g a M Z y n M CW caF G W GOUJ a z ZZ a 'R 0 Q �= z c 0_ g 0a W I.- O 2 W LL on u d I hemby aanlry that mlv plan, apeclflaallaq or mparl was Prepared by ma er under a, dlred s.,-(.I.n and that I duly U.... l4 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under sh. low. of It. ShIs at MINNESDTA MARK RAIISLH PE .h. Laena. Na. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL DESIGNED: MPR DRAWN: ELL PROJECT NP. 215-0119 22 $NEEP 22 of 32 WRON"m ft.map $q Ates QZQ A xet Vw Arsa(en .dexwtlla ,) loft S1QS1.486 S.6W { Easeline EamPY Cowra{e 311N 15.1,6E "JAN Q NequireA MPimum Creepy Cvremga flow eemxy p.x�dePeatl rex 4 mf. 1p.3n p rmpoudc.PaPy cPNarape rex 34a65e 1.666 OY/ennm between rropmed OoNOrNC emgeeaequlndumpy 1®,361 1511 COvemS< •D� C IFpegNred Watdla,M peplaremeM Canopy Aree.E•l2 13;231 3.013 finsLequlrMl /or pefonxmtion• 6 r/S,obn(fach xewTme=2,�9d 181st ®:IOPY) PROPOSED CANOPY COVET GONYEA HOMES & REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 OFFICE: 763-4324500 FAX: 7634324501 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 MNN 612.758.3099 Fm v.•W W.alliant-inc.com I M1enbY c.111Y that thla FE., .peclllcaticn, or report wca prepared by meor nEar my EIncl sup,mslon ondthat I a dulr Do .... d PROIE.%OGAL ENGINEER u.4r ,No Mv. c1 th. &.1. of NINNEEO7 YMK pPES PE p.N Door.. N.. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL O WA - TI DATE ISSUE DESIGNER: NPR ..w 1. MOJEC7 NO: M-OIIS J QZQ FQ— � J a m N Ly 0 W 0 O X5 O >a~ Go Go W �Z 5s z �v" mJ o z my a a Z W d > O U a O Z U W UJI I M1enbY c.111Y that thla FE., .peclllcaticn, or report wca prepared by meor nEar my EIncl sup,mslon ondthat I a dulr Do .... d PROIE.%OGAL ENGINEER u.4r ,No Mv. c1 th. &.1. of NINNEEO7 YMK pPES PE p.N Door.. N.. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL O WA - TI DATE ISSUE DESIGNER: NPR ..w 1. MOJEC7 NO: M-OIIS N 0 50 100 200 19 SCALE IN FEET TREE PRESERVATION NOTES: 1. BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION OR SWING OF OEGUC1.EM PRNECE 5 TO OCCUR. A THEE PROIECTON FENCE (AT IEAn 4 FEET IN HEIGHT AND SFANED WON POSTS NO LESS TRIM EVERY 5 FEET) SI BE INSTFIIID MOUND TIE Da" UNE OF WOODED Mod. TIE OSIP UN6 Cf COMING M.S TO BE PRESFRIEO OR AT TIE PERINETER OF TAE CRRIC& ROM ZONE (YMICHFWON IS GREATER). SIGNS SYNL BE RACED ALONG TNM FENCE UNE IDENNFONC TIE MG M A TREE PROTECTION AREA AND MGHIBMNG GPPOING BEYOND TIE FORCE UNE ME FENCE MUST HEMNN IN PLACE UNNL ALL GRPDINC AND CONSIRUCTON ACTNIY IS TURNIIATED. 2. NO EQUIPMENT. WNSTRUMON W91ERW$ OR SRL NAY BE STORED WTHIN THE DMP UNES OF MY SIGN F. TREES TO BE PRESERVED. 3. NO ENCHWCHMEM. AND DISNF@µCE. CWNE CHARGE, MUNCHING, FLUNG. COMPALTAN OF CHARGE IN mL CHEMISTRY SIWL OCCUR WITHIN FENCED MAS PROTECTING SX.M'IFGWT THEE. 4. CONM`GTOR T1 P.SEVENT ME CIWIGE IN SOIL CHE.IURY DUE TO CONCRETE WASHRN AND LEAUGE OR BRI-fAGE OF TOXIC NAMRWS. SUCH AS NETS Rt PANTS. 5. DRNIAGE PATTERNS ON THE SNE SHVL NOT CHARGE CONSIDERABLY CAUSING DRLSTC ENNHCNMFMK BRANDED IN TIE SOIL NDLSNRE WNIENT WHERE TOM ME INTENDED TO BE PRESERVED. S. Doo). DISASED OR D'TNG SIGMA—TEES WTAE NOF INCLUDED M PART OF ME EUSTNG TtEE IWDROW. 7. NO SICNIADMr TREES SHN.L BE RENGKD UNTL MIS TREE PREEMATCN PIAN IS MPHOYTD BY TIE CRY OF GHPNHMSEN. LEGEND E—I. SIE 1O Hwux mmx0 TUE m PF N— �.. 1Fa FroTcndx Ewa Go n / 5 WETLAND OUT LOT ILGR1.wI J / rt�. J P 16 t- E 4 Wsv. -$---- I 12 OUTLOT b E 4 Wsv. -$---- I FOP P1M`\v UCttO1i PREF OONS1P El GONYEA HOMES & REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, WIN 55427 OFFICE: 7634324500 FAX: 7634324501 46 ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 mNN 612.758.3099 Fox wwW.alllant-hc.com z 5 IL z O J R F W F w m a M � 0 N N z > a ~ Q GO 5 Q N W a O Z Z 5� z Q G rz Z W 0 w� Z DQ x W Mia LU W W LL m� a I.- ....... I... 9mn. .1.0fl..N.n, r "port w 21"ol"tl by On under my ..,...Tan vntl tbal a dmr ua.... d PROfES510NAL ENGINEER under IH. Ib laws of . Stun of MINNESOTA MAN RRUSCH, PE Gal. Aa.... Na. OVALItt ASSURANCE/CONTROL YROJEGT TEMDATA OESIONEO: WR DRAWN: IG PROJECT NO: 510-0115 24 MEET 24 of 32 12 ------ It it FOP P1M`\v UCttO1i PREF OONS1P El GONYEA HOMES & REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, WIN 55427 OFFICE: 7634324500 FAX: 7634324501 46 ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 mNN 612.758.3099 Fox wwW.alllant-hc.com z 5 IL z O J R F W F w m a M � 0 N N z > a ~ Q GO 5 Q N W a O Z Z 5� z Q G rz Z W 0 w� Z DQ x W Mia LU W W LL m� a I.- ....... I... 9mn. .1.0fl..N.n, r "port w 21"ol"tl by On under my ..,...Tan vntl tbal a dmr ua.... d PROfES510NAL ENGINEER under IH. Ib laws of . Stun of MINNESOTA MAN RRUSCH, PE Gal. Aa.... Na. OVALItt ASSURANCE/CONTROL YROJEGT TEMDATA OESIONEO: WR DRAWN: IG PROJECT NO: 510-0115 24 MEET 24 of 32 TREE INVENTORY & CALCULATIONS TAG O.&N814) COMMON NAME REMOVE NOTES 1362 M Bed Oak X S ecimen 2031 16 598 Bnden X 2002 0 IBI X LBI lost to 2003 11 Colorado Blue 3 ruse X _O F_ 2004 12 Colorado Blues ince x 2005 30 Cdoadoelues rvce X 2015 111 Colorado Blues ince x Q 2007 0 Colorado Blues rvce X 2038 10 Coloado9lues moa X 2009 ID Colorado Blues mce x f\ 2010 n COlcadO Blue Samoa, X 2123 2011 11 Colorado Blues ry X 2124 2612 11 Box Elder X 2125 2013 1 PAIS I Swam Willow/Black X 286 2013 1 ]2 Box Elder X 217 2014 2015,1015 Swam Willow 2120 2015 022 Swam Willow X 2129 20]6 I I2 Box Fltler X441 2130 01] n Box Elder X 213110.6 2018 10 Box Elder 2132 2019 10 Box Elder ZOO 200 n Cottonwood X 2134 2021 11 Ash x 2135 2022 14 quakin As en I X M36 2023 1912108 Bled Willow X 2137 2024 13 Green Ash X 2138 2025 12,11 Blad Willow X 2139M�I�xBder 3026 1312987 Blank Willow 2140Box"Bar Go 33 SiiverM le X 2141ack 2028 16 SwtCl Pine X 2142Box 2029 11 Douglas Fur X 21MBox 2030 1 In Swtdr Pine X 2144Box 2031 IS Norwa S ruce X Dead 2032 SAAAS 6 Mite Cedar X 2033 23 Box Elder 2034 Elder2148Box IBI LBI loata 2035 24 BOXEIder .2036 16 Green Ash Treestantl a WO 12 Box Elder loss 11 Box Elder % 2152 2039 15 Box Elder X 2153 2000 13 Box Elder X 2154 2041 24 Cattonwood 2155 2612 16,10 Blab Willow Dead 2643 1 HAS C.1tanwood .2157 2614 IStIO14 Cottonwood 2158 2045 VAT Basswood 2159 lots 17 Hck Multi stemmed split a[ round 2160 2047 10 Bed Maple Hollawwith ma'orleatlers dam ed fall on 2161 2018 10 Basswood X 2162 .2049 76,4 Hfiromy X X 2163 MET 13 Box Elder X 2164 2051 18 Oox Elder X 2165 0482 A6,6 flalsarnPcipl.r X 2166 2053 96 Balsam Po a r x 2168 2054 I3 Box Elder 2169 2055 98 Box Elder X 2170 2056 15 Sli a EIm X 2171 2057 IS Eastern Bed Cedar X 2172 2058 84 Hicko X 21]3 2059 13 Basswood X 2174 2060 10 Slipper, Elm X 2175 2061 39 Basswood X 2176 2062 32 Bauwootl X 2177 2063 13 Box Elder % 2178 2064 10 Bar..d X 2179 2065 147 Bauwootl X 2180 2066 IS Box Elder X 2181 2067 13 Hih X 2182 2068 15 sugar Ma Ie X 2183 2069 13810 Box Elder X 2184 2010 15,11 Box Elder X 2185 201 1616 Blatic Wille. X 2186 222 1087 River BirN X 2187 2013 17,1 8_7 Swourns Blank Willow x 2188 20]4 4.12.ss 117 swam Wmew x 2189 20]5 129 Swam Willow X 2190 20]6 161433 Swam Willow x 2191 077 2412 Blank Willow X 2192 2078 17 Blab Willow X 2193 20]9 12 Blad Willow X 2194 2083 17 Blab Willow X 2195 2081 16 13 Blade Willow X 2196 206213 Qokhmiispsm Blade Wille. X 2197 XG IS Box Elder x 208 2064 13 ms Elder X 2199 2085 n Cottonwood X 2X%1 2086 10 Box Elder X 22113 1 2097 10 Green Asb % 002 205 10 Box Elder X 003 2089 2090 18147 1214 Box Elder Box Elder X M.IftistmodaNdia.d.rA.1yuramadmicm 2031 15 Box Elder X 2205 2032 14,10 A. Elm X dead 2013 TO mi..ari X 220) 2094 I3 Bl ark Willow X 4119 2095 20 1. on X 209 MIND 17 Blad Wallow X '2M,md 2103aw lost 2097 10 Flowerin Gab Doubleblem Min 2098 11 Flowerin Bab X 1212 2089 9 Flowerin Gam X 2213 MOD It Flowerin Crab X M14 2101 2102 1174 15.. Box Elder Box Elder X MUIM-stemmedleadersasearRamedat and 2104 SO Box Elder x 2216 212E 11 Box Elder x M17 1 2106 45 clad Willow x MIS 1 2107 14 Box Elder X 019 I 2]06 SSI Box Elder X 220 21M le Box Elder X 201 TAG IBA NN1 211] 1] COMMON NAME I Bax Elder 'REMOVE NOTES 2112 12311�xElder 11 112113 X 11Elder2114 TO Whites tore X nElder2115 0 race X 12Elder21161DElder211) 11 "It.5 rope X _O F_ 22716 11 Blab WiIIOw x 10 Om2118 Blah Willow39 X 12ElderMID 3415 Black Willow X X Q 17Elder2120 11 Oed Willow 12Elder2123 10 Resoak W W 16Oak214 17 White Pine f\ 14 Oak x M 2123 11Oak 15 x X 2124 17Elder 14 X X 2125 19 1] Black Willow X X 286 2016 Ovakn Az en X X 217 10 Basswood X 2120 12 Blade Walnut X X 2129 10 Box Elder X X441 2130 12 Bur Oak X X 213110.6 2354 Box Elder X 2132 ]2 Box Fltler X ZOO 7 Cottonwood Ber2245 X�0< 2134 23 Cottonwood Ber35 DeerSmnd 2135 1818 fnttPnwootl Bder Multilem leaders"" -vaned at round M36 18 Cottonwood A.Elm X 2137 18 CottonwoW Hidm X 2138 0 Cottonwood A. Bra X 2139M�I�xBder 450 ox Elder Box Elderears 2140Box"Bar 2251 10 Box Elder 2141ack 2252 Willow x 2142Box 2253 Elder Hicko 21MBox 454 Elder Sli eror Red 2144Box 2255 Bder2145Box Red Oak Dead in% Bder2146Box Ifickmy 457 Elder2147Box Box Elder 2258 Elder2148Box Box Elder 2259 Elder210ox Box Oder 460 ElderOX Hicko Treestantl a no ElderMSTasswood White Oak 462 11 A. Bm % 2152 12 Box Elder Box Elder X 2153 11 Box Elder Box Elder X 2154 ]0 Box Bder A.Nm 2155 10 mdk-rY Basswood Dead IS Md. Basswood .2157 21 Box Elder Red Oak 2158 LOS Box Elder AElm 2159 12,12 Basswood Bauwood Multi stemmed split a[ round 2160 62 Basswood Red Oak Hollawwith ma'orleatlers dam ed fall on 2161 11,74 Basswood Narwa S rvce X 2162 1 10 Bauwootl Colorado Blues rure X X 2163 10 Basswood NOrwa s m X 2164 15 Red Oak Colorado Blues mce X 2165 1 104 Basswood BlaakSmou. X 2166 10 I Bauwootl slipperifflan x 2168 19,22 Bax Bder Basswood 2169 1211 Bax Elder Basswood X 2170 9,6 Box Elder Basswood X 2171 12 Box Elder Basswood X 2172 12 Basswood Basswood X 21]3 12 Norwa 5 rvce Basswood X 2174 12 SII a EIm Basswood X 2175 13 Red Pine Basswood X 2176 13 Basswood Basswood X 2177 13 Basswood Basswood % 2178 12 Easlem Red Cedar Basswood X 2179 10 A.B. % X 2180 1D flax Elder X X 2181 9,9 Bax Elder X X 2182 910 LGImme tad X X 2183 IS Cottonwood X X 2184 12 Box Elder X X 2185 13 Bax Elder, x X 2186 10 Box Elder X X 2187 097 IBI LBI LBI 2188 14 Colorado Slues race X X 2189 12 Colorado Blues once X X 2190 11 COloado01ue5 rvre X X 2191 10 Colorado Blue Spruce X X 2192 12 Colorado Blue Spou,p X X 2193 11 Colorado Blue Spruce x X 2194 30 Quakn As en X X 2195 12 Cotmnw.cI X X 2196 11 Qokhmiispsm X X 2197 10 Colorado Blue 5 rvice X x 208 12 Colorado Blue 5 rue X X 2199 11 Colorado Blue Spruce x X 2X%1 12 Colorado Blues mce X X 22113 1 10 Colorado BlueSpruce X % 002 10 Colorado Blues ruce X X 003 8765 Amerlwn Maple X X 2204 2 Colorado Blues rvce X X 2205 14 Colorado BlueSpruce X X 2X16 11 Blocks rupe X X 220) 11 Colorado BlueSpruce X X 4119 11 Colorado Blue Spruce X X 209 n Colorado Blue Spruce x X 2210 IlE Nues ruce X Doubleblem Min 14 Flowed Gab x X 1212 10 Bur oak X X 2213 17 Eastern Red Cedar X X M14 IDE7,7,9 Amur Ma le X X 0516 2325 Box Oder X x 2216 11 AI erlan EIm X x M17 1 14 1 Box Elder X x MIS 1 14 1 Made X X 019 I n Blacks low X X 220 1] Blacks ry x X 201 11i BladT roce x X 202 2332 IBI Basswood LBI TAG &BJIQN) COMMON NAME REMOVE NOTE& 2223 11 ck Blarope X 1324 TO Whites tore X ]225 0 race X 2226 11 "It.5 rope X _O F_ 22716 11 Blab WiIIOw x 2328 22,8 Blah Willow39 X 8 3415 Black Willow X X Q 430 11 Oed Willow 431 10 Resoak W W M. 17 White Pine f\ 2233 15 Red Oak M = 434 15 Elm X Z 234] 14 Bod436 X Muhl 12 B43] X mIn 2349 47 WOak X S ecimen 438 14 SO,. Is Rom Deatl 439 12 Bod440 X 2352 I1 §Oakak3235 der X441 MBa 12 Bler2242 X Z 2354 21 BlatlrS rvce s n3243 2355 IO]atl2244 Whites mce ]356 2352 13 Ber2245 X�0< LN lost MEG 14 Ber35 X CC 2359 13 Bder X F- nm 12 A.Elm X In 2248 86 Hidm X 449 14 A. Bra X arsmbe same tree as 50 ve unusual 450 3310 Box Elderears to be Same Vee as 49-ve a sural 2251 10 Box Elder 2252 10 Box Elder 2253 30 Hicko 454 10 Sli eror Red Dead 2255 13 Red Oak Dead in% 13 Ifickmy 457 13 Box Elder 2258 16 Box Elder 2259 14 Box Oder 460 10 Hicko Treestantl a no 13 White Oak 462 11 A. Bm % 2263 11 Box Elder X 2264 13 Box Elder X 2265 14 A.Nm Mae 15 Basswood Dead 2267 12 Basswood Dead in fence 468 14 Red Oak no 13 AElm Dead 22]0 114 Bauwood X M71 12 Red Oak X 422 14 Narwa S rvce X nA 12 Colorado Blues rure X X 2274 13 NOrwa s m X 22]5 13 Colorado Blues mce X an 10 BlaakSmou. X Dead 2177 136 slipperifflan x 12]8 14 Basswood 2279 1010 Basswood X MB] 11 Basswood X 081 30 Basswood X 2282 10 Basswood X 2283 10 Basswood X 2284 10 Basswood X MISS 12 Basswood X 1286 10 Basswood X nH] 10 Basswood % 088 30 Basswood X 489 lQ6,S4,4 Basswood X MOD 7_6,6,6,6,5. Basswood X 2291 87454 Basswood X Gross ng arallel to nund/leaner 032 76653 Basswood X 2293 7543 Basswood X 094 94 Basswood X 2295 a4 Basswood X 096 9650 Basswood X 097 27 LBI MI rostra 098 1064 Basswood X 093 5 Basswood X 2300 9,7 Bauwootl X 001 38 Colorado BIueS row X 2302 14 Blues rure X Bill 12 Cdoratlo BlueSpruce X 23M 12 CNorado Blues ruce X MISS 10 Colorado Blue Spruce X 23M 13 Colorado Blue spruce X nos 12 Colorado Blues row x 23m 11 Colorado Blue 5 ruce X 2303 11 BIueS rvre X 2310 12 Norwa S ruce X Rm 2311 10 Nmem 5 mw % 231] Il whiles race X MIS 10 BladS rope X 2314 12 COlomdo Blue Stance X 2335 13 Colorado BlueSpruce X 2316 12 Nomayi X 2317 13 Gwen Ash X LBI lost MIS 9 7,6,85 Basswood X 019 109677 Basswood X 2320 6,6,8 5 5 Basswood X 1321 9.5,3 Basswood X 230 76664 Roxagad X 2323 1 10 Basswood X 2324 10 Cattonwood X 2325 IDSAA4 Basswaod x BOB 10] 1054 Basswood x 230 13 Basewooa x nn 10 Rodin., X 2329 13 Radnor, X 2330 11 Cottonwood X 2331 11101087 Basswood X 2332 8 ] 65 Basswood X 23 7,B5 Basswood X TAG O.BHIIEt) COMMON NAME REMOVE NOTES not 84 Basswood X 2335 ]1109 Basswood X 233fi 11 ]] Basswood X 2331 9633 Basswood X _O F_ 2338 11 Basswood x 2339 )4 3 Basswood X 2340 2341 8 63 96544 Basswood Basswood X X Q 2342 u Green Ash 2343 10 Been Ash W W 2344 11 Basswood f\ 2345 11 Bm M = MAA 10 Elm X Z 234] 654 Basswood X Muhl 1013 Basswood X mIn 2349 16 Red Oak X no 1n SO,. Is Rom x O B51 10 XOtch Pine X 2352 14 Supper, Elm X MBa WAS NWIBircb X Z 2354 10 BlatlrS rvce Z 2355 11 Whites mce ]356 2352 13 Bi Tooth Aspen LBI X�0< LN lost MEG 12 Su ar Ma le X CC 2359 13 Su ar Mse le X F- nw 17 Slipmer, Ban X 2361 11109 Bax Oder X B62 10 sugar "Pit X 2363 3] Red Oak 2364 1 TO A. Elm 236& In B Eher 866 10 A A. Elm 2362 10 Sli a Nm Dead 2368 96 Ironwood 2369 u Blab Cherry 23)0 11 slimar, Elm 2321 ]3 Red Oak B72 13 Red Oak 23]3 23 Retl Oak Treestantl a 23]4 0 Red Oak 2375 10 Retl Oak 2376 12 A. Elm 2377 11 8.7,7 Basswood 23]8 12 Retook an 10 Blah Che 2300 IS S. Elm Dead in fence 2381 12 Been Ash 2382 LBI Now =275% 2383 11 Blade Cherry X 484 8,7 A. EIm X Me 30 5u ar Ma le X MIND MET 3 30 Hadharry Been Ash X X 2388 10 Been Ash X Uss, if Blabw le X 1390 ]1 12 6 Basswood X Dead 2391 u Basswood x 2392 1110 Basswood 2393 12 Basswood X 2394 13 Basswood X 2395 14 Box Otler X 2396 11 H.dtde X 2397 11 Elm X 2398 14 Bl ark Che X MEG 7A65,5 A. rye le x 2400 2401 10776 Renovator! 2402 10 Basswood 2403 13 Basswood 2401 10 Basswood 2405 9,7,6,6 Basswood Gross ng arallel to nund/leaner 2406 12 Box Elder 2407 12 Box Garr 2408 10.5.8 Basswood 2403 11 Basswood 2410 13 Basswood 2411 27 Basswood 2412 10 Sh,war, EIm 2413 31 Red Oak 2414 4 Red Oak 2415 10 Basswood 2416 TO Basswood 2417 10 Basswood 2418 n Basswood 2419 11 Bas:woad 2420 u Basswood 2421 98 Basswood 2422 10 Baswemod 2423 99 Basswood 2424 11 Basswood Rm 2425 IO Su at Ma le 2426 ]D Basswood 2427 12 Basswood 2428 n Blab Ma le X 2429 11 Um X 240 TO Basswo Wood x 2431 LBI LBI lost 2432 11 1 &]ssw00tl I X MY IN - DENOTES TREE IS 9JCLFPTBIE To VINO It. V YAITARY IBI - LETT S.M. Ia.m.. CAV - [EMOTES VISIBLE SIBS OF CAVITY AND ROT DAM - DEBOTER TREE MOVING SIGNS OF DAMAGE DAL TERM - DENOTES A TREE THAT HAS LAST I5 InGs 1 STEM LEADER SEN - DEMOTES SENESCENCE OR A TREE M A STATE OF MOLME OTHER WE TO .'All AGE 06FASE Lq IMFSTATOH NSW LDi - DENOTES A 04.1701E BTEMMEO TRUNK AND IS OR MAY BECWE WCWDEA SL ♦a£�, TIES - DENOTES SIGMRGANT DEAD Sol 04TH POTENTIAL FOR SEPMAnaN FG �, YLGT4 P�f OONB RUG 12 GONYEA HOMES & REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 OFFICE: 76343245M FAX: 763435-4501 ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 MAIN 612.758.3099 1. www.alliant-ino.corn 1 hereby cerlDy that this plan .P¢Itkatlan, as r.,d w prepared by me or under my dlreH aupaMalon and that 1 a duly ua....d PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA MARX RAUSCH. PE Bate Usmsa Na. QUAIL" ASSURANCE/CONTROL B nem PROJECT TEAM DATA OEBIGMEn: UPS GMWN: ELL PROJECT NO: 115-0119 2• &NEST 27 of 32 4Z J a Z _O F_ Q > J C. Q W !_ W W c C n. f\ I➢ n. M = Q MM Z a - F- Q > mIn a ¢ On O >. _Z Q O w Z W > Ow� Z X�0< 0z W W O ri CC ¢ LL my d F- 1 hereby cerlDy that this plan .P¢Itkatlan, as r.,d w prepared by me or under my dlreH aupaMalon and that 1 a duly ua....d PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of MINNESOTA MARX RAUSCH. PE Bate Usmsa Na. QUAIL" ASSURANCE/CONTROL B nem PROJECT TEAM DATA OEBIGMEn: UPS GMWN: ELL PROJECT NO: 115-0119 2• &NEST 27 of 32 TREE INVENTORY & CALCULATIONS TAG 7784774) COMMON NAME REMOVE NOTE 2433 SB Basswood % LN 2435 7,6,6,5 Myer Birch X 2436 10,4,3 Myer Birch % 2437 8,8,7 Myer Birch x 24M 965 Myer Birch x 2439 7,6,5.3 White Birch x 2440 8674 Myer Birch x 2441 ]1166 Myer Birch x 2442 12 Green Ash x 2443 13 Green Ash x 2444 12 Green Ash x 2445 34 Green Ash x 2446 1 fi 11 1 51i Ary Em X 207 9,9A7 I Sooner Dm x 2448 8.6 Easter Cottonwood x 2449 W Green Ash x n -Dead 2450 12 Green Ash x Ml 1n Gram Ash x 2452 11 Green Ash x 2453 10 Green Ash x 2454 ]0 Green Ash 'x 2455 10 Green Ash x 2456 _12,9 Quakin As en x 2457 9,6 Con,kiMpAssicy, x 2458 776 Flosseerina, Oat, X 2459 10 Inmost x 24660 9 HIM x 2461 16 Red Oak x Dying 2462 in Ash x 2463 30 B.41. x 2464 9 flackben, x Specimen 2465 108 Basswood x 24hb 12 Black -Che % 2467 10 Hadberr, x 240 11 Rock Elm x 240 TO Red Oak x U70 10 Bony Ash x 2471 10 Box Elder x 2472 M7 Box Elder X 2473 37923 Red Oak 1 x MLi stemmed 2474 17 Su ar Ma Ie x 2475 12 Box Elder X 2476 u H.kba, X 2477 109 Ironwood I x 24M 12 Ask X 2479 15 BlacklAUlaw x 2480 W Green Ash 2481 15 Hadberr 2482 13 1ac4berr 2483 14 Red Oak x 2484 14 Swam Willow 2485 16 glooenvElon 2486 12 Green Ash 2487 10 Green Ash 2188 16 Blackniarry 2489 10 Si a IN am 2490 12 LBI Now=IM62 2491 is Red Oak x 2492 M Red Oak I x 2493 14 Cottomvaod x 24A 14 Fim,vorni x 2495 10 Cottonwood x 2496 10 Green Ash x 2497 1n Green Ash 2498 30 Green Ash x 2499 11 Green Ash X 2500 12 COttnnw..d X Deer Stand 2501 30 Green Ash x 2502 30 Green Ash x 2513 1 10,9,8 5, berian Om x 2304 12 Eastern Red Cedar x 2505 in's Eastern Red Cedar x Multiple Lender untamed @ 3fit on the trunk 2506 98 51 bon. Bm I x 2507 W box Elder x 2508 14 Hlcko x 2503 16 Eastern Red Cedar, x 2510 ]0 Black Ma le X 2511 14 SmearMakile X 2512 30 So rMa le x 2513 is Red Oak x 2514 11 Rock Elm X 2515 39 Sugar Maple 2516 14 Super Ma le x 2571 1 is su ar Ma le x 2518 14 Hickory x Dead 2519 121U Red Oak x 2520 To So,, mle x 2521 ll Su ar Marble I x 2522 10 SIi..ry Elm x 2523 13 Bled Cherry x 2524 147 Red Oak 2525 13 Sberian Elm x 2526 12 Red Oak x 252 10 Green Ash x 2528 n DIA&Cheir, x LR9 12 flowenn Crab % 2530 10 Basswood x Z31 12 Box Elder x 2532 n Blah Cher x M33 13 Basswood x 2534 10 Basswood x 2535 10 Basswood x 2536 23 Rock EIm X 2537 32 Rock Elm % 2538 12 Ash X 2539 11 Basswood x 2540 12 Basswood % 1 13 Ifladcherry x 2542 30 Black Walnot % 2513 I 7,6 easswaod x 954 12 fn... Ash x TAG 02.M(IN) COMMONNAME REMOVE N016 2684 LBI LN 2695 11 Sister Maple x 2696 12 Red Oak X 2w, 19 Sberian Elm 2698 27 white Oak 2669 36 Swam 1Vhlte Oak 2690 25 Bur Oak 201 16 Bur Wk 202 32 Whyte Oak 203 24 Bur Dak 2694 14 American Elm 2695 15 Red Oak 206 1B Red Oak 207 n Slipper,Eim 208 10 Ash 209 12 Red Oak n -Dead 27110 15 Sberian Elm 2701 33 Mai X 2702 17 Red Oak X 2713 11 White Oak X 2704 13 Red Oak x 2305 18 525 ar Ma le 2706 22 Bleck Willow 2707 11 Green Ash 2`708 16 Black Wlllow 2]09 30 Ulack(lbearry x 2710 SB Black Willa. 2711 10 hsswood x Dying 2n2 1] Slippery Elm x 2713 12 oarlock X 2734 18 Ironwood x Specimen 2715 12 Sippery SipperElm x 2726 11 1 oickoev x 3n7 21 Red Oak 2118 30 Sli a Elm x 2719 15 511opery Elm % 2720 10 lo,ki,im, x 7721 30 Haakbee x 2722 30 Hickory x 2723 10 Siberian Elm 2724 11 (Makin As en x 2725 15 Siberian Elm X 2716 15 Ironwood X 2727 10 (Makin As en x 27M 10 Quakin As en X 2719 10 OJlakin As en x 2710 12 Red Oak 2`731 10 1 SUI Mi 2732 11Black Walnut 2733 10 Red Oak 2734 10 Are Elder 2735 15 Nack Willow 2736 12 Black Gerr 2737 14 Ironwood 2738 10 Red Oak 2739 10 Su ar Ma le 2740 12 A. EIm Dying -Dead 2741 15 Red Oak 2742 19 Hackberry x 2743 13 Red Oak X 2744 19 Wckber, x 2745 10 Green Ash X 2746 f0 A. Elm x 274710 1 Sh a Linex 27M 10L A. U. x 2749 11 Green Ash X 2750 14 Red Oak X Deer Stand 2751 12 Red Oak X 2752 12 Red Oak x 2753 12 Green Ash 254 10 Green Ash 2755 21,18 BlackWillow X Multiple Lender untamed @ 3fit on the trunk 2756 17 Green Ash 237 32 BUr Oak M8 M Bur Oak 2709 37 Red Oak 2760 15 Box Elder % 2761 19 Red Oak x 2762 12 1h a EIm X 2763 8 10 A. Orn2MA 11 A. EIm 2765 27 White Oak 2766 17 1 SilatervElin 2767 535 Red oak 2fi8 25 Bur Oak 270 85 Swamp White Oak 27H1 30 Siberian Elm 2721 11 ShIpperrEirs 2772 15 Hackber, 2703 12 SlipperyElre 2774 19 burner 2]75 13 A. Dm 2]26 12 SiberianElm 2777 11 SlopperyOrn 208 32 Bur Oak 2770 19 Bur Oak 2710 19 odious 2781 35 Bur Oak 2782 10 Slippery EIm 283 10 Box Elder 2784 1D Ironwood 2785 10 Hadbe 2786 13 Black Olen 278] 30 9i a EIm 2788 15 Black Char, 2789 15 Box Elder 2790 10 Sberian Elm 2791 17 Basswood 2792 M A. EIm 2793 36 Bur Oak 2791 1 14 Green Ash KEY W — DENOTES TREE IS WIXTTIGUE TO Mt9 IRROW IF EWTARY IHI — — A -U. ATENTONNLY CAN — DENOTTES NSIRt£ SIGNS OF CAVITY AND ROT BAN — DAUTES TREE SHOWING SIGNS OF DAMAGE CAN TERM — GENOTE$ A TREE MAY HAS LOST ITS TERMINAL STEM LEADER SEN — MI SENESCENCE OR A TRE IN A STATE OF DMUNE DINER WE To ACE. DISEASE OR INFESTATION Wr — DEN079 A MULTPLE STEAMED MUNK AND IS OR MAY BECOME INCLUDED. DER — DENOTES SGINFOANT DEAD U69 MM POTENPIL FOR SEPARATION PEN,EW °a"`PRV "Ot FO GONYEA HOMES & REMODELING$ 100D BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 OFFICE: 7634324500 FAX: 763432-4501 A ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 MAIN 612.758.3099 FAN www.alliant-ino.00rn I layer cantly That this plan. epealtication, or roped x prepared by m under my dir.at auyenla and that I A. A duly Li.ma.d PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under As laws of the Slate .f MINNESOTA MARK BABSON, PE Dme ue.... No. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL ar bare PROJECT TEAM DATA DEBIDNEO: MPR DRAWN: ELL PROJECT NO: 2I3-0119 i SHOT 28 of 32 0 50 100 200 SCALE ® POND AREA GEED MIDU AN STATE SEED MIX 33-261. SEEDING RATE TO BE 14.5 LBS/ACRE (PURE UVE SEED). NADINE ARM MIX, MN STATE SEED MIX 35-221 (DRY PRAIRIE GENERAL) SEEDING RATE TO OE 35.5 LBS/ACRE (PURE UVE SEED). NEILMATON AREA GREG MIX' MN STATE SEED MIX 33-262. SEEDING RATE TO BE 44 LBS/ACRE (PURE LIRE SEED). APPLY SFFO PER ME FCI OW1NC' MULCH SEEDED AREAS 'ACTH Mn/DOT W 3 (MAA CERTREII WEED FREE) MULCH AT A RALE OF 1 MN PER ACRE WITHIN 48 HOURS OF REEDING MULCH SHOULD THEN BE DISC AHCHOI KEEP IT MGM SLOWING AWAY. SEEDING SHALL BE APPUED FROM APRIL 15 - .NLY 20 OR SEPTUMER 20 / WATER PER ACHE. REFER OF HYDRO -SEED. ALL NA CERTFlED TO BE OF MINI THESE ofETC. AS NECESSARY, BEFORE SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE OCCURS. LOW ROW INLET TO INRLTRAM)N BASIN SHALL BE PLUGGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DURING REST FULL GROWING SEASON TO ESTABUSH VEGETATION. REFER TO MN STATE SEED MIX MANUAL LEGEND Itsf . Ory 1 � W I ` •`Il�a//e� � f+1 • IR Nov II//jjYY 4. A 24 PLANTING NOTES +4X : T oOTE 'f1i TREE, REFER PUNTING SCHEDULE MRSIORY TREES s1 Hillr PROPOSED CONIFEROUS TREE, 11 Sw REFER TO PIANDNG SCHEDULE 2S' GL Bal STRAIGHT TRUNK 4. PIAMINC SOIL SHLLL CONSIST OF 1:1:1 SELECT LOAMY TOPSOIL PEAT MO55. PR RUN SCUD. 5. COMPIETf1Y f`5( l•JI / �...+ BM / 13 REFER TO PLANING SCHEDULE / Y PROPOSED OVERSTORT TREE AS REQUIRED PER TREE MIIIWTION. / I O,sso EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, R �ZPAPW REMM IN M.L. 8.CULL OWNER TO TREE MMOATION PUN. / STATE ONE C•11. AT 651-4b4-0002 FOR ILCATXG ALL UNDERGROUND URURES AND AVOID DAMAGE 2.5' CAL B&B STRAIGHT TRUNK v TO MATTER WRING TIE WILPSE OF TIE WORK. 9. M•IMNN ALL RUNT NAT AD% NATIVE SEED MIX /f0 D SIDE /' INCLUDING WATERING UNTIL TRE TIME OF ACCEPTANCE 10. COORDINATE INUAUATON WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR. i SLOPES. MN SEED MIX / 11 12 BLENp p -AS OF CONSTRUCTION UMRS AT PROPERTY UNES &35 -221 -SHORT NADINE. GRASS �iE�►ad+res R. 13. CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY DESIGN AND INSTAIIATON OF AN (REGARD. PIAN WITH IOM CMER•LE FOO DESIGNED ROD AND SHRUB AREAS. SCO AND SHRUB AREAS TO BE POND SEED MIX. MN SEED MIX ..L ON SEPARATE ZONES USE RAN BIRD OR MPROVED EQUAL INSTALL SEPARATE METER FOR IRRIGATION BYRON. CWHOWIM WITH CENEPAL ®33-261, STORMWATER SOUTH Iy CONTRACTOR. NAM SEED AREAS SHµt BE ON SEPARATE ZONES. IRRIGATION RUN TIMES IN SEBIED AND WEST -NATIVE SWAMP WHITE OAK 14 INFILTRATION WIN MIX / 14. Say. AND WASH ALL PAY SURFACES AND RUM All DEBRIS RESULTING MOM UNDSOI OPERADONS. MN STATE SEED MIX b33-262 NO V -CROTCH 15 GENERAL SI FELLOW THE COUNTY/STATE SNL & EflG51gV CONTROL SEMI MR - NATIVE -- I DISNFBEDC AREA SiABILIZATION. POND AREA GEED MIDU AN STATE SEED MIX 33-261. SEEDING RATE TO BE 14.5 LBS/ACRE (PURE UVE SEED). NADINE ARM MIX, MN STATE SEED MIX 35-221 (DRY PRAIRIE GENERAL) SEEDING RATE TO OE 35.5 LBS/ACRE (PURE UVE SEED). NEILMATON AREA GREG MIX' MN STATE SEED MIX 33-262. SEEDING RATE TO BE 44 LBS/ACRE (PURE LIRE SEED). APPLY SFFO PER ME FCI OW1NC' MULCH SEEDED AREAS 'ACTH Mn/DOT W 3 (MAA CERTREII WEED FREE) MULCH AT A RALE OF 1 MN PER ACRE WITHIN 48 HOURS OF REEDING MULCH SHOULD THEN BE DISC AHCHOI KEEP IT MGM SLOWING AWAY. SEEDING SHALL BE APPUED FROM APRIL 15 - .NLY 20 OR SEPTUMER 20 / WATER PER ACHE. REFER OF HYDRO -SEED. ALL NA CERTFlED TO BE OF MINI THESE ofETC. AS NECESSARY, BEFORE SIGNIFICANT DAMAGE OCCURS. LOW ROW INLET TO INRLTRAM)N BASIN SHALL BE PLUGGED DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DURING REST FULL GROWING SEASON TO ESTABUSH VEGETATION. REFER TO MN STATE SEED MIX MANUAL LEGEND Itsf . Ory 1 � W I ` •`Il�a//e� � f+1 • IR Nov — — — GRADING / TREE PROTECTION UMM3 II//jjYY 4. A 24 PLANTING NOTES PROPOSED DECIDUOUS DVERSTORY CI T oOTE 'f1i TREE, REFER PUNTING SCHEDULE MRSIORY TREES 3. 8' DEPTH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (ROUND ROOT SAUCER OF ALL TREES ISOUTFD MGM PROPOSED CONIFEROUS TREE, 11 Sw REFER TO PIANDNG SCHEDULE 2S' GL Bal STRAIGHT TRUNK 4. PIAMINC SOIL SHLLL CONSIST OF 1:1:1 SELECT LOAMY TOPSOIL PEAT MO55. PR RUN SCUD. 5. COMPIETf1Y f`5( l•JI / �...+ PROPOSED ORNAMENTAL TREE. / 13 REFER TO PLANING SCHEDULE / Y PROPOSED OVERSTORT TREE AS REQUIRED PER TREE MIIIWTION. / I O,sso EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN, R / REMM IN M.L. 8.CULL OWNER TO TREE MMOATION PUN. / STATE ONE C•11. AT 651-4b4-0002 FOR ILCATXG ALL UNDERGROUND URURES AND AVOID DAMAGE 2.5' CAL B&B STRAIGHT TRUNK v TO MATTER WRING TIE WILPSE OF TIE WORK. 9. M•IMNN ALL RUNT NAT AD% NATIVE SEED MIX /f0 D SIDE /' INCLUDING WATERING UNTIL TRE TIME OF ACCEPTANCE 10. COORDINATE INUAUATON WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR. i SLOPES. MN SEED MIX / 11 12 BLENp p -AS OF CONSTRUCTION UMRS AT PROPERTY UNES &35 -221 -SHORT NADINE. GRASS s •n 13. CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY DESIGN AND INSTAIIATON OF AN (REGARD. PIAN WITH IOM CMER•LE FOO DESIGNED ROD AND SHRUB AREAS. SCO AND SHRUB AREAS TO BE POND SEED MIX. MN SEED MIX ..L ON SEPARATE ZONES USE RAN BIRD OR MPROVED EQUAL INSTALL SEPARATE METER FOR IRRIGATION BYRON. CWHOWIM WITH CENEPAL ®33-261, STORMWATER SOUTH Iy CONTRACTOR. NAM SEED AREAS SHµt BE ON SEPARATE ZONES. IRRIGATION RUN TIMES IN SEBIED AND WEST -NATIVE SWAMP WHITE OAK ..0... INFILTRATION WIN MIX / 14. Say. AND WASH ALL PAY SURFACES AND RUM All DEBRIS RESULTING MOM UNDSOI OPERADONS. MN STATE SEED MIX b33-262 NO V -CROTCH 15 GENERAL SI FELLOW THE COUNTY/STATE SNL & EflG51gV CONTROL SEMI MR - NATIVE -- I DISNFBEDC AREA SiABILIZATION. Q W URCE BOULDER OUTCROPPINGS (RE" TO TREE MRIWTION NOTE) <V) RECD PLACE ON SLOPES 24 SEE LWIMCAPE SCHEDULE FOR SPECIE/WNDMFS = L L// — — — GRADING / TREE PROTECTION UMM3 R, a a£vME \`PR14I vxo PR(G�� "GONg.IpuG l NO 0 PLANTING SCHEDULE II//jjYY 4. A KEY PLANTING NOTES .6 �_S. NI E11 :�III T oOTE 'f1i )I //DTIAND 4p MRSIORY TREES 3. 8' DEPTH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (ROUND ROOT SAUCER OF ALL TREES ISOUTFD MGM 7� 11 uM 84 1 TW I' 2S' GL Bal STRAIGHT TRUNK 4. PIAMINC SOIL SHLLL CONSIST OF 1:1:1 SELECT LOAMY TOPSOIL PEAT MO55. PR RUN SCUD. 5. COMPIETf1Y f`5( l•JI �...+ VINX�y,S 13 W 6. ALL NATFAML SMNL COMPLY WITH TIE LATEST EDITION OF TIE AMERICW STANDARD FOR NURSERY Sl AMEflMAH ISSOCATYJN of NURSERYMEN. Y 50' HT, X 50' W. LU ]. ALL TREE TRUNKS SHALL BE NR APED WON BROWN CREPE TREE WRM. APPLY WEM IN NOVEMBER AND . NO V -CROTCH REMM IN M.L. 8.CULL OWNER 12 SM STATE ONE C•11. AT 651-4b4-0002 FOR ILCATXG ALL UNDERGROUND URURES AND AVOID DAMAGE 2.5' CAL B&B STRAIGHT TRUNK v TO MATTER WRING TIE WILPSE OF TIE WORK. 9. M•IMNN ALL RUNT NAT AD% OUTLOT8 INCLUDING WATERING UNTIL TRE TIME OF ACCEPTANCE 10. COORDINATE INUAUATON WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR. R, a a£vME \`PR14I vxo PR(G�� "GONg.IpuG l NO 0 PLANTING SCHEDULE QTY. KEY PLANTING NOTES SIZE/ROOT TYPE REMMKS T oOTE 'f1i )I //DTIAND 4p MRSIORY TREES 3. 8' DEPTH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (ROUND ROOT SAUCER OF ALL TREES ISOUTFD MGM 11 uM 84 / ! 2S' GL Bal STRAIGHT TRUNK 4. PIAMINC SOIL SHLLL CONSIST OF 1:1:1 SELECT LOAMY TOPSOIL PEAT MO55. PR RUN SCUD. 5. COMPIETf1Y �...+ JWETIAND3 R, a a£vME \`PR14I vxo PR(G�� "GONg.IpuG l NO 0 PLANTING SCHEDULE QTY. KEY PLANTING NOTES SIZE/ROOT TYPE REMMKS 1. SEED FJNE GRADE AU_ ROD AND SEED AREAS. ISIAKElOR•MARK TOP 2. AIL POWR MATERIAL LOCATONSPR RO MSTAl1ARON. MRSIORY TREES 3. 8' DEPTH SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH (ROUND ROOT SAUCER OF ALL TREES ISOUTFD MGM 11 uM 84 / ! 2S' GL Bal STRAIGHT TRUNK 4. PIAMINC SOIL SHLLL CONSIST OF 1:1:1 SELECT LOAMY TOPSOIL PEAT MO55. PR RUN SCUD. 5. COMPIETf1Y .' GUNWIIFE ALL WOR[ FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR BEGINNING AT THE WM OF ACCEPTANCE. tE NL REPLACEMENTS PROMPTLY (q9 PER DIRECTION OF OWNER). 13 W 6. ALL NATFAML SMNL COMPLY WITH TIE LATEST EDITION OF TIE AMERICW STANDARD FOR NURSERY Sl AMEflMAH ISSOCATYJN of NURSERYMEN. Y 50' HT, X 50' W. LU ]. ALL TREE TRUNKS SHALL BE NR APED WON BROWN CREPE TREE WRM. APPLY WEM IN NOVEMBER AND RICO confute 'Utlleleat NO V -CROTCH REMM IN M.L. 8.CULL OWNER 12 SM STATE ONE C•11. AT 651-4b4-0002 FOR ILCATXG ALL UNDERGROUND URURES AND AVOID DAMAGE 2.5' CAL B&B STRAIGHT TRUNK v TO MATTER WRING TIE WILPSE OF TIE WORK. 9. M•IMNN ALL RUNT NAT AD% INCLUDING WATERING UNTIL TRE TIME OF ACCEPTANCE 10. COORDINATE INUAUATON WITH GENERAL CONTRACTOR. i 11. STAKING AND GUYING OF TREES ONONAL MWNEMI PLVMBNESS OF TREES FOR GLENDON OF WOAR4AY PERIOD. 11 12 BLENp p -AS OF CONSTRUCTION UMRS AT PROPERTY UNES RED MAPLE V y 13. CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY DESIGN AND INSTAIIATON OF AN (REGARD. PIAN WITH IOM CMER•LE FOO DESIGNED ROD AND SHRUB AREAS. SCO AND SHRUB AREAS TO BE 5 ..L ON SEPARATE ZONES USE RAN BIRD OR MPROVED EQUAL INSTALL SEPARATE METER FOR IRRIGATION BYRON. CWHOWIM WITH CENEPAL . Iy CONTRACTOR. NAM SEED AREAS SHµt BE ON SEPARATE ZONES. IRRIGATION RUN TIMES IN SEBIED So SWAMP WHITE OAK MTR EAS SHOULD BE REDUCED FOR E ZONE SHUTS DOWN AMR TIE REST 2 YEARS OF ESTABI-BOA M. 50' M. X 40' W. / 14. Say. AND WASH ALL PAY SURFACES AND RUM All DEBRIS RESULTING MOM UNDSOI OPERADONS. Wemua boolor NO V -CROTCH 15 GENERAL SI FELLOW THE COUNTY/STATE SNL & EflG51gV CONTROL SEMI MR 45 -- I DISNFBEDC AREA SiABILIZATION. Q W y I (RE" TO TREE MRIWTION NOTE) <V) _ S / 24 NS = L L// LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS 60' M. X 25' W. WIN _ •r 1. RFSD s Rnma nx •aD=^•PF REpUIRED 1 TREE PER LOT PLACED IN ME FRONT TARP BY NOME BUILDER - R I J W PROVIDB) - 1 TREE PER LOT (qfi TVEES) 2 2. WTgffl]/LOMpY REF(IRFCT•TON RFa R EI I REQUIRED = 121 TREES SEE CANOPY TREE COVERAGE PVN i ! I / PRPACED - tz4 TREES a J. eupSAupSAOF REQUIRED l GREAT PAINS BOULEVARD IS A COLLECTOR ROOD, THEREFORE BUFFEMARD B IS REWIRED 1 BUFFEWARD B REOUIRES IV MIN. BUFFER AREA WITH 2 OWRSNM TREES. 4 UNCERSTCRY - 1 TREES AND 6 SHRUBS PER 100' LF. 50' HT. X 25 W. TOTAL BUFFERYMD LENGTH . 178 LF. ALONG CREAT PAINS BOULEVARD AT A 30' MOM. the Iowa of the Stafe of THE BUFTERYARD MULTI IS .4. THEREFORE, THERE ME 2 (MERSTORY, 3 MOR IDM' MINNESOTA AND 5 SHRUBS REQUIRED TD BE FUNDED W TIE BUFTFRYARO MFA 20 PREMED - 2 WRSUMC 3 CONIFERS, 5 SHRUM DRNAMI SERACEBERRY 'Auto In BtlllTonce' 8' M. B&B CLUMP 20' M. X 15' W. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL TREE MITIGATION: MELS EER MEE MITIGATION TO PF TftFNTA I 10 ATFR nT5 l0 BE /'�, 45 MONMISE) (SEER FNEW 1 I By N E BU O LOTUE) FRONDED BY HOME BUILDER ON NEW LOTSMRS DE DUOUSMAPA-I TREES T4✓J SHRUBS RED MiGGED DOGWOOD AUTUMN BLAZE MMCF E , BIROINE A 0 S ER GRALL SPIRE LANAEµ MER BIRCH. REWIRED . WIRED ITREES AND CNE HALF (MOM INCHES IN N A R (See) (BNB) q5 MEASURED MOM SIX (8) INCHES DIPOW � BME ABDE GROUND. G / CONIFEROUS TREES: BMBAM FlR, NORWAY SPRUCE NORWAY PINE, WHITE 1S HT. X 4' W. PINE. REQUIRED TREES SHALL SE 6' HIGH (W) AS .A MEASURED FROM SX (6) INCHES ABOVE GROUND. R, a a£vME \`PR14I vxo PR(G�� "GONg.IpuG l NO 0 PLANTING SCHEDULE QTY. KEY COMMON NAME/HOTAMCAL NAME SIZE/ROOT TYPE REMMKS AXIANR�' MRSIORY TREES 11 BE GREEKPIPE UN 2S' GL Bal STRAIGHT TRUNK 50' M. X 40' W. Me cold to Greendalm NO V -CROTCH 13 CH COMMON HACKBERRY 2.5' CAL RB SIRNGHT TRUNK 50' HT, X 50' W. LU RICO confute 'Utlleleat NO V -CROTCH 12 SM SUGAR MAPLE 2.5' CAL B&B STRAIGHT TRUNK 50' HT X 40' W. 0 Aeer mcUarvm 'Saxton NO V -CROTCH 11 RM RED MAPLE 2.5' GL Bks STRAIGHT TRUNK 50' HT. X 40' W. 5 o Pte, rubrum 'Noah.od' NO V -CROTCH 19 So SWAMP WHITE OAK 2.5' CAL B&B STRAIGHT TRUNK 50' M. X 40' W. Q Z � Wemua boolor NO V -CROTCH a 45 -- RESIDENTIAL FROM YARD TREES 2.5 HT. B&B FULL FORM Q W (RE" TO TREE MRIWTION NOTE) <V) 24 NS Go"REEBS NOWAY SPRUCE V M. me FULL FOMI 60' M. X 25' W. Z Plano abiea 2 a 9 NP NOWAY PINE W M. MB NLL FORM 50' M. X 30' W. r.Port wm Plmn Neer. Ince, n asup.reson 11 BE &LLWM FITS 6' M. Bks FULL FORM 50' HT. X 25 W. under the Iowa of the Stafe of Mtea balsamea MINNESOTA 20 Be DRNAMI SERACEBERRY 'Auto In BtlllTonce' 8' M. B&B CLUMP 20' M. X 15' W. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL Arrelanehitr x Ronald. 34 RD SHRUBS RED MiGGED DOGWOOD 5 GAL POT 5 OWES AT 8' M. X V W. Comua earem Bollleyl' M. SPEC 6 W SCMDM JUNIPER 5 GAL POT 5 CMES AT 1S HT. X 4' W. )unlpemn aI 5canda' HE SPEC 2 FG Roth, Read Grace 3 ONE POT 4 HT, X 25' W. Colomagrastis Karl Foerster NOTE QUANTITIES ON PI.W SUPERSEDE UST QLANDEIES IN EVENT OF DISCREPANCY. f�W GONYEA HOMES 8 REMODELINGS 1000 BOONE AVE N, SUITE 400 GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427 OFFICE: 7634324500 FAX: 763432-0501 46 ALLIANT 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis, MN 55415 612.758.3080 MAIN 612.758.3099 FAX www.alliant-inc.com DESIGNED: MMM DRAWN: MMM PROJECT NO: 215-0119 29 SHUT 29 of 32 z IL Z O LU W m 2 0 0 W cQ F .- 5 o M0 OO a Z W } Q Z � W a Q IL O 2 Q W O <V) �j0 i J X Z O Na 2 a LL m Lz CL J I hereby o ldtf, that Il:le Plan. ayeanaanan, r.Port wm Prepared by me orundermy Ince, n asup.reson a that I am a duly Licensed LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT under the Iowa of the Stafe of MINNESOTA .MEAN YIUM. ASIA Dat. uxae. xo. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL DESIGNED: MMM DRAWN: MMM PROJECT NO: 215-0119 29 SHUT 29 of 32 resourceful. naturally. BARR engineering and environmental consultants - Memorandum To: Bob Generous, Senior Planner; City of Chanhassen From: Scott Sobiech, PE Subject: Foxwood Subdivision Plan Review by Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District Date: May 26, 2016 c: Claire Bleser; Administrator Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District This proposed redevelopment will need a Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD) permit prior to beginning construction activities. We appreciate the opportunity to provide preliminary comments on the project. The RPBCWD received a request for preliminary review of this project on May 11, 2016. The following summary of RPBCWD review comments for the proposed Foxwood Subdivision should not be considered complete; this is a preliminary review of the submitted information, additional comments may need to be addressed prior to issuance of a permit based on further review of the plans or revised information that is submitted. The following comments are based on the rules that apply to this project and highlight the areas where revisions or additional information are needed to meet the RPBCWD rules. These review comments do not constitute approval, a variance, or exemption from the rules. Therefore this project will require permit approvals from the RPBCWD Board of Managers. Rule C: Erosion and Sediment Control An Erosion and Sediment Control Permit (Rule C) is required from the RPBCWD because more than 50 cubic yards of earth will be placed, altered, or removed and more than 5,000 square feet of land -surface area will be altered (Rule C, Section 2.1). The following comments must be addressed for the project to be in compliance with RPBCWD Rule C. The erosion control plan must include the following information: o Soil surfaces compacted during construction and remaining pervious upon completion of construction must be decompacted through soil amendment and/or ripping to a depth of 18 inches while taking care to avoid utilities, tree roots and other existing vegetation prior to final revegetation or other stabilization. o Construction site waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter and sanitary waste must be properly managed. o Natural topography and soil conditions must be protected, including retention onsite of native topsoil to the greatest extent possible. Barr Engineering Co. 4700 West 77th Street, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55435 952.832.2600 www.barr.com To: Bob Generous, Senior Planner, City of Chanhassen From: Scott Sobiech, PE Subject: Eoxwood Subdivision Plan Review by Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District Date: May 26, 2016 Page: 2 o Additional measures, such as hydraulic mulching and other practices as specified by the District must be used on slopes of 3:1 (H:V) or steeper to provide adequate stabilization. o Final site stabilization measures must specify that at least six inches of topsoil or organic matter be spread and incorporated into the underlying soil during final site treatment wherever topsoil has been removed. o The permittee must, at a minimum, inspect, maintain and repair all disturbed surfaces and all erosion and sediment control facilities and soil stabilization measures every day work is performed on the site and at least weekly until land -disturbing activity has ceased. Thereafter, the permittee must perform these responsibilities at least weekly until vegetative cover is established. The permittee will maintain a log of activities under this section for inspection by the District on request. Rule D: Wetland and Creek Buffers Wetlands on this parcel appear to be downgradient from the proposed site activities. Because the proposed work triggers RPBCWD's Stormwater Management Rule (Rule 1) and there are wetlands downgradient of the activities, Rule D, Subsections 2.1a and 3.1 require buffer around these wetlands. To conform to the RPBCWD Rule D the following revisions are needed: o The wetland delineation boundaries and MnRAM analysis results are provided on the plans. Please provide the delineation and MnRAM reports for documentation of the wetland type determination and functional/values assessment. o Please provide an example detail for the marker locations noted on the plans. An example detail is available for download from the RPBCWD website (www.rpbcwd.org/permits). o A note must be added to the plans indicating: The potential transfer of aquatic invasive species (e.g., zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil, etc.) must be minimized to the maximum extent possible. o Before any work subject to District permit requirements commences, buffer areas and maintenance requirements must be documented. The applicant may meet this requirement by entering into a maintenance agreement with the District. Rule G: Waterbody Crossings and Structures The proposed placement of fill within the wetland 4a waterbody triggers the requirements identified in RPBCWD Rule G. Criteria are established in RPBCWD, Rule G, Subsection 3 for the construction of a crossing or structure within the waterbody. To conform to RPBCWD Rule G the following revisions are needed: o The design of the roadway fill must assure no net increase in the flood stage of the waterbody. To: Bob Generous, Senior Planner; City of Chanhassen From: Scott Sobiech, PE Subject: Foxwood Subdivision Plan Review by Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District Date: May 26, 2016 o The design of the roadway embankment must not adversely affect water quality, change the existing flowline/gradient, or cause increased scour, erosion or sedimentation. o The design of the roadway embankment must represent the'minimal impact' solution to a specific need with respect to all other reasonable alternatives. o Banks must be stabilized immediately after completion of permitted work and revegetated as soon as growing conditions allow. o A note must be added to the plans indicating: The potential transfer of aquatic invasive species (e.g., zebra mussels, Eurasian watermilfoil, etc.) must be minimized to the maximum extent possible. o The finished, stabilized slope will not be steeper than 3:1 (horizontal to vertical). Rule J: Stormwater Management A Stormwater Management Permit (Rule J) will be required for this project because more than 50 cubic yards of earth will be placed, altered, or removed or more than 5,000 square feet of land -surface area will be altered (Rule J, Section 2.1). Based on the information provided, it appears the project is a development and the criteria in Rule 1, Section 3 would apply to the entire project parcel. Comments provided below are preliminary and general in nature and the applicant should review the RPBCWD's Stormwater Management Rule for full details on submittal requirements. • General Comments: o All Stormwater management structures and facilities must be designed for maintenance access and properly maintained in perpetuity. A maintenance and inspection plan must be provided. The maintenance and inspection plan must include specific maintenance requirements for the proprietary BMPs installed. o The HydroCAD output provided indicates the rainfall distribution used was the SCS Type II, which is not a RPBCWD approved nested storm distribution. An approved rainfall distribution is provided on the district website (http://www.rpbcwd.org/permits/). Similarly, the approved snowmelt distribution, with a total precipitation of 7.2 -in is provided on the website above and should be utilized for the HydroCAD model. o Please provide a boring within the footprint of Infiltration Basin #2. The boring must provide the groundwater elevation or show that no groundwater is present to at least three feet below the proposed Stormwater management facility. o As proposed, runoff from the impervious surface in the northeast corner of the site will not be abstracted according to the provide SWMP. This does not appear to meet the abstraction requirement in subsection 3.1. When considering the abstraction requirement the applicant must consider the relocation of project elements to address To: Bob Generous, Senior Planner; City of Chanhassen From: Scott Sobiech, PE Subject: Foxwood Subdivision Plan Review by Riley -Purgatory -Bluff Creek Watershed District Date: May 26, 2016 Paae: 4 varying soil conditions and other site constraints to achieve the abstraction requirements. Based on the MPCA stormwater manual, infiltration is possible on D soils. o The P8 modeling provided was only simulated for one year. The year simulated only had 27.3 inches of precipitation which is less than the average precipitation for the RPBCWD. The P8 model must be updated to simulate a minimum of 10 years to determine the long term average TSS and TP removals. o Please submit the electronic P8 model and HydroCAD models for further review. o Permit applicant must provide a maintenance and inspection plan. The plan must be documented in a form acceptable to the District. A draft maintenance agreement is available on the permits page of the RPBCWD website. (http://www.rpbcwd.org/permits/). Summary Based on the information provided to date, the proposed design does not meet the RPBCWD rules and a permit from the RPBCWD will be required prior to construction to likely cover the following: Erosion and Sediment Control, Wetlands and Buffers, Waterbody Crossings and Structures, and stormwater Management. The permit application and final adopted rules are available for download on the RPBCWD website: htto://www.robcwd.org/permits/. Please contact us with any questions. 1:604 Minnesota Department of Transportation Metropolitan District ,, / Waters Edge Building 1500 County Road B2 West Roseville, MN 55113 May 26, 2016 Robert Generous, Senior Planner City of Chanhassen PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 SUBJECT: Foxwood MnDOT Review #P16-027 SW Quad of TH 101 and Lyman Blvd. Chanhassen, Carver County Control Section 1009 Dear Mr. Generous, Thank you for the opportunity to review the Foxwood Site Plan. The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has reviewed the above referenced plat in compliance with Minnesota Statute 505.03, subdivision 2, Plats. Before development can continue, please address the following comments: Design: For "Road A" Access, please show the following on the site plan drawings: • Label location of TH 101 on the profile. • On Road A profile show the subsurface excavation and back fill • Show curb radius at comers where Road A ties into TH 101. • Show Road A - TH 101 intersection details and show the pedestrian ramp details. • Provide information on the perimeter control and rapid stabilization provided in the vicinity of TH 101. A 6' retaining wall is located within MnDOT right of way for TH 101. No part of this wall or supporting elements can be on MnDOT right of way. For questions concerning these comments, please contact Nancy Jacobson (nancy.l.jacobson@state.mn.us or 651-234-7647) in MnDOT Metro District's Design Section. Water Resources: A drainage permit is required. The proposed development will need to maintain or reduce existing drainage rates to MnDOT right of way. The project developer will need to submit the most current construction plans and existing/proposed hydraulic computations for the 2, 10 and 100 year rainfall events, verifying that all existing drainage patterns and systems affecting MnDOT right of way will be perpetuated. The Drainage permit application can be found at: A drainage permit checklist can also be found at: http://ihub/metro/wre/Link%20Files/Drainage%2OPermit%2OApplications%2OCheekiist ndf The checklist provides more information about the requirements associated with the submittal of a MnDOT Drainage permit application For questions regarding these comments, please contact Hailu Shekur, Metro Water Resources, at hailu.shekurna state.mn.us or 651-234-7521. Noise: MnDOT's policy is to assist local governments in promoting compatibility between land use and highways. Residential uses located adjacent to highways often result in complaints about traffic noise. Traffic noise from this highway could exceed noise standards established by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. Minnesota Rule 7030.0030 states that municipalities having the authority to regulate land use shall take all reasonable measures to prevent the establishment of land use activities, listed in the MPCA's Noise Area Classification (NAC), anywhere that the establishment of the land use would result in immediate violations of established State noise standards. MnDOT policy regarding development adjacent to existing highways prohibits the expenditure of highway funds for noise mitigation measures in such developed areas. The project proposer is required to assess the existing noise situation and take the action deemed necessary to minimize the impact to the proposed development from any highway noise. If you have any questions regarding MnDOT's noise policy please contact Rick Dalton in Metro District's Noise and Air Quality Unit at 651-234-7677 or ri chard.daltongstate.mn.us. Permits: As previously stated, a drainage permit is required. Additionally, any use of or work within or affecting MnDOT right of way requires a permit. Permit forms are available from MnDOT's utility website at hUv://www.dot.state.mn.us/metro/maintenance/permits.html Please include one 11 x 17 plan set and one full size plan set with each permit application. Please direct any questions regarding permit requirements to Buck Craig (buck.craig@a state.mn.us or 651-234-7911) of MnDOT's Metro Permits Section. Review Submittal Options. MnDOT's goal is to complete the review of plans within 30 days. Submittals sent in electronically can usually be turned around faster. There are four submittal options. Please submit either: 1. One(]) electronic pdf version of the plans. MnDOT can accept the plans via e-mail at metrodevreviews.dot@state.mn.us provided that each separate e-mail is under 20 megabytes. 2. Three (3) sets of full size plans. Although submitting seven sets of full size plans will expedite the review process. Plans can be sent to: MnDOT — Metro District Planning Section Development Reviews Coordinator 1500 West County Road B-2 Roseville, MN 55113 3. One (1) compact disc. 4. Plans can also be submitted to MnDOT's External FTP Site. Please send files to: ftp://ftp2.dot.state.mn.us/pub/incominWMetroWatersEdge/Planning Internet Explorer doesn't work using ftp so please use an FTP Client or your Windows Explorer (My Computer). Also, please send a note to metrodevreviews.dotg—state.mn.us indicating that the plans have been submitted on the FTP site. If you have any questions concerning this review, please contact me at (651) 234-7793. Sincerely, Michael J. Corbett, PE Senior Planner Copy sent via E -Mail: Nancy Jacobson, Design Rod Koehn, Design Hailu Shekur, Water Resources Merlin Kent, Traffic Clare Lackey, Traffic Douglas Nelson, Right -of -Way Buck Craig, Permits Diane Langenbach, Area Engineer Rick Dalton, Noise Bruce Wetherbee, Surveys Luke Kranz, County Surveyor Russell Owen, Metropolitan Council CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Kim T. Meuwissen, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on May 26, 2016, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of a request for a Wetland Alteration Permit, Conditional Use Permit for development in the Bluff Creek Overlay District (BCOD), rezoning from Agricultural Estate District (A2) to Residential Low and Medium Density (RLM), and a 52 -lot subdivision with variances on 43.55 acres of property — Planning Case 2016-13 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Ki T. Meuwissen, Depu Cle k Subscribed and sworri to before me this a today of 2016. ,�:" JENNIFER ANN ppDER 1•. Notary Public -Minnesota MY Commission EVi s •yn 37, 2WO z. No Public m C O) O C N G) E = E U p �U 7 O) Q C OC C CD R o c Z y M t C R L U 2 a E O -O d y N N N d ��L m E to>, or 3 ) _ � t-�L d _ ,; O a) a7= N C.N.. �m vaY W co n5 d @ O O @ tNn Y OH L �+ O +' C m-rn a EE c N O a)0 L NO 4) p dr U U d C C N @ d CL U C c r d � cod Pv=� mEc E =E c 7m;4 3 @ 0)= a) OCA TE O ` @ Hca rc .yd >'=`�'a01 T mNC na) UU @.� a L��EO>N0•° Cy0 �8„E-'” tea' Ewm ;cdpEvw E C a)0 V 2'.N C T C'� d N O N D O U @�' O o.E >. .q Ea` °�E`='^--;OEnc_`ma m to ca ' -p > O «.r > a) L V O 0 E O) Q C 3 0 N c C E c `� O N N U mo o�gs co'g_ a_ c cYmEc� Vo��cYc c mNm > C d w .L.. U d O. W N U' E 7 7 .d-.. R N O C d C ='EE'"oo E« o c:a o m `0 c En��E=Wmgo$�t t m NU O0 0 N u O. 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O 'c« O O W@ i•v')cgD.=U'i�9aPhaaE°'m °. o a a Q -i3 R C7 v z CL PID ITaxpayer Name 250232100 JAMES D & JENNIFER J. WILSON REV TRUSTS 250240810 PAUL D & CAROL L PAULSON 250240811 DAVID R & MARY B BLANSKI ITaxpayer Address 5730 YANCY AVE 9250 GREAT PLAINS BLVD 9350 GREAT PLAINS BLVD Taxpayer City -State -Zip NEW GERMANY, MN 55367-9327 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8641 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8642 250242900 GIANETTI PROPERTIES LLC 2899 HUDSON BLVD ST PAUL, MN 55128-7100 250250100 PAMELA A O'NEILL 40 LAKE RILEY TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-4541 250251200 WADE W MARSHALL 9441 GREAT PLAINS BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8607 250251300 PRINCE R NELSON 7801 AUDUBON RD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8201 250251510 TIMOTHYI LOWE 60196TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8602 250251600 JAMES & LENE 1 CHURCH AR 61196TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8602 250251700 STEPHEN 1 & COLEEN M WILKER 62196TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8602 250251800 KEVIN L & LORI A BOGENREIF 63196TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8602 250251900 RICHARD A & BETTY A DERHAAG 71196TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 250252000 DOUGLAS L & PAULA JO STEEN 70196TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 250252100 WILLIAM F & MARY E HEINLEIN 72196TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 250252400 GARY & MARY LANE BENDZICK 73196TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 250253100 ROBERT & CHRISTIN E BOECKER 610 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8601 250253200 LESLIE L O'HALLORAN 710 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 250253210 GREGORY M FALCONER 720 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 250253300 ROGER A & KIMBERLY A LEE 600 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8601 250253400 WESLEY & CAROL DUNSMORE 730 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 250253500 ANDREW T RIEGERT 620 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8601 250253600 JAMES M & TERESA A BYRNE 700 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 250253800 THEODORE B & KAREN K HASSE 630 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8601 250900040 STEVEN A & RENEE A WILLIAMS 9291 KID FATRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8615 250900050 NORMAN E & STACY A KRUSE 9351 KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8617 250900060 GEORGE -ANN LILLIE 9355 KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8617 250900070 EDWIN MICHAEL DOMKE 9361 KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8617 250900080 RICHARD C BRAMA 9371 KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8617 250900090 MARK A & PAMELA K MOKSNES 9381 KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8617 250900100 JOYCE E KING 9391 KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8617 250920030 FREDERICK W & JUDITH AMRHEIN 9350 KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8616 251550022 TIMOTHY A & DAWNE M ERHART 9611 MEADOWLARK LN CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8695 252660010 R & C BRANDT JOINT REV TRUST PO BOX 722 CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-0722 252660020 MARK 1 & KAREN G GALLER 9376 KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8616 252660030 PAULTANDERSON 9380KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8616 252660040 RYAN STEWART 9390 KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8616 253650010 CARISSA E HAVERLY 750 96TH ST W CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 253650020 CHARLES E & SANDRA R WORM TRUSTS 760 W 96TH ST CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8603 253910010 JAMES E & JEAN M SLOSS 9360 KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8616 253910020 JEFFERY C & MARYELLEN J SEELEY 9366 KIOWA TRL CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-8616 257800070 BRIAN EDDS 575 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7645 257800080 TIMOTHY S & TAMARA S MILLER 579 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7645 257800090 TIMOTHY M VICCHIOLLO 583 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7645 257800100 DANEIL J MUELLER 587 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7645 257800110 ERIC W LORENTZSON 591 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7645 257800120 AUVANTE HOLDINGS LLC 595 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7645 257800130 PAUL C SCHNETTLER 599 SUMMERFIELD DR CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-7645 257800390 SPRINGFIELD HOMEOWNERS ASSN 7100 MADISON AVE GOLDEN VALLEY, MN 55427-3602 258470010 DAVID G DELFORGE 891 LYMAN BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9161 2584700291 FRANK T & MARY LOU WHALEY 851 LYMAN BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9161 258470030 LAURENE E FARRELL 801 LYMAN BLVD CHANHASSEN, MN 55317-9161