PC Staff Report 8-2-05 ~ z < u ~ ~ ~ ~ < < ~ < ~ ~ ~ ~ 00. PC DATE: August 2, 2005 IT] CC DATE: August 22, 2005 CITY OF CHANHASSEN REVIEW DEADLINE: August 16,2005 CASE #: 2005-22 BY: LH;DA STAFF REPORT PROPOSAL: Wetland Alteration Permit for Placement of a Dock LOCATION: 6440 Fox Path (Lot 9, Block 1 Fox Chase) APPLICANT: Marianne McCord & David Sanford ~, 6440 Fox Path Chanhassen, MN 55317 PRESENT ZONING: PUDR - Planned Unit Development Residential 2020 LAND USE PLAN: Residential Low Density ACREAGE: 43,977 square feet (-1 acre) DENSITY: 1.2-4 units/acre Net SUMMARY OF REQUEST: The applicant is requesting a wetland alteration permit for the installation of a boardwalk across a wetland to access a proposed dock on Lotus Lake. The boardwalk will be permanent to minimize impacts to wetland. Notice of this public hearing has been mailed to all property owners within 500 feet. " Location Map McCord/Sanford Wetland Alteration Permit Planning Case No. 05-22 6440 Fox Path CityofChanhassen Lotus Lake McCord/Sanford Dock W AP August 2, 2005 Page 2 of 7 PROPOSALS~RY The applicant is proposing the installation of a boardwalk from the rear portion of 6440 Fox Path across a wetland to provide permanent access to Lotus Lake. A seasonal dock will be extended from the permanent boardwalk at the water's edge to provide boat access by way of a dock. APPLICABLE REGUA TIONS Sec. 6-24. Location Restrictions No dock, mooring or other structure shall be so located as to: (1) Obstruct the navigation of any lake (2) Obstruct reasonable use or access to any other dock, mooring or other structure authorized by this chapter; (3) Present a potential safety hazard; or (4) Be detrimental to significant fish and wildlife habitat or protected vegetation. Sec. 20-404. No net loss. To achieve no net loss of wetland, except as provided under section 20-416 of this article, or authorized by a wetland alteration permit issued by the city, a person may not drain, grade, fill, bum, remove healthy native vegetation, or otherwise alter or destroy a wetland of any size or type. Any alteration to a wetland, permitted by a wetland alteration permit must be fully mitigated so that there is no net loss of wetlands. Sec. 20-405. Standards. The following standards apply to all lands within and abutting a wetland: (3) Docks or walkways shall be elevated six (6) to eight (8) inches above the ordinary high water mark or six (6) to eight (8) inches above the ground level, whichever is greater. (4) Access across a wetland shall be by means of a boardwalk and only upon approval of a wetland alteration permit. Sec. 20-407 . Wetland alteration. (a) An applicant for a wetland alteration permit shall adhere to the following principles in descending order of priority: (1) A voiding the direct or indirect impact of the activity that may destroy or diminish the wetland; (2) Minimizing the impact by limiting the degree or magnitude of the wetland activity and its implementation. McCord/Sanford Dock W AP August 2, 2005 Page 3 of7 Sec. 20-408. Permit required. Drainage, grading, filling, removal of healthy native vegetation, or otherwise altering or destroying a wetland of any size or type requires a wetland alteration permit. Activity in a wetland requiring a wetland alteration permit includes, but is not limited to: (3) Installation of boardwalks. BACKGROUND In April 2005, staff was asked by the applicant if they had riparian rights to install a dock. Staff reviewed the most recent survey of the property on-file (1986) (Attachment 4). The survey indicated that only the south east comer of the property touched Lotus Lake by a single point. However, no elevations of the ordinary high water level (OHW) were indicated on the survey. The applicant was asked by staff to provide a survey with OHW to determine if riparian rights existed on the property. The applicant provided staff with survey dated May 31, 2005 from RLS 43806 (Attachment 5). The survey indicated that the property does extend past the OHW, therefore, the property does have riparian rights. The recorded development contract for the Fox Chase development (Attachment 7) indicates that a perpetual conservation easement shall be granted to the city over the area below the 900 foot elevation on Lots 7 through 19, of Block 1, inclusive. The development contract also states that Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19, Block 1 shall be allowed 1 dock perlot. The dock on Lot 16 may be used by the owners of Lots 10-16, Block 1. The conservation easement was recorded against Lot 9, Block 1 as part of an "Agreement Pursuant to Planned Residential Development Contract" (Attachment 6). Based on the documents on file with the City it appears that an 896 elevation was shown on the plans for the subdivision (Attachment 9). The 896 contour clearly extends onto Lots 8 and 9, Block 1 of Fox Chase; however, docks for these two lots were not discussed during the subdivision process. During the subdivision process, the issue of whether docks would be allowed on Lots 10-19, Block 1 was an object of much discussion. Initially, the plan was to have docks only allowed on Lots 16- 19. Through a series of legal discussions between the City and the developer, it was agreed that Lots 10-16 could share a common dock on Lot 16. From the letters and minutes in the files, it appears a number of residents opposed any docks in this area at the time of subdivision. The major concerns appeared to be preservation of vegetation, fish habitat and aesthetics. ANALYSIS The proposed boardwalk/dock is shown on Attachment 5. There are six major issues regarding the placement of a boardwalk/dock at this location: McCord/Sanford Dock W AP August 2, 2005 Page 4 of7 Issue #1: Wetland Alteration Pennit. According to City Code, installation of boardwalks requires a wetland alteration permit. This is to ensure that any wetland impacts as a result of boardwalk installation have been avoided and minimized to the greatest extent practicable. Resolution: The applicant has applied for a wetland alteration permit. If the permit is not granted, the applicant will not be allowed to install the boardwalk over the wetland. Issue #2: Reasonable Access to Lake Lotus According to City Code, docks and other structures cannot obstruct reasonable use and access to other docks or structures (Section 6-24). Resolution: The applicant has submitted a plan for installing the dock that they feel will best allow access to both the applicant and existing docks in the area. The applicant has indicated that they are willing to alter dock placement if necessary to ensure reasonable use and access are maintained. Issue #3: Encroachment into Drainage and Utility Easement A drainage and utility easement is recorded over the rear portion of the subject property. Resolution: The applicant must enter a encroachment agreement to install their dock over within the City drainage and utility easement if the wetland alteration permit is approved. Issue #4: DNR Pennits If a boardwalk and/or dock is permitted, all applicable permits from DNR for dredging and/or vegetation alteration must be acquired. The applicant has a proposed plan that may require the removal of vegetation and or dredging to gain access to an existing navigation channel that allows access across to the main part of the lake. DNR is the permitting authority for all grading and or vegetation alteration below the OHW level (896.3). The requested wetland alteration permit, if approved, does not permit dredging of the lake or vegetation removal. Resolution: The applicant must apply for all necessary permits from the DNR prior to removing vegetation or sediment from Lotus Lake. Issue #5: Conservation Easement. As part of the Fox Chase plat, a perpetual conservation easement exists below the elevation of 900 feet over lots 7 through 19, inc1usi ve, of Block 1. The conservation easement restricts the placement and erection of buildings, structures, docks and walkways (except as provided in Section 6.03 of the development contract). The development contract also restricts the alteration of vegetation in any manner or form within the conservation easement (except as provided in Section 6.03). Exceptions in Section 6.03 the development contract allow for one dock to be constructed on Lots 16, 17, 18 and 19 Block 1. The dock at Lot 16 may be used by the owners of Lots 10-16, Block 1. McCord/Sanford Dock W AP August 2, 2005 Page 5 of7 Resolution: Vacation ofthis conservation easement (as a whole or in part) would be required to install a dock at 6440 Fox Path. The vacation of the conservation easement to install a dock may allow for additional dock installation in similar situations. Issue #6: Riparian Rights Because the OHW extends onto Lots 8 and 9, Block 1, both lots have riparian rights, that is the property rights arising from owning shoreline. In this case; however, the restrictions set forth in the conservation easement supersede riparian rights of property owners. Resolution: No resolution is necessary for this issue. If a wetland alteration permit is granted for a dock on Lot 9, staff anticipates that Lot 8, Block 1, may apply for a dock in the future. FINDINGS The rear portion of the lot at 6440 Fox Path is encumbered by a perpetual conservation easement in addition to a drainage and utility easement. An encroachment agreement would be necessary to cross a drainage and utility easement with the dock/boardwalk structure. The conservation easement would require partial vacation, at a minimum, to allow for the installation of any structure or vegetation alteration within the conservation easement. From the documentation of the Fox Chase development that staff has reviewed, the intent of the conservation easement was to limit the number of docks crossing the wetland riparian to Lotus Lake. Lots 10-16, Block 1 that are required to share a common dock, have similar lake conditions (i.e., adjacent wetland, very shallow and vegetated) as Lot 9, Block 1. The shared common dock was the mechanism used to give dock access to the Fox Chase lots (10-15) that would have had to cross a large amount of wetland and a very shallow, vegetated area of the lake. Permanent structures that minimize or avoid wetland impacts are encouraged where wetland crossings are necessary. Boardwalks are intended to be permanent structures that provide access across wetland areas. If a boardwalk is permitted, the boardwalk should be installed across the wetland as a permanent structure and a seasonal dock should extend from the boardwalk into Lotus Lake to provide docking for watercraft. The dock setback zone is defined in Section 6-1 of the City Code as "the area inside and running parallel to and ten (10) feet from the extended lot lines of a lot abutting a lake." "Extended lot lines" means an extension of the side lot lines 100 feet into a lake from and at a right angle to a line drawn between the intersection of each side lot line and the ordinary high water mark. If the extended lot lines of adjoining lots overlap then the common extended lot line between the lots shall be at an angle which equally divides the area of overlap." The dock should be located outside of the dock setback zone. The current proposed alignment encroaches into the dock setback zone (Attachment 5). If a dock is permitted, the dock alignment should be revised so the dock is located outside of the dock setback zone. Because the applicant's property is protected by a perpetual conservation easement that restricts the installation of any dock and/or removal of vegetation, staff is recommending denial of the wetland alteration permit. McCord/Sanford Dock W AP August 2, 2005 Page 6 of7 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: "The Planning Commission recommends denial of Wetland Alteration Permit #05-22, for a boardwalk across the wetland at 6440 Fox Path, based on the findings of fact in the staff report." Should the Planning Commission choose to recommend approval of Wetland Alteration Permit #05-22, staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the following motion: ''The Planning Commission recommends approval of Wetland Alteration Permit #05-22, for a boardwalk across the wetland at 6440 Fox Path, with the following conditions: 1. The boardwalk shall be installed across the wetland as a permanent structure and a seasonal dock shall extend from the boardwalk into Lotus Lake to provide docking for watercraft; 2. The applicant shall enter into an encroachment agreement with the City for the installation of the boardwalk across the drainage and utility easement. 3. The conservation easement shall be vacated for the length and width of the proposed dock structure; the remainder of the conservation easement at 6440 Fox Path shall remain intact. 4. The dock shall be located outside of the dock setback zone and shall not obstruct reasonable access to or reasonable use of other docks. 5. The applicant shall obtain all permits required by the DNR for dredging and aquatic vegetation management prior to commencing such work below the ordinary high water level of 896.3, should such permits be found to be necessary." ATTACHMENTS 1. Findings of Fact. 2. Development Application. 3. Affidavit of Mailing and Public Hearing Notice. 4. Survey for 6440 Fox Path, Dated September, 11 1986. 5. Survey for 6440 Fox Path with proposed dock, Dated May 31, 2005. 6. Agreement Pursuant to Planned Residential Development Contract. 7. Fox Chase Development Contract. 8. Aerial Photo of 6440 Fox Path. 9. Planned Fox Chase Subdivision "Exhibit A". g:\plan\2005 planning cases\05-22 mccord-sanford wap\mccord_sanford pc final.doc CITY OF CHANHASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES, MINNESOTA FINDINGS OF FACT AND ACTION IN RE: The application of Marianne McCord and David Sanford, 6440 Fox Path Planning Case No. 2005-22 On August 2, 2005, the Chanhassen Planning Commission met at its regularly scheduled meeting to consider the application of Marianne McCord and David Sanford for a wetland alteration permit for the placement of a boardwalk across a wetland. The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed development which was preceded by published and mailed notice. The Planning Commission heard testimony from all interested persons wishing to speak and now makes the following: FINDINGS OF FACT 1) The property is currently zoned PUDR, Planned Unit Development Residential. 2) The property is guided by the Land Use Plan for residential, low density. 3) The legal description of the property is: Lot 9, Block 1, Fox Chase. 4) The subject property is located on Lotus Lake. 5) An aglurban wetland is located on the subject property between the primary structure and Lotus Lake. 6) Section 20-405 of the City Code stipulates that access across a wetland shall be by means of a boardwalk and only upon approval of a wetland alteration permit. 7) Section 20-408 of the City Code requires a wetland alteration permit for the installation of boardwalks. 8) The planning report Planning Case No. 2005-22, dated August 2, 2005, prepared by Lori Haak and Donald Asleson is incorporated herein. ACTION The Planning Commission denies the wetland alteration permit request for a boardwalk across the wetland at 6440 Fox Path. ADOPTED by the Chanhassen Planning Commission this 2nd day of August, 2005. CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION BY: Vii Sacchet, Chairman g:\plan\200S planning cases\OS-22 mccord-sanford wap\mccord_sanford findings of fact.doc ;;;, Planning Case No. 0 S -~ CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard - P.O. Box 147 Ghanhassen, MN 55317 - (952) 227-1100 elTV OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPLICATION JUN 1 7 2005 etlANHASSEN PLANNINGDEPT f!AJ... Contact: f...L~LCI)-{uttte.. Phone: Lfl0 - ~ r & I Fax: Email: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Temporary Sales Permit Vacation of Right-of-Way/Easements Conditional Use Permit Interim Use Permit Variance Non-conforming Use Permit L Wetland Alteration Permit Planned Unit Development* Zoning Appeal Rezoning Zoning Ordinance Amendment Sign Permits Sign Plan Review Notification Sign** - $75 + $100 Damage Deposit Subdivision* X /~cro~for Filing Fees/Attorney Cost*** . ~~OCUP/SPRN ACN AR/w AP/Metes & Bounds - $450 Minor SUB TOTAL FEE$j. DO . tJO Site Plan Review* An additional fee of $3.00 per address within the public hearing notification area will be invoiced to the applicant prior to the public hearing. * Twenty-six (26) full-size folded copies of the plans must be submitted, including an 8W' X 11" reduced copy for each plan sheet along with a diQital copy in TIFF-Group 4 (*.tif) format. ** Applicant to obtain notification sign from City of Chanhassen Public Works at 1591 Park Road and install upon submittal of completed application. $100 damage deposit to be refunded to applicant when sign is returned following City Council approval. . *** Escrow will be required for other applications through the development contract. BuiflJm-~1fi~terial samples must be submitted with site plan reviews. NOTE: When multiple applications are processed, the appropriate fee shall be charged for each application. tcANNlO PROJECT NAME: 1?IJCL+ 7)0 ~ lOCATION: LtL/t-fb FB-i- p~ I ~q<;~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 1-1 +- q J (3/ D d.L II ~ fu ge-, , . J C "1'-/4 (t'JWt <:J ' fYiJ iW'<f.. Sm- tL TOTAL ACREAGE: Lf~ J q7 7 51' f-f-. X YES WETLANDS PRESENT: NO PRESENT ZONING: . REQUESTED ZONING: PRESENT LAND USE DESIGNATION: . REQUESTED LAND USE DESIGNATION: {L-e-~ u. tfj + {J)allLtv~ REASON FOR REQUEST: WtfltuJs 1!1. ~ t-eC; ~ o71i-v Lo ius L-~ 4 boed- dock This application must be completed in full and be typewritten or clearly printed and must be accompanied by all information and plans required by applicable City Ordinance provisions. Before filing this application, you should confer with the Planning Department to determine the specific ordinance and procedural requirements applicable to your application. A determination of completeness of the application shall be made within 15 business days of application submittal. A written hotice of application deficiencies shall be mailed to the applicant within 15 business days of application. This is to certify that lam making application for the described action by the City and that I am responsible for complying with all City requirements with regard to this request. This application should be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding any matter pertaining to this application. I have attached a copy of proof of ownership (either copy of Owner's Duplicate Certificate of Title, Abstract of Title or purchase agreement), or I am the authorized person to make this application and the fee owner has also signed this application. I will keep myself informed of the deadlines for submission of material and the progress of this application. I further understand that additional fees may be charged for consulting fees, feasibility studies, etc. with an estimate prior to any authorization to proceed with the study. The documents and information I have submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~M-~ ~ /? los . Date C/t~"'. . Date 8CANNED Signature of Applicant ~~ p8lgnature of Fee 0 er . ~mB>rms\Development Review Application.DOC Rev. 4/05 CITY OF CHANHASSEN AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING NOTICE STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) ss. COUNTY OF CARVER ) I, Karen J. Engelhardt, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes that she is and was on July 21,2005, the duly qualified and acting Deputy Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, Minnesota; that on said date she caused to be mailed a copy of the attached notice of Public Hearing for McCord-Sanford Wetland Alteration Permit - Planning Case No. 05-22 to the persons named on attached Exhibit "A", by enclosing a copy of said notice in an envelope addressed to such owner, and depositing the envelopes addressed to all such owners in the United States mail with postage fully prepaid thereon; that the names and addresses of such owners were those appearing as such by the records of the County Treasurer, Carver County, Minnesota, and by other appropriate records. Subscribed and sworn to before me thisdlS-\-- day of 0 u..l~ ~~\.~~ - Notary Pu . I ,2005. KIM T. MEUWISSEN I Notary Public-Minnesota My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2010 -.cANNED C) c i G) :2: c)s c.- .- 0 "'0 lU._ G)E ::J:E .20 :ao ::JC) D..c -'- Oc G) c o!!! :;:D.. Oc ZG) o o lU .c C lU .c o C) c i G) :2: c C)O c.- ._ 0 "'0 lU.- G)E ::J:E .20 :a0 ::JC) D.. .5 -c o c G) lU 0- .- D.. - oc ZG) o o lU .c C lU .c o C]) ..l<: ro -' CJl ro.a _0 0-' ::Ic ~o -OCJl..l<: > Co 0500 _0"0 C]).9ro ~~C]) EroEo ci~ 03~ 00..0. "E 8Rc"O .E "1'-0a3 C I'-~:;:; ro 1tjCJl~"O en L0032a3 "0 o .0 <( :;:; .~ oE"O~ ,.... C\Iroc> '-' C\i <3 ~ ro o?S _.Q5CJl "E ~ '0 > ~ 0 FoC>,- 0 ~'15~~ 0 ~~ ~ ~ ~ roroCJl~ "O:C~"OC\la3 CJl..........'-C\I.- C]).:::;'-'ro'a ::1.- C]) 0 LO 00::= ~Ocr:.oo..:::; CD E .. j:: c ~~ sB CO 0 C....I a; en o a. o .. 0.. C]) ..l<: j CJl ro.a _0 0-' ::Ic ~o -OCJl..l<: > c 0 ffioo _0"0 C]).9ro ~~C]) EroEo c.i~03~ 00..0. "E 8Rc"O 0 "l'-oS 1: I'- :;:; '"~ ro 1tj u) ~ "0 en L0032a3 "0 o .0<( :;:; .~ oE"O~ ,.... 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The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~66.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. <<NAME1 >> <<NAME2>> <<ADD1 >> <<ADD2>> <<CITY>> <<STATE>> <<ZIP>> Lotus Lake Disclaimer This map is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This map is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county, state and federal offices and other sources regarding the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City does not warrant that the Geographic Information System (GIS) Data used to prepare this map are error free, and the City does not represent that the GIS Data can be used for navigational, tracking or any other purpose requiring exacting measurement of distance or direction or precision in the depiction of geographic features. If errors or discrepancies are found please contact 952-227-1107. The preceding disclaimer is provided pursuant to Minnesota Statutes ~466.03, Subd. 21 (2000), and the user of this map acknowledges that the City shall not be liable for any damages, and expressly waives all claims, and agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City from any and all claims brought by User, its employees or agents, or third parties which arise out of the user's access or use of data provided. <<Next Record>> <<NAME1 >> <<NAME2>> <<ADD1 >> <<ADD2>> <<CITY>> <<STATE>> <<ZIP>> Public Hearing Notification Area (500 feet) McCord/Sanford Wetland Alteration Permit Planning Case No. 05-22 6440 Fox Path City of Chanhassen Subject Property Lotus Lake KEVIN A & LEANNE M BENSON 620 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 FRANCIS N CRISMAN & LINDA M WOOD 6360 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GEORGE F & JANET M DEAN 6400 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SEAN & MELINDA FITZGERALD 630 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KAYLA A HANUS 820 FOX CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KEITH M & MARY BETH HOFFMAN 6470 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JAMES D HUDSON & CAROLYN SUERTH 6541 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 STEVEN P & KIMBERLY A LATTU 840 FOX CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 TODD R MAGILL & KELLY N PIEROPAN 660 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 WILLIAM P JR & ANN K MILLER 6561 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN P & DEBRA L BREEDLOVE 860 FOX CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 WILLIAM P CUNNINGHAM 865 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROBERT J DORAN 788 LAKE PT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 ROBERT & RENAE FROEMMING 6411 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS R JR & MELANIE SHARER 796 LAKE PT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JAMES P & NANCY FORD HOOPES 6511 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JON ALAN KLOSTERMAN & MARGARET CODY KLOSTERMAN 6471 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHUNYI L1N & YANFANG CHEN 800 FOX CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MICHAEL L & REBECCA MCMILLEN 880 FOX CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHARLES S MORIN & TANYA M SREPEL 6401 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 REBECCA CLAIR CHUVA 6521 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 SAMUEL G & LAURIE J CURNOW TRUSTEES OF TRUST 650 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GREGG A & DIANE M ELLIOTT 6551 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CRAIG N HANSEN & CLAUDIA J GIESKE 6430 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MICHAEL & DEBRA HAYDOCK 6460 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS M & SUSAN J HUBERTY 6450 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MICHAEL R KROLL 6410 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JAMES M LYON 890 FOX CT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS A & JUDY R MEIER 695 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHARLES W & MARJORIE K NAGEL 6340 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 THOMAS R & ANDREA L NARR 6431 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHARLES R &JUDY LPETERSON 708 LAKE PT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GARY J SCHNEIDER & CYNTHIA CALHOON SCHNEIDER 640 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DENNIS M & ANN E SULLIVAN 6421 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 KEITH R & BARBARA C THOMAS 6380 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DENNIS ZHU & ZUO ZHI 716 LAKE PT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 NEAR MOUNTAIN LAKE ASSN INC 610 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSENMN 55317 RODNEY H PETERSON JR 6571 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 GEORGE T & PAULA J SOUKUP 6441 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 JOHN P & JANE THIELEN 665 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 TERRY D & DEBRA L VOGT 732 LAKE PT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHRISTOPHER S PELLETIER & JAMIE L GRIVICH 6420 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 DAVID B SANFORD & MARIANNEM MCCORD 6440 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 MICHAEL A & JANET A STANZAK 724 LAKE PT CHANHASSEN MN 55317 BEVERLY H THOMAS 745 PLEASANT VIEW RD CHANHASSEN MN 55317 CHARLES A & PAULETTE M WALL 6381 FOX PATH CHANHASSEN MN 55317 j- ~._,----~- '~--'- ~! :! 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AGR,EEMENT ..P~~UANT T<f PLAmlED RESIDENTIAL DEVEWPMENT CONTR;ACT TH.IS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and b~tween th,~Ci tYQf.~Cnanh~~.$~A.i:":Cl. M.~np~l$ptCl. .ro1.1D..icipa,J,. corp9~~tiop;J1;11.~.... "C,ity") ,Zachary Devel;opipe.rit.Corporation, a corporation tiridei' .... the laws of the State of Minnesota ("Zachary") and James M. Zechmann and Susan M. Zechmann, husband and wife (the "Zechmanns"). The property located in the County of Carver, State of Minnesota, legally described as Fox Chase, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Carver County Recorder, is subject to the terms and conditions of that certain Planned Residential Development Contract dated July 20, 1983, recorded August 5, 1983 as Document No. 60723vin Book 67 of Miscellaneous Records, Page 477, hereinafter referred to as the "Developers Agreement". The Developers Agreement provides for the granting of a perpetual conservation easement for environmental protection and wetland conservation over those areas of Lots 7 through 19, both inclusive, of Block 1, Fox Chase, which lie below the elevation of 900 feet. In connection with the Conservation Easement (as defined below), the Developers Agreement a.~v ~~~vides for (i) the future erection of a dock on Lot 16, Block 1, (which lot is presently owned by the Zechmanns) to serve the owners of Lots 10 through 16, both inclusive, Block 1, Fox Chase and (ii) the granting to the City of a public trail easement. The undersigned owners of the affected lots i~ the plat of Fox Chase, in order to comply with the terms and conditions of the Developers Agreement, do hereby grant and convey the following easements: Conservation Easement. The undersigned owners of affected lots in the plat of Fox Chase do hereby grant to the City of Chanhassen a perpetual conservation easement (the "Conservation Easement") for environmental protection and wetland preservation over those areas of Lot 7 through 19, both inclusive, of Block 1, Fox Chase, which lie below the elevation of 900 feet (the "Conservation Easement Premises"). The Conservation Easement Premises shall be subject to the development restrictions applicable thereto as set out in Section 6.02 of the Developers Agreement. Dockaqe Easement. The Zechmanns do hereby grant a perpetual non-exclusive easement (the "Dock Easement") for purposes of constructing, maintaining and using a dock for the - 1 - 6799R ......=.:..:....... .,..:... h"{.,j2r.".!{ -'n-r Page I I / / h_;..r.-:;._-.( j?tr'~"'''. 01 / A/:. Pages ut"w-..r..- ~.:. .;l~:..r .... .:..;..:..:.;.:...:.... ..,... . . ':~~{~.:;;;~<;;; Of IIf , "S:;~~'.8:' ,,', ~",;:' , ::::,:';: ;..,t::i,~::,:.,.:': :::2(::::: ~..,::;:;~:,i::~.X!.:s:'t;;;~::;::,~;;/if;:::+:;;;/,:;,;<::,;;'j;;:;J)8u~\:~;::.~;,i;?~;{;?:; t\{\\:;I~tifl;~;t{!_II.iii;;;ijj;~!~'"l~ll~!!l!';~\;; ~:;J:-\i./{:. :{~l;LY;';'p.~scrl.bed on att.ached .Ex.hJ.b~t A (the "Publ~c Tral.l"). ,:.; ....:...... . . . '.,:":..~ ..:.. Conformance with Developer's Aqreement. The City acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement will be deemed to conform to and satisfy all requirements of the Developer's Agreement relative to the creation of the conservation easement, the provision for an easement for dockage purposes, and the easement for public trail purposes described in the D~ve~oper's Agreement. Runninq of Benefits and Burdens. All provisions of this instrument, including the benefits and burdens, run with the land and are binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, assigns, successors, tenants and personal representatives of the grantors and grantees and their respective invitees, but may be amended without consent of the o~ners of any lot or lots not directly affected by the amendment. The consent of the City of Chanhassen to any such amendment shall, however, be required. Construction. The rule of strict construction shall not apply to the grants of easements contained in this instrument. The grants contained herein shall be given a reasonable construction so that the intention of the parties to confer a reasonably usable right of enjoyment on the respective grantees is carried out. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed 1n counterparts. In witness to this instrument, the parties ~ve c~used this instrument to be executed as of the 3/s day of~ ' 1987. :-:.. :~:~ . ~';': . i~i~. :: ,.,... 2 >S799R,n .... . : . .. .....: . . .::~~t11r-.{:,~;};{~.;i5j.:t~~;~.;.::;::\.S~:~);::'~:i:~i~\~i~;;.{;~::':\i~{~;~:r~.;:::~.::. ::'. .... ....:.:..... .. . . ..... '. ....1..;..'............, ~.\':"~,>:.: .\'?~!:'.' ~;:.'. ~:...... . .:':::.~..'.~.. -;.:-.: ;..: . ., ',_;/';~~f~~; }.<~;.~...' ;..~.i~~; '..:;;&{~1 '"-::::::;:~ Eiden Construction, Inc., (OWner of Lot 10, Block 1, Fox Chase) ~ ~1 .>,1 . . By: .. tV Its: . ..?__ . ~ STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) . II~The foregoing instrument was ackno ~ed ed this l.tlIlfday of .[;>er?pi'11/J""r, 1987, by .' ~ and respectively of Eiden. nstruction, Inc., a Minnesota corporation on behalf of said corporation. ~ ./ /l . -e'>l'LdA-.- ~c::.--L N6'fary Public ' . .Eimlo !J(/e! NOTARY PUBUC_II'INNESOr", CARVER COUNTY ~v _~"'!'~!.o'!.lI!~r!5 _ ~~:?~ S ..,.~~ - -- --- ------ --- - " THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. 1100 International Centre 900 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 - 3 - 6799R Page a of /4 Pages STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) ~The foregoing instrument was ackno;wledged b this .lL.. day of ~~ I 1987 by ^A~R. . t'4 the ~~T~ ~~~~ . of Zachary Deve opment Corporation, a corpor ion organized and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesot~, 0 behalf of said corporation. &} LVNNEM.~ tfII1rRtt""'" - .. .' UI~~~" - 4 - 6799R Page _..!i Gl _-'# Pages . -. -' . '.. '.: .J.... .' . .. . ~". .... . "~' ".:<. "..'.::-.-:' ~. :.: .....:. : : .:: :. ~" ......:.~... : Susan M. Zechni.a. Lot 16, Block STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) 4A~he ~t was acknowledged before me this~-~ay of , 1987 by James M. Zect~ann and Susan M. Zechmann, husband and UjJ~ ~h l!ary Publ ic · - 5 - 6799R Page ... ~ f~~ijWtf~~l'YJ!\i;';;;~,~:j'!f.;,::;i;""', ,,',' :'.::......, ", .".;. ,,':'::'.;', . . '" .:' :..:.~. :::.;.:..:'.:~..: ".~ ::./-':..' ~".. .::~ (; . .. .' .... . ..:..:......:,:..~ 't.<. ..:....<...:...~~.'.....:.;:;.~~:..:..;.i;:~:~..::~.t!~~;::..~~~.:;/.:.\:: ~::~:.:.i.;.~~~;:~ ~ ...." ,,' ',' . ,'; ',: " .:.>:;:':<q;iJ?:;,::.x~~(,/rK;~'.; ......... . '<;'\.,. '.', .;',:' : ,: ~ :':\:::;:~~~;6ij~:':pi~:, B~:'~~~::~;':; <:' ..: ;.,: .'. .::.:/;"~':",::/~::,:.~?~:Yf~\:; " " MINN'EAPOJ.;/IS,;. A,:National Banking' '.,:"."':',.,',, : " ". "As$~c.iat:a:Q'it.~:~ 'Mo.::~gagee.. of . that. " '. ",. ~>.:'. :::' ~.::, ;. ""..cei't~ii;li::i19'~~ga.g~/ dat~;':April '21 ~;:". ;;. , . '. ',' , 1987 Recorded the 1'1-'8.- day ~~. Y1Lif~,~I~87 a~ Docwn.e~t (OWner of Lot 9, Bl, Fox Chase) f~i:~~.[,.:'<J>\:,.;;:,t..< :.. ,';" ~'.:::;: '. . .~ 'E' {:::-:.:~'>. :.,'.. ~.' : '":"'.:'.....: t."" .... .~~~: :i.:.: ;, . %~: 1l;/~- ',:':0':0:- .:':',- By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) ~ The for~oing instrument was aCknOWle~~efore me thi s ~s.' day of ~{..A./ , 1987 by i;f}-;~-1.1.... ,.~ and . the U. ~ (J./u--uet#r. and , respectively of National City Bank of Minneapolis, a National Banking Association on behalf of said National Banking ASSOCi~ib " '/it 'J .. ~ft~.)/1 0--b,u'']/J Notary Public / (J Lynne /h LC?/nf1'l 4f,ilfr I J1l - "r ,/.-u..;] 11/1.J./'i3 UJ. r'/.''VI''/YP.A..~41- ~'f' ' o __"rvv ~ - 6 - 6799R ~E LaPawn M. Williams (Owners of Lot 17, Block 1, Fox Chase) STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 22nd day of December , 1987 by Bradley J. Williams and LQPawn M. Williams, husband and wife. o i I j:' i I i .. ~'NN'~~"'H#_H#ff~ ~ 0-.... lAcel A. WACKER t I'~~\~ NOTARY PUBLIC MINNESOTA ~ WRIGHT COUt-.'TY M'I Ccmm.ssior Expires Nov. 24. 1992 i .HH#tlH#I"'~H~_~ :J:[U~,~~. t1. ILl{(1j2L;' Notary Pu lie - 7 - 6799R ....i Page _ '1 'Oi 14 Peges ..., ':";.. ~.~ - ....,.;:~ ',:'; ~:' .:::.' .. ' . .;. ".,." .:. .:'. .:.....'1. .,. ,. .",:' " " ,.. ", .....:~:- ..... .... ...,....:........ :;.' .':' :::':~;~:f': :;?;:/\~: . (.'.~ STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) ~. The fo~ument was acknowledged before me this It - day of , 1987 by James E. Ring and Linda K. Ring, husban and wife. ~G<- a. ~ Not Public. I .NMN&..vJN~~{~.~=WIN4'I. NOTARY PUBUC . MINNESGrA . OAKOTA COUN1Y My Commission &pinl$ -. "' J990 .WNN't^I.........v.y~...."....J..:v........A.......,f-,?V~N. 6799R - 8 - Page S " ,;. ..11: Pages . .. .... "... The City- of. Cpan.hass~n, a:Miiuiesot~ 'Muilidipa~ . Corporation, doe.s hereby consent to the foregoing iIlst:rument and ~lq~nowledges that th~ same conforms to and satisfies all re~irements of the Develcpers Agreement, as that term is defined in the for go['n instrument, relative to the creation of e Conservatio Easement, an easement for a dock, . a Ira ments f~ ,a tr . is. . By. a t / . Its: ~ . ~J dl~.~ f:},~ ~,.. 6- v- STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss . COUNTY OF CARVER ) ....... ~.,:; . . """'-.::.- ' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 3,p. day of ~ , 1987 by~~.~ ~+- i:b:e ~ ~ ~ '7Yt--TOf the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota Municipal corpor tion on behalf of said corporation. dr[j 6799R - 9 - Page _ 9 K,'!,REN J. ENGElHARDT NOTARY PUBLIC . M;\.;~,tSOTA CARVER COll'.IlY My commission Wlp!~es 10.16-91 /1.. ~~"'es ...... ....... _.____ ...-..-- "::I ~.~~... r-Uu R. . Sherrie R. Dewey, 1, Fox Chase) . Block .! ::;~~! .;~:E~i .;~. STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) .:..: "'1: \~ ....;. ..::. ~ The fore~ instrument was acknowledged before me this '2.- u day of ...z--~, 1987 by John B. Dewey and Sherrie R. Dewey, husband and ~\~ 4 0'\ ~ Notary Pub ic ..,~ ..' . ,- " ;~............. ~-..:f:Cil ~. ;-~.<t40.........,_i>' t} ~I .,:.;J., 1.:/- ~.. ~ ,. .'. _..:~~~ ...>. ~:~;~:!~~~;~:. ~', . ..r'-' ':; ~..._,-..,.- , ",-y." ;"':", ,"'." ..;.":!:.:,' .:;..... :;... ,~. Ji I"':',':, i~~;;/. - 10 - 6799R Page It> of /4 p~ges .', ',' '....... ". ~wl("t:1 19, Block 1, STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTy OF HENNEPIN) , The foregping instrument was acknowledged before me this .t.2~ day of~e.-~ , 1987 by Lowell R. Frost and Sharon Frost, husband and wife. ''''. \ Li\t;~ W1 ~ NofM:Y PIc '..,.".~-........,~ .. _.._~.,..~....,..~... , f .'::Ra!/ c!-J. .-./:1"n ~ ii, ':'. ,;',' ~11 ;::,;.:c ~~i!;~~~~)Tj~ ~ Ii". '. ii- ,.......';15;''" e~';..lre, 4.2~92 i ~_";'...J. . .4~ "1_ -4J1\!1 - 11 - 6799R Page /1 Ld. vf, ~ Pages l^--L- ... STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) 1_ The fo eg ing instrument was acknowledged before me this \,/I day o' , 198f by Mark D. Lecy, President of Lecy Construc~ n, I ., a corporation organized and existing under. laws of the State of Mi.nnesota, 0 behalf of said corporation. 8~ ~~~ HENNEPIN COUNTY M,rQ,... 'J-___.12.11183 - 12 - 6199R Page 1,fJ 07 ~ /4_ Pages :~> STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) / The fore~oing instrument was acknowledged before me this 12- day of 'V~O~ , 1987 by Barie P. Fritz and ~ Sam! 1 ton "'ri &E. husband .....d wi U ~.k1 J, /,_ ~ _ ~ ~y Public~//'7 LV h U Ih. Le,A /l tl./J~ J11 Y & flit frI/SSI t~/l e~p,y~:; III,') /i3 '.":,~' .r .; .::;."( :.~ - 13 - 6799R Page J.~ of /4 Pages EXHIBIT A Legal Descrip~ion of Public Trail A permanent easement for trail purposes over and across the easterly fifteen (15) feet of Lot 20, Block 1, Fox Chase, and the Southerly ten (10) fget of Lot 19, Block 1, Fox Chase, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carve~ County, Minnesota. OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER Filing Fee ~ I#o/.~ This is to certify that this document wa~f~l~d in this office on the..attay of ~. 1911-A.D.at~0'clock u&\.o M.. and was duly recorded as document no. 93995 CARL W. HANSON JR. . County Recorder by: ~()/Y ~~ /I f';fi ,. M_I G_G._ :.." . - 14 - 67~~R CONTRACT " ',-, -' :',-,',', , " WITNESSE'I'H, That the City, in exercising its powers pursuant to M.S.A. ~462.358and ot:her appJi ('.II.> 1 (~ stute laws, and the DcveJop(:r' in consj,di:~ration' of the ItlllLuii I ,'OVC'lldlll FIl(~rei n c:onLa'j ned, re(~t<tc i.,md ilY r'ee as S.EGTIONl. ; fll':QLJI.;:S'J' FUll] 'J,i\'j 1\1 '1')(UV 1\1.. Tile' Developer Ita8 asked the City to approVe a plaT--:()['Tijj'I'C'i 'c;.t;j:ilc:;cj"-by: 1.01. Derrj ck Land C(HlIpdny, 1-\ Minnesota Corporation ,fee owner; 1.02. ,Willlld C, rtl(JlllpSOll, lVlor't.<Jd~F:;e. To ,be known a~; FoX Clld:')t' i ,J. :-;c) n~h:'r'll'd Lo i.1, Ltl:is Agreement as the. "'Plath.) .. ::,uch bl' II dl II. q'J ! 1 Vcl(~s(:t' Ibed as shown on the attached Exhibit "A" which J '.. Lle,t l'b'\" lIIdcJ(' ,,:1 pur'i !lE-J'cof. SECTION 2.0 HE(:lTAL.S. _____.:;0._____ I~?~~~} Ii] sec.,".,).r.'elJ!~~_~ni:~'x_peve I oprQen-t PI an and Prell rni-:- nd ry 1'1 at. The neve loper' is, the feeowrierof a ,tract ~)T 1 -a-I-lcrTy I fig w it)1 i Ii U'lf.' City ,as more particularly descrtbed on Exllibj t. "A" at t_achE-~d h~; ('<.'t.o and made ia. part hereoT (hereinafter' t.he "Sub )eci.. Pror..wr-ly" ..Jr' ""Plat 01). The Developer has h';retofor'e made ClpplJ('dtion to tlw (I I Y under the City ZbriinfJQrdL;' nancefoy' th,eapprovdl ofa p,.. I f.' f .In/H,:'!.! Ht:'sidential Districl:enf:Ql1lh' PC1s$in~l all ()J ttw~iubJel:+. prof't.,'ty, 2.0 l . CONIHTl UN~,. Of': P Ll\'!" I\f-'I-'HOVJ\L. , TheC]:ty has appr'oved or ....Hln.'ed t.() dpprove tions (1), Thet the Deve] oper 'entt.' r in to this Develdpl1'\etltCoritr'acL, (2 )t,hatttle IJev('~ lope)" pruv 1 d(~ iHl I rrevoc!:lbl e letter of credit:, or cdshes('r'()wld~, ~';f,'i. fot"1 hi n SecLions 7. 01')7~02, 7 .03arldH. "n (IJse(':l.Jr:i.:t}l.:t)lJ:f.L"h;lt'dlI1,(;~('~J tlq t fW pe r't 0 rHla nce()f}~hl::fterJnsOfL hi s . ".qevelopmelltQotlti~act. d/ld' ! ,:i(> qUdy'anteeinq the. payment ,,fall struct: i OJ} COS t~; of I h,. 111l1f)\Jf.~IIi(-'n t.. A 1 etter of cred:U' WilY be sub-- mittedJur'aone ye.n pf'fi,;d /,d t.ime with the provision thi:lL it. snaIl be l'cIH:?wed cd tht. end 01 the eleventh month for anyiwpc<:)v\.... ments yet to be saLi sfi-.wl 01 i Iy ('orn~leted and accepted by the City. .~,\ :{> >- ........,.~~._._... ~ ': ~l~~~~~:"~~ ,~ ~~ ~.,.._-----.,--.~.., .~.".~-~...._..-_.-.- ;- Failure to furnish a ne~ letter of credit at least thirty (30) days before the posted letter of credit lapses $hall be deemed a condition of defawlt and th~ City may obtain all monies posted under the exis~ ting letter.of credit. 3.'Ol.Constructiori: Developer agrees at its expense to constrL\ct,instcdl,and perform all work and furnish all materials and.equlp{l\entdln connection with the instCillation of the fOflowing public improvements (hereinafter the "Public Improvements"),in accordance Width the Plans and Spec i fica tionsdescribed in "3.02 below as modified by the Special Conditions set forth in Section 5 hereof:' .. a. Street grading, stablilizing, and bituminous surfac:,ing and wear surface b. Surrnountable concI'ete cur'bs and qutters c. Sanitar'ysewer' m;..lns d. Waterirdairls e. stbrmand. sur'face watf~r dr'ainage and l'etention ponds f. Street signs g; Und~rground util1ty lines. h. Stt'eet lighting . j" i. Grading including' be,rm construc'U.ori 3.02. Final Plans and Specifications. The De~eloper shall provide the Cit:y'W1.th final plans and specifications, including' a ffnal grading plan, prepared by a registered professional engineer, whichplansand specificati.ons shall be subject to the final review and written approval . of the e'i ty . Engineer.. Substantial changes in said plans and speciftcations shall be referred by the City Engineer toth~C:ity GOl;lncil for approval. Said plans and specifications areher'ebYlTIade a part of this agreement. Developer shall not make or.B~rrnieany . changes , variations, omissions oraddi tions to City approved final plans and specifica.tions without the written approval of the City Engineer prior to any such change, variation, ornission or addition. 3.03. Standards of Construction. Developer agrees that all of the public improvements shall be constructed and installed in accordance.. wi th the aforesaid City approved plans and specifics, and that said improv~'ll~t:l~sshall equal or exceed CitY$t ,andthat all of said work shall be subject to the inspectiori' dapproval of the City Engineer. Materials and Labor. All of the materials' to be employectinthemaking of said public improve'rnents and. allof the work performed. in connection therewith .shall be of uniformly good and workrnanlike quality. In case any material Or labor supplied sq~l~b~~r'~'~~C5lt;~dbythe City as defective orunsuitab le,tb.en such rejected material shall be removedandreplCicedwith approved material, and rej ected labor shall be done anew to the satisfactifjn and approval of the City at the cost and expense of the Developer. ~2.. ~.....::~-_..,.,. .. 3.05. Staking, Surveying and Inspection. It is' agreed that the Developer, through his engineer', shall provide for all staking, surveying and resident inspection for the above described improvements in order to ensure. that the.. completed improvements . conform to the' approved plans and specific:ations. The City will provide. fqr general inspect:ion and shall be, notified of all tests to be performed. It is agreed that the estimated cost of such improvements, inc~ludirig reasonable charges of . the City for legal, planning, . engineering services, including inspection, supervision and administration costs, shall be included in the total cost of all improvements for purposes of computing the amount of the financial security. to be furnished to the City by the Developer pursuant to the terms of this agreement.. 3.06. Completion Date _...:smd ~cheduleofWork. H. Itt::3 aqreed by Uwl)vve toper' Lho t: tile corwLruc t. Ion oJ lAw public cllld pt'lv,II.1' illlpt'qVI:llwIIL:.i.:illtlll \'illIllll.IICI.!, WIUlltl two (2) year's of the .ftLinyof L.he Lind1 pJi:.lt elL the Carver' GoUnl:yCourthous(;~and t:ha t all pub!:i. c illlpr()vemen L~o shull bl~ completed withiri two (2) years of said plat filiny. b. The Developer or his engineer ..shall schedule a pre- ccnstruction meetin~ at a mutually a~reeable time and place with allpartiesconcer'ned including the City staff to review the program for the construction work. Upon cortipletioh ofs~wer' and water 1 ines shall be tested in accordance \IIi th the testin.g procedures that are r"equiredby the City Engineer. Within th:irty (30) days after completi9n of the improvements, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of .iAs Built" plans. c. Final approval and acceptance of the proJect,shall take the form of q Resolution duly passed by the City.Council, oathe advice of. the City Engineer. Final approval and accep"- tance shall be granted upon the CIty Engineer' s satisfaction pursuant to Sectlon3. OB and shall be conditioned upon, th~ one year guarantee of work and guarantee bond set forth in Section 3.15 hereof. Any such work or materials which may be done or fur- nishedby the contractor, wi'thout such written order first being given shall be at his own risk, . cost and expense, and he her'eby age'ees thatwithqut such written .order he will make no claim for colilJ:tehsation'for wor~ or materials so done or furnished. :~:..:. 07 ~_ Claims for Work. The Developer shall not do any . work or 'furnish any materials not covered by the plans and spec:ifica- tion~ at'ldspecial condi bons of this .a.g-r-eement, for which reimburs'e- meht is exp~cted from the city, u.nless such work is first ordered in wri tlngby the C.i ty Engine,er. as provided in the specifications. -3- "~..~","' ...._---.,.:~- :"', '.. " 3.08. Final Inspection. Upon completion of all the work required by the City Engineer, a representativ~ of .the contractor, and a representative of the Developer's engineer will make a final inspectionof'the work. Before final payment is made to the contrac- .t'or by the Developer, the Ci ty' Engineer shall be satisfied that all work is satisfactorily completed in accor'dimce with the approved .plans and specifications; and the Developer's engineer shall submit a written statement attesting to same,. 3.09. City Disclaimer.' It is agreed anything to toe con- trary herein notwithstanding!; that except for. its or their negligence or malfeasance, the City of Chanhassen, the City Council and their agents or employees shall not be personally liable or responsible in any manner to the Developer, the Devolopcir"s contractor or ~;ub. conLrilcLor, material men, laborers or any other' per'!-:;on or' per'sonE; whomsoever', for any clatm, ()('m.Hld, ddllh\qe~;, ilcLjon:; (It' CdWi(!!, or iJcLlofl of i.UlY kind or'dldt'deLer' f.Jt'.luiIHJ t.H.Il, ul l.H' I)y l'l!d~;Otl at L11l~ OX('?Gul,:ionof t~lis illJr'l!OllltmL or Lilt' IHH'fot'llldIlCI' .11111 1'(JlIIIJlI~Llol1 olH tht:! wot'kund the :lm,(.H'ovemt:!nt!:i' pr'ovidud ht~t'e.i.n, and Lhi.1t the Deve1opUt' shall save ,t.he City harmless from all such claims, demands, damages, actions or causes of actions or the costs dishursernents, and expenses .of defending' I;pe same I speC if iCi.11J.y inc lud ing" wi Lh()u L .i.11 Lending to ,1 1mi t the categories of said cO~3tS. CO!:it and expenses for City administrative time and labor, costs of consulting engineering ser- vices and cOsts of legal services rendered in connection with defen- ding such claims as may be brought against the City. 3. lC~ Erosion Control'. Developer r,' at its expense, shall provide temporary and permanent dams, earthwork, retention and sedi- mentatiori basins, and such other practices including seeding Of graded ai'eas I as shall be needed in the judgment of the City Engi- neer,the Riley Purgatory OreekWatershed District, the U.S. Corps of Engineers, and the Department'of Natural Resources, to prevent the washing, flooding, sedimentation and erosion of lands and road within and outside th'e plat during all phases of construction, inclu- ding construction on Individual lots. Additionally, the Developer shall comply with all conditions of the grading and land alteration permits from the Riley Purgatory Creek Watershed District, the U.S. Corps of Engineers, the Department of Natural Resources approval, .... and all of, the recommendations of the U.S. 'Soil Conser'vationServ1ce J.l)i ts reports to the extent con8i~tent. "wLth the requirements of ". er' re'gulatOry agencies. '1'hefollowing minimum restorationrequi re-. 'ts sha'll be met. Tht.~ City Eng,ineer shall determine if any' other iilgency requirements are mort': explicit or restrictive; andmi.ty i at his discretion require that those conditions be met in lieu of any or.all of the following. a) All areas. disturbed by the excavation. and backfilling operation.!? shall be reseeded forthwith after the ,compl~tion of the work in ..that .area. b) Seed shall be. rye grass ~r:Qtherfast growing seed to provide a temporary ground covera$ rapidly as po~sible. c) All, seeded cireas shall ,pe mulched as neces- sary for seed retention. ... " -4- ..~-"'?'!~. .. ..... . A. plal\ consolidating all applicable condi tibns concerning construc-. tion grading and drainage shall be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer prior to commencenlent of any work. 3.11. Street Lightinq. The expense of. furnishing electrical energy for street lighting purposes shall be assumed by the City twenty-four (24) months after completion of installation of the street ligh'I;ing system, or after fifty percent (50%) of the buildinil lots have been improved by the constr'uction of residences .l.;her;l:~or, whichever. isfi rst to occur. .,' ~ .:.:- -'- ' , ' , - " . Conveyance of IUlprovernerits.. Upon conip Let i on of '. the b.Y Developer of the impTovements set forth inJl3. 01 hereof in acCord.-:mC(lWL th the pi dr\S dud specificiiLi.ons Il(~reuwlvt, and the wr'itten appr(wal by LlH;~ Cl Ly if tlot IH'eviollsly dedjc:dLI'd itl Llli.' I inoll pl,d..()l'vl'lop"t, :;11,,11. ('(IIIVI'Y IIH....1.1IId.,111(1:;didil.iq".)v.. IUt~tlt,!.;- LoLhe C i. Ly [1'C~(l of dt 1 Ii eli:; dlHI (.:tll'\lIll,IH'dtlC(':;"lltlwII.JIVJoIt' .r'd"l.y Df ..Lil,I.': IlIlt'!;I'''''! . t'ol.:,1 I .,( ~;..II' "I' W;~i't'I,.l\ll.y 1)",:d,>'I~""IJII)I'., able. Should the J)c'V'eloper- .Cdil l.o so convey said . improvem~rlts, the same. shalJ becollle the rH'op(~r'Ly of the G ity wi LholJCtlH'Lher lhll i \',; or uctionon the purl:- of ei.Uwr' party her-eLo,oUwl' thilnaccept,lrl<'" by the City. 3.1~3. .~~uildi~SLJ::>ermi tS.__~2d. _QccupiHlcy Permi ts. a. Prior to cornpl(~I..Lon of the qr'adinq dlHl pldcemenl: of rock stabiliL'.inq Inaterials for r'oi:ld construcLion~ithin the plat, the City Ruilaing Inspector, with the approval of Lhe City Engineer, shall be au that' i zed to issuebui.rctitlgperrn i. l." for residentialcoFlstruction within suchplaL upon payment .of dllfees and charges. applicable to the issuanCe of permits ~nd provisioris for adequate site aCceSs. b. The occupancy of any structufe within said plat for res1dential purposes shall be prohibited by th~ City 0ntil the streets have been paved with a 11 inch base bitumi.nous surface or CL5 if approved by the Ci'ty Engineer, municipal san~l tary sewe rand water lines shall have. been. ins:talled, tes- ted, inspected .and are avai lable to serve.. the lot .for which a building p'ermi t shall have b~~!1.~issued. ""','-'-', ;"--, ' ,'C,"':.' ,. . , " - ", - ',",': ,'" ,'-, ",,' ,,-, ,,-', ",'.,',','.',,' ,', "",-:--',-",' :3014. 'OheYear Guarantee of Work and Guarantee Bond. wor'k and materials performed and furnished by the' bevelbper, its ciqentsand subcontractors pursuant to '13.01 above, Wllich are found by the City. to be defective wi than one yearaEter' acc'':!ptance by . .the City shall be repaced .by Developer at Developer's sole expense, . In accor'dance with Section 7.0:2 and not in addl tion tnereto,. the . w.Lthin 9'4a.,rantee of work shall be secured to the City by an irr~:": .' vocabl eletter of credit, ora corporate' sur'e ty bond, at:' the elec-' tion (If and in. an amount established by the City. furni.shed by. the D.~velc per to the City.. Sa~d Ie t:ter of credit (ir suret,:Y bon~ ~J;l.all flrst be approved by the C1 ty Att:orney, and shall be 1h add1 tLOtl to, 'and not. in lieu of any other remedies whIch may be avai lab'le . to the City to secure an-y defects in materi als or workmanship. ~,.c) .'.JJ' ~ . '-(,.', ,.... ~) -- :;'~~-"''''' ,:J!..'; .. 3.15. Liability Insurance. Developer shall maintain so long as Developer's obligations continue under this agreement, public' liability and property damage insurance covering persoriaJ injury,including death, and claims for property.damage which may arise out of Developer's wor'k or the work of its subcon- tractors or bY one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury or death shall be not less than $500,000 for one p.e.ts6h and $1, '000, 000 for eac:hoccurrence; limits fOr proper- ty damage shall be "not less than $200,000 for each'occurrence~ The City shall be"named as an additional named insured on said policy, and Developer shall file a copy of the insurance coverage with the City prior to initiating construction. SECTION 4. :I. . () 1 . ~)l:.~.l:.:.L?1~~L~ck!\~~~~.~.dq5~~...,~I2!::~:L,-~~.._~~~~:..~~ll; ..The Deve loper." aCknowY"f.;-,-Jges that the subject pl'opcr'Ly d(:r'iv(~~; ":;fh,('j,t1 h(";n(~fiL." d:L UldLL<.;r'III i.:;) <1<.:1. inuU llY prv:;\'II! (<I:i~} I dW 111\tler' CI1.'p\.t:r' 1,2Q 0/- Mi nnesotdS La l:uL(:~;. fr'oIllLJw:;I'W(~ r'.1 .i n. :,;L" L i Oi'I.'1I1dw'ILI'Y' .:iUprjJy "'"" fucillLies, tr'unk <Hid luler'alsi.mlLdvy ~;l~wer fdciliLies,dndtl'UUR. and lateral water facilities which were constructed as a part of Chanhassenlmpr'ovomei1t Pr'ojects. The Developer dcknowledgel;i that. the amount of such spectal benefi t l~> noL less th"tn the sum of the fbllowing amouhts: a. Le'Jie? Special Ass~s~rn~nts~ Parcel No. 25-01-000-0037-000, 20.08 Acres in,part of GoV't. Lots 5 and 6, l!3ewer and water lateral assessment levied in 1973 in the atnount of $4, 119..QO,payableover 15 years at 7% inter~st. 1 sewer and water trunk as!3essment levied in 1980, 1n the amount of $1,054.96, payable over 10 years at 7% inter~st. Parcel No. 25-79-500~0001-OOO, Lot 1, Vineland 1 sewer and water lateral aSSessment levied October l, 1973 in thl:~~'amountof$4. 949.. 00, has been paid in fulL -6c. ':,'-" ,,>"/' '--:;':'.' ':-.'i.':"', "", :">':<':'. .,:-;)', ',_;,-:-:"i line sewer and water' trunk units" each sewer lrunl{ unit valued at $320.00 and each water trunk unit valued at $3BO ..00, and each said sewer and water unit shall bear' interest at the rate'of 7% from. o.ctober 1, 1973. :'-. - -:' . .,' ---- - '::" - ,: ,'., " . - - ---:' -. . -' "';"\~':--:'!::" '-', -' ,- :-",," , 4 .02. Spread and Payment of De.ferred Special Assessments. .... Ail deferred special assessments for said 68 sewe~r and~ater. trunk. uni ts shall be spread and assigned to. the 52 specially benefitted.. lots within the final plat, shall be certified to the Carver Gounty. . Audi tor for collection at the time of the recording of the final> ... . plat with the County Recorder , ahd shall be payable in installments. of principal 'and interest over a period of four (4) years after said certification. ~::,:'::',:(:::;' ':::_':-,'.:..{ y.::,:,':':, '\-'-':-",/ ._,-.~~.,,--- "":'~,~~~l:r" ,;,~ -, .......~_.-.. ....;~................,......:....-...~-'.~.. .....--...-... _~.~ .<l,T-.. .' .~~~~.:.I.(~1!..~:~.~!_i::.(_:: :__I_~~IJ.~"i.,.i .( ~_ ~!_(_.:....l!:_ I r~J..L_:!!J~.J__J!.i ~1~_I_I:"..,(?1-:_-,-01?Pt :.:1.1 The DeveJ operwi:1.l yes its r'iqht. to Vqb.L Lc he"icin<j url(..h~ t' lj429..0GJ and ~.t.29 .071 of Minnesota :3ta1~utesdndLts ri qh t O[ur)I)eal under' ~429. OBlaf Min1:'leSo~a statutes a~; to the Special AsSeSSrl\ents~ SECTION 5. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. ~). 01. Fox Path Cul-de~Sac. A "T" 'iritersec tion shall be -- constructed by Developer at the westel'n terminus of Fox Path, with surmountable Gurband gutter. dnd sha 11 be cons true t(~d inaccordancC' wi th plans and specifications approved by the Ci ty E:liq ineer. Tr:\e westerly extension of Fox Path from selid "T" intersection to the westerly boundary of the subject property shall be pL.d:tedas a dcdicatedstree t but shall not be improved as such un t i 1 deve;J..()p-' menton the adjoining property sh~ll require a street connect~on to FoX Path. 5.02. Pleasant View Road Access Restriction. Unless other....., wise determined by the City Council Lots I and 2. Block 2 shall not be permi tted dir'ect driveway access to Pleasant View Road. Lot 1. Block 1 and LoL 3, Block 2 may access on Pleasant View Road but the acc~sses shall be located .to maximize site distances. The. . exact location and design of .the accesses shall be approved pybbe. City Engineer~ Said restr-Lctions shall be incorporated I,.!:i_thincov:e..:.., n.dnts and restricUons wh ~ch shall be appl icab1e to the: fihal.Plat' of. Lhespbject prOfwrty :"nd which shCl..l,.l -b~fi.ledwi th thE-: carver CQu:nty Hecorde'r contemporaneously with the filing of said firial. plat: -. -.. . . Wa termain Loop. Unless otherwise dete.rmi . City Council, the, Ci ty w'\t~rmain serving -the;.,subj ect be "looped" as that term is -commonly used by-professional from Lake Point to Fox path along the alignment depic C'lin the'rep~6rt of the City Ehgineer. dated August. lO. 5.04. B~i1ding Plans Certification. slope and soil conditions, building and site plans for all within the subject property shall be cer-tified as having been. viewed and.. approved by an arch"i. teet or c:i. vi 1 engineer licensed the State of Minnesota. Said building ,and site plan review and val shall ihclude provisioni for slope protection, surface and -7- 5.06. ~)treets , All str'eets within the plat shall be dedi~ cated-with a 50- foot wide right-of-way, and shall have a 28 fdot roadway surface withsurmountablc conc~ete curb and gutter, All street tul-dc-sacs shall have a right~of-~ay radius of 60 feet, with a roadway surface radius of 40 feet with surmountable conci-ete curb and gutter. AJl streets shall be constructed in accordance with City standards approved hy the City Engineer. ,I. { .. surface drainage, preventibn of ~iltation, and the preservation of trees and prevention of excessive vegetation ~emov~l durin~ ~on- struc-t ion. Building pad~ and basement floors at an elevatio.nnot less chantwo(2) feet above elevation in accordance hith th.e requirements of ordinanceS " li,OI,. 1':d:;I:IIIl:rtl,:, 1)I'<lil',il.I'd \lll l'l.d,. IJI:I'pI'l.lloll I;, for' ~;u-r"f-i1'ce Wd Le"r:"(ir<I-Tri::'~(/t;-:--r;-I(:~f-ti-aTt\(T-I;'(~-t)"JTnq i.md snd i HH!n b:.:isJns dnd aocess thereto, sha1.t be ded CeaLed On the fincH to the extent permitted by state law, All such easements dedicated shall be grdnted to the City inform approved by and acceptable for r'ecording in the Office ,of the; Carver County Recorder. 5,.07. Ponding and _ Sedimentation Basin Maintenance. _ The Developer shall maintain in good operational order all pondingand sedimentation basins during all phases ofconst~uction within the subject property. After formal acceptance by the City, said main~ tenance shall be the obligation of the City. 5.08. Trail Easement, The Developer shall grant to the .'. .'. .' ". .... ........ a perpetual easement ten (10) feet wide for use as a Ci tyt~ail. ..... . easement descri bed as follows:,,", '_' A 10.00 foot permanent easement for trail purpo[-.es. the center~ line of which is described as follows: Commencing ata poiht :1 lj,.ne parallel to and 5.00 fee-t northerly of the south lines \)f Lots 19 and 20, Block 1 to apoin-t 5.00 feet or more east .... (of the wetlands area in said Lot, '20; thence in a no~thwesterl y . - dj rection 5.00 feet easterly of said wetlands to the . nort)::i', ....... :" line .of said Lot 20; thence continuing northerly to thenorthWE:lst corner of Lot 22, Block 1; thence northwesterly along the south';" ..' westerly boundar'y lines of Lots 23 and 24 to the ~asterly rigflL-' of-way line of Fox Path and there terlninating. It istheihten-' tion that this easement be located adjacent to but entirely . easterly of any wetlands area in Lots 20, 21, 25 or 26 0) Block -8-- . ......".-..... .~'. 1; and,. therefore, if after a survey of the area is completed, the. above described easement lies within anywetlar\ds,. the Developer 'shall execute an amended easeruentag.reement wiJ:h the new description. '- The form proved by st't'uction of When constructed, the portion of the trail easement on the Fox Path right-of-way Illay be constructed at the City's expense with a bituminous surface and the 10 foot portion of the easement . not in the Fox Path right-of.-way shall be surfaced with wood chips. All trail easement construction shall be performed by the Ci ty irl "H,:cot'c1.ltlCll wi.tll ~qH'clrlc,tl,JC))I:; dppt'ov('d flY Lilt! CiLy 1':l\lJil\(H~r'. ", .'1. '1','" I I 1':d:"~lllt:IIL "",'k (:11"",]<'1:"('11, t.. 1\IUI.TI.'dll. I P d f' k ,c hill' q e s un(r(~-r--(;E~lritliis-sl;i'i-('fi,(r(r1-,ii1C-(:~'--~j()~--I/:'-ils d lII(~n c1(~ d.s hill I l.H! q r'dnLlJd DI)Ve Lope~', 1. Ls ~~UCC(:~;~;or:; ()r,..l~;~> i qns, i ut' Lh0<J r~dld_Ul the perpetual trail easement. 5.10. Park Fees. Prior to the issuance of building per- mits for residential construction with the plat, Developer, its suc~essorsor assigns, shall pay to the City the park fee then in force pursuant to Chanhassen Ordinance IL.-A and relev~:mtCity Coun<;i I Resolutions thereafter, as said park charge fee may be adjusted by the provisions of Section, 5.9 above. , ~~ street Maintenance Dur'ing Construction. The Developer' shall be responsible for all street maintenance until streets are accepted by the City. Warning signs shall be placed when hazards develop in streets to prevent the public from traveling on said and directing attention to detours. If streets become impassable, such streets shall be barricaded and closed. The Developer shall maintai~l a smooth surface and provide proper, surface drainage. The Developer shall be responsible for keeping streets within and withou.t the plat swept clean of dirt and debris that may spill or wash onto the street from his operation. The Developer may request, in wrjting, that the City keep the streets open during the . 'cr. rn..mths by plowing snow from said streets prior to final, ace :Ce ()fsdidstreets. The City sha.ll,not.b.e .resporisiblefor re~s ,ng, ::;,:11 d ,streets because of ShOW plowing opera.tions if they are " uested. Pr'oviding. snow plowing servi,ce does not constitute final, acceptance '.If said streets by the Ci.ty. Developer agrees to pay all costs ' of snow l'emoval done by th,.~ Ci ty prior to acceptance of said streets . 5.13. Covenants and Restricti6ns. tions~o be placed upon the lots in the ~ubj ec:t platshalJ':,be. pre-- pared by the Developer and shall be approved prior t;.) recording wi .th the COUIlty Recorder.' .-<J-. ......----- . :'-?r:.~-:" , ; Restrictions shall be approved if they are consisterit with the~e- qui rernents of thi s agreement. The zoning ordinances and regula tioris.. ...... of the Ci tyshall govern if inconsistent with said covenants and' ": restrictions to the extent actually inconsistent; but if not . in(~otasis.;- tent therew~th, the standards contained in said covenants and.restric~<" tions shall be considered as requireme1).ts inadditioh to said City" . ordinances and regulations. The City shall be held harrnlessin' the,event,any.disputes occur involving covenants and restrictions. 5..!~ Setting of Lot and Block Mon~ments. Developer shall place iron monuments at'alf lot and block corners and 4t all other angle points on boundary Ii.hes. Iron riloriulllent p1a(~emcn ts shall be ver'ified after constl'uction of improvemerits has been comple'ted in order to preserve the lot markers for flolture property ownerR. ' sl';c'r rON6. CONSli;n\fNI'TON ,1';M:i:;;IVII';NT . b .l?J..:.. F:iii,(!11H.m Lto lw C;Y'dfl L(!(L U(~vul UTley' ~;Ild LJC:fh.lI\(, Cd the C it:l a pe rp e'tui,ll- c onse r'v a T'Ccm -'eas-~;I~len t fa r e flV i r'orunent,alpro tee-' tionand. wetland preservation over thosedreas ofLQLs7thr'ough 19, inclusi vet of Block I of the plat which lieb.elowthe elevation of 900 feeL No credit for park charqes under Ch'anhasserlOrd.i.nant~e No. 14 as amended shall be granted Developer, its ,successors or assiqns for-the qrant of said easement.. _ 6.02. ~'::6n~er'vation Easement Developrnent Hestrictions ~ All orthe followinq' acttvities shall be prohibite(:l-withirr the con-- servation easement ar'ea, i.ncluding the wetlands asueLinatedon Exhibit "A"., Chanhassen City Council meeting of April 26, 19.82 and on Lbtus Lake adjacent to the easement area: \~. a. The placement <;lnd erection of bui.ldings; , struCtures, and. docks and wal kways. (Except as pr0\fid..~d in 6.03.) D. The alteration of vegetation in (~xceptas provid8din 6.03.) (.~ .' The ekcavation or ~illing of the The application or chemical. e. The applicat.ion of chemicals for or retardation of vegetation. f. The deposit of waste or debris. Construction of paths" trails and except as permitted by theCi ty. h. The application ticides. -10- ....~:~'.... "~'~l-'-"' ~HJ!f] g. Boardwalks may be constructed to serv~ as approuctl walkways to Lotus Lake and/or docks over lands wh'j ch ar'e InLenn.l LLently or per'lIldueritly wet. Paths llldY be created for dock and boardwalk approaches over dry ground. No motorcraft shall be moored or clocked overni.ght,. at any such.docks unless said watercraft is.either: (a) currently registered, pursuant to Chapter .361 of Minnesota statutes, in the name of the owner of the lot served by said dock or in the name of a member of said owner's household.. h. i . V~jqetation may not hp. rf~movedex(:0.pt u>d c'f1dlllll uul. :i I x (()) I l.",t. I r'(JIII 1.~'ll'11 \,1) "pen .W.lfl't'. b.O/'. FIII'1Il ,\lId l\ppl'OVdl III 1<.1';"111<'.11. 'I'll<' ".>1'1111'1 1'1111: ;\(j.:v;.i T'ull Ud:j;~'Il~JI ~L':;tl:11 'I.' tJl: fJl't:p.lt'CIJ by L1lt.~ C tl. Y ,i L Lhe expL:li:,I.: of the DevelopSr, and shall be approved by the City COuricilprior to subrnissionto the Developer for execution and ~elLvery t6the City. 6.05. ]:nclus ion in Covenants and Res tricUons., The con-- servation easement shall be made a part of the covenants and re~tric~ tions applicable to th~ plat and shall be ~ncorpotated therein by reference" and as an exhibit forming a part of said covenants and restrictions. -12- ~&<Sl SECTION 7. ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS. 7.01. Reimbur'sement of Costs. The Developer shall reirnburse. the City for all costs, inciuding r'easonable Shgineering, legal, planning and admlnistrative expenses incurredpy the City in connec- tion with all matters relating to the adrninistraticm and erlforcernetl.t of the within agreement. and the lJecformance thsreby 0y the Develc:rper. Such reimbursement shdll be madew1thin fourteen (It.) days of the date of l1lailingof the Cicy's itemized notice of costs. IKthe bL.t1s<3r'e not paid on time the c'i ty may halt all plat develoPfl1ent ....ior.k untIL tbe bills' iClcepaj,d in ful~:,~.. shall have or not the b. The Developer shall 'pay the City', s out-of -pock,et expense~ previously or subsE~quen.tly incurred; including but not limited to legal, planning, enyineering and inspection , expenses inclU"red in connection wi th appruvn 1. arid accepti:incI;~.. ot. the' plat, . dnu. the preparation of this Developrnentcontract. 1 .~.;.~.~ '~...':""~~"":"" The storc1,,je of waLercraft, boat'trailers, ice fishin<J houSes, snowmobiles, motorized and nonmotorized ' vehicles (Except as pernli t'ted in Sect ion 6.03 of thi,s ordl:nance). i. Mooring seaplanes, in abuttint] waters of Lotus Lake (hereinafter '11 the lake I') . 6.03. pockaqe Within ConservaU,orl Easement Area. Lots 16, 17;" 18, and 19, Block 1 shall be allowed one dock for each lot. All docks must confo~m to City ordiriances dock construction. Moori.ng of dny wdtercraft dinances iJnd n:lqul.ati.ons. 'l'hc duck Oil 1.0\ I b llldyl)(~ u~;(}d byUII' ()wnct;~; or Lots lO.',l.(), I:Hock I. No mor'e thiin Seven (7) bOdl.~; may 'US(~ the dock dnd Uw owner' of dny lot may rIot. have mor'c than one U.) oOdt use the dock without the wrj tten consent of the City Council. Boats may not be docked or moored on'th~ north sid~of the dock. d. ;'10 dock shall exceed six (6 ) feel. i.n wi.d th norsl)U I L Lt exceed the greater or the following lengths: (a) fifty (50) feet, or (b) the minimum straight~ line distance* necessary to reach a water dePt~,.",'f four (4) feet. The width (but not th~ length of the ,cross-ba~ of any "T" or. II LtI shap~d, doc:~~c:ll be included lnthe computatlon of length ~'scrlbed in the precedil1g sentence. .the cross-bap" of any such dock shall not measUre in excess o.ftwenty~fiv('" (25 ) feet in length, ,except on Lot 16l'Wl:li.,C~~,~~ -ee--''''6'~~ed~'.'suf::f4.-e'i'QcJ+.t.l,y.-~".aGo.()moda~Le"".sQ>.v~n-~-# .' 'boa'ts~~eh--oV'e1"'S,i.JZ.i. ng,>...i,&~.n:eo.ess~p.y.> ...;l:;o....,aeoGm.o:d.ii;1;;..G ""'&EW.@R ~ ..~.:l ~ . .boa.t.i;. . (:? No dock shall be use or access to any tialsafety hazard. No fuel ~hall be stored upon any such dock. No more than five (5)wa'tercraft may be moored over""' nighta,t any dock or in front of qny'lot with the exception of Lot 16, Block 1 where up toseveh(~.) watercraft may be moored overnight. -11," ~8> ~..,.. _.........."'ry\"'>~"f"I'-..,_.. " The developer further a~~ees tbpay all reasbnable cdsts and expenSes incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting developtn~nt of the plat. The Developer shall indemnify the City for all costs, damages' or expenseS, including engineering and attorney:E;ees, Whi<tht~e City, mayplily.or incur ,in consequence of claims by a,Ilth.~rd parties incluUing but not limited to other property owners, contractors, subc("'intractors, _ and material men. d. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incur reo in the enforcement of this contract, in~luding engin- eerihgand att6~ney's'feeS. 7. 62 .5>.~Su~~.~Y._.~~9.r:PP.r~.f.(?,rl.n,.n\c(~ by rk'v,(~)()pc'r'~. For Lh(~ put' pO:::iC of us.sul'ing and qUdY'dnl.eei.nq to LIlt.' Ci LV Uldt Ull~ illlpr'OVc.H\lI~I\I~; to htlby tho \)nvl~l()pl'I' l'clll:,l.t'IIl'II'c1., Ill1il"II,'dolllfl 1111'111..111'11,1:\ :",1 I <)t'Ut 'I'1'I:S.(JlIIC'I'(!I)I, Hlldll 1>1' cUlluLI'lll~l.cd., 1.11!,;L.llll:d dill! llH'lli!i!lud ilcconHllql-,Q qw tCf'IH:; or LIIi!; ,l(fI'l'I'IIlCld, o\lld lh,d III" 1)('vl'! "IH'I' , UlJdJ.t PdY .111 cL.rlIll!,;' lor' wut'k dUlle dlKI IIIdl.cr'i,.J.b:i dlld buppliesLIH". nishud fqr' the perf'<'H'llIdncu of ULi~;;u\]r'ucmunl., dnd Uh.ll. tiw Developuf' .shall fUlly comply wi th all of, the other terms and: provisions of this Development Contract, Developer agrees to furnish to the City either a cash deposit, or an irTevocable letter of credit approved by the City in an ambunt equal to 110% of the costs of the improve- mentsdescribed in Section 3.01 hereof, dS estimated by the City Engineer . The cash deposi tJr irrevocable letter of eredi~. (Section 3)pr'ovideq forhet'e:in she il be in addition to any perf'.Jl"m;1.nee bond br bther' secur'ity requiref--l by the Riley-Purgator'Y Creek Watershed Di~trict as'a Condition of the issuance of any ~ermit by said Dis- t ri ct. a. If the Developer does not satisfactorily complete the work this DeveloPJn~nt Contract requir"es the Ci ty may.: at its op'tion, perform the 'work. The City shall give the Developer at least 96 hours notice of 'the Ci ty I S intention to perform dny such work. However, in the event of an emergency as deter- mined by the City, 96 hours notice is not required. This agree- ment ,is a license [or the City to act and it shall not be neces- sary for the City to seek a Gaurt order for permission t.o enter thq land. ,When the City does any such work, the City inay in, ' addi tion 'to its other r'emedies as'iess the cost in' whole ',or If'lpartas outlined in 7.03. ' Hemedies_ Upon De;t i:~_':!.l t :_ a. ASses~-;n.tents. In the event Developer' shall default in the perfof'l(ld'nce of-any of the covenants and agceements.bere:Lfi ~'orlt<~irled'Cl.r:ldsu(]h..defCl.u It shi.:\11 fib t helve beencureciWlcthin '.. ' " t~n{lOJday~after receipt by Developer' of written notice thereof, the City, if it so elects, may cause any of the re,.... qui red improvements to be construc ted and installed, ()1" may take action to cure said default, and to the extent that't:he -,13- '189 '-'~~~":~'.' ....,.~.-~ '. City's recovery on tlie ~ecurity deposit~n 7.03 is defici"ent, rnaycause the entire cost thereof, including all reasonable engineering, le(Jal<:ind adrninist;rativeexpense incurred by the 'City. to be recover,ed asa special assessment under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 4.29 , in Which case the Developer agrees to pay the entire amount of ,the .assessment roll pertaining t;o . any such improvement amount of the assessment roll pertaining to any such improvement within four (4) years after its adoption. In addition, Developer further agrees that in the event of its failure to pay in full any such special assessment within the tirne prescribed herein, ,the City shall have a specific lienopal1 of Dev~lop~r's, realprQperty within said plat for any amount so unpaid, and the Cit.y>shallhavethe right to foreclose said lien in the manner prescribed for the foreclosu.re of mechanic's li.ens un(h~t' tho lilw::;'of Lh(~ Still:p of Minnc:ioLoI. III 1.11(' '~V(~1l1. of 0111 f'flh("'qf'IIl'Y. d:i c1c't""lIlill!'" lry IIII' CiLy l';nljint:er', Ult: lluLLt:L~ l'l,~quLl'ellleltl. to the Uc:velupel' Slid, I I bd andi~ Iwr'uby- waived in its c.JrlU.r'eLy, ,md tlw ()L!velopl~r' shelll. relrilbur'se- .the City for' uny expense .i.ncufTed by the City in remedy-irig the conditions creating the emergency. b, ?ecurity,Deposit. In conjunction with the foregoirig, the City may utilize any cash deposit made or letter of credit delivered ht~reunder. to collect, payor reimbur'se the City for: (1) the cost of completing the construction of t0e improve- ments described in ~3.01 above; and ( 2 ) .-.7' the cost of curing any other. default by the Developer in its performance of any of'thecovenants had agreement contained herein; and, (3) the cost of reasonable E~ngineering, legal. and administra- tive expense incurred by the City in enf"o('cing arid adminis- tering this contract. -14- '190 . c. Legal Proceedings. In addition to the foregoing, the City may institute any proper action or proceeding at law ,or at equity to prevent violations of the within development contract, to ';'estrain or abate '"l"olcitions of the wi thin dev~lop- ,ment contract. MISCELLANEOUS TERMS AND CONDI'rIONS. __ Camp -!.iance _Wi th Laws, Ordinances and Regulations; Parmi ts. In the development of the plat, Developer shall comply, .withall l.aws,ordinances and t~egulations of, arid secure valid neces-- sary per~its fro~ the following autho~ities: . "~"""""--'" City of Chanhassen 690 Coulter Drive P.o. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Attn: City Manager (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) City of Chanhassen state of Minnesota, sions . Department of Natural Resources Riley...:.Purgatory Creek Watershed U.s. ArmyCorps of Engineers b' 8.02. Pruof of Title. Upon'request, the Developer shall furnish the City with evidence satisfactory to the City th'!lt it is fee owner of' the subj ect property. 8..o3~ Dl:1ration of Contract. This contract; shall remain in effect until such time as Developer shall have fully perfornied all of its duties and obliga.tions under this contract. Upon the . wri tten reques.t of Developer and upon thl~ adoption of a resolution by the Chimhassen C1 ty Council findtng thdt the Developer" lwsUy compl.ied with all of the terms of thIS CQntrdct and 1"lnding Developer has completed performdnce of all Developer's duties dCited by this. contract, the Chanhassen City Manager shall i to the Developer on behalf of the City an appropriate certificate. of compliance. a~04. Notices. All notices, certificates and otherco~~ munications her'eunder shall be sufficientl.y given and shall be deemed 9i ven when mailed by certi fied mai 1; return receip t r'equested,. po?- tage prepaid, with property address as indicated below. The City and the Developer, by written notice given by one to the other, may designate any address or etddresses to which notices, certificates or other cornrnunica.tions to them shall be sent wheh required asc:.onteni'- plated by this agreement. Unless otherwise provided by the respec- tive parties, all notices, certificates and communications to each of them shall be addressed as follows: To the City: ./<S , ',- '.-" Derrick. Land.Cornpany '1"650' SheJ...ard Tower Minneapolis, MN .55426 8.05....:... Binding Effect. This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the City and th.e Developer and their respective Successors and assigns.. Nothing in this agr'.ee- ment, expi'essor implied, shall give to any person, other than the parties hereto, and their respective successors, and assigns, here:-.. \.1I1der, any beliefi t or other legal or equitable right, remedy or claim under this agreerilent. <19t .-1 'j... ...-~,.--..""~. ....~'!.';'!~... 8.07. simultaneously executed be an original. and all same instrument. 8.06. Severability. In the ev~nt, any provisions aureement shall be held invalid. illegal. or unenforceabl,e court' of competent jurisdiction, such holding-shall not i or- render unenforceable any other' pr:ovisiorl hereof. and the ing provisions shall not iri any \"ay be affected or impaired - J'- ".< 8.08. Construction. This agreement shall be in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 8.09. lleadir~s. Beddings a t t1H~ beqinnin~] of and p'~'-r,:igraphs hereof ar'e for convenience of refeh~rlce, andshdLJq not be cons;,dered a part()f .thet.ext of this contract, and not influence its construction. 8.10. Siqn elan. Signs for the purpose of advertisi.ng the subject property may be erected in accordance; with "'JIH~City ordinances.1 . 8.11. Breach of any terms of this Agreement shall be grounds for denial of buildiny perrrlits. 8.12. Should an env ironItlental assessment worksheet. environ.: mental impact st.atement be required by theci:i'.ty or another g.overn..... mental entity or agency. the Developer shall reimburse the City for all expenses. including stafft:ime arid attorney's fees ..that the City incurs in assisting in the preparation of the revie\i'f. L 8.13. Before construction of public improvements or any earth work commences, the Developer shall deposit with the City' satisfactory security securing the full performance of this Develop- ment Contract, The amouryt of the security shall be 110% of the estimated cost dS set forth in the attached exhibit. Upon the exe- cution of this agreement the City shall sign the final plat and release tl!e sdtne to the Developer. . .8.1/~. .' The Developer shall con'trol. . plan satisfa.ct6ry to the City Engineer for-the prevention of daina~~ to adj .acent property "md Lhecontrol of surface water runoff durihg the initial construct :i.on phases of the pr;oj eet. This plan shall _ indicate the location of berm and temporar-y water retention areas _.' which shall be kept in good repai r unti 1 permanent drainage contr,ol '.. is provided... All areas distributed by the excavation and ba<=: . operii'tiqns. except. fOI' the future paved portion of the stree 'be reseeded as soon dS practical after completion of the excava operation. In the everitthat, in the Ci ty' s opinion, the Developer has failed to adequately control er'osion; the Developer grants the .-'16- ..~~.....; C.I..T.y/.~...)..~;t.A. ....I^NIIAS~il.:.N.l I' // ,-,<,,/~' . J. /0 ' ". '-7. .....;;;:.1.., .. .'. ByV ",~",,-{. . ". f lrt-Ii ai/ t~-",_ (2' . /Jtls'~ .<... J_ C .>:e::[ City Manager ~ 11I<:1(1l'1 (~l.< I.AND CO!VtII/\NY .~.. City pe~mission to immediatelyehter the prope~ty and take measutes as it, deems necessary to contr61 erosion. 8.15. The Developer agrees to ,plant two two-inch on every lot in the P.R.D. that does not already have two tr:ees. One of the trees on each lot may be an evergreen. The other t~ee shall be one of the following species: Maples (includingNo~way, Schwedler and Sugar )" Linden American, Linden Li ttleleaf, Green . Ash, Honeylocust (Imp<;irtial, Skyl ine, and Sunburst)," Hackberry' or Oak (including pin and White). A planting pl~h must be submitted to and approved by the City Engineer. INWTTNElSS WHEREOF, the parties her'eto have . caused the~e sents to be executed on the day and year' first above written. l\y .~ By. STATE OF' MINNESOTA) . ) ss COUNTY ol"lJ~/1'I/N~h..) On this ".-:((J-J;b...day of __ L/(lt~!::...5:.__,' , 19 2'3 , before me, a no51ry public w~ :hi.n ,and for sa d County, /personallr .~ppe~t'ed J( 24 DL (I, /.,.1 L"C.J? dnd ,..,,' K {JQL.L /C'...ul../Lt--<..tt. . to me. p rsonally .known, who being each by me dLfly sworn did saY-' that they are respectively the President and Secretary of the Gor- . . . . poration named in the foregoing instrument, and. that said instrument.' was signed and sealed in behalf of sdid s:9rpqration by authority . .' of its Boa::::J:::~- Di/ectors and said '._.. J ../ltdtctf?'. H:-(! _,. . .c . . ,;'''_ and ____.. ' . (, L' ~(..,d '1:;:1- . ._~........_.a~kno~ledged saId lns tr'urnent' ....'::.. to be the free act anI() deed of sald corpora tlon.'.. .. ....' Sn.PHANIE J. OOEtl& '~IHA~V ~lJbllC MIHHESllTA I)A~IJIA C!JUHn ...lll)..;t,IU,fb~"""l.:_ ~. . , , ., / .. /,r "J., /'. '/ ... ,./ E:vAA/bLq , 7. (4(tt.<d(iL~ Nocary' Public '/. '.' .... . '. .-', -,-,-', ',:;":,":"-":',.': . ';".,C_'-,.-:,_> -17 '::,-',-,-,-:,<.\ ;-,-:, '_:,":'."::-'::':',"\',: : ',' " :.~::"., .'::~ STATE .OF...MIl'iSNES01'A) )ss COUNTY OF CARV;EFl-- ) ,'.on thi$.~~.daYOf . .::Ff;..t, t....Y , 198'3, b~fore me, a not (fry public within and for . said County, personally appeared Th9miilS~, ficU'{t~:J..tonand Donald W . Ashworth i tome personally known, v-diol:.:l13ingeqch by me duly SWOrn did. say that they afe. respe~tively the Mayor'.. and Gity Manager of th~ municipal corporation named in the fOr'egoinginstrument, and that the seal affixed to saidinstrU""' /lIlli'lL JII Lllll f;(_H'IHlt"ll.q fw.ll qr ::.aid 1I111t1i.'ip,1I ('UI"PIII',d.illll, .and LII.d uilld 1"llUtr'lUllunL Wd:_; UI(Jllud dlld l.iCdll'd ill Iwlldll. ul :.dld 1lll.Hltl:lpdl l'III'I)lWtlLIIlIlIIV ."11.11111' lLy 111 11.:. ell y l:"!JUl.:j'.alld :..\i II Till 1111.': I" lIullli 1 Lun und JJolluld W. J\shwol'Ll1 d,H,:k'/CW h~d~JI~V~;d i.ll illS Lt'UlllellL Lo be the free a~t dnd (,~f]ed of ~ji..l.i d lIIun-tJ i~G'~or':L iIFI... .. . .\2'~~'~,_(VVjlJ~ Not~-publ ic; . ... ~;..,,^^ 'A V^IV\t..;VV\f\'VWVVvw,' - .;> \1 t.t I\:,\J-.}.:'J''/'.^'\JV'" - " ... .. . ,. '. tl r"~ './)~~J ~ ::.<'~\f !lo:;;:EE';;~~li:i~~::l ~ .;: ........ ~..\)d:_~l.~;~...~: .:..~.:;J. 1~'\f'Vti'~io.(\/..;J'''.d ,,' ...... 'I'. :v.'.;vv-..'iV'I" N''''' '~\~\,'.I."<.IJ.'W""V 'I IV1 rllll~ti r.....:vrvllvUl\Nl JAT. SECtION 386.77 ,..Grahnfs&.. ;:"(-.-a. -n'.'.f' , ,.,' " .., u ns 403 N.W. NaU. Bank BId 161,North Cone ordSt 9, s .. reef outh St. Paul. MN 55075. (612) ,1:;5-1661 "f91 \. " , -18,- " A II E--i /-F).{) ;, '-', ' , FOX . . CHASE c; .,,: ,_, "" _ ,:_>,: ,:.>" f<c..;/Jo..J.Af (}~rilr'~..:( (~"f~~t"' ~~~:.:~ ::;'.~;h:~J.~~ . 'J' :) .' " .". . ,-, ". -, ,-,--,.; '",""'-'- . .... .' ..... '. .' .... ,i..... . L...,......A"...... , ": ,',-." -' - ,,- "" - --"'-'" -"- ,," '. OWNER AND DEVELOPER: ' Derrick lamt Company 1770 Shelard Tower. Minneapolis, MN 55426 Phone:' 546- 22~6 ENG I NHR: WestwoodPlarlnlnq &Engineering 7415 Way/ala Bo,devatd Nlinneapb/is, MN554;~b Ptlone: )46-0155 SUP.~EYOR: [gan, Field & Nowak, I nc. 7415 Wayzali) Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 554:'6 Phone: 546-683:' \ ' '1'\ DESCRIPTION: All that part of Government lots 5 and P. in Section I, Township 116 North, Range 23 West; Carver CO:.Jnty, Nlinnesota, descri~ed as follows: . .. . Beginnin9 at a point in the"West line of said SectIon 1 distant 905 feet South of the North west corner of said Section'l, said pOint being In the cen'terline of the Ex(:elsiorand Etien Prairie ROad as now laid out and travelled ( and considering ,thp W.est line of said Section Cto be a due Nortn and South linel, thence running North 89 degrees 20 minutes East along said.c.enter line 170 feet. the.nee South:; degrees P minutes East 428. 3'fe!!t. . thence South 45,~rIFees 32 minutes East 285 feet. more or less, to the shore line of Loog' lake, thenceSi>lJtiiuly alollg saidshore,line to its intersection with the.5outh lin..p.of sa:j; Governm;~"nt LotS, thence West along sai~ South line 862.1 feet, more or less, to fhe>SiM.Jt west ,cornr'i' r' said Government Lot S, thence North along\!le West linp of said Governm~nt Lot 5 1715.3 feet, more onl~ss~;Jothe point of beginning, subject to pUblic road. righ;ts' within the r i 9 h tof w aYQL}Il e'[ ~c;lls'lor an dEd,e nf,J> ~~;i r ie R Dada nd s.u bj ec t to an~a.sein(fnt for right of way:'ovPr th'atJp.ar.t:'or;rh,e\;aPioy,;eld}es,c,..r,j~ ......tractdescribedas follow.s: . ....., ...... B.'eg;nnirtyat the pOintof,,'~~f~~:~Ti~ {!~:;e'" ""describe.d traCt, thence North: 89.d '. 'es.; .2QriJ.jn,4les Easl110 f'e:e..t.,;,t~hIM)ce.S!H:t ,,?; S 32 minutes EastT3;46'feet, more;o'rless. toa pOi hti nth e Sout;he~rILri9ht,of: way 'j'j'NeoJthe.;Excels iora nd Eden? ra i ri e Road,said ~oi n t be i ngth e ac t LJ alp~:LnJofbegi riil ifi~ <Of i1e:a's:.em e nf lobe described, the n c;e<c 0 rHi nu- i ng So ut.h 9 d eg re e s )]"'ro,i n..IltesJa.~ t 30 ifie.et:' .~': No rt h w es le dy~ 0 a pb in tint h'ou th - arly rig;lt of way Hne oHt;he..;q.Celsi'orifiid"EdNl;..aj.rie Road distant 30 fee! West.e' ad u a I point of h eg.i n ~n in"g: rh'en'c e Etlsta I O,h:g::s..,a"id'~9 u the r Iy right of way Ii ne3 0 f ell'tloth e i)(.tl,latpojnt of beginning."., ~ . ALSO, lots 1 and 11,j'vfheland'!';:'~" C::12 '~ , ~~ VI oofti;c -- ~~~~~ ~1 llji!!i~ .....'0'0...._ ~ ~~u ~~ ~ ~c ;.i .- ~o :;~ ~. E~ ; a .!i'~ E'E<'?: .,!P~~ ~~~~ :c: ::I:Z r ~ ~~ !!] ~ !;".:! h~~:~ ~ ~~l: a i:'e-~'C > n....... .3:.c c . . ~ C:",c:o . => .lll__.c. ~ Jr~::Eo.. I.LJ ~ c en !'E~' <( g,~~ :J: ~ ~~~.~ ~ ~ ~8.~ U 2' ~~m~ ~ ~.~~.~ X .~ ~ ~ <e ~ l~:g ~ Q 8!~~ ,Z ~:j1~ ~ '" .~ ~ ~ z ~~.~~. u ~ ~ .o....:i:a.. Q <( --' ,'(L. ~ ~ N ." C c ~ o Z ::: !: c ~ ..: c_ _ , 0 ~ O, . ~': ~ .~= ~.E .0 ~i '> . ~ c~ '.~ Q.6 .~~ ;; =~.~. ~E .g -~.: :~ go. 0 ~-~ ~ ~-; ~ :-: ~ ~ e i .c... ':;) __ 0 -;;~ .. ~~ .=~: >0..... !i .::'!~ o. ~ .,; ,. v - -' - ., ,. . :: " '. ~ - :;; : ~ Q ,- 0 a , 0 0 C a' '" :0 v 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ,~ ~ -" ~ - ;f ~ C C >. ,< -" E C- O .- ,~ C 0 ~ 0 N N ~ ~ 'E E E c' ~ ~ ~ -;; ~ C C 0' E E E - ,~ C c. C " ll: X ~ " " " ~ ~ << mm~H ;:i ., c;.,:; t:c ~g _u . ~ :~ '-"i <<u ~ Q Z [us L 0, ~, ':0 ;.....{ I 1. -z.. I ~ ~l~ !i: f I- ~ a ~ ... .~ , , v , \ t } 5 ~-. i;\