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West Water Treatment Plant Plans
L;i-7 CITY OF MEMORANDUM CHMflMSEN TO: Parks &Recreation Commission 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 FROM: Paul Oehme, Dir. of Public Works/City Engineer Chanhassen, MN 55317 DATE: July 27, 2016 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 SUBJ: West Water Filtration Plant Project No. 15-03: PreliminaryPlan Fax. 952.227.1110 � Review Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 BACKGROUND Engineering On February 22, 2016, the City Council approved a consultant contract with WSB Phone. 952.227.1160 and Associates for the West Water Filtrationlant. Fax: 952.227.1170 p Finance At the May 9, 2016 work session, the City Council was presented with the Phone: 952.227.1140 preliminary design for the West Water Filtration Plant. Fax: 952.227.1110 been working to try to reduce the building footprint and on ways to screen the Fax: 952.227.1404 On June 2, 2016, an open house was held for the proposed project. Park &Recreation The filtration plant is still being designed f ' p g g ed or the necessary capacity needed for the Phone: 952.227.1120 DISCUSSION Fax: 952.227.1110 gpm. The plant is proposed to have a process that is very similar to the gravity cast - Recreation Center Since the work session on May 9, 2016, staff has been working on refinements to the 2310 Coulter Boulevard layout. At the open house, staff heard concerns about the size of building. Staff has Phone: 952.227.1400 been working to try to reduce the building footprint and on ways to screen the Fax: 952.227.1404 building. Planning & Natural Resources The filtration plant is still being designed f ' p g g ed or the necessary capacity needed for the Phone: 952.227.1130 city. The iron and manganese filtration plant is planned for a total capacity of 6,000 Fax: 952.227.1110 gpm. The plant is proposed to have a process that is very similar to the gravity cast - in -place treatment process as the East Plant to provide consistency in the plant Public works operations and finished water quality. The plant will be designed for the ultimate 7901 Park Place treatment capacity needs of the city and will bring all the western wells and future Phone. 952.227.1300 952.227.1310 wells to the plant for iron and manganese filtration. The plant would be designed d soFax . treated water will be able to be pumped in the low and high zones. Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Building Layout Changes Fax: 952.227.1110 The building layout has been changed since the May 9th work session as follows: Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us 1. The electrical room has been moved from the south side ofh ' ofthe building to the east side. 2. The generator room has been moved from the west side of the building to the east side. Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Todd Gerhardt West Water Filtration Plant: Plan Update July 27, 2016 Page 2 3. The non -water production area which includes the control room, chemical rooms, mechanical and electrical rooms have been lowered 6 feet in elevation to better screen this area of the plant and allow for a more gradual driveway grade. There are now stairs from the non -water production area to the process room. 4. The aeration process has been eliminated. The building for the aeration equipment has been eliminated to reduce the height and size of the building. 5. The size of the detention tank has been reduced by half. Eliminating the aeration process will require more chlorine to be used in the filtration process to oxidize the iron in the water supply although it will not affect the amount of chlorine that will be fed downstream into the water distribution system for disinfection purposes. WSB estimated that more chlorine will be consumed on a daily basis due to the elimination of the aeration process. Also, as the chemistry of the west well field potentially changes with the addition of new wells, the filtration process may become less efficient without the aeration process but the plant should continue to reduce the iron and manganese to acceptable concentrations in accordance with recommended Ten States Standards. The overall building length has been reduced from 178' 4" to 13 8' 4". The most the building is visible above ground is approximately 17' without a sloped roof. Building Exterior Design and Landscaping The goal of the site design is to have the building set into the hillside as much as possible to take advantage of the topography to decrease visual impacts. The building's exterior would be built with maintenance free materials and finishes such as stone, manufactured stone products or brick similar to the East Plant. Doors and windows, as well as, other fenestration could have more of a residential look than the East Plant and have a prairie -style architectural feel. Staff would like to use "earth tone" colors for exterior finishes. Below is an example of a prairie -style architectural structure. The use of evergreens and berms will likely be used at strategic locations to visually break up the building. The rest of the site and park will have additional landscaping with mainly deciduous trees. c:\users\jeans\desktop\wwtp plan review for parkandrec - 062216.doc Todd Gerhardt West Water Filtration Plant: Plan Update July 27, 2016 Page 3 Preliminary Cost Estimate The preliminary construction cost is approximately $19.5 Million which includes approximately $2 Million to construct the raw water lines from the west wells to the plant. More accurate cost estimates will be prepared at the completion of the 60, 90, and 100 percent complete phases of the design. The City has made application through the Minnesota Department of Health for grant and loan funds to assist in financing the plant. These funds come with specific requirements that would add cost to the plant construction but would lock in the interest rate at I% which is significantly below the rate the City could sell bonds. Site Acquisition The City purchased the site for the filtration plant in 2005 at the time the Lake Harrison development was approved. The City identified several sites for the future plant before the purchase was made. The parcel the City purchased was viewed as the best site for a future filtration plant. The site of the Children's Learning Center at the corner of W. 78th Street and Galpin Boulevard was one of the sites the City evaluated for the future filtration plant. The Children's Learning Center does have an outlot that is currently not being developed. This outlot is large enough for the filtration plant. It is estimated the outlot would be valued at about $1,000,000. The soils in the area are known to be poor and it is likely a building constructed on the outlot would need to be supported by piling or other structural techniques. The cost to extend raw water main from the current location to the plant and the necessary truck distribution water main is estimated to cost $1,500,000. If the plant were to be constructed farther south of W. 78th Street, the cost for constructing the trunk water main and the distribution main would be significantly higher. �CURDITT Y, City Park & Recreation Board Meeting Complete 90% Design and Cost Estimate City Council Meeting to Present 90% Design Neighborhood Meeting to Present 90% Design Complete 100% Design and Cost Estimate Planning Commission Meeting City Council Approves Bidding Documents Bid Opening City Council Considers Award of Construction Contract Construction Water Filtration Plant Start-up Attachments: Floor Plan Elevation Views Site layout Site Acquisition Memorandum c: Greg Johnson, WSB & Associates c:\users\jeans\desktop\wwtp plan review for parkandrec - 062216.doc June 28, 2016 August 2, 2016 August 8, 2016 August, 2016 August 31, 2016 September 6, 2016 September 12, 2016 October 11, 2016 October 24, 2016 November, 2016 — April, 2018 April, 2018 LLI LLJ Ix Z W -Z M W uj t Lb Ix 0. > U, -5 IX CL LL W CK w ul W Z UJ LL Z 4i 44 z C- z W w Z W CL T 1.9k K:\01694-720\Cad\Pmposed\Preliminary WSB\6-15-2016 MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN.dwg, 6/21/2016 8:32:13 AM, Adobe PDF ii ii II ii ii 11 ii II 11 11 11 11 11 11 II It 11 11 11 ------------ 7771�\ II II II II II II 1 I I I a 1 II II 1 ©a II II II II II 11 II I II -------------- II I II 1 II .4 F03 _ _ _ _ ______ _ _________ _______I 0 -k > Z "n 0 0 0 0 0 01 01 0 0 0 I 0- Oro 01 0! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rao-of —04 0 0 0 0 0 0 0* 0 07 - 0 0 0 0 0 01 of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0i 0! 0 0 0 a O 0 0 0 0 01 01 0 0 0 moo 00 64 0 - su 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 d d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 01 0 0 0 c3 q 0 0 0 0 4 la 0 0 0 0 0 - ------ 0 0 0 0 0 0 . ..... . 1 01 ......w ----4 w I 0..0-:0-'0 0 c/)N 0 0 0 0 0 0.: 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O I O i O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0 -0 '70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: 0: 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 Ct Ct 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 f o 01 0 0 a 1 1 : FTJ m 0 0 01 01 0 0 0 . .. ....... 0 0 0 4 0 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Z.......... Cc CC) a) M m Ell 0•• -4- CA a .......... .......... . ---------------- ... ......... ... w ........... ......... . ........... ........ ................ ------------- O-- p .... .................. ....... I ......... ...... ... . .. -- -- — — — — — — 8 c> V Z A 701 Xertim Avwm SaLdK SuRe 300 MWAspoft MN %416 wss TOL (M) 5414800 - Fax (7M 541-1708 WEST WATER TREATMENT PLANT 1 HEREBY CERTIFYREPORT THAT INS PLAN, SPECIFICATION, OR R WAS PREPARED BY UE OR UNDER WY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I ALM A DULY UCENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REASION SC4L AS NOTED DAM PLAN BY: DESIGN Ely: NO. EXPI.ANATION A --W- � gymn FOR THE CITY OF CHECKED BY: PROJECT NO: DATE CHANHASSEN MINNESOTAI DAM ? - LIC. N0:REroRDD�Y�: K:\01694-720\Cad\Proposed\Preliminary WSB\6-15-2016 ELEV VIEWS.dwg, 6/21/2016 828:31 AM, Adobe PDF * n 0 0 M m n z z C C co m m cn 0) I I N O gal 1 . I o 9 o 9 I 90 o 0 0 ��----- !I II II , Il I II II I I I � I I I II II m m m OD to o o J ir-L------=------� II II II II I II rn I ri I( II II I o I------� I I n r------ -----� I L -J 1 II II „ I I II I L----jL---r— w I I II I I I �'-----� L----- — J L-1 i------ I I r-----, i �--------I---J II II { I I II ! m I NI rn N o ; m o I m m m m , _ { a I I I o I j I I II I IL1--�---- —J A I O I II I z I , II I I I I -J I IFL-JI— I I ! I I I I I �I Z I I I II o I II II II II I I I II o I I II m ( I I II � I I I II � I I II II II II I I II I II II I I II I I I II I jL ----J L—-------, I I II II L-- ii ,,J ii 1 r -i I I I I ! u L------- I I I I rrI I ,I --------- ---II II rn ! I I � II IL---------- „ I II I ---- -- — --- ----� LF I r rm- I co <0 tail N o1 I I I II I II I I ! I I I I II I II II � I { { { 1 I II I Lr — I I I r- � r- 0 9 o o o lc,> - WSB 701 XBLds Averm Souft Suite 3W "�"'08e'M"55418 WEST WATER TREATMENT PLANT 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN. SPECIFICATION. OR REPORT WAS PREPARED 6Y NE OR UNDER DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AU A DULY LICENSED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA SCALE,AS NOTED PIAN BY'. DESIGN BY: Tat(M)54148W • Fmc � 541-1700 1" wxmcm FOR THE CITY OF CHECKED 9f: RECORD COPY BY: PM CT NO TATE CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA DATE: ' UC. NO, gal ITY OF MEMORANDUM CfRNIWSEN TO*- Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Hw roar bli-W11"YaW PO BOX 1 117 FROM: Paul Oehnic RE, Dir. of Public Works/City Enot'neer Crianmassen, L Meet the Minnesota Department of Heal th Requirements. Senior Ceoter `2" DATE: JUne 12 1, 2)0 05 Ad m inist rat ion. 3. Reduce colored watcr and taste/odor probleMs. p6ofle- 952 01 F4x 952.227 W � I SUBJ, West Water Treati -nent Plant Land Acquisition Discussion Web Site Project No. 05-06 Building Inspections Phope 952.22T 1180 Fax 951.22;.11190 e he 1 ins niade bv the City si:.nct This memorandum is intended to summarize the decisio 4 2_003 Water aster Plan was completed nd Identify cost benefit anal, 1i' for land Engineering 4, . .Acquisition f0l-tl I'LlUlf-e west 1160 water treatlilellt plaill. x, 0.454' 22 7 1 71 BACKGROU'N 1) Fir, a nc e Phone 95,,,, `.iii x - 9 522 2 ' i 11 In J ar mu. 100, aN1-A,'aster Pkin w -,,Is campleted. for the 0tv of C,hanh-, ssen, Th. -is 1 y, ~1 -1 1 11 included reco.m..mendations for water supply, trec-Itment, and distribution the system.. Park & Recreation Sortie of the recornmendations in the plan were of concern to the CIty Council and the Pnona F:Citizens 9 5 2 . �Y- 0 Advisory Panel (CAP) and a review by a separate consultant of the plan. was Rp.crealtiuv. Cpniej, recommencled. The concerns includcd phasing in of the water improvenients, cost Z� 23100-0611688 UIEN31 d an,zalysis, and recommendations for ,.I central -plant. P h o f i ;%-,;, 952.2%' ; 14 (J) 0 Fav 952.227.1404 On, ALIOUS1 201 2003i SEH Consul tants c,pleted a revle of the 2003 Water Master Planning & 'Ylan and recommended a stcpwise ap,proach. to address the City's WaLer quality Natural Resources issues. This -.ipproach proposed to address the most urgent needs for the City and pho, . rax: 7 110 then move on to address 'less Urgent water cl Ual i ty needs, Public Works The approach .laid out by SEH was as follows,-, 1 591 FA A. On the east �vell field-. L Meet the Minnesota Department of Heal th Requirements. Senior Ceoter `2" -Meet the Safe Dfinkln&; Water Act reqUirements. Phow 1952 F a x - 95,21.227 1110- 3. Reduce colored watcr and taste/odor probleMs. 4. Mitigate bacteriological risks in the distribution. system. Web Site 5. Ex and sup IN WithOLA cornpromisina the first four objecti P p [ves. 9,9w," rl.mrujr v B. On the west vvell field-. 1. Assess the reliability of sequesterino...'. 11'helse in treatment as needed. '1003, the CAP - et and dis ussed the SEI ALIaLlSt'?O, 9003 On December 18, ~ M c 0 recomrnend,ca,tions. The CAP tinanimOUSIV SLI R-gested the Chanhassen City Council proceed with. steps to investicyate and implement fa iii.ultlpte treatment plant approach to address the ,it `'s shoi-t- and loncy-term water SUPP. I ly and treatmentneeds. Z, Iry The City of Clianhassen * .1% 9towirg community 'Ca"Tal', la,Kes, quality sichools. a (P-armlog bo"t Todd Gerhardt .funs ?.1,'2005 Pag , -Ye Tho Chanhassen City Council met on January 5,:2004 in ra. work secs .on to review the work of the GAP and dISCUSS the recommendations. The meeting ended with the Z� COUncil approvinor the CAP's.recommendatton for the inultiple treatment plant. On the January '2.6,2?005 reQUlar agenda, the Council adjusted the connection charcyes and �Nvater rates to help pav for the fUtUre water tre,citni-ent improvements. W On April 121, 2004, th.e COUncil net and reviewed the discussions the CAP and City Council made from December .2.003 to January 2004 and evaluated the water treatment alternatives, At this rnee-ting,, it w(t.I.S. deter pined: to build the (East) Lotus Lake water treatment plant to Its ultimate design capacit.y. 6700.0 gp-ni,. instead of the phased approach as recommended in the August 1....0, 2003 SEH mere orand.uni. This d1scussion was made because it was anticipated the expansion to the plant would be needed. only a, few vears;after the first phase of the plant was bUl It becilLISC Of Projected City growth. Also, by building the treatilient plant to the ultimate capacity under one construction prqject, costs would be less and. disruption to the neighborl ood. by construction traffic w()tfld bc ni.ininiized. The Council directed. staff to obtain quotes for three studies: 1.GI-OLIndwater. Modelincy Study of the Lotus Lake Well FIcId. This report mas Z-1 .needed to identify if ade�i-'uatewtater SLIpply was available in this area to supply the plca-nt for the ultimate desiLln capacity. Pilot Plant Mo- deling Study. This report w. -..Is needed to identify the best way to tre.,.,it. the water at the :Latus Lake Well Field" 3. Preliminary Investicyation Study, This report was needed to define the best. location to build the plant. At the June '14, '.2-1004, Council Nvork session staff presented the findings of the three reports to the Council. The Council acccpted (he 0170LInd.water modelina anal pilot plant study. The Council requested additional information inClUding. some cost and betlefit analysis for the two available sites., the "Ready Mix Site" located just north of TH 5 by the pedestrian bridge and -the South I.otUs Lake Park site. The two sites iduntificd in the report were the only aval'N-Able Properties near the ef,Ast well field the City owned.. Both sites are very tight and have unique challenores for coil s trUCtInicnr It water treatment plant. At the Aucylust 9, 2004, wor.k session StLlff Updated the COU11.61 Oil the recommended location of the Lotus Lake well field site, The COU11CH Unanimously approved. MOV11101 forward -,vvIth siohttnthewater tre,lAtment Plant on the ""Ready Mix Site's by the TH 5 Pedestrian :rid ae-. Since the Auaust 9, ..2,004 Council oJeetina staff has been working on the design of the last Water Treatment Plant. The east plant is schedtiled for construction start in JLIIV '2_'005 and to be operational in 2006.. IV The Auaust,21003 SEH memorandum recoMmended the Cay assess the possibility of sequesterincy the iron anal rnaniutnese for the west wells. Sequesterina was also zI_ %_ 0 F odd Gerhardt June 21. , 42-0005 'Page 3 reviewed in the 2003) Master Plan. The sequestration process adds poly''ho-sphates to P the effluent Water and in, turn reduces the formation ofinsoluble iron fan mance nes o 'des which cause the water discoloration., prob] xi stainina, and taste and odoi. ems. Staff obtained costs for sequesterinathe west well water, Using averaslu. e: m.pnio Z� . , P rates from these wells,chcmical injection cost will average about $32,000.00/yr. Initial startup COStS will be approxim.ately $5,000.0 ,f r' tanks, pumps and injection Point installation. The effectiveness of sequestration can be limited by concentration. of constituents and w,1rJte.r temperature. In addition, polyphosphates can. begin to break down within. 24 h.ours, or less. reverting to an orthophosphate which has -no se q Lies terinor l el cpability4 Also, orthophosphates can serve as a nutric-nt to water system bacte na and other. microbes. Hence., retention time within the water systeni Is a critical element for dcciding on its use. The recent testing done on the wells Arad puniping records C011-ClUded that the residence time.in the xzest well field during the fall. and winter months is esUmated to bc too Iona 1'01, sequestering to be efl'ective. In addition the west side of the City IUAS nUM-Cl-OLIS loncy dead ends, that are not looped which make squesterincy ineffective at times.The'.2.003 Master Plan deemed this process not feasible. Thean1,..flvsis. showed sequestration would most likely not be effective dur1n,s-1 the fall and wi.Titer months when the process is needed the most. Due to the high annual cost ofchei-nicfal injections staff is not recommending seqUesten na be considered in the Nvest well field. A treatt-nent. plant that removes the iron and mano-anese is the recommended method 1* .0 r improving the 'c'-lesthetics of the west well Z water. [AND ACQUIS.'ITION FOR WEST 'YREATMF`NT PLANT The 2004 and 42.005 Capltal Improvement - flans adopted by the Cnc ouil included it o project, #W-03 1, for land acquisition for the \.vest -ea) water (Galpin. Ai treat tment plant, Over the past two years, staff has looked for opportunities to pUrChaSC land in the Galpin area. for- a fUture water tre atment plant. Staff began site evaluations based on the1003 Water Master nd Plan aevaluated other sites in the Corridor as they were .6, put oil the rn,,ar ret Lind becanie available. The City has not considered eminent domain or land tak111,(,r.,,".1t this time for water treatment plant site. Over the past two years. five sites were evalua,ted for a water treati"nent plant 'In the Ga1pin. Boulevard area. This area was chosen based on its close proximity to the west - wells were exist l-ne infrastructure, 1,11 -ready is in place. The closer the water tieatment Plant is to the emstlingl'irid future welts, the less raw water transmission mains will be needed, Throutyli the Hiarhcrest. Meadows and the Lake Harrison development, the City is 4� 4:7 considerin 4 (7 Installing raw water transmission mains to bC USed for a future tre41111tM.C11t plant (Section A). The transmission mains are proposed throe these developments C becauselt i s the most cost effecti ve ali onment to bn'n.g the raw water from. Wel 1 -Nos. 4".- Todd Gerhardt Rine 1, 2005 Page 4 :7 ,Ll.nd 8 to a fUftlre treatment plant in. the Galp ln. 1301.11evard area. env other alignment alon,g. existincy street rialit-of-wav will cause signi ficant. disruption to the propCily: owners and the travelincrt�% public and .would, be more expensive. All sites evillwated. would Lt:tl]iZC the tIlInsmission mains. SITE ANALYSIS Alternfative Site I — This site is located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of'Galpin Bouleva.rd and. Topaz Drive. The site is approximately 5.4 acres. The majority of the site is on a steep hill with few mature trees. The site is centrally locatcd around the western wells and is close to the distribution network. The site is also central all located between the high zone and the low zone areas. The treatment plant would be desianed. to pump water to the hl. zone zone and the low zone without the Z:1 ko- 4i neat for an additional ex,ternal booster PLIMP station, The site Irl lows for the treatment t1lant to be built into the hillside and partially screened from the existing L -Ind future residential neighbo.t-lir oods (see -attached concept plans). Building the treatment plant. into the hillside will add rUpproximately $100,000 to the. construction of the plant. Properties on the e,---Ist side of Gal.pin BOUlevard would be screene d from the plant by a berm, In addition,these properties are sctback frot-n Gatpi_n Boulevard by it wetland Ulonr the east side of Galpin Boulevard. Additional raw water and distribution pipe network Would be required to brincy the. raw water from, Well Nos. 9 and 3 to the plant and distribute it outinto the network at an estimated. cost of $3 )90,000 (Section B). The purchase price for this s . ite is s estimated at $1,300,000. The Parks pe-C-irtment leas identified this site as a flood location for a srnall neichbot-hood park- and steddino hill. Funds for purchasin, ti e p-operty .1 would come frorn. the water utility fund and park dedication fund. The ')003 Master W11ter Plan considered: this site desirable for a watcr treatment plant. Altern-l-lifive Site 21 — This site is loco,.Itedzat the southeast quadrant of the intersection of Gal in Boulevard and Longaeres Drive. Well No. 3 is south of the site and Well No. 9 raw water transmi.ssion i'main is close to the site. The site is also close -to the h1oh C1.111d low, pressure zones. The treatmen.t plant would be desilgried.to pump -water to the hjuh zone and the low zonewithout tile i -iced for an additional, external booster pump station. A.201' raw �vllter tr,'L'111ST.n1SS1011 'Mal - TI would be required to be extended along Galpn Bm ioulevard (Section B) frothe L#,,.ike Harri.son Development to the site I m .1-niains. The cost for the p.' ' pi I ddition to some distribution I i rig i s est ' mated at $4 t 0,000. 13rased on the topogrcaphy of the hand and fUtUl-C <rccess of the site for development it isesuniated, 4.5 acres of land would be needed for the plant. The Current land va,luc is estimated at L.2691000 usincT, $"2S2,00:0/acre, The plant would be built in a residential neiahborhood, and the Jay of the land does not allow for much screening. The tret-Atinent plant r �vould be visible to the Lonoacres neighborhood on. the west side of Dal in Boulevard. The property is currently not for sale, Ifthe City would coni theproperty, costs for land are anticipated to be higher. The '2003 Master & Vf Z::� Water Plan rated this site to and did not considerit a desirable site because the shape of the parcel would ma'ke it difficult to provIde adequate buffer betNveen the Water treatment plant and the adjacentresidential parcels. Todd Gerhardt June 21, 2005 Page 5 Alte-niative. Site 3 — This site Is located at the northwest qUadnant of the intersection of Galpi.n Boulevard. and Walnut Curve. This property was for scale in 2004 and staff evaluated the property at that tin -le for a. water treatment plant. The property is S approximately five acres, however, abOLIt.4.5% of the property is considered wetland, The property I's also very narrow. Based on the seftack requirements tor the treatment plant from wetlands and ad acentproperties, it Nvas determined the propertY was not adequiate for a treatment phant. Alterm t ve Site 4 - This site is lo:ate d.cat the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Gal pin.Boulevard and 78`11 Street. This property is for sale and staff has rev iewed the site for a eater treatment plant. The site is approximately seven acres and is located near a trunk sanitary seNvcr that is on the north side of* the property. Approximately % f" the property is wetland. Staff obtained soil borings for this site which show a S, , f*ic, n(A igni t amount of poor soils at the site at the buildable 'location. The setback requi.rements from the Departni.ent of Health for the wetlands and the sanitary sewer make the site tosmal.l.for a water treatment plant, Alterm d-ve Site 5 - This site is located at the southwest quadrant.ofthe intersection of Gat -pin BOUICvardern d 78"': Street and is approximately 8.08 acres, The south side if the property abuts TH. 5. This Prol)(n.-ty is forsale and 'IS CLM,ently zoned residentia'I low density. The property has a small �vettcand oil the west side of the property. Access would only be available on the W'est end oftheproperty off. of"' street, Based on the available taccess Point , -and the Wetlands, the entire site would. need to be purchased to build a water treatment plant. The propefty Is being marketed at $1.0/sf., or $3,5210,000 for the 8 acres. The site is In the low pressure zone and a substantial MOLInt Of Pihicy -improvements P Z:> would be required. to niake the site functional for water treatment. A 20" raw water transmission mainwould be needed along Gali)in Boulevard from the Lake HalTi.son Development to 'well No, 13 ) Bird I ar to Site I and Site 2 needs, (Section B). The existins 16" main between ' Vcll'Nos, 3 and 9 A,-ould need to be removed and replaced willi a new -raw water transniission main (Section Q. A new x.411 raw water tran.,-,,;rnission, main wou.1d be required from Wefl. No,, 9 to the treatment plant (Section D). These improvenientsi-tre necessarto -incy the raw water to the treatment pkant,, y bt 4:� In order to have the plant service the high pressure zone, an exte rnal booster punip would need to be built at Sites I or.2 oil a 1It V 6 dedicated high zone distribution main WOUld be required along. Gal pin'Boulev,-.-Ird from the treatment plant to Longacres Boulevard. For thi.s analysis, the 16""' distribution pi -pe was use dbec use it is a I I less expensive then a booster pun station. The total estimated cast for the raw water I tr's.-IIISMI.Ssion and distribution pi.ping t.o make this site adeqUate for water treatnient is $ 1 X'LOK The site ;is away frorn resi.dentlal ptArcels and therefore considcred a desirable site. llowever, due to the land cost anal additional infrastructure. to make this site a viilble, the site is not considered desirable. Todd Gerhardt June '2WI, 2005 Pa 6)* Suniniary of Site Issues Sites 3: and 4 were not 111CILO-ed In the sunimary because they did not meet the mini gni. requirements for the west water treatment plant site. ,CONCLUSION - Site 5) costs substantlalivrnore then Sites .1 and_') and is therefare not recomni ended for a treatment Plant site Based on the 4-wailable infori-nation. sitcs I and.) cost benefit is very sin lar when compared -to the estirnated $9,000,000 to construct the treati-nent, plant. Since Site 2 li.-Ind. is not avall'ablefor purchase and ts not a desirable site for a treatri ent plant based on screeninur and bufferincy issues in (a residenflial care -a-, it. ts recommended the it Y consIder purchasing Site I for the west water treatment plant. 4 - Attachments vs( watA:j* ta:atnical plant\niemo 6_2105 L.And aquisitiondoc Added - � - - 1 9- --_- - , W I SITES Flacility Cost Screening/ Piping Cost Land Costs Land for screellilig Buffering Av-aflability S rt: , $100,000 - Adequate Not a $390,00.0 $410.00.0 $1,300,000 $1,269,000 Avai labile Not Site 2 desirgable site available Site 5. Ni, A- W L00:0_t $3,510.000 - = 1 Available Sites 3: and 4 were not 111CILO-ed In the sunimary because they did not meet the mini gni. requirements for the west water treatment plant site. ,CONCLUSION - Site 5) costs substantlalivrnore then Sites .1 and_') and is therefare not recomni ended for a treatment Plant site Based on the 4-wailable infori-nation. sitcs I and.) cost benefit is very sin lar when compared -to the estirnated $9,000,000 to construct the treati-nent, plant. Since Site 2 li.-Ind. is not avall'ablefor purchase and ts not a desirable site for a treatri ent plant based on screeninur and bufferincy issues in (a residenflial care -a-, it. ts recommended the it Y consIder purchasing Site I for the west water treatment plant. 4 - Attachments vs( watA:j* ta:atnical plant\niemo 6_2105 L.And aquisitiondoc Alternate West Water Treatment Plant Sites, PrTeasant Hill Pa. I- rk r 12 Well 7 8 ww "*Now rr war y4 61 Well 8 Section A from Watert-nain from Site 1; Site I Raw Waterma In Cb To W Raw ell -43 To Well. #3 f for or Well 7 & 8 .r... wri � wn ww wis % � r , � ` 8 -Well 3 Site 2 16 ::)ection C 8 24 Existing Watermain From Well #3 to #9 Well 6 CONr FL OVVER GRV S SLUEBONN� T SLVO 8 CHICORY y Site Park 3 DR P POPPY 10 SAC. E 8 1-1 WATE.RL.L-,-:-- ANCE 12 LADY S' IFPF� LANE 8. IA 13U I J'ER C! JP CRT j", r-.{ Ur -SAG -'F- [ N VV EP i AAtollVV I, rAr Al 20 Section: D Site 4 Waterm ain from Site 5 To Well #9 18 6 1 2 ArboretLxn Bqulevr(4- 12 20 12 r 7,: NA 20 p Site 5 to 18 12 12 io June, 2005 G.kENGUole-enlEng P.,rojectsLPaulLAItM.rTteatSj*tes!,Sites.inxd