Senior CenterBuilding Inspections
Phone: 952.227.1180
TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
FROM: Susan Bill, Senior Center Coordinator 1A
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147
D ATE: June 28, 2016
Chanhassen, MN 55317
• Minnesota Air National Guard Museum Trip: 40 people joined us on this
SUBJ: Senior Center Activities Update
Phone: 9
Summer is off to a great start. We said good bye to several « Senior Center long -
Fax: 952.227.1110
time members," while at the same time welcomed many new people.
Building Inspections
Spring and Summer Programs Highlights
Phone: 952.227.1180
• Ryder Cup program: Ryan Moy, Hazeltine National Senior Assistance
Fax. 952.227.1190
Golf Course Superintendent, enlightened the crowd with an excellent
presentation about the Ryder Cup preparations and festivities.
Phone: 952.227.1160
Fax: 952.227.1170
• Minnesota Air National Guard Museum Trip: 40 people joined us on this
trip as we toured the museum, which is home to one of the largest displays
of military aircraft (2 1) and accessories in the five state area.
Phone: 952.227.1140
Fax: 952.227.1110
Senior Learning Network Programs: These continue to be a big hit. People
Park & Recreation
enjoy the live interaction and the varied topics.
Phone.- 952.227.1120
Fax: 952.227.1110
• Lake Ann picnic: 2016 marks the 20th year of Senior Center picnic. The
Chanhassen Lions have been our sponsor for the last eleven years. 140+
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard
en o ed the beautiful weather eat food and entertainment.
people � y '� 3
Phone: 952.227.1400
Fax- 952.227.1404
• Minnesota Twins Game: 38 people, along with several kids, will enjoy a
great day of baseball. For the second year, Southwest Transit has provided
Planning &
free transportation to the game.
Natural Resources
Phone: 952.227.1130
Fax: 952.227.1110
• Cruise the World of Senior Housing: For the fourth time, people were able
to tour five different types of senior housing buildings. The feedback was
Public Works
excellent as people said "we learned and saw so much. Thanks for offering
7901 Park Place
this program."
Phone: 952.227.1300
Fax: 952.227.1310
• Joint Senior Commission & Senior Center Advisor Board: This meeting
Senior Center
has been set for Friday, August 19. The meeting will feature presentations
Phone: 952.227.1125
on Senior Housing and transportation options.
Fax: 952.227.1110
• Please join us for the annual "Evening with the Mayor," which will take
place on Thursday, July 14 at 5 pm.
\\cfs5\cfs5\shared_data\senior center\senior center update for todd\6-16 sr ctr update.doc
Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Senior Center
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147 • Chanhassen, MN 55317
952.227.1125 •,
The Senior Center is acommunity-gathering place for ages 55+ to come together for activities,
programs, and services. Programs promote wellness and healthy aging by providing opportunities for quality education,
nutrition, and recreational activities. The Senior Center is conveniently located in the lower level of City Hall in downtown Chanhassen.
The Senior Center will be closed Monday, July 4 and Tuesday, August I
Lake Ann Picnic
Thursday, June 16, 11am
Mark your calendar and enjoy
our annual Senior Center Picnic
at Lake Ann. The weather will be
warm and the food will be tasty.
We will enjoy all of our favorite
picnic foods, lively conversation,
and a chance to win some great
Special thanks to our sponsor, the
Chanhassen Lions Club.
Lake Ann Park
All Klingelhutz Memorial Pavilion
1456 W 78th Street
Registration Deadline:
Thursday, June 9
Bingo in the Park
Tuesday, July 12, 2-3:15pm
Are you looking for a fun activ-
ity to do with your grandchild?
Look no further! Join us as the
Lake Susan Park picnic shelter
for Bingo in the Park. Prizes will
be awarded and snacks and
beverages will be provided.
Grandparents may bring three
grandchildren. Space is limited,
sign up early.
Lake Susan Park
903 Lake Drive East
FREE, but call
952.227.1125 to register.
Registration Deadline:
Tuesday, July 5
Senior Events
La dies Tea Luncheon
& Turn -of -the -Century Style Show
Wednesday, August 31, 11am
Join us for the Turn -of -the -Century Style Show
where we'll view the delightful period style
dresses, followed by a delicious lunch with tea and
dessert. The Style Show starts out in the 1800s,
when corsets were worn, skirts were long and
full, and ladies were well covered. We will move to
the early 1990s when the pigeon blouse and the
"Gibson Girl" was the style. The intricate details
of inset lace and fine pin tucking will amaze you.
Take notice of the crocheted buttons, the gored
inset pieces with the "knife pleats" and the use
of the hook -and -eyes verses zippers. We will even
show you the scandalous "pneumonia" blouse
condemned by doctors and the clergy as a hazard
to health and morals. The style show winds up in
the "Edwardian White" period with a look at the
"lingerie style of clothing." Rejoice that corsets are
no longer the style!
The Mayor
Thursday, July 14, Spm
Enjoy a delicious picnic -style
dinner of fried chicken and all
your summer favorites as we
dine with Mayor Laufenburger.
He will update us on what's hap-
pening in Chanhassen and an-
swer any of your questions. After
dinner, grab your lawn chairs as
we enjoy music in the park at
the KleinBank Summer Concert
series featuring the "Eden Prai-
rie Community Band."
Special thanks to our sponsor Howard's Jewelry. Chanhassen Senior Center
Chanhassen Senior Center $10 Residents/$11 Non -Residents
$16 Residents/$17 Non -Residents Registration Deadline:
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, August 17 Wednesday, July 6
Code No. 6163.103 Code No. 6163.102
No From Russia with Love
Friday, September 9,11am
Our tour will focus on two main Russian cities: Moscow and St. Petersburg. The
capital, Moscow, is well known as the site of the Kremlin and Saint Basil's Cathedral,
with its elegant onion domes and bright vivid color scheme, which was constructed
on Red Square in the mid 1500s. Founded in 1703 by Tsar Peter I, St. Petersburg
is located on the Neva River on the Baltic Sea. Known as the "Venice of the North,"
canals and rivers run throughout the city and past the impressive Winter Palace of
the Tsars. The city served as the Russian Empire's capital for more than 250 years
and has retained its imperial grandeur. A lunch of beef stroganoff and Russian sweet
treats will be served.
Chanhassen Senior Center
$11 Residents/$12 Non -Residents
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, August 31
Code No. 6163.118
Wednesday, June 29, 8am-3:15pm
Come out and learn how farming has changed
over the past 160 years at Farmamerica, the
Minnesota Agricultural Interpretive Center
in Waseca. We will explore the acreage and
building sites on a tractor -pulled covered
tram. Experience firsthand how the farmers
of Minnesota survived in the 1800s, thrived in
the 1900s, and developed the modern farm-
ing techniques of today. The tour includes an
authentic 1850s farm site, Country Church,
Blacksmith Shop, and 1930s farmstead. We
also look at new technologies and how agri-
culture will be changing in the future. Farma-
merica is sure to have something for every-
one! Following our Farmamerica experience,
we will dine at the local Pizza Ranch for their
pizza, chicken, and salad buffet.
$46 (includes lunch, tour, and transportation)
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 14
Code No. 6163.105
All buses depart
from the Chanhassen
Recreation Center.
NE% Al & Alma's Lunch Cruise
Monday, August 1,10:30am-1:45pm
Back by popular demand! Al and Alma's public cruises are the perfect
way to take in the incredible sites and beautiful Lake Minnetonka. Voted
"Best of" Twin Cities, their award winning crew and fleet of beautiful lux-
ury yachts promise to thrill and delight you. Enjoy a leisurely lunch cruise
of a sandwich, salad, cookie, and beverages while the captain and crew
share stories of the lake, point out beautiful estates, and navigate the
shores, channels, and
many bays and islands
of Lake Minnetonka.
$35 (includes cruise,
lunch, and transportation)
Registration Deadline:
Monday, July 21
Code No. 6163.117
Summer Pops Orchestra Concert
Monday, July 11, 9am-2:15pm
It's a su m mer favorite! Beautiful music and scenery awaits you as we trav-
el to the Historical Nicollet Island Pavilion for a special summer concert
by the Minneapolis Pops Orchestra. After the concert, we will dine at Ki-
eran 's Irish Pub. Here we will enjoy the Farmer's Fare lunch buffet, which
includes three hot meat sandwiches (roasted chicken, corned beef, and
pot roast beef), salad, potatoes, dessert, and beverage.
$45 (includes performance, lunch, and transportation)
Registration Deadline: Monday, June 27
Code No. 6163.107
Extended Trip - Travel Iowa
Wednesday, September 14 -Thursday, September 15
Be a part of our annual overnight adventure. This year, we will travel to the Clear Lake and Mason City, Iowa area. Some
of our trip highlights will include a visit to the historic and fully restored Surf Ballroom, which holds a place in music
history as the final concert of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper; a scenic dinner cruise around Clear Lake
on Lake of the Lake stern wheeler paddle boat; a tour of the last remaining hotel designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, the
Historic Park Inn; followed by an elegant dining experience at the restored mansion, The Decker House; and a tour of
The Music Man Square and boyhood home of Music Man author, Meredith Wilson. This trip has something to offer for
everyone! Detailed trip information is available at the Senior Center. ----
$215/ person (Double Occupancy)
$260/ person (Single Occupancy)
) .
Price includes transportation, lodging, meals and tours
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, August 9.
Code No. 6163.110
Health, Education & Wellness
Healthy Living After 50
Monday, June 13,10am
The ideas about best choices for healthy living can be
overwhelming and contradictory - and the rules for after 50 seem
no different! There are some recommendations to know and live
by for you to be healthy in your adult years. Anne Voas, Director
of Ridgeview Rehab Services, will highlight the best tips from
medicine, exercise, and nutrition to motivate your Monday.
Chanhassen Senior Center
FREE, but please call 952.227.1125 to register.
Registration Deadline: Monday, June 6
Details`rH Deputies
Monday, July 11, gam
Join us for coffee, donuts, and casual
conversation with the Sheriff's Deputies
serving Chanhassen. Find out what's go-
ing on in the area and share what's on your
Chanhassen Senior Center
FREE, but please call 952.227.1125 to register
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, Julys
OpenSwim for Seniors 55+
Daily, lam -Midnight at Americlnn of Chanhassen
Punch cards need to be purchased at City Hall prior to joining.
Towels, changing rooms, and hot tub/whirlpool available.
*Please call ahead at 952.934.3888 to check for pool availability.
Americlnn of Chanhassen • 570 Pond Promenade
$24/12 -session punch card
Health Insurance Assistance
I - Second Tuesday of the Month, 9am-12Noon
Medicare can be complicated. Meet with a trained volunteer who
will provide individual assistance and answer questions about
Medicare and health insurance forms, as well as counsel people
in the selection of supplemental health insurance.
Chanhassen Senior Center • Maple Room
Call 952.227.1125 for an appointment.
Driver Safety
Designed to refine existing skills and develop safe
defensive driving techniques. If you are 55 year:
and older, completion of this course qualifies yon
fora 10% discount on your automobile insurancE
premium. Bring your driver's license and AARP
card to class. Participants must pre -register an(
payment is due at time of registration.
Chanhassen Senior Center
$20 AARP members, $24/Non-AARP members
(includes AARP materials and facility/host fee)
If you have taken a state -approved 8 -hour drive
safety course, you can renew through this 4-hou
AARP refresher course. Preregistration is require(
and is due 5 days prior to start date. Payment is
due the day of registration.
Tuesday, June 14, 8:30am-12:30pm
Code No. 6163.112
Monday, July 25, 5:30-9:30pm
Code No. 6163.113
Thursday, August 18,12:30-4:30pm
Code No. 6163.114
The 8 -hour class is designed to refine existing skill4
and develop safe, defensive driving techniquec.
The course materials cover the effects of agi nj
and medications on driving, basic driving rules
license renewal, local traffic hazards, adverse roa(
conditions, and accident prevention measures.
Tuesday, August 23 & Wednesday, August 24
Code No. 6163.116
Health, Education & Wellness
Flot for Life
Tuesdays &Thursdays,
n energizing, fun program for
d u Its 55+. The class includes
variety of low -impact activi-
es designed to get you m ov-
ig. Participants work at their
Nn pace under instruction
F Kaye Benson. Fit for Life is
esigned to help you work on
nproving fitness, strength,
alance and coordination.
istructor: Kaye Benson
hanhassen Rec Center
essions are on-going. Partici-
ants can pay a $5 daily fee or
ir a 12 week session fee. Call
52.227.1400 for more info.
Tai Chin
July 13 -August 17
Wednesdays, 10-10:45am
ie slow, fluid movements of
ii Chi promote balance and
(laxation. All movements are
erformed in a stand position.
lasses are fun and informa-
ve with a gifted instructor,
iat has been teaching Tai
hi for over 30 years. Must be
ble to walk comfortably for
5 minutes. Wear comfortable
othes and athletic shoes.
istructor. Ron Erdman -Luntz
hanhassen Rec Center
48 Resident/$53 Non -Resident
egistration Deadline:
iday, July 8
ode No. 4163.100
Pickleball Lessons
Learn to play the fastest growingsport with our Pickleball instructors!
Learn the rules, techniques for executing shots (serve, return, volley, dink), simple
strategy, and teamwork with your partner. Lesson fee includes one, 90 -minute lesson
and two -free passes to play indoor Pickleball at the Chanhassen Recreation Center.
Pickleball Lesson
Thursday, June 9, 8:30-10am
Code No. 4163.104
Pickleball Lesson
Monday, June 20, 6-7:30pm
Code No. 4163.105
Pickleball Lesson
Tuesday, July 12, 8:30-10am
Code No. 4163.106
Pickleball Lesson
Wednesday, July 27, 6:30-8pm
Code No. 4163.107
Pickleball Lesson
Wednesday, August 3, 6:30-8pm
Code No. 4163.108
Each clinic limited to 20 participants with one -instructor per court.
Pickleball lessons are held on three -indoor courts.OWN
Chanhassen Recreation Center • $10 includes lesson and passes
Outdoor Pickleball Tournament.
June 14-16, gam -spm
Join us for an un -officiated, double elimination tournament. Divisions limited to 12
teams. Games are timed, with prizes for winners in each category.
Mixed Doubles Advanced
Mixed Doubles Beginners
Women's Beginner
Women's Advanced
Men's Advanced
Men's Beginner
Tuesday, June 14, gam
Tuesday, June 14,1pm
Wednesday, June 15, gam
Wednesday, June 15,1pm
Thursday, June 16, 9am
Thursday, June 16,1pm
Chanhassen Recreation Center • Outdoor Pickleball Courts
$15 per team with only one teammate registering
Registration Deadline: Friday, lune 3
Code No. 4163.109
Code No. 4163.110
Code No. 4163.111
Code No. 4163.112
Code No. 4163.113
Code No. 4163.114
Congregate Dining & Home -Delivered Meals
The CAP Agency Senior Nutrition Program offers meals to homebound seniors and
congregate dining in Chanhassen. Enjoy hot, nutritious meals delivered right to
your door or at the nutrition site in the Chanhassen Senior Center. Both programs
are offered Mondays -Fridays. The menu offers gluten-free or low -salt entrees and
reduced calorie dessert options. If you are 60 years of age or older, please join
your friends for a meal, fellowship, and fun. If you are considered homebound, call
for a home -delivered meal.
A three-day reservation is required and the program requests a $4 contribution.
Reservations for all meals may be made by calling Jody at 952.227.1127.
Wednesdays, 12:30-3pm
20 games played at 250 each
l 1 1
4th Monday,1-2:30pm
Join our lively discussions of new &
classic books.
For info or to play, contact Rosemary
Whowell24 hours in advance at
Card Club:
500 and Hand & Foot
Tuesdays, 12:30-2:15pm
The group sings at various locations
and events. If interested in joining or
to book a perfonnance, contactJoan
Staubli at 952.294.8292.
Chanhassen Senior Center
Advisory Board (CSCAB)
First Monday, 9:30-11am
Members serve in an advisory capac-
ity, making recommendations to the
Senior Center Coordinator onsocial/
recreational programs and services for
the community.
Frst &Third Fridays,l-3pm
Six games. Prizes for top three point
holders. $1 perperson.
Senior Center Events Calendars
Women's Club Foot Care Clinic
2nd Monday, 9:30-11am First Tuesday, 8:30am-2pm, and Friday,10am-2pm, of the month
June 13 Regular Meeting followed by Foot care services include a soak, assessment, nail trimming, and massage. Appointments
1Oam Healthy Living program. last approximately 30 minutes. Due to the high demand for this service, we ask that you
July 11 Meeting following the 9am schedule appointments every other month.
Details with the Deputies. Chanhassen Senior Center • Maple Room
August 8 Tour of Lakewinds Co-op at $28 (paid at time of service)
9:30am. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 952.227.1125.
Woodcarving Senior Commission
Wednesdays & Fridays, 9-11:30am Third Friday,10-11:30am
Woodcarving Room. All levels of talent. Examines the needs of seniors in our Chanhassen community.
20 5
20 5
1 Woodcarving 9am
2 Cards fpm
3 Woodcarving 9am 4
4 Senior Center
Tai Chi 10am
6 Woodcarving 9am
Cribbage fpm
Bingo 12:30 pm
Bingo 12:30pm
Cards fpm Footcare 10am
6 Bridge 12:30pm
7 Footcare 8:30am
8 Woodcarving 9am
9 Pickleball Lesson
10 Woodcarving 9am 11
Ft for Life 10:30am
Tai Chi 10am
Footcare 10am
Details w/Deputies
Bingo 12:30 pm
Ft for Life 10:30am
Cards fpm Sr. Commission 10am
Flt for Life 10:30am
Cards fpm
Eveningw/Mayor 5pm Cribbage fpm
13 Women's Club 9:30am
14 Def. Driving 8:30am
15 Woodcarving 9am
16 Ft for Life 10:30am
17 Woodcarving 9am 18
Healthy Living 10am
Health Ins. Assist 9am
Tai Chi 10am
Lake Ann Picnic 11am
Sr. Commission 10am
Bridge 12:30pm
At for Life 10:30am
Bingo 12:30pm
Cards 1pm
Cribbage fpm
Outdoor Pickleball
Tai Chi 10am
Cards fpm
Tournament 6/14-6/16
Bingo 12:30 pm
20 CSCAB 9am
21 Ft for life 10:30am
22 Woodcarving 9am
23 Fit for Life 10:30am
24 Woodcarving 9am 25
Bridge 12:30pm
Bingo 12:30pm
Twins Game 10:45am
SLN Channel Island
Cards 1pm
Pickleball Lesson bpm
Cards fpm
27 Book Club 1pm
28 Fit for life 10:30am
29 Farmamerica 8am
30 Ft for Life 10:30am
Bridge 12:30pm
Bingo 12:30pm
Cards fpm
Women's Club Foot Care Clinic
2nd Monday, 9:30-11am First Tuesday, 8:30am-2pm, and Friday,10am-2pm, of the month
June 13 Regular Meeting followed by Foot care services include a soak, assessment, nail trimming, and massage. Appointments
1Oam Healthy Living program. last approximately 30 minutes. Due to the high demand for this service, we ask that you
July 11 Meeting following the 9am schedule appointments every other month.
Details with the Deputies. Chanhassen Senior Center • Maple Room
August 8 Tour of Lakewinds Co-op at $28 (paid at time of service)
9:30am. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 952.227.1125.
Woodcarving Senior Commission
Wednesdays & Fridays, 9-11:30am Third Friday,10-11:30am
Woodcarving Room. All levels of talent. Examines the needs of seniors in our Chanhassen community.
20 5
1 Woodcarving 9am
Cribbage fpm
4 Senior Center
5 Footcare 8:30am
6 Woodcarving 9am
7 Fit for Life 10:30am 8 Woodcarving 9am
Fit for Life 10:30am
Bingo 12:30pm
Cards fpm Footcare 10am
4th Celebration
11 Summer Pops 9am
12 Pickleball Lesson 8:30am
13 Woodcarving 9am
14 Fit for Life 10:30am 15 Woodcarving 9am
Details w/Deputies
Health Ins. Assist 9am
Tai Chi 10am
Cards fpm Sr. Commission 10am
Flt for Life 10:30am
Bingo 12:30pm
Eveningw/Mayor 5pm Cribbage fpm
Women's Club 10am
Grandparent & Me Bingo
Bridge 12:30pm
in the Park 2pm
18 CSCAB 9am
19 Ft for Life 10:30am
20 Woodcarving 9am
21 Fit for Life 10:30am 22 Woodcarving 9am
Bridge 12:30pm
Tai Chi 10am
Cards fpm
Bingo 12:30 pm
25 Bridge 12:30pm
Book Club 1 m
26 Ft for Life 10:30am
Postcards of Lake
27 Woodcarving 9am
Tai Chi 10am
Bingo 12:30pm
28 Summer in the Garden 29 Woodcarving 9am
Fit for Life 10:30am
Def. Driving 5:30pm
Mtka 3pm
Pickleball Lesson 6:30pm
Cards 1pm
Women's Club Foot Care Clinic
2nd Monday, 9:30-11am First Tuesday, 8:30am-2pm, and Friday,10am-2pm, of the month
June 13 Regular Meeting followed by Foot care services include a soak, assessment, nail trimming, and massage. Appointments
1Oam Healthy Living program. last approximately 30 minutes. Due to the high demand for this service, we ask that you
July 11 Meeting following the 9am schedule appointments every other month.
Details with the Deputies. Chanhassen Senior Center • Maple Room
August 8 Tour of Lakewinds Co-op at $28 (paid at time of service)
9:30am. Appointments are required and can be made by calling 952.227.1125.
Woodcarving Senior Commission
Wednesdays & Fridays, 9-11:30am Third Friday,10-11:30am
Woodcarving Room. All levels of talent. Examines the needs of seniors in our Chanhassen community.
F1 rog rarn Fteg istration
Mail or drop-off registrations to:
Chanhassen Senior Center • 7700 Market Blvd. • P.O. Box 147 • Chanhassen, MN 55317
Participant Name:
City, State &Zip:
Date of Birth:
Home Phone: Alt. Phone (cell, work, etc.):
E-mail Address:
Name of Program Date Time Price
❑ Healthy Living After 50
El Lake Ann Picnic
F-1 Channel Island Live Dive
R Farmamerica
F-1 Detailsw/Deputies
F-1 Summer Pops Concert
❑ BINGO in the Park
M Evening w/ the Mayor
D Minnetonka Postcards
F-1 All & Alma's Lunch Cruise
F-1 Ladies Tea Luncheon
F-1 From Russia With Love
F-1 Travel Iowa
F-1 Driver Safety (4Hc)
El DdverSafety(8Hr.)
6/23 & 24
and Refunds
All programs and classes require comple-
tion of a registration form. Please regis-
ter early to ensure your spot The fee must
be paid at the time of registration. No
spots will be held without full payment
We accept in-person registrations
at the Senior Center and upstairs at
the City Hall front desk, or online at
Check and cash payments can be made
via mail, in person, or dropping the reg-
istration from and payment in the box
located in the Senior Center. Credit card
payments must be made in person.
If you withdraw from a trip, program or
event before the activity's deadline, you
will receive a full refund. After the dead-
line, if we have a wait list we may be able
to refund your payment You can also fill
your spot with a friend. Please call the
Senior Center to let us know who will be
Data Privacy Policy: The information requested on the registration form will be used to verify eligibility and determine staff, facility, and equipment needs. You/your child `s name, sex, birth date, address,
phone number and health information will be provided to city staff, volunteers, the city attorney, insurer, and auditor. Although you are not legally required to disclose this information, failure to do so will
prevent you from participating.
Participant Signature:
City of Chanhassen
7700 Market Blvd.
P.O. Box 147
NtW Chanhassen, MN 55317
Channel Island Live Dive
Friday, June 24,3:30pm
Seldom seen, but encompassing almost half of the
California National Park, the underwater environment
often goes unnoticed. Now, Channel Island Live Dives
brings this ocean realm to you through technology.
Great forests of kelp flourish in the waters surround-
ing the Channel Islands. Over 1,000 species of ma-
rine organisms can be found here. Seals, sea lions,
fishes, marine invertebrates, and algae all blend to-
gether under the kelp canopy to form one of the most
biologically diverse ecosystems in the world. The Live
Dive is an interactive broadcast program that takes
you on a virtual hike through the kelp forest to get a
real glimpse into this seldom seen world without even
getting wet. From the landing cove at Anacapa Island,
park rangers wearing special microphone -equipped
dive masks descend into the kelp forest, camera in
hand. The divers explain what the camera is revealing
and answer visitors' questions about the kelp forest
and its many inhabitants, from lobsters to spiny sea
urchins and brightly colored fish.
Chanhassen Senior Center
Registration Deadline: Friday, June 17
Presort Standard
US Postage Paid
Chanhassen, MN
Permit No. 14
Postcards and Happy Hour
Tuesday, July 26, 3-5pm
The faded writing on an old postcard gives us a glimpse
of how people lived, traveled, and spent their leisure time.
But this simple ephemera is also an invaluable resource
for historians, preserving images of years gone by. Few
places in the west were as prolific in the distribution of
postcards as Lake Minnetonka. First appearing in the ear-
ly years of the 20th century, these cards are sometimes
the only evidence we have of the lake's great hotels, mas-
sive steamers, and amusement parks, as well as humble
bait shops, streetscapes, and bits of everyday life. Chuck
Donley is the president of the Twin City Postcard Club and
has a personal collection of over 1,000 cards of Lake Min-
netonka and its surrounding towns. He will share images
of the lake area- both familiar and rare - and will explore
what the fascinating hobby of delitiology can tell us about
Lake M i n n eto n ka's history. Afterwards, we will enjoy h a p-
py hour featuring "mockta i ls" and hors d'oeuvres.
Chanhassen Senior Center
Registration Deadline: Monday, July 18