G-3. Recommend Approval of Donation of Ball Field Dug Outs 1011 MEMORANDUM G- 3 . CITYOF TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director CHANHASSFN 7 7700 Market Boulevard DATE: July 26, 2016 PO Box 147 Chanhassen,MN 55317 SUBJ: Recommend Acceptance of Donation of Ball Field Dug Outs; Lake Susan Park Administration Phone:952.227.1100 PROPOSED MOTION: Fax:952.227.1110 Building Inspections "The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council accept the Phone:952.227.1180 donation of permanent Lake Susan Park Ball Field Dugouts from the Dugout Club and Fax:952.227.1190 Chanhassen Athletic Association with the conditions noted." Engineering Approval requires a simple majority vote of Park&Recreation Commission members Phone:952.227.1160 present. Fax:952.227.1170 Finance BACKGROUND Phone:952.227.1140 Fax:952.227.1110 The Dugout Club, in conjunction with the Chanhassen Athletic Association,would like to install two fixed dugouts at Lake Susan Park.The dugouts are professionally designed Park&Recreation and will meet or exceed city building and aesthetic code.Final plans and permit Phone:952.227.1120 application will be submitted to the city for inspection and approval by necessary Fax:952.227.1110 departments.The project will require two months to complete.The City of Chanhassen will take responsibility for digging the footings for the structures. All other work and Recreation Center project coordination is the responsibility of the Dugout Club/CAA and its contractors or 2310 Coulter Boulevard volunteers. Phone:952.227.1400 Fax:952.227.1404 All donations exceeding$500 must be approved by the City Council. Planning& Natural Resources DISCUSSION Phone:952.227.1130 Fax:952.227.1110 The Dugout Club is a booster club created to support diamond sports within the Chanhassen High School boundaries. Its primary objectives include maintenance and Public Works improvement of the stadium complex at Chanhassen High School as well as additional 7901 Park Place community development projects to provide safe,playable fields and practice facilities Phone:952.227.1300 and equipment for the baseball and softball teams within our member communities. Fax:952.227.1310 The Chanhassen Athletic Association(CAA)is a parent/adult-led organization that has Senior Center successfully administered youth sports programs within the community for over 40 years. Phone:952.227.1125 The association has partnered with the city on many occasions to work towards Fax:952.227.1110 improving local athletic facilities. Website The Dugout Club and CAA would like to construct permanently framed dugout structures www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us at the Lake Susan Park Ball Field.The proposed schedule and project details are shown below. Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow The CAA, in consultation with area coaches,has identified the need or desire for a variety of ball field- related equipment and improvements.The improvements are listed below along with staff's recommendations/conditions: Lake Susan Park Ball Field Dugout Donation Proposal- $15,000 Phase 1.July 2016: City digs necessary trench at dugout sight.Dugout Club purchases concrete and completes pad. Phase 2.August 2016: Dugout Club hires masons to install block base of dugout. Phase 3.August 2016: Remaining structure erected.Dugout Club will seek professional contractor from Association to advise and assist with final installation. Additionally,the Dugout Club will solicit material donations from surrounding home improvement stores to offset cost of material. Any shortage in donated material costs will be the responsibility of the CAA and Dugout Club to offset. Estimated Cost: Steel Posts $1,000 Concrete $6,000 Misc. $3,000 Anticipated Donation $5,000 Menards $1,000(donation pending) Home Depot $2,000(donation pending) Mills Fleet Farm $2,000(donation pending) Total Cost I $15,000 •Name of Construction Manager -Hansen Hometech • Identification of General Contractor -Hansen Hometech • Identification of Sub-Contractors -Concrete pad -ML Concrete and Masonry -612-619-9777 -Concrete block -Bricklayers&Allied Craftworkers (bac1mn-nd.org) -612-379-2966 -Home Depot,Team Depot Conditions: Construction activities do not interrupt scheduled activities at the Ball Field. Relocation of the storage access doors to the exterior of the buildings. Incorporation of no maintenance materials: -Concrete block -Cement siding -2'x4'pressure treated lumber -2 Steel exterior doors at each dugout All work be completed by September 30,2016. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council accept the donation of Lake Susan Park Ball Field Dugouts with the conditions noted. ATTACHMENTS 1. E-mail from Mr.Todd Neils, Chanhassen Athletic Association/Dugout Club dated June 18,2016 3. Dugout Plans and schematic image Hoffman, Todd From: Todd <coachtneils@hotmail.com> Sent: Saturday,June 18, 2016 3:24 PM To: Hoffman, Todd Subject: RE: Dugout plans Attachments: 2016 Lake Susan Dugouts.docx Todd, Here are some of the additional details you requested. They are on the last page. There is some fluidity until we know all of the donations. Home Depot through Team Depot may be supplying not only materials but volunteers. I am still working with the Bricklayers to supply volunteer labor for the brick installation. From:thoffman@ci.chanhassen.mn.us To: coachtneils@hotmail.com CC: brian.benkstein@jacksonlewis.com;jeff@dugout-club.org; theodore.ellefson@gmail.com; ABeers@ci.chanhassen.mn.us;jruegemer@ci.chanhassen.mn.us; hillx078@umn.edu Subject: RE: Dugout plans Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2016 13:13:32 +0000 Dear Mr. Neils Thank you for submitting information concerning the Chanhassen Athletic Associations and Dugout Clubs interest in donating baseball dugouts at Lake Susan Park. The CAA and Dugout Club are integral to the success of youth sports in our community and the City of Chanhassen appreciates all that you do. Our excellent working relationship over the past five decades has ensured the continued success of a model relationship between local non-profit youth sports organizations and a public municipality. Regarding the Lake Susan Park proposal,we value the idea of constructing baseball dugouts at the park, however additional information is needed. D Name of Construction Manager D Identification of General Contractor D Identification of Sub-Contractors D Complete Construction Plans (The plans submitted are concept drawings dated 2013) D Incorporation of no maintenance materials D Relocation of the storage access door to the exterior of the building. Please provide this information and we will gladly review and forward the proposal to the Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission and City Council for consideration and approval. Sincerely Todd Hoffman City of Chanhassen Park and Recreation Director 952-227-1129 d 1 612-490-4405 m thoffman@ci.chanhassen.mn.us P.O. Box 147 7700 Market Boulevard Chanhassen, MN 55317 From:Todd [mailto:coachtneils@hotmail.com] Sent: Monday,June 06, 2016 4:16 PM To: Hoffman,Todd Subject: RE: Dugout plans Todd, Here is the update with amendments from last email string. Todd From: thoffman@ci.chanhassen.mn.us To: coachtneils@@hotmail.com Subject: RE: Dugout plans Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2016 21:00:23 +0000 Yes thanks—your wife left them with me here at City Hall. There are some penciled in sketch marks on the footings/slab that will need to be deciphered. Is an updated proposal being submitted? From:Todd [mailto:coachtneilsCa@hotmail.com] Sent: Monday,June 06, 2016 12:47 PM To: Hoffman,Todd Subject: Dugout plans Todd, Good afternoon. I am just making sure you received the dugout plans for Lake Susan? Thank you. Todd 2 Date: May 10th, 2016 To: Todd Hoffman, Director Park and Recreation City of Chanhassen From: Todd Neils Dugout Club and CAA Baseball/Softball Lake Susan dugout proposal project The Dugout Club in conjunction with the Chanhassen Athletic Association would like to install two fixed dugouts at Lake Susan Park. The dugouts are professionally designed and meet City building and ascetic code. These plans and permit will be submitted to City for inspection and approval by necessary departments. This will be a 3 phase project and the Dugout Club will work with the City and staff to plan and coordinate installation and completion of the project. Phase 1,July 2016: City digs necessary trench at dugout sight. Dugout Club purchases concrete and completes pad. Phase 2,August 2016: Dugout Club hires masons to install block base of dugout. Phase 3.August 2016: Remaining structure erected. Dugout Club will seek professional contractor from Association to advise and assist with final installation. Additionally,the Dugout Club will solicit material donations from surrounding home improvement stores to offset cost of material. Any shortage in donated material costs will be the responsibility of the CAA and Dugout Club to offset. Estimated cost: Steel posts $1,000 Concrete $6,000 Misc $3,000 Anticipated donation $5,000 Menards $1,000 (donation pending) Home Depot $2,000 (donation pending) Mills Fleet Farm $2,000(donation pending) Total cost $15,000 All funding has been approved by the Chanhassen Athletic Association Baseball/Softball Board. CC: Chanhassen Baseball/Softball Board of Directors Chanhassen Baseball/Softball Field Enhancement Committee • • • 401.11.1. M 0 Name of Construction Manager -Hansen Hometech 0 Identification of General Contractor -Hansen Hometech 0 Identification of Sub-Contractors -Concrete pad -ML Concrete and Masonry -612-619-9777 -Concrete block -Bricklayers &Allied Craftworkers (baclmn-nd.org) -612-379-2966 -Home Depot,Team Depot 0 Incorporation of no maintenance materials -Concrete block -Cement siding -2'x4' pressure treated lumber -2 Steel exterior doors at each dugout 0 Complete Construction Plans(The plans submitted are concept drawings dated 2013) 0 Relocation of the storage access door to the exterior of the building. 11111 1111.11ft ANL -fflP._ "MIN 1111. Inn" A"nr.."' I I ■ ■ ■ Not to be used for Construction Concept Drawing Bidding & Review Only 111111111111111111 114111b.. Hansen Hometech CLIENT �E 7920 Kerber Blvd. Chanhassen Athletics H�F,7,EH Association DATE Fi'��'E it Chanhassen , Mn. 55317-1009 Lake Susan Dugout 09-17-13 PH. 952-934-0854 Fx. 952-934-4603 901 Lake Drive 10-31-13 Chanhassen, MN 55317 11-11-13 ORIGINAL DATE: • Shingles vi ice 8.Water She!'d 2-2x9 MicroLam /to match Utility Building Oct-18-2013 Headers Confirm 4 City Planning Dept Drainage opening • 12" 2x6 SPF 3/12 Shingled Roof x,,13" Rafters REVISED DATE: - 22' 2X4 Treated Exterior Wall - - 24"OC • u • 23'-4' -i w � 5 Courses of 8"Conc. Block, • c� 22 Oct-31-2013 - o fir__- ----- Treated 2x4 r r*g Siding to match Utility Buikl:rq C) 5'-4 1/2" ;t --15' r r i i o Nov-11-2013 Ext Was / Confirm vi City Planning Der' C ', • �. I- N _ - - r u ii it �— ii TT-IT n u u r - 2'6" m r-- I I I I � n n k 2x8 Treated N - O I 4 courses Sill Plate O Storage __—_ --. _ - -- -- --- �' -8' ----6'-4"-- -----I— .----------15'-8" ----------. _..._.-- _ B'Concrete Block., 0 5'-5"x 5.-0" -� - - -- a) J Decroitnve Finish - co c n New 2ZO 1"Bench r' o r Storage' Dugout 85 courses Concrete Block o .. • 5'-9 x 5'--9" 15'-5"x 5'-9" 1'2 Ct Grade-� ® = Decroihve Finish Arai Ano _ O • '-2-2X9 MicroLam Header Insutat on 4 Courses of 8"Conc.Block 1r saloon Grade; Sloped loped floor.1/4"/12" Reuse Existing Bench Insulation Plan: 2x4 Framing Lake Susan Dugout Plan P SCALE1/4"= 1'-0• Cross Section 9P1 P1SCALE 1/4"= 1' SCALE 1/4"= 1'-0' Z Y M (#1 0 CU 'n cci =•> . • s U Q Q Front U � m 0 _ F' Q a N II II III I II III w ._ o ..= 03 a,' 8'-9" 5' 1' 10" –4 cci V Sidingto match UtilityBuildingU Confirm w/City Planring Dept. l i • ` g ai ,14 s c1/ ' r- £ o v '' `n o c c 1 `2x8 Treated Sill Plate II o . 8 Lo 8 o v 3 E Fn Front Elevation L •� ° 3 P1 '' - _ ` _ Side Elevation (1) SCALE:1/4" 1'-0" ��- ¢ E P1 M SCALE.1/4"= 1'-0" O's. 2 0 v = -- (,) o rn Front--- - Shingle Roof w/Ice&Water Shield U "o — To match Utility Building., W v, a, �-, o Confirm w/City Planning Dept L„, in , °' o U v.: 2 , O m O 1) kr) y I III II II I I III I W ON 2 Cn ' v z � cN a Drainage Openings .,\ = U on . 0 g .- --JI_- 1 L 1 1 ow • 1-..., . Side Elevation (2) -o l L P1 i Rear Elevation • co r v —+ SCALE.1l4"= 1'-0" 2 EP1) j SCALE 1/4"= 1'-0" ar or a)ad j C /. o m z /