Deed Grant Contamination Cleanup Letter 8-2-16CITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering Phone: 952.227.1160 Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.2271110 Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us August 2, 2016 Mr. Jan Saxhaug Department of Employment and Economic Development Brownfields and Redevelopment Unit 1St National Bank Building 332 Minnesota Street, Suite E200 St. Paul, MN 55101 Subject: Dakota Retail/Chanhassen, Minnesota Dear Jan; Enclosed please find the "Original Copy" of the Contamination Cleanup Grant Program Progress Report for the Dakota Retail Project in Chanhassen, Minnesota. We expect to finalize this project next July 2017 after all of the vapor mitigation system sampling is completed. Let me know if you have any questions. Respectfully, Todd Gerhardt, City Manager Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow CONTAMINATION CLEANUP GRANT PROGRAM PROGRESS REPORT Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development D UE DA TE: JUL Y 25 X Annual Report Due before, during, and after cleanup ❑ Final Development Report Due after final development is completed Please read attach instructions and answer all questions. You may attach additional sheets if necessary. I. General Information for all Reports 1. Grant Number: CCGP-14-0008-Z-FY14 2. Grantee Name: City of Chanhassen 3. Grant Term: 3 Years 4. Project Title: Dakota Retail 5. Period the report covers: from Grant Award Date through June 30, 2017 6. Amount of DEED funds received through the end of above period: $182,657.65 7. Name and title of person completing this report: Todd Gerhardt 8. Phone number of person completing this report 952.227.1119 9. Signature o , e�rson co leting epo s signature certifies that the information contained in this report is true and correct.) Date Updated 4/30/13 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Date Received Date Reviewed Changes Necessary: Yes No Staff Initials 1 of 5 pp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M O O Ln QO N O 00 N Ln d• - a c7 -I m oo v M N m N Ln V'} C1' a N m pp +J? (n L OLE O 0 p CU > O � � O O +� ti? O Q voi 'J O O EQ1 E a cu o U_ L Q O Ln v L v U a- N L f0 L U L O C a Q O = =E C c J v O N O o N �o �o 0o 0l0 Ln O v O O n +� E n Q- v 76 Ul uMi M r, oho N O 0000 O O U i V/ - N t/)- r -i c- �p J N E > v V iE aJ L o L O O jE l./•) t.0 Ln O Ln 00 Ln 7 UC '•' +J L ®-6 r I c� O m M Ln I O u OI�O> 00IN�M I N Lx W m M my LU t/} ri C2 U V � 4.10 0 0 0 0 0 = O O O M o �t � O O O o0 O a a E N O ori 6,.d 0 0 0 0 0 0 O �O O O O O O O � O Ln O O O O m 00 Q. O 00 N M 00 00 Q N N N lD Ln 00 N 0 04 o E = v O +� 0 3 on > E v U ci W ++ cr -0 In C Q v0' _ o U M N ( O (O L f0 4J cc L 'bd Q1 _ = U Q Q °D E J E = J N > CL C O O O co O Q C U a > U LL �— III. Completion Information for Annual Report If Site Cleanup is not complete: 15. What is the expected start date for cleanup of the site? February 2014 16. What is the expected completion date for the cleanup of the site? September 2016 (after the annual vapor mitigation sampling is completed per the RAP) 17. What are the anticipated total cleanup costs for the project? $270,000 If Site Cleanup is complete: 18. What was the start date for the cleanup of the site? 19. What was the completion date for the cleanup of the site? 20. Has a RAP Implementation Report been submitted to the MPGA? Yes No Date of Submittal 21. Has the MPCA approved the RAP Implementation Report? Yes No Date of Approval 22. 23 Has the MPCA issued any liability assurance letters for the site? Date of Letter's' Types of letters Yes No Please attach a copy of the RAP Implementation Report, MPCA RAP Implementation Approval letter, and/or an MPCA liability assurance letter, if you have not done so already. Have there been any changes (increases or reductions) in the cleanup budget or projected activities since the original Grant Agreement or the latest Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN), if any? Yes No. If yes, please describe the changes: IV. Development and Benefit Information for Annual Report 24. What date is development of the site expected to begin? February 2014 25. What date is the development of the site expected to be complete? The development is complete. 26. Please describe the nature of the development and the actual progress of the project. Are you on time of ahead of schedule? Are there any problems, delays or changes from the goals and timeline described in your application? The project was about 1 year behind the proposed schedule that was provided in the application. This is due to a change in ownership of the site. 3 of 5 27. Has/have the end user(s) or developer of the project changed? Yes X No. If yes, who is/are the new end user(s) or developer, and how will this/these change(s) affect the timing and completion of the site development? 28. If your development is not completed, please describe specific activities undertaken to complete the development (such as): a. Has a developer/end user been found? Yes If not, why not and what efforts have been made to market the site? (insert extra narrative as needed). b. Is the property listed on MN Prospector, MSP.org or other site marketing website? Yes (name website) No If not, why? NA c. Do you have a developer's agreement? X Yes, Date Executed: 11/21/14 No, Date Anticipated: d. Has construction started?X Yes No. If begun, what percentage has been completed? 100% e. What is the current plan for development? (or attach separate sheet) Retail cuter as proposed in the application 29. How many full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs were projected and stated in the grant application? (#)52 jobs. Has this projection changed? _Yes X No. If yes, what is the new number of full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs to be retained in the state by this project? (#) . What is the new number of full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs created by this project that are brand new to the state? (#) . If the numbers have changed, why? 30. What was the tax increase projected and stated in grant application? $18,206 to $47,670 Has this projection changed? Yes X No. If yes, what is new projected tax increase $ 31. Have there been any other changes in the scope of the original site development plan as approved in the application? _Yes X No. If yes, please specify: 4 of 5 V. FINAL DEVELOPMENT REPORT: - - - - - - - - - - Submit this section after development is complete: ---------- 32. --------- 32. Please describe the final development on the site, including the number and size of buildings and tenants, etc. 33. What were the final total site development costs (excluding cleanup)? $ How much public (non DEED)? $ How much private? $_ 34. How many FTE jobs (@ 40 hours per week) have been created (i.e. brand new to the state) as a result of the cleanup and redevelopment of this site? What entity(ies) created these jobs? 35. How many FTE jobs (@ 40 hours per week) have been retained (i.e. transferred to this site from another Minnesota location) as a result of the cleanup and redevelopment of this site? 0 What entity(ies) retained these jobs? 36. What is the site's actual tax increase due to the cleanup/redevelopment? $ if housing is the end use of your project site or a portion of it, please answer the following: 37. How many total housing units have been created on this site? 38. How many market -rate housing units have been created on this site? 39. How many affordable housing units have been created on this site? 40. How many affordable housing units have been created at an off-site location due to a financial contribution of the site's developer? Where are the off-site affordable units located? 5 of 5 Contamination Cleanup Grant Program Reporting Instructions Please check box before "Annual Report"" or "Final Development Report" as it applies to the status of your project. • An "Annual Report" is submitted until cleanup is complete. A "Final Development Report" is submitted when the final development is complete and the benefits such as job creation, housing development, and tax -base increase have been achieved. I. General Information for All Reports Item 1: Enter the grant number found on page 1 of the grant agreement (this number begins with "CCGP"). Item 2: Enter the name of the city, EDA, HRA, Port Authority, or other public entity receiving the grant funds. Item 3: Enter the month, day and year of the beginning and ending of the grant period as found in the grant agreement "Term" clause. If this time period has been revised, enter the dates set forth in the most recent Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) reflecting the change. Item 4: Enter the project title (site name) as it appears in the grant agreement. Item 5: Enter the current year. All reports should run through June 30 and should be submitted by July 25 each year, unless otherwise indicated in the Reporting Section of your Grant Agreement or if this is a Final Report. Final reports should be submitted as soon as possible after the date by which development is complete. Item 6: Enter the total amount of CCGP funds received from DEED from the beginning of the grant through the date indicated on Item 5 (June 30 of current year). Item 7: Enter name and title of person completing report. Item 8: Enter the phone number of the person completing report. Item 9: Enter the signature of the person completing report. II. Financial Information for Annual Reports Item 10: Enter the approved activities, which are specified in the Special Conditions section of the grant agreement. Or, if these Activities have been amended, enter the most recently approved Activity as it appears in the current Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN), or amendment to the grant agreement. Item 11: Enter the approved budget for the respective activities, which are specified in the Special Conditions section of the grant agreement. Or, if these costs have been amended, enter the most recently approved costs as they appear in the current GAN or amendment. Item 12: Enter the percentage of the activity listed in Item 10 that has been completed as of June 30. Item 13: Enter the amount of actual expenditures per funding source. (Please list the non - DEED sources on the top of each column). If this is an Annual Report, amounts should equal the "New paid to date" columns of the most recent payment request. If this is an After -Cleanup or Development Report, amounts reflect your actual costs to the date on Line 5. By statute, at least 12% of your cleanup costs must be paid by an unrestricted source. Item 14: Enter any comments on the progress of the project activity. Completing Item 14 is optional. III. Completion Information for Annual Report If site cleanup is not complete: Item 15: Enter the date that you expect cleanup will becin at the site. Item 16: Enter the date that cleanup is expected to be completed at the site. Item 17: Enter the estimated costs for cleanup of the site. If site cleanup is complete: Item 18: Enter the actual start date for cleanup work on the site. Item 19: Enter the actual end date for the cleanup work on the site. Item 20: If a Response Action Plan Implementation Report was sent to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), enter the submittal date. Item 21: If the MPCA approved the Response Action Plan Implementation Report, enter the approval date. Item 22: If the MPCA issued any liability assurance letters (i.e. no association letters, no action letters, certificates of completion) for the project, enter the dates. Also, if you have not sent in copies to DEED's Brownfields and Redevelopment Unit of the Implementation Report, Implementation Approval letter and or Liability Assurance letter from MPCA, please include them with this report. There may be multiple letters issued. Item 23: Discuss any changes in the cleanup budget or activities after your most recently approved Grant Adjustment Notice. Describe increases or reductions in line items or the project as a whole. IV. Development and Benefit Information for Annual Reports Item 24: Enter the date the construction or improvements for the new development on the site began. Item 25: Enter the completion date for the development on the site. Item 26: Please give a description that reflects the current status of the project compared to the expected plans for the site. Item 27: Please give current status information about the developer or end user(s) of the site. Item 28: If the development on the site is not finished, please give individual responses (a. - d.) regarding the developer, construction work and plans for the site. Item 29: Please give detailed jobs information numbers (refer back to your original grant application for the jobs information you submitted prior to your grant award). Item 30: Please give tax increase information for the site, starting with the amount that was listed in your original grant application. Item 31: 1Zefer back to your original grant application for the original development plan for the site and describe any changes that may have taken place. V. Final Development Report Instructions - - - - - - This section to be submitted after development is complete - - - - - - - Item 32: Please give a description of the final development of the site, including information about the number and size of buildings and their tenants, including new businesses. Item 33: Indicate the development costs of the site (not including cleanup costs). Development costs include all non -cleanup costs incurred to achieve a new development • Indicate how much of the total development costs were public (non - DEED). • Indicate how much of the total development costs were private. Item 34: Jobs Created: Since development has been completed, enter the final total of new full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs created at this site. (The jobs must be new to the state.) List the entity(ies) that hired to fill these jobs. Item 35: Jobs Retained: Since development has been completed, enter the final total of full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs retained. (The jobs must be new to the site, and are already existing Minnesota jobs). List the employer(s) that hired persons at this site. Item 36: List the actual tax increase created by the site calculated by using the actual site property tax amount prior to cleanup and comparing it to the current property tax on the site. Housing Information if applicable to the project (37- 40) Item 37: Indicate the total number of housing units at the site after completion of work. Item 38: Indicate the number of market -rate housing units at the site. Item 39: Indicate the number of affordable housing units at the site. Item 40: If applicable, indicate the number of affordable housing units created at an off- site location due to a financial contribution of the site's developer and list where the off-site affordable units are located. U:\USERS\BCD\CONCLEAN\Contamination Cleanup\Progress Report and Instructions Cleanup.wpd Current version: 3/22/2011