Chanhassen West WTP -Architectural Plans 477 Temperance Street | St. Paul, MN 55101 | (651) 286-8450 Building a legacy – your legacy. Equal Opportunity Employer | wsbeng.com K:\01694-720\Admin\Docs\Planning Commission\PlanningCommission_Submittal_Items.docx August 5, 2016 Re: Chanhassen West Water Treatment Plant – Planning Commission Submittal WSB Project No. 1694-72 Project Name: Chanhassen West Water Treatment Plant Applicant: WSB & Associates, Inc. Engineer: Greg Johnson, WSB & Associates, Inc. Owner: City of Chanhassen Legal Description: Date Proposed: September 2016 Vicinity Map: Attached, Appendix A Intended Use and Occupancy: The site will be used for the construction of the West Water Treatment Plant. The City studied potential locations for the water treatment plant beginning in 2003. At that time, five sites were evaluated, all in the Galpin Boulevard area due to its proximity to the City’s well field. The final site was selected based on size, feasibility, availability for purchase, and cost. The water treatment plant will include one main building; a driveway, loading area, and parking lot; and a tank that will be almost entirely submerged. The estimated average occupancy is one person. Also located on the property will be elementary and preschool playgrounds and a bike trail. Land Use: The planned land use for the property, as outlined in the City’s 2030 Comprehensive Plan, is Public/Semi-Public. Property Tabulation: Parcel Size 6.57 acres 286,100 square feet Gross Floor Area 16,950 square feet Percent of Site Covered by Building 5.9% Percent of Site Covered by Impervious Surface (includes parking area) 13.2% Percent of Site Covered by Parking Area 1% Projected Number of Employees 2 Number of Parking Spaces Required 3 Number of Parking Spaces Provided 4 plus 1 handicapped Building Height at Roof Peak 21 feet Building Use(s)Municipal Water Treatment West Water Treatment Plant City of Chanhassen Planning Commission Submittal August 5, 2016 Page 2 K:\01694-720\Admin\Docs\Planning Commission\PlanningCommission_Submittal_Items.docx Required Plan Items: Item Number Description Location 1 Property line dimensions Drawing C-15 2 Grading and drainage plans Drawing C-15 3 Existing and proposed points of egress/ingress Appendix C 4 Vehicular circulation system Appendix C 5 Landscaping plan Appendix B 6 Trash enclosure information None 7 Rooftop equipment location None 8 Signage location and detail None 9 Lighting information In design 10 Building elevations (with color) Appendix B 11 Utility plan Drawings C-13 and C-14 12 Hazardous materials Appendix D – 12,000 lbs of chlorine gas 13 Fire protection See below 14 Other information required by City N/A 15 Photocomposite images and renderings Appendix A Fire Protection: The building will include an overhead fire sprinkling system. The system will be connected to the watermain outside the building via a 6” or 8” line that will enter the south side of the building. APPENDIX A SITE MAP TOPAZDR R U B Y L A N E RUBY LANE T O P A Z D R D I A M O N D CT G A L P I N B L V D B R I A R W O O D C T S A P P H I R E L A N E LAKE H A R R I S O N RD LAKEHARRIS ON CIR M A N C H E S T E R D R D o c u m e n t P a t h : K : \ 0 1 6 9 4 - 7 2 0 \ G I S \ M a p s \ R a w W a t e r m a i n \ S i t e A r e a - G e n e r i c . m x d Figure 1:Site Location Ü 0 200Feet Future West WTP Site West WTP Footprint Future Playground Pavement Backwash Tanks Future Shelter APPENDIX B LANDSCAPING AND SITE RENDERINGS APPENDIX C PARKING AND TURNAROUND PLAN WEST WATER TREATMENT PLANT FOR THE CITY OF CHANHASSEN MINNESOTA K:\01694-720\Cad\Working\TRUCKS1.dwg APPENDIX D HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE