G-1. Recommendation to Close Lake Susan Park Archery RangeCITY OF CHANHASSEN 7700 Market Boulevard PO Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 Administration Phone: 952.227.1100 Fax: 952.227.1110 Building Inspections Phone: 952.227.1180 Fax: 952.227.1190 Engineering P hr,ne• nF7 27711 (1 IlulI . J%JL. Ll.I IVV Fax: 952.227.1170 Finance Phone: 952.227.1140 Fax: 952.227.1110 Park & Recreation Phone: 952.227.1120 Fax: 952.227.1110 Recreation Center 2310 Coulter Boulevard Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.227.1404 Planning & Natural Resources Phone: 952.227.1130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Public Works 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Senior Center Phone: 952.227.1125 Fax: 952.227.1110 Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us f !Alt Io / MEMORANDUM TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: August 23, 2016 SUBJ: Recommendation to Permanently Close Lake Susan Park Archery Range PROPOSED MOTION The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council approves the permanent closure of the Lake Susan Park Archery Range, authorize the donation of the archery range equipment and targets to the City of Shakopee, and authorize a trail extension to the Powers Boulevard trail to be constructed in place of the archery range. BACKGROUND The City of Chanhassen outdoor archery range located at Lake Susan Park, 903 Lake Drive East, was closed on June 30, 2016 to allow for review and public comment concerning the safe operation of the facility. On Monday, June 20, 2016, the city was contacted by a resident on west Lake Court who reported the discovery of an arrow on their property. They also reported that other arrows have been found in the past in the residential neighborhood. The neighborhood and the city are very concerned about the discovery of arrows outside of park property and met on Tuesday evening, June 28 to discuss the archery range. Following the neighborhood meeting, several residents attended that evening's Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission meeting to again express their concerns. Upon conclusion of the public comments expressing concerns over the safety of the archery range, the commission voted to temporarily close the archery range. The Lake Susan Park archery range has been in operation for 25 years; these are the first reports received of errant arrows being found outside of the range area. The city retained HKGi to assist with the evaluation of alternatives for modifying the Lake Susan Park archery range to improve safety. DISCUSSION The options considered to modify the archery range include: Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow Maintaining the archery range at the current site with additional signage clarifying safety requirements of firing bows at an outdoor facility. Relocation of the archery range elsewhere in the city. Permanent closure of the Lake Susan Archery Range Facility. A fourth option of constructing a full shelter and fencing -style enclosure was initially considered, but later dismissed due to restrictions associated with constructing structures within a floodplain. Adding additional signage to the range area would certainly improve compliance with safety requirements, but would not guarantee that additional errant arrows or misfired arrows from reaching neighboring properties. The City does not currently own another property that could accommodate an archery range. Pursuing the acquisition of a parcel of land for a new archery range is not fiscally possible at this stage of development within the community. The City of Shakopee outdoor archery range is a large facility located north of the Minnesota River along State Highway 101 at the border of Chanhassen and Shakopee. This range will provide the most convenient alternate site for archery to Chanhassen residents. RECOMMENATION With no viable options available that would insure 100% safe operation at the Lake Susan Park Archery Range, staff is recommending that the facility be permanently closed, the archery targets dismantled and donated to the City of Shakopee, and a pedestrian trail extension to the Powers Boulevard trail to be constructed in place of the archery range. ATTACHMENTS 1. Chanhassen Archery Range Report 2. June 29, 2016 Press Release Closing Archery Range 3. Images of Lake Susan Park Archery Range and City of Shakopee Archery Range c: Neighboring Residents via mail Chanhassen Villager Star Tribune Chanhassen Archery Report Background: The archery range at Lake Susan Park has operated for approximately 25 years. 1,2 The range is used by a few hundred visitors per week during the Spring, Summer, and Fall seasons. ' The City was contacted after a resident found an arrow on their property, located on West Lake Court. 1,2 Neighbors report finding other arrows in the neighborhood in the past.' Location: Santa Fe Trl ; S, v -peter W 76th S t >4 Ctb Y C Ay > ' s�O Cenbr Park c c c W 77th St N✓ i8 Chanhassen Chan W 78th St �reorat31r Picha` ` r ✓ Market St ' Q d ING o oc +� c > ` Lake Dr E V. ,66Cn c o o pond PrdF � Labe Or r 9i san to a Of W Pack Dako%- Ja C, Rrce f L ake ti a +4 3 e 0 ,o0 -+ Rose* 0 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0.4 A Miles 0 Context Map to Downtown Map of Archery Range and Nearby Houses The archery range is located in the southwest area of Lake Susan Park, between a wooded section and a pond that connects to Lake Susan. The archery range is located in a regulated floodplain. The archery range is located approximately 150 feet from the back property line of residential parcels on West Lake Court.3 The archery range sits 8-14 feet in elevation below the back property line of adjacent parcels on West Lake Court.3 The archery range is located approximately 265 feet from the existing house structures on West Lake Court .3 The archery range sits approximately 26 feet in elevation below house structures on West Lake Court. 3 A strip of deciduous woodland over 200 feet wide separates the archery range and the existing house structures on West Lake Court. 3 Issues: Arrows are ending up in residential yards. In order for an arrow to travel from the archery range into the adjacent neighborhood, shots would likely have to travel upward from the archery range area or south from the range through the existing woodland buffer. It is unclear how the arrows are getting to backyards, but misfires during the draw cycle of shooting is the most likely cause. Potential Courses of Action 1. Maintain the archery range in the current location with additional signage 2. Relocation of archery range elsewhere in Chanhassen 3. Close the range at Lake Susan Park and do not provide a public archery based recreation facility in the city. Maintain the archery range in the current location with additional signage The addition of signage about bow safety and how to draw a bow would provide information to users about proper shooting techniques. Example signage about proper drawing technique.' As part of the research for this report, an option was examined to create protective structures at the Lake Susan Archery Range. The range is in a floodway which means that in flood conditions water may rise, and potentially flow across the range. Because the existing range does not have structures that would impede the flow of water, it is allowed as a use in the floodway. Any new structure, temporary or permanent, would impede the flow of floodwater and would not likely be permitted.' Benefits • Minimal additional work needed • Keeps archery facility near downtown Chanhassen and accessible to many morning and lunch users Drawbacks • Does not physically prohibit arrows from potentially leaving the archery range area. Potential Cost Minimal for additional signage Relocation of Archery Range to somewhere else in the City: There may be the potential for relocation of the archery range elsewhere in Chanhassen. With an appropriate location, additional barriers may or may not be needed. A cursory look at sites in the city did not identify a vacant parcel of land currently owned by the City of Chanhassen of sufficient size and character to accommodate the relocation of the archery range. New parkland or open space could be sought to accommodate the construction of a range or an existing park facility such as a ball field could be re -purposed into a full enclosure archery range. Benefits • Appease neighborhood concerns over current location. Drawbacks • Potentially removes archery from the core of Chanhassen, making it less accessible to residents and visitors. • Most expensive. Potential Cost $100,000 to $750,000 or more dependent on site selection, acquisition and development costs. Additional funding may be needed for land acquisition or replacement of whatever park activity is displaced in the new location. Close the range at Lake Susan and do not provide public archery based recreation in the city: This option would be the permanent closure of the range at Lake Susan. Benefits • 100% elimination of the chance that an errant arrow could be fired and leave the currently approved archery range facility at Lake Susan Park. Drawbacks • Loss of the City's sole archery facility as a recreational offering to the residents and visitors of Chanhassen. Potential Cost Minimal cost to remove existing infrastructure It is also worth noting additional cost may be borne by archers who relocate their archery activities to private enterprises or by needing to travel to public ranges in other cities. 1. http://www.startribune.com/chanhassen-archery-range-closed-for-safety-after-neighbors-find- a rrows-o n -p rope rty/385081001/ 2. http://www.swnewsmedia.com/chanhassen villager/news/public safety/lake-susan-archery- range-closed-after-arrows-found-in-neighborhood/article e6362ae2-3b1d-5c86-86c8- ccf7a be52cb6. htm I 3. https:/Igis.co.carver.mn.us/­publicparcel/­ 4. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Lake+Susan+Park/@44 8545189,- 93.5486344,295m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1sOxO:Ox6f15e3860465d15f!8m2!3d44 8558631!4 d-93.5452166 5. Chanhassen City Code 6. https://www.archerytrade.org/uploads/documents/ATA-Archery-Park-Guide-Final pdf Press Release City of Chanhassen June 29, 2016 Lake Susan Park Archery Range Temporarily Closed The City of Chanhassen outdoor archery range located at Lake Susan Park, 903 Lake Drive East will be closed on June 30, 2016 to allow for review and public comment concerning the safe operation of the facility. On Monday, June 20, 2016, the city was contacted by a resident on West Lake Court who reported the discovery of an arrow on their property, they also reported that other arrows have been found in the past in the residential neighborhood. The neighborhood and the city are very concerned about the discovery of arrows outside of park property and met on Tuesday evening, June 28th to discuss the archery range. Following the neighborhood meeting, several residents attended that evening's Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission meeting to again express their concerns. Upon conclusion of the public comments expressing concerns over the safety of the archery range, the commission voted to temporarily close the archery range. During this closure period city staff will develop a report and recommendation concerning the options available to the Park and Recreation Commission including, but not limited to: ➢ The modification of the facility to create an enclosed range —referred to as a wall/baffle system. ➢ The possible relocation and re -building of the archery range at a new location. ➢ The permanent closure of the Lake Susan Park archery range. The Lake Susan Park archery range has been in operation for 25 years; these are the first reports received of errant arrows being found outside of the range area. Residents and other interested parties can attend the August 23, 2016 Chanhassen Park and Recreation Commission meeting to provide comments and testimony regarding the operation of the Lake Susan Park archery range. The meeting will be held at Chanhassen City Hall in the City Council Chambers and starts at 7:30 p.m. Questions or comments in this regard can be directed to Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director at 952-227-1129 or thoffman@ci.chanhassen.mn.us N bnaKopee Arcnery Range �• 1e� � wi a �� ., t•�{ , �•r�.. ` �•�� rr=�+:.�,,,.�, - s i•• � ',. i° .�yF• t t � �,; - +fir, §' y. s � .�' fij '�� _��'"�r .i?�• fi, �"`��.f -'^....•.�—'-._. �. a .f•`, a •, ., �.,7�w�- _ ... lei '" F. =1=, PI i . cl•�i_ �� 11 �s ]riV:�T � , f�� � � -�' ..I'. •� d r,f 'i\�\-`' '•, �/ - ' y 't may+ 't ��•'/'. ` 1�. � .. • •` � r �a � ti. oma. i /r .ti • �� `r� �+�. .��7�,. •"�s�'r�,,' 1` �.a�. 7 +� . t • .�, _ �i'I %•4 lj �-tit w F ` W. 41 6 _ �g M9 N bnaKopee Arcnery Range �• 1e� � wi a �� ., t•�{ , �•r�.. ` �•�� rr=�+:.�,,,.�, - s i•• � ',. i° .�yF• t t � �,; - +fir, §' y. s � .�' fij '�� _��'"�r .i?�• fi, �"`��.f -'^....•.�—'-._. �. a .f•`, a •, ., �.,7�w�- _ ... lei '" F. =1=, PI i