Warranty DeedWARRANTY DEED STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ Date: Ava v 5 + 2--Z-,,2016 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Paul D. Paulson and Carol L. Paulson, husband and wife, Grantor, hereby conveys and warrants to the Foxwood, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, Grantee, real property in Carver County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: All that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County, Minnesota lying westerly and northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the West 271.79 feet of the North 762.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West 24.26 feet on on assumed bearing along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 55 degrees 30 minutes 01 seconds East 7.07 feet; thence North 28 degrees 09 minutes 47 seconds East 33.10 feet; thence North 00 degrees 06 minutes 15 seconds East 294.17 feet; thence North 05 degrees 23 minutes 57 seconds East 82.32 feet; thence North 09 degrees 18 minutes 39 seconds East 61.69 feet; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West 131.89 feet; thence North 42 degrees 52 minutes 25 seconds East 108.80 feet; thence North 71 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds East 82.12 feet to a point on the south line of the North 3 0. 00 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds East 414.98 feet along said south line to the westerly right-of-way line of Great Plains Boulevard; thence North 08 degrees 54 minutes 28 seconds East along said westerly right-of-way line a distance of 30.36 feet to the North line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 24 and said line there terminating. AND All that part of the West 271.79 feet of the North 762.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota tying southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the West 271.79 feet of the North 762.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West 24.26 feet on on assumed bearing along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 55 degrees 30 minutes 01 seconds East 7.07 feet; thence North 28 degrees 09 minutes 47 seconds East 164.26 feet; thence North 44 degrees 34 minutes 08 seconds East 123.28 feet; thence North 76 degrees 30 minutes 32 seconds East 104.65 feet to the east line of the West 271.79 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and said line there terminating. together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the following exceptions: None. X The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property. _ A well disclosure certificate accompanies this document or has been electronically filed. (If electronically filed, insert WDC number: ) _ Seller certifies that the status and number of wells on the described property have not changed since the last previously filed well disclosure certificate. P 1 D. Paulson Carol L. Paulson STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this Z?^day of August, 20 i b, by Paul D. Paulson and Carol L. Paulson, husband and wife. Notarial Stamp v Garrett Louis Williamson Mtn Public • Minnesota Y' My Cwnt&bn E0w 0131/17 This instrument was drafted by: Custom Home Builders Title, LLC 10850 Old County Road 15 Plymouth, MN 55441 Signature of person taking acknowledgment Tax statements for the real property described herein should be sent: Foxwood, LLC 1000 Boone Avenue North, Suite 400 Golden Valley, MN 55427 City Clerk's Certification Pursuant to M.S. 272.162 The undersigned hereby certifies: (Check one of the following:) That City subdivision regulations do not apply to this instrument. _ That the subdivision of land affected by this instrument has been approved by the governing body of the City of Chanhassen. That municipal restrictions on the filing and recording of this instrument have been waived by a resolution of the governing body of the City of Chanhassen. That this instrument does not comply with municipal subdivision restrictions and the affected land and its assessed valuation should not be divided by the County Auditor. Dated: 2 ` By Deputy Chan Printed Name: WARRANTY DEED STATE DEED TAX DUE HEREON: $ Date: Av a v s } 12 , 2016 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Paul D. Paulson and Carol L. Paulson, husband and wife, Grantor, hereby conveys and warrants to the Foxwood, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, Grantee, real property in Carver County, Minnesota, legally described as follows: All that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County, Minnesota lying westerly and northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the West 271.79 feet of the North 762.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West 24.26 feet on on assumed bearing along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 55 degrees 30 minutes 01 seconds East 7.07 feet; thence North 28 degrees 09 minutes 47 seconds East 3 3. 10 feet; thence North 00 degrees 06 minutes 15 seconds East 294.17 feet; thence North 05 degrees 23 minutes 57 seconds East 82.32 feet; thence North 09 degrees 18 minutes 39 seconds East 61.69 feet; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West 131.89 feet; thence North 42 degrees 52 minutes 25 seconds East 108.80 feet; thence North 71 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds East 82.12 feet to a point on the south line of the North 30.00 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds East 414.98 feet along said south line to the westerly right-of-way line of Great Plains Boulevard; thence North 08 degrees 54 minutes 28 seconds East along said westerly right-of-way line a distance of 30.36 feet to the North line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 24 and said line there terminating. MID All that part of the West 271.79 feet of the North 762.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota tying southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the West 271.79 feet of the North 762.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West 24.26 feet on on assumed bearing along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 55 degrees 30 minutes 01 seconds East 7.07 feet; thence North 28 degrees 09 minutes 47 seconds East 164.26 feet; thence North 44 degrees 34 minutes 08 seconds East 123.28 feet; thence North 76 degrees 30 minutes 32 seconds East 104.65 feet to the east line of the West 271.79 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and said line there terminating. together with all hereditaments and appurtenances belonging thereto, subject to the following exceptions: None. X The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property. A well disclosure certificate accompanies this document or has been electronically filed. (If electronically filed, insert WDC number: ) Seller certifies that the status and number of wells on the described property have not changed since the last previously filed well disclosure certificate. ' '. ulson ILC�A'Carol L. Paulson STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) SS COTJNT I' OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this 11 -day of August, 2016, by Paul D. Paulson and Carol L. Paulson, husband and wife. Notarial Stamp JENNIFER ANN POTTER 3, 11 Notary Public -Minnesota My Commission Expkaa Jan 31, 2020 This instrument was drafted by: Custom Home Builders Title, LLC 10850 Old County Road 15 Plymouth, MN 55441 SiUatuPe of person taking acknowledgment Tax statements for the real property described herein should be sent: Foxwood, LLC 1000 Boone Avenue North, Suite 400 Golden Valley, MN 55427 City Clerk's Certification Pursuant to M.S. 272.162 The undersigned hereby certifies: (Check one of the following:) That City subdivision regulations do not apply to this instrument. That the subdivision of land affected by this instrument has been approved by the governing body of the City of Chanhassen. That municipal restrictions on the filing and recording of this instrument have been waived by a resolution of the governing body of the City of Chanhassen. That this instrument does not comply with municipal subdivision restrictions and the affected land and its assessed valuation should not be divided by the County Auditor PARENT PARCEL LEGAL DESCRIPTION The West 271.79 feet of the North 762.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota EXCEPT That part of the North 330.00 feet of the East 16.00 feet of the West 27L79 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township ll6 North, Range 23 West, lying South of the North 180.0 feet, Carver County, Minnesota. AND That part of the North 30.00 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, lying East of the West 27L79 feet thereof and Westerly of the centerline of State Highway No. 101, EXCEPT that port of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township IIS North, Range 23 West, shown as Parcel 71A on Minnesota Deportment of transportation Right of Way Plot Numbered 10-19 as the some is on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Carver County, Minnesota acquired by the State of Minnesota in Document No. A406988, and EXCEPT that part taken by the City of Chanhassen in Final Certificate filed December 18, 2012, as Document No. A557969. AND That part of the South 732.28 feet of the North 762.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County, Minnesota, lying East of the West 271.79 feet thereof and Westerly of the centerline of State Highway No. IDI, described as: That part of the North 180 feet of the East 16.00 feet of the West 287.79 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver Count} Minnesota, lying South of the North 30.00 feet thereof, all in Carver County, Minnesota. Abstract Property. PARCEL A — LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that port of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota lying westerly and northerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the West 271.79 feet of the North 762.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota, thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West 24.26 feet on on assumed bearing along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 55 degrees 30 minutes 0/ seconds East 7.07 feet; thence North 28 degrees 09 minutes 47 seconds East 33.10 feet; thence North 00 degrees 06 minutes 15 seconds East 294.17 feet; thence North 05 degrees 23 minutes 57 seconds East 82.32 feet; thence North 09 degrees 18 minutes 39 seconds East 61.69 feet; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West 13/,89 feet; thence North 42 degrees 52 minutes 25 seconds East 108.80 feet; thence North 71 degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds East 82.12 feet to a point on the south line of the North 30.00 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter,- thence South 89 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds East 414.98 feet along said south line to the westerly right—of—way line of Great Plains Boulevard and said line there terminating. Design File: 150119 Checked By. OJB 9250 GREAT PLAINS BOULAVARD AldantErtgineering,Inc. 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Minneapolis,MN 55415 D�qNwna: Drawn By. PAR PARCEL SPLIT,OWG eu. PARCEL SPLIT -SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS CHANHASSENMINNESOTA 61 812.758.30808 0 MAIN 612.758.3099 FAX Dote; Scale: 7/11/16 I":100' mmaliiantanc.lzm PARCEL B — LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that part of the West 271.79 feet of the North 752.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota lying southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the West 271.79 feet of the North 762.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township ll6 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West 24.26 feet on an assumed bearing along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 55 degrees 30 minutes 01 seconds East 7.07 feet; thence North 28 degrees 09 minutes 47 seconds East 164.26 feet; thence North 44 degrees 34 minutes 08 seconds East 123.28 feet; thence North 76 degrees 30 minutes 32 seconds East 104.65 feet to the east line of the West 271.79 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and said line there terminating. PARCEL C — LEGAL DESCRIPTION The West 271.79 feet of the North 762.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota EXCEPT That port of the North 330.00 feet of the East 16.00 feet of the West 271,79 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, lying South of the North 180.0 feet, Carver County, Minnesota. AND That port of the North 30.00 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, lying East of the West 271.79 feet thereof and Westerly of the centerline of State Highway No. l0% EXCEPT that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, shown as Parcel 71A on Minnesota Department of transportation Right of Way Plot Numbered 10-19 as the some is on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Carver County, Minnesota acquired by the State of Minnesota in Document No. A406988, and EXCEPT that part token by the City of Chanhassen in Final Certificate filed December 18, 2012, as Document No. A567969. AND That port of the South 732.28 feet of the North 762.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township ll6 North, Range 23 West, Carver County, Minnesota, lying East of the West 271.79 feet thereof and Westerly of the centerline of State Highway No. l0/, described as: That part of the North 180 feet of the East 16.00 feet of the West 28Z79 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 1/6 North, Range 23 West, Carver County, Minnesota, lying South of the North 30,00 feet thereof, all in Carver County, Minnesota. Design File: Checked By. --- 150119 GJB Alliant Engineering, Inc. 9250 GREAT PLAINS BOULAVARD 233 Park Ave S, Ste 300 Dwg Nome: Drawn By. MinneapOQS, MN 55415 PARCEL Sf'LIT.DWG ELL PARCEL SPLIT -SHEET 3 OF 4 SHEETS 612.758.3080 MAIN Dote: scale: CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA 812.758.3099 PAx 7/11/16 1 I"a100' www.alllant4nc.com EXCEPT (PARCEL A) All that part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota lying westerly and northerly of o line described as follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of the West 271.79 feet of the North 752.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West 24.26 feet on an assumed bearing along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 55 degrees 30 minutes 01 seconds East 7.07 feet; thence North 28 degrees 09 minutes 47 seconds East 33.10 feet; thence North 00 degrees 06 minutes 15 seconds East 294.17 feet; thence North 05 degrees 23 minutes 57 seconds East 82.32 feet; thence North 09 degrees 18 minutes 39 seconds East 61.69 feet; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West 131.89 feet; thence North 42 degrees 52 minutes 25 seconds East 108.80 feet; thence North 7/ degrees 40 minutes 30 seconds East 82.12 feet to a point on the south line of the North 30.00 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds East 4/4.98 feet along said south line to the westerly right—of—woy line of Great Plains Boulevard and said line there terminating. AND EXCEPT (PARCEL 8) All that part of the West 271.79 feet of the North 762.28 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 1/6 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota lying southerly of a line described as follows: Commencing of the southwest corner of the West 271.79 feet of the North 762.28 tet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 24, Township 116 North, Range 23 West, Carver County Minnesota, thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 05 seconds West 24.26 feet on an assumed bearing along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 55 degrees 30 minutes Ol seconds East 707 feet; thence North 28 degrees 09 minutes 47 seconds East 154.26 feet; thence North 44 degrees 34 minutes 08 seconds East 123.28 feet; thence North 76 degrees 3(7 minutes 32 seconds East 104.65 feet to the east line of the West 271.79 feet of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and said line there terminating. Design Far. Checked By. 150119 GJB AIIiant Engineering, Inc. 9250 GREAT PLAINS BOULAVARD 239 Park Ave S, Ste 3D0 Dwg Non®: Drawn By, Min PARCEL SPLIT.DWG ELL PARCEL SPLIT - SHEET 4 OF 4 SHEETS neapMN 55415 612758.330808 0 MAIN , CHANHASSENMINNESOTA Dote: Stele: 812.758.3089 FAX 7/11/16 1"n1110' www.alliantanc.com Date Received CARVER COUNTY Taxpayer Services Department Government Center - Administration Building 600 East 4th Street Chaska, MN 55318-2102 Phone (952) 361-1910 Fax (952) 361-1919 Application to Combine Real Estate Parcels Per MN Statute 272.46 the county auditor, upon written application of any person, shall for property tax purposes only, combine legal descriptions of contiguous parcels to which the applicant(s) hold title. In order to be combined, the following requirements must be met: • Receipt of completed form by owner or designated representative e Based upon deeds of record, parcels must be of the same (identical) ownership c Parcels must be contiguous • Parcels must be located in same unique taxing districts (TAG) • Current year and delinquent taxes must be paid on each parcel • If parcels are in a Tax Increment Financing District (TIF), they must be located in the same TIF district • If special assessments are not paid on all parcels, the city/township would need to recertify the special assessments for the new parcel CAUTION Parcels that have been combined cannot be subdivided again without local municipality approval. If located in a township, carver County Land Management Office must also approve the subdivision. Combined property tax will be reflected on next year's tax statement Owner (Applicant) Name: Fo'c w oaf Address: /000 34vwc AVE AJ , Ay.®o Phone Number: 2C17- - e64)2 - 6a,. ba,.► 5� V 2 - Parcels Parcels to be combined: FEZ 417i}ctte:'b Signature: For Office Use Only: Reason Denied: Date: Approved Denied By: C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Wdindows\lNetCache\Content.Outlook\OD5N9R5F\Administrat:ive subdivision Application to Combine Real Estate Parcels.doc