CONSORTIUM of HOA.docx HOA CONSORTIUM’S POSITION REGARDING CHANHASSEN’S PROPOSED WEST WATER FACILITY SEPTEMBER 2016 The HOA Consortium’s position at this time is that there are a number of issues and concerns that have still not been adequately addressed. The 400+ households that make up the Consortium continue to have questions regarding the following issues and concerns and believe further due diligence and study are required to determine if this project should move forward. 1) Planning & Zoning - Given the full opportunity to place the proposed facility in the most appropriate location for the overall good of the City’s Master Plan, is the proposed site truly the best location? Would it be more appropriate to have the facility located in proximity of other commercial buildings (Keeping like things together not in the middle of a residential area)? Given all of the recent developments involving the land parcels of Prince and Gorra, should the City consider what impact and opportunities this will have on the future Master Plan? Is the City making decisions regarding this proposed site, based on information that is 10+ years old or truly looking to the future and what is in the best interest of the overall Master Plan? 2) Safety and Security - Has proper due diligence been exercised to study the true impact this proposed facility, which operates with chlorine gas, will have on the surrounding residential area? If a chlorine gas accident occurs what will be the impact on humans, wildlife, wetlands and the environment? According to the Department of Homeland Security, if guidelines for security measures are followed with this proposed facility, it will take on the qualities of a “high-security prison”. Is this truly the type of facility the City wants to have in the middle of a residential area? 3) Economic & Tax Implications - Has the City studied the potential negative impact on future residential developments as land along the Galpin Blvd. corridor is developed, by placing the water treatment facility in the proposed location? Has the City Studied the “real impact” on property values and tax base for the surrounding 400+ residences, by locating the facility on the proposed site verses another site with commercial zoning? What is the negative impact on property values if the Department of Homeland Security’s guidelines are implemented into this proposed facility? 4) Environmental & Wetland Concerns - The City has told us there is no need for an Environmental Impact Study. This may be factually true, but, there will be some amount of negative impact on the surrounding wetlands by placing the facility on the proposed site. Should the City consider how much impact is truly acceptable, verses “no impact” with an alternative site? What is the “real impact” on the surrounding residential area if an environmental chlorine gas accident occurs on the proposed site? 5) Alternative Site Costs – What are the “real costs” not estimated costs associated with locating the proposed facility at another site? If the “real costs” are not significantly more, should the City consider an alternative site for the overall good of all of Chanhassen? Respectfully Submitted, Consortium of HOA’s - Ashling Meadows, Lakeview at Pinehurst, Long Acres, Pinehurst & Woodridge Heights