email from Michelle Treptau
From: Michelle Treptau []
Sent: Friday, June 10, 2016 7:50 AM
To: Oehme, Paul <>
Subject: West Water Filtration Plant
I’m wondering who I should contact with some comments regarding this project. If you could forward this email to
them it would be appreciated.
Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend the June 2 open house at the library b ut I have studied all the information on the
I live in Ashling Meadows (Ruby Lane) and I will see this new plant from my property and of course drive by it
constantly thus my interest in the project.
-I strongly oppose cutting down the extensive row of beautiful mature evergreen trees where a cul-de-sac is now
-I appreciate the concession of a playground the city is trying to give the community to off -set the intrusion of a big,
city building in a residential area BUT I think it is absolutely not necessary. Our neighborhood has it’s own private
playground and would not use it and other neighbors around Lake Harrison use Pheasant Hills Park or their own
-I do not know all the residents of Manchester Drive, but I think it's not rig ht to build a cul-de-sac and playground right
in someone's side yard and cut down more than a dozen mature trees.
-I support eliminating the cul-de-sac, both playgrounds and the shelter from this project.
Thank you,
Michelle Treptau