A-1. Review Detailed Proposed Department Budgets for 2017 IOW
CITY OF TO: Mayor and City Council
CHANHASSEN FROM: Greg Sticha, Finance Director
7700 Market Boulevard DATE: September 12, 2016
PO Box 147
Chanhassen,MN 55317
SUBJ: 2017 Budget Discussion
PFax:952.2952.27.11100 BACKGROUND
Building Inspections During this evening's 2017 budget discussion, staff will present a PowerPoint that
Phone:952.227.1180 details all General Fund expenditures by department. Staff presented three scenarios
Fax:952.227.1190 at its last meeting for city council to consider a preliminary levy. This evening's
presentation will be based on scenario#1, which would be a 1.98% increase in the
Engineering levy from the prior year but only a .42% increase in the city property tax of the
Fax:952.227.1170 average home in Chanhassen. I have attached the memo from the previous meeting
for reference if needed.
Phone:952.227.1140 The most significant remaining item that will have an impact on the 2017 budget is
Fax:952.227.1110 the bids for our current healthcare contract. It is believed the increase could range
Park&Recreation from 10%to 26%. Staff should have the results of the bids by early September and if
Phone:952.2271120 they are available in time for this evening's meeting, staff will share those with the
Fax:952.227.1110 city council.
Recreation Center NEXT STEP
2310 Coulter Boulevard
Phone:952.227.1400 No action is required on this item. At our meeting on September 26, staff will be
Fax:952.227.1404 requesting that the City Council set a preliminary levy.
Natural Resources ATTACHMENTS
Fax:952.227.1110 1. Levy Impact Scenarios.
2. Detailed General Fund Expenditure& Revenue Budget.
Public Works 3. Revolving Assessment Construction Fund.
7901 Park Place 4. Debt Levies.
Fax:952.227.1310 5. Memo from August 22nd work session meeting.
6. Detailed Budget PowerPoint Presentation.
Senior Center
Phone:952.227.1125 f:\gregs\budget\2017 budget\9-12 prelim bud discussion.docx
Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
2017 Budget
2016 2017 Dollar Percent
General Fund $8,017,431 $8,468,631
Capital Replacement Fund (for equipment) 800,000 800,000
Revolving Imp Street Reconstruction 431,698 429,838
Pavement Mgmt Fund (Sealcoating) 93,000 93,000
Total Operational & Capital Levy 9,342,129 9,791,469 449,340 4.81%
General Obligation Debt(212 Bonds) 240,700 0
Public Works Facility 594,000 596,700
Library Referendum 452,792 451,952
Total Debt Levy 1,287,492 1,048,652 (238,840) -18.55%
TOTAL TAX LEVY $10,629,621 $10,840,121 $210,500 1.98%
Scenario#1 Scenario#2 Scenario#3
Levy Levy Levy
Taxes applied to: General Fund $8,468,631 $8,423,631 $8,378,631
Capital Replacement 800,000 800,000 800,000
Pavement Mgmt 93,000 93,000 93,000
Revolving Imp St Recon 429,838 429,838 429,838
Total Levy subject to levy limits $9,791,469 $9,746,469 $9,701,469
Library Referendum $451,952 $451,952 $451,952
GO Debt/212 Bonds - - -
Public Works Building 596,700 596,700 596,700
Total $10,840,121 $10,795,121 $10,750,121
Tax Generation Capacity(Not actual levy, Used only for estimating the impact on the average home)
Prior Year $10,629,621 $10,629,621 $10,629,621
New Construction (1.37%) $145,500 $145,500 $145,500
Decertify TIF#5 &9 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000
Total Capacity $10,795,121 $10,795,121 $10,795,121
Percent Change (To avg home city prop tax) after New Growth 0.42% 0.00% -0.42%
Assumes the average home in Chanhassen of$340,000 and approx 0.56%valuation increase
2017 General Fund Budget
IPersonal Materials Contractual Capital 2017 2016 % 2015
Services &Supplies Services Outlay Total Total Change Actual
General Government
1110 Legislative 44,900 - 71,600 - 116,500 103,800 12.24% 100,643
1120 Administration 520,800 - 55,900 - 576,700 495,600 16.36% 523,452
1130 Finance 296,900 200 68,300 - 365,400 340,700 7.25% 337,993
1140 Legal --
180,500 180,500 168,000 7.44% 167,264
1150 Property Assessment - - 140,000 - 140,000 134,000 4.48% 138,862
1160 MIS 156,700 33,200 49,600 239,500 279,800 -14.40% 261,662
1170 City Hall 80,800 42,600 280,000 403,400 394,500 2.26% 397,099
1180 Elections 24,600 4,000 14,000 42,600 38,200 11.52%
1190 Library Building - 4,500 107,100 - 111,600 113,000 -1.24% 109,947
* Total 1,124,700 84,500 967,000 2,176,200 2,067,600 5.25% 2,036,921
Law Enforcement
1210 Police Administration 10,700 3,000 1,796,500 - 1,810,200 1,810,100 0.01% 1,718,434
1220 Fire Prevention&Admin 705,200 45,100 177,100 - 927,400 868,900 6.73% 878,162
1250 Code Enforcement 739,100 6,600 13,000 - 758,700 657,800 15.34% 656,180
1260 Community Service 56,300 2,300 8,200 - 66,800 68,500 -2.48% 55,377
* Total 1,511,300 57,000 1,994,800 - 3,563,100 3,405,300 4.63% 3,308,153
Public Works
1310 Engineering 659,300 1,300 29,700 - 690,300 650,700 6.09% 640,853
1320 Street Maintenance 779,600 116,900 32,900 - 929,400 903,800 2.83% 819,252
1350 Street Lighting&Signals - 2,000 347,500 - 349,500 351,000 -0.43% 353,977
1370 Fleet Department 296,600 202,200 62,800 5,500 567,100 555,700 2.05% 512,528
* Total 1,735,500 322,400 472,900 5,500 2,536,300 2,461,200 3.05% 2,326,610
Community Development
1410 Planning Commission - 200 1,100 - 1,300 1,300 0.00% 3,418
1420 Planning Administration 453,600 400 11,500 - 465,500 437,200 6.47% 445,872
1430 Senior Commission 27,200 - 9,700 - 36,900 35,400 4.24% 35,936
* Total 480,800 600 22,300 - 503,700 473,900 6.29% 485,226
1510 Park&Rec Commission - 200 1,000 - 1,200 500 140.00% 3,186
1520 Park&Rec Administration 222,500 200 5,900 - 228,600 222,700 2.65% 152,122
1530 Recreation Center 223,500 31,000 85,500 - 340,000 337,400 0.77% 305,773
1540 Lake Ann Park Operations 11,700 10,200 48,100 - 70,000 63,100 10.94% 64,909
1550 Park Maintenance 836,100 83,000 88,700 - 1,007,800 971,700 3.72% 987,210
1560 Senior Citizens Center 90,500 4,300 27,700 - 122,500 76,800 59.51% 83,572
1600 Recreation Programs 208,500 21,100 116,100 - 345,700 311,700 10.91% 297,307
1700 Self-Supporting Programs ' 34,800 5,400 25,000 - 65,200 57,500 13.39% 45,647
1800 Recreation Sports 28,100 8,000 300 - 36,400 36,600 -0.55% 32,327
* Total 1,655,700 163,400 398,300 - 2,217,400 2,078,000 6.71% 1,972,052
Total Operational Expenditures 6,508,000 627,900 3,855,300 5,500 10,996,700 10,486,000 4.87% 10,128,962
- -
Transfer for Roads -
** Total General Fund 1 10,996,700 I 10,486,000 1 4.87%l 10,128,962
Dollar Change from Previous Year 510,700
2017 General Fund Budget
2014 2015 2016 2017 Inc Over 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget PY Budget Estimate
General Property Tax
3010 Current Property Tax 7,605,519 7,774,157 8,017,431 8,468,631 5.6% 8,618,631
3002 Allowance for Delinquent Taxes (23,010) (10,553) (50,000) (30,000) (30,000)
3011 Delinquent Property Tax 70,562 42,108 85,000 65,000 65,000
3090 Excess TIF Taxes 132,358 20,503 - - -
* Total General Property Tax 7,785,429 7,826,216 8,052,431 8,503,631 5.6% 8,653,631
3203 Dog Kennel 450 175 500 500 500
3206 Massage License 1,300 300 1,300 1,300 1,300
3213 Solicitor - 10 - - -
3226 Liquor On and Off Sale 97,099 92,005 97,000 95,000 95,000
3284 Rubbish 3,300 3,300 4,000 4,000 4,000
* Total Licenses 102,149 95,790 102,800 100,800 -1.9% 100,800
3301 Building 579,695 612,850 495,000 500,000 500,000
3302 Plan Check 300,111 280,141 225,000 235,000 2,350,000
3305 Heating&A/C 114,404 135,603 82,800 82,800 82,800
3306 Plumbing 107,184 99,218 65,000 65,000 65,000
3307 Trenching 40,977 44,854 30,000 30,000 30,000
3308 Hunting/Shooting 1,100 780 1,400 1,400 1,400
3309 Sprinkler 11,635 13,555 11,000 11,000 11,000
3311 Sign 4,095 8,785 6,500 6,500 6,500
3316 Septic Tank 1,614 1,756 - - -
3320 Stable 200 190 300 300 300
3331 Firework's Application Fee 200 200 - - -
3390 Misc.Permits 3,590 5,211 3,000 3,000 3,000
* Total Permits 1,164,804 1,203,143 920,000 935,000 1.6% 3,050,000
3401 Traffic&Ordinance Violation 99,466 116,119 110,000 115,000 115,000
3402 Vehicle Lockouts 1,050 890 1,000 1,000 1,000
3404 Dog/Cat Impound - 179 - - -
3405 Other Fines and Penalties - 1 - - -
* Total Fines&Penalties 100,516 117,189 111,000 116,000 4.5% 116,000
Intergovernmental Revenue
3503 Reimbursement from School Dist. 44,640 42,506 45,000 45,000 45,000
3509 Other Shared Taxes 180,958 194,251 180,000 200,000 200,000
3510 Grants-State 141,380 146,642 140,000 146,000 146,000
3530 Grants-Federal 6,150 214 - - -
* Total Intergovernmental Revenue 373,128 383,613 365,000 391,000 7.1% 391,000
2017 General Fund Budget
2014 2015 2016 2017 Inc Over 2018 i
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget PY Budget Budget 71
Charges for Current Services
3601 Sale of Documents 571 1,051 500 500 500
3602 Use&Variance Permits 25,115 17,430 20,000 20,000 20,000
3603 Rezoning Fees 2,300 4,100 1,000 2,000 2,000
3604 Assessment Searches 315 60 300 300 300
3605 Plat Recording Fees 5,200 3,300 5,100 5,100 5,100
3607 Election Filing Fees 65 - - -
3613 Misc.-General Government 4,319 4,823 4,000 5,000 5,000
3614 Admin.Charge-2%Constr. 63,233 31,282 60,000 50,000 50,000
3619 Investment Management Fee 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000
3629 Misc.-Public Safety 7,977 11,053 10,000 10,000 10,000
3630 Recreation Program Fees 42,634 47,795 40,000 48,000 48,000
3631 Recreation Center 201,299 219,518 210,000 218,000 218,000
3633 Park Equipment Rental 37 51 300 300 300
3634 Park Facility Usage Fee 21,588 15,992 22,000 16,000 18,000
3635 Watercraft Rental 11,403 16,520 11,000 16,000 16,000
3636 Self-Supporting Programs 49,761 40,483 50,000 42,000 42,000
3637 Senior Programs 31,354 41,460 32,000 39,000 40,000
3638 Food Concessions 10,757 12,662 12,000 12,000 12,000
3639 Misc.-Park&Rec. 1,079 1,123 1,200 1,200 1,200
3642 Recreation Sports 46,136 47,727 46,300 48,000 48,000
3649 Misc.-Public Works 3,000 900 3,500 2,000 2,000
3651 Merchandise Sales 1,579 2,307 1,500 1,800 1,800
3670 Internment Fee 350 - - -
* Total Charges for Current Services 605,070 594,637 605,700 612,200 1.1% 615,200
Other Revenue
3801 Interest Earnings 52,221 49,569 45,000 50,000 50,000
3802 Equipment Rental&Sale 180,613 178,359 174,000 176,000 174,000
3803 Building Rental 5,420 5,858 5,500 5,500 5,500
3804 Land Sale 288,547 - - - -
3807 Donations 22,690 26,400 23,269 25,269 24,000
3816 SAC Retainer 4,548 4,746 5,000 5,000 5,000
3818 Sur-Tax Retainer 793 806 1,000 1,000 1,000
3820 Misc.Other Revenue 346 361 300 300 300
3903 Refunds/Reimbursements 69,279 63,557 75,000 75,000 75,000
3980 Cash Short/Over 1 (1) - - -
* Total Other Revenue 624,458 329,655 329,069 338,069 2.7% 334,800
** Total General Fund Revenue 10,755,553 10,550,244 10,486,000 10,996,700 4.9% 13,261,431
Total General Fund Expenditures 10,996,700
Net Levy Remaining(Use of Gen Fund Reserves) -
2017 General Fund Budget
Legislative (1110)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 29,800 28,550 30,000 42,000 40.0% 42,000
4030 Contributions-Retirement 2,037 1,899 2,100 2,800 33.3% 2,800
4050 Workers Compensation 95 90 100 100 0.0% 100
* Total Personal Services 31,932 30,539 32,200 44,900 39.4% 44,900
4300 Fees,Services 110 - 3,000 1,000 (66.7%) 1,000
4340 Printing&Publishing 32,927 33,830 27,000 32,000 18.5% 33,000
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 35,753 27,606 35,500 32,000 (9.9%) 34,000
4370 Travel&Training 6,120 7,998 5,500 6,000 9.1% 6,500
4375 Promotional Expenses 200 671 600 600 0.0% 600
4933 Sales Tax 147 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 75,257 70,105 71,600 71,600 0.0% 75,100
** Total Legislative 107,189 100,643 103,800 116,500 12.2% 120,000
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp Increase in city council wages.
2017 General Fund Budget
Adminstration (1120)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 352,317 357,301 334,000 351,300 5.2% 363,600
4011 Overtime-Reg 517 5,562 - - 0.0% -
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 2,510 215 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000
4030 Contributions-Retirement 49,482 50,344 51,000 53,200 4.3% 56,300
4040 Contributions-Insurance 45,600 52,835 54,500 112,500 106.4% 75,400
4050 Workers Compensation 2,668 2,621 2,700 2,800 3.7% 2,800
* Total Personal Services 453,095 468,878 443,200 520,800 17.5% 499,100
4130 Program Supplies 134 - - - 0.0% -
4210 Books&Periodicals 20 17 - - 0.0% -
* Total Materials&Supplies 154 17 - - 0.0% -
4300 Fees,Services 11,965 12,664 11,000 13,000 18.2% 13,000
4310 Telephone 4,135 5,380 4,500 5,000 11.1% 5,000
4320 Utilities 38 1,198 - 1,500 100.0% 1,500
4330 Postage 21,396 19,425 22,000 21,000 (4.5%) 22,000
4340 Printing&Publishing 672 242 300 300 0.0% 300
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 4,409 4,540 4,200 4,500 7.1% 4,700
4370 Travel&Training 7,304 8,724 8,600 8,600 0.0% 8,800
4380 Mileage 774 1,139 800 1,000 25.0% 1,000
4410 Rental-Equipment 11,868 860 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000
4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip - 387 - - 0.0% -
4807 Property Tax Expense 56 - - - 0.0% -
4933 Sales Tax 47 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 62,664 54,557 52,400 55,900 6.7% 57,300
** Total Administration 515,913 523,452 495,600 576,700 16.4% 556,400
4040 Contributions-Insurance Includes$45,000 for potential of additional 10%in heathcare cost increases.
4300 Fees,Services Slight adjustment to reflect actual spending.
2017 General Fund Budget
Finance (1130)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 191,974 208,887 212,300 227,000 6.9% 235,000
4011 Overtime-Reg 68 - - - 0.0% -
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 650 - - - 0.0% -
4030 Contributions-Retirement 27,701 30,452 32,000 34,400 7.5% 35,600
4040 Contributions-Insurance 26,478 27,597 29,700 34,000 14.5% 37,700
4050 Workers Compensation 1,238 1,283 1,500 1,500 0.0% 1,500
* Total Personal Services 248,108 268,219 275,500 296,900 7.8% 309,800
4120 Supplies-Equipment - - 100 100 0.0% 100
4210 Books&Periodicals - - 100 100 0.0% 100
* Total Materials&Supplies - - 200 200 0.0% 200
4300 Fees,Services 20,974 36,069 35,000 35,000 0.0% 35,000
4301 Fees,Financial/Audit 24,150 27,119 23,000 26,000 13.0% 28,000
4310 Telephone and Communications 961 658 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000
4340 Printing&Publishing 1,105 1,518 700 1,000 42.9% 1,000
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 352 465 500 500 0.0% 500
4370 Travel&Training 3,003 3,945 4,800 4,800 0.0% 4,800
* Total Contractual Services 50,545 69,774 65,000 68,300 5.1% 70,300
** Total Finance 298,653 337,993 340,700 365,400 7.2% 380,300
4301 Fees,Financial/Audit Increase due to agreed upon audit contract.
4301 Fees,Financial/Audit Increase due to agreed upon audit contract.
2017 General Fund Budget
Legal (1140)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %lnc/(Dec) Estimate
4302 Fees,Legal 175,563 167,264 168,000 180,500 7.4% 184,000
* Total Contractual Services 175,563 167,264 168,000 180,500 7.4% 184,000
** Total Legal 175,563 167,264 168,000 180,500 7.4% 184,000
4302 Fees,Legal Increase for additional workload and small fee increase.
2017 General Fund Budget
Property Assessment (1150)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4300 Fees,Services 132,379 138,862 134,000 140,000 4.5% 142,000
* Total Contractual Services 132,379 138,862 134,000 140,000 4.5% 142,000
** Total Property Assessment 132,379 138,862 134,000 140,000 4.5% 142,000
4300 Fees,Services Adjustment for actual tax value assessed properties within the city,contracts with Carver
and Hennepin Counties.
2017 General Fund Budget
Management Information Systems (MIS) (1160)
1 .
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 143,923 149,215 151,600 117,500 (22.5%) 162,000
4030 Contributions-Retirement 20,915 21,647 23,000 17,800 (22.6%) 24,500
4040 Contributions-Insurance 23,174 22,140 24,000 20,600 (14.2%) 37,400
4050 Workers Compensation 947 916 1,100 800 (27.3%) 1,000
* Total Personal Services 188,960 193,919 199,700 156,700 (21.5%) 224,900
4150 Supplies-Equipment 1,146 737 1,300 1,000 (23.1%) 1,300
4210 Books&Periodicals 314 141 300 200 (33.3%) 300
4220 Software Licensing&Support 24,757 22,812 31,000 31,700 2.3% 32,000
4260 Small Tools&Equipment 252 122 300 300 0.0% 300
* Total Materials&Supplies 26,469 23,813 32,900 33,200 0.9% 33,900
4300 Fees,Services 22,956 22,031 21,100 23,000 9.0% 23,000
4310 Telephone and Communications 2,181 1,830 3,300 3,300 0.0% 3,300
4320 Utilities 10,259 9,448 11,800 11,300 (4.2%) 11,800
4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal105 -
- 0.0% -
4370 Travel&Training 4,487 5,870 6,000 7,000 16.7% 7,000
4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 3,882 4,646 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5,000
4933 Sales Tax 180 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 43,945 43,930 47,200 49,600 5.1% 50,100
4703 Office Equipment 160 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Capital Outlay 160 - - - 0.0% -
** Total MIS 259,533 261,662 279,800 239,500 (14.4%) 308,900
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg Staff is suggesting allocating 25%of MIS Coordinator and PC Support position to the
city's utility funds. A minimum of 25%of their time is being spent on these areas.
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg Added 1 FTE for 2018 budget. Increased technology and communication demands are
making completion of maintenance and security more challenging,additional FTE
should help keep assets and resources well monitored and safe going forward.
2017 General Fund Budget
City Hall (1170)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 54,641 56,703 56,800 57,900 1.9% 60,000
4011 Overtime-Reg 351 159 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000
4030 Contributions-Retirement 8,187 8,312 8,600 8,800 2.3% 9,100
4040 Contributions-Insurance 8,698 8,320 9,000 10,300 14.4% 11,500
4050 Workers Compensation 2,645 2,564 2,900 2,800 (3.4%) 2,900
* Total Personal Services 74,522 76,057 78,300 80,800 3.2% 84,500
4110 Supplies-Office 38,107 38,118 36,000 38,000 5.6% 39,000
4120 Supplies-Equipment 324 80 900 900 0.0% 900
4140 Supplies-Vehicles 604 438 300 300 0.0% 300
4150 Maintenance Materials 1,731 4,095 2,600 3,000 15.4% 3,000
4260 Small Tools&Equipment 651 92 400 400 0.0% 400
* Total Materials&Supplies 41,417 42,823 40,200 42,600 6.0% 43,600
4300 Fees,Services 3,643 6,743 5,500 5,500 0.0% 5,900
4310 Telephone 10,396 10,343 11,000 11,000 0.0% 11,000
4320 Utilities 44,252 40,782 47,000 41,000 (12.8%) 42,000
4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 32,338 27,691 33,800 29,000 (14.2%) 31,000
4370 Travel&Training 11 - 200 200 0.0% 200
4410 Rental-Equipment - 14,678 11,000 14,500 31.8% 15,500
4440 License&Registration 16 - 100 100 0.0% 100
4483 Insurance-General Liability 173,307 161,990 155,000 165,000 6.5% 168,000
4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building 8,563 11,652 8,200 9,500 15.9% 9,500
4520 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles - - 200 200 0.0% 200
4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 3,652 4,339 4,000 4,000 0.0% 4,000
4933 Sales Tax 97 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 276,275 278,219 276,000 280,000 1.4% 287,400
** Total City Hall 392,214 397,099 394,500 403,400 2.3% 415,500
4320 Utilities Decrease to reflect actual costs.
4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal Decrease to reflect actual costs.
4483 Insurance-General Liability Increase to reflect rising premiums.
4483 Insurance-General Liability Increase to reflect rising premiums.
2017 General Fund Budget
Elections (1180)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %lnc/(Dec) Estimate
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 24,830 - 22,000 24,000 9.1% 26,000
4030 Contributions-Retirement 11 - 400 500 25.0% 500
4050 Workers Compensation - - 100 100 0.0% 100
* Total Personal Services 24,841 - 22,500 24,600 9.3% 26,600
4110 Office Supplies 501 - 1,500 1,500 0.0% 1,700
4120 Supplies-Equipment 4,980 - 2,000 2,500 25.0% 2,500
* Total Materials&Supplies 5,481 - 3,500 4,000 14.3% 4,200
4300 Fees,Services 1,699 - 7,000 8,000 14.3% 8,000
4340 Printing&Publishing 2,528 - 2,000 2,500 25.0% 2,500
4370 Travel&Training 6,182 - 3,200 3,500 9.4% 3,500
* Total Contractual Services 10,409 - 12,200 14,000 14.8% 14,000
** Total Elections 40,731 - 38,200 42,600 11.5% 44,800
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp Small increase to account for minimum wage increase.
2017 General Fund Budget
Library Building (1190)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4150 Maintenance Materials 6,256 1,547 4,500 4,500 0.0% 4,500
4260 Small Tools&Equipment 26 37 - - 0.0% -
* Total Materials&Supplies 6,282 1,583 4,500 4,500 0.0% 4,500
4300 Fees,Services 750 306 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000
4310 Telephone 1,526 1,526 1,600 1,600 0.0% 1,700
4320 Utilities 62,937 62,089 65,000 63,000 (3.1%) 63,000
4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 34,029 32,473 34,000 34,000 0.0% 35,000
4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building 2,657 8,749 3,700 4,000 8.1% 4,000
4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 2,921 3,220 3,200 3,500 9.4% 3,500
* Total Contractual Services 104,820 108,364 108,500 107,100 (1.3%) 108,200
** Total Library Building 111,102 109,947 113,000 111,600 (1.2%) 112,700
4320 Utilities Decrease to reflect actual costs.
2017 General Fund Budget
Police Administration (1210)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 53,928 54,992 55,300 7,200 (87.0%) 7,500
4030 Contributions-Retirement 8,045 8,087 8,400 1,100 (86.9%) 1,100
4040 Contributions-Insurance 8,693 8,314 9,000 2,300 (74.4%) 2,500
4050 Workers Compensation 374 350 400 100 (75.0%) 100
* Total Personal Services 71,040 71,743 73,100 10,700 (85.4%) 11,200
4130 Program Supplies 3,002 2,561 3,000 3,000 0.0% 3,000
* Total Materials&Supplies 3,002 2,561 3,000 3,000 0.0% 3,000
4300 Fees,Services 1,501,790 1,642,418 1,730,500 1,793,000 3.6% 1,874,200
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 33 45 - - 0.0% -
4370 Travel&Training 25 161 500 500 0.0% -
4375 Promotional Expense 3,272 1,506 3,000 3,000 0.0% 3,000
4933 Sales Tax 4 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 1,505,124 1,644,130 1,734,000 1,796,500 3.6% 1,877,200
** Total Police Administration 1,579,166 1,718,434 1,810,100 1,810,200 0.0% 1,891,400
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg A permanent FT position is being returned to code enforcement replacing the PT position.
To offset this cost,the FT position in Police Admin(Crime Prevent Spec)is being shifted
to code enforcement department along with some of the duties previously performed by
the crime prevention sepcialist. This change is budget neutral to the General Fund.
2017 General Fund Budget
Fire Prevention and Administration (1220)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 158,485 204,867 187,900 198,200 5.5% 205,200
4011 Overtime 2,035 410 2,000 2,000 0.0% 2,000
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 148,717 142,955 154,000 174,300 13.2% 195,000
4022 Training Wages 32,000 47,793 32,000 - (100.0%) -
4030 Contributions-Retirement 200,371 222,159 202,000 224,000 10.9% 226,000
4040 Contributions-Insurance 22,631 22,669 24,000 27,700 15.4% 31,000
4050 Workers Compensation 39,669 41,092 43,000 45,000 4.7% 47,000
4060 Unemployment 2,608 - - - 0.0% -
4070 Contracted Wages - - 32,000 34,000 6.3% 36,000
* Total Personal Services 606,517 681,943 676,900 705,200 4.2% 742,200
4120 Supplies-Equipment 2,091 7,968 8,000 7,000 (12.5%) 7,000
4130 Supplies-Program 3,377 3,859 4,000 4,000 0.0% 4,000
4140 Supplies-Vehicles 6,949 7,091 9,000 9,000 0.0% 9,000
4150 Maintenance Materials 692 82 800 500 (37.5%) 500
4210 Books&Periodicals 929 306 600 600 0.0% 600
4240 Uniforms&Clothing 11,887 10,933 13,000 11,000 (15.4%) 11,000
4260 Small Tools&Equipment 6,520 5,119 6,000 6,000 0.0% 6,000
4290 Misc.Materials&Supplies 6,649 6,762 7,500 7,000 (6.7%) 7,000
* Total Materials&Supplies 39,095 42,120 48,900 45,100 (7.8%) 45,100
4300 Fees,Services 40,435 31,000 27,000 30,000 11.1% 30,600
4310 Telephone 8,124 8,124 7,200 7,200 0.0% 7,200
4320 Utilities 23,572 19,420 24,000 24,000 0.0% 24,000
4330 Postage - 146 - - 0.0% -
4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 5,379 4,535 4,500 4,500 0.0% 5,000
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 2,300 1,777 2,500 2,500 0.0% 2,500
4370 Travel&Training 12,818 20,883 11,600 43,500 275.0% 43,500
4375 Promotional Expense 9,598 6,213 10,000 10,000 0.0% 10,000
4483 Insurance-General Liability 2,719 2,760 2,800 1,100 (60.7%) 1,200
4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building 10,844 4,800 5,500 5,500 0.0% 5,500
4520 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles 7,565 4,429 7,000 7,000 0.0% 7,000
4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 7,006 11,576 17,000 17,800 4.7% 18,500
4531 Repair&Maintenance-Radios 3,176 866 4,000 4,000 0.0% 4,000
Contribution for Performance 44,555 37,571 20,000 20,000 0.0% 20,000
4933 Sales Tax 201 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 178,291 154,099 143,100 177,100 23.8% . 179,000
** Total Fire Prevention and Admin 823,903 878,162 868,900 927,400 6.7% 966,300
4022 Training Wages Total FD training costs are split between(3)separate cost centers:salaries,operating
4370 Travel&Training budget,and the Gambling Special Revenue Account. The 2017 budget shifts 100%of the
training salaries to the Gambling Account requiring an adjustment to the operating account
to support actual training costs.
2017 General Fund Budget
Code Enforcement (1250)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 485,518 471,129 480,800 539,300 12.2% 558,200
4011 Overtime-Reg 1,968 4,698 - - 0.0% -
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 19,242 19,740 - - 0.0% -
4030 Contributions-Retirement 72,304 70,267 73,000 81,700 11.9% 84,600
4040 Contributions-Insurance 73,534 70,831 81,000 114,500 41.4% 127,700
4050 Workers Compensation 3,396 3,025 3,400 3,600 5.9% 3,700
* Total Personal Services 655,961 639,690 638,200 739,100 15.8% 774,200
4120 Supplies-Equipment 289 4 100 100 0.0% 100
4130 Supplies-Program 789 860 900 900 0.0% 900
4140 Supplies-Vehicles 2,795 561 2,700 2,700 0.0% 2,700
4210 Books&Periodicals 419 3,433 1,500 1,500 0.0% 1,500
4240 Uniforms&Clothing 994 - 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000
4260 Small Tools&Equipment 75 28 400 400 0.0% 400
* Total Materials&Supplies 5,361 4,888 6,600 6,600 0.0% 6,600
4310 Telephone 4,009 4,347 4,500 4,500 0.0% 4,500
4340 Printing&Publishing 2,091 1,861 1,500 1,500 0.0% 1,500
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 598 484 500 500 0.0% 500
4370 Travel&Training 4,032 4,747 4,500 4,500 0.0% 4,500
4440 License&Registration 1,172 163 500 500 0.0% 500
4520 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles 140 - 300 300 0.0% 300
4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 1,149 - 1,200 1,200 0.0% 1,200
4933 Sales Tax 1 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 13,190 11,602 13,000 13,000 0.0% 13,000
** Total Code Enforcement 674,513 656,180 657,800 758,700 15.3% 793,800
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg A permanent FT position is being returned to code enforcement replacing the PT position.
To offset this cost,the FT position in Police Admin(Crime Prevent Spec)is being shifted
to code enforcement department along with some of the duties previously performed by
the crime prevention sepcialist. This change is budget neutral to the General Fund.
2017 General Fund Budget
Community Service (1260)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 42,901 41,556 49,700 48,000 (3.4%) 50,000
4021 Overtime-Temp 105 186 600 200 (66.7%) 200
4030 Contributions-Retirement 6,455 6,210 6,800 6,600 (2.9%) 6,800
4040 Contributions-Insurance 578 547 600 600 0.0% 600
4050 Workers Compensation 942 864 900 900 0.0% 900
* Total Personal Services 50,981 49,363 58,600 56,300 (3.9%) 58,500
4120 Supplies-Equipment 988 117 300 300 0.0% 300
4130 Supplies-Program 930 - 800 800 0.0% 800
4140 Supplies-Vehicles 900 172 500 500 0.0% 500
4240 Uniforms&Clothing 740 564 700 700 0.0% 700
* Total Materials&Supplies 3,558 853 2,300 2,300 0.0% 2,300
4300 Fees,Services 7,797 2,350 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5,000
4310 Telephone 1,286 1,625 1,400 1,700 21.4% 1,800
4340 Printing&Publishing 431 897 300 600 100.0% 600
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 45 35 200 200 0.0% 200
4370 Travel&Training 30 - 200 200 0.0% 200
4440 License&Registration 16 - - - 0.0% -
4520 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles - 254 200 200 0.0% 200
4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip - - 100 100 0.0% 100
4531 Repair&Maintenance-Radios - - 200 200 0.0% 200
4933 Sales Tax 44 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 9,649 5,161 7,600 8,200 7.9% 8,300
** Total Community Service 64,187 55,377 68,500 66,800 (2.5%) 69,100
2017 General Fund Budget
Engineering (1310)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %lnc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 438,592 463,127 468,500 490,000 4.6% 507,100
4011 Overtime-Reg 7,572 6,728 1,000 5,000 400.0% 5,000
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 7,048 13,389 15,000 15,000 0.0% 15,000
4021 Overtime-Temp 90 207 - - 0.0% -
4030 Contributions-Retirement 64,995 69,797 70,900 74,200 4.7% 76,800
4040 Contributions-Insurance 50,928 57,676 63,000 71,800 14.0% 79,800
4050 Workers Compensation 3,020 3,088 3,300 3,300 0.0% 3,300
* Total Personal Services 572,244 614,012 621,700 659,300 6.0% 687,000
4120 Supplies-Equipment 410 1,311 400 1,000 150.0% 1,000
4140 Supplies-Vehicles 170 97 300 300 0.0% 300
4210 Books&Periodicals - - 100 - (100.0%) -
4290 Misc.Materials&Supplies - 556 - - 0.0% -
* Total Materials&Supplies 579 1,964 800 1,300 62.5% 1,300
4300 Fees,Services 17,131 15,059 20,000 20,000 0.0% 20,000
4310 Telephone 3,812 3,114 3,800 3,400 (10.5%) 3,600
4340 Printing&Publishing 676 373 600 500 (16.7%) 500
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 1,893 1,206 1,000 1,200 20.0% 1,200
4370 Travel&Training 3,245 3,055 2,600 3,000 15.4% 3,000
4380 Mileage 85 72 200 100 (50.0%) 100
4440 License&Registration 32 - - - 0.0% -
4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 2,938 1,999 - 1,500 100.0% 1,500
4933 Sales Tax 4 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 29,815 24,877 28,200 29,700 5.3% 29,900
** Total Engineering 602,639 640,853 650,700 690,300 6.1% 718,200
4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip Ongoing repair and maintenance of field inspection equipment costs keep increasing.
2017 General Fund Budget
Street Maintenance (1320)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %lnc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 470,853 442,016 488,900 509,800 4.3% 527,600
4011 Overtime-Reg 37,284 24,872 20,000 22,000 10.0% 22,000
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 20,007 31,409 25,000 32,000 28.0% 34,000
4021 Overtime-Temp 563 335 - - 0.0% -
4030 Contributions-Retirement 75,133 70,085 76,000 77,200 1.6% 80,000
4040 Contributions-Insurance 94,682 82,539 97,600 98,600 1.0% 109,700
4050 Workers Compensation 39,098 36,544 42,000 40,000 (4.8%) 41,000
4060 Unemployment - 1,458 - - 0.0% -
* Total Personal Services 737,619 689,257 749,500 779,600 4.0% 814,300
4120 Supplies-Equipment 49,852 46,018 45,000 45,000 0.0% 47,000
4140 Supplies-Vehicles 13,321 8,137 21,500 15,000 (30.2%) 15,000
4150 Maintenance Materials 49,240 47,712 52,000 52,000 0.0% 52,000
4210 Books&Periodicals - - 100 100 0.0% 100
4240 Uniforms&Clothing 3,464 3,516 3,800 3,800 0.0% 3,800
4260 Small Tools&Equipment 5 2,023 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000
* Total Materials&Supplies 115,883 107,406 123,400 116,900 (5.3%) 118,900
4300 Fees,Services 2,438 1,838 1,500 2,000 33.3% 2,000
4310 Telephone 4,789 4,079 4,800 4,200 (12.5%) 4,400
4320 Utilities - 12 - - 0.0% -
4340 Printing&Publishing - - 300 300 0.0% 300
4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 578 790 500 700 40.0% 700
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 737 20 500 500 0.0% 500
4370 Travel&Training 2,300 1,098 1,600 1,600 0.0% 1,600
4410 Rental-Equipment 8 1,580 100 1,000 900.0% 1,000
4440 License&Registration 458 - 500 500 0.0% 500
4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building - - 100 100 0.0% 100
4520 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles 3,355 546 1,500 2,000 33.3% 2,000
4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 11,037 1,150 2,500 3,000 20.0% 3,000
4540 Repair&Maintenance-Streets 8,908 1,118 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5,000
4560 Repair&Maintenance-Signs 10,301 10,360 12,000 12,000 0.0% 12,000
4933 Sales Tax 2,983 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 47,892 22,589 30,900 32,900 6.5% 33,100
** Total Street Maintenance 901,393 819,252 903,800 929,400 2.8% 966,300
4410 Rental-Equipment Increase is for specialty rental equipment. Renting is much more cost effective and has
become the solution for some of our projects.
2017 General Fund Budget
Street Lighting and Signals (1350)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4120 Supplies-Equipment 1,788 454 3,000 2,000 (33.3%) 2,000
4150 Maintenance Materials 531 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Materials&Supplies 2,319 454 3,000 2,000 (33.3%) 2,000
4300 Fees,Services - 1,100 500 1,000 100.0% 1,000
4310 Telephone 360 360 500 500 0.0% 500
4320 Utilities 321,769 322,275 332,000 328,000 (1.2%) 328,000
4560 Repair&Maintenance-Signs - 31 - - 0.0% -
4565 Repair&Maintenance-Light/Signal 9,475 29,757 15,000 18,000 20.0% 20,000
* Total Contractual Services 331,604 353,523 348,000 347,500 (0.1%) 349,500
** Total Street Lighting and Signals 333,924 353,977 351,000 349,500 (0.4%) 351,500
4565 Repair&Maintenance-Light/Signal For replacement of some street lights to LED fixtures.
2017 General Fund Budget
Fleet Department (1370)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 185,403 182,199 193,200 204,300 5.7% 211,500
4011 Overtime-Reg 13,862 6,851 1,500 3,500 133.3% 3,500
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp - 7,380 7,000 7,400 5.7% 7,400
4030 Contributions-Retirement 29,477 26,946 30,000 31,000 3.3% 32,000
4040 Contributions-Insurance 40,077 36,433 37,200 42,700 14.8% 47,800
4050 Workers Compensation 8,185 7,311 8,500 7,700 (9.4%) 8,000
* Total Personal Services 277,004 267,121 277,400 296,600 6.9% 310,200
4120 Supplies-Equipment 717 1,846 1,000 2,000 100.0% 2,000
4140 Supplies-Vehicles 12 - 600 600 0.0% 600
4150 Maintenance Materials 271 240 600 600 0.0% 600
4170 Motor Fuels&Lubricants 201,460 176,569 201,000 195,000 (3.0%) 200,000
4240 Uniforms&Clothing 1,113 869 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000
4260 Small Tools&Equipment 2,088 3,072 3,000 3,000 0.0% 3,000
* Total Materials&Supplies 205,661 182,595 207,200 202,200 (2.4%) 207,200
4300 Fees,Services 1,245 1,476 2,000 2,000 0.0% 2,000
4310 Telephone 2,826 2,680 3,500 3,500 0.0% 3,500
4320 Utilities 39,300 31,954 42,000 37,000 (11.9%) 39,000
4330 Postage 9 68 - - 0.0% -
4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 7,515 5,412 6,000 6,000 0.0% 6,200
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 33 35 200 200 0.0% 200
4370 Travel&Training 285 49 800 800 0.0% 800
4440 License&Registration 48 - 300 300 0.0% 300
4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building 11,806 8,129 8,000 10,000 25.0% 10,000
4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 2,747 6,680 2,800 3,000 7.1% 3,000
4933 Sales Tax 59 1,974 - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 65,873 58,456 65,600 62,800 (4.3%) 65,000
4703 Office Equipment - - 500 500 0.0% 500
4705 Other Equipment 4,495 4,356 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5,000
* Total Capital Outlay 4,495 4,356 5,500 5,500 0.0% 5,500
** Total Fleet Department 553,033 512,528 555,700 567,100 2.1% 587,900
4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building The public works building expenses are accounted for in this department. As the building
is beginning to age minor maintenance costs have and will occur.
2017 General Fund Budget
Planning Commission (1410)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %lnc/(Dec) Estimate
4210 Books&Periodicals - - 200 200 0.0% 200
* Total Materials&Supplies - - 200 200 0.0% 200
4340 Printing&Publishing 5,668 3,212 300 300 0.0% 300
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships - - 200 200 0.0% 200
4370 Travel&Training 204 206 600 600 0.0% 600
* Total Contractual Services 5,872 3,418 1,100 1,100 0.0% 1,100
** Total Planning Commission 5,872 3,418 1,300 1,300 0.0% 1,300
2017 General Fund Budget
Planning Administration (1420)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 288,399 320,300 317,600 335,300 5.6% 347,000
4011 Overtime-Reg 1,907 163 - - 0.0% -
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 12,885 4,056 - - 0.0% -
4030 Contributions-Retirement 42,720 45,695 48,500 50,800 4.7% 52,600
4040 Contributions-Insurance 46,323 49,898 56,800 65,300 15.0% 73,000
4050 Workers Compensation 1,959 1,973 2,400 2,200 (8.3%) 2,300
* Total Personal Services 394,193 422,086 425,300 453,600 6.7% 474,900
4120 Supplies-Equipment 114 82 300 300 0.0% 300
4140 Supplies-Vehicles - - 100 100 0.0% 100
* Total Materials&Supplies 114 82 400 400 0.0% 400
4300 Fees,Services 40 17,889 5,000 5,000 0.0% 5,000
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 1,063 785 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000
4370 Travel&Training 5,444 5,031 5,500 5,500 0.0% 5,500
4440 License&Registration 16 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 6,563 23,704 11,500 11,500 0.0% 11,500
** Total Planning Administration 400,869 445,872 437,200 465,500 6.5% 486,800
4300 Fees,Services This line item can vary dependent on the need for any development studies that may
suddenly arise.
2017 General Fund Budget
Senior Commission (1430)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 19,653 20,268 20,300 21,200 4.4% 22,000
4030 Contributions-Retirement 2,851 2,939 3,000 3,300 10.0% 3,300
4040 Contributions-Insurance 2,192 2,100 2,300 2,600 13.0% 2,900
4050 Workers Compensation 126 123 100 100 0.0% 100
* Total Personal Services 24,823 25,430 25,700 27,200 5.8% 28,300
4300 Fees,Services 8,542 10,506 9,000 9,000 0.0% 9,000
4370 Travel&Training - - 200 200 0.0% 200
4375 Promotional Expense - - 500 500 0.0% 500
* Total Contractual Services 8,542 10,506 9,700 9,700 0.0% 9,700
** Total Senior Commission 33,365 35,936 35,400 36,900 4.2% 38,000
2017 General Fund Budget
Park and Recreation Commission (1510)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4130 Supplies-Program - 12 100 100 0.0% 100
4210 Books&Periodicals - - 100 100 0.0% 100
* Total Materials&Supplies - 12 200 200 0.0% 200
4340 Printing&Publishing 2,548 2,434 - 100 100.0% 100
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships - - - 500 100.0% 500
4370 Travel&Training 383 740 300 400 33.3% 400
* Total Contractual Services 2,931 3,179 300 1,000 233.3% 1,000
** Total Park and Rec Commission 2,931 3,186 500 1,200 140.0% 1,200
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships Reallocation of Agency Minnesota Recreation&Park Association Dues.
2017 General Fund Budget
Park and Recreation Administration (1520)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 111,504 115,788 161,300 168,500 4.5% 174,400
4030 Contributions-Retirement 15,861 16,438 24,400 25,500 4.5% 26,400
4040 Contributions-Insurance 14,544 13,889 29,900 27,500 (8.0%) 30,800
4050 Workers Compensation 720 703 1,000 1,000 0.0% 1,000
* Total Personal Services 142,629 146,818 216,600 222,500 2.7% 232,600
4120 Supplies-Equipment - - 100 100 0.0% 100
4130 Supplies-Program - 153 100 100 0.0% 100
* Total Materials&Supplies - 153 200 200 0.0% 200
4300 Fees,Services 4 - 200 200 0.0% 200
4310 Telephone 869 867 1,100 1,100 0.0% 1,200
4330 Postage - - - - 0.0% 3,000
4340 Printing&Publishing - - - - 0.0% 14,000
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 2,275 2,896 1,900 2,300 21.1% 2,300
4370 Travel&Training 2,153 1,387 2,600 2,200 (15.4%) 2,400
4380 Mileage 109 - 100 100 0.0% 100
* Total Contractual Services 5,411 5,150 5,900 5,900 0.0% 23,200
** Total Park and Rec Admin. 148,040 152,122 222,700 228,600 2.6% 256,000
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships Increasing membership dues have not been adjusted in the budget for several years. Also,
reallocated Agency Minnesota Recreation&Park Association dues.
4330 Postage Mailing of 12,000 copies of the Park&Trail Map.
4340 Printing&Publishing Produce&print 12,000 copies of the Park&Trail Map.
2017 General Fund Budget
Recreation Center (1530)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 58,017 60,006 61,400 64,500 5.0% 65,800
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 107,716 106,546 113,000 115,000 1.8% 117,000
4030 Contributions-Retirement 24,579 24,650 27,800 27,500 (1.1%) 28,800
4040 Contributions-Insurance 8,709 8,334 9,000 10,300 14.4% 11,500
4050 Workers Compensation 5,990 5,757 6,500 6,200 (4.6%) 6,300
* Total Personal Services 205,011 205,293 217,700 223,500 2.7% 229,400
4120 Supplies-Equipment 2,139 1,778 2,000 2,000 0.0% 2,000
4130 Supplies-Program 26,488 17,853 28,000 28,000 0.0% 28,000
4150 Maintenance Materials 366 242 500 500 0.0% 500
4240 Uniforms&Clothing 458 574 500 500 0.0% 500
* Total Materials&Supplies 29,451 20,447 31,000 31,000 0.0% 31,000
4300 Fees,Services 31,300 36,027 45,000 40,000 (11.1%) 40,000
4310 Telephone 817 845 1,200 1,200 0.0% 1,200
4320 Utilities 34,620 37,542 38,000 39,000 2.6% 40,000
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 447 290 300 300 0.0% 300
4370 Travel&Training 139 83 400 400 0.0% 400
4375 Promotional Expense 1,126 515 800 800 0.0% 800
4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building 1,080 2,589 1,500 2,000 33.3% 2,000
4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 1,589 1,783 1,500 1,800 20.0% 1,800
4590 Misc.Contractual Services 335 360 - - 0.0% -
4933 Sales Tax 67 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 71,521 80,033 88,700 85,500 (3.6%) 86,500
** Total Recreation Center 305,983 305,773 337,400 340,000 0.8% 346,900
4300 Fees,Services Lowered professional services line item closer to actual spending. Item will need to be
monitored going forward as we are seeing some increased costs in some programs.
2017 General Fund Budget
Lake Ann Park Operations (1540)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 7,714 9,817 9,200 10,400 13.0% 11,000
4021 Overtime-Temp 23 - - - 0.0% -
4030 Contributions-Retirement 592 751 700 900 28.6% 1,100
4050 Workers Compensation 308 341 400 400 0.0% 400
* Total Personal Services 8,636 10,909 10,300 11,700 13.6% 12,500
4130 Supplies-Program 8,612 9,312 10,000 10,000 0.0% 10,000
4240 Uniforms&Clothing 924 200 200 200 0.0% 200
* Total Materials&Supplies 9,537 9,512 10,200 10,200 0.0% 10,200
4300 Fees,Services 28,564 32,165 30,000 34,500 15.0% 34,500
4310 Telephone 1,182 1,145 1,200 1,200 0.0% 1,300
4320 Utilities 11,334 10,911 11,000 12,000 9.1% 12,000
4340 Printing&Publishing 267 267 400 400 0.0% 400
4933 Sales Tax 146 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 41,493 44,488 42,600 48,100 12.9% 48,200
** Total Lake Ann Park Operations 59,665 64,909 63,100 70,000 10.9% 70,900
4300 Fees,Services Increase in 2 year lifeguard contract.
2017 General Fund Budget
Park Maintenance (1550)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 480,177 489,495 472,600 489,300 3.5% 505,700
4011 Overtime-Reg 44,728 23,337 20,000 23,000 15.0% 24,000
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 102,728 118,865 117,000 121,000 3.4% 125,000
4021 Overtime-Temp 4,384 4,868 4,400 4,800 9.1% 5,200
4030 Contributions-Retirement 83,841 79,450 87,200 86,000 (1.4%) 88,000
4040 Contributions-Insurance 91,330 79,213 77,400 88,500 14.3% 98,500
4050 Workers Compensation 22,470 20,737 25,000 23,500 (6.0%) 24,200
4060 Unemployment 79 16,544 - - 0.0% -
* Total Personal Services 829,737 832,509 803,600 836,100 4.0% 870,600
4120 Supplies-Equipment 37,727 43,980 38,000 40,000 5.3% 42,000
4130 Supplies-Program 36 31 - - 0.0% -
4140 Supplies-Vehicles 5,368 2,525 4,000 4,000 0.0% 4,000
4150 Maintenance Materials 22,863 29,407 27,000 30,000 11.1% 32,000
4151 Irrigation Materials 4,653 5,689 4,000 5,000 25.0% 6,000
4240 Uniforms&Clothing 2,197 2,168 2,500 2,500 0.0% 2,500
4260 Small Tools&Equipment 166 186 600 1,500 150.0% 600
* Total Materials&Supplies 73,011 83,987 76,100 83,000 9.1% 87,100
4300 Fees,Services 19,876 15,493 28,000 29,000 3.6% 30,000
4310 Telephone 5,153 5,100 5,600 5,600 0.0% 5,600
4320 Utilities 11,805 9,256 12,000 8,000 (33.3%) 8,500
4330 Postage 12 - - - 0.0% -
4340 Printing&Publishing 504 572 200 200 0.0% 200
4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 9,489 3,480 6,000 4,000 (33.3%) 4,000
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 50 - 400 400 0.0% 400
4370 Travel&Training 998 821 600 600 0.0% 2,000
4400 Rental-Land&Buildings 29,086 29,024 30,400 33,400 9.9% 36,500
4410 Rental-Equipment 1,097 752 500 700 40.0% 1,000
4440 License&Registration 478 19 300 300 0.0% 300
4510 Repair&Maintenance-Building 1,615 1,784 2,000 2,000 0.0% 2,000
4520 Repair&Maintenance-Vehicles 662 80 500 500 0.0% 500
4530 Repair&Maintenance-Equip 1,919 1,055 2,000 1,000 (50.0%) 1,000
4560 Repair&Maintenance-Signs 1,201 3,217 1,500 3,000 100.0% 5,000
4933 Sales Tax 18 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 83,962 70,653 90,000 88,700 (1.4%) 97,000
4705 Other Equipment - 61 2,000 - (100.0%) -
* Total Capital Outlay - 61 2,000 - (100.0%) -
** Total Park Maintenance 986,709 987,210 971,700 1,007,800 3.7% 1,054,700
4150 Maintenance Materials Increased fertilizer costs. The number of locations that are being treated have increased
due to growth in the park and trail infrastructure.
4400 Rental-Land&Buildings The number of portable restrooms have increased due to higher user demand.
Service costs continue to rise.
4370 Travel&Training Attend National Park and Recreation Association Conference-Continuing Education.
4560 Repair&Maintenance-Signs Existing signs within the park and trail system are aging significantly,this will be a two
year major increase.
2017 General Fund Budget
Senior Citizens Center (1560)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 42,029 43,335 44,400 63,400 42.8% 65,600
4030 Contributions-Retirement 6,230 6,418 6,700 9,600 43.3% 9,900
4040 Contributions-Insurance 295 295 300 17,100 5600.0% 19,200
4050 Workers Compensation 276 269 300 400 33.3% 400
* Total Personal Services 48,829 50,318 51,700 90,500 75.0% 95,100
4120 Supplies-Equipment 198 222 300 300 0.0% 300
4130 Supplies-Program 2,342 4,409 3,000 4,000 33.3% 4,000
* Total Materials&Supplies 2,540 4,631 3,300 4,300 30.3% 4,300
4300 Fees,Services 24,502 28,177 21,000 27,000 28.6% 29,000
4350 Cleaning&Waste Removal 90 - 200 100 (50.0%) 100
4360 Subscriptions&Memberships 90 105 100 100 0.0% 100
4370 Travel&Training 103 341 300 300 0.0% 300
4375 Promotional Expense 113 - 100 100 0.0% 100
4380 Mileage - - 100 100 0.0% 100
4933 Sales Tax 1 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 24,900 28,623 21,800 27,700 27.1% 29,700
** Total Senior Citizens Center 76,269 83,572 76,800 122,500 59.5% 129,100
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg Adding additional hours to make sole position FT to cover additional programming needs.
4040 Contributions-Insurance Adding health insurance to make sole position FT to cover additional programming needs.
4300 Fees,Services Increased program participation has resulted in increased costs,all offset by additional
2017 General Fund Budget
Recreation Programs (1600)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 107,892 88,621 96,500 101,700 5.4% 105,300
4011 Overtime-Reg - 1,271 - - 0.0% -
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 49,770 58,771 58,600 71,000 21.2% 73,000
4021 Overtime-Temp 663 900 500 800 60.0% 1,000
4030 Contributions-Retirement 19,318 17,805 22,000 20,800 (5.5%) 22,000
4040 Contributions-Insurance 9,122 8,430 10,000 11,000 10.0% 12,000
4050 Workers Compensation 2,533 2,627 2,700 3,200 18.5% 3,400
* Total Personal Services 189,297 178,426 190,300 208,500 9.6% 216,700
4120 Supplies-Equipment 2,000 2,788 2,000 2,000 0.0% 2,000
4130 Supplies-Program 18,029 18,525 17,000 17,000 0.0% 17,000
4240 Uniforms&Clothing 936 1,506 1,200 2,100 75.0% 2,100
* Total Materials&Supplies 20,965 22,819 20,200 21,100 4.5% 21,100
4300 Fees,Services 56,280 55,015 54,000 60,000 11.1% 62,000
4310 Telephone 2,851 2,643 2,800 2,800 0.0% 2,800
4320 Utilities 6,565 4,052 6,500 8,400 29.2% 8,400
4340 Printing&Publishing 5,339 5,482 5,300 5,300 0.0% 5,300
4370 Travel&Training 855 54 500 500 0.0% 500
4380 Mileage - - 100 100 0.0% 100
4400 Rental-Land&Buildings 5,866 4,142 6,000 7,000 16.7% 7,000
4410 Rental-Equipment 24,368 24,674 26,000 32,000 23.1% 32,000
4933 Sales Tax 12 - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 102,137 96,063 101,200 116,100 14.7% 118,100
** Total Recreation Programs 312,399 297,307 311,700 345,700 10.9% 355,900
4300 Fees,Services Increased costs for entertainment production of 4th of July entertainment.
4410 Rental-Equipment Additional portable warming house now needed at Bandimere Park.
2017 General Fund Budget
Self-Supporting Programs (1700)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Inc/(Dec) Estimate
4010 Salaries&Wages-Reg 26,973 22,154 24,100 25,400 5.4% 26,300
4011 Overtime-Reg - 318 - - 0.0% -
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 1,900 1,850 3,200 2,400 (25.0%) 2,600
4030 Contributions-Retirement 4,009 3,451 4,200 3,900 (7.1%) 4,100
4040 Contributions-Insurance 2,281 2,103 2,500 2,800 12.0% 3,000
4050 Workers Compensation 238 201 300 300 0.0% 300
* Total Personal Services 35,401 30,078 34,300 34,800 1.5% 36,300
4130 Supplies-Program 2,990 4,254 3,200 5,400 68.8% 5,400
* Total Materials&Supplies 2,990 4,254 3,200 5,400 68.8% 5,400
4300 Fees,Services 17,022 11,315 20,000 25,000 25.0% 25,000
* Total Contractual Services 17,022 11,315 20,000 25,000 25.0% 25,000
** Total Self-Supporting Programs 55,413 45,647 57,500 65,200 13.4% 66,700
4130 Supplies-Program Increase in supplies with addition of double header adult softball league.
4300 Fees,Services Increase in umpire costs with addition of double header adult softball league.
2017 General Fund Budget
Recreation Sports (1800)
2016 to
2014 2015 2016 2017 2017 2018
Account Description Actual Actual Budget Budget %Jnc/(Dec) Estimate
4020 Salaries&Wages-Temp 21,302 21,580 23,800 24,700 3.8% 25,800
4030 Contributions-Retirement 2,438 2,314 2,800 2,600 (7.1%) 2,800
4050 Workers Compensation 784 737 900 800 (11.1%) 800
* Total Personal Services 24,523 24,631 27,500 28,100 2.2% 29,400
4120 Supplies-Equipment 57 - 100 100 0.0% 100
4130 Supplies-Program 2,240 2,334 3,500 2,500 (28.6%) 2,800
4240 Uniforms&Clothing 6,624 5,362 5,200 5,400 3.8% 5,600
* Total Materials&Supplies 8,920 7,696 8,800 8,000 (9.1%) 8,500
4375 Promotional Expenses - - 300 300 0.0% 300
4933 Sales Tax 11 - - - 0.0% -
* Total Contractual Services 11 - 300 300 0.0% 300
** Total Recreation Sports 33,455 32,327 36,600 36,400 (0.5%) 38,200
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TO: Mayor and City Council
FROM: Greg Sticha, Finance Director
DATE: August 22, 2016
SUBJ: 2017 Budget Discussion
During this evening's 2017 budget discussion, staff will present three different
scenarios for setting the preliminary levy. Items that will be reviewed include the
assumptions made while preparing the budget document, the impact of each scenario
on the average home, and staff's recommendation for setting the preliminary levy.
Attached is the budget document that will be used to present tonight's discussion and
the detailed PowerPoint presentations on September 12th. The preliminary levy will be
set on September 26th.
In addition, starting with this year's budget staff has included for informational and
management purposes a second budget year in the budget document.
Staff has prepared the preliminary budget based on the following assumptions:
1. A wage increase for employees in 2017 based on the pay compensation
analysis report just completed. The average increase needed to reach
midpoint for most employees per the report was around 4%.
2. Establishing building permit revenue with a slight increase ($15,000) to
account for a change in the building valuation schedule not updated since
2009. An additional report will be provided and reviewed when discussing
this item.
3. An increase in healthcare costs of 20%
4. Law enforcement contract increase of 3.5% ($60,000) for inflationary
increases in salaries and benefits.
For 2017, staff is including healthcare cost increases of 20% ($90,000). This is a new
contract year for healthcare insurance. Bids are currently being sought by our benefits
provider, based on our past experience and our benefit provider's recommendation,
staff is preparing for at least a 20%potential increase in premiums. Our benefits
provider is indicating the potential for a 30% increase in healthcare premiums.
Mayor& City Council
August 22, 2016
Page 2
Therefore, within the administration budget staff has included a contingency for the
additional 10% ($45,000) or a total of 30% ($135,000) in case of a worst case scenario.
Additionally, the city experienced a 1.37% increase in new construction. This results
in approximately $145,500 in new property tax dollars payable in 2017. The city
decertified TIF District#5 (Northbay) and TIF District#9 (Gateway Place) in May of
2016, which will result in approximately$20,000 in new tax revenue dollars in 2017.
Also, the last bond payment for the 212 MUSA area improvements was made in 2016
resulting in the potential of an additional $240,700 in tax revenue dollars available for
other purposes. Therefore, there is the potential for a total of$406,200 in property tax
dollars available to be used and still result in no city property tax increase for the
average home in the city of Chanhassen.
Included within this year's General Fund Budget are the following staff changes:
1. Allocation of 25%of the MIS Coordinator Position and 25% of the PC Support
Tech to the City's Utility Funds for Budget year 2017. Based on actual time
spent on items in these areas this is a very safe accounting estimate of time
spent on those activities related to the Utility Funds. This resulted in
approximately $50,000 in savings to the General Fund.
2. The city's GIS specialist is retiring at the end of 2016. The position had
previously been a .7 FTE. The 2017 budget includes a 1.0 FTE, but having the
position not replaced until near the Middle of March, therefore having no
impact on the 2017 budget. The remaining .3 FTE will need to be budgeted for
in the 2018 budget.
3. The city's Crime Prevention Specialist retired in 2016. In addition the
temporary staff being used in the building inspections department also retired
during the year. Because of the sometimes overlapping assistance between the
two departments, staff replaced both positions with 1.0 FTE. The position has
been assigned to the building department and the majority of the duties
completed by the Crime Prevention Specialist have been moved there as well.
All three support staff positions in the building department will be helping out
with the Crime Prevention Specialist duties and we have allocated 5% of each
of their time to the Police Administration department (where the position had
been previously accounted for). This change is budget neutral to the City's
General Fund and has already been completed.
4. The city's Senior Center Coordinator position has been increased from a .7 FTE
to a 1.0 FTE for budget year 2017. Due to additional participation in senior
programming and demand for more programming, staff believes there is need
for the increase. Revenues have increased over the past two years because of
the additional program fees collected, therefore staff has increased the senior
programs budgeted revenue item by $7,000. The net cost of the change to the
f:\gregs\budget\2017 budget\8-22 prelim bud discussion.doCX
Mayor& City Council
August 22, 2016
Page 3
General Fund is $30,000 after the additional budgeted revenue increase
mentioned earlier.
Consistent with prior year's preliminary budget adoptions, staff is presenting three
scenarios for city council to consider when setting the preliminary levy. When
discussing the following scenarios it is important to note that the average home in
Chanhassen increased in value by 0.56% for budget year 2017. As always, the value of
individual homes compared to the average home will dictate the final outcome of
individual property tax bills.
Scenario #1: This scenario includes an increase in the total levy from the previous
year of$210,500 or 2.0%. Included in that amount is $165,500 in new property tax
dollars and $240,700 in eliminated debt levy dollars being used for General Fund
expenditures,thus resulting in a .42% or$5-8 increase in the city portion of the
property tax bill for the average home in the city. ($45,000 above new growth)
This scenario includes wage increases for employees based on the pay compensation
report, 30% ($135,000) for the increase to the healthcare contract, $60,000 for an
increase in the police services contract, and other small adjustments to various line
items (both decreases and increases).
Scenario #2: This scenario includes an increase in the total levy of$165,500 or 1.56.
Included in that amount is $165,500 in new property tax dollars and $240,700 in
eliminated debt levy dollars being used for General Fund expenditures, thus resulting
in a zero percent increase in the city portion of the property tax bill on the average
home in the city (new growth).
This scenario includes wage increases for employees based on the pay compensation
report, 20% ($90,000) for the increase to the healthcare contract, $60,000 for an
increase in the police services contract, and other small adjustments to various line
items (both decreases and increases).
In order to achieve this levy, either a combination of the Healthcare contract increase
would need to come in lower than 30%, reduction in other expenses or increased
budgeted revenues would need to amount to $45,000 as compared to scenario #1.
Scenario #3: The third scenario includes an increase in the total levy of$120,500 or
1.1%higher from the previous year. Included in that amount is $165,500 in new
property tax dollars and $240,700 in eliminated debt levy dollars being used for
General Fund expenditures, thus resulting in a zero percent increase in the city portion
of the property tax bill on the average home in the city ($45,000 below new growth).
\gregs\budget\2017 budget\8-22 prelim bud discussion.docx
Mayor& City Council
August 22, 2016
Page 4
This scenario includes wage increases for employees based on the pay compensation
report, 10% ($45,000) for the increase to the healthcare contract, $60,000 for an
increase in the police services contract, and other small adjustments to various line
items (both decreases and increases).
In order to achieve this levy, either a combination of the Healthcare contract increase
would need to come in lower than 30%, reduction in other expenses or increased
budgeted revenues would need to amount to $90,000 as compared to scenario #1.
Based on all the information presented above, staff believes setting a preliminary levy
as described in Scenario #1 would give the most flexibility before setting a final levy in
December. Staff has researched all estimated costs and revenues to the fullest extent
possible at this point in the year; however, a number of factors could either adversely
or positively impact the budget between now and December. The unknown of the
change in the Healthcare insurance contract has the most significant impact on the
budget and it is not certain if staff will have the bids received before setting the
preliminary levy. Since the final levy can only go down from the preliminary levy,
staff believes setting a levy lower than Scenario#1 would not give the city as much
flexibility to recover from any potential adverse factors that could impact the budget.
No action is required on this item. At our September 12th work session, department
heads will present their proposed 2017 budgets by department. Their presentations will
be based on Scenario #1 and will highlight any significant changes in their
1. Levy Impact Scenarios
2. Detailed General Fund Expenditure & Revenue Budget
3. Carver County Assessor's Office - Chanhassen Assessment Summary
4. Revolving Assessment Construction Fund
5. Debt Levies
6. Community Development report on Building Valuation schedules used to generate
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2017 Budget
The City Council is responsible for formulating City policy,
enacting legislation and overseeing City Administration.
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Services Provided
Legislative, 1110
• Salaries, special meeting reimbursements, travel, and
training for the City Council
• Chanhassen Connection
• Memberships: League of Minnesota Cities, Metro Cities,
Minnesota Association of Mayors, Municipal Legislative
Commission and Southwest Transportation Coalition
• Publication of ordinances and agendas
Legislative - 1110
. - ,• : . , - Materials& Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $44,900 $0 $71,600 $103,800
2016 $32,200 $0 $71,600 $116,500
Percent Change 39.4% 0.0% 0.0% +12.2%
Significant Changes:
• Previously approved City Council Wage increase set to take place in 2017.
201 ? Budget
Provides for the administration of the entire City organization
resources, economic development, contract and records
the budget and CIP, and general departmental support.
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Services Provided/Outcomes
Administration, 1120
• Staff: City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Office
Manager, Communications Specialist, Administrative
Support Specialist, Senior Administrative Support
• Human Resources
• Prepare City Council packets
• Licensing
• Economic Development
• Customer and Support Services
• City communications — Connection, electronic
message center, website, etc.
• Postage
Administration - 1120
. - .• = '- S- Materials& Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $520,800 $0 $55,800 $576,700
2016 $443,200 $0 $52,400 $495,600
Percent Change +17.5% 0.0% +6.7% +16.4%
Significant Changes:
• Includes $45,000 for potential additional Healthcare Contract increase.
201 ? Budget
The finance department is responsible for the management of
resources and assets, and performs all accounting functions to
those resources.
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Services Provided/Outcomes
Finance, 1130
• Staff: Finance Director, Assistant Finance Director, and two
accounting clerks.
• The department produces the CAFR (audit), Budget, CIP, and all
other long-term financial planning documents
• The department manages payroll, utility billing, investments,
accounts payable/receivable, and all other accounting and
financial reporting functions.
Finance - 1130
' - •• •- •- Materials Contractual Capital . : • -
Supplies Services Outlay
2017 $296,900 $200 $68,300 $0 $365,400
2016 $275,500 $200 $65,000 $0 $340,700
Percent +7.8% 0.0% +5.1% 0.0% +7.2%
Significant Changes:
• Small increase for agreed upon Audit contract that runs thru 2018.
2017 Buttget
LEGAL 1140
Provides for attorney services that advise the City on all
ordinances, contracts, and other legal documents of the City, and
court actions.
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Services Provided
[oaI, 111.0
• Contract with Campbell Knutson for City Attorney, prosecutorial
services, etc.
Legal - 1140
Contractual Total
Services Budget
2017 $180,500 $180,500
2016 $168,000 $168,000
Percent Change +7.4% +7.4%
Significant Changes:
• Increase for additional workload and a small fee increase for 2017.
• Offsetting revenue in 2015 of $110,000 (includes all traffic violations and
prosecution fees collected)
• Prosecution services accounts for approximately $70,000 of the total budget.
Provides for the valuation of residential, commercial and
and personal property.
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Services Provided
Property Assessment, 1150
• Contract with Carver and Hennepin Counties
Property Assessment, 1150
Contractual Total
Services Budget
2017 $140,000 $140,000
2016 $134,000 $134,000
Percent Change +4.5% +4.5%
Significant Changes:
• Small adjustment for increased properties assessed. Contracts with Carver &
Hennepin County.
201 ? Budget
MIS 1160
Ensures that all City users are provided with the appropriate
perform their job functions.
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Services Provided/Outcomes
MIS, 1160
• Staff: MIS Coordinator/PC Specialist
• Acquisition, Service & Support for Network Servers, Printers, and
• Acquisition, Service & Support of End User Computers and Devices
• Support PC Software Applications, Manage Vendor Software
• Acquisition, Service & Support Telecommunications Hardware and
MIS - 1160
' - •• = - •- Materials& Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $156,700 $33,200 $49,600 $239,500
2016 $199,700 $32,900 $47,200 $279,800
Percent Change -21.5% +0.9% +5.1% -14.4%
Significant Changes:
• Staff is recommending allocating 25% of MIS Coordinator and PC Support
position to the city's Utility Funds. A minimum of 25% of their time is currently
spent on dealing with items related to those funds.
• In 2018 staff is suggesting the addition of 1FTE. Increased technology and
communication demands are making completion of maintenance and security
more challenging. The additional FTE should help keep assets and resources well
monitored and insure additional safety moving foreward.
201 ? Budget
Provides for the operation of City Hall, including maintenance,
liability and property insurance.
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Services Provided/Outcomes
City HaIl, 1170
• Staff: Building Maintenance
• Cleaning and Waste Removal
• Insurance : Auto, Property, General Liability
• Office Supplies
City Hall - 1170
- '. = - -•- Materials & Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $80,800 $42,600 $280,000 $403,400
2016 $78,300 $40,200 $276,000 $394,500
Percent Change +3.2% +6.0% +1.4% +2.3%
Significant Changes:
• Minor adjustments to reflect actual costs on some line items.
2017 Budget
Provides for the administration of elections and official records.
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Services Provided / Outcomes
Elections, 1180
• Staff: Election Judges ( PT, temporary positions)
• The City budgets one-half of election costs each year
to avoid budget fluctuations
Elections - 1180
' - : • •- Materials& Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $24,600 $4,000 $14,000 $42,600
2016 $22,500 $3,500 $12,200 $38,200
Percent Change +9.3% +14.3% +14.8% +11.5%
Significant Changes:
• Small increase for minimum wage adjustment.
• Other small increases for anticipated cost adjustments.
2017, Budget
Provides for the maintenance and operations
of the Chanhassen Library.
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Services Provided / Outcomes
Ubrary, 1100
• Staff: none (provided by Carver County)
• City is responsible for:
• Cleaning
• Waste removal
• Utilities
• Phones
• Building maintenance
Library - 1100
: . : • :4 . • • .- _ . . Total
2017 $4,500 $107,100 $111,600
2016 $4,500 $108,500 $113,000
Percent Change 0.0% -1.3% -1.2%
Significant Changes:
• Decrease in Utilities to reflect actual costs.
201 ? Budget
Provides for law enforcement services through the contract with
Sheriff's Office.
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Services Provided/Outcomes
Police Administration, 1210
• Contract with Carver County Sheriff's Office to
provide Liaison Lieutenant, 3 Sergeants, 1 School
Resource Officer, 1 Investigator, and 9 Deputies
• Participate in Southwest Metro Drug Task Force
Police Administration - 1210
Personal : . - -•- - Total
Service Budget
2017 $10,700 $1,796,500 $1,810,200
2016 $73,100 $1,734,000 $1,810,100
Percent Change -85.4% +3.6% 0.0%
Significant Changes:
• The permanent FT position of Crime Prevention Specialist is being moved to the
Code Enforcement department. A portion of those wages in the Code
enforcement department are being recorded in this fund. The change is budget
neutral to the General Fund.
• Increase in Sheriff's contract for labor contracts, PERA rates, and workers comp
2017 Budget
The mission of the Chanhassen Fire Department is to minimize
from fires, natural disasters, and
life-threatening situations.
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Services Provided/Outcomes
Fire Department, 1220
• Full Time Staff: Fire Chief, Fire Marshal, and .25 Admin Support
• 48 Paid on Call Staff: Command Staff, Officers, and Firefighters
• Services Provided:
• Professional Emergency Response to Chanhassen and
other Mutual Aid Partners
• Fire Prevention and Education within the community
• new and existing commercial business inspections
• State mandated inspections of schools
• new construction plan reviews
• emergency management
• non-emergency community events and activities
Fire Department - 1220
' - '• : .... Materials & Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $705,200 $45,100 $177,100 $927,400
2016 $676,900 $48,900 $143,100 $868,900
Percent Change +4.2% -7.8% +23.8% +6.7%
Significant Changes:
• Personal services increases include full time city staff, as well as, proposed
increases in paid on call (POC) hourly rates and monthly officer stipends.
• Increases for POC were the result of a comprehensive pay study that
included KFS and regional pay rate comparisons
• An hourly pay increase to $12 per hour for: calls for service, duty crews,
and event pay is proposed for 2017. Training pay remains at $10/hr.
Total Budget Impact = $16,042
Fire Department - 1220
Significant Changes Cont.
• Fire Officers are paid a monthly stipend for additional responsibility and time
requirements. This data was also part of the pay study. The proposal includes a $50 per
month increase for all Captains and Assistant Chiefs with Engineers and Coordinators
receiving a $17/mo. increase. Total Budget Impact = $4,244
• Reductions in materials and supplies accounts were necessary to off set increases in
consulting (4300) due to added services and existing contract service increases.
• The travel and training account (4370) is the primary driver of the overall budget increase
for contractual services in 2017.
• Total training costs involve three separate accounts: training salaries, travel and training,
and the gambling account. For 2017, all training salaries will be posted to the gambling
account. With that shift, adequate funding needed to be placed in the operating budget to
account for actual training costs. These are funding changes only with no actual increase to
the training budget.
2017 Budget
Provides animal control, code enforcement,
and supports law enforcement.
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Services Provided/Outcomes
Community Service, 1250
• Staff: 2 PT Community Service Officers (30 hrs per
• Respond to domestic and wild animal calls
• Vehicle Lockouts
• Assist with traffic direction, stalls, and medical calls
• Community Education
• Code Enforcement (i.e. Weeds & Grass)
Community Service - 1260
•• : - •- Materials & Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $56,300 $2,300 $8,200 $66,800
2016 $58,600 $2,300 $7,600 $68,500
Percent Change -3.9% 0.0% +7.9% -2.5%
Significant Changes:
• No significant changes for 2017 budget.
201 ? Budget
Our mission is to provide efficient, centralized, and cost effective
engineering services to the citizens, as well as other
Furthermore, we intend to be good stewards of public resources
the quality of life in the City.
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Engineering - 1310
' - _• = •_ -•- Materials & Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
$659,300 $1,300 $29,700 $690,300
$621,700 $800 $28,200 $650,700
Percent Change +6.0% +62.5% +5.3% +6.1%
Significant Changes:
• Minor addition ($1,500)of repair and maintenance line item for field inspection
equipment repairs.
2017 Budget
The mission of the Street Department is to provide the highest quality public works
City departments, balanced through efforts to maintain a cost effective operation
a responsible and efficient manner. This mission is accomplished through the
innovations, teamwork, and coordination with other service providers.
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Services Provided
Street Maintenance Department 1320
• Staff: 8 Employees
• Significant Contracts — Salt joint purchase agreement with MnDOT
• Responsibilities of Street Department:
• Snow Removal and Ice Control
• Pothole Patching and Crack Sealing
• Tree Trimming and Mowing Activities
• Traffic Sign Installation and Maintenance
• Traffic Signal & Street Light Maintenance
• Pavement Marking
• Pedestrian Trail Sidewalk Repairs
• Street Sweeping
• Storm Sewer Maintenance
• Pond Cleaning
Street Department - 1320
. . .• : '- -•. Materials & Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
$779,600 $116,900 $32,900 $929,400
$749,500 $123,400 $30,900 $903,800
Percent Change
+4.0% -5.3% +6.5% +2.8%
Significant Changes:
• No significant changes.
201 ? Budget
Keeps City vehicles and equipment in a good and safe working
down time and to work on cost effective replacement of vehicles
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Services Provided
Fleet, 1370
• Staff:4 Employees
• 3 Mechanics
• 1 Office assistant responsible for entire Public Works, Utility and Park
• Significant contract -Joint fuel contract with MnDOT
Fleet Department - 1370
' - • = - •- Materials & Contractual Capital • : • -
Supplies Services Outlay
2017 $296,600 $202,200 $62,800 $5,500 $567,100
2016 $277,400 $207,200 $65,600 $5,500 $555,700
Percent +6.9% -2.4% -4.3% 0.0% +2.1%
Significant Changes:
• Small increase for building maintenance now occurring with the Public Works
2017 Budget
To provide for the operation and maintenance of the street lights
and signal systems in the community.
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Services Provided
Street Lighting and Signals, 1350
• Staff: Maintenance work completed by Street
Department and Electric Utilities.
• Significant contracts:
• Xcel Energy
• Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative
Street Lighting £ Signals - 1350
Materials & Supplies Contractual Services Total
2017 $2,000 $347,500 $349,500
2016 $3,000 $348,000 $351,000
Percent Change -33.3% -0.1% -0.4%
Significant Changes:
• No significant changes for 2017.
2017 Budget
The commission conducts public hearings and makes
Council on proposed changes affecting zoning and land uses
site plan reviews, conditional use permits, variances, special use
planning related items.
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Services Provided
Planning Commission, 1410
• 7 Member Commission — no salary
• Subscription to Planning Commission
Journal & Training (Government Training
• 75% of budget for public hearing notices
Planning Commission 1410
. :40 • • : • - -•- Total Budget
2017 $200 $1,100 $1,300
2016 $200 $1,100 $1,300
Percent Change 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Significant Changes:
• No significant changes from prior year.
201 ? Budg et
Identify community needs and goals to guide amendments to the
planning staff prepares and maintains the Comprehensive Plan for
City Council on matters regarding implementation of the plan.
development/redevelopmen a - s for compliance with city
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Services Provided
Planning Administration, 1420
• Staff:
• Community Development Director,
o Senior Planner (2),
o Assistant Planner (1)
o Senior Administrative Support Specialist
• Staff Support to the Planning Commission & City Council
• Maintain, Update and Enforce the City Code
• Coordinate city statistical data : demographics, permit
activity, available land inventory, etc.
• Economic Development
• Special Studies
Planning Administration - 1420
• = - Materials & Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $453,600 $400 $11,500 $465,500
2016 $425,300 $400 $11,500 $437,200
Percent Change +6.7% 0.0% 0.0% +6.5%
Significant Changes:
• No significant changes from prior year.
201 ? Budget
The Senior Commission examines the needs of senior citizens in
review issues such as housing, information and referral services,
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Services Provided
Senior Commission, 1430
• Staff:
• 25% of Senior Planner Salary
• 7 Member Commission — no salary
• Fees for Services provides contract with CAP
(Community Action Program) to manage
congregate dining program
Senior Commission 1430
Personal . : . : - -• Total
Service Budget
2017 $27,200 $9,700 $36,900
2016 $25,700 $9,700 $35,400
Percent Change +5.8% 0.0% +4.2%
Significant Changes:
• No significant changes from prior year.
2017 Budget
Provide for the health, safety and welfare of the city through the
building and fire codes.
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Services Provided
Code Enforcement, 1250
• Staff:
• Building Official
• 2 Building Inspectors
• 2 Mechanical Inspectors
• 3 Support Staff (1 new in 2017)
• Responsibilities include plan review; permit issuance; inspections of building,
plumbing and mechanical systems; fire sprinklers; alarm systems; and
individual sewage treatment systems.
• Also responsible for inspections of existing buildings for fire code violations,
property maintenance.
• Staff support to the city law enforcement and community service staff.
• Admin Staff will now also assist with some Crime Prevention duties.
Code Enforcement 1250
•• •- •- Materials & Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $739,100 $6,600 $13,000 $758,700
2016 $638,200 $6,600 $13,000 $657,800
Percent Change +15.8% 0.0% 0.0% +15.3%
Significant Changes:
• The Crime Prevention Specialist position was moved to code enforcement for
budget year 2017. The part time position that was assisting code enforcement in
peek times has now retired. The melding of the position into this department
will allow for assistance during high demand building inspection times as well as
serve as assistance for some of the crime prevention specialist duties.
201 ? Budget
The Park & Recreation Commission provides recommendations and
regarding parks, recreation and leisure services. The Commission is
appointed by the City Council for staggered terms.
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Services Provided/Outcomes
Park C Recreation Commission, 1510
• 9 Member Commission, no salary
• Staff: None (Supported by Park and Recreation Director)
• Prepares park and recreation section of comprehensive plan
• Subdivision review (Parks/Open Space/Trails)
• Advisory capacity to Council in all matters relating to parks and
recreation in the City.
Park & Recreation Commission - 1510
• • : • •• Total
2017 $200 $1,000 $1,200
2016 $200 $300 $500
Percent Change 0.0% +233.3% +140.0%
Significant Changes:
• Reallocation of Agency Minnesota Recreation & Park Association Dues from
Park Admin Dpeartment.
201 ? Budget
The Park & Recreation administration budget manages leisure time
This function physically plans and develops parks, open space, trails
facilities. Staff also coordinates programs with school districts, local
other : roues.
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Services Provided/Outcomes
Park C Recreation Administration, 1520
• Staff: Park and Recreation Director & Administrative
Support/Communications Specialist
• Developing a park and open space plan
• Encouraging citizen participation
• Developing a comprehensive interconnected trail/sidewalk
• Facilitating cooperative efforts between local school systems
and the city in acquisition, development and usage of
recreational lands and facilities
Park C. Recreation Administration - 1520
• _• : 0_ ,•- Materials & Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $222,500 $200 $5,900 $228,600
2016 $216,600 $200 $5,900 $222,700
Percent Change +2.7% 0.0% 0.0% +2.6%
Significant Changes:
• No significant changes for 2017. For 2018 we are scheduled to print, publish
and mail 12,000 copies of the city's Parks & Trails map at an estimated cost of
2017 Budget
The Recreation Center provides fitness activities, recreational
meeting spaces for the community. Year-round indoor and
programs are offered. The facility was construction under a joint
with ISD 112 and is operated through a lease agreement with
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Services Provided/Outcomes
Recreation Center, 1530
• Staff: 1 Recreation Center Manager, 9 Facility Supervisors,
1 Dance Coordinator, and 2 Dance Instructors
• Fitness and recreational programs for community members of
all ages
• Community events
• Facility rental space
• Activity space for local school, city, county, and state
governments provided at no charge. In 2013, we provided
4,668 hours of free space, valued at $90,000, for these agencies
Recreation Center - 1530
' • •• : •- •• Materials & Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $223,500 $31,000 $85,500 $340,000
2016 $217,700 $31,000 $88,700 $337,400
Percent Change +2.7% 0.0% -3.6% -0.2%
Significant Changes:
• No significant changes.
201 ? Budget
This department provides for the operations at Lake Ann Park.
40% of expenses, include facility rental, watercraft and
concession fees.
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Lake Ann Park Operations - 1540
' - : 0. •- Materials & Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $11,700 $10,200 $48,100 $70,000
2016 $10,300 $10,200 $42,600 $63,100
Percent Change +13.6% 0.0% +12.9% +10.9%
Significant Changes:
• Small increase in 2 year lifeguard contract.
2017 Buciget
Maintains and cares for City park and open space sites, play
facilities, and trails. Also responsible for landscaping
business district including City Center Park, Old Village Hall,
lighting, banners, and related items.
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Services Provided/Outcomes
Park Maintenance, 1550
• Staff: 7 full time & 15 seasonal park maintenance employees
• Maintenance of 37 parks, 90 miles of trails,
48 athletic fields, 15 tennis courts, 6 pickle ball courts, skate
park and the downtown
• Landscaping maintenance for 2 fire stations, City Hall, Library,
Old Village Hall and Train Depot
Park Maintenance - 1550
• • •• .. 0. -•• Materials& Contractual : • : • Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $836,100 $83,000 $88,700 $2,000 $1,007,800
2016 $803,600 $76,100 $90,600 $2,000 $971,700
Percent Change +4.0% +9.1% -1.4% 0.0% +3.7%
Significant Changes:
• Small increase for additional fertilizer costs as areas being treated
expands in the city. Also, a minor adjustment for the number of
portable restrooms for high demand events/areas.
201 ? Budget
The Senior Center budget plans and implements a variety of
special events, monthly one-day tours, and health and wellness
adults. The Center provides a welcoming setting which improves
use of leisure time for all seniors. Programs and activities are
combination of fees, property tax levy, and community
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Services Provided/Outcomes
Senior Citizens Center, 1560
• Staff: Senior Center Coordinator in addition to
100+ volunteer hours per month
• Maintains a strong and respected reputation for providing
quality senior services
• Relevant and affordable programs are offered
• Friendly and welcoming environment
• Networked with other local service providers
• Valued partnerships are formed with local business community
Senior Citizens Center - 1560
' - •• '- •- Materials & Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $90,500 $4,300 $27,700 $122,500
2016 $51,700 $3,300 $21,800 $76,800
Percent Change +75.0% +30.3% +27.1% +59.5%
Significant Changes:
• With increasing senior programming demands staff is requesting the current
Senior Center Coordinator position be moved from 28 hours week to 40
hours per week to meet the demand. Total additional cost would be around
$37,000 per year. See next slide for additional justification.
The Chanhassen Senior Center actively brings
people together as a vital resource for healthy
aging in the community
• 8,807 overall visitors in 2015 — up from 8581 in 2013
• 139 programs offered in 2015 — up from 103 in 2010
• 2371 people registered for a class in 2015 — up from 1808 in 2010
• Trips and events generated $42,460 in 2015 — up 70% in 4 years
• Dozens of new programs and classes added in the past 5 years
• Forecasted Work Schedule — Mon 10 hrs., Tues 8 hrs., Wed 8 hrs.,
Thurs 12 hrs. and Fri 2 hrs. — Total 40 plus hours per week
• Role of the Senior Center Coordinator includes all planning,
administration and implementation of events and activities including
event set up and take down
2017 Budget
To provide a year-round recreational program that reflects a variety
community and develops a social, physical, cultural, and aesthetic
These programs are funded by a combination of fees, property tax
sponsorship program.
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Services Provided/Outcomes
Recreation Programs, 1600
• Staff: Recreation Superintendent, Recreation Supervisor,
33 Seasonal Positions
• Adaptive recreation services
• Plan and host special events and recreation programs
• Summer playground program, summer concert series, warming
houses, and skate park attendant
Recreation Programs - 1600
. • .• = 0. -•. Materials& Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $208,500 $21,100 $116,100 $345,700
2016 $190,300 $20,200 $101,200 $311,700
Percent Change +9.6% +4.5% +14.7% +10.9%
Significant Changes:
• Additional costs for entertainment production of 4th of July Entertainment.
• Additional portable warming house now needed at Bandimere Park.
201 ? Budget
This department funds adult programs, crafts and instructional
from fee revenue. New programs may be started from this budget
in their first years. Activities are expected to become self-sufficient
are evaluated annually.
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Services Provided/Outcomes
Self Supporting Programs, 1700
• Staff: Program instructors and softball umpires
• Adult sporting leagues
• Assist other departments with programs; i.e., Safety Camp,
Miracle Kids Triathlon, Homecoming Parade
• Children's enrichment programs
• Variety of sporting lessons and camps
Self Supporting Programs 1700
' - •• : 0- - Materials & Contractual Total
Supplies Services Budget
2017 $34,800 $5,400 $25,000 $65,200
2016 $34,300 $3,200 $20,000 $57,500
Percent Change +1.5% +68.8% +25.0% +13.4%
Significant Changes:
• Additional supplies needed for implementation of double header adult softball
league as well as additional umpire costs.
2017 Bild. get
Recreation Sports provides preschool and school-age children
healthy experience in sports where recreation and fun are
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Services Provided / Outcomes
Bee Center Sports, 1000
• Staff: 1 PT Coordinator and 3 Youth Sports Leaders
• A variety of preschool sports and after-school sports for elementary-age
• Increased customer service and program quality over previously offered
contracted services
Recreation Sports - 1800
Personal • • - Total
Service Budget
2017 $28,100 $8,000 $36,400
2016 $27,500 $8,800 $36,600
Percent Change +2.2% -9.1% -0.5%
Significant Changes:
• No significant changes for 2017.
Potential Service Level/Levy Reduction Ideas
• Keep Senior Center Coordinator Position at 28 hours per week 137,0001
Result — Would not allow for the expansion of any senior programming.
With expanding senior population growth the pressure on needing
additional programming will continue into the future, however this is an
increase in service levels as compared to previousears budgets.
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• Building Permit Revenue Adjustment[$31,0001
Result — A increase in building permit revenue could be considered for
Building Valuation permits on residential single family homes. At this point
the City is still using the 2009 Building Valuation code, where as most cities
are using a more current version. The result would be a increase in the total
building permit fee for each permit issued.
TOTAL : 374,000
201 ? Budget
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