Email from Arjav From: Arjav Krishna [arjav.krishna@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2016 8:00 PM To: Laufenburger, Denny Cc: Tjornhom, Bethany; Ryan, Elise; McDonald, Jerry; Campion, Dan Subject: Chanhassen West Water Treatment Plant on Lake Harrison Road Dear Mr. Mayor Denny Laufenburger My name is Arjav and I am a resident of Lake Harrison Circle. I am 10 years old, I have lived in Chanhassen for more than six years and I am writing to you about the water treatment plant that you plan to build in my neighborhood. First of all, the water treatment plant is going to use chlorine. This is going to be dangerous for us. Less than two months ago, an accident happened in Arizona. Here is the link that you can view. http://www.12news.com/news/local/valley/chlorine-leak-prompts- evacuation-of-several-peoria-homes/280316586. As I learned in Chemistry, some pure elements on the Periodic Table can be lethal and chlorine is one of them. A more dangerous situation could arise in Chanhassen but it can be definitely avoided by using a different way to treat the water. We all know that chlorine gas is bad for people. If you are going to put a chlorine gas plant, then everyone is going to leave. You are going to do this in a neighborhood where almost every single house has at least one kid. Why do you plan to do this? How can you call Chanhassen the "The best place to live in Minnesota" when there is a water treatment plant using chlorine gas in a residential area? One of the reasons I like the neighborhood is that there is nothing that looks industrial. I like biking in the neighborhoods in the summer and playing with my friends outside both in the summer and winter. But if you put the water treatment plant, you will change a mostly natural place to a half industrial and half natural. That does not link up! Why don’t you put the plant in a place that is already an industrial area? There are definitely such areas in Chanhassen further away from neighborhoods. Finally, please take a moment and put yourself in our place. Would you want an industrial plant in your neighborhood? No one would, so why do it? Why not put it in an industrial location? That is where it is meant to be. In conclusion, please consider putting the water treatment plant in a different area. If you cannot find another place, then you must definitely look for safer methods of treating the water for the sake of our health and those of the families in our neighborhood. if you are going to spend money to put something that people are protesting against, then don't do it. Please do something about this, otherwise you will lose a lot of your population and Chanhassen will no longer be “The Best place to live in Minnesota”. Everyone is against the plant in the middle of houses, so please don't do it. Sincerely yours, Arjav K. -- ARJAV K. :):):) :):) :)