Driveway Alignment Letter 09-09-20160 September 9, 2016 CITY OF comply with what was approved as part of the variance approval and building permit CHMMSSEN issuance. Engineering Phone: 952.2271160 Gregg & Kellie Geiger 7700 Market Boulevard P 7 3603 Red Cedar Point Road M Chanhasssen,sen, MN 55317 Excelsior, MN 55331-7721 Administration Re: Garage Expansion PFax:952.22271100 Dear Greggd Kellie Geiger: Fax: 952227.1110 gg g Building Inspections During inspections of the garage expansion, the driveway realignment does not Phone: 952.227.1180 comply with what was approved as part of the variance approval and building permit Fax: 952.227.1190 issuance. Engineering Phone: 952.2271160 The Fire Chief and Construction Manager/Engineering Tech IV have both inspected P Fax: 952.227.1170 the site and are concerned that there may be access issues. Additional space will be Senior Center necessary to assure emergency access around the garage. Please expand the driveway Finance as shown in the building permit application to accommodate access to your property Phone: 952.227.1140 and the property to the east. Fax: 952.227.1110 Park Recreation I have attached a copy of the plan for your use. If you have any questions or need Phone::952.227.1120 additional information, please contact me at 952.227.1131 or by email at Fax: 952.227.11 TO bgenerous@ci.chanhassen.mn.us. Recreation Center Sincere 2310 Coulter Boulevard N Phone: 952.2271400 Fax: 952.2271404 Planning & Robert Generous, AICP Natural Resources Senior Planner Phone: 952.2271130 Fax: 952.227.1110 Enclosure Public works ec: Kate Aanenson, Community Development Director 7901 Park Place Don Johnson, Fire Chief Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Steve Lenz, Engineering Tech Jerry Mohn, Building Official Senior Center Stephanie Smith, Project Engineer Phone: 952.227,1125 MacKenzie Walters, Associate Planner Fax: 952.227.1110 Website \\CFS5\CFS5\SHARED_DATA\PLAN\2015 PLANNING CASES\2015-14 3603 RED CEDAR POINT VARIANCE\RESUBMITTAL 8-17. www. ci. chan hassen. m n. us IS\LETTER REGARDING DRIVEWAY 9-9-16.DOCX Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning forTomorrow LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The West 225 feet of Lot 1, Block 4, Red Cedar Point Addition, Lake Minnewashta, except the West 25 feet thereof, Carver County, Minnesota. GENERAL NOTES: Other Impervious Surface Area: 961 square feet 5. No current title work was furnished for the HSJ BENCHMARKII 1. The bearing system used is assumed. - TOP OF NAILIi, 2. The location of the underground utilities shown r1 hereon, if any, ars approximate only. PURSUANT TO LELEV.--946.331' MSA 216D CONTACT GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT 1 (612) 454-0002 PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. JP - 3. Site area total = 32,025 square feet = 0.735 947.1X Elevation = 946.33 feet acres. area within survey line = 25,910 square feet = 8+�� a 0 595 acres. 13) \� 4. This survey was made on the ground. Other Impervious Surface Area: 961 square feet 5. No current title work was furnished for the 946.9X� preparation of this survey, legal description, recorded B. Proposed Impervious Area details. or unrecorded easements and encumbrances are I Total Site Area: 32,025 square feet subject to revision upon receipt of current title work. / Total Structure Im vious Area: 7,202 square feet 6. Elevation datum is based on NAVD 88 data. / ko Bench mark is located Top of Nail W. LINE LOT 1, BLOCK 4-J/ I JP - (AS SHOWN ON SURVEY) 947.1X Elevation = 946.33 feet 7. Existing Impervious Area details. I Total Site Area: 32,025 square feet Patio/Deck Area(s): 316 square feet Total Structure Impervious Area: 7,191 square feet I House Area(s): 1,992 square feet -)7- (,\ 947.0 Other Structure Area(s): 0 square feet J� 9. Verify dimensions and elevations per latest house A Areas: 3 922 s uard3fee4_ plan prior to construction, this survey relied upon Drrvewoy/Pave q Patio/Deck Areo(s): 316 square feet Other Impervious Surface Area: 961 square feet X946,4 Percent of Total Site that is Impervious: 22.45%_-)7 c _ B. Proposed Impervious Area details. 2 Total Site Area: 32,025 square feet C) -A I Total Structure Im vious Area: 7,202 square feet , A House Areo(s): 1,992 square feet Proposed Garage n: 490 square_ fleet-, - I T �L X946.3 k 4_6.3 Driveway/Paved Areas: 3,922-490=,,3,432 square u feet Proposed Driveway Addition: 501 square feet w 0 Patio/Deck Area(s): 316 square feet B DEPT:lu_ Other Impervious Surface Area: 961 square feet/ U co B Q M 2 Percent of Total Site that is Impervious: 22.49% V In 9. Verify dimensions and elevations per latest house / plan prior to construction, this survey relied upon plans from Mackey Malin Architects, Geiger Residence Project, Permit Set dated 3/23/16. i 9. Proposed ground elevations to be field verified by contractor for drainage. i 10. Silt Fence Erosion Control:. use City of Chanhassen specifications for minimum standards, reference Plate b No. 5300. 15 FOOT PERPETUAL EASEMENT i & RIGHT OF WAY TO 15' DRIVE-� PER DOC. NO. 601231 CERTIFICATION: ' REGiSEft I hereby certify that this survey, plait or eport L4N was prepared by me or under my di. uper Y�R and that I am a duly Registered Lan Aeyor under the laws of the State of Minn t2N4 23677 Date: April 22 2 6 Ki T mas E. Ho e r 4 Minn. Reg. No. 23677 Revision H14tory. PROPOSED LEGEND GARAGE DETAILS: Property Corner Concrete GARAGE SLAB = 947.1 Concrete Curb *Verify dimensions and elevations per latest house O Electric Meter plan prior to construction. la Gate Valve I 1 1 l 1i X946.2 X946.5 rVU S Ca. 3X Jti r/m } 947t' ® Air Conditioning Unit ww Window Well EXISTING HOUSE DETAILS16� Deciduous Tree (Dia. in In.) 3603 RED CEDAR PT. DRIVE 1 -STORY HOUSE;�� ; Coniferous Tree (Dia. in In.) FOOTPRINT AREA = 1,992 SQ. FT. /®� Gas Meter Hydrant - - - --906- - - Existing Contour r -WATER LINE AS LOCATED FEB. 23, 2015 X 934.3 Existing Spot Elevation I 0 Sanitary Manhole n_Ma_ Sanitary Sewer 1 6 SURVEY LINE 845 Proposed Contour X (845.0) Proposed Spot Elevation Pro�'���`�`��a - - - Existing Drainage erArrow2.0% MIN.) ;7.8.FJ3g�47;' r __ .5 - a _ - 9 9 --9�4���`�`J / 4); X946,4 1 _f3a� X946. 947.8 j \ X946.5 i� SIK946 G -VI II X948.1 0 0 4 L -947/ X946.3 k 4_6.3 X946.6 - 46 fqJ` TH - • fC ?? 7 946.5 0 n •i FINISHED FLOOR ,16.4 94 FINISHED FLOOR _�, {i ELEV.=946.39 6.4/ Mf 6.4/ FINISHED FLOOR ^J �-ELEV.=951.29 - FINISHED FLOOR / 139,3'ELEV.=95L441 6 X j R9 949.2 _N c��O'�o,�a' Cb Cti. i 4 9477 10 FOOT WATERMAIN EASEMENT PER BOOK 113 OF DEEDS, PAGE 534 tiff \pA\ \ X9i4�7594 �� 4� 7 �4 � �6� 9 � s\ X5 49.0 459 946.g4. PART °F L07-1 X946.3 46.7 X946.5 X946.7 X947\\ \ X946.8 3 i/NOUS ACCESS 0.� -) 950 949-1 V t T X9Ag3'i 950-\ oNCRE 949.8 9--_ ,- -X949'0--94g- -948- 949.5 M9 949- _ 948-- 946.4X 19 T ?? - - - - -948- w X949.0 X948_8 m _ X948.7 Z H J E ZZ O O OON0 �0 00 Od, x a 6 Z� cLn L` = 0¢:2 M M N N N O ro in m vj��rnro 10003 0W) E ,, � Z to 0 N 04 <<02rnrnE1 2 J 0)a]....,W3 N + _ir - i X946 X946.gb - ♦(\; �T 84;3 06 �W46.�_ Z -i `= g�j DEPT:` _ �. 94 18 X944.2 G�`� o,�`� X946.3 \♦ X946.6203.88=a�' v'��� \ DATE; F ! 45- 44.2 rn ,g47�-�-�-94fz� � CO < ci b' 946.3 X946.1 X9 sz \\ v 'O RQ pF RR _ i / t { a X946.1 X946.1 ♦ ? \♦ F0a- REV �946.8 X946.OXgy .7 A \ \--SURVEY LINE LL IS 0 30 \X946.1 /�. \\>C946.6 2 `-WRIER LINE AS LOCATED FEB. 23, 2015 COo Soil evaluation and correction for E kprimary building (house) may not ENSCALE IN FEETt �c° AR accommodate future expansion. deck orIf 3i 6i be re aired for the construction of a future addition. CAD File: 2016222.DwG Path: J:\2016222\DWG\ V) >- W 0 LU e% Q co 0 �_a:E. LINE OF W. 225 FT. OF LOT 1 en LU Z0 - Cl) 0 0 0 = Z oc cr HNC:a00 W Q�oZZ -J U W U. APPROVED w 0 Wo o z B DEPT:lu_ U Q d U co B Q M 2 DATE: V4ff 4 O = LLI U DEPT: f 06 - DATE. 5a3-/G)A N + _ir - i X946 X946.gb - ♦(\; �T 84;3 06 �W46.�_ Z -i `= g�j DEPT:` _ �. 94 18 X944.2 G�`� o,�`� X946.3 \♦ X946.6203.88=a�' v'��� \ DATE; F ! 45- 44.2 rn ,g47�-�-�-94fz� � CO < ci b' 946.3 X946.1 X9 sz \\ v 'O RQ pF RR _ i / t { a X946.1 X946.1 ♦ ? \♦ F0a- REV �946.8 X946.OXgy .7 A \ \--SURVEY LINE LL IS 0 30 \X946.1 /�. \\>C946.6 2 `-WRIER LINE AS LOCATED FEB. 23, 2015 COo Soil evaluation and correction for E kprimary building (house) may not ENSCALE IN FEETt �c° AR accommodate future expansion. deck orIf 3i 6i be re aired for the construction of a future addition. CAD File: 2016222.DwG Path: J:\2016222\DWG\