Approve Temporary Driveway Access through City Property with Zwiers in Conjuction with the CSAH 61 Improvement Project 1 - Z
CluuNlu SSEN TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager
7700 Market Boulevard
PO Box 147 FROM: Paul Oehme, Dir. of Public Works/City Engineer 1
Chanhassen,MN 55317 dl
DATE: September 12, 2016
Administration SUBJ: Approve Temporary Driveway Access with Conditions through City
Phone:952.227.1100 Property (PID 250360500) with Zwiers In Conjunction with the CSAH
Fax:952.227.1110 61 (Flying Cloud Drive) Improvement Project, City Project No. 13-09
Building Inspections
Phone:952.227.1160 "The City Council approves a Temporary Driveway Access with Conditions
Fax:952.227.1170 through City Property (PID 250360500) with Zwiers in Conjunction with the
CSAH 61 (Flying Cloud Drive) Improvement Project, City Project No. 13-09.
Phone:952.227.1140 City Council approval requires a simple majority vote of the City Council present.
Park&Recreation BACKGROUND
Fax:952.227.1110 On December 14, 2015, the City Council approved a Joint Powers Agreement with
Carver County.
Recreation Center
2310 Coulter Boulevard On April 8, 2013, staff updated the City Council on the Hennepin County project at
Phone:952.227.1400 the worksession.
On February 24, 2014, staff updated the City Council on the project's progress at the
Natural Resources worksession.
Fax:952.227.1110 On March 10, 2014,the City Council approved Municipal Consent for the project
with Hennepin County.
Public Works
7901 Park Place This segment of highway was previous called TH 212 and was owned and maintained
Phone:952.227.1300 by the Minnesota Department of Transportation(MnDOT)prior to November, 2009.
Fax:952.227.1310 After the new TH 212 opened, the corridor was designated CSAH 61 and Hennepin
County took over maintenance of the corridor. Hennepin County took full ownership
Senior Center of the corridor from MnDOT in September, 2010 which is referred to as a turnback or
Phone:952.227.1125 jurisdictional transfer.
MnDOT provides funding for jurisdictional transfer projects to fix deficiencies.
Website Tumback funding is limited so reconstruction projects usually are completed many
years after the transfer is complete.
Chanhassen is a Community for Life-Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
Todd Gerhardt
Zwiers Temporary Driveway Access
September 12,2016
Page 2
The Hennepin County project proposes
the reconstruction of about 3.7 miles of =� -1 ' Ad-WO .:
CSAH 61/Flying Cloud Drive from
Highway 101 in Chanhassen to Charlson ` 0�
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Road in Eden Prairie. About .8 miles of > • g :0:;-; ''
the project is in Carver County/ �` s
Chanhassen. The project will construct a
new two-lane roadway with shoulders, a
continuous left turn lane and right turn EDEN
lanes at key intersections. A bituminous
multi-use trail is planned the entire length
of the project on the north side of the
roadway. The project goal is to replace
the existing pavement,improve safety,
and raise a portion of the road out of the
100-year flood plain. It will be necessary to construct retaining walls in order to plan for the wider
roadway and trail improvements. Some areas of the road have deep muck areas that cannot be cost
effectively removed. Surcharging the roadway and using light weight fill is not a good option in
high water table areas. Land bridges will be constructed with piling to span the poor soil areas. The
west end of the project will drain to the large regional treatment pond being constructed with the
Highway 101 Minnesota River Bridge project. Other ponds will be constructed in the City of Eden
City staff and Carver and Hennepin
County representatives have met with C.r..r.. NvM Pep ow.iw UnM�4441t.pM1
property owners along this project
corridor. Hennepin County needs to
raise the profile of the road west of the
Moon Valley property about 6' for the
road to be out of the Minnesota River
flood plain. Retaining walls will need fowl W.t
to be constructed adjacent to the Moon
Valley property. The maximum height
of the retaining wall by Moon Valley
will be 16' tall. The highest wall on
the project will be 25' tall in the city of
Eden Prairie. In order for these
improvements to take place temporary easement and some land acquisition is necessary.
Carver County and the Zwiers have been in right-of-way acquisition negotiations for the CSAH 61
Improvement Project which is scheduled to start construction next year. The right-of-way document
needs to be signed before the project can be bid out this fall. One of the conditions in the Right-of-
Way Settlement Agreement is requesting is the City consider giving the Zwiers access through the
City-owned land for future grading and mining work. The City has received preliminary plans for
this work but the Zwiers are not ready to take this through the City approval process yet. Staff feels
it is acceptable letting the Zwiers have access through the City-owned property once the following
conditions have been satisfied:
g:\eng\public\_2010-2015 public projects\ 2013 projects\13-09 henn co 61 improvements\bkgd 091216 zwier temp driveway access.docx
Todd Gerhardt
Zwiers Temporary Driveway Access
September 12,2016
Page 3
1. IUP for the site must be approved by the City Council.
2. All areas actively or previously quarried must be permanently stabilized and the site must
come into compliance with all appropriate permits including,but not limited to the
MNG490000 and any others issued by the MPCA.
3. The site must comply with any restoration orders, existing or forthcoming, from those
agencies reviewing any releases from the site.
4. A Phase I environmental study must be completed for the area west of the creek and any
recommendations therein contained shall be prescribed to.
5. Submit an updated phasing plan including the following:
a. A full topographic survey for the property east of the unnamed creek.
b. Slopes that are actively being mined. Note the area (in acres).
c. Slopes that will be mined in the upcoming calendar year. Note the area (in acres).
d. Anticipated start dates for any remaining areas to be mined.
e. Stockpile locations.
f. Slopes that will be restored in the upcoming year. Note the area(in acres).
g. Restored slopes (note the year restored). Note the area (in acres).
6. An updated erosion control plan must be submitted for review and approval.
7. A pollution prevention plan including all the required elements of the MNG490000 must be
submitted for review and approval.
8. Provide the mining quantities:
a. Quantity removed within the past year.
b. Quantity anticipated for removal in the upcoming year.
c. Remaining quantity of material to be removed.
9. All NPDES inspection logs and Discharge Monitoring Report Form for the year must be
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The City acquired this property via tax forfeiture.
g:\eng\public\_2010-2015 public projects\_2013 projects\13-09 henn co 61 improvements\bkgd 091216 zwier temp driveway access.docx