3. City Code Amendment - Special EventsEngineering 3 Phone: 952.227.1160 MEMORANDUM CITY OF TO: Planning Commission CHMNSEN FROM: MacKenzie Walters, Assistant Planner 7700 Market Boulevard DATE: October 4, 2016 PC Box 147 businesses' needs for temporary sales, open houses, grand openings, employee Chanhassen, MN 55317 picnics, and seasonal produce stands. With these types of uses in mind, the associated SUBJECT: Temporary Outdoor Events, Seasonal, and Sidewalk Sales Administration hosting the event. Furthermore, the code stipulates that permits should be submitted Phone: 952.227.1100 ISSUE Fax: 952.227.1110 work very well for evaluating small events or sales that fit into the above categories, Building Inspections There has been an increase in the number of requests to host larger and more diverse Phone: 952.227.1180 types of events in Chanhassen, and the current ordinance does not adequately address Fax: 952.227.1190 or differentiate between different types of events and sales. Engineering BACKGROUND Phone: 952.227.1160 This section should be amended to include fees for the various permits that Fax: 952.227.1170 govern special events. Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us The section of the City Code which governs temporary events and sales was last Finance updated in October of 2010. The current code was designed to accommodate local Phone: 952.227.1140 businesses' needs for temporary sales, open houses, grand openings, employee Fax: 952.227.1110 picnics, and seasonal produce stands. With these types of uses in mind, the associated permit form does not require detailed information beyond the borders of the site Park Recreation Phone::952.2271120 hosting the event. Furthermore, the code stipulates that permits should be submitted Fax: 952227.1110 ten business days before the proposed start of the event. The current code and forms y p P work very well for evaluating small events or sales that fit into the above categories, Recreation Center but it was never designed to accommodate races and other events that can have a 2310 Coulter Boulevard community -wide impact. Phone: 952.227.1400 Fax: 952.2271404 Recently, the city has seen an increase in the number of organizations interested in Planning 8, hosting races or large events in Chanhassen. Some of this is due to cities such as Natural Resources Minneapolis limiting the number of monthly events they will allow in their parks. Phone: 952.227.1130 This has led to event organizers moving their events to the suburbs. Another factor Fax: 952.227.1110 that has contributed to this increase is Chanhassen's continued growth and development. Staff expects the trend of larger events being hosted in our community Public Works to continue. 7901 Park Place Phone: 952.227.1300 Fax: 952.227.1310 Impacted City Code: Senior Center Chapter 4 — License, Permit, and Administrative Fees: Phone: 952.2271125 This section should be amended to include fees for the various permits that Fax: 952.227.1110 govern special events. Website www.ci.chanhassen.mn.us Sec. 6-3 and 6-4 — Temporary Event Permits and Permits for Water Obstacles: This section requires that water races and courts have booth a special event permit and a permit for placing makers/obstacles in the lake (cannot find fees or form for this permit). Chanhassen is a Community for Life - Providing for Today and Planning forTomorrow Planning Commission City Code Issue Paper — Temporary Events October 4, 2016 Page 2 Sec. 13-51(i) — Noises Prohibited. Loudspeakers, amplifiers for advertising, etc.: Amend to clarify that this section also applies to concerts and music at special events. Sec. 14-58. — Public Gathering permits: Work with the Park Department to clarify when this permit should be used versus a temporary event permit. Sec. 20-964. — Temporary outdoor events, seasonal and sidewalk sales activities: Staff is proposing an extensive overhaul and rewriting of this section of the City Code. Non -Statutory Permits: Street Closures for Neighborhood Events: Engineering uses this to close down cul-de-sacs or dead-end streets for neighborhood events. Temporary Lifting of No Parking Restrictions: Engineering uses this to allow parking along roads where it is normally prohibited to facilitate event parking. Chanhassen and other Communities: Chanhassen: Special events handled through Community Development Department. $50.00 permit fee. Must apply 10 business days before proposed start of event. Cottage Grove: Special events handled through City Administrator/City Clerk. $100.00 permit fee. For large (300+) events must apply 60 days before the proposed start of event. Require addendum for races. Elk River. Handled through City Administrator/City Clerk. Required for events with 50+ attendees. Must apply 60 days before the proposed start of the event. Races closing streets must notify impacted residents. Hopkins: Handled through City Administrator/City Clerk. $35.00 base permit fee with additional fees and permits for races, street closures, use of city services, etc. Must apply 45 days before proposed event. Lino Lakes: Handled through City Administrator/City Clerk. $50.00 base permit fee with additional fee and permit for races. Must apply 45 days before proposed event. Prior Lake: Handled through Recreation Department. $200 or $500.00 fee depending on size. 500 -foot notification. Must apply 45 days before proposed event. Planning Commission City Code Issue Paper — Temporary Events October 4, 2016 Page 3 Stillwater: $0.00 to $100.00 fee depending on size. Must apply 30 to 60 days before event depending on size. ANALYSIS Issue 1: Scope of Existing Code Currently city code classifies temporary events and sales as permitted accessory uses for business, office, and institutional districts. The code was designed to allow businesses the ability to host short-term commercial events for which no permanent site alterations would be required. In order to accommodate these types and levels of use, the code allows for each property to host up to 15 days of temporary events or sales with a maximum duration of three days per event. Current permitting requirements focus on maintaining and providing adequate parking and ensuring that temporary structures do not impede emergency vehicle access, violate the fire code, or adversely impact adjacent properties. The other component of the existing code focuses on allowing seasonal markets and produce stands. The code allows three seasonal sales per parcel with a maximum combined duration of 120 days per calendar year per property. Again, the permitting process is focused on parking, public safety, and the impact on adjacent land uses. As written and applied, the current ordinance only applies to outdoor events, with indoor events being exempted from any type of permitting. This hands-off approach to the activities of businesses and organizations is usually appropriate and beneficial; however, there are situations (e.g. large concerts) where indoor events can draw enough attendees to have a community -wide impact. In these situations, it may be desirable for the city to be aware of these events, their potential impact on traffic and public safety, and to have a mechanism to evaluate and mitigate these concerns. The current provisions and processes provide an excellent framework for evaluating temporary event permit applications for company picnics, outdoor sales, grilling promotions, and similar events, but are not well suited to evaluating large events or events which utilize public streets and trails. Its limitations become especially troublesome for events which leave the applicant's premises. While the city requires maps of race routes and written descriptions of traffic control and security provisions, these requirements are imposed under a blanket of the `other pertinent information required by the planning director to fully evaluate the application" provision. There are no readily available guidelines which address how this information should be presented or evaluated. The result of these limitations is that staff often has to request additional documentation and explanations from permit applicants, and spend large amounts of time clarifying what information is required and how the permitting process works. The time for permit issuance can be further delayed as the current permitting process requires the fire, engineering, police, Planning Commission City Code Issue Paper — Temporary Events October 4, 2016 Page 4 building, planning, and administrative departments to review all permits. For larger or atypical events, this means that staff is not always able to process the permits within the specified 10 -day period. Staff examined comparable cities to discover how they handled special events. Many of these communities divided events into categories either by number of attendees or type. Typically, as the size or complexity of the event increased, the permit fee, processing time, and amount of documentation required increased. Many cities required events with special characteristics, like races, to submit addendums along with the permit application. Issue 2: Residential Districts By design, the current temporary event code does not apply to residential districts. The goal was to avoid requiring residents to apply for event permits in order to hold graduation parties, family reunions, and other private events. The drawback of to this approach is that parks and institutional uses, like churches and schools, can be located adjacent to residential neighborhoods. When these organizations and locations host large events and races, these events can impact the surrounding residential properties, but there are no provisions that directly speak to those interactions. City code does allow for the city to reject or place conditions on special event permit applications based upon its potential impact on adjacent properties, but there are no mechanisms in place for notifying potentially impacted residents or allowing them a chance to voice concerns about a proposed event. Some municipalities require that all residents within 500 feet of an event's location be notified or that all properties adjacent to a proposed race route be contacted as part of the permitting process, and others require a public hearing and council approval for these types of events. To date, the city has not received complaints about events located near residential districts; however, we do occasionally receive inquiries from residents who are curious about what is going on or who want to know if the city was aware of an event that occurred. Requiring events of a certain size or type to notify affected properties may help to preemptively address residents' concerns and curiosity. There have also been situations where smaller non -profits and community organizations have used residential properties to host events. It is unclear if these situations should be treated as neighborhood block parties, private gatherings, or as special events. Typically, these types of events would not be expected to have a community wide impact; however, in some neighborhoods a hundred attendees could create traffic, parking, and emergency vehicle access issues. There may be a size or impact threshold where the city wishes to require a permit in order to mitigate the impact of these events on surrounding households. Planning Commission City Code Issue Paper — Temporary Events October 4, 2016 Page 5 Issue 3: Multiple Permits Across Departments In addition to needing to be reviewed by the fire, engineering, police, building, planning, and administrative departments, proposed temporary events can require additional permits. Some of these permits, like the Loudspeaker and Temporary Lifting of no Parking Restrictions, are handled by other departments, police and engineering respectively. These types of permits are usually applied for in conjunction with a temporary event permit, or their issuance is made a condition of the temporary event permit. For these permits the main concerns have been that applicants are not aware that they require other permits, and that the timetables for permit approval do not line up with the timeframe provided for processing a special event permit. Both the aforementioned permits state that they should be submitted a minimum of 12 days before the proposed event, but special event permits are only required to be filed 10 days before the proposed event. Oftentimes applicants submit their permit application exactly 10 days before their proposed event, and do not submit the other documents until notified by staff that these other permits are required. This can make it difficult for staff to properly assess and process the applications in time for the proposed event. Permitting confusion can also be created by the fact that the city also has public gathering permits which are issued through the parks department. The ordinance does not make it clear when both a temporary event and public gathering permit should be sought, or if they are mutually exclusive. The parks department is not automatically included in the temporary events approval process and the planning department is not part of the public gathering permit process. Many larger events impact both departments. The lack of clear guidelines and absence of an integrated permitting system has led to situations where the respective departments are not aware of events that may fall under their preview. Additionally, complications have arisen when inquiries about our permitting process are inadvertently referred to the wrong department. These separate permits also create the potential for overbooking where two events are approved, each by a different department for the same timeframe. While the possibility that two events would be approved for the same place does not exist, it is possible that two nearby events could be approved for overlapping timeframes. In this situation the cumulative impact of the events could overwhelm the parking or traffic control measures which would have been adequate for a single event. Issue 4: Criteria for Denial and Conditions The existing code lists criteria for approval, a series of general conditions and limitations, and a clause allowing for specific conditions to ensure that the event is in compliance with applicable ordinances. These criteria and conditions are oriented towards commercial and business events Planning Commission City Code Issue Paper — Temporary Events October 4, 2016 Page 6 and sales and, as a result, focus on the site, parking, and traffic the event is expected to generate. These criteria and conditions do an excellent job of allowing us to evaluate and mitigate temporary sales and produce stands, but make it very difficult to deny, reschedule, or alter the details of a temporary event. Essentially, as long as they provide the required information and can propose a reasonable traffic and security plan, it is difficult for the city to require alterations to the event or deny the permit application. This has the potential to create situations where the city approves events of an undesirable intensity or in a non -optimal location. Many peer cities have adopted clauses that allow them to place conditions on the date, intensity, and location of events based on their available resources, impact on adjacent properties, and other events occurring in the city. Similar clauses may allow Chanhassen to better accommodate and mitigate the impact of larger or atypical events. Issue 5: Races/Walks The city, especially the parks department, is receiving increasing requests and inquiries about using the city's parks to host races and charity walks. The Recreation Superintendent has indicated that so far this year, 14 races and walks have been or are scheduled to be held in our parks. He has also reported that they have received numerous inquiries from charity run and walk .organizers who are interested in holding events in our parks. Neither the Parks Department's Public Gathering Permit nor the Planning Department's Temporary Event Permit are well suited to handling races. The Public Gathering Permit has no provisions for evaluating parking and traffic impact, and the Temporary Event Permit was designed to facilitate commercial and business uses. Additionally, some races start in a park and then use public streets, or start at a corporate area and proceed to utilize park trails for a portion of the race. Many peer cities manage the unique rudiments of races and walks by requiring applicants to submit race addendums. These forms tend to require detailed information about the race route, signage, traffic impacts, and other relevant details. Adopting a similar form may allow both departments to better evaluate special events which include a race or walk. PROPOSED SOLUTION Policy Changes: Staff believes that some of the issues we are currently facing regarding special events can be remedied through internal policy changes. Changes being discussed include: I. Creating a tracking system for special event permits similar to that used for building permits. 2. Creating a calendar of proposed and approved special events to better coordinate the use of city resources and identify potential conflicts. Planning Commission City Code Issue Paper — Temporary Events October 4, 2016 Page 7 3. Revising the forms used for the various temporary event permits. 4. Creating a citizens' guide to events which will make it easier for applicants to figure out what permits they need and what information they require. 5. Develop a table of fees associated with event so applicants can better project the total cost of their events. 6. Reassess which departments need to be involved in different types of permits. For example, does the Building Department need to sign off on company picnic with no large tents? Code Changes: Staff believes that amending the city code could help create a more efficient and effective system for processing and evaluating temporary event permits. Changes being discussed include: 1. Creating three categories of events: a. Temporary outdoor event (confined to property, no community impact) b. Seasonal sales permit (farmers produce stands) c. Community Event (leaves property or large enough to impact city services) 2. Create earlier submission deadline for larger events. 3. Add criteria for denial. 4. Add permit conditions designed to mitigate intensity and impact. 5. Add requirements for liability insurance. 6. Define activities which are exempt from permit requirements (graduations, weddings, etc.). 7. Adopt a new fee schedule which accurately reflects the cost to the city for processing these permits. 8. Define addendums needed to properly assess different types of events. ALTERNATIVES 1. Do nothing. Within the current code and guidelines staff has the tools needed to process special events. 2. Create a new section of the City Code which specifically addresses races. 3. Amend the existing ordinance to differentiate between different types of temporary events, and appropriately revise permitting requirements, conditions, and criteria for approval or denial. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative three, which will allow for a wide range of special events and manage the strain that these events can put on city resources. A draft rewrite of Section 20-964, the section that regulates special events, has been included as Attachment 2. Planning Commission City Code Issue Paper — Temporary Events October 4, 2016 Page 8 Staff seeks guidance in determining how best to manage the increasing diversity in both the number, scope, and types of special event permit applications being received. ATTACHMENTS 1. Existing Temporary Events Code. 2. Proposed Temporary Events Code. 3. Email from Recreation Superintendent on number of races for 2016. 4. Chanhassen Temporary Sales/Event Permit Application. 5. City of Stillwater Event Permit Application and Instructions. 6. City of Cottage Grove Special Event Application and Race Permit Application. g:\plan\city code\issue paperUemporary events 10-04-2016 pc.docz Attachment 1: Existing Special Events Ordinance Sec. 20.964. -Temporary outdoor events, seasonal and sidewalk sales activities. (1) Purpose. Temporary outdoor events, seasonal and sidewalk sales activities in a business, office, commercial, institutional or industrial districts are subject to issuance of an administrative permit and the requirements of this section. It is the intent of this section to provide for temporary outdoor events, seasonal and sidewalk sales activities which are distinguished from permanent outside business activities that are allowed only by conditional use permit or interim use permit approved by the city council. It is the intent of this section to promote the health, safety, general welfare, aesthetics, and image of the community by regulating temporary outdoor events, seasonal and sidewalk sales activities in the following manner: a. Establish standards which permit businesses an opportunity to conduct temporary outdoor sales: i. Ensure that temporary outdoor events, seasonal and sidewalk sales activities do not create safety hazards by occupying required parking spaces, emergency access, or impede the efficient movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. b. Provide standards, guidelines, and procedures for an administrative review of temporary outdoor events, seasonal and sidewalk sales permits; c. Provide a means of allowing city-wide retail promotions; d. Allow certain uses which are seasonal in nature, while providing standards that will assure compatibility with the underlying zoning district and adjacent property; e. Provide the public with direct access to homegrown produce; f. Allow temporary events, seasonal and sidewalk sales activities which require an outdoor location; g. Limit temporary outdoor sales to activities which are short-term or seasonal and which do not require permanent improvements to the site; and h. Allow temporary outdoor events such as concerts, car shows, customer appreciation, business employee appreciation, etc. (2) Findings. The city finds it necessary for the promotion and preservation of the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics of the community that the location, size, and appearance of temporary outdoor events, seasonal and sidewalk sales activities be controlled. Further, the city finds that: a. Outdoor sales and displays have a direct impact on and a relationship to the image of the community; b. An opportunity for merchants to sell produce and seasonal merchandise are an integral component of economic development; c. Temporary outdoor events, seasonal or sidewalk sales activities may present an obstacle to effective firefighting and other emergency services by blocking necessary exits, fire lanes, or turnaround areas; d. Uncontrolled and unlimited outdoor sales and displays adversely impact the image and aesthetics of the community and, thereby, undermine economic value and growth; and Attachment 1: Existing Special Events Ordinance e. Uncontrolled temporary outdoor events, seasonal and sidewalk sales activities may conflict with existing and neighboring uses. (3) Application for permit. No person shall engage in any temporary outdoor event, seasonal or sidewalk sales activity without a permit issued pursuant to this section. The application of a permit shall be made as follows: a. Application for an administrative permit for a temporary outdoor event, seasonal, or sidewalk sales activity shall be made by the property owner to the community development director on forms to be provided by the city at least ten business days prior to the date of the requested activity. b. A written description of the proposed use including requested length of permit and hours of operation shall be included on the application. c. Disputes as to administrative application of the requirements of this section shall be referred to the planning commission and to the city council for review. d. The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable fee which shall be imposed in accordance with the fee schedule established by the city council. The intent of this section is to recover costs associated with administering the ordinance from which this section derives. Permit fees shall reflect the costs of reviewing and processing permits, as well as costs associated with periodic enforcement activities and compliance checks. (4) Required information and plans. The applicant shall provide the following information and plans: a. A concise statement describing the proposed activity, including the purpose, type of merchandise involved, dates and times of operation, number of employees involved, provisions for on-site security, provisions for on-site parking, name of person or organization requesting permit, and other pertinent information required by the planning director to fully evaluate the application; b. The community development director may require a copy of an approved site plan, drawn to scale, for the property or an "as -built' survey, which accurately represents existing conditions on the site, including entrances and exits, and bona fide parking and driving areas, and which accurately indicates any proposed temporary structures, including tents, stands, and signs; c. An accurate floor plan of any building on the property, when, in the judgment of the community development director, such a plan is necessary to properly evaluate the location of the activity and the effectiveness of building entrances and exits. (5) Procedure. The application will be processed as follows: a. The community development director shall review applications for administrative permits and shall determine if the proposal is in compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances, and the specific standards for temporary outdoor events, seasonal or sidewalk sales activities as set forth in this section. The application shall also be reviewed by the public safety department and/or other appropriate review agencies. Attachment 1: Existing Special Events Ordinance b. A written permit shall be issued to the applicant. Specific conditions to assure compliance with applicable codes, ordinances, and the standards in this section shall be attached to the permit. c. Determination of noncompliance with applicable codes, ordinances, and the standards in this subsection shall be communicated to the applicant and the application for the permit shall be considered denied; unless, within ten days of the date of such notice, the applicant submits revised plans and/or information with which the planning director is able to determine compliance. (6) Criteria for approval. Criteria for permit approval includes the following: a. The temporary outdoor event, seasonal or sidewalk sales activity shall be clearly accessory to or promotive of the permitted or conditional use approved for the site. Only merchandise which is normally sold or stocked by the occupant(s) on the subject premises shall be sold and/or promoted; provided, that seasonal merchandise and produce may be allowed (retail only where retail is permitted). b. Tents, stands, and other similar temporary structures and temporary vehicles and mobile equipment may be utilized, provided they are clearly identified on the submitted plan and provided that it is determined by the community development director that they will not impair the parking capacity, emergency access, or the safe and efficient movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on or off the site. c. The submitted plan shall clearly demonstrate that adequate off-street parking for the proposed activity can and will be provided for the duration of the activity. Determination of compliance with this requirement shall be made by the planning director, who shall consider the nature of the activity and the applicable parking requirements of the City Code. Consideration shall be given to the parking needs and requirements of other occupants in the case of multi -tenant buildings. d. Property owners and tenants' signature(s) are required to locate a temporary outdoor event, seasonal or sidewalk sales activity on private property and/or in front of another tenant's space. e. The temporary outdoor event, seasonal or sidewalk sales activity must be consistent with other uses permitted in the zoning district. No use that is prohibited in a zoning district shall be allowed as a temporary outdoor sale or activity. (7) Limitations; general conditions. a. Permitted temporary outdoor sales activities are limited to the following: i. Christmas tree sales. ii. Seasonal produce stands. iii. Temporary food and beverage sales. iv. Sidewalk sales. b. The following shall apply to all proposed temporary outdoor event, seasonal or sidewalk sales activities allowed by this section in addition to other applicable building and safety code requirements as determined by the planning director: i. Christmas tree sales and produce stands shall be for the period specified in the administrative permit and, in no case, shall exceed 120 days per calendar year 3 Attachment 1: Existing Special Events Ordinance per property or center. There shall be no more than three sales activities per year per property or center. ii. Temporary outdoor events and food and beverage sales prepared on-site and sidewalk sales shall be permitted for the period specified in the administrative permit and, in no case, shall exceed 15 days per calendar year per property or center with a maximum of a three-day display period. iii. Christmas tree sales shall expire December 26. iv. The site shall be cleared and all remaining debris removed from the sales site on the last remaining day of the permit. v. Acceptable space for off-street parking and traffic circulation generated by the use must be provided. Curb and gutter with drive approaches is desired to provide safe turn movements. vi. Lighting shall be compatible with surrounding adjacent uses. vii. Hours of operation shall be compatible with adjacent uses. viii. Signage should be limited to window signs, and one outdoor sign no greater than 24 square feet. Special signage for purposes of traffic direction and control may be authorized by the planning director. ix. Front yard, side yard, and rear yard setbacks shall be a minimum of ten feet. x. All other pertinent city and state permits must be obtained. xi. The approved permit shall be kept on the premises for the duration of the activity. xii. No outside speaker systems shall be allowed without approval from the city. c. The following shall apply to all proposed temporary outdoor display activities allowed by this section in addition to other applicable building and safety code requirements as determined by the planning director: i. Display may not interfere with pedestrian access. ii. Display may not occupy required parking spaces. iii. Display must be located adjacent to primary structure. iv. Display may not have separate lighting from primary structure. v. Erection of display is permitted during business hours only. (8) Administration and enforcement. a. The community development director may, upon written notice, suspend or revoke the temporary outdoor event, seasonal, or sidewalk sales permit of any person who violates any of the provisions of this section or any of the conditions of the permit. b. If, at any time, a permit under the provisions of this section is suspended or revoked, it shall thereafter be unlawful for that person or organization to operate, open, maintain, manage or conduct any temporary outdoor event, seasonal, or sidewalk sales. c. Violation of an issued permit or the provisions of this section may be grounds for denial of future permit applications during a calendar year. (Ord. No. 511, § 1, 10-11-10) 4 Attachment 2: Draft Special Event Ordinance Sec. 20-964. —Temporary outdoor events, sidewalk sales, seasonal sales, and community events. (1) Purpose: It is the intent of this section to provide for temporary outdoor events, sidewalk sales, seasonal sales, and community events which are distinguished from permanent outside business activities that are allowed only by conditional use permit or interim use permit approved by the city council. The above activities are subject to the issuance of an administrative permit and the requirements of this section. It is the intent of this section to promote the health, safety, general welfare, aesthetics, and image of the community by facilitating and regulating temporary outdoor events, sidewalk sales, seasonal sales, and community events in the following manner: a. Establish standards which permit businesses and organizations to conduct temporary outdoor events, sidewalk sales, and seasonal sales in zoning districts where they are permitted accessory uses, and permit business, organizations, and individuals to sponsor community events while: L Ensuring that temporary outdoor events, sidewalk sales, seasonal sales, and community events do not create safety hazards by occupying required parking spaces, emergency access, by impeding the efficient movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, or by placing an excessive burden on City services. ii. Ensuring that appropriate and necessary insurances and licenses for temporary outdoor events, sidewalk sales, seasonal sales, and community events are obtained, and that the City's risk exposure is properly evaluated and managed iii. Providing open and transparent standards, guidelines, and procedures for an administrative review of temporary events, sidewalk sales, seasonal sales, and community events. b. Allow temporary events and sidewalk sales which require an outdoor location, while providing standards that will assure compatibility with the underlying zoning district and adjacent property. These events and sidewalk sales include but are not limited to product demonstrations or promotions, employee or customer appreciation events, corporate anniversary celebrations, and grand openings. c. Allow certain uses which are seasonal in nature, while providing standards that will assure compatibility with the underlying zoning district and adjacent property. These uses include but are not limited to farmers' markets, produce stands, and outdoor sales associated with public or religious holidays. d. Limit seasonal sales and sidewalk sales to activities which are short-term or seasonal and which do not require permanent improvement to the site. e. Allow for community events, while providing standards that assure the health, safety, general welfare, aesthetics, and image of the community. Community events include but are not limited to concerts, car shows, races and walks, parades, and festivals. (2) Finding: The City recognizes that temporary outdoor events, sidewalk sales, seasonal sales, and community events play an important role in the success of businesses and in fostering an active, integrated, and appealing community. The City finds it necessary for the promotion and preservation of the public health, safety, welfare, and aesthetics of the community that the location, size, and appearance of temporary outdoor events, sidewalk sales, seasonal sales, and community events be controlled. Further, the city finds that: Attachment 2: Draft Special Event Ordinance a. Temporary outdoor events, sidewalk sales, seasonal sales, and community events are an integral component of economic development. b. Temporary outdoor events, sidewalk sales, seasonal sales, and community events have a direct impact on and relationship to the image of the community. c. Uncontrolled and unlimited temporary outdoor events, sidewalk sales, seasonal sales, and community events can adversely impact the image and aesthetics of the community and, thereby, undermine economic value and growth. d. Uncontrolled temporary outdoor events, sidewalk sales, seasonal sales, and community events may conflict with existing neighboring uses. e. Temporary outdoor events, sidewalk sales, seasonal sales, and community events can exceed the City's capacity to provide municipal services. These municipal services included, but are not limited to, sanitary facilities, fire, police, and utility services. Regulation is needed to ensure that health, safety, and general welfare of the community are not negatively impacted. (3) Permit Required. No person shall sponsor, host, or organize a temporary outdoor event, sidewalk sale, seasonal sale, or community event without the relevant permit issued pursuant to this section. a. A temporary outdoor event permit shall be required for an activity which will be entirely confined to the applicant's property, will last no longer than seventy-two hours, and is not reasonably expected to impact traffic, parking, public safety, or other municipal services. Typically, temporary events and sidewalk sales requiring an outdoor location would require this permit. b. A seasonal sales permit shall be required for a commercial activity which will be entirely confined to the applicant's property, will last longer than seventy-two hours, and is not reasonably expected to impact traffic, parking, public safety, or other municipal services. Typically, seasonal sales requiring an outdoor location would require this permit. c. A community event permit shall be required for an activity which will require the use of public spaces or services, other than the rental of park shelters, or which is reasonably expected to impact traffic, parking, public safety, or other municipal services. (4) Exemptions. The following events shall not require a permit under this section: a. Non-commercial private events, including but not limited to, weddings, wedding receptions, anniversaries, birthdays, family reunions, funeral processions, and graduation parties. b. Assembly events on the grounds of any school, playground, city or county park, place of worship, hotel conference center, stadium, athletic field, arena, auditorium, or similar place of assembly that are not reasonably expected to impact traffic, parking, public safety, or other municipal services. c. Events for which a Public Gathering Permit has been issued as provided for in Sec. 14-58, provided that the event is entirely confined to a city park and cannot be reasonably expected to impact traffic, parking, public safety, or other municipal services. d. Any event organized and/or sponsored by the City of Chanhassen. Attachment 2: Draft Special Event Ordinance (5) Application for permit. The applicant shall submit an application for the relevant permit to the Community Development Director or their designee. Applications for temporary outdoor events and seasonal sales permits shall be submitted on forms provided by the city at least ten business days prior to the date of the requested activity. Applications for community events shall be submitted on forms provided by the city at least thirty days prior to the date of the requested activity. Included with the application should be: i. A signed letter of permission from the owner of the property, if different than applicant, stating that applicant has permission to conduct the event. ii. A concise statement describing the purpose and nature of the activity, description of any commercial activity, dates and times of operation, number of employees or volunteers involved, estimated number of attendees, provisions for on-site parking and security, and other pertinent information required by the Community Development Director or their designee to fully evaluate the application. iii. A site plan or aerial photo of the property showing sufficient detail to evaluate the event's location and the placement of any temporary structures associated with the event. The Community Development Director or their designee may require an approved sit plan drawn to scale or an "as -built" survey, which accurately represents existing conditions on the site, including entrances and exits, and bona fide parking and driving areas, and which accurately indicates any proposed temporary structures, including tents, stands, chemical toilets, and signs, when, in theirjudgement, such a plan is necessary to properly evaluate the permit. iv. An accurate floor plan of any building on the property, when, in the judgment of the Community Development Director or their designee, such a plan is necessary to property evaluate the location of the activity and effectiveness of building entrances and exits. v. Proof of liability insurance. The certificate of insurance must name the city, its officials, employees, and agents as additional insured. The limits of insurance will not be less than: one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) each occurrence; two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) general aggregate. The City may waive or reduce this requirement in the event that: 1. The applicant signs a verified statement that the required insurance coverage cannot be obtained; or, 2. The City Manager or their designee determines that the insurance requirements are in excess of the risk presented by the proposed activity. vi. Applications or valid permits for all regulated activities associated with the event including, but not limited to, loudspeaker or similar device, temporary lifting of no parking requirements, street closures for neighborhood events, race addendum, the sale of produce or food, and the sale of alcohol. vii. If applying for a community event permit the applicant shall also provide: 1. A list of public spaces or services the event requires. Attachment 2: Draft Special Event Ordinance 2. A statement detailing the event's expected impact on traffic, parking, public safety, and any other relevant public services. A detailed plan for how the applicant will manage and mitigate these impacts should also be included. viii. A nonrefundable fee which shall be imposed in accordance with the fee schedule established by the City Council. The intent of this section is to recover costs associated with administering the ordinance from which this section derives. Permit fees shall reflect the costs of reviewing and processing permits, as well as costs associated with periodic enforcement activities and compliance checks. (6) Procedure. The application will be processed as follows: a. The Community Development Director or their designee shall review applications for administrative permits and shall determine if the proposal is in compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances, and the general and specific standards for temporary outdoor events, seasonal sales, or community events as set forth in this section. The application shall also be reviewed by the public safety department and any other appropriate review agencies. b. If the proposal is in compliance with all applicable codes, ordinances, and the general and specific standards for temporary outdoor events, seasonal sales, or community events as set forth in this section, a written permit shall be issued to the applicant. Any conditions necessary to assure compliance with applicable codes, ordinances, and the standards in this section shall be attached to the permit. c. If the Community Development Director or their designee finds grounds for denying the permit, these findings will be communicated to the applicant and the application shall be considered denied; unless within ten days of such notice, the applicant submits revised plans and/or information with which brings the proposal into compliance. d. If the Planning Director or their designee deny an application for a temporary outdoor event, seasonal sale, or community event, the applicant may appeal the decision to the City Council. Such an appeal must be submitted to the Planning Director in writing no later than ten days from the date of the decision. (7) Grounds for Denial. An event permit application may be denied if based on the application and other relevant information, the City finds that: a. Information contained in the application or otherwise submitted by the application is false or insufficient to allow for an effective evaluation of the proposed event. b. The applicant fails to provide required or requested supplemental information after having been notified by the City that additional documentation is required. c. The applicant fails to agree to all conditions and terms of the permit. d. The applicant has outstanding fees due to the city, unresolved code enforcement or noncompliant building permit issues, has violated the terms and conditions of a previously issued event permit, or has had a previously issued event permit revoked by the City. e. They type of event is not permitted by zoning or other statute. f. The time, hours, location, size or nature of the event will substantially disrupt or burden traffic, parking, public safety, or other municipal services and the City does not have sufficient resources available to mitigate these impacts. 13 Attachment 2: Draft Special Event Ordinance g. The location or time of the event conflicts with previously scheduled events, and the City does not have sufficient resources available to adequately support both events and/or normal operation of the City. h. The location of the event would interfere with construction or maintenance work scheduled to take place upon or along public property or right of way. i. The location of the event would cause undue hardship for adjacent uses. j. The event is likely to endanger public safety, health, or property. k. The applicant does not have the required liability insurance. (8) Permit Conditions. They City may place conditions on the time, place, and other aspects of any sale or event allowed by this section as deemed necessary to mitigate the activity's impact on traffic, parking, public safety, or other municipal services. These conditions may include, but are not limited to: a. Changing the date(s), time(s), route, or location of the proposed activity. b. Removing or altering an aspect of the activity which cannot be mitigated sufficiently to ensure public safety and welfare, or which causes liability to the City. c. Alterations to the traffic control or safety/emergency plan. d. Limiting the activity's maximum attendance. e. Restricting the sale or consumption of food or alcohol. f. Removal of advertising/promotional materials. g. Requirements for the cleanup and restoration of any public property. h. Requirements for appropriate sanitation facilities, waste receptacles, and availability of potable water. i. Requirements designed to ensure compliance with applicable local, state, and federal laws. j. Any other conditions which the City deems necessary. (9) Limitations, general conditions. a. All activities allowed by this section: i. The event location shall be cleared and all remaining debris removed from the location on the last remaining day of the permit. ii. Adequate space for off-street parking and traffic circulation generated by the use must be provided. Curb and gutter with drive approaches is desired to provide safe turn movements. iii. Lighting shall be compatible with surrounding adjacent uses. iv. Signage should be limited to window signs, and one outdoor sign no greater than 24 square feet. Other signage for purposes of traffic direction and control may be authorized by the planning director or their designee. v. Front, side, and rear yard setbacks shall be a minimum of ten feet. vi. All other pertinent city and state permits must be obtained. vii. The approved permit shall be kept on the premises for the duration of the activity. b. Temporary outdoor events: i. Shall be permitted for the period specified in the administrative permit. ii. Shall not exceed 15 days per calendar year per property or center. iii. Shall have a maximum duration of three days. c. Seasonal sales i. Permitted seasonal sales are limited to: Attachment 2: Draft Special Event Ordinance 1. Christmas tree sales 2. Seasonal Holiday Markets 3. Seasonal Produce Stands ii. Shall be permitted for the period specified in the administrative permit. iii. Shall not exceed 120 days per calendar year per property or center. iv. There shall be no more than three seasonal sales permits issued per property or center per calendar year. d. Community events: i. Shall be permitted for the period specified in the administrative permit. ii. Shall have a maximum duration of seven days. iii. There shall be no more than four community event permits issued per property or center per calendar year. (10) Administration and enforcement. a. The City may inspect the property on which the event is being held before the start of the event and/or during the event to verify compliance with the provisions of this section or any permit conditions. b. The Community Development director or their designee may, upon written notice, suspend or revoke the temporary outdoor event, seasonal sales, or community event permit of any person who violates and of the provisions of this section or any of the conditions of the permit. c. Any permit issued may be summarily revoked by the City's chief law enforcement officer or fire chief at any time when by reason of an emergency, the law enforcement officer or fire chief determines that the safety of the public or property requires such revocation. d. If, at anytime, a permit under the provisions of this section is suspended or revoked, it shall thereafter be unlawful for that person or organization to operate, open, maintain, manage, or conduct any temporary event, sidewalk sales, or community event. AffackmeAt 3 Walters, MacKenzie From: Ruegemer, Jerry Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 9:22 AM To: Walters, MacKenzie Subject: RE: Races in Chan MacKenzie, Just a follow up with our conversation yesterday. Here's the number of races/events that have happened or will be happening in 2016. 1. Bluff Creek Elementary — Color Run 2. Chanhassen Elementary —ColorRun 3. Minnetonka Middle School West — Color Run 4. St. Hubert School Marathon 5. Lifetime Fitness — New Year's Day 6. Lifetime Fitness—Employee Fun Run/Walk 7. Community Events—Turkey Trot 8. Pinky Swear Triathlon 9. Minnetonka Triathlon 10. Tour De Tonka — Bike Event 11. Chapel Hill Academy -5K 12. Bluff Creek Elementary - 5K 13. Bailiwick Running Event 14. St. Patrick's Day Running Event Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks. Jerry Ruegemer Recreation Superintendent City Of Chanhassen oc, , „I, Date Received Approved by: Application Fee Paid: Parcel Identification No. CITY OF CHANHASSEN Engineering Review Fire Review_ Sheriff Review Planning Review ❑ Check # ❑ Credit Card (last 4 digits) Legal Description Temporary Sales/Event Permit Application $50 Fee Building Review Other Review _ Date Approved: ❑ Cash (Receipt #) In order to allow sufficient time for an appeal from a permit denial, it is recommended that applications be (led at least ten (10) days prior to the event. Section 1: Event Details Type of Event: ❑ Christmas Tree Sales ❑ Promotional Event (Open House, etc.) ❑ Sidewalk Sales ❑ Temporary Food & Beverage Sales ❑ Seasonal Produce Stands (NOTE: Additional permit maybe necessary. Contact the MN Dept. of Agriculture at 651-201-6000 or visit their web site at httn.-Mvim .mda.state.mn.usl) Name of Applicant: Address: Street Phone: () Fax: ( ) Event Title/Purpose: Event Location: Address: Phone: ( ) Fax: O Date(s) of event: Number of people participating/attending: Number of employees/workers: Provisions for parking and security: Alternate Phone: () Email: Alternate Phone: () Xi1- I Time(s) of event: Type of merchandise: Continue to Page 2 State Zip City of Chanhassen Temporary Sales/Event Permit Application Page 2 Will there be sound amplification equipment? ❑ Yes ❑ No (NOTE: Additional permit is necessary) If yes, describe: Will food be served at the event? ❑ Yes ❑ No (NOTE: Additional permit may be necessary. Contact If yes, describe: the MN Dept. of Health at 651-201-4500 or visit their web site at http //www health. state. mn. us/divs/eh/food4icense/specevent. html Will alcohol be served at the event? ❑ Yes ❑ No (NOTE: Additional permit is necessary and food If yes, describe: service is required by the same vendor serving alcoho)) Will there be signage at the event? ❑ Yes ❑ No (NOTE: Additional permits may be necessary) If yes, describe: Other pertinent information: Please attach a site plan or survey which accurately represents existing conditions on the site including: • Entrances and exits • Parking and driving areas • Proposed location of temporary structures including tents, stages, booths, first-aid/relief stations, dumpsters, portable toilets, sound amplification equipment, etc. • Proposed location of sign • Other information if deemed necessary Section 2: Property Owner Name of Property Owner: Contact: Address: Street City State Zip Phone: ( ) Fax: (_) Alternate Phone: () Email: Notice 1 I have familiarized myself with the Chanhassen City Code Chapter 20-964 (Temporary Outdoor Sales) and subsequent ordinance amendments pertaining thereto, and will abide by the provisions contained therein. I declare that the information I have provided on this application is truthful and I understand that falsification of answers on this application will result in denial of the application. I authorize the City of Chanhassen to investigate and make whatever inquiries are necessary to verify the information provided. Applicant's printed name Property owner's/Manager's printed name glplanVorms\permits\temporary sales-event.doc Applicant's signature Property owner's/Manager's signature Date Date l(lwater EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS IRE BI R i N IL{CE 0 MIN NE S 0 1 A The City of Stillwater encourages events and would like to help make them run smoothly. In doing so, it is important to balance the probable impacts of the event on the community with the desires of the event participants. Some events may include street closures, amplified music, admission charges, sale of goods or services or have a large number of people. To improve the chances of having a successful event and maintain the quality of life for the surrounding community, these activities require permits to give City departments, Commissions or the City Council the opportunity to review the plans with an eye toward the goal of balance. There are 4 steps to completing the application —These steps will assist you in completing the application and obtaining your permit. Please review each step carefully. Incomplete applications or late applications will be returned to the applicant. Step 1— Determine which threshold your gathering will fall into. If your gathering does not fit into any one of these three thresholds, you do not need to complete the application process. If the gathering will use a public park, Contact the Parks Department for further reservations. Event Special Event Special Event with Contract Your gathering is an event when Your gathering is a "special event" An event requires a contract anv one of the following applies: when anv one of the following applies: with the city if: Closure of street Closure of street Overtime of city employees is One block of a residential street is One block of a residential street is necessary, OR extra paid closed for 5 hours or less closed for more than 5 hours personnel are necessary, OR Or Or extra -ordinary city employee Any portion of a commercial More than one block of a residential support or city materials are street is closed for 2 hours or less. street is closed (any length of time) necessary, OR any out -of - Or pocket expenses are incurred Any portion of a commercial street is by the city. closed for 2 hours or more. Public parking lot use Public parking lot use 1 to 9 spaces in a public parking 10 or more spaces in a public parking lot are reserved. lot are reserved. Street use Street use The event has a route on a public The event has a route on a public street(s), such as races, walks, or street(s) (such as a race, walk or parades. parade) that requires street closure, traffic control, street sweeping, or the use of "no parking signs" along the route. Number of people in a park 250 or more people are expected at a time in a public park. *Note: Any athletic event that has a park reservation approved by the City's park reservation staff is not subject to this threshold. Page 1 of 6 Step 2 — Checklist for Completing Application once you have completed Step 1 and have determined the type of gathering you are planning, follow the appropriate checklist for that type. City Staff will verify your gathering type. Be sure to check availability of dates to hold your event within the City of Stillwater by calling 651- 430-8837 before submitting your application. "Event" Check list: 1. Submit a complete Events Permit application form to the City with a site layout plan of the event. 2. Application Deadline: Submit application at least 30 days before the event. 3. No application fee is required. 4. Event Permit application is reviewed by City staff and prepared for issuance. 5. Event organizer is notified by City staff when the Event Permit is ready to be picked up. If requested by the event organizer, the permit could be mailed or sent via email. "Special Event" Check list: 1. Submit a complete Events Permit application form to the City along with: a. A $50 non-refundable application fee. b. Site plan —must provide a detailed site layout of the event. c. A notification flyer (if applicable) —see item #4 for more information. 2. Application Deadline: Submit application at least 60 days before the event. 3. City staff will review the Event Permit application for completeness. 4. If the event does not occur completely within a public park, the organizer must submit a flyer to be distributed as a public notification to all properties immediately adjacent to the event location. The flyer must be submitted with the application. Items to include on flyer are: name of event, location of venue, date of event, time of event, list any closure of streets (including times) and contact information for questions. 5. City staff will review the notification flyer submitted by the organizer. When flyer has been approved by City staff, the event organizer distributes the flyer to all households and businesses immediately adjacent to the event venue. This flyer must be distributed at least seven days before the event. 6. City staff will route the Event Permit application to the Parking Commission for review and comments if ten or more public parking spaces are requested and to the Park Commission for review and comments if Lowell Park is to be used in whole or in part by the event. 7. The City Council will consider comments from City staff and the applicable Commissions and take action on the requested Event Permit application. 8. City staff will prepare the Event Permit for issuance. 9. Any additional fees will be due 3 weeks prior to event. 10. Event organizer is notified by City staff when the Event Permit is ready to be picked up. If requested by the organizer, the permit could be mailed. "Special Event with Contract" Check list: 1. Submit a complete Events Permit application form to the City along with: a. A $100 non-refundable application fee. b. Site plan— must provide a detailed site layout of the event. c. A notification flyer—see item #4 for more information. Page 2 of 6 d. The estimated cost of producing and mailing a neighborhood meeting notice (as estimated by City staff). 2. Application Deadline: Submit application at least 60 days before the event. 3. City staff will review the Event Permit application for completeness. 4. City staff will review the notification flyer submitted by the organizer with the application materials. Items to include on the flyer are: name of event, location of venue, date of event, time of event, list any closure of streets (including times) and contact information for questions. 5. When flyer has been approved by City staff, the event organizer distributes the flyer to all households and businesses immediately adjacent to the event venue. This flyer must be distributed at least seven days before the event. 6. Two to four weeks after the completed application is submitted to the city, but no later than three weeks prior to the event, the City will hold a neighborhood meeting for public comment. The neighborhood meeting must be held prior to consideration of the permit request by any of the applicable Commissions or the City Council. 7. Notices for the neighborhood meeting will be prepared and mailed by the City to immediately adjacent property owners of the venue. (Note: Any permit request for an event that was held in 2010 that is not being changed substantially in 2011 or subsequent years is considered "grandfathered". A "grandfathered" contract event is not required to have a neighborhood meeting.) 8. City staff will route the Event Permit application to the Parking Commission for review and comments if ten or more public parking spaces are requested and to the Park Commission for review and comments if Lowell Park is to be used in whole or in part by the event. 9. A $500 park impact fee may be required by the Park Commission if they find that the event has the likelihood of impacting a park beyond "normal wear and tear'. 10. City staff will meet with the event organizer to draft a contract for event services. 11. The City Council will consider comments from City staff, the applicable Commissions, the recorded public testimony from the neighborhood meeting and take action on the requested event permit and draft contract. 12. City staff will prepare the Event Permit and signed contract for issuance. 13. Any additional fees will be due 3 weeks prior to event. 14. Event organizer is notified by City staff when the Event Permit is ready to be picked up. If requested by the organizer, the permit could be mailed. 15. A post -event questionnaire will be offered to residents and local businesses on the city's website. The comments will be tabulated and given to the event organizer within 30 days of the event and the results will be included in the review of the subsequent year's permit request Step 3 — Review Policies and Fees The following are the policies and fees for holding an event in the City of Stillwater. All fees will need to be submitted three weeks prior to event. Application Submittal Deadline and Fee —Any application that is incomplete or submitted after the required submittal date will be returned to the applicant. Check availability of dates to hold your event within the City of Stillwater by calling 651-430-8837 before submitting your application. A gathering determined to be an "Event" must complete and submit an application 30 days prior to the event. No application fee is required. Page 3 of 6 • A gathering determined to be a "Special Event' must complete and submit an application 60 days prior to the event and submit a $50 non-refundable application fee. • A gathering determined to be a "Special Event with Contract' must complete and submit an application 60 days prior to the event and submit a $100 non-refundable application fee. Alcohol Regulations —A permit is required for having alcohol at events. See below for more information. Police Officer Requirement: If more than 75 people are in attendance of an event, a police officer will be required. Contact the Police Department at 651-351-4900 to arrange for an officer and payment. A Consumption Permit is required for any alcohol consumed on public property using any type of alcohol (wine, strong beer, 3/2 beer or liquor). Any alcohol sold or given away during an event must obtain a Temporary Liquor License. A Consumption Permit fee is $35. Contact 651-430- 8837 to obtain a permit. Temporary Liquor License is required if the event is selling or giving away liquor in the course of the event. The fee for a Temporary Liquor License is $25/day. The license application process is handled by the Administration Department, contact 651-430-8802 to apply. There are two types of Temporary Liquor Licenses: 3.2 beer Temporary Liquor License: A club or charitable, religious or non-profit organization may be issued a temporary 3.2 beer license subject to the terms (see below) set by the city. On -sale spirits, wine and beer Temporary Liquor License: A club or charitable, religious or other non-profit organization in existence for at least three years may be issued a temporary license for the on -sale of intoxicating liquor in connection with a social event within the city/county sponsored by the licensee. The license may not be for more than four (04) consecutive days. This permit must be approved by the City Council 30 days before the event and staff will submit to the Minnesota AGED. Terms: • A temporary liquor license must be approved by the City Council and the State of Minnesota Alcohol & Gambling Control Division 30 days prior to the event. • Liquor will be confined to a specific area of the event, fencing will be required and a Police Officer(s) as determined by the Police Department. • Any service of liquor will require server training by either the Stillwater Police Department or an affiliation recommended by the Stillwater Police Department. Certification of Server Training is a required submittal prior to receiving the temporary liquor license (3.2 or on -sale). Event Notification Flyer— A gathering determined to be a "Special Event' that does not occur completely within a public park or a gathering determined to be a "Special Event with Contract' must submit a flyer to be distributed as a public notification to all properties immediately adjacent to the event location. The flyer must be submitted with the Event application. City staff will review the flyer submitted with the event application. When approved by City staff, the event organizer distributes the flyer to all households and businesses immediately adjacent to the event venue at their own cost. This flyer must be distributed at least seven days before the event. Items to include on the flyer are: name of event, location of venue, date of event, time of event, list any closure of streets (including times) and contact information for questions. The event organizer is responsible for cost of producing and distributing the flyer. Page 4 of 6 Materials — Since event use of materials owned by the city (e.g. barriers, cones, signs) creates wear and tear on those materials, that use must be paid for by the event organizer. As long as the equipment and services are appropriate for the event and the event can be run safely in the estimation of city staff, the organizer could contract for services and materials elsewhere. City staff will review application and may adjust how many materials will be required for the event. The fee schedule for city materials is: Picnic Tables Orange Fencing Trash Containers Refuse Collection Portable toilets Portable toilet — Handicapped Electrical use (Parks, except Lowell Park) Electrical use (Lowell Park) Barricade 4' to 12' Barricade 4' to 12' with flasher Drums Reflective Cones Traffic Sign on stand PD No Parking Signs $10.00/table/each day of event $2.50/lineal foot $8.00/container/each day of event Cost of staff time $60/event/unit $150/event/unit $10.00/ each day of event $20.00 per elec. box/ each day of event $2.00/barricade/each day of event $5.00/barricade/each day of event $1.00 /drum/each day of event $1.00 /cone/each day of event $2.00/sign/each day of event $1.00 /sign/each day of event Neighborhood Meeting Mailing Costs —A gathering that meets the threshold for a "Special Event with Contract" will be required to hold a public meeting to receive input from the surrounding neighborhood. This meeting must be held three weeks prior to the event. Notices for the neighborhood meeting will be prepared and mailed by the City to the immediately adjacent property owners. The organizer will pay for the cost of mailing notices (first class postage, letterhead, envelopes) for the public input meeting. Parking Space Usage Fee Downtown Parking Rates - Peak Season (May through September) Weekday (Mon -Wed) Weekend/Holiday(Twrs-sun) Lot 1 $15/day/space' $15/day/space' Lot 2 $9/day/space' $9/day/space' Other paved city lots $1.50/day/space; $3/day/space' Unpaved city lots $1/day/space' $1.50/day/space' On -street parking (except on Main Street") $9/day/space $9/day/space Downtown Parking Rates - Off Season (October through April) Weekday)""°n-Thur) Weekend Fri -sun) All lots: 3 hours or less Free, but must be approved by Parking Commission Free, but must be approved by Parking Commission All lots: > 3 hours $1.50/day/space $1.50/day/space On -street parking (except on Main Street') $3/day/space $3/day/space ' Partial day use (or reservation) will incur only a partial day fee as follows: 0-4 hours = $5; >4 but <8 hours = $10; more than 8 hours =$15. ' Partial day use (or reservation) will incur only a partial day fee as follows: 0-4 hours = $3; >4 but <8 hours = $6; more than 8 hours = $9. ' This rate applies whether the space is used (or reserved) for a partial or full day. On -street parking spaces cannot be reserved on Main Street. Page 5 of 6 Park Usage Fee — Standard park reservation and facility use fees (described below) will be required along with a $100 refundable damage deposit. • Amenities such as picnic shelters, pergola or gazebos: $50/day for Stillwater city residents or $100/day for non -Stillwater city residents. • Park Open Space: no cost for Stillwater city residents or $50/day for non -Stillwater city residents. • Pioneer Park Bandshell or Lowell Park Amphitheater: $125 fee for resident or non-resident. • Contact the Park Department for Teddy Bear Park Building rates. • A $500 Park Impact Fee may be charged for a gathering that meets the definition of a "Special Event with Contract". Park Commission may require this fee if they find that the event has the likelihood of impacting a park beyond "normal wear and tear". • $750 refundable irrigation damage deposit is required for any park having irrigation. • $50 refundable deposit for water shut off key if needed. Police Services — The Stillwater Police Department will determine the number of Police Department employees and/or Police reserves needed for an event. (Reserves will not be hired in lieu of employees, but as a supplement to employee staffing). The Stillwater Police Department retains the right to require more services than requested if determined to be necessary. Fees for the Police Department employees will be charged at the on -duty overtime rate per employee; with a two (2) hour minimum. Fees for the Police reserves will be charged at $15/hr per reserve with a two (2) hour minimum. The total estimated cost will be invoiced and paid to the City of Stillwater prior to the event. Out-of-pocket Expenses — Fees for city services will be limited to the city's out-of-pocket expenses. Out- of-pocket expenses include such things as overtime pay for city employees, equipment that the city would need to rent for the event, office supplies, pertinent supplies (e.g. postage, letterhead, envelopes), and any contracted services. Step 4 — Complete Application Complete the Events Permit application and submit the items on the checklist in Step 2. Make sure you have everything included and don't miss the deadline. For any questions regarding the application process contact 651-430-8837. Submit completed application packet to: Attn: Beth Wolf City of Stillwater 216 N. 41h Street Stillwater, MN 55082 Other Contact Information: City of Stillwater, Administration Fire Department Police Department Public Works Department Lakeview EMS Department of Natural Resources Minnesota Department of Transportation Washington County (events) Washington County Health Department or: email to: bwolf@ci.stillwater.mn.us fax to: 651-430-8810 651-430-8800 651-351-4950 651-351-4900 651-275-4100 651-430-4621 651-259-5875 651-234-7500 651-430-4313 651-430-6698 Page 6 of 6 • 1'•� ele EVENTS PERMIT APPLICATION 216 North 4`h Street, Stillwater, NN 55082 rxE .ISTxrE•cE or ■I„„ESSTA Telephone: 651-430-8837 Fax: 651-430-8810 Incomplete applications or applications received after deadline will not be offce use only accepted. See Event Instructions for application deadline and fees. Date Application Received Date of Application: Type: Event Special Event Event w/ Contract Event Information Title/Name of Event Event Date/Time: Set up: Date Actual Event: Date Clean up: Date Time to Time to Time to (Events after 10:00 p.m. require a variance from City Council Location (Address) of Event: (If in Lowell Park please specify north or south Lowell park) Description of Event (please be specific - this information will be used to promote the event on the City of Stillwater website) Estimated Attendance (participants and spectators): Applicant Information (Person/Group Responsible) Sponsoring Organization Name: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip Code: Primary Contact/Applicant Name: Phone Number: Fax: Cell Phone: Email Address: Website Address: Name of contact person during event: Cell Phone: Alternate contact during event: Cell Phone: Refer media or citizens inquires to: Phone: Site Plan: A site plan is mandatory for all events. Please provide a map of the site layout. Include any tables, stages, tents, fencing, portable restrooms, vendor booths, trash containers, etc. If event involves a parade, race or walk, please attach a route map highlighting route. Include rest stop stations, crossings, signage and indicate route direction with arrows. Event Features Will any signs/banners be put up No ❑ Yes ❑ Number and size: Will there be any inflatables? No ❑ Yes ❑ insurance certificatefromrentalvendorisrequired Will there be entertainment? No ❑ Yes ❑ Fees for electricity may What type: apply see Instructions Will sound amplification be used? No ❑ Yes ❑ Hours and Type: Will a stage ortent(s) be set up? No ❑ Yes ❑ Dimensions: Will there be temporary fencing? No ❑ Yes ❑ Will merchandise/food items be sold? No ❑ Yes ❑ How many Fees for electricity may vendors expected: apply see Instructions Will food be prepared on site? No ❑ Yes ❑ contact washington county Health Department 651-430-6655 Will cooking operations be conducted? No ❑ Yes ❑ contact Stillwater Fire Department 351-4950 Will alcohol be served but not sold? No ❑ Yes ❑ See Alcohol Regulations in the Instructions Will alcohol be sold? No ❑ Yes ❑ See Alcohol Regulations in the Instructions Will there be a fireworks display? No ❑ Yes ❑ Permitrequired,contoctstiliwaterFire Department, 651-351-4950 Describe power needs and location of power source. Describe level of advertisement (ie, radio, flyers, ads, tv, press release). Attach sample if available City Services (After reviewing the event application, City services maybe recluried for the event.) Will event use, close or block any of the following: City Streets or Right-of-way No City Sidewalks or Trails No Public Parking Lots or Spaces No If yes specify location on site map. ❑ Yes ❑ Start/End Time: Date: ❑ Yes ❑ Start/End Time: Date: ❑ Yes ❑ Start/End Time: Date: Will event need barricade(s). No E] Yes E] Number needed: Fees may apply see Instructions Will extra picnic tables be needed? No ❑ Yes ❑ Fees may apply Number needed: see Instructions Will portable restrooms be needed? No ❑ Yes ❑ Number needed: Fees may apply see Instructions receptacles be needed? No ❑ Yes ❑ Will extra trash rece p Number needed: Fees may apply see Instructions Describe trash removal and cleanup plan during and after event: Will event need traffic control? No ❑ Yes ❑ Contact Stillwater Police Departmentfor assistance, 651-351-4900 Describe crowd control procedure to ensure the safety of participants and spectators: Will "No Parkin Signs" needed? No ❑ Yes ❑ Parking g Number needed: Feesmayapiyseelnioa site ion(s)on site map Show location(s) Will event need security? No ❑ Yes ❑ if event is overnight security will be required. If using private secruity, list Security Company and Contact Information: Will event need EMS services? No ❑ Yes ❑ Contact Lakeview EMS, 651-430-4621 Describe plans to provide first aid, if needed: Describe the emergency action plan if severe weather should arise: List any other pertinent information: The sponsor(s) of this event hereby agrees to save the City, its agents, officials and employees harmless from and against all damages to persons or property, all expenses and other liability that may result from this activity. Depending on the size of and scope of the event a "Certificate of insurance" may be required. If insurance is required, the policy must be kept in force during the event of at least the statutory limits for municipalities covering claims that might be brought against the event that arise out of the events authorized and to name the City as an additional insured on their policy "as their interest may appear." As the sponsor or authorized representative, I certify that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge and agree to pay the permit fee for this event based upon the information provided in this application. I realize my submittal of this application request constitutes a contract between myself and the City of Stillwater and is a release of Liability. Signature of Applicant or Authorized Agent Date Cottage Grove �aspedty Meet �re Prtdc 06P Return To: Ai 4clnme%&� 6 City of Cottage Grove SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATION Caron Stransky, City Clerk cstransky(o)cottage-grove.orq City of Cottage Grove —12800 Ravine Parkway Phone: 651-458-2814 Cottage Grove, Minnesota 55016 Fax: 651-458-2897 This application must be completed, signed and forwarded to the City Clerk Office at least sixty (60) days prior to the first day of the event. Please type or print information clearly and attach detailed maps, layouts and additional information. 2. APPLICANT INFORMATION Sponsoring/Producing ORGANIZATION NAME: StreetAddress Mailing Address, City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Onsite Event Staff Applicant Contact: Coordinator: Name of Property Owner: (if different than applicant) Version 03/17/15 Special Event Application Page 1 of 7 EVENT DATES HOURS OPEN UNTIL CLOSING EACH DAYParticipants Expected Daily Attendance At Any one Time Volunteers, Staff. Spectators Day 1 Day: Date: Start Time: End Time: Day 2 Day: Date: Start Time: End Time: Day 3 Day: Date: Start Time: End Time: Day 4 Day: Date: Start Time: End Time: Day 5 Day: Date: Start Time: End Time: Event Set Up Start: Event Take Down Complete: Total Attendance: (Add all rows a columns) Start Day/Date: Start Time: End Day/Date: End Time: LOCATION:EVENT Describe in detail, include address - ATTACH REQUIRED MAP, SEE PAGE 2 2. APPLICANT INFORMATION Sponsoring/Producing ORGANIZATION NAME: StreetAddress Mailing Address, City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Onsite Event Staff Applicant Contact: Coordinator: Name of Property Owner: (if different than applicant) Version 03/17/15 Special Event Application Page 1 of 7 3. EVENT DETAILS Has this event been produced before? Is this an annual event? Previous Name(s) of event: How many ❑Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No years? Are there any changes from Describe Changes: previous years? ❑ Yes ❑ No Select all that apply ❑ Indoor ❑ Outdoor ❑ Bicycle ❑ Fireworks ❑ Protest/Rally ❑ Camping ❑ Fundraiser ❑ Run/Walk ❑ Car Show ❑ Haunted House/Corn Maze ❑ Tournament Event ❑ Concert/Performing Art ❑ Parade/Procession ❑ Triathlon/Marathon ❑ Festival/Fair/Block Party ❑ Other: Is this event public? If open to the public, please check all methods by which the event is advertised: ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ TV ❑ Radio ❑ Internet ❑ Billboards ❑ Posters ❑ Advance Ticket Sales Is this event private? ❑ Other: ❑ Yes ❑ No Describe the logistics and set up of your event. Attach additional documents if necessary: Event Set up: Event Purpose: • Maps are required for the overall event layout as well as any separately fenced areas such as beer/wine gardens or contained areas as part of a parade/march route. Map As a general rule, maps must include: Surrounding street names, directional arrow, twenty -foot (20') fire Required: lanes, fencing/barriers, street closure points, barricades, bleachers, booths, canopies/tents, cooking areas, generators, vehicles, beer gardens, number and dimension of entrances/exits, start/finish lines, routes with directional arrows, fire extinguisher locations, safety and first aid stations, parking areas, special lighting, trash containers, etc. Select all that apply (Show all equipment on your attached map) ❑ Staging/Scaffolding ❑ Statues or Structures ❑ Signage # _ ❑Amplified Sound E] Large inflatable Balloons/Toys (Incl. size and location on map) ❑ Lighting ❑ Hand Washing Stations-# _ ❑ Tents/Canopies # ❑ Fireworks ❑ Portable Restrooms Tent Size(s): ❑ Generators Please list the outside companies/vendors that you are using for any of the checked boxes above. A complete list of vendors must be submitted at least 30 days prior to your event. Equipment/Set p BUILDING PERMITS: Please contact the Cottage Grove Building Department for permitting requirements at 651-458-2804. All Contractors must be licensed. Special Events may require building permits. • A tent greater than 750 square feet requires a building permit • Staging greater than 30" high off the finished level requires a building permit • Electrical permits required for all electrical including generators Version 03/17/15 Special Event Application Page 2 of 7 Events held on City of Cottage Grove property require a separate Facility Use Permit with additional fees. Please familiarize yourself with the Facility Use Permit application and brochure to understand the conditions, limitations and fees for events on city owned property. Will your event be completely Park(s) requested: contained/held in a City of Cottage Have you completed a Facility Use Grove Park? E] Yes F-1NoApplication? E] Yes E] No Does your event have vendors selling or distributing food, beverages, merchandise or services? How many? ❑ Yes ❑ No If you're planning to sell food or have food vendors at your event, Temporary Food Handler's Permits may be required for each food vendor or sales/serving location. The Temporary Food Handler's application and fee are due at least 14 days prior to the event. Additional requirements are available by contacting the Washington County Public Health Department at 651 - Do you plan to sell or serve food at How many food vendors will you have Will food be hot/cold held or cooked your event? ❑ Yes ❑ No at your event? onsite? ❑ Yes ❑ No Version 03/17/15 Special Event Application Page 3 of 7 The sale and service of alcoholic beverages are subject to City of Cottage Grove regulations, licensing, and permit requirements. Temporary On -Sale licenses are issued only to non-profit organizations or clubs. The City's liquor liability limits apply to events in which alcohol is sold. Non-profit organizations must apply for a license 45 days prior to the event. Will alcohol be sold? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is a non-profit organization providing the alcohol services? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, indicate name of non-profit organization: If no, indicate alcohol service provider: Public Safety Department requires a DETAILED schematic/layout of any intended beer/wine/liquor or other use "garden" areas that depicts fencing, entrances, exits, their dimensions and maximum intended capacities. This can be included on the ma re wired in Event Details on Pa a 2. Alcohol Service Area or Beer Garden - Days,Dates& Hours: Date: Date: Date: Date: Start: End: Start: End: Start: End: Start: End: Version 03/17/15 Special Event Application Page 3 of 7 If property is located within 500 feet of residential property, then the City Council shall hold a hearing on the application. At least 10 days prior to the hearing, the City shall mail notice to each residential property owner within 500 feet of the subject property. The City Council shall consider the application and must either approve the permit with or without conditions, or deny the permit. The applicant shall be notified of the decision in writing. If the property is not located within 500 feet of residential property, then the City Administrator must either approve and issue the permit with or without conditions, or deny the permit. The City Administrator shall notify the applicant of his or her decision in writing. For runs, races, walks or parades, the City Council shall hold a hearing on the application. At least 10 days prior to the hearing, the City shall public notice of the parade in the newspaper. The City Council shall consider the application and must either approve the permit with or without conditions, or deny the permit. The applicant shall be notified of the decision in writinq. For events with music or amplified sound, such music or amplified sound shall terminate no later than 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and no later than 12:00 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. Does your event have any amplified sound or music, or entertainment? ❑ Yes ❑ No If so, please list dates and start and end times below. Date: Start: End: Date: Date: Start: End: Start: End: and at what background music, etc.): Describe what equipment will be used for amplified sound, Detail Map): at Date: Start: End: on Describe schematics and direction of amplified sound (Show on Event Detail Map and attach supporting documents as needed): On-site event organizer personnel with authority Vendor contracted to to control sound issues: Company: Name: Name: Title: Title: Cell Number: Phone: Version 03/17/15 Special Event Application Page 4 of 7 12. STREET USE & BUS ROUTES Barricades, traffic cones, "No Parking" signs, etc. may be required by the Department of Public Safety as part of the Traffic Control Plan, at the expense of the permit holder and not included in the Special Event Permit Fee. Does your event If or affects ' request any street Does your event require includestreets, details on attached Event please your closures? reservation of street parking D • tail Map. spaces? El Yes El No ❑Yes [-] No REQUIRED Do you anticipate affecting or re-routing Are there Bus Zones within your street closure? Please list Metro bus routes: any Metro bus routes? (include route locations on your map) ❑ Yes ❑ No What times are you requesting to close the Start Date: End Date: streets? Start Time: End Time: Please describe your street use. List days, hours, street names, etc.: (If closures vary by date/time & location, describe in detail) Off -Site Parking: ❑ Yes ❑ No Parking Stalls: ❑ Yes #_ ❑ No Written Agreements for Off -Site Parking: ❑ Yes (Please Attach) ❑ No Shuttle Service: Routes: Buses: Schedule: Version 03/17/15 Special Event Application Page 5 of 7 Maps are required for the overall event layout as well as any separately fenced areas such as beer/wine gardens or contained areas as part of a parade/march route. Public Safety will review the site map and plans. The plans should include fire prevention, emergency medical service plans, severe weather plans, and security plans. If alcohol will be served, a plan needs to include beer/wine garden area and method of proper age verification. City Special Events may require fire permits. The cost of these permits is not included in the Special Event Permit fee. Fire permits may be required for tent/canopies, open flame cooking (with propane, charcoal or wood), and other uses. If your event is reviewed at a Special Event Committee meeting, the Fire Marshal will be present to ask questions and advise you of event requirements. If your event is not reviewed at a meeting, please contact the Fire Marshal at 651-458-2862 at least 60 days prior to your event. Special events may require the use of police officers for public safety and/or traffic control. These needs will be determined by the Public Safety Director. Officers required for public safety may require an additional cost to the organizer. Evidence of insurance must be provided no later than thirty (30) days prior to the commencement of the event. A si Event Permit will not be issued until all insurance requirements have been received, verified and approved. Liability Insurance Required: The applicant or sponsor of a special event must possess or obtain liability insurance to protect against loss from liability imposed by law for damages on account of bodily injury or property damage arising from the special event. A certificate of insurance must name the city, its officials, employees and agents as additional insured. Insurance coverage must be maintained for the duration of the special event in the types and amounts as follows: 1. Commercial General Liability Insurance covering claims for bodily injury, death, personal injury or property damage (including loss of use) occurring or arising in connection with this Agreement, including contractual liability coverage. The limits of insurance will not be less than $ 1,000,000 each occurrence; $ 2,000,000 general aggregate. 2. Workers' Compensation Insurance with statutory limits and providing coverage for any employee working the event, even if not required by statute. Employer's Liability or "Stop Gap" Insurance with limits of not less than $ 1,000,000 each accident. 3. Business Automobile Liability Insurance covering the ownership, operation and maintenance of all owned, non - owned and hired motor vehicles used in connection with the event, with limits of not less than $ 1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. Waiver or Reduction of Required Limits: The City may waive or reduce insurance requirements of this section under the following circumstances: 1. The applicant or authorized individual of the sponsoring organization signs a verified statement that it believes the special event's purpose is first amendment expression and that the cost of obtaining the insurance is so financially burdensome that it would constitute an unreasonable burden on the right of First Amendment expression. 2. The City determines that the insurance requirements are in excess of the reasonable risk presented by the proposed special event. Version 03/17/15 Special Event Application Page 6 of 7 Version 03/17/15 Special Event Application Page 7 of 7 Cottage � Grove W p'es4edty Meet be+e Pride aid City of Cottage Grove RACE PERMIT APPLICATION • Start: Finish: Describe in detail, include address — (Attach Race Route on a Map) Starting Point of Race: Termination Point of Race: s • • Street Address • City, State, Zip Name: Name: • • Address: Address: Phone: Cell: Phone: Cell: Email: Email: Organization/Event Website: http://www. DETAILS3. RACE Number of People in Race Number of Units in Race Space Between Units Race Assembly Time Race Assembly Area How much of the Street will the Race Use? One Lane Two Lanes Full Width OFFICE USE ONLY Approved: Denied: Signature: Date: