CC mtg 10-12-16 issues.docxMEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt, City Manager FROM: Kate Aanenson, AICP Community Development Director DATE: October 10, 2016 SUBJ: Paisley Park Museum BACKGROUND On October 3, 2016 the City Council reviewed the application from PRN Music Corporation for a rezoning of Lot 11 Block 1 Chanhassen Lakes Business Park to PUD to permit a museum at Paisley Park. At that meeting, the City Council voted 3-2 to table this item for additional information. City staff has meet with the applicant and has addressed the following issues: 1. Memorial and fencing issues The museum has as virtual fence as a part of an exhibit. Items left on the physical fence have been removed and archived and included in this exhibit. The museum is also adding memorabilia to include in the exhibit. 2. Posting of no parking on McGlynn Drive Staff will prepare a No Parking resolution for the City Council to consider along both sides of McGlynn Drive. 3. Signage for pedestrian access to trail on west side of Audubon Staff will work with the operators of Paisley Park Museum to provide pedestrian signage directing crossing at Hwy 5 and Audubon and prohibiting access along the east side of Audubon. 4. Updated Traffic study Traffic Counts will be taken south of Lake Drive; this is in progress. Traffic counts and traffic calming opportunities for pedestrian crossing enhancements will be considered. 5. Civil plans for full build out of parking SRF is preparing the civil plans for the parking lot. Draft plans could be submitted in approximately 2 months. Assumptions need to be made with respect to survey, geotech, and existing infrastructure conditions. An additional week or two will be needed to get survey and geotech information. Draft schematics will be ready sooner. Once plans are submitted, there will be review by the Watershed District. Construction could be ready to start spring 2017. Paisley Park Museum City Council Work Session Page 2 6. Buses required for all visits until parking lot is complete The operator is reducing the number tickets sold per hour and the number persons per tour until the full parking lot is built. The Council may consider buses only until the entire parking lot is completed. Adequate parking for cars is required for any busing arrangements. 7. Potential Trail along Audubon g:\plan\2016 planning cases\2016-24 paisley park museum\cc mtg 10-12-16 issues.docx The City Council discussed the lack of sidewalk on the east side of Audubon Road. It is staff’s recommendation and the operator of the Museum to discourage pedestrian walking along the east side of Audubon Road in front of Paisley Park. Currently there is a sidewalk on the west side of the Audubon. This sidewalk connects with the trail along Hwy 5 and via a controlled signal for crossing. This trail goes under Highway 5 and connects to Lake Ann Park. If a sidewalk was installed along the east side of Audubon it would terminate at the end of The Paisley Park property and may force pedestrians to cross mid- block. In order to deter pedestrian and traffic conflicts along the east side Audubon Road staff is recommending that low vegetative landscaping (junipers, roses and barberry) be placed between the curb and the fence line.