Geotechnical ReportREPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION AND REVIEW Proposed Addition I.D.I. Distributors 8303 Audubon Road Chanhassen, Minnesota Date: August 25, 2016 T% Prepared for: Eden Trace Corporation 8821 Sunset Trail Chanhassen, MN 55317 Report No. 20-14527 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. August 25, 2016 Eden Trace Corporation 8821 Sunset Trail Chanhassen, MN 5 53 17 Attn: Mr. Mark Undestad RE: Geotechnical Exploration and Review Proposed Addition I.D.I. Distributors 8303 Audubon Road Chanhassen, Minnesota Report No. 20-14527 Dear Mr. Undestad: CONSULTANTS ENVIRONMENTAL GEOTECHNICAL ' MATERIALS • FORENSICS American Engineering Testing, Inc. (AET) is pleased to present the results of our subsurface exploration program and geotechnical engineering review for the proposed I.D.I. Distributors Addition. These services were performed according to our proposal dated June 22, 2016. We are submitting this report as an electronic pdf copy. If you also would like hard copies sent, please contact me. Please contact me if you have any questions about the report. I can also be contacted for arranging construction observation and testing services during the earthwork phase. Sincerely, America Engineering 'Testing, Inc. r Jay P. Brekke, PE Senior Engineer Phone: (651) 789-4645 j brekkeamengtest. com Page i 550 Cleveland Avenue North I St. Paul, MN 55114 Phone 651-659-90011 Toll Free 800-972-6364 Fax 651-659-13791 www.amengtest.com j AA/EEO 1,�® This document shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval from American Engineering Testing, Inc. Ls p�F Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota AMERICAN August 25, 2016 ENGINEERING Report No. 20-14527 TESTING, INC. SIGNATURE PAGE Prepared for: Eden Trace Corporation 8821 Sunset Trail Chanhassen, Minnesota 55076 Attn: lV`i.�r. Mark i Tnrlestad Authored by: Jay P. Brekke, PE Senior Engineer I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under Minnesota Statute Section 326.02 to 326.15 Name: Jay P. Brekke Date: ff2r' License #: 25631 Copyright 2016 American Engineering Testing, Inc. All Rights Reserved Prepared by: American Engineering Testing, Inc. 550 Cleveland Avenue North St. Paul, Minnesota 55114 (651) 659-9001/www.amengtest.com Reviewed by: Thomas P. Venema, PE Principal Engineer Unauthorized use or copying of this document is strictly prohibited by anyone other than the client for the specific project. Page ii Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota August 25, 2016 Report No. 20-14527 TABLE OF CONTENTS AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. 1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES............................................................................................................1 3.0 PROJECT INFORMATION.....................................................................................................1 3.1 Available Geotechnical Information.....................................................................................2 4.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND TESTING................................................................ 3 4.1 Field Exploration Program.................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Laboratory Testing................................................................................................................3 5.0 SITE CONDITIONS.................................................................................................................3 5.1 Surface Observations.............................................................................................................3 4 5.2 Subsurface Soils/Geology ............................................... 4 5.3 Groundwater.......................................................................................................................... 5.4 Review of Soil Properties......................................................................................................5 6 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................... 7 6.1 Building Grading.......................................................... 8 8 6.2 Foundation Design..................................................................................... ................................................ 6.3 Floor Slab Design .......••..""""""""' 6.4 Exterior Backfilling.............................................................................................................10 11 6.5 Exterior Underground Utility Construction......................................................................... 6.6 Pavements.................................................................... 11 14 6.7 Infiltration Rate Comments 7.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS.............................................................................. .., 7.1 Potential Difficulties............................................................................................................15 15 7.2 Excavation Backsloping ................................................................................... ................... 16 7.3 Observation and Testing .................................................. .................................................... 16 8.0 LIMITATIONS....................................................................................................................... STANDARD SHEETS Excavation and Refilling for Structural Support Floor Slab Moisture/ Vapor Protection APPENDIX A — Geotechnical Field Exploration and Testing Boring Log Notes Unified Soil Classification System Figure 1 - Boring Locations Subsurface Boring Logs APPENDIX B — Geotechnical Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use Page iii Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota AMERICAN August 25; 2016 ENGINEERING Report No. 20-14527 TESTING, INC. 1.0 INTRODUCTION An addition is planned on the north side of the existing I.D.I. Distributors Building located at 8303 Audubon Road in Chanhassen, Minnesota. To assist with planning and design, Eden Trace Corporation authorized American Engineering Testing, Inc. (AET) to conduct a subsurface exploration program at the site, conduct soil laboratory testing, and perform a geotechnical engineering review for the project. This report presents the results of these services, and provides our engineering recommendations based on this data. 2.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES AET°s services were performed according to our proposal dated June 22, 2016. The final authorized scope consists of the following: • Drilling 12 standard penetration test borings to depths ranging from 20 to 36 feet below grade; • Performing routine soil laboratory testing; and, • Conducting a geotechnical engineering analysis based on the gained data and preparation of this report. These services are intended for geotechnical purposes. The scope to explore for the presence of environmental contamination was limited to our field crew noting any visual or olfactory evidence in the soils samples. 3.0 PROJECT INFORMATION An addition is planned on the north side of the existing I.D.I. Distributors Building. The existing building is an office/warehouse structure for distribution of building insulation products. The structure has a main floor for warehouse space and offices, and a second level for offices. The building is supported on spread footings with a structural/architectural precast panel exterior. The building was constructed in late 2008 and we understand that the structural integrity of the existing building is satisfactory. The new addition will extend to the north of the existing building. The precast panel north wall of the existing building will remain in place. There will be new precast walls on the east, north Page 1 of 16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota August 25; 2016 Report No. 20-14527 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. and west walls of the new addition. The interior frame will be structural steel. The floor slab will be set at an elevation of approximately 953 feet to match the existing building. The building addition will cover a footprint of 26,962 feet. The main floor will consist of warehouse space covering 18,407 square feet, and office space covering 8,555 square feet. A second level office of 8,555 square feet will be constructed over the main floor office. We have not been provided with structural details, but for the purposes of this report we are assuming wall loads of about 1 to 4 kips per linear foot and maximum column loads of about 100 kips. We estimate live floor loads of less than about 200 pounds per square foot. These loads should be confirmed when a structural engineer is part of the design team. New parking will be provided to the north of the building addition. There is also an infiltration basin proposed at the north end of the parking area. Our foundation design assumptions include a minimum factor of safety of 3 with respect to localized shear or base failure of the foundations. We assume the structure will be able to tolerate total settlements of up to 1 inch, and differential settlements over a 30 foot distance of up to '/2 inch. The above stated information represents our understanding of the proposed construction. This information is an integral part of our engineering review. It is important that you contact us if there are changes from that described so that we can evaluate whether modifications to our recommendations are appropriate. 3.1 Available Geotechnical Information AET performed a geotechnical exploration for the existing building in 2007 (AET Report No. 22-00135 dated November 27, 2007). In our report, we recommended supporting the building on conventional spread footings after performing soil correction to remove and replace the existing fill and any other unsuitable soils. It is our understanding that the site grading for the existing building and the proposed addition area was performed in 2008. We have reviewed Google Earth aerial photos from 2008 and 2009. The photo from September 2008 shows grading operations over the existing building and most of the addition footprint. Grading at the northwest corner of the addition footprint appeared to be Page 2of16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota AMERICAN August 25; 2016 ENGINEERING Report No. 20-14527 TESTING, INC. incomplete as some vegetation was visible. The photo from 2009 shows the completed building. AET performed the construction testing for the existing building (AET Project No. 22-00135.2) and may, or may not have, performed construction testing of the grading for the proposed addition. We have not been able to locate records from the construction testing to review what was done in the addition area. If any records of fill placement for the addition are found, please contact us to review our recommendations. 4.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND TESTING 4.1 Field Exploration Program The subsurface exploration program conducted for the project consisted of 12 standard penetration test borings drilled between June 30 and July 7, 2016. The logs of the borings and details of the methods used appear in Appendix A. The logs contain information concerning soil layering, soil classification, geologic description, and moisture condition. Relative density or consistency is also noted for the natural soils, which is based on the standard penetration resistance (N -value). The approximate boring locations are shown on Figure 1 in Appendix A. We located the borings in the field by measuring from the existing building using dimensions scaled from the site plan provided. Our drill crew determined the ground surface elevations at the borings using an engineer's level referenced to the floor slab of the existing building. According to the preliminary site plan prepared by Sambatek the floor slab is at an elevation of approximately 953 feet. 4.2 Laboratory Testing The laboratory test program included visual and manual classification of the soil samples along with water content testing of selected samples. The test results appear in Appendix A on the boring logs adjacent to the samples upon which they were performed. 5.0 SITE CONDITIONS 5.1 Surface Observations At the time of drilling the south side of the site was occupied by the existing building. The area of the proposed addition was a relatively level lawn area and paved entrance drive. Most of the area north of the proposed addition is a berm which we understand was placed in 2008 or prior to Page 3 of 16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota August 25; 2016 Report No. 20-14527 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. 2008 and consists mostly of stripped topsoil. The topsoil is from the existing building construction and also from other sites. The berm was covered with grass and weeds and was about 10 feet in height. Borings B-1OA, B -11A, and B -12A were drilled on top of the berm. The elevations at our 12 borings ranged from 961.1 to 947.8 feet. 5.2 Subsurface Soils/Geology At our three borings drilled on the berm, we found about 14 to 15 feet of fill (which corresponds to elevations ranging from about 9441/2 to 946%2 feet). These elevations are consistent with the ground surface from previous topography information based on a survey prepared by Schoell and Madson, Inc. in 1999. We have this plan from our previous geotechnical information. At the remaining borings, fill or possible fill was found to depths ranging from about 4 to 9 feet below grade (which corresponds to elevations ranging from about 945 to 943.6 feet). Again, review of the topography information from 1999 and our previous borings in 2007 (some of which were drilled in the addition footprint) indicate that these elevations are generally consistent with the previous ground surface elevations. Our previous borings drilled in the addition area found about 4 feet of mixed sand and clay fill to about elevation 943. The fill in the berm area consisted of sandy lean clay and clayey sand, much of which contained organics. The fill and possible fill in the remaining borings (B-lA to B -9A) consisted of sandy lean clay and clayey sand. Typically, the upper 1 to 2 feet in Borings B-lA to B -9A contained organics. These borings were drilled in lawn areas (Boring B -9A was drilled in a brush area) and this could be the graded topsoil zone. Most of the fill and possible fill below 1 to 2 feet at Borings B -IA to B -9A did not contain significant amounts of organics, however traces of roots were common and some zones of slightly organic soils were present. Underlying the fill and possible fill, we found predominantly glacial till soils. At Boring B -5A, layers of fine alluvium and coarse alluvium were also found. 5.3 Groundwater Most of the on-site soils are relatively slow draining and an extended period of time would be required for groundwater to reach equilibrium in the boreholes. A measurable groundwater level was found in only one of our borings. We measured groundwater at about 11 feet below grade in Boring B -5A just above a layer of coarse alluvial silty sand. The measured water level corresponds to an elevation of about 942.2 feet. The survey indicates a wetland in the northeast Page 4 of 16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota AMERICAN August 25; 2016 ENGINEERING Report No. 20-14527 TESTING. INC. corner of the property, with ground surface elevations of about 939 to 942 feet. In our opinion, the water level measured in Boring B -5A likely represents the approximate hydrostatic groundwater level on the date of drilling. A discussion of the water level measurement methods is presented in Appendix A. Please note that groundwater levels will not remain stable. Groundwater levels fluctuate due to varying seasonal and annual rainfall and snow melt amounts, as well as other factors. 5.4 Review of Soil Properties 5.4.1 Fill Most of the fill at our borings in the proposed addition area typically had moderate N -values and are judged to have moderate strength, and would not be significantly compressible under anticipated foundation loads. Some of the fill (see Boring B -1A) had N -values below about 7 and depending on their depth below the new footings and the footing loads, could be compressible under foundation loads. The fill soils are judged to be slow draining arid moderately high in frost susceptibility. 5.4.2 Fine Alluvium The fine alluvial soils are judged to be moderate strength materials and are not significantly cornpressible under anticipated foundation loads. The fine alluvial soils are judged to be slow draining and moderately frost susceptible. 5.4.3 Coarse Alluvium The coarse alluvial soils are judged to be moderate strength materials and are not significantly compressible under anticipated foundation loads. The coarse alluvial soils are judged to be moderately fast draining and at least moderately frost susceptible if exposed to freezing temperatures. 5.4.4 Glacial Till The glacial till soils are judged to have moderate strength and are not judged to be significantly compressible under anticipated foundation loads. The glacial till soils are judged to be slow draining and would be moderately frost susceptible if exposed to freezing temperatures. Page 5 of 16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota AMERICAN August 25; 2016 ENGINEERING Report No. 20-14527 TESTING, INC. 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the soil conditions found in our borings, our understanding of the past grading activities and on the design information that is available, it is our opinion that after proper site preparation the proposed addition can be supported on conventional spread footing foundations. Details of our recommendations are given below. In the planned addition area we found fill and possible fill to about 9 to 10 feet below grade. Some level of observation and testing may have been done during the placement of the existing fill in 2008, but no records are available. If any records are found, please contact us to review our recommendations. Often, we recommend that fill soils, for which records of placement are not available, not be relied on for building support. however, with the exception of the upper I to 2 feet of soils containing organics, the majority of the fill at our borings appears suitable for support of the proposed building on conventional spread footings and the floor slab on grade. The exception may be at Boring B -IA, where an N -value of 4 was recorded at about 5 feet below grade. It is our opinion that the majority of the existing fill can be relied upon for support, but there may be some local correction necessary. In order to further assess the existing fill soils, we recommend performing a partial subcut below all of the footings. Under perimeter footings, we recommend subcutting to a minimum of 2 feet below planned bottom of footing, and under interior column pads we recommend subcutting to a depth below the footing equal to n/2 the footing width. Following subcutting, the exposed soils should be observed and tested by a geotechnical engineer/technician. New compacted fill can then be placed to the bottom of footing elevation. The excavated non-organic soil can be reused as backfill provided it is at the proper moisture content. Assessment of the fill quality should also be carried out by observation of sidewalls in all of the footing trenches. Note that with the approach of relying on existing fill, the owner needs to accept a greater than normal risk of foundation and floor settlement (greater than the stated tolerance levels) due to the inherent variability of fill. Fill soils don't have the benefit of the time and uniformity of geologic processes, and accordingly, are typically much more variable than naturally -occurring soils. Details or our recommendations are given below. Page 6 of 16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota August 25; 2016 Report No. 20-14527 6.1 Building Grading AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. 6.1.1 Excavation Preparation of the building pad should include stripping the vegetation and near surface soils containing significant amounts of organics. We anticipate a typical stripping depth of about 1 to 2 feet will be required based on the borings. As discussed in section 6.0, under footings we recommend performing a partial subcut to assess the existing fill. We recommend subcutting to a minimum of 2 feet below planned bottom of perimeter footings, and to a depth below the interior column pads equal to '/2 the footing width. The lateral zone of stripping/subcutting should be extended out horizontally at least 1 foot from the outside edges of footings for every foot of fill required below the base of the footings (i.e., 1:1 lateral oversize). Prior to placing new fill or concrete, the exposed soils should be observed and tested by a geotechnical engineer/technician. Any organic, wet/soft or other unsuitable soils as determined by the geotechnical engineer/technician should be additionally subcut. The actual required depths of subcutting will need to be determined during earthwork. Because of the unknown depths and lateral extent of the subcutting that will be needed, we recommend that the earthwork contract include a unit price line item for extra soil correction required beyond what is estimated. 6.1.2 Fill Placement and Compaction The on-site non-organic sandy lean clay and clayey sand soils would be suitable for reuse as fill provided they do not contain rubble, debris, cobbles or boulders. Excepting the upper 1 or 2 feet, most of the soils found in borings drilled in the addition area appeared suitable for reuse as new fill. The majority of the soils found at our three borings in the existing berm did not appear suitable for reuse. The soils found in Boring B-l0A however, did appear to be mostly suitable for reuse. Separation of the reusable soils from unsuitable soils in the berm may not be feasible; this could be better assessed with test pits. The fill soils must be placed at moisture contents that will allow the soils to be compacted to the specified levels. We recommend clayey soils be moisture conditioned to within -2 to +3 percentage points of the optimum water content as determined by the Standard Proctor dry density (ASTM: D 698) before placement. Drying of the on-site clayey soils will likely be required. This will require favorable weather conditions (warm and dry). Page 7 of 16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota August 25; 2016 Report No. 20-14527 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. Where imported fill is required, we recommend a granular soil with less than 12% passing the No. 200 sieve (such as Mn/DOT 3149.2B2) having no gravel larger than 3 inches. If the contractor proposes a different type of fill, a sample should be submitted to the Geotechnical Engineer for approval. The building pad fill should be placed in thin lifts and compacted to at least 98% of the maximum Standard Proctor dry density (ASTM: D698). The fill should be placed in lifts thin enough to attain the specified compaction level throughout the entire lift thickness. Please refer to the standard data sheet at the end of this report entitled "Excavation and Refilling for Structural Support" for general information regarding excavation and fill placement for foundation support. 6.2 Foundation Design After the site preparation described above, the building can be supported on conventional spread footing foundations bearing on the existing fill and new compacted fill. We recommend that perimeter foundations for heated building areas bear at a minimum depth of 42 inches below exterior grade for frost protection. Additional protection from frost penetration can be obtained by placing the footings at a depth of 48 inches below grade. Interior foundations in heated areas can be placed directly below the floor slab. The bottoms of exterior foundations (those foundations not bordering heated building areas) should be extended to a minimum depth of 60 inches below exterior grade, because deeper frost penetration can occur away from the heated building. Based on the conditions found in our borings, and assuming that our recommended grading/compaction procedures in Section 6.1 are followed, it is our opinion that the footings may be proportioned for a maximum net allowable soil bearing capacity of 2,500 pounds per square foot. This is also the bearing pressure that was recommended for the existing building foundations. Our foundation design assumptions include a minimum factor of safety of 3 with respect to localized shear or base failure of the foundations. Page 8of16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota AMERICAN August 25; 2016 ENGINEERING Report No. 20-14527 TESTING, INC. Please note that settlement of the existing building has probably already occurred. Therefore, the settlement of the addition would be differential from the existing building. We recommend that the connections between the addition and the existing building be designed to accommodate this differential movement. 6.3 Floor Slab Design Preparation of the building area as previously described will also prepare the building area for floor slab support. Where there will be forklift traffic in the warehouse area, we recommend that you consider importing a 100% crushed concrete or crushed limestone Class 5 aggregate for the floor slab base in those areas. The purpose of the Class 5 base in warehouse areas is to provide a firmer base and to allow the contractor to place a flatter slab; the Class 5 would also help the slab performance under forklift traffic at joints in the slab. The minimum thickness of the Class 5 should be 6 inches. The Class 5 aggregate base in the warehouse areas should be compacted to at least 98% of the maximum Standard Proctor dry density, or to meet the criteria for Mn/DOT dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) tests. For relative ease of compaction in confined spaces, we recommend using only sand soils with less than 12% (by weight) passing the No. 200 sieve as interior backfill around the new foundations and in underslab utility trenches inside the building. The backfill around the new foundations and in underslab utility trenches inside the building should be placed in thin lifts, with each lift mechanically compacted using manually -operated vibratory or impact equipment, to at least 95% of the maximum Standard Proctor dry density. The fill should be placed in lifts thin enough to attain the specified compaction level throughout the entire lift thickness. We recommend not using heavy towed or self-propelled compactors within 4 feet of newly constructed foundation walls; such equipment can damage the new walls. Based on a subgrade prepared with the type of backfill described above, and after general site grading, the floor slab can be cast on -grade. For slabs cast on the existing fill and on new clayey fill, we recommend using a modulus of subgrade reaction (k) of 150 pounds per square inch per inch of deflection (pci) for design of the slabs. For slabs cast on Class 5 material, we recommend using a modulus of subgrade reaction of 200 pci. Page 9of16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota AMERICAN August 25; 2016 ENGINEERING Report No. 20-14527 TESTING, INC. A vapor retarder should be placed under the floor slab where there are moisture sensitive floor coverings/coatings such as are typical in office areas. The purpose of a vapor retarder is to reduce the potential for upward migration of water vapor from the soil into and through the concrete slabs. Water vapor migrating upward through the slab can damage floor coverings, coatings, or sealers placed on the slab, or materials/packages stored on the slabs, and contribute to excess humidity and possible microbial growth in buildings. For additional recommendations on moisture and vapor protection of floor slabs, please refer to the standard sheet at the end of this report entitled "Floor Slab Moisture/Vapor Protection." Typically, the vapor retarder is placed directly below the floor slab. 6.4 Exterior Backfilling Backfill around the building and the existing soils outside of the building will have an effect on the surrounding sidewalks and slabs due to the frost heave potential. Where settlement -sensitive exterior entry slabs and sidewalks abut the building, we recommend excavation of the on-site clayey soils down to 4 feet below finished grade. We recommend using non -frost susceptible (NFS) sand soils as backfill. The purpose of this is to reduce the potential for the characteristic heave that can occur when clayey soils freeze each winter. We recommend that the NFS sand soils contain less than 5% (by weight) passing the #200 sieve and less than 40% (by weight) passing the #200 sieve. New fill should be placed in thin lifts and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum Standard Proctor dry density. A filtered drain tile should be placed at the base of the NFS sand fill. The drain tile lines should be drained to a sump (where it can be pumped) or to a gravity outlet such as a catch basin to help prevent the accumulation of excess water. The zone of NFS sand backfill should extend at least 2 feet beyond the edges of the entry slabs, and should be tapered outward away from the building below slabs/pavements at a 3:1 (H:V) or flatter slope. The purpose of the tapering is to reduce the potential for abrupt slab displacement when zones farther away from the building may heave during winter. As an alternative to placing 4 feet of engineered sand fill, the entry slabs can be designed as structural slabs. These structural slabs should be supported on frost wall foundations bearing at least 60 inches below the bottom of slab. With this alternative, there should be a minimum 4 inch air gap left below each slab. The vertical sides on all of the frost walls should be covered with a bond breaker, preventing adfreezing of the backfill soils. With this approach, you should anticipate the potential for differential heave of the surrounding on -grade supported slabs Page 10 of 16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota AMERICAN August 25; 2016 ENGINEERING Report No. 20-14527 TESTING, INC. sidewalks and pavements. Sand backfill, drained and tapered, as discussed above can be used adjacent to the structural slab to reduce the potential for differential heave and a possible tripping hazard. 6.5 Exterior Underground Utility Construction The excavated non-organic clayey soils can be reused as backfill in the new utility trenches. Organic soils should not be used to support manhole structures or utilities, and should not be reused as backfill. Much of the on-site clayey soils appear to be at elevated moisture contents and will need to be dried to be reused as fill. We recommend clayey soils be moisture conditioned to within -2 to +3 percentage points of the optimum water content as determined by the standard Proctor dry density (ASTM: D698) prior to placement. We recommend that each lift of the trench backfill be mechanically compacted to at least 95% of its standard Proctor dry density. Within 3 feet of the pavement subgrade elevation, the compaction should be increased to at least 100% of its maximum standard Proctor dry density. The fill should be placed in lifts thin enough to attain the specified compaction level throughout the entire lift thickness. 6.6 Pavements New pavements are planned to be constructed north and northwest of the new addition. Although no traffic loads were provided, we anticipate that daily traffic will consist mostly of cars and light trucks, along with occasional heavier vehicles such as delivery trucks and snow removal equipment. The planned pavement areas are currently largely occupied by the existing berm and a significant amount soil removal will be required in most areas to reach design grades. Grading plans are not yet available but we anticipate finished grades of about 949 to 952 feet in the pavement areas. 6.6.1 Subgrade Preparation In areas of new pavements, subgrade preparation should consist of stripping any vegetation/topsoil and excavating to the planned bottom of base course (or sand subbase) elevation. We anticipate that the existing fill from the stockpile will be at pavement subgrade elevation. The subgrade surface should be test rolled as described below. We recommend additionally subcutting any significantly organic (containing over about 4% organics by weight) or unstable soils that may be exposed to 3 feet below the proposed subgrade elevation (i.e., 3 feet below the bottom of Class 5). It should not be necessary to correct soft or organic soils to more than 3 feet beneath the proposed subgrade elevation, unless the soils are so unstable that they Page 11 of 16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota August 25; 2016 Report No. 20-14527 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. limit the ability to compact fill placed above these soils. The zone of stripping/subcutting should be laterally extended at least 2 feet beyond the edges of the new pavements. The on-site soils could be reused as fill in pavement areas provided they do not contain a significant amount of organics and they can be sufficiently dried to achieve the recommended compaction levels. We recommend all fill placed within the top 3 feet of the pavement subgrade be compacted to a minimum of 100% of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density. If fill is required below the top 3 feet, it should be compacted to at least 95%. Prior to placing the sand subbase or Class 5, we recommend the subgrade be evaluated for stability by test rolling as described in the attached sheet entitled "Bituminous Pavement Subgrade Preparation and Design." If soft or unstable soils are found, they should be subcut and replaced with drier fall or aerated, dried and recompacted back into place if weather conditions permit. 6.6.2 Sand Subbase Layer The clayey soils on this site are frost -susceptible and have the potential to heave upon freezing each year and undergo a reduction of shear strength during freeze/thaw cycles. Additionally, their slow -draining nature will increase the potential for excess moisture in the aggregate base course. Therefore, we strongly recommend placing a 1 foot thick sand subbase below the Class 5 base course to improve drainage, reduce frost effects, and to distribute wheel loads to the subgrade. The sand should meet the gradation requirements of Mn/DOT Specification 3149.2B2 for Select Granular Borrow. Preferably, Modified Select Granular Borrow should be used; this material would have less than 5% passing the #200 sieve and less than 40% passing the #40 sieve. The entire thickness of the sand subbase layer should be compacted to a minimum of ............... . . 100% of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density. The sand subbase layer, if it is placed, should be provided with a means of subsurface drainage to collect and discharge water which may become trapped within the sands and above the slower draining clayey soils. This drainage can be provided by installing finger drains into catch basins at elevations no higher than the bottom of the sand layer. Edge drains can also be provided around the perimeter of the parking areas. The finger drains and edge drains should be wrapped with geotextile fabric and backfilled with sand. To promote subsurface movement of the trapped Page 12 of 16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota August 25; 2016 Report No. 20-14527 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. water, the top of the clayey subgrade should be sloped or shaped to direct water to the drainage collection points. Cost will be a factor in your decision whether or not to construct a sand subbase. Although the use of a sand subbase has a higher initial cost, it will likely result in reduced longer term costs, improved performance, lower maintenance, longer service life, and the use of thinner pavement sections. 6.6.3 Pavement Thickness It is our opinion the pavements should be designed using an assumed R -value of 20 if the sand subbase is not placed. If the sand subbase is used, we estimate an R -value of 30. The following table presents the recommended bituminous pavement thicknesses for options with and without a sand subbase. The heavy duty design is intended for drive lanes. Table 6.6.3 — Recommended Pavement Thickness Designs_ * I,f a sand subbase is not placed, we recommend placing a geotexttte separator jaoric (tvtruuvl 3733, Type 5) under the Class 5 base course, preferably below the entire pavement but at a minimum in heavy duty areas. 6.6.4 Bituminous Pavement Comments pavementsar The bituminous pavement sections given above would have an. estimated life of 20 ye 01 However, the Owner should not expect that the pavements would last 20 years wit. h maintenance. Even if placed and compacted properly on stable subgrade conditions, bitunuino t Page 13 of 16 Sand Subbase Alternative With No Sand Subbase Light Duty Heavy Light Duty Heavy Pavement Course (Automobile Duty Areas (Automobile Traffic Duty Traffic On r , 02!YJ Areas Bituminous Wear 1.5'• 211 1.5" 2" SPWEA340F Bituminous Base 2., 2.1 2" 2" (SPWEB340F Class 5 Aggregate Base 61 811 8ae 101 (Mn/DOT 3138 Select Granular Borrow 121 12" No* No* (Mn/DOT 3149.2B2) * I,f a sand subbase is not placed, we recommend placing a geotexttte separator jaoric (tvtruuvl 3733, Type 5) under the Class 5 base course, preferably below the entire pavement but at a minimum in heavy duty areas. 6.6.4 Bituminous Pavement Comments pavementsar The bituminous pavement sections given above would have an. estimated life of 20 ye 01 However, the Owner should not expect that the pavements would last 20 years wit. h maintenance. Even if placed and compacted properly on stable subgrade conditions, bitunuino t Page 13 of 16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota AMERICAN August 25; 2016 ENGINEERING Report No. 20-14527 TESTING, INC. expansion and shrinkage. Each of the designs given above assumes that a regularly scheduled maintenance program consisting of patching cracks and repair rg of locally distressed Ereas would be implemented. Seal coating of the pavement surface after 3 to 5 years often helps prolong pavement life. Various bituminous mix designs and binder materials for pavements should be considered, specifically to resist thermal cracking and rutting. Binders with a designation of "F" generally have a greater initial cost than `B" or "B" binders, but are more resistant to rutting and thermal cracking. Although "F" binders are preferred, `B" binders are also suitable if the mix does not include recycled aggregate. If "E" or `B" binders are used, there will be an increased probability of thermal cracking compared to using an "F" binder. Thermal cracks tend to demand more maintenance and result in a reduced service life with greater long-term costs. 6.7 Infiltration Bate Comments It is our understanding that a stormwater infiltration pond is planned in the northern portion of the site (near Boring B -12A) as shown on the preliminary site plan prepared by Sambatek. The bottom of the pond has been set at elevation 941.5 feet with a top elevation of 944.0 feet. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's (MPCA) Minnesota Stormwater Manual provides recommendations for design infiltration rates based on soil type (http://stormwater.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/Design infiltration rates). The soils encountered in Boring B -12A consist mostly of sandy lean clay. These soils are not conducive to rapid infiltration and would have a design infiltration rate of 0.06 inches per hour. This value assumes a minimum separation of 3 feet between the bottom of the infiltration practice and the seasonably high ground water table. The long term groundwater level at this site may be at about 939 to 942 feet based on our borings and the nearby wetland elevation. It may be necessary to install a piezometer to obtain accurate groundwater levels. We recommend performing in-situ infiltration testing of the onsite subgrade soils during construction using the double -ring infiltrometer. The test results can be used to confirm the project civil engineers design assumptions for the ponds. Page 14 of 16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota August 25; 2016 Report No. 20-14527 7.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 7.1 Potential Difficulties AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. 7. LI Water in Excavations Groundwater and surface runoff may be encountered in excavations for construction. To allow observation of the excavation bottom, and to reduce the potential for soil disturbance and facilitate filling operations, we recommend that all free-standing water within the excavations be removed prior to proceeding with construction. 7.1.2 Disturbance of Soils The on-site soils can easily become disturbed under construction traffic, especially if the soils are wet. If soils become disturbed, they should be subcut to the underlying undisturbed soils. The subcut soils can then be dried and recompacted back into place, or they should be removed and replaced with drier imported fill. 7.2.3 Winter Construction If construction occurs during the winter, it is necessary for the contractor to protect the base soils from freezing each day and each night before new fill is placed. Fill should not be placed over frozen soils, snow, or ice, nor should the use of frozen fill soils be permitted. The contractor must protect base soils from freezing before and after fill placement, and before, during, and after concrete placement. 7.2 Excavation Backsloping If excavation faces are not retained, the excavations should maintain maximum allowable slopes in accordance with OSHA Regulations (Standards 29 CFR), Part 1926, Subpart P, "Excavations" (can be found on www.osha.goy). Even with the required OSHA sloping, water seepage or surface runoff can potentially induce sideslope erosion or running which could require slope maintenance. Excavation safety is the contractor's responsibility. Page 15 of 16 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota August 25; 2016 Report No. 20-14527 7.3 Observation and Testing AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. The recommendations in this report are based on the subsurface conditions found at our test boring locations. Because the soil conditions can be expected to vary away from the soil boring locations, we recommend on-site observation by AET geotechnical personnel during construction to evaluate the effect of these potential changes. We recommend the soils in excavation bottoms be observed by an AET geotechnical engineer immediately prior to placing fill or forming for footings. Soil density testing should also be performed on all fill placed at the site to document that our recommendations and the specifications for compaction and moisture have been satisfied. Where fill material type is important, laboratory sieve analyses should be performed to document that the actual fill meets the recommended gradation criteria. The building materials should also be tested in accordance with the project specifications and the building codes. 8.0 LIMITATIONS Within the limitations of scope, budget, and schedule, we have endeavored to provide our services according to generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices at this time and location. Other than this, no warranty, either express or implied, is intended. Important information regarding risk management and proper use of this report is given in Appendix B entitled "Geotechnical Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use." Page 16 of 16 EXCAVATION AND REFILLING FOR STRUCTURAL SUPPORT EXCAVATION Excavations for structural support at soil boring locations should be taken to depths recommended in the geotechnical report. Since conditions can vary, recommended excavation depths between and beyond the boring locations should be evaluated by geotechnical field personnel. If ground water is present, the excavation should be dewatered to avoid the risk of unobservable poor soils being left in-place. Excavation base soils may become disturbed due to construction traffic, ground water or other reasons. Such soils should be subcut to underlying undisturbed soils. Where the excavation base slopes steeper than 4:1, the excavation bottom should be benched across the slope parallel to the excavation contour. Soil stresses under footings spread out with depth. Therefore, the excavation bottom and subsequent fill system should be laterally oversized beyond footing edges to support the footing stresses. A lateral oversize equal to the depth of fill below the footing (i.e., 1:1 oversize) is usually recommended. The lateral oversize is usually increased to 1.5:1 where compressible organic soils are exposed on the excavation sides. Variations in oversize requirements may be recommended in the geotechnical report or can be evaluated by the geotechnical field personnel. Unless the excavation is retained, the backslopes should be maintained in accordance with OSHA Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR), Part 1926, Subpart P, "Excavations" (found on www.osha.goy). Even with the required OSHA sloping, ground water can induce sideslope raveling or running which could require that flatter slopes or other approaches be used. FILLING Filling should proceed only after the excavation bottom has been approved by the geotechnical engineer/technician. Approved fill material should be uniformly compacted in thin lifts to the compaction levels specified in the geotechnical report. The lift thickness should be thin enough to achieve specified compaction through the full lift thickness with the compaction equipment utilized. Typical thicknesses are 6" to 9" for clays and 12" to 18" for sands. Fine grained soils are moisture sensitive and are often wet (water content exceeds the "optimum moisture content" defined by a Proctor test). In this case, the soils should be scarified and dried to achieve a water content suitable for compaction. This drying process can be time consuming, labor intensive, and requires favorable weather. Select fill material may be needed where the excavation bottom is sensitive to disturbance or where standing water is present. Sands (SP) which are medium to coarse grained are preferred, and can be compacted in thicker lift thicknesses than finer grained soils. Filling operations for structural support should be closely monitored for fill type and compaction by a geotechnical technician. Monitoring should be on a full-time basis in cases where vertical fill placement is rapid; during freezing weather conditions; where ground water is present; or where sensitive bottom conditions are present. EXCAVATION/REFILLING DURING FREEZING TEMPERATURES Soils that freeze will heave and lose density. Upon thawing, these soils will not regain their original strength and density. The extent of heave and density loss depends on the soil type and moisture condition; and is most pronounced in clays and silts. Foundations, slabs, and other improvements should be protected from frost intrusion during freezing weather. For earthwork during freezing weather, the areas to be filled should be stripped of frozen soil, snow and ice prior to new fill placement. In addition, new fill should not be allowed to freeze during or after placement. For this reason, it may be preferable to do earthwork operations in small plan areas so grade can be quickly attained instead of large areas where much frost stripping may be needed. 01REPOI I (12/08) AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. FREEZING WEATHER EFFECTS ON BUILDING CONSTRUCTION GENERAL Because water expands upon freezing and soils contain water, soils which are allowed to freeze will heave and lose density. Upon thawing, these soils will not regain their original strength and density. The extent of heave and density/strength loss depends on the soil type and moisture condition. Heave is greater in soils with higher percentages of fines (silts/clays). High silt content soils are most susceptible, due to their high capillary rise potential which can create ice lenses. Fine grained soils generally heave about 1/4" to 3/8" for each foot of frost penetration. This can translate to 1" to 2" of total frost heave. This total amount can be significantly greater if ice lensing occurs. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Clayey and silty soils can be used as perimeter backfill, although the effect of their poor drainage and frost properties should be considered. Basement areas will have special drainage and lateral load requirements which are not discussed here. Frost heave may be critical in doorway areas. Stoops or sidewalks adjacent to doorways could be designed as structural slabs supported on frost footings with void spaces below. With this design, movements may then occur between the structural slab and the adjacent on -grade slabs. Non -frost susceptible sands (with less than 12% passing a #200 sieve) can be used below such areas. Depending on the function of surrounding areas, the sand layer may need a thickness transition away from the area where movement is critical. With sand placement over slower draining soils, subsurface drainage would be needed for the sand layer. High density extruded insulation could be used within the sand to reduce frost penetration, thereby reducing the sand thickness needed. We caution that insulation placed near the surface can increase the potential for ice glazing of the surface. The possible effects of adfreezing should be considered if clayey or silty soils are used as backfill. Adfreezing occurs when backfill adheres to rough surfaced foundation walls and lifts the wall as it freezes and heaves. This occurrence is most common with masonry block walls, unheated or poorly heated building situations and clay backfill. The potential is also increased where backfill soils are poorly compacted and become saturated. The risk of adfreezing can be decreased by placing a low friction separating layer between the wall and backfill. Adfreezing can occur on exterior piers (such as deck, fence or other similar pier footings), even if a smooth surface is provided. This is more likely in poor drainage situations where soils become saturated. Additional footing embedment and/or widened footings below the frost zones (which include tensile reinforcement) can be used to resist uplift forces. Specific designs would require individual analysis. CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS Foundations, slabs and other improvements which may be affected by frost movements should be insulated from frost penetration during freezing weather. If filling takes place during freezing weather, all frozen soils, snow and ice should be stripped from areas to be filled prior to new fill placement. The new fill should not be allowed to freeze during transit, placement or compaction. This should be considered in the project scheduling, budgeting and quantity estimating. It is usually beneficial to perform cold weather earthwork operations in small areas where grade can be attained quickly rather than working larger areas where a greater amount of frost stripping may be needed. If slab subgrade areas freeze, we recommend the subgrade be thawed prior to floor slab placement. The frost action may also require reworking and recompaction of the thawed subgrade. OIREP015 (12/08) AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota August 25, 2016 Report No. 20-14527 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. Appendix A Geotechnical Field Exploration and Testing Boring Log Notes Unified Soil Classification System Figure 1 — Boring Locations Subsurface Boring Logs Appendix A Geotechnical Field Exploration and Testing Renort No. 20-14527 A.1 FIELD EXPLORATION The subsurface conditions were explored by drilling and sampling 12 standard penetration test (SPT) borings. The locations of the borings appear on appended Figure 1, preceding the Subsurface Boring Logs in this appendix. A.2 SOIL SAMPLING METHODS A.2.1 Split -Spoon Samples (SS) - Calibrated to N60 Values Standard penetration (split -spoon) samples were collected in general accordance with ASTM:D1586 with one primary modification. The ASTM test method consists of driving a 2 -inch O.D. split -barrel sampler into the in-situ soil with a 140 -pound hammer dropped from a height of 30 inches. The sampler is driven a total of 18 inches into the soil. After an initial set of 6 inches, the number of hammer blows to drive the sampler the final 12 inches is known as the standard penetration resistance or N -value. Our method uses a modified hammer weight, which is determined by measuring the system energy using a Pile Driving Analyzer (PDA) and an instrumented rod. In the past, standard penetration N -value tests were performed using a rope and cathead for the lift and drop system. The energy transferred to the split -spoon sampler was typically limited to about 60% of its potential energy due to the friction inherent in this system. This converted energy then provides what is known as an N60 blow count. AET's drill rigs incorporate an automatic hammer lift and drop system, which has higher energy efficiency and subsequently results in lower N -values than the traditional N60 values. By using the PDA energy measurement equipment, we are able to determine actual energy generated by the drop hammer. With the various hammer systems available, we have found highly variable energies ranging from 55% to over 100%. Therefore, the intent of AET's hammer calibrations is to vary the hammer weight such that hammer energies lie within about 60% to 65% of the theoretical energy of a 140 -pound weight falling 30 inches. The current ASTM procedure acknowledges the wide variation in N -values, stating that N -values of 100% or more have been observed. Although we have not yet determined the statistical measurement uncertainty of our calibrated method to date, we can state that the accuracy deviation of the N -values using this method is significantly better than the standard ASTM method. A.2.2 Disturbed Samples (DS)/Spin-up Samples (SU) Sample types described as "DS" or "SU" on the boring logs are disturbed samples, which are taken from the flights of the auger. Because the auger disturbs the samples, possible soil layering and contact depths should be considered approximate. A.2.3 Sampling Limitations Unless actually observed in a sample, contacts between soil layers are estimated based on the spacing of samples and the action of drilling tools. Cobbles, boulders, and other large objects generally cannot be recovered from test borings, and they may be present in the ground even if they are not noted on the boring logs. Determining the thickness of "topsoil" layers is usually limited, due to variations in topsoil definition, sample recovery, and other factors. Visual -manual description often relies on color for determination, and transitioning changes can account for significant variation in thickness judgment. Accordingly, the topsoil thickness presented on the logs should not be the sole basis for calculating topsoil stripping depths and volumes. If more accurate information is needed relating to thickness and topsoil quality definition, alternate methods of sample retrieval and testing should be employed. A.3 SOIL CLASSIFICATION METHODS Soil descriptions shown on the boring logs are based on the Unified Soil Classification (USC) system. The USC system is described in ASTM:D2487 and D2488. Where laboratory classification tests (sieve analysis or Atterberg Limits) have been performed, accurate classifications per ASTM:D2487 are possible. Otherwise, soil descriptions shown on the boring logs are visual -manual judgments. Charts are attached which provide information on the USC system, the descriptive terminology, and the symbols used on the boring logs. The boring logs include descriptions of apparent geology. The geologic depositional origin of each soil layer is interpreted primarily by observation of the soil samples, which can be limited. Observations of the surrounding topography, vegetation, and development can sometimes aid this judgment. Appendix A - Page 1 of 3 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. Appendix A Geotechnical Field Exploration and Testing Report No. 20-14527 AA WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS The ground water level measurements are shown at the bottom of the boring logs. The following information appears under "Water Level Measurements" on the logs: • Date and Time of measurement • Sampled Depth: lowest depth of soil sampling at the time of measurement • Casing Depth: depth to bottom of casing or hollow -stem auger at time of measurement • Cave-in Depth: depth at which measuring tape stops in the borehole • Water Level: depth in the borehole where free water is encountered • Drilling Fluid Level: same as Water Level, except that the liquid in the borehole is drilling fluid The true location of the water table at the boring locations may be different than the water levels measured in the boreholes. This is possible because there are several factors that can affect the water level measurements in the borehole. Some of these factors include: permeability of each soil layer in profile, presence of perched water, amount of time between water level readings, presence of drilling fluid, weather conditions, and use of borehole casing. A.5 LABORATORY TEST METHODS A.5.1 Water Content Tests Conducted in general conformance with ASTM:D2216. A.6 TEST STANDARD LIMITATIONS Field and laboratory testing is done in general conformance with the described procedures. Compliance with any other standards referenced within the specified standard is neither inferred nor implied. A.7 SAMPLE STORAGE Unless notified to do otherwise, we routinely retain representative samples of the soils recovered from the borings for a period of 30 days. Appendix A - Page 2 of 3 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. BORING LOG NOTES DRILLING AND SAMPLING SYMBOLS Symbol Definition B, H, N: Size of flush -joint casing CA: Crew Assistant (initials) CAS: Pipe casing, number indicates nominal diameter in inches CC: Crew Chief (initials) COT: Clean-out tube DC: Drive casing; number indicates diameter in inches DM: Drilling mud or bentonite shiny DR: Driller (initials) DS: Disturbed sample from auger flights FA: Flight auger; number indicates outside diameter in inches HA: Hand auger; number indicates outside diameter HSA: Hollow stem auger; number indicates inside diameter in inches LG: Field logger (initials) MC: Column used to describe moisture condition of samples and for the ground water level symbols N (BPF): Standard penetration resistance (N -value) in blows per foot (see notes) NQ: NQ wireline core barrel PQ: PQ wireline core barrel RD: Rotary drilling with fluid and roller or drag bit REC: In split -spoon (see notes) and thin-walled tube sampling, the recovered length (in inches) of sample. In rock coring, the length of core recovered (expressed as percent of the total core run). Zero indicates no sample recovered. REV: Revert drilling fluid SS: Standard split -spoon sampler (steel; l d" is inside diameter; 2" outside diameter); unless indicated otherwise SU Spin -up sample from hollow stem auger TW: Thin-walled tube; number indicates inside diameter in inches WASH: Sample of material obtained by screening retuning rotary drilling fluid or by which has collected inside the borehole after "falling" through dulling fluid WH: Sampler advanced by static weight of drill rod and hammer WR: Sampler advanced by static weight of drill rod 94mm: 94 millimeter wireline core barrel ♦ : Water level directly measured in boring 0: Estimated water level based solely on sample appearance TEST SYMBOLS Symbol Definition CONS: One-dimensional consolidation test DEN: Dry density, pcf DST: Direct shear test E: Pressuremeter Modulus, tsf HYD: Hydrometer analysis LL: Liquid Limit, % LP: Pressuremeter Limit Pressure, tsf OC: Organic Content, % PERM: Coeflicient of permeability (K) test; F - Field; L - Laboratory PL: Plastic Limit, % qp: Pocket Penetrometer strength tsf (approximate) qC: Static cone bearing pressire, tsf q": Unconfined compressive strength, psf R: Electrical Resistivity, ohm-cirn RQD: Rock Quality Designation of Rock Core, in percent (aggregate length of core pieces 4" or more in length as a percent of total core run) SA: Sieve analysis TRX: Triaxial compression test VSR: Vane shear strength, remolded (field), psf VSU: Vane shear strength, undisturbed (field), psf WC: Water content, as percent of dry weight %-200: Percent of material finer than #200 sieve STANDARD PENETRATION TEST NOTES (Calibrated hammer Weight) The standard penetration test consists of driving a split -spoon sampler with a drop hammer (calibrated weight varies to provide N60 values) and counting the number of blows applied in each of three 6" increments of penetration. If the sampler is driven less than 18" (usually in highly resistant material), permitted in ASTM: D1586, the blows for each complete 6" increment and for each partial increment is on the boring log. For partial increments, the number of blows is shown to the nearest 0.1' below the slash. The length of sample recovered, as shown on the "REC" cohnm, maybe greater than the distance indicated in the N column. The disparity is because the N -value is recorded below the initial 6" set (unless partial penetration defined in ASTM: D 1586 is encountered) whereas the length of sample recovered is for the entire sampler drive (which may even extend more than 18'). O1REP052C (12/08) AMERICAN UNU NELKINtJ AE�iiiits, Liv �-- UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM ASTM Designations: D 2487, D2488 p o 50 Term 20 Soil Classification Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Group Names Using Laboratory TestsA Group Group Name 40 C5 30 6D 3%-14% Symbol less than 2 Coarse -Grained Gravels More Clean Gravels Cu>4 and 1<Cc<3 GW Well graded grave Soils More than 50% coarse Less than 5% Loose 5-10 Gravel than 50% fraction retained finesc Cu<4 and/or I>Cc>3 GP Poorly graded gra, retained on on No. 4 sieve Sand No No. 200 sieve Stiff Gravels with Fines classify as ML or MH GM Silty gravel Pass #200 sieve Fines more Very Stiff 16-30 Very Dense Greater than 50 than 12% fines C Fines classify as CL or CH GC 77 Clayey gravel Sands 50% or Clean Sands Cu>6 and 1<Cc<3 SW Well -graded sand more of coarse Less than 5% Organic Description (if no lab tests) fraction passes fines° Cu<6 andior 1>Cc>3 SP Poorly -graded San No. 4 sieve Sands with Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sand"-"-' Fines more than 12% fines o Fines classify as CL or CH Sc Clayey sand Fine -Grained Silts and Clays inorganic PI>7 and plots on or above CL Lean clay ' Soils 50% or Liquid limit less "A" line more passes than 50 PI<4 or plots below ML Silt the No. 200 "A" line sieve organic Liquid limit—oven dried 10.75 OL clay Organic 'clay (see Plasticity Liquid limit — not dried Organic siltK.L.M.o Chart below) Silts and Clays inorganic PI plots on or above "A" line CH Fat clayK,L,M Liquid limit 50 or more PI plots below "A" line MH Elastic silt organic Liquid limit—oven dried 10.75 OH Organic clay ' Liquid limit — not dried Organic si1tK.L.M.Q Highly organic Primarily organic matter, dark PT Peat soil in color, and organic in odor p o 50 Term 20 Term N -Value, BPF .40 N -Value, BPF Boulders 40 C5 30 6D 3%-14% 80 less than 2 -' 0-4 Cobbles .7 Sapric Peat: 4 15%-29% 0 AMERICAN ENGINEERING 93 TESTING, INC. Notes ABased on the material passing the 3 -in (75 -mm) sieve. BIf field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add `with cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. cGravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW -GM well -graded gravel with silt GW -GC well -graded gravel with clay GP -GM poorly graded gravel with silt GP -GC poorly graded gravel with clay °Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW -SM well -graded sand with silt SW -SC well -graded sand with clay SP -SM poorly graded sand with silt SP -SC poorly graded sand with clay (D30)2 'Cu = D60 /Dto, Cc = D o x D60 'If soil contains >15% sand, add "with sand" to group name. GIf fines classify as CL -ML, use dual symbol GC -GM, or SC -SM. "If fines are organic, add `with organic fines" to group name. 'If soil contains >15% gravel, add "with ravel" to group name. If Anerberg limits plot is hatched area, soil is a CL -ML silty clay. KIf soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200 add "with sand" or "with gravel", whichever is predominant. LIf soil contains >30% plus No. 200, predominantly sand, add "sandy" to group name. MIf soil contains >30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add "gravelly" to group name. "Pl>4 and plots on or above "A" line. oPl<4 or plots below "A" line. PPI plots on or above "A" line. QPl plots below "A" line. RFiber Content description shown below. ,. PARTICLE SIZE IN MLLINEMRS -. .fV 11QJDLJNI7(LL) : V .,~ .... ..~. .. c = a 15 =zro===s.s Plasticity Chart ADDITIONAL TERMINOLOGY NOTES USED BY AET FOR SOIL IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION Grain Size Gravel Percentages Consistency of Plastic Soils Relative Density of Non -Plastic Soils Term Particle Size Term Percent Term N -Value, BPF Term N -Value, BPF Boulders Over 12" A Little Gravel 3%-14% Very Soft less than 2 -' 0-4 Cobbles PANE Sapric Peat: With Gravel 15%-29% Soft 2 - 4 Loose 5-10 Gravel #4 sieve to 3" Gravelly 30%-50% Firm 5 - 8 Medium Dense 11 -30 Sand No Stiff ENEEM Dense 31- 50 Fines (silt & clay) Pass #200 sieve Very Stiff 16-30 Very Dense Greater than 50 Hard Greater than 30 Moisture/Frost Condition SOMME Peat Description Organic Description (if no lab tests) AMERICAN ENGINEERING 93 TESTING, INC. Notes ABased on the material passing the 3 -in (75 -mm) sieve. BIf field sample contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add `with cobbles or boulders, or both" to group name. cGravels with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: GW -GM well -graded gravel with silt GW -GC well -graded gravel with clay GP -GM poorly graded gravel with silt GP -GC poorly graded gravel with clay °Sands with 5 to 12% fines require dual symbols: SW -SM well -graded sand with silt SW -SC well -graded sand with clay SP -SM poorly graded sand with silt SP -SC poorly graded sand with clay (D30)2 'Cu = D60 /Dto, Cc = D o x D60 'If soil contains >15% sand, add "with sand" to group name. GIf fines classify as CL -ML, use dual symbol GC -GM, or SC -SM. "If fines are organic, add `with organic fines" to group name. 'If soil contains >15% gravel, add "with ravel" to group name. If Anerberg limits plot is hatched area, soil is a CL -ML silty clay. KIf soil contains 15 to 29% plus No. 200 add "with sand" or "with gravel", whichever is predominant. LIf soil contains >30% plus No. 200, predominantly sand, add "sandy" to group name. MIf soil contains >30% plus No. 200, predominantly gravel, add "gravelly" to group name. "Pl>4 and plots on or above "A" line. oPl<4 or plots below "A" line. PPI plots on or above "A" line. QPl plots below "A" line. RFiber Content description shown below. ,. PARTICLE SIZE IN MLLINEMRS -. .fV 11QJDLJNI7(LL) : V .,~ .... ..~. .. c = a 15 =zro===s.s Plasticity Chart ADDITIONAL TERMINOLOGY NOTES USED BY AET FOR SOIL IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION Grain Size Gravel Percentages Consistency of Plastic Soils Relative Density of Non -Plastic Soils Term Particle Size Term Percent Term N -Value, BPF Term N -Value, BPF Boulders Over 12" A Little Gravel 3%-14% Very Soft less than 2 Very Loose 0-4 Cobbles 3" to 12" Sapric Peat: With Gravel 15%-29% Soft 2 - 4 Loose 5-10 Gravel #4 sieve to 3" Gravelly 30%-50% Firm 5 - 8 Medium Dense 11 -30 Sand #200 to #4 sieve Stiff 9 - 15 Dense 31- 50 Fines (silt & clay) Pass #200 sieve Very Stiff 16-30 Very Dense Greater than 50 Hard Greater than 30 Moisture/Frost Condition Layering Notes Peat Description Organic Description (if no lab tests) (MC Column) Soils are described as oceanic, if soil is not peat and is judged to have sufficient organic fines content to influence the Liquid Limit properties. Sltzhtl�or;anic used for borderline cases. Root Inclusions D (Dry): Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to Laminations: Layers less than 33 6a touch. M (Moist): Damp, although free water not `/�' thick of Term visible. Soil may still have a high differing material water content (over ` optimum"). or color. Peat: W (Wet/ Free water visible, intended to Hemic Peat: Hemi Waterbearing): describe non -plastic soils. Lenses: Pockets or layers Sapric Peat: Waterbearing usually relates to greater than /_ sands and sand with silt. thick of differing F (Frozen): Soil frozen material or color. Fiber Content (Visual Estimate) Soils are described as oceanic, if soil is not peat and is judged to have sufficient organic fines content to influence the Liquid Limit properties. Sltzhtl�or;anic used for borderline cases. Root Inclusions e Greater than 67% With roots: Judged to have sufficient quantity 33 6a of roots to influence the soil Less than 33% properties. Trace roots: Small roots present, but not judged to be in sufficient quantity to significantly affect soil properties. OICLS021 (07/08) AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. . AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. p l / B -12A L j \ —40sd%_ o J _ 7 ���IffiI�I�I�I� B=9A — B st�ls o — 20 stalls \ o B -11A -1' B -10A I I I I*++ \ Z ,s i 14 g 21 stalls I 12 T 15 stabs 6 s B� 6A #mow B -7A B -8A I I is sWs � I B -4A B -5A i— t ® ® - i B -22A B- B-lA , 1 B stats . I EXIS BOILDING - 45,200 S.F. I: AIN - QFFICE / 6,584 S.F.. ,. 1N =WAREHOUSE / 38,616 10 2ND FL - OFFICE / 13,627 S.F. 16 stalls 6 1 PROJECT IDI Distributors Addition Chanhassen, Minnesota SUBJECT Approximate Boring Locations SCALEI DRAWN BY I CHECKED BY Done ??'B AET JOB NO. 20-14527 DATE August 2016 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. SUBSURFACE BORING LOG AET No: 20-14527 Log of Boring No. B -1A (p. 1 of 1) Project: IDI Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, MN D INTH Surface Elevation 952.8 GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE REC FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS WC DEN LL PL o-#20 FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TYPE IN. FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, slightly organic, a FILL little gravel, trace roots, dark brown and black 1 DS 19 2 FILL, mostly clayey sand, a little gravel, gray 5 M SS 6 14 3 4 FILL, mixture of sandy lean clay and clayey sand, a little gravel, brown and gray 5 4 M SS 6 18 6 7 7 M SS 10 20 8 9 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brown TILL and gray mottled, firm (CL) 10 7 M SS 18 22 11 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, grayish i2 brown, a little brown, stiff (CL) 11 M SS 1 18 22 14 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, gray, a little brown and dark brown, very stiff (CL) is 19 M SS 16 18 16- 17 18 CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, gray, very stiff (SC) 19— 20 19 M SS 18 17 21 END OF BORING DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO ATTACHED SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON DATE 0-191/2' 3.25„ HSA TIME STD DEPTH CASING CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING WATER FLUID LEVEL LEVEL 7/7/16 10:01 21.0 19.5 21.0 None BORING COMPLETED: 7/7/16 THIS LOG DR: SHS LG: CD Rig: 70 03/2011 01-DTiR-060 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. SUBSURFACE BORING LOG AET No: 20-14527 Log of Boring No. B -2A (p. 1 of 1) Project: IDI Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, MN D INTH Surface Elevation 954.0 GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE REC FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS WC DEN LL PL .-420 FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TYPE ' FILL, mostly clayey sand with organic fines, a FILL little gravel, dark grayish brown 1 DS 16 2 FILL, mixture of sandy lean clay and clayey sand, a little gravel, brownish gray 6 M SS 10 22 3— 4- 5 10 M SS 12 20 6- 7- 710 10 M SS 10 16 8 9 SANDY LEANT CLAY, a little gravel, brown, a TILL little gray, stiff (CL) 10 9 M SS 14 20 11 12 10 M SS 18 20 13 - i i I 14 CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, brown, a little gray, stiff (SC) 15 15 M SS 16 21 16 17 18 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, gray, a little brown and light gray, stiff (CL) 19 20 11 M SS 18 20 21 END OF BORING DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO THE ATTACHED SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON 0-191/z' 3.25" HSA DATE TpVIE SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DRILLING DEPTH FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL 7/6/16 12:17 21.0 19.5 21.0 None BORING COMPLETED: 7/6/16 THIS LOG � DR: SHS LG: CD Rig: 70 03/2011 01-DHR-060 AMERICAN ENGINEERING SUBSURFACE BORING LOG TESTING, INC. AET No: 20-14527 Log of Boring No. B-3A (p. 1 of 1) Project: IDI Distributors Addition, Chanhassen, MN DEPTH Surface Elevation 952.8 GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE REC FIELD &LABORATORY TESTS IN FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TYPE IN. WC DEN LL PL o #20 FILL, mostly clayey sand, a little gravel, trace FILL roots, dark brown DS 11 1 2 FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, a little gravel, gray and brown 5 M x SS 18 19 3— 4 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, trace TILL OR roots, brown and gray mottled, stiff (CL) FILL 5 (possible fill) 12 M SS 18 19 6 7I 13 M SS 16 26 I 9 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brown, a TILL little light tan, very stiff (CL) 10 18 M SS 18 19 1i SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, grayish 12 brown, a little brown and dark brown, very stiff (CL) 18 M SS 18 19 13 14- 15 15 M SS 16 19 16- 17 18 CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, gray, very stiff (SC) 19 ;—, 20 18 M SS 18 17 0 J 21 W END OF BOILING 3 r 0 DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO THE ATTACHED a DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DRILLING DEPTH FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL 0-191/z' 3.25" HSA SHEETS FOR AN N 7/1/16 1:32 21.0 19.5 20.8 None N EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON CS N x BORING o COMPLETED: 7/1/16 THIS LOG Uj DR: JM LG: SHS Rig: 70 a 03/2011 01-DHR-060 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. SUBSURFACE BORING LOG AET No: 20-14527 Log of Boring No. B -4A (p. i of 1) Project: IDI Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, MN DEPTH Surface Elevation 953.6 GEOLOGYN MC SAMPLE REC FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS WC DEN LL PL 4.420 FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TYPE IN' FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, slightly organic, a FILL little gravel, pieces of brick, dark brown and gray 1 DS 21 2 FILL, mixture of sandy lean clay and clayey sand, a little gravel, brown and gray 10 M SS 12 13 3— 4 CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, grayish brown TILL OR mottled, a little light tan and brown, stiff to firm FILL 5 (CL) (possible fill) 12 M SS 12 18 6- 7- 718 18 M X SS 14 18 8— 1 9 CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, brown and gray TILL mottled, a little dark brown, stiff (SC) l0 15 M SS 16 19 i1 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, grayish 12 brown, a little brown and dark brown, very stiff (CL) 18 M X SS 18 20 13 14- 15 16 M SS 18 19 16 17 18 CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, brown, a little gray and dark brown, very stiff (SC) 19 20 26 M SS 18 19 l 21 END OF BORING DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO THE ATTACHED SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON 1 0-19/2 3.25�� HSA DATE TIME SD DEPTH CASING DEPTH VE -IN DEPTH FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL 7/6/16 1:25 21.0 19.5 21.0 None BO&N COMPLETED: 7/6/16 THIS LOG d DR: SHS LG: CD Rig: 70 1 1 1 1 1 03/2011 01-DHR-06U AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. SUBSPACE BORING LOG AET No: 20-14527 Log of Boring No. B -5A (p. 1 of 1) Project: IDI Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, NIN DEPNTH Surface Elevation 953.2 GEOLOGY SAMPLE REC FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS WC DEN LL PL o-#20 FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION N MC TYPE' IN FILL, mostly clayey sand, a little gravel, trace FILL roots, dark brown 1 DS 18 2 FILL, mixture of sandy lean clay and clayey sand, a little gravel, pieces of bituminous, dark 9 M SS 16 17 3 brown, gray and brown 4 FILL, mostly clayey sand, a little gravel, trace roots, brown, gray and dark brown 5— 9 M SS 14 19 6- F1 -LL, mostly sandy lean clay, a little gravel, gray 7— 7 and brown, a little dark brown 7 M SS 16 19 8 � 9 FILL, mostly clayey sand, brown and gray 17 10 9 M SS 18 LEAN CLAY, trace roots, gray, a little brown, FINE stiff (CL) ALLUVIUM 30 11 — SILTY SAND, a little gravel, fine to medium COARSE 12 grained, grayish brown, wet, loose (SM) ALLUVIUM {{ j W SS 18 I 14- 15 7 W SS 18 16- 17 18 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brownish TILL gray, stiff (CL) 19 20 14 W SS 8 20 21 END OF BORING DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO ATTACHED SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON THIS LOG 1 0-19h 3.25„ HSA DATE TIME SAMPLED PTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH FLUIDLEVEL LEVELG WATER 7/1/16 11:40 13.5 12.0 12.0 11.0 7/1/16 11:50 21.0 19.5 20.0 18.7 BORING COMPLETED: 7/1/16 7/1/16 12:00 21.0 19.5 19.7 18.4 DR: JM LG: SHS Rig: 70 03/2011 01-DHR-060 c� N N 0 CL BORING N o COMPLETED: 7/1/16 a DR: JM LG: SHS Rig: 70 03/2011 7/1/16 9:03 21.0 19.5 20.7 None SHBETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON THIS LOG O1-DHR-060 AMERICAN ENGINEERING SUBSURFACE BORING LOG TESTING, INC. AET No: 20-14527 Log of Boring No. B -6A (p.1 of 1) Project: IDI Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, MN FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS DEPTH Surface Elevation 952.6 GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE TYPE RE IN. WC DEN LL PL o-#20 FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION FILL, mostly lean clay with sand, slightly FILL 19 organic, trace roots, dark brown 7 M SS 20 1 FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, a little gravel and 19 sand, trace roots, dark gray and light gray 2 FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, a little gravel, slightly organic, trace roots, dark brown 7 M SS 16 19 3 4- 5— 13 M SS 10 21 6- FILL, mostly clayey sand, trace roots, dark 7 brown 18 M SS 12 15 8 9 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, gray and TILL brown mottled, a little dark brown, stiff to very to stiff (CL) 9 M SS 10 21 CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, gray, very stiff 11 (SC) LEAN CLAY WITH SAND, a little gravel, gray 12 (CL) SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, light 7 Zvi SS 14 20 13 brown and light gray mottled (CL) �\ 14 CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel (SC) 15 17 M SS 18 18 16 17 18 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, gray, very stiff (CL) 19- 20 20 M SS 18 19 0 21 w L END OF BORING1 CL DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO a DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL THE ATTACHED a 0-191/z' 3.25" HSA c� N N 0 CL BORING N o COMPLETED: 7/1/16 a DR: JM LG: SHS Rig: 70 03/2011 7/1/16 9:03 21.0 19.5 20.7 None SHBETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON THIS LOG O1-DHR-060 AMERICAN ENGINEERING SUBSPACE BODING LOG TESTING, INC. AET No: 20-14527 Log of Boring No. B -7A (p. 1 of 1) Project: IDI Distributors Addition; Chanhassen MN DEPTH Surface Elevation 952.7 GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE REC FIE&LABORATORY TESTS LD IN FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TYPE IN' WC DEN LL PL o-#20 FILL, mostly clayey sand, a little gravel, trace FILL 10 roots, dark brown 13 M SS 18 1 12 2 FILL, mixture of sandy lean clay and clayey sand, a little gravel, trace roots, brown, dark 13 M SS 12 16 3 brown and gray 4 FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, a little gravel and silty sand, slightly organic, dark brown, black 13 5 and gray 21 M SS 18 19 6 FILL, mostly clayey sand, brown, a little gray 7 M SS 16 18 9 LEAN CLAY WITH SAND, brown, a little grayFINE and light gray, firm (CL) ALLUVIUM 10 OR WEATHERE 8 M SS 18 21 TILL I 1 CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, brown and gray TILL '2 firm (SC) Imottled, 8 M SS ! 18 19 13 � 14 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, a little gray and dark brown, stiff (CL) 15 9 M SS 16 24 16- 17 18 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, gray, a little brown, very stiff (CL) 19— 20 17 M SS 18 19 0 21 END OF BORING w + r DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO < DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL THE ATTACHED 0-191/z' 3.25" HSA N 7/1/16 9:55 21.0 19.5 21.0 None SHEETS FOR AN 6 EXPLANATION OF N a. BORING TERMINOLOGY ON o COMPLETED: 7/1/16 THIS LOG �' LU DR: JM LG: SHS Ri : 70 a 01-DHR-06( 03/2011 AMERICAN ENGINEERING SUBSURFACE BORING LOG TESTING, INC. AET No: 20-14527 Log of Boring No. B -8A (p. I of 1) Project: IDI Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, MN DEPTH Surface Elevation 952.9 GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE REC FIELD &LABORATORY TESTS FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TYPE IN. WC DEN LL PL o-#20 FILL, mostly clayey sand, a little gravel, trace FILL 6 roots, gray and brown to dark brown 1 24 M SS 24 FILL, mostly clayey sand, a little gravel, pieces 12 of bituminous, trace roots, brown, dark brown 2 and gray 11 M SS 12 12 3 4 5 8 M SS 16 15 6- FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, a little gravel and 7— clayey sand, trace roots, brown and dark gray 10 M SS 10 18 8 9 LEANT CLAY WITH SAND, gray, a little brown WEATHERS dark brown, stiff (CL) TIOR 10—and INE 9 M SS 18 22 ALLUVIUM 11 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brown, a TILL 12 little dark brown and gray mottled, stiff (CL) 11 I M SS 18 121 i3 14 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, grayish brown, a little brown, stiff (CL) 15 15 /M SS 16 21 16 17 18 CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, gray, stiff (SC) 19 s 20 13 M SS 18 17 ' 21 END OF BORING ? DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO T ATTACHED ' DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL 0-191/z' 3.25" HSA SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON 7/1/16 10:42 16.0 14.5 16.0 None J 7/1/16 10:48 21.0 19.5 20.7 None BO 7/1/16 10:53 21.0 19.5 20.7 None COMPLETED: 7/1/16 THIS LOG DR: JM LG: SHS Rig: 70 t 03/2011 01-DHR-060 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. SUBSURFACE BORING LOG AET No: 20-14527 Log of Boring No. B -9A (p. 1 of 1) Project: IDI Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, MN D INTH Surface Elevation 947.8 GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE REC FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS WC DEN LL PL o-#20 FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TYPE IN. FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, slightly organic, a FILL 20 little gravel, trace roots, dark brown and black 1 M SS 14 FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, a little gravel, 18 trace roots, brown, a little gray and dark brown 2 15 M SS 12 17 3 4 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, gray, a WEATHERS little brown and light gray, stiff (CL) TILL 5 10 M SS 16 22 6 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brown TILL 7 and gray mottled, firm to stiff (CL) jI 8 M SS 16 17 E 9- 10— g M SS 16 19 11 12 . 10�M SS 14 21 E 13 14 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brown, stiff 15 10 M SS 18 19 16- 17 18 CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, gray, very stiff (SC) 19 s ' 20 16 M SS 18 16 i ' 21 END OF BORING Ll I ? DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO T ATTACHED SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON ' 0-191/z' 3.25" HSA DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL 7/7/16 8:52 21.0 19.5 21.0 None BORIN>COMPLETED: 7/7/16 THIS LOG DR: SHS LG: CD Rig: 70 i 03/2011 01-DHR-060 AMERICAN ENGINEERING SUBSURFACE BORING LOG TESTING, INC. AET No: 20-14527 Log of Boring No. B -10A (p. 1 of 2) Project: IDI Distributors Addition; Chanhassen MN DEPTH 961.1SAMPLE FIELD &LABORATORY TESTS Surface Elevation GEOLOGY N MC S SEE )IAC FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION WC DEN LL PL o-#2( FILL, mostly clayey sand, a little gravel, trace FILL 12 1 roots, brown and gray 14 M SS 18 14 2 FILL, mostly clayey sand, a little gravel, trace 3 roots, gray, a little light gray 4 FILL, mostly clayey sand, a little gravel, gray, a little brown 5 6 7 8 9- 10 11 12 13 FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, a little gravel, brown, a little gray 14 FILL, mostly organic clayey sand, a little gravel and sandy lean clay, trace roots, dark brown and 15 black CLAYEY SAND, a little gravel, trace roots, 16 brown, a little gray and light gray, stiff (SC) 17 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brown and gray mottled, a little light gray, stiff to firm to very stiff (CL) 18 19 20- 21 U LU DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD LU 0-241/2' 3.25" HSA DR: JM LG: SHS Rig: 70 03/2011 18 1 M I X I SS 1 18 1 12 13 1 M I X I SS 1 16 1 15 11 I M IXI SS 116 119 7 I M I X I SS I 12 119 15 7 i M V SS 1 12 1 19 TILL 9 I M I n l SS I 12 1 17 13 14 I M I X I SS I 18 118 8 IMIXI SS 1 18120 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS I NOTE: REFER TO THE ATTACHED SA2vTTDDC DRILLING DATE TI; E DEPH EPTH DPTH FLUID LL EVEL SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF 6/30/16 1:03 26.0 24.5 26.0 None TERMINOLOGY ON THIS LOG 01-DHR-060 AMERICAN ENGINEERING SUBSPACE BORING LOG TESTING, INC. AET No: 20-14527 Log of Boring No. B -10A (p. 2 of 2) Project: IDI Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, MN DEPTH GEOLOGY SAMPLE REC FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS WC DEN LL PL o-#20 FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION N MC TYPE D1' SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brown TILL and gray mottled, a little light gray, stiff to firm (continued) 23 to very stiff (CL) (continued) 24- 25 16 M SS 18 18 26 END OF BORING I i 03/2011 01 -DDR -060 AMERICAN ENGINEERING SUBSURFACE BORING LOG TESTING, INC. AET No: 20-14527 Log of Boring No. B -11A (p. 1 of 1) Project: IDI Distributors Addition; Chanhassen MN DEPTH Surface Elevation 958.5 GEOLOGY N MC SAMPLE REC FIELD &LABORATORY TESTS IN FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TYPE m' WC DEN LL PL 6420 FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, slightly organic, a FILL little gravel and clayey sand, dark brown 6 M SS 10 21 1 2- 13 M x SS 18 15 3– 4 FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, slightly organic, trace roots, black, a little gray 5 12 M SS 18 28 6 7 8 M SS 12 25 8- 9- 910 10 11 9 M SS 10 21 12 9i 20 M X SS 18 17 13 i r i i i 14 LEAN CLAY WITH SAND, a little gravel, TILL grayish brown, a little brown, stiff (CL) 15 11 M SS 18 24 16 17 18 19 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brown 0 and gray mottled, stiff (CL) a 20 11 M SS 18 23 21 L END OF BOILING + DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO THE ATTACHED s DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL i 0-19'/z' 3.25" HSADEPTH 6/30/16 11:36 21.0 19.5 21.6 None SHEETS FOR AN n EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON u r BORING COMPLETED: 6/30/16 THIS LOG ', 'DR: JM LG: SHS Rig: 70 0 03/2011 O1 -1—.f 6(, AMERICAN ENGINEERING SUBSURFACE BORING LOG TESTING, INC. AET No: 20-14527 Log of Boring No. B -12A (p. 1 of 2) Project: IDI Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, MN DEPTH Surface Elevation 960.6 GEOLOGY SAMPLE REC FIELD & LABORATORY TESTS WC DEN LL PL o-#20 FEET MATERIAL DESCRIPTION N MC TYPE IN. FILL, mostly sandy lean clay, slightly organic, a FILL little gravel and clayey sand, trace roots, dark 1 brown, black, a little gray g M SS 12 17 2- 3 8 M SS 10 20 4 5 7 M SS 14 21 6- 7 9M SS 12 19 b 9 9 M SS 16 17 10- 11 8 M SS 16 27 12 i i 13 18 M SS 18 28 14 SANDY LEAN CLAYa little gravel, brown TILL and gray mottled, a little light gray, stiff to very 15 stiff (CL) 12 M SS 16 21 16- 6 17 17 16 M SS 24 18 18 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brown and gray mottled, stiff (CL) 19 11 M SS 24 21 20 SANDY LEAN CLAY, a little gravel, brown and gray mottled, stiff (CL) 21 9 M SS 24 20 DEPTH: DRILLING METHOD WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS NOTE: REFER TO 1 , „ 0-34/2 3.25 HSA DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE-IN DEPTH DRILLING FLUID LEVEL WATER LEVEL THE ATTACHED SHEETS FOR AN EXPLANATION OF TERMINOLOGY ON THIS LOG 6/30/16 10:30 36.0 34.0 36.0 None BORING COMPLETED: 6/30/16 DR: JM LG: SHS Rig: 70 03/2011 01-DHR-060 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC. SUBSURFACE BORING LOG 03/2011 Report of Geotechnical Exploration and Review I.D.I. Distributors Addition; Chanhassen, Minnesota August 25, 2016 AMERICAN ENGINEERING Report No. 20-14527 TESTING, INC. Appendix B. Geotechnical Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use Appendix B Geotechnical Report Limitations and Guidelines 'for Use Report No. 20-14527 B.1 REFERENCE This appendix provides information to help you manage your risks relating to subsurface problems which rare caused by construction delays, cost overruns, claims, and disputes. This information was developed and provided by ASFE , of which, we are a member firm. B.2 RISK MANAGEMENT INFORMATION B.2.1 Geotechnical Services are Performed for Specific Purposes, Persons, and Projects Geotechnical engineers structure their services to meet the specific needs of their clients. A geotechnical engineering study conducted for a civil engineer may not fulfill the needs of a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Because each geotechnical engineering study is unique, each geotechnical engineering report is unique, prepared solely for the client. No one except you should rely on your geotechnical engineering report without first conferring with the geotechnical engineer who prepared it. And no one, not even you, should apply the report for any purpose or project except the one originally contemplated. 8.2.2 Read the Full Report Serious problems have occurred because those relying on a geotechnical engineering report did not read it all. Do not rely on an executive summary. Do not read selected elements only. B.2.3 A Geotechnical Engineering Report is Based on A Unique Set of Project -Specific Factors Geotechnical engineers consider a number of unique, project -specific factors when establishing the scope of a study. Typically factors include: the client's goals, objectives, and risk management preferences; the general nature of the structure involved, its size, and configuration; the location of the structure on the site; and other planned or existing site improvements, such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities. Unless the geotechnical engineer who conducted the study specifically indicates otherwise, do not rely on a geotechnical engineering report that was: • not prepared for you, • not prepared for your project, not prepared for the specific site explored, or • completed before important project changes were made. Typical changes that can erode the reliability of an existing geotechnical engineering report include those that affect: • the function of the proposed structure, as when it's changed from a parking garage to an office building, or from a light industrial plant to a refrigerated warehouse, • elevation, configuration, location, orientation, or weight of the proposed structure, • composition of the design team, or • project ownership. As a general rule, always inform your geotechnical engineer of project changes, even minor ones, and request an assessment of their impact. Geotechnical engineers cannot accept responsibility or liability for problems that occur because their reports do not consider developments of which they were not informed. B.2.4 Subsurface Conditions Can Change A geotechnical engineering report is based on conditions that existed at the time the study was performed. Do not rely on a geotechnical engineering report whose adequacy may have been affected by: the passage of time; by man-made events, such as construction on or adjacent to the site; or by natural events, such as floods, earthquakes, or groundwater fluctuations. Always contact the geotechnical engineer before applying the report to determine if it is still reliable. A minor amount of additional testing or analysis could prevent major problems. 1 ASFE, 8811 Colesville Road/Suite G106, Silver Spring, MD 20910 Telephone: 301/565-2733: www.asfe.or¢ Appendix 13 — Page 1 of 2 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC Appendix B Geotechnical Report Limitations and Guidelines for Use Report No. 20-14527 B.2.5 Most Geotechnical Findings Are Professional Opinions Site exploration identified subsurface conditions only at those points where subsurface tests are conducted or samples are taken. Geotechnical engineers review field and laboratory data and then apply their professional judgment to render an opinion about subsurface conditions throughout the site. Actual subsurface conditions may differ, sometimes significantly, from those indicated in your report. Retaining the geotechnical engineer who developed your report to provide construction observation is the most effective method of managing the risks associated with unanticipated conditions. B.2.6 A Report's Recommendations Are Not Final Do not overrely on the construction recommendations included in your report. Those recommendations are not final, because geotechnical engineers develop them principally from judgment and opinion. Geotechnical engineers can finalize their recommendations only by observing actual subsurface conditions revealed during construction. The geotechnical engineer who developed your report cannot assume responsibility or liability for the report's recommendations if that engineer does not perform construction observation. B.2.7 A Geotechnical Engineering Report Is Subject to Misinterpretation Other design team members' misinterpretation of geotechnical engineering reports has resulted in costly problems. Lower that risk by having your geotechnical engineer confer with appropriate members of the design team after submitting the report. Also retain your geotechnical engineer to review pertinent elements of the design team's plans and specifications. Contractors can also misinterpret a geotechnical engineering report. Reduce that risk by having your geotechnical engineer participate in prebid and preconstruction conferences, and by providing construction observation. B.2.8 Do Not Redraw the Engineer's Logs Geotechnical engineers prepare final boring and testing logs based upon their interpretation of field logs and laboratory data. To prevent errors or omissions, the logs included in a geotechnical engineering report should never be redrawn for inclusion in architectural or other design drawings. Only photographic or electronic reproduction is acceptable, but recognizes that separating logs from the report can elevate risk. B.2.9 Give Contractors a Complete Report and Guidance Some owners and design professionals mistakenly believe they can make contractors liable for unanticipated subsurface conditions by limiting what they provide for bid preparation. To help prevent costly problems, give contractors the complete geotechnical engineering report, but preface it with a clearly written letter of transmittal. In the letter, advise contractors that the report was not prepared for purposes of bid development and that the report's accuracy is limited; encourage them to confer with the geotechnical engineer who prepared the report (a modest fee may be required) and/or to conduct additional study to obtain the specific types of information they need or prefer. A prebid conference can also be valuable. Be sure contractors have sufficient time to perform additional study. Only then might you be in a position to give contractors the best information available to you, while requiring them to at least share some of the financial responsibilities stemming from unanticipated conditions. B.2.10 Read Responsibility Provisions Closely Some clients, design professionals, and contractors do not recognize that geotechnical engineering is far less exact than other engineering disciplines. This lack of understanding has created unrealistic expectations that have led to disappointments, claims, and disputes. To help reduce the risk of such outcomes, geotechnical engineers commonly include a variety of explanatory provisions in their report. Sometimes labeled "limitations" many of these provisions indicate where geotechnical engineers' responsibilities begin and end, to help others recognize their own responsibilities and risks. Read these provisions closely. Ask questions. Your geotechnical engineer should respond fully and frankly. B.2.11 Geoenvironmental Concerns Are Not Covered The equipment, techniques, and personnel used to perform a geoenvironmental study differ significantly from those used to perform a geotechnical study. For that reason, a geotechnical engineering report does not usually relate any geoenvironmental findings, conclusions, or recommendations; e.g., about the likelihood of encountering underground storage tanks or regulated contaminants. Unanticipated environmental problems have led to numerous project failures. If you have not yet obtained your own geoenvironmental information, ask your geotechnical consultant for risk management guidance. Do not rely on an environmental report prepared for someone else. Appendix B - Page 2 of 2 AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING, INC