Response to Comments 10-05-16Sambatek y October 5, 2016 Stephanie Smith Project Engineer City Of Chanhassen 7700 Market Blvd. P.O. Box 147 Chanhassen, MN 55317 RE: IDI Building Expansion Response to Comments Dear Stephanie, Engineering I Surveying I Planning I Environmental We have reviewed the City Comments dated Month 16, 2016 for the IDI Building Expansion Project, and have made revisions to the plans accordingly. A summary of the revisions follows: 1. The Site Plan Agreement must be recorded. Response: This is to be handled by the developer. 2. Outlot A must be platted as a lot and combined with Lot 1, Block 1. Response: The plat is approved by the county. 3. The applicant's surveyor shall show all easements of record on the existing based on a recent (within 90 days) title search of the parcel prior to recording the site plan agreement. Response: The existing conditions shows easements based on the title commitment. A note has been added to the existing conditions sheet C2.01. 4. The retaining wall needs to be moved so that it is at least 15 feet from the edge of the buffer or 35 feet from the wetland edge. Response: The grading plan has been revised to eliminate the retaining wall near the corner of the parking lot. A 3:1 slope has been provided in place of the wall. Please see sheet C4.01. 5. If importing or exporting material for development of the site is necessary, the applicant will be required to supply the city with detailed haul routes. IDI Distribution Building Expansion October 5, 2016 Page 2 Response: The contractor has been notified of this requirement and will supply the city with haul routes. 6. Provide details of each storm, sanitary, and watermain crossing to ensure a minimum vertical separation of 18 inches. Response: Utility crossing details have been provided on sheet C6.01. 7. The Emergency Overflow (EOF) location and elevation for the infiltration basin shall be added to the grading and utility plan sheets. Response: The EOF location and elevation has been provided on both the Utility Plan, sheet C6.01, and the Grading Plan, sheet C4.01. 8. The applicant must submit a soils report to the city prior to recording the site plan agreement. Response: The soils report is provided. 9. During construction, the infiltration basin area shall be protected from compaction and disturbance during construction. The infiltration basin area shall not be excavated prior to substantial completion of the site work and stabilization of the slopes. Revise the erosion control plan to show this. Response: A note has been added to erosion control sheets C5.01 and C5.02 indicating these requirements. 10. Submit an engineer's estimate for the erosion and sediment control measures and the construction of the infiltration basin. Response: An engineer's estimate has been prepared and is provided. 11. The applicant shall obtain permits from all appropriate regulatory agencies and comply with their conditions of approval. Response: Comment acknowledged. 12. Private water main shall be installed per the most current version of the City of Chanhassen Standard Specifications and Detail Plates, which shall be included in the construction specification documents for this project. IDI Distribution Building Expansion October 5, 2016 Page 3 Response: The project will not have a specifications book. A note has been added to the Utility Plan, Sheet C6.01, indicating that watermain is to be installed per the City of Chanhassen Specifications. 13. A separate SWPPP document must be submitted to the City for review. Response: The SWPPP book is in process and will be submitted. Please let us know if you have any additional questions or comments at 763-476-6010. Sincerely, Sambatek, Inc. Eric Luth, PE