Hengenes Variance Revision ______________________________________________ © OUTDOOR EXCAPES 2345 DANIELS STREET LONG LAKE, MN 55356 www.outdoorexcapes.com 2016 OUTDOOR EXCAPES COMPANY CONTACT Office (952) 926-6899 PROJECT Do not copy or allow these plans to be copied without an authoriza�on signature from an Outdoor Excapes representa�ve. These plans, drawings, overall forms, composi�on of spaces, elements of design, and/or general concepts contain confiden�al, proprietary and trade secret informa�on and are exclusive copyrighted property of Outdoor Excapes protected by United States Copyright Law and all rights are reserved. Any unauthorized use, reproduc�on, installa�on, and/or installa�on of concepts presented within this plan are strictly prohibited without the authoriza�on signature from an Outdoor Excapes representa�ve. Companies or person(s) found to be in viola�on of this copyright will be subject to legal proceedings to recover all damage and compensa�ons. Authoriza�on Signature: OUTDOOR EXCAPES COPYRIGHT REVISION DATES INITIAL DESIGN DATE DATE CLIENT SHEET # Landscaping | Masonry | Carpentry Landscaping | Masonry | Carpentry BA R B H E G E N E S P R O J E C T 68 4 5 L A K E H A R R I S O N C I R C L E CH A N H A S S E N , M N 5 5 3 1 7 61 2 - 7 3 0 - 3 8 0 4 | b j h . e v a n @ g m a i l . c o m JUNE 8, 2016 OCT. 3, 2016 HEGENES JUNE 27, 2016 JULY 26, 2016 1 JUNE 28, 2016 OCTOBER 3, 2016