intro mtg at CC 10-24-16MEMORANDUM TO: Todd Gerhardt FROM: Kate Aanenson DATE: October 24, 2016 SUBJ: Avienda BACKGROUND The applicant Level 7 Development LLC would to introduce their plan mixed use plan for the City Council to review. This application is different from last years in that approximately 120 acres are in the project area where as previously there were 70 acres. The concept PUD application is in process. A neighborhood meeting has been scheduled for October 19, a public hearing will be held with the Planning Commission on November 1, and the City Council on November 28th. The review process is for a concept PUD. While concept is not legal binding the goal is to give direction to the applicant on expectations for the submittal the preliminary approval. At your November City Council meeting the staff will have prepared or you an authorization for an AUAR (Alternation Urban Areawide Review). In order for the project to proceed the environmental documents need to be updated. A traffic study will be one of the key components. ANAYSIS While this is an introductory meeting staff would the council to be aware of some of the major elements of the development plan. 1. Number of wetland alterations 2. Surface Water Management 3. Grading and the impact of required connections 4. Lack of a gathering place\connections 5. Considerations of critical issues from the April 20, 2015 Visioning Process Avienda City Council Work Session October 24, 2016 Page 2 of 3 Avienda City Council Work Session October 24, 2016 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENTS 1. Application for Concept Plan Review 2. Concept Submittal Exhibit 3. Summary of Planning Session April 20, 2016 G:\PLAN\2016 Planning Cases\2016-25 Avienda - Chan Retail Site\intro mtg at CC 10-24-16