C-2. Approval of Planning Commission Minutes dated October 4, 2016 C - 2. 10-4-2016 Planning Commission Work Session Meeting Summary Doctor Claire Bleser,Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District(RPBCWD)Administrator, gave a presentation on the history of watershed districts in Minnesota,how watershed districts work to protect our water resources,and how they work with Cities to plan for and manage development.John Teitz briefed us on the ongoing development of Parks and Recreation System Plan,and allowed us to weigh in on what our priorities for the park system are.MacKenzie Walters presented an issue paper highlighted staff's concerns that the current special events permitting process was ill-suited to handling the increasing size and variety of events within the City.Kate Aanenson briefed us on the approval of the West Water Treatment Plant and noted that the City Council chose to table the Paisley Park PUD amendment. She also informed us that Avienda had submitted their concept PUD.The group was also informed that the City has issued seven new sign permits in this last quarter. Meeting Notes 1) Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District(RPBCWD)Presentation a. History of watershed district i. In 1955 the Minnesota Legislator passed the Watershed Act which allowed creation of watershed districts. ii. Riley-Purgatory Creek Watershed District was created in 1969. iii. In 1984 it became the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District (RPBCWD). b. Function of RPBCWD i. Protect and manage the approximately 50 square miles of land that feeds Lake Riley,Purgatory Creek,and Bluff Creek. ii. Monitor water quality within district. iii. Engage in and promote practices that improve water quality within district. iv. Work with other governmental units to improve and protect water resources within district through identifying priorities and planning. v. Educate residents about local water resources. c. Indicators of lake health i. Phosphorus levels: too much of this nutrient leads to algae blooms ii. Chlorophyll-a: indicates how much algae is in the water,too much means too many nutrients are in the water. iii. Water clarity: how much particulate matter is suspended in the lake. d. Projects to improve water quality i. Alum treatments seal in phosphorus. (Good results in Lake Riley) ii. Aeration System in Rice Marsh Lake e. Flood projections i. Use LiDAR and updated storm models to project areas location and extent of flood risk. ii. Models project 30 years out based on assumed weather trends and existing stormwater. f. Grants and Joint projects with Chanhassen i. Clean Water Grants 1. Eastside of Downtown(Open until 2016) ii. Clean Water Legacy Fund 1. Supports redeveloping existing parcels to improve storm water management iii. Metropolitan Council Grant 1. Chanhassen HS water capture and reuse project 2. Family of Christ Lutheran Church/rain garden iv. Spend lime facility to reduce phosphorus loading in Lake Susan v. Bluff Creek Fish Ladder(in progress) g. Improving Coordination i. Desire on both ends to improve and sync up permitting process. ii. Work with City to identify priorities and implement solutions. 2) Parks and Recreation System Plan Stakeholder Listening Session a. John reviewed the goals of the Parks and Recreation System Plan update i. Create a long term plan for the Parks and Recreation System. ii. Identify residents' concerns,priorities,and goals. b. Conducted steakholder listening session activity with Planning Commission i. Attendees wrote top priorities(band shell,connectivity,etc.) c. Social Pin Point map(https://hkgi.mysocialpinpoint.com/chanhassen#/) i. Residents can highlight and comment on areas of park and recreation system they like, dislike,or want to see improved/modified. 3) City Code Amendments-Special Events a. Existing code is designed for sidewalk sales,open houses,and seasonal produce and other commercial use. i. Form and process work well for outdoor sales and corporate events,but is not designed to handle races and larger community events. ii. 10-day turnaround time is challenging for large/complicated events where multiple departments have concerns. iii. Does everyone need to sign off on every permit? iv. No criteria for denial. b. Current from could be improved. i. Applicants rarely provide the minimum required documents and descriptions. ii. Form does not list some required documents(like proof of insurance). c. Permits without clearly defined links i. It is not clear exactly when public gathering v. temporary event permit should be used. • ii. No mention of neighborhood street closure or temporary lifting of no parking and when they should be sought. d. Tracking i. Existing system does not track from as it moves between departments. ii. Numerous events,how to make sure there is no overlap? 4) City Council Action Update a. West Water Treatment Plant(September 24,2016) i. Preliminary and Final Plat and Site Plan for Water Treatment Facility approved. ii. Bid Documents and advertising approved. iii. Consider vacation of D&U easement on Outlot A and Lot 1,Block 4, Lake Harrison. b. Paisley Park PUD tabled(October 3,2016) 5) Future Planning Commission Agenda Items a. Avienda's(lifestyle center)concept design has been submitted. i. Slated to appear on the November 1,2016 agenda. 6) Sign Permits July-September 2016 a. Seven permits issued(Six in July, 1 in August) Fun Facts • Carp stir up the bottom of lakes increasing turbidity and reintroducing nutrients like phosphorus which have settled in the sentiment. • During one carp seining the RPBCWD removed over 26,000 carp from Lake Riley. * • Bluegills eat carp larva and are a natural way of controlling the population. *Subsequent research by the Assistant Planner has revealed that carp are edible,although a pain to clean, and with a little planning we can have a large community carp fly if the watershed ever has to do another carp seining. AGENDA CHANHASSEN PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 1,2016,7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS,7700 MARKET BOULEVARD A. 7:00 PM—CALL TO ORDER B. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Avienda - Concept Planned Use Development for a regional destination,lifestyle and mixed use center on five parcels. Located at the southwest corner of Lyman and Powers Boulevards. The concept plan includes residential,commercial,hotel, and office uses. C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of Planning Commission Minutes dated September 20,2016. 2. Approval of Planning Commission Minutes dated October 4,2016 D. COMMISSION PRESENTATIONS E. ADMINISTRATIVE PRESENTATIONS 1. City Council Action Update 2. Future Planning Commission Agenda Items. F. CORRESPONDENCE DISCUSSION G. ADJOURNMENT H. OPEN DISCUSSION NOTE: Planning Commission meetings are scheduled to end by 10:30 p.m.as outlined in the official by-laws. We will make every attempt to complete the hearing for each item on the agenda. If,however,this does not appear to be possible,the Chairperson will notify those present and offer rescheduling options. Items thus pulled from consideration will be listed first on the agenda at the next Commission meeting.