Wilson Nursery CUP 85-1i CITY OF-CHANRASSEN CARVER AND HENNEPIN COUNTIES; MINNESOTA AMENDED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1• Pmt. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the City. of Chanhassen hereby grants an amended conditional uSe Permit, in addition'to the previous conditional use permit recorded against this. property- for: Wholesale Nursery. expansion of the North West 2. Pro ert . The permit is for the following described property in the City of Chanhassen, Carver County, Minnesota: See attached Exhibit A. 3. Conditions. The permit is issued subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall redirect runofffrom. the nursery by using Alternative #2 shown on the drainage plans as shown on Sheet 4 of the plans dated September 27, 1989 and approved by MnDoT and the City Engineer by June 1,.1990, 2. The applicant shall remove the existing non -conforming shade and plantings structure by July 1, -3.990. 3. The wood chips/mulch shall be removed from -the area adjacent to the wetlands to an area where runoff from the same shall not -adversely affect the wetlands and shall be contained and properly screened as approved by staff. Removal of the wood chips/mulch shall occur no than August 1, 19900 4. The applicant shall submit for approval plan reflecting the recent site grad g and proposed improvements. provenaments . 5- The applicant shall discuss with staff the construction of a sediment pond along the south side of the drivewa Alternative #2 and modify the outlet a to drain 'into the TH 101 ditch. p�P 6. Side slopes adjacent to TH 101 shall not exceed 3:1. 7. Wood fiber blanket shall be used on slopes .3.:..l or greater. 8. The applicant shall obtain and comply with all ..permits required from the pertinent agencies, i.e. Watershed Districts, MnDOT and Minnesota DNR. 9. 'The applicant shall provide a letter of .credit as determined by the City Engineer and Planning Director to insure the drainage improvements, proposed landscaping Axid erosion control measures are completed. 10. All erosion control shall be Type III, maintained and removed at the request of the'City'Engineer: 11. The applicant the wetland proposed pond conditional u ponds. Shall receive and comply with alteration permit prior to site set forth.on the plans. se permit is not an 'approval all conditions of creation of the Approval of the of the proposed 12. No plantings, storage or other disturbance of the Class A or Class B wetland shall be. permitted' without application an receipt of all proper wetland permits. d 13. The shade structure shall be located as shown on the plan or it can also be located in the, low bermed area wes barn. t of the 4. Termination. of permit. The Citymay revoke the permit following a public - hearing under any of the following circumstances: material change of condition of the neighborhood where the use is located and/or violation of the terms of this permit. 5. Criminal Penalty.- Violation of the terms conditional use pei�nit is a criminal misdemeanor. of this Date: June 4..1990 CITY OF-CHANHASSEN By. ayor By C4ty `Cler STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF CARVER ) SS The oregoing instrument was ackowledged before me this day of Z9. , by Donald J. Chmiel, Mayor and rion Ashworth :� C ty Clerk of the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. C•ti VICTORIA E. CHURCHILL A �y • NOTARY PWBLr—?AJNNEWTA CARVER COUNTY r � Notary Public EXHIBIT A .The East Half of the East Half of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter, and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section'.23,.T6wnship 116, Range 23. And also that part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section.24, Township 116,- Range 23, lying southerly of the north 730.00 feet as measured along.westerly line thereof and lying westerly .of the centerline of -State Highway No. 101, the centerline Of which is described as. follows: Beginning at a point. on the Horth line of the SouthwestQuarter of Section 24, Township 316., Mange 23, a distance of 632.52 feet east of the Northwest' corner .of said Southwest Quarter; the bearing of the North line of the Southwest°.Quarter is assumed to be South 88- degrees . 46 minutes 29 seconds East. Thence South 4 Tangential curve, concave to the east having a central angle of 11 degrees 38 minutes 21 seconds and a radius of 1962.29 feet a distanceof 3.93.62 feet. hence South 7 T degrees 13 minutes 34 seconds East tangent to the last described curve, a distance of 217.65 feet thence on a. tangential curve, concave to the west having a central angle of 14 degrees 29 minutes 17 seconds -and a radius of 1166.15 feeta. distance of 294.88 feet, more or less, to a point on the.South line of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, and there terminating said point distance 660.44 feet easterly of the ,South.west corner of the North } Half of the Southwest ' Quarter. All in Carver County, Minnesota, 'and subject to all easements of record. \ » B! . b � � ||■ � | _ R -igoft z -UT?F OTk A 69- \ 1 `rte .� 7 z 6LIZ4 WELL 2-914. S& yj Rz Ar