G-1. Status of 2016 Park and Trail AcquisitionCITY OF CHANHASSEN
Chanhassen is Community for Life -Providing for Today and Planning for Tomorrow
G -J
TO: Park and Recreation Commission
FROM: Adam Beers, Park Superintendent
DATE: November 22, 2016
SUBJ: Status of 2016 Park and Trail Acquisition and Development Capital Improvement
The 2016 Park & Trail Capital Improvement Program (CIP) included nine items, ranging in cost
from $10,000 to $600,000 and totaling $1,133,000. Below is the status of each project:
Trees - $15,000: This allocation of dollars is invested in an annual tree planting program
developed each summer and typically completed in the fall. Parks and public spaces
experiencing tree loss due to damage or disease, or areas that simply would benefit from having
additional trees are selected. This program also plants trees in areas with a high concentration of
ash trees to mitigate the damages resulting from their impending loss due to emerald ash borer
damage. Lastly, trees donated through the city's Memorial Giving Program are purchased from
this fund.
Picnic Tables/Park Benches - $10,000: These dollars are utilized to purchase new picnic tables
and benches for areas within our parks and public open spaces that currently do not offer seating
opportunities or limited seating. These dollars are also used to acquire benches purchased
through the city's Memorial Giving Program.
Bandimere Park Improvements — Hockey Rink and Parking Lot Expansion $600,000: This
phase of the expansion includes the construction of a 23 — stall parking lot on the newly acquired
park expansion property. Improvements include an asphalt parking lot, curb and gutter, storm
water accommodations, landscaping, and pedestrian walkways as well as the construction of an
outdoor hockey rink, dasher boards, lights, warming house and associated improvements. A
second sheet of ice will also be flooded for recreational skating.
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Round House Park Sport Court- $336,000: Roundhouse Park is one of two remaining planned
locations for additional court surfaces in the City's park system. The Roundhouse park
neighborhood overwhelmingly voted to add additional court surfaces which included tennis,
pickleball and a new basketball court.
Highcrest Meadows Trail Connector Improvements- $20,000: Motor vehicles have
periodically been using the pedestrian trail connections as a cut through. Trail improvements
were designed to make the trail entrances less attractive to motor vehicle drivers. New concrete
pedestrian ramps with truncated domes, improved curb tapers and highly visible "No Motor
Vehicles Allowed" signs were installed.
Rec Center/ Bluff Creek Elem Roof Reconstruction - $120,000: The original roof was
constructed in 1995. Having reached 20 years of age, the roof has developed dozens of leaks
which now require extensive patching efforts to minimize the damage to the interior of the
building. The Project is estimated to cost $1,000,000. The City is responsible for 24% of the
cost per our lease agreement with Eastern Carver County Schools. The project will be split
between the fiscal years of 2016 and 2017.
Old Village Hall Repairs - $16,000: To keep the historic building in presentable condition all of
the deteriorated trim around the windows and fascia needed to be replaced. Along with a new
coat of paint to the building, light bollards and hand rails. The roof was also an area of concern,
all of the dilapidated shingles were removed and replaced with new cedar shingles.
Train Depot Paver Replacement - $16,000: The clay pavers at the train depot were in very
poor condition and in need of replacement. New granite pavers were selected for replacement.
Granite will provide a much more durable and aesthetically pleasing product.
The 2016 General Fund Surplus Fund included one park and recreation -related item:
Neighborhood Park Picnic Shelter Initiative $80,000: The construction of two new
neighborhood park picnic shelters are complete at Greenwood Shores Park and Carver Beach