Letter from Tom & Judy Meier 7-27-05 JUL. 27. 2005 3: 49PM BOISE NO. 364 P. 3 Tom & Judy Meier 695 Pleasant View Road Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 July 27. 2005 Chanhas8en Planning Commission City of Chanhassen 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 RE: August 2) 2005 public hearing for Wetland Alteration Permit to construct walkway and dock on property located at 6440 Fox Path. Dear Sir or Madame, As the adjacent owner of 695 Pleasant View Road I would like to object to the proposed Alteration Permit. Having lived for nine years ourselves at 6410 Fox Path, Lot 6, from 1990 to 1999 it was clear in our subdivision plat that only lots 10 thro 19 has any access to Lotus Lake. While lots 2 - 9 had lake views we were not allowed to directly access the lake. Now we live directly east of Lot 9 at 695 Pleasant View Road. If you did grant them an easement to cross the Conservation Easement (which restricts the placement and erection of buildings, structures, docks and walkways), they still cannot: 1. Reach open water in a straight line direction while maintaining the city code dock setback requirements. 2. Other neighbors would be adversely affected. They are going directly across any future access for 6430 Fox Path. 3. Their proposed location is within 8 feet of our dock not 20' as indicated. They do not show our dock correctly on their survey. 4. They cannot reach our channel without dredging the lake due to 2-4 inches of water depth in the entire area where they are proposing their dock. This area is often a dry bed if we do not receive continuous rains. 5. The length of their walkway and dock is estimated to be at least 440 feet long to no open water. To reach open water is an additional 350 feet at a severe angle to their proposed dock, not a straight line as the code is written. 6. Dredging cost a minimum of $50~OOO plus a DNR pennit which is very hard to acquire. I just went through this cost analysis recently. JUL. 27. 2005 3: 50PM BOISE NO. 365 P. 1 .. ~ 7. Our channel maintenance costs, (weed spraying) would have to be shared and we are not interested in any agreements or partnerships. 8. The Conservation Easement supersedes any Riparian Rights. 9. There is a family of deer immediately to the south of their proposed dock which would adversely affect them. The deer have lived there at least since 1989. Many giant snapping turtles additionally live in their proposed path. It is also home to the Egret~ Heron~ Ducks and many species of birds. It is also a spawning bed in the spring for the pickerel and carp. Since your staffhas also recommended the Planning Commission deny the Wetland Alteration Permit~ I urge you to do the same. I would also invite you to see first-hand what the situation looks like by inviting you to our property. Peel free to stop by and walk. out on our dock. Sincerely~ , IPu.; Tom Meier Tom & Judy Meier 695 Pleasant View Road Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 CITY OF CHANHASSEN RECEIVED July 27,2005 AUG 1 2005 CHANHASSEN PLANNING DEPT Chanhassen Planning Commission City of Chroiliassen 690 City Center Drive Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317 RE: August 2,2005 public hearing for Wetland Alteration Permit to construct walkway and dock on property located at 6440 Fox Path. Dear Sir or Madame, As the adjacent owner of 695 Pleasant View Road I would like to object to the proposed Alteration Permit. Having lived for nine years ourselves at 6410 Fox Path, Lot 6, from 1990 to 1999 it was clear in our subdivision plat that only lots 10 thru 19 has any access to Lotus Lake. While lots 2 - 9 had lake views we were not allowed to directly access the lake. Now we live directly east of Lot 9 at 695 Pleasant View Road. If you did grant them an easement to cross the Conservation Easement (which restricts the placement and erection of buildings, structures, docks and walkways), they still cannot: 1. Reach open water in a straight line direction while maintaining the city code dock setback requirements. 2. Other neighbors would be adversely affected. They are going directly across any future access for 6430 Fox Path. 3. Their proposed location is within 8 feet of our dock not 20' as indicated. They do not show our dock correctly on their survey. 4. They cannot reach our channel without dredging the lake due to 2-4 inches of water depth in the entire area where they are proposing their dock. This area is often a dry bed if we do not receive continuous rains. 5. The length of their walkway and dock is estimated to be at least 440 feet long to no open water. To reach open water is an additional 350 feet at a severe angle to their proposed dock, not a straight line as the code is written. 6. Dredging cost a minimum of $50,000 plus a DNR permit which is very hard to acquire. I just went through this cost analysis recently. 7. Our channel maintenance costs, (weed spraying) would have to be shared and we are not interested in any agreements or partnerships. 8. The Conservation Easement supersedes any Riparian Rights. 9. There is a family of deer immediately to the south oftheir proposed dock which would adversely affect them. The deer have lived there at least since 1989. Many giant snapping turtles additionally live in their proposed path. It is also home to the Egret, Heron, Ducks and many species of birds. It is also a spawning bed in the spring for the pickerel and carp. Since your staffhas also recommended the Planning Commission deny the Wetland Alteration Permit, I urge you to do the same. I would also invite you to see first-hand what the situation looks like by inviting you to our property. Feel free to stop by and walk out on our dock. ~~