Lot Survey for 6430 Fox Path (jv;zp Hedlund Engineering Services, Land Surn"" CIvil Entln.tr. Land Planne,. 9201 Eo., BloomIngton Freeway BloomIngton, Mlone.ota !5t5420 Phone: 888-0289 Survelfors terti/Kllte BOOK J.J2. PAGE .~, 3 ,",OB NO. eeR. - 54 SURVEY FOR: DESCRIBED AS: Mark Eklo Homes '~ Lot 8, Block 1, FOX CHASE, City of Chanhassen, Carver County, t'innesota and reserving easeJ'T1.ents of record. r>- \-\ Q f\ \>-G~ . ~\~ O?-- ~~--\ t?<;;"'^ <C..~ // " .......,..-" "'Y0 -s- 1zJ \ " ,CV ~ 1\0\ \) . ~~ 10 I\j < . i"~ 0'\" \ \.... \ ,/'/~ ~ J ", ~0 'l> O~ ~ \ ~'O~ ~o ~ ~ (), , ... ~ ) '" , '-J "-..., I f' , " ~ 1 '" , I '" PROPOSED ELEVATIONS Top 0' Foundation . 104-.S Garag. F 'oor . I o,\-. \ Basemenl Floor · 91c.4- Appro,.. S....r S.nlc. EItY. . Propoltd Elevation. E,.IIt1ng Elevation. Dralnog. Dlrecrlon. D.nole. 0".., Slak. BENCHMARK I R ,...... '5~" i +a"1 YYl. ~ +y-"",-\.- ,,{: Lo+ 8\ \ - ass....""'~J. MIN. SETBACK REQIREMENTS FRONT - 30' HOUSe - /0' GRRRGC: -/0' e. ~...v -:.. ~ 6. d~r--: "." y . L gr.n, Ucen.e No" R4~16