Agreement Pursuant to Planned Residential Development Contract Recorded 2-22-88 ... . . . .' . . .' . '. . AGREEMENT "PLmSUANT TO PLAImED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between theCi tyof,ChanhCls,s~ni.a.. MiDl1~sptClO1unicipal corpP~atiop,(1;l1e.' "C,i ty") ,Zachary Devel:op~eritCorporation, a corporation uiide't" the laws of the State of Minnesota ("Zachary") and James M. Zechmann and Susan M. Zechmann, husband and wife (the "Zechrnanns"). The property located in the County of Carver, State of Minnesota, legally described as Fox Chase, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Carver County Recorder, is subject to the terms and conditions of that certain Planned Residential Development Contract dated July 20, 1983, recorded August 5, 1983 as Document No. 60123vin Book 67 of Miscellaneous Records, Page 477, hereinafter referred to as the "Developers Agreement". The Developers Agreement provides for the granting of a perpetual conservation easement for environmental protection and wetland conservation over those areas of Lots 1 through 19, both inclusive, of Block 1, Fox Chase, which lie below the elevation of 900 feet. In connection with the Conservation Easement (as defined below), the Developers Agreement a4~V ~~~vides for (i) the future erection of a dock on Lot 16, Block 1, (which lot is presently owned by the Zechrnanns) to serve the owners of Lots 10 through 16, both inclusive, Block 1, Fox Chase and (ii) the granting to the City of a public trail easement. The undersigned owners of the affected lots i~ the plat of F'ox Chase, in order to comply with the terms and conditions of the Developers Agreement, do hereby grant and convey the following easements: Conservation Easement. The undersigned owners of affected lots in the plat of Fox Chase do hereby grant to the City of Chanhassen a perpetual conservation easement (the "Conservation Easement") for environmental protection and wetland preservation over those areas of Lot 7 through 19, both inclusive, of Block 1, Fox Chase, which lie below the elevation of 900 feet (the "Conservation Easement Premises"). The Conservation Easement Premises shall be subject to the development restrictions applicable thereto as set out in Section 6.02 of the Developers Agreement. Dockaqe Easement. The Zechmanns do hereby grant a perpetual non-exclusive easement (the "Dock Easement") for purposes of constructing, maintaining and using a dock for the - 1 - 6199R Page I F;"t..k.;.;'!, :.>n, /It:t,:,r.-:-t-./; of /4 Pages \~:,:;,::'~'~\'(~;i",~;}.j;':?':;!;[';~r~,~~'t@\:iC,,", ' ' ,,' :,' ;;:,:~"":,;;tfj~!11{1~~i!~~li!iiil!rl~~1:~!:!~t~1~!;~~~i:i::: ," Deve~b:p~rsAgreemerit. ' t:" itj~~~I~\rtfl~f~iiii1i~ii.i~_il;~,ltIIl15~!,~t~J~1~~,. ,':L<,:':::.:'" ,;',. :p:erp,~~u~l "ns>~__exclusive~ ea~ement 'for pUblic trail pQ.~PP',s~~ ,()y~r ?;::/,,;//:\,;\,.;;,',;?the,'pgo;'t;ion$of' L9t~19 ,~~p'20 ',' Block 1. Fox Chase as" more': ,:,,c ';{\ll~y-':,iescri'bed ohattachedExhibit A (the "Public Trail"). Conformance with Developer's Aqreement. The City acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement will be deemed to conform to and satisfy all requirements of the Developer's Agreement relative to the creation of the conservation easement, the provision for an easement for dockage purposes, and the easement for public trail purposes described in the Deve~oper's Agreement. Runninq of Benefits and Burdens. All provisions of this instrument. including the benefits and burdens. run with the land and are binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, assigns, successors. tenants and personal representatives of the grantors and grantees and their respective invitees, but may be amended without consent of the owners of any lot or lots not directly affected by the amendment. The consent of the City of Chanhassen to any such amendment shall, however, be required. Construction. The rule of strict construction shall not apply to the grants of easements contained in this instrument. The grants contained herein shall be given a reasonable construction so that the intention of the parties to confer a reasonably usable right of enjoyment on the respective grantees is carried out. Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed ln counterparts. In witness to this instrument, the parties ~ve caused this instrument to be executed as o€ the 31s day of~ ' 1987. - 2 - Eiden Construction, Inc., (Owner of Lot 10, Block 1, Fox Chase) ~ ~1 By: .. ./ tV . Its: -- -h---~ STATE OF MINNESOTA) }ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN} . I/~The foregoing instrument was ackno this L.a:I'Iday of .Per1~r11!Jt"r, 1987, by. c and respectively of Eiden nstruction, Inc., a Minnesota corporation on behalf of said cor~oration. ~-' /e .. ~.~/.. / _-e--rt.dA-- -;t:.--< .~.. ," - NO'fary Public - - .Elnda 9<iel NOTARY 'UBUC_Il"NNEsor.. CARVER COUNTY Mv ~m!,~~~ ,,!~r!, _ ~~:?~ ~ ,.r...~~-~~---------- -- - '" THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. 1100 International Centre 900 Second Avenue South Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402 6799R - 3 - Page .3 of /4 Pages STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) il LVNNEM.~ tlDrMYI'WUC- .. HENNEPIN COUNTY . . _ow. If '17 ..._,12.'. - 4 - 6799R P .,II '.:i _. uJ_ Pages age _..::z~,- . ~. . .-i.::. ,.:..:;.,...... me Susan M. Zechma Lot 16, Block 1, STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) 4A~he ~t was acknowledged before me thism:-- ~ay of , 1987 by James M. Zecr..maHn and Susan M. Zechmann. husband and IJ.f~A ~~ ~ary Public · - 5 - 6799R .-,- ",..:'.-.--"., ';':".:/:';" :'-,:\';;:/::'~:':::X;-:';:::'::.-':' ::,-~-,-('_:; '- >." -'. '. . ..,.;-.......-. ..--,..:.... . .....-.....;.;':.--;_. ,."..-..:-...".,.;.......:...;,-,._;,..- -. "'.' ---.'-'- -,." -..... . .- '''_''-.-'"c ';-,.'-_:": "':'.' .-...:....:....:.,:.. '........::..:..... >.. ..:~,....: /'.:~:'.,.: .....,.....; 't'.:',... , . "'. .. .: . ':.: :: :; '. :-'. '.:: :' :'-'- -;:':'::. :'. . . :~:. ......' .:.... ;.....:-:..:;.......::. ........:.;. . ...., ."":'. ,'" " --'..... -.'. ,.,.:",:::.::,.'"...:" .'-".-.'. ". ...':.....,. "::;-:-'-:':'.:'-':. ;'. !.:.:.;..::....:... "':, ;::<---: '.- '..:0:'-::'--' ">_""- "-': .>>~_~tjl~~lttii~~~;;; .. ."cett~in:;JiI():f::tgage; dat~d,;Apri121; 1981 RecO,i:ged the 11./-'6 day of yr~' ~.' 1981 as DOCU11le:g.t No. ~t,<(A';3 . .' (OWner of Lot 9, B1, Fox Chase) :;.:;", ': \!: ',:.:: '~'.-;.:-:,/ ;:':'.:' . "1-.'. . '.'j,: -:-:,,':':'-"':: . . -'~". . . ". ,,':.. '. ..':-:.;" .', .... " .' . ,.' .. ,.... .. ....-.........;......; ......:..,'....',..;...:. """'-'-.::-':'::.-- ~ff:{::;~:: '.;~'.': ':;. ,..:.). .', ':....:.:.. . .;';., By: Its: ~~ By: Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) ~ The for~going instrument was acknowled this,;2~ day of rt..lflk~(..A./ , 1981 by !..J-d. and - , the . ti~ and , respectively of National City Bank of Minneapolis, a National Banking Association on behalf of said National Banking Associ~i~ ~~1..,,)11 0-b~J~Y-J Nota'ry Public., j, q, Lynne /h. L.(?/ /J1 ti/r . I }/H -., -" rju-u.::> I; //';'/'13 r lug- ~{, lU,rP.A,,v.U~ ~! . - 6 - 6799R Pages i i I i ;'. ;'::;':~..'I .,'.'; ~..; : '.": . . : .'; .'.'. :-:._:i ; :;/,~r{/)~'<,:,~;/;::: ..,:.~. _-.::O::~:'-' \>:'.::'_; ......,.,:'..~.:,. .: ;',-.". . ':'//:".!:,.:.-',' -""':-.,::'.:r" STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) .;..,. ,,:,:-\{~ :',; "':~ >:;'!X.~-'?:~i:.:~:~;;~ :': ,;;.. '.-'i ;..:~~:::.~~..':.~:~~~~:;~;~~;~~:t:;ti~T~~~r? .: . : . ti/~:::~l!.?~\({,r" ...... .~:<: . ," ;:<-,:._..._-~',:.::". "::>~: :::~~t[(~.~~;;/:.: :~;{,~:r~~\~";.'''': ; -:.. ':c:" .'~.~.~'/:~ -, :<:.''':~~ ".:-,0,;..,-:;:,::> ;'-:;/;':L;,;;::':;-':"'~;"": ...........,...' ,,-:'.-. . ..,..:...........:,'..,..,; ~ ':' ";::':::'.<:;':,:,:/:<:">':',:':'", , . .. .... . ._.".:... ,-....,...,.,......-.... .c........... -.."'-_., ',' -". ~.....~ ~~~l.l~L L4Pawn M. Williams (Owners of Lot 17, Block 1, Fox Chase) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 22nd day of December , 1981 by Bradley J. Williams and LQPawn M. Williams, husband and wife. r:;~'*~;;~~~~~;-., t ~~ NOTAR~ PUBLIC MINNESOTA ~ ~ ~ WRlGHT COUNTY ; ; """' Ccmmissior Expires Nov. 24. 1992 t t"~HH#'###_H~_~ 6799R iL~~L {1. L.I!t..ej2f.-i/ Notary Pu lie - 7 - Page -... '1 or 14 Peges .: ':.::~<:'~~:i ...; .'. .1.. :~ '. ,..' .::",.:?:; ,'1'.,':.-."':" ""-':'::.:. t',: 'f; : ","_-'.",.--,-,-'_.:;-.,. -...."...:.'..:;::;/:....';.. .:',',: STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) '" The fo~ument was acknowledged before me this It - day of , 1987 by James E. Ring and Linda K. Ring. husban and wife. ~G<- a. ~ Not Public_ ~=:l ~~. 6799R - 8 - Page g Pages ~ \),jf.l ". ". . . The City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota Municipal corporation, does hereby consent to the foregoing in,~rt:rument and a,c:knowledges that the same conforms to and satisfies all requirements of the Develcpers Agreement, as that term is d.efined in .the for go~'n . instrument, relative to the creation of e Conservati Easement, an easement for a dock, a Jjas ments f~ a trti s. By: \ ! -d t / / Its: ~ ~~..~ (J.~ ~... "'- V- ~. STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF CARVER ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 30"" day of ~ , 1987 by~~.~ ~+- 1:b:e ~~ ~'7Yt-TOf the City of Chanhassen, a Minnesota Municipal corpor tion on behalf of said corporation. cirfj KM~EN J. ENGElHA~DT NOTARY PUBLIC . tJ::~';~![SOTA CARVER COU'iTY My c;omml&Sion e.p;~e.s 1(:.16-91 6799R - 9 - Page _ 9 v' .,.1!:f- ,;;;:::ges ~&~ . . . . , . ohn B. DeWey.. .. Yl.cv R, . Sherrie R, Dewey, 1, Fox Chase) , Block STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) The fore~ instrument was acknowledged before me this "2.- ~ day of -~, 1987 by John B. Dewey and Sherde R. Dewey, husband and ~S ,4 t4 ~ Notary Pub ic ...-.."'~ ,.-~.-. ....;~:,;:~~:~;;~,;.;.: . .,...._,......, ""r" . - 10 - 6799R Page It> of . 11/ Pages f\w1~1 STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) . The foregping instrument was acknowledged before me this "21:> day of~e.......~- , 1987 by Lowell R. Frost and Sharon Frost, husband and wife. '",,-\ Lib.;4 IY} ""-- NofM:'Y PIc .~.........._......., .. _..JI/II'o4""""""'.#.~.-~t J) 'I (-1.- ~ r ;;~ .:;.J.. Of/ c"'. ,,~,'''~ -"} ; (- -' TI. C(':;;,;~"{ } :~:~, ":. '. ;;;',''-tf ;-.J~t.iC-.lf!:-l":IS,{)1j~ : jJ --." ;/ ,- ,....."..i,.;<"m el<..:.f~"5 4.2().92 i ~.."'...;.~~~-- .; .......~ ...". - 11 - 6799R Page 11 Ct. 14 Pages STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) ," ,. . . .. . ". :". '. . . . . - _! .'. Lec:::yCon.$t!:'uc l^--L- . l~ The fo eg ing instrument was acknowledged before me this J:L day o' , 198f by Mark D. Lecy, President of Lecy Construe n, I ., a corporation organized and existing under laws of the State of Minnesota, 0 behalf of said corporation. 6799R " ~,~~:= HENNEPIN COUNTY III Ct .. I!IlpnINlW.12,11113 - 12 - Page I~ " OJ ~ 14:_ Pages STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF HENNEPIN) r The foriboing instrument was acknowledged before me this l.2... day of ~Q~ , 1987 by Barie P. Fritz and ~ aawiJton Vrite. husband ~d Wi~ Jt-. fJ1 ~ / o Y Public L V hIlL /h. Le,A /l. ~J*,: my ~lhfiJ/'S!;It.'/l e~p,.r~J 1I/(J/i3. - 13 - 6799R Page J.~ of 14 Pages EXHIBIT A Legal Descrip~ion of Public Trail A permanent easement for trail purposes over and across the easterly fifteen (15) feet of Lot 20, Block 1, Fox Chase, and the Southerly ten (10) f2et of Lot 19, Block 1, Fox Chase, according to the recorded plat thereof, Carve~ County, Minnesota. OFFICE OF COUNTY RECORDER STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF CARVER Filing Fee :J J~. ~ This Is to certify that this document wa~f1led In this office on the~ay of ~ n. 19D-A.D,at~0'clock ~. M. and was duly recorded as document no. 93995 CARL W. HANSON JR. ~ . County Recorder by: ()~ ~ ~ · 1<',-P ' ""_I G_G._ - 14 -