Agreement with Kimley-Horn signedEXIIIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES INDIVIDUAL. PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NO. 31 2016 UPDATE - 2005 MUSA AREA AUAR As a part of the 2016 update of the Chanhassen 2005 MUSA Area Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR), the City of Chanhassen has requested that Kimley-Horn and Associates (' KHA") update the engineering portions of the 2005 MUSA Area AUAR. The 2005 MUSA Area AUAR is being updated to reflect current conditions and proposed changes to the future development scenarios evaluated in the GUAR. The following is a summary of our proposed scope of work for the AUAR update: 1. Review Proposed Development Changes ® Review up to three development scenarios for the easterly portion of the AUAR project area 2. Update Traffic Study/Transportation Plan ® Update existing conditions narrative and figures ® Perform field counts of existing traffic (AM/FM peak weekday) at seven intersections (these field counts were completed in 2015 and we have assumed that the 2015 counts will be used for the work included in this IPO) ® Perform trip generation/dishibution/assignment modeling for the three proposed development scenarios ® Analyze traffic impacts for existing conditions, the no -build scenario, and the three proposed development scenarios ® Analyze traffic -related noise and air quality. The noise discussion will focus on traffic volume increases being at a level that will result in imperceptible noise level changes to adjacent properties. Air quality will use MnDOT's screening methodology. No detailed modeling is expected or included in our proposed scope of work ® Review pedestrian crossings and connections to parks, trails, and open space areas. o Develop impact mitigation measures and transportation improvement recommendations 3. Update Sanitary Sewer and Public Water Supply Plans ® Update existing conditions narrative and figures ® Review current City of Chanhassen Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan ® Review current City of Chanhassen Water System Master Plan ® Analyze the three development scenarios to determine projected flow/demand Yates and impacts to municipal utility infrastructure n Develop impact mitigation measures and utility infrastructure improvement recommendations 4. Update Storm Water Management Plan a Update existing conditions narrative and figures Review current City of Chanhassen Surface Water Management Plan and NPDES MS4 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (S WPPP) Analyze the three development scenarios to determine Rely storm water management requirements related to construction of the remainder of the public trunk roadway through the easterly portion of the AUAR project area Develop impact mitigation measures and recommendations 5. Update Mitigation Section ofAUAR related to the above plans Develop narrative of necessary mitigation improvements related to traffic/trawortation, sanitary sewer, public water supply, and storm water management based on the proposed development scenarios 6. Meetings ® We have assumed attendance at the following meetings: a Two City Council meetings o Two meetings with the project developer o One meeting with key property owners in the project area o One public open house meeting o Three agency (MnDOT, Carver County, etc.) meetings o Four meetings with the City and/or HKGi Our Scope of Work does not include any of the fDHowing services: ® Topographic surveys • Updates to other sections of the AUAR ® Air quality or noise modeling EXHIBIT B ESTIMATED COSTS INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NO. 31 2016 UPDATE - 2005 MUSA AREA AUAR The fallowing is a summary of our estimated costs for the project: Work Task Estimated Fee 1. Review Proposed Development Changes $ 1,410 2, Update Traffic Study/Transportation Plan $ 24,000 3. Update Sanitary Sewer and Public Water Supply Plans $ 5,220 4. Update Storm Water Management Plan $ 7,680 5. Update AUAR Mitigation Section $ 3,560 6. Meetings $ 9,600 Subtotal $ 51,470 Reimbursable Expenses $ 3,100 Total Estimated Cost $ 54,570 Kimley-Horn will perform all services on an hourly basis using our current standard hourly rate schedule with a total not to exceed cost of $54,570 including all labor and reimbursable expenses. EXHIBIT C SCHEDULE INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NO. 31 2016 UPDATE - 2005 MUSA AREA AUAR Work will be completed based on a schedule agreed upon with the City and HKGi. It is our understanding that a tentative schedule for the project is to start the work in December 2016 with a project duration of approximately four to six months. INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ORDER (IPO) NUMBER 31 MURTY-ONE) Describing a specific agreement between Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ("Consultant"), and the City of Chanhassen ("Clicet") in accordance with the terms of the Agreement for Professional Services dated March 3, 2003, which is incorporated herein by reference. Identification of Project: 2016 Update - 2005 MUSH Area AUAR General Category of Services: AUAR Update Specific Scope of Basic Services: Provide engineering services to update engineering portions of the Chanhassen 2005 MUSA Area AUAR document as described in the attached Scope of Services (Exhibit A) Additional Services if Required Deliverables: Method of Compensation: Schedule: Special Terms of Cempecsation: Other Special Terms of Individual Project Order: CITY OF C[IANHASSEN TITLE: DATE: None identified at this time Narrative text and figures to be incorporated into AUAR Update document to be prepared by Hoisington Koegler Group, Ina To be billed on an hourly (cost plus) basis not to exceed $54,570 as detailed in the attached Estimated Cods summary (Exhibit B) See attacbed Project Schedule (Exhibit C) None None KrM EY -HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. c BY:� L TITLE: fir,'P, � DATE: i2 f//J6