G-1. Recommend Acceptance of Donation of Lions Drinking Fountain at Lake Ann Park; Chanhassen Lions ClubAt MEMORANDUM CITY OF C HANHASSE N Chanhassen is a Community for Life -ProvidingforToday and Planning forTomorrow TO: Park and Recreation Commission FROM: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director DATE: December 13, 2016 SUBJ: Recommend Acceptance of Donation of Lions Drinking Fountain at Lake Ann Park; Chanhassen Lions Club PROPOSED MOTION: "The Park and Recreation Commission recommends that the City Council accept the donation of a Lions Drinking Fountain from the Chanhassen Lions Club to replace the existing water fountain at the Lake Ann Park ball field concession area." Approval requires a simple majority vote of Park & Recreation Commission members present. BACKGROUND The Chanhassen Lions Club would like to donate a Lions drinking fountain to the community in recognition of Lions Clubs International Centennial Celebration. All donations exceeding $500 must be approved by the City Council. The drinking fountain donation is estimated to total $4,850. The Chanhassen Lions Club was chartered in 1988 and is a member of Lions International, a service organization with more than 1.4 million members in 45,000 clubs in over 185 countries. Lions is the largest service organization in the world! Membership in Chanhassen Lions is open by invitation to all service -minded men and women, age 18 and older. Membership is comprised of people from all walks of life and of diverse backgrounds, united with one common goal, to serve the Chanhassen Community. The Chanhassen Lions meet at the Chanhassen American Legion (290 Lake Drive East, Chanhassen, MN 55317). The monthly meeting is the 4th Monday of each month, with social hour starting at 60-30 PM and the meeting at 7:00 PM. PFI 952.227.1100 • vwuw.ci.chanhassen.mmus • FX 952.227.1110 7700 MARKET BOULEVARD • PO BOX 147 • CHANHASSEN • MINNESOTA 55317 The Chanhassen Lions have made past donations to the city including partially funding the lighting of Lake Ann Park ball field #4, installing a monument sign recognizing field #4 as Lions Field, and most recently, installing a memorial bench at this same location. Additionally, they are very involved with service events in the community including sponsorship of the Chanhassen Senior Center Summer Picnic, Firemen's/Lions pancake breakfast, Christmas tree lot, and summer hosta sale. DISCUSSION The Chanhassen Lions are proposing to provide this fountain as a replacement for the one currently in use in the Lions Field section of Lake Ann Park. The existing fountain is adjacent to the playground and concessions stand in the area of the softball fields. The Chanhassen Lions will deliver the fountain fully plumbed and will coordinate a licensed plumber to complete the installation. The Chanhassen Lions will cover the cost of the fountain itself in addition to any delivery and installation costs (permits, inspections, etc.) The area around the existing fountain is concrete and will be used for the new fountain as well. Upon the completion of the installation, the city will take ownership of the fountain including the required work to maintain it (winterization, etc.) going forward for the life of the fountain. Per the manufacturer, the useful life expectancy for this type of fountain is between 10 and 20 years. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Park and Recreation Commission recommend that the City Council accept the donation of a Lions drinking fountain from the Chanhassen Lions Club to replace the existing water fountain at the Lake Ann Park ball field concession area. ATTACHMENTS 1. E-mail from Mr. Dan Mertes, Chanhassen Lions Club dated November 29, 2016 2. Location map 3. Site photo 4. Images of a Lions water fountain 5. Installation schematics Hoffman, Todd From: dan.mertes@wellsfargo.com Sent: Tuesday, November 29, 2016 8:27 AM To: Hoffman, Todd Subject: Lions Centennial Fountain Attachments: Lions Park Fountain at Lake Ann 5 jpg; Lions Park Fountain at Lake Ann 4 jpg; Lions Park Fountain at Lake Ann 3.jpg; Lions Park Fountain at Lake Ann 2 jpg; Lions Park Fountain at Lake Ann 1 jpg; Lions Park Fountain at Lake Ann 6 jpg; Lions fountain jpg Todd: Thank you again for your time and consideration on this. I've included a few more details for you. Below, please find a map of the "Lions Park" portion of Lake Ann Park. Note the yellow arrow as that is the proposed location of the drinking fountain. I've taken some pictures and measurements of the proposed site and have those below. The existing pad includes a concrete portion that measures 70 inches in width by 121 inches long and an asphalt approach that is 70 inches in width by 72 inches long. The Lion fountain would fit on the pad along with the existing spigot. Even after placement, there will be 10 to 15 inches of clearance between the existing spigot and the back of the Lion. The existing plumbing control access cover may need to be moved slightly to accommodate the base of the fountain. Whether or not this needs to be moved is dependent on the final placement of the fountain as well as plumbing options. In terms of the value of the donation, here is an approximate cost estimate: • Fountain: $3850 • Fountain Delivery: $250 • Existing fountain removal and installation of new fountain: $750 • Total donation value: $4.,850 Thank you again for your consideration on this and please don't hesitate to reach us with any additional questions. a r � S a: t Pal w -AL w �'i_ "� �' 9 �� r �= .� ; k .� �� ., ��. ��� a; k *e - -�. K v1.:• 4 � 4, i ��fR� �� �raF' ,. �,.a ' sar ayout for Lion Drinking Fountain Concrete Pads (ADA Compliant) The concrete pad in front of the fountain can be larger than 30,"x48", this is just the minimum requirements for a wheelchair. It may be easier to create one concrete pad that incorporates the two pads as one. 48/f Bring in plumbing from the rear FRONT Anchor points Waterline (In concrete pad) =,- WMIT0,04-E The waterline and drain can be placed anywhere around the ce-nter 20"range from the back of the pad. You will want a waterline with inline shutoff capabilities where it exits the concrete. There is an access panel at the back C"•M the shutoff. A flexible waterline can be run from the base to the Haws 1152 drinking fountain. Check specs on fountain for unlet size. Any questions give me a call Josh 218-851-7965 Layout for Lion Drinking Fou�ntaiw-n Concrete Pads (ADA Compliant) x48"' , th is t The concrete pad"n fio, t the fbuntain can be larger than 30" 1, ,IF K lu t he m inim u m req u i re.mentsfo r a whee Ic h a t r. E� Waterfountain 'I" & Bubbler head, BasM Drain