G-2. Parks and Recreation System Plan Progress ReviewCreating Places that Enrich People's Lives Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. �� Memo City of Chanhassen Parks and Recreation System Plan Parks and Recreation Commission Tuesday, December 13, 2016 Meeting Purpose Update the Parks and Recreation Commission on the status of the Chanhassen Parks and Recreation System Plan by reviewing Community Engagement Input, System Evaluation, Needs Assessment Findings, and Key Findings about the status and future needs of the system. Presentation outline 1. Project Process 2. Community Engagement Recap 3. Recreation Trends 4. System Evaluation and Needs Assessment Findings 5. Peer Community Comparisons & National Standards 6. Key Findings 7. Next steps The focus of the Park System Plan update will be to review the results of the system evaluation and needs assessment tasks and present our key findings. In addition to the community engagement occurring over the last few months, the consultant team has conducted a distribution and gap analysis for the system, peer community analysis, and national standard analysis. The intent of these tasks is to build a solid foundation of understanding of the existing system and an identification of the issues and priorities for the master planning process. The Key Findings describe the state of the system and the needs. These findings are what will be used to develop the Existing Conditions chapter of the System Plan, as well as serve as a foundation for the identification of a system vision. As this is a system plan, the key findings are more global in scale than a laundry list of specific park or facility needs (the laundry list will come later in the process). The Key Findings are included as an attachment and have been edited to include the Park System Plan Advisory Committee's input. We're interested in gathering the Parks and Rec Commission's input as well. The following is an overview of what is included as attachments: Distribution and Gap Analysis A distribution and gap analysis was conducted for system components. The distribution analysis looked at where facilities are located to see if certain areas of the city are underserved. The gap analysis also looks for areas that are underserved, but does so by identifying whether there are residential neighborhoods that are not within a % mile of neighborhood parks or portions of community parks that provide a neighborhood feature like a playground. Some initial findings from this analysis include: • Neighborhood Parks Generally the City has done a good job of ensuring most residential neighborhoods are served by a neighborhood park Chanhassen Park and Recreation system Plan - Parks and Recreation Commission- December 13, 2016 o Largest gap exists south of 212 - particularly when Great Plains Boulevard is considered a barrier o Of particular concern are those areas identified for future medium and high density residential Community Parks o Distributed to serve the core of the city well o While a gap, the northwest area is served by Lake Minnewashta Park o Gap also to the south between 212 and 101 • Facilities o Playgrounds distributed throughout, similar access concerns as neighborhood parks o Shelters distributed throughout the City. There is a Neighborhood Park Picnic Shelter Initiative underway that will add 6 more shelters in 2017 and 2018 o Diamond Fields (baseball/softball) & Rectangular Fields (soccer, football, lacrosse) - primarily located in the core of the city with limited access on the north, west, and south. Rectangular fields are also available at Minnetonka Middle School West, though the fields are not operated by the City. o Informal Sports (basketball, open fields, pickleball, sand volleyball, tennis) - basketball distributed throughout, while tennis and sand volleyball more centrally located. Pickleball has relative new set of dedicated courts at the Recreation Center. o Summer& Winter Informal Recreation - access is generally related to where opportunities were available Community Engagement Activities A variety of community engagement activities were completed this fall. We have included in this packet an overview of each one and some summarized findings. Pop -Up Meetings Thank you to everyone who assisted in conducting pop-up meetings throughout the community. These were integral towards increasing awareness of the process and soliciting input. A summary of what was heard is included for your review. Stakeholder Meetings The consultant team conducted two stakeholder meetings: one with seniors and one with athletic associations. Notes from the stakeholder sessions have been provided for your review. Community Surveys & Social Pinpoint The three on-line surveys conducted included a general community survey (935 respondents), recreation center survey (322 respondents), and senior center survey (120 respondents). The results from the surveys have been compiled into multiple documents. The first pages of the attachment provide summaries of relevant findings from the surveys. These summaries are followed by a summary of the comments on two of the open questions on the general community survey. For those who are interested in reviewing all of the results for each survey, they are available in a draft Appendix at https://hkgi.sharefile.com/d-s7c475dad6lb4657b. Social Pinpoint is an interactive online mapping tool that was used to gather site-based input on specific parks and recreation issues within the city. The results are displayed with maps and the lists of comments received. The data can be reviewed at https://hkgi.mysocialpinpoint.com/chanhassen#/. 2 Parks and Recreation Commission update - December 13, 2016 J Develop a document that serves as a comprehensive guide to park employees and City decision makers Create a long-range (10-25 years) vision and guide for parks, recreation, natural areas, and trails Guide City leaders in future decisions about park and recreation investments Include actions to ensure system meets community needs now and in the future Provide guidance on planning for maintenance and equipment replacement >> Engage Parks and Recreation staff and volunteers, Parks and Recreation Commission, and City Council Engage Chanhassen residents and users of the Chanhassen parks and recreation system Build awareness and support for future investment in the park system SYSTEM PLAN COMPONENTS &RELATED TASKS Update the Park Inventory » Update the City Comprehensive Plan's Parks and Open Space Chapter Relate park inventory to City's Asset Management Data Park System Plan sections could include: Parks, Recreation Center, Senior Center, Athletic Facilities, Natural Areas, Recreation Programs, Trails & Bikeways, Operations, Maintenance, Replacement SYSTEM PLAN PROCESS Inclusive process that represents the diverse interests of the community Comprehensive inventory and analysis of the existing system Analysis of distribution, condition, connectivity, programming, maintenance, and funding System -wide vision for the future Development of executable goals, principles, standards, and actions Blueprint for priority investments, asset management, maintenance, park dedication, and funding Page 1 WHAT WE'VE DONE SO FAR Kicked off the project with staff and consultants Held two Advisory Committee Meetings on Sept. 8th and Nov. 10th Updated the City Council on Sept. 26th Completed inventory and analysis of existing park and recreation system Completed needs assessment with community engagement activities Community Engagement Activities Created project website and facilitated 3 online surveys to the public: General Park and Rec System, Senior focus, Rec Center focus Facilitated Social Pinpoint, interactive online mapping input Hosted several Pop Up Meetings and Events: Farmers Market, Pickleball, Softball, Planning Commission, Chanhassen High School Football Stakeholder Meetings: Senior Commission, Athletic Associations NEXT STEPS Vision Workshop - January 12, 2016 More community outreach to be held in the spring/summer 2017 PROJECT SCHEDULE MEETING + INPUT SUMMARY: t) Advisory Committee Meetings NJ Park and Recreation Commission Meetings F-4 Community Engagement Activities �► Vision Workshop (Advisory Committee and Park and Recreation Commission) ■' City Council Meetings � Page 2 9 i � ,_,( !-% ► ► 2016-2017 116 SEP OCT NOV DEC 17 FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP Phase 1: Project Organization and Kick Off Phase 2: Inventory, Synthesis, I , and Evaluation r r ► , 1 t , 1 r , 1 , 1 1 Phase 3: 1 ! 1 , , , �', , , ■ 1 1 1 , , System Visioning Phase 4: Prepare System Plan and Comprehensive Plan Chapter 1W1 MEETING + INPUT SUMMARY: t) Advisory Committee Meetings NJ Park and Recreation Commission Meetings F-4 Community Engagement Activities �► Vision Workshop (Advisory Committee and Park and Recreation Commission) ■' City Council Meetings � Page 2 9 i � ,_,( !-% ALL PARKS & OPEN SPACE Cathcart Park _-_ _(Owned by the __—__ -_ Minnewashta City of Shorewood) Heights Park `------- --._. __----------__---------- -- r_ _—__-- --_ __ __ _ ------- ----- _ _____ _ . __—__—__---�--- r�' r I Minnetonka Middle ' f Herman Field School West , !Park- Curry Farms ;4nt Veva .4 s' Park Pheasant Hill North Lotus ' Park ,akeLucy Rojd Lake Park i i Roundhouse Park Minnewashta Carver Beach Carver Beach Regional Park Playground Park Manchester Park 1 (To Be Completed in 2018) Meadow a Greenwood Green Park ' Lung`�Shores Park Sugarbush Park t � Kerber Pond Park i Arb orelvn3 go ilk 1✓a rd Lake Ann Park �� Olson Community %J Garden - ; South Lotus City Center ,� Lake.Park t i f� Park I Chanhassen University of Minnesota - ill " QWr Chanhassen Recreation Center Landscape Arboretum Estates Park - 53 82na ------------- !a><e r°• ., ti Lake Susan —� Stone Creek Rice Marsh Park Sunset Ridge Park Lake Park ' ' Park Prairie Knoll Park ) Power Hill Park j Chanhassen High School [--'Joint Facilities) Chanhassen Hills Park L) i? SCJ;.,,,.. 5 j 1 1 Bandimere �"Bandimere Park ` Heights Park 1 f ''r l iPioneer Pass Park; k - Ec trail aw. P@n ' Privately Owned Pioneer Trail Eist y< Public Golf Course �� I Hlind=; I � LEGEND Open Space Community Park Neighborhood Park Preserve - Special Use Non -City Parks & Open Space Public School Water Bodies �_-- Municipal Boundaries Surrounding Municipal Parks T�`f9t ��f UT4 �i�i Crosstown 804� a 13 t I 1 ANN 1 1 r� rr` r 1 1 i i Riley Ridge Park 1 fI k 1 1 I 1 1 1 i 1 1 i 1 I MN Valley National Wildlife Refuge Flying Cl;,,ty et Wild ement , 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles COMMUNITY PARK ACCESS rl r-' `J-, --,rl -r ti Cathcart Park —(Owned by the Minnewashta -- City of Shorewood) lieiglits Park-----�.__---------------------------.�----- -- { Minnetonka Middle 'rJ Herman Field School West Park Curry Fa rm s i O Park Pheasant Hill. Park i Minnewashta Carver Beach Roundhouse Park Regional Park Playground i Manchester Park (To Be Completed in 2018) Meadow i Greenwood Green Park Shores Park Sugarbush Park lniversity=of Minnesota Landscape Arboretum T, N t 1 P1011 -a a Lake Minnewashta Park serves as a community park for the surrounding area LEGEND Community Parks Neighborhood Parks 1 Mile Buffer Batjil,.v,:ro 2 Mile Buffer i, Non -City Parks & Open Space Public School 40"., c�Ua .n„:” Rr:,l.. Water Bod ies ---! Municipal Boundaries Surrounding Municipal Parks 2030 Planned Land Use t4 Med ium/High Density Residential Low Density Residential Large Lot Residential Lake Ann Park Chanhassen we Recreation Center Stone Creek Park Sunset Ridge Park Power Hill Park Chanhassen High School L-- (Joint Facilities) �1 r 1 1 ! .1 1 Pioneer t Pass Park � I ! Pio!)eer TrAEas; 'R i R' 1 ! , � t I , �. .MO . IM Olson Community Garden City Center Park Lake Susan Park Rice Marsh Lake Park tom' Prairie Knoll Park Chanhassen Hills Park Bandimere Bandimere Park Heights Park Privately Owned P„i;r;r.r—If rni - ! ! 1 North Lotus Lake Park ! 1 , ! I , I i I r , South Lotus - LA e. P 6r-i otus-Lake.Park ! Chanhassen Estates Park ! , ! I! i ! ! ! , , t Riley Ridge Park /`\ MN Valley National Ayny pou?1 �►'° i\1�1� Wildlife.Refuge Raguet Wildlife I ,Management Area-----,-------��_ I tJ ! r 1 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles NEIGHBORHOOD PARK ACCESS l� r]f-JI LJ Cathcart Park (Owned by the Minn ewashta City of Shorewood) Minnetonka Middle ` f� Herman Field School West Curry Farms i �1 Park, Park � Pheasant Hill North Lotus Park Lake Park J , r � ' Minnewashta Carver Beach Carver Beach i Rouni house Park t I g Regional Park Playground Park Manchester Park >� (To Be Completed in 2018) Meadow Greenwood Green Park P+ooels *Major roadways are barriers for pedestrian access, and limit the reach of many 1/2 mile park buffers throughout th e C ity LEGEND Community Parks Neighborhood Parks 1/2 Mile Buffer* Non -City Parks & Open Space ._. Public School Water Bod ies L_ —J Municipal Boundaries Surrounding Municipal Parks 2030 Planned Land Use BoWevara Shores Park Sugarbush Park Lake Ann Park Olson Community Garden Chanhassen -•� Recreation Center Stone Creek Park Sunset Ridge Park 1 1 Power Hill Park r1 Chanhassen High School _ "(Joint Facilities) r rr i J 1 4 � t , I Pioneer Kerber Pond Park 71M City Center Park Lake Susan Park Rice Marsh Lake Park ly�y� Prairie Knoll r Park Chanhassen Hills Park BandimereBandimere Park Heights Park ( Pass Park �--�� Ear 7rai c Pioneer Trail&is,* � Privately Ownetl COO ! �r Public Golf Course ! , i South Lotus---".' Lake. Park I ;* Chanhassen Estates Park , e , r I 1 1 , 1 I , , Riley Ridge Park 1 1 , 1 1 MN Valley National 101 Wildlife Rei ge F ',ia g Ooil� 1 1 Z Raguet Wildlife Management Area Crosstown 30461 �1_ f3' Medium/High Density Residential ^,,01e out,:'a Low Density Residential Large Lot Residential 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles 45 ATHLETIC FACILITIES Cathcart Park --(Own e ythe Minnewashta City of Shorewood) Minnetonka Middle 11HOLU11 C Herman Field School Westf) 11" Park Curry Fa rm s p X Park O Pheasant Hill North Lotus Park Lake Lucy Roa,ri Lake Park V Roundhouse Park Minnewas ta Carver Beach Carver Beach Regional Park Playground Park Manchester Park (To Be Completed in 2 018) Meadow �,Drivc Greenwood Green Park Como- Shores Park Shores Sugarbush Park S. Kerber Pond Park LEGEND Diamond H up d Rectangular Gymnasium Open Space Community Park Neighborhood Park Pre se rve Special use Non -City Parks & Open Space Public School crosstown 60illev, Water Bod ies Municipal Boundaries Surrounding Municipal Parks 2030 Planned Land Use A� Med ium/High Density Residential Low Density Residential Large Lot Residential Baguet Wildlife ManaAd gem tr ell 0 0.25 0.5 P/ 1 i Miles Lake Ann Park son U11111lu" Y Garden South Lotus-'� City Center ll.a k e. P dr -i 2! Park 4!st Chanhassen k(Chanhassen Recreation Center Estates Park WA e D f7V,4 Stone Creek Lake Susan Park Sunset Ridge Park Rice Marsh #, Lake Park Park Prairie Knoll Park Power Hill Park 0, Chanhassen , High School , (Joint Facilitie S Chanhassen Riley Ridge Park Hills Park 1 It Bandimere Bandimere ti Park Heights Park Pioneer Pass Park O eer. Trail Pione e r Ya #s t Privately O wn ed E;4 Public Golf Course 10� 212 o " MN Vallp'y, National I PW 01 Wildlife Refuge Baguet Wildlife ManaAd gem tr ell 0 0.25 0.5 P/ 1 i Miles PLAYGROUNDS & PICNIC SHELTERS'Lry f Cathcart Park by the Minnewashta __(Owned - Y City ofShorewood)`----- Heights"Park_____`__--'-_—.----------------------,--.�-----�---- r' : - �� Minnetonka Middle ' .. �� � •, Herman Field � . Park O School West 4 Curry Farms PEe� p• � Park > I Pheasant Hill : Park North Lotus Laky LucyR'oaa >� Lake Park ' r Minnewashta Roundhouse Park Regional Park I Carver Beach Carver Beach ' Playground Park t Manchester Park!. i (To Be Completed in 2018) Meadow GreenwoodeGreen Park ' vrivol Shores Parke L nnV 4 }` esugarbush Park Kerber Pond Park -M Lake Ann Park Olson Communityr South Lotus I City Center Lake.Park , " i1 � Park j s ,_ Chanhassen �.. Chanhassen University of Minnesota `% Recreation Center Estates Park Landscape Arboretum c`• ___ 53 82nd�f-lam--------- Lake Dr; F• r -- --- ' I Stone Creek Lake Susan Rice Marsh Park , Park Sunset Ridge Lake Park ' Park � � r I No oi�D? ve Prairie Knoll Park Power Hill Paris t Chanhassen ��" High School I '=- (Joint Facilities Chanhassen Riley Ridge Park Hills Park ' ;a 0 We vard There is a Capital Improvement,�y� I Program in place to install picnic t-• I shelters at Minnewashta Heights, 1 Bandimere Bandimere + Herman Field, and South Lotus Lake Heights Park Park , Parks in 2017 and at Sunset Ridge and Prairie Knoll Parks in 2018 Pioneer � Pass Park a � t y � 1 LEGEND--'�-- L a eer Trail , i Prcneef frailLast I �tiT I Privately owned Playground Q_ Public Golf Course Nun&l Shelter* Permanent Restroom 7 � � I MN valley National Open Space 101 Wildlife Refuge r rryIng Clad,��77)j Community Park Neighborhood Park Raguet Wildlife Preserve Boulevard �- - Management Area ✓' _ _, ,___---'���/ - special use Non-City Parks & Open Space Public School CrosstownBoule��fa Water Bod ies�I a i —� Municipal Boundaries --' Surrounding Municipal Parks 2030 Planned Land Use Med ium/High Density Residential Low Density Residential 0 0.25 0.5 1 Large Lot Residential �_� Miles " SPECIALTY FACILITIES r r] Cathcart Park (Owned_bythe _ Minnewashta City of Shorewood) �Heibhts'Park___._.__ ___-- ___---------------------.--.`----------------- -.__------_—__._.__—_.-----_--- ,r Minnetonka Middle Herman Field School West Curry Farms pt Vic - Park - .� Park O Pheasant Hill North Lotus Park Lake Lucy r-, Lake Park Minnewashta Carver Beach to Carver Beach Roundhouse Park ' RegionalPark Playground Park ; Manchester Park (To Be Completed ' in 2018) Meadow r , yDtA` Greenwood Green Park ' LorkO Shores ParNyr Sugarbush Park S- , 1 Kerber Pond Park ' A:Jprtu,mBGti Lake Ann Park , Olson Community f Garden South Lotus-" City Center 'el Lake. Par k Park I ~ i Chanhassen Chanhassen University of Minnesota Recreation Center Estates Park Landscape Arboretum 5382nd — --- ---- Stone Creek Lake Susan � Park Rice Marsh , Park Sunset Ridge / l Lake Park ' Park Prairie Knoll Park LEGEND Power Hill Park , Dog Park Chanhassen High SAol (Joint Facilities) oaf i Chanhassen Riley Ridge Park '" Disc Golf Hills Park � I Beach i i Bandimere Bandimere Park :Heights Park t Boat Launch ' ` I I ' , Fishing Pier Pioneer Pass Park I � , Recreation Center—_eprTrail' � _ eau I 1=,c �' ' Privately Owned�� ftneerTrailEast � v Public Golf Skate Park CourseVo ~ 4 � 212 nc' ' ' , . Community Garden i, t J ', Community Events � .as t MN Valley National 101 Wildlife Refuge ti Open Space 'S q we - Community Park ; Neighborhood Park . r '+ Raguet Wildlife i Preserve ' ' IX. Management Area ---- �_ - Special Use Non -City Parks & Open SpaceIL . Public School ,,, " Water Bod ies ---J Municipal Boundaries I' Surrounding Municipal Parks Lake Ann Park provides paddleboards 2030 Planned Land Use t 7 and non -motorized watercrafts for rent Medium/High Density Residential _, ;`h :'`�4. at the beach shelter Low Density Residential 0 0.25 0.5 1 Large Lot Residential �..1.._ Miles INFORMAL SUMMER FACILITIES r] Cathcart Park __(Owned_by the City of Shorewood) { O 1 , I Roundhouse Park , , r { MAN! Minn ewas hta Heights Park__—.___`---•--- �_—__—__�__--- __—.___._ ,�_ LEGEND d Indoor Gym Outdoor Basketball 0 Open Field c � Pickleball 7 Sand VB ' Tennis 1�4 Minnetonka Middle School West Pheasant Hill Park Manchester Park -o Be Completed in 2018) �Drh L vs+9ace , pant vir. { Curry Farms pie` r'•y Park North Lotus Lake Lacy Roo, Lake Park Carver Beach Carver Beach Playground Park Meadow Greenwood Green Park Shores Park r fA i Sugarbush Park r i Kerber Pond Park �� Olson Community i Lake Ann Park Garden '''South Lotus-'- City Center Lake.Park Park I Chanhassen Recreation Center Stone Creek Park Sunset { Power Hill r Chanhassen High Sch}ooI -k l. --'Joint Facilities) rf 1 r , ti r '1 ' Pioneer { Bandimere,!�-y�- Bandimere Park Heights Park Pass Park --,— - eerT-ail o PiolleerTrailfast Privately Owned c�`' Public Golf Course Hodoe 212 Open Space Community Park Neighborhood Park Preserver7t�ta?vertl - Special Use Non -City Parks & Open Space Public School '��' Cres Water Bodies L-_— Municipal Boundaries Surrounding Municipal Parks 2030 Planned Land Use Medium/High Density Residential Low Density Residential Large Lot Residential ,r f MN Valley Natrona! rtya-, y Croe"m�� 101 Wildlife Ref ge hk et Wild ement , r bast Chanhassen `f Estates Park fJ 7 - Lake Susan ' Park Rice Marsh Ridge /, , Lake Park Parkis0 - x ' Prairie Knoll L -4 -Park ; Pa rk ' w Chanhassen Riley Ridge Park Hills Park Q i Bandimere,!�-y�- Bandimere Park Heights Park Pass Park --,— - eerT-ail o PiolleerTrailfast Privately Owned c�`' Public Golf Course Hodoe 212 Open Space Community Park Neighborhood Park Preserver7t�ta?vertl - Special Use Non -City Parks & Open Space Public School '��' Cres Water Bodies L-_— Municipal Boundaries Surrounding Municipal Parks 2030 Planned Land Use Medium/High Density Residential Low Density Residential Large Lot Residential ,r f MN Valley Natrona! rtya-, y Croe"m�� 101 Wildlife Ref ge hk et Wild ement I 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles () fJ 7 t I 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles () LEGEND Hockey Rink - Pleasure Skating Sledding Hill y-- eer Trail �' 1 I � i Privately Owned` Public Golf Course Hufti��i 212 Poer 1 � f t! A Open Space Community Park Neighborhood Park Preserve Rnuieiard Special Use Non -City Parks & Open Space Public School `' Crosstown 80441, Water Bod ies Municipal Boundaries Surrounding Municipal Parks 2030 Planned Land Use :h Medium/High Density Residential Low Density Residential Large Lot Residential MN Valley National 101, Wildlife Refr ge ti Baguet Wildlife Management Area 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles 7 r-� <, N --n-w-, ,, INFORMAL WINTER FACILITIES r r]� Cathcart Park _(Owned by the City of Shorewood) Minnewashta Heights Park----------ti__—------------------------.,�_--------- ----------------_--__--__--._�------- -- -- �—_�:., ",-Minnetonka J Herman Field Middle School West Curry Farms, ' r ' O Park Pheasant HillNorth Park Lotus Park Lake Park Roundhouse ParkI Minnewashta Cir. EP Y Ro& Carver Beach Carver Beach , Regional Park Playground Park ; Manchester Park ' (To Be Completed in 2018) Meadow 1 ,rc 1 Greenwood Shores Park ` a, Green Park ' ji T ; Sugarbush Park Kerber Pond Park ' * Lake Ann Park Olson Community Garden '� 1 rr� �! South Lotus' I City Center Lake. Park ,r , Park _ V University of Minnesota, Chanhassen �" Recreation Center Chanhassen Estates Park Landscape Arboretum � .,_ 53 82nd_--- ' —i Stone Creek, Lake Susan �� Rice Marsh Park Sunset Ridge•�f' =, , Park Lake Park I ' Park Prairie Knoll Park ; j Power Hill Park " Chanhassen High School (Joint Facilities) I Chanhassen Riley Ridge Park tai Hills Park 1 i Apr I y i Bandimere Bandimere 0i Heights Park Park r i Pioneer " Pass Park a 5 I i LEGEND Hockey Rink - Pleasure Skating Sledding Hill y-- eer Trail �' 1 I � i Privately Owned` Public Golf Course Hufti��i 212 Poer 1 � f t! A Open Space Community Park Neighborhood Park Preserve Rnuieiard Special Use Non -City Parks & Open Space Public School `' Crosstown 80441, Water Bod ies Municipal Boundaries Surrounding Municipal Parks 2030 Planned Land Use :h Medium/High Density Residential Low Density Residential Large Lot Residential MN Valley National 101, Wildlife Refr ge ti Baguet Wildlife Management Area 0 0.25 0.5 1 Miles G:a*;`„,'`rsses aidetre `.s ” � b e rf 2 0. 11 4 Pop Up Meetings • Farmers Market, Sept. 3, 2016 • Chanhassen Rec Center — Pickleball Courts, Sept. 12, 2016 • Chanhassen Rec Center Lobby, Sept. 20, 2016 • Lake Minnewashta Dog Park, Sept. 21, 2016 • Chanhassen Library, Sept. 28, 2016 • Chanhassen Rec Center — Barnyard Boogie, Sept. 23, 2016 • Chanhassen Rec Center — Lobby, Sept. -Oct., 2016 • Planning Commission Meeting — October 4, 2016 What do you value about Chanhassen parks, trails, and recreation? • Nice parks and trails • Pickleball courts are great • Community events • Music in the park • Dog park is a good value and well maintained • Ped bridge over Hwy 7 • Proximity to homes What are new recreation trends that the city should focus on for new facilities and programs? • More pickleball courts, and indoor pickleball courts • Trail connections — regional trails • Outdoor pool • Splash pad • Ice arena • New community center • Tai Chi • Healthy options in vending machines • Senior activities/recreation — group fitness classes • Therapy pools • Bike track • Natural surface trails • Community kitchens for cooking classes • Public/private partnerships • Destinations—restaurant$tafes/beergardens • Amphitheater • Conservation areas and interpretation What doyou think bthe top priorityƒorChanhassen parks and recreation? • PooVsp|ashpad • Indoor walking track • Expand the Recreation Center; Nice community center (like Eden Prairie) • Indoor hockey rink m Restrooms at Lake Ann Park • Weed control in lakes ° Athletic field lighting • Pick|ebaUcouMs • Meeting needs of seniors � Keep upwith trends � Buy Prince's land for park � Natural space preservation � Connectivity � VVifiin perks � Art center � Dogparkpriorities—fixdrainageissues,addwastebins What i's the #1public recreation amenity you think /smissing from Chanhassen? � Sp|ashpad/Poo| � Platform tennis w More gym space m Pickleball court improvements — indoor courts, wind screens on outdoor courts • Better community center with more gyms and pool (partner with YMCA) � |ndoor/outdoorpoo| • Indoor park • Indoor hockey rink • Improved play equipment • More evening activities • Amphitheater/BandsheU w Restaurant / beer garden destination = Trail support amenities are needed — trailhead, trail connections, interpretive information L 3 � . , � Recreation � �� � �.1.!4& 1 Ftaker !�# ' .F -�, m rk ,€ G�5-1, s. Athletic Associations Stakeholder Meeting — October 10, 2016 • General appreciation for City of Chanhassen high level of maintenance of fields • Improvements needed at Lake Ann Park for tournaments o Permanent restrooms o More parking • Interest in following through on the recommendations listed in the Athletic Facilities Study o More soccer fields o Lights at Bandimere Park • Participation in soccer is growing, baseball/softball participation is growing at the age 5-8 level Senior Commission Meeting — October 21, 2016 • Appreciation for trails and trail plowing in winter • High interest in trails and trail maintenance o Fix tripping hazards and downed trees o More grade separated crossings are desired (i.e. tunnel close to arboretum entrance) o More benches along trails o Wayfinding signage -distances, destinations, loops, slopes, city contact info. o Trail gap between Bluff Creek Drive and Flying Cloud o Provide online maps o Hwy 5 is a major barrier • Desire for indoor fitness facilities o Walking track ® Desire for better/safer ADA accessible parking and building connections at Senior Center and Rec Center • Maintain and expand bird habitat • Concerns about water quality issues stemming from turf lawn pesticides and herbicides • Appreciation for current Senior Center programming and location — few improvements needed at existing location ar CAO in capt r it Thi U11yaYUHIMIL LUW111MJUQO- 80%trails neighborhood community 75%parks events 74% community 72 /o 66% beaches recreation youth 52%center activities52% preserves/ 4�7%natural areas 35%diamond fields 29%rectangular fields 2G% ice rinks skating 0 victoria Chaska JYV919M le d-411,- 3 -411,- , Top 4 Destinations For Non -Chan Parks & Recreation Facilities 0 eden prairie Top 5 Unmet Facility &Programming Needs recreation center 14%1 44%1 MM73M, M111HIJA � 13%1 71%. L Top 3 Desired Facilities 75%11: 72% f 60% 4 natural play areas indoor pool outdoor pool family 0 L activities YO ��L�k Select General Comments tennis "We are lacking in facilities to 18%courts support our population here. A "While private rec facilities larger sports complex is needed. "We a support p 0 larger r adult 01. 1 Fae should fill the gaps in fitness YO "lee up the great work programming, something like an an outdoor swimming Id and enhance our parks; "Improving our existing rec pool should be one, of tj ne of the main 7reasons nfor wn"Id nrld usil"o and seriously considered as a city run adult L%0)a`e live here." facility. Lifetime is the only option pickleball U Lencourage pride in our comml in the city and is not affordable for community. It should be a top priorit� all. priority. 6% pickleball courts SENIOR CENTER While all responses to the Senior Center survey were evaluated, only those from respondents over the age of 60 were considered for the charts included in this intographic. However, the comments included below are representative of all participating age groups. Of Respondents That Never Use the Senior Center: A � ' ■ woodcarving 4% 2 4 0/io low are not interested in whal it has to offer health or wellness program field trip 29°/ 9Z I 0L 27% card playing 1 am proud of what the existing Senior Gis�Aer -afters in relaUurf to �,tjrcgroamniing but we vb '11 d tic ad growing the vt�ith the, shift in retirees. And ve% do have a dynarn[,L and, hard-work4iiv 611rexiior in Sue!! 51 "From what I've secot, f(hare isn't much offered nor Scnlor Citizens that still work fufl-flme. 11 would like to see saime progranas offered aA1 V 6 [111 ril 0 S, 0 V Wk, a a ft e n d s . "The loraflon of then Cha,'Dass en Sv. C-.Pnn1rn.,r a p p e,, F. r s- t e b & s u p is, r L, I.; cLi i � F, F. iss V f: ui l o C a- tra 5 Fi I G G st ss, S f'o rp isFsui r6 and EwiE, ro, encies 4' n6ediad,. If you, axe-, conslftring a, new cammkmJh,,�c vc.�,nite'v pAease, In c 11111, 6, e t, Ki e se, r6 li, o rr's s p a c c: C h a s k? F'u's ;on -L,, nq� u n i t y ceanier where all ages arrid all actMU;sscar,,L. parftipate- fi.iris uflinaate (even, church siudieqs, MccfingS5 etc.) "As: the ages Chanhassen irckrsadls a viable ssnlor c6laif,,er. ThE one �ttfia hiaiv-e- is very small and. does, not have, cniough prog,raxns. thcafiev and a,Mi' space, are vc:r,,jF linntiportanf, to naiie. 51, "Pilease keep the hns triii,ps so we can get to p1a,ces we can't difive te, Firild thai I�,Iaxe A% every da, oho ,20/o( use a senior center in another community I Importance Of Aaalitional Facilities Programming It more programming fitness class space large meeting/ event room indoor pool indoor track # - aie ,' or coffee s h a p theater carden hat tuh sport court maintain the existing senior center as it is relocate the senior center to a nevvx, larger facility build a new senior center adjacent to the recreation center 61%1 39% :60%1 40% 42% art or education class s. Other Popular Responses - Women's G1,10 Driver's Safety Class I Comments -A Is Chan-C-Laires 27% card playing 1 am proud of what the existing Senior Gis�Aer -afters in relaUurf to �,tjrcgroamniing but we vb '11 d tic ad growing the vt�ith the, shift in retirees. And ve% do have a dynarn[,L and, hard-work4iiv 611rexiior in Sue!! 51 "From what I've secot, f(hare isn't much offered nor Scnlor Citizens that still work fufl-flme. 11 would like to see saime progranas offered aA1 V 6 [111 ril 0 S, 0 V Wk, a a ft e n d s . "The loraflon of then Cha,'Dass en Sv. C-.Pnn1rn.,r a p p e,, F. r s- t e b & s u p is, r L, I.; cLi i � F, F. iss V f: ui l o C a- tra 5 Fi I G G st ss, S f'o rp isFsui r6 and EwiE, ro, encies 4' n6ediad,. If you, axe-, conslftring a, new cammkmJh,,�c vc.�,nite'v pAease, In c 11111, 6, e t, Ki e se, r6 li, o rr's s p a c c: C h a s k? F'u's ;on -L,, nq� u n i t y ceanier where all ages arrid all actMU;sscar,,L. parftipate- fi.iris uflinaate (even, church siudieqs, MccfingS5 etc.) "As: the ages Chanhassen irckrsadls a viable ssnlor c6laif,,er. ThE one �ttfia hiaiv-e- is very small and. does, not have, cniough prog,raxns. thcafiev and a,Mi' space, are vc:r,,jF linntiportanf, to naiie. 51, "Pilease keep the hns triii,ps so we can get to p1a,ces we can't difive te, Firild thai I�,Iaxe A% every da, oho ,20/o( use a senior center in another community I Importance Of Aaalitional Facilities Programming It more programming fitness class space large meeting/ event room indoor pool indoor track # - aie ,' or coffee s h a p theater carden hat tuh sport court maintain the existing senior center as it is relocate the senior center to a nevvx, larger facility build a new senior center adjacent to the recreation center 61%1 39% :60%1 40% This survey was geared toward people who utilize the Recreation Center's facilities and programming, regardless of whether or not they are a resident of Chanhassen. All of the questions specifically pertain to the Recreation Center rather than the park system as a whole. 5% every ., 04 �Zl Zti Of Respondents That Never Use the 0 180 0 ? Recreation Center: i" 0/in 3 5 Y(0,1 Yioill 1 18 Yioil 13 0 "will are not interested in what use a recreation center in use private recreation are unaware of it it has to offer another community facilities open attended utilized the attended an pickleball open gym fitness center event 9% 22% 27% 39% ./P 16% 26% 35% hosted or attended hosted or attended participated in a birthday party a meeting a class other Popular Responses- Youth Sports running/walking track indoor pool larger fitness centcr more exercise/ class studios a seasonal domed multi-purpose field house "health" snack bar senior center additional technology in meeting rooms (screen, projector, etc.) kitchen facilities in meeting rooms I hope it can expand, perhaps by moving to a new building and leaving the full building for an expansion of Bluff Greek." "We need an economical alternative to the expensive and overly busy Lifetime Fitness. Doesn't need to be fancy but something more like a YMCA or the Chaska Community Center." "More pickleball courts. As this sport grows, so should the number of courts." "it is a very nice facility. I Y 't is 4 exercise there 3 days a week. grows, re, row i E T PSI The staff is friendly and helpful.' F"The rec center needs to fill the needs T a of all community members. Currently, of 11 1 I feel the programming has a focus on I feel 11 childr'en and families..." "We would LOVE to go it you had swimming lessons in an indoor pool, and much more creative classes to choose from (art, clay, music, theater....)„ "An indoor public pool and walking track like Chaska Comm. Center .... the private clubs are so costly!" 'a . vn � L t plater, cv ger)-01-rF. 'c. oP5es t s ' ivns ?'I� f . tr; Questions 8 and 11 on the General Parks and Recreation Questionnaire included many open-ended responses. The responses are summarized below. Responses to the two questions were very similar. Question #8: Where your needs are not being met, what types of improvements would you recommend? (487 responses) ® There is a large desire for a new recreation center with a fitness center, indoor walking track, indoor/outdoor pool or splash pad — respondents often cited Chaska and Eden Prairie community centers as places they like to visit but would prefer to have the same type of facility in Chanhassen. Lifetime Fitness was frequently mentioned as an expensive alternative to a public recreation center. Other amenities that were mentioned: indoor ice rink, cafe/concessions, climbing wall, and options for teens. ® Several respondents mentioned the need for a wider range of adult recreation options, classes, and events, including evening times, athletics such as volleyball, group fitness, and events for single people. ® Better maintained parks are desired by several respondents who mentioned issues, such as poor drainage, old/deteriorating play and athletic equipment, and poor surfaces on courts and trails. ® Dog owners weighed in, as well as people who don't like dogs in the parks, about issues including: drainage improvements needed to the dog park, desire for more off -leash dog parks, more doggy bag dispensers, and more trash bins along trails where dogs walk. ® Lake water quality and beach cleanliness were listed as areas desired for improvements. There is a desire for more events and programming in parks and better marketing and awareness of what is going on in the parks and at the Recreation Center and where the trails are located. ® Many respondents appreciate the natural areas in Chanhassen and want more natural areas preserved from development. Lake Ann was mentioned frequently as an envisioned preservation area with a trail around the entire lake. ® Pickleball players responded with a desire for more courts, indoor and outdoor. ® Several respondents requested permanent restroom facilities in parks, especially at Lake Ann Park. ® There is a large desire for better trail connectivity. Respondents appreciate the existing trails, but want better connections under and across busy roads, more natural surface trails, and connections to other communities and destinations within Chanhassen. Some mentioned the desire for mountain biking and cross country ski trails. Youth recreation was mentioned as a highly used program, but concerns and comments were listed regarding desires for more flexible schedules (evenings), better coaching, and more options for young kids and teens. Question #11: Do you have any other ideas or suggestions about the parks and recreation system? (291 responses ® A large number of respondents mentioned the desire for a new community center with aquatic facilities. There were mentions of an indoor pool, an outdoor pool, splash pads, and swimming ponds. ® Several comments mentioned the need for more adult activities for young to middle-aged adults involving arts, fitness, or outdoor classes. • There are desires for improved athletic facilities, such as flexible diamond fields that work for different age groups, better basketball courts, and more fields overall. ® Respondents mentioned the need for more dog friendly parks and facilities. Desires for general neighborhood park improvements were mentioned, including more skating rinks, more park lighting, shade, picnic and grill amenities, and improved play equipment. ® Several people commented on their appreciation for the parks, Chanhassen parks and recreation staff, and the great events in the city. ® Some comments included suggestions about funding, partnerships, and comparison to other city's facilities. There are concerns about paying for new services, suggestions for a referendum, requests for the city to partner with private facilities, and desires for facilities similar to Eden Prairie, Chaska, and Victoria. ® Many respondents are concerned about development of natural areas in Chanhassen —they expressed wishes for the city to purchase Prince's land, preserve more open space areas in the city, and clean up invasive species and water pollution occurring from development. ® Trails are greatly used and appreciated by respondents, but trail extensions and trail amenities and support facilities are desired. ® Youth activities and programming were mentioned as important to continue and expand for more age groups and a larger variety of programs. SOCIAL PINPOINT Social Pinpoint is an online platform that helps users place geographically -referenced comments in the following categories: "Like it," "Needs Work," "Missing Facility," and "Trail Gap." This method of engagement received almost 170 responses distributed throughout the City, which can be seen on the map below. A selection of the most popular comments are displayed of the right by category. �i Like It Needs Work Missing Facility Trail Gap 'I Key Findings J 0 The majority of comments across all categories were in reference to the trail system 0 While "Like it" contained a high number of responses, many were constructive as well as positive, pointing out missing facilities, trail gaps, and potential opportunities Many comments urged the City to maintain Prince's land as natural, open space, and suggested the only development be hiking or skiing trails 0 Tunnels were highlighted as an important amenity for respondents, and many expressed desire for more along Highway 5, especially in closer proximity to the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum 057 identified areas they like 4 identified mi i g • 23 tacilifles P "Consider adding a fishing dock accessible from forth Lotus Park," *1�0# Bringing a full loop path around Lake Ann would be a huge advancement in running options for the city. Especially if the » path was maintained throughout the winter (snow removal). We love the proposed trails near Lake Lucy and Lake Ann but do not want any of Prince's land to be developed! Keep land as a preserve! Love having trails around Lake Ann and Lake Lucy! Turn all Prince's land into Preserves or parks and create an area like Hyland in Bloomington with cross country ski trails and walking/biking trails. Bringing a full loop path around Lake Ann would be a huge advancement in running options for the city. Especially if the path was maintained throughout the winter (snow removal). » Agree with many comments that this area should remain a wonderful fresh of breath air, minimal development, but all -season trails would be great, biking, hiking, x -country ski, maybe even equine? It's away from residential areas and connects Powers to other neighborhoos Don't develop Prince's land!!! Trails would be great but we don't want more houses or buildings! Do something special with Prince's land. Don't just shove a bunch of McMansions on it. Lake Ann is something special and it's vital to keep it that way. love that we have many nature walks like this one through the woods and around the preserve. I love this walking path behind the High School and how we are maintaining the natural area here. There is a park that is known 4 the face it attracts, Paisley Park is in my purple heart. I urge Chanhassen citizens 2 always take good care of it in a respectful way. The way Prince would have wanted I'd like a safe way to cross Powers from the Saddlebrook neighborhood towards the north end of Lake Ann The tunnel under 41 is a great way to get to the Minnewashta trails. "Love this tunnel! Well lit and always well maintained, free of debris. Please light the tunnel under Powers Blvd by Power's Ridge Condominiums! Thanks!" Love the snow hill! Warming house? Rice Marsh Preserve is just a wonderful place for a bike ride or a walk. There are a handful of parks, Plenty of wildlife and it is well maintained. » We enjoy the very wide sidewalks not only here, but throughout the city. Connecting East of 41 to the West with a path would be n great enhancement fnr running and biyrling nptinns (especially considering the Arboretum) Yes! Please make the Arboretum more accessible via bike trail! ! ! That's a fantastic idea. HWY 5 between 41 and Minnewashta PKWY is waay too dangerous to justify riding a bike on it. » Nice quiet secluded place for a walk. Kind of like that there is no paved path, it is a little retreat near the city. yay! coming soon I hope!! thank you!!! Let's get this connected to the Arboretum... tunnel?? Beautiful area! Beautiful, fun park for all ages! Keep this area free of developers. Natural setting of Lake Ann is wonderful! Love the beach area! We just generally love this trail. It's a wonderful part of our wonderful city. I feel that Prince's land should be well thought out. It is a great parcel with a wonderful location. I am in support of low density housing with a substantial portion set aside for park space. Could the hockey enclosure be a dog park during the off season? A trail straight through from Minnewashta would be a good addition. It's doesn't even need to be paved if you want to keep it "natural" Love the idea of planned trails through this neighborhood. Only recourse right now is to walk in the streets. » We visit this park daily, year round. Great little sledding hill, nice playground, good waling loop. Great neighborhood park with a nice playground, walking trail, hockey rink, baseball field, soccer field, and picnic shelter. » The Bluff Creek trail is a nice option for running, I wish there were more like it to connect to in order to make longer looped routes off of sidewalks / near roads. This is a great dog park, a nice, large area to walk around in the woods and a great opportunity to let our dogs run and socialize. Like the Minnewashta trail, great for biking or walking. Park is also very nice, we enjoy the open spaces, lake, beach, fishing, and boat access. This would be beautiful. Love it. » I love the little kids area of Lake Susan Park. We need this in more parks around town. love the little kids area of the playground at Lake Susan. We need more like that around town. Thank you for this amazing path!! » Love this path!!! Love Lake Susan trails Love that this park has the option for so many sports (bb ball, baseball, tennis, soccer, etc.). Volleyball court would be a nice addition. The playground is nice too. Enjoy the wide open space. Love the trails in this part of Chan. Wide, gentle, and in good shape. Often ride the trails with my kids. Thanks! Great park with a variety of options! Like the frisbee golf course. Love walking along Kerber Pond Park. Quiet and natural setting. The tunnel under the highway for the running/biking path into the park is amazing! It's so nice to have access to that without dealing with the highway! I love Minnewashta park, it is so beautiful and well- maintained with great walking paths, beach access, and play areas. I like how you can rent picnic areas to use for gatherings as well. I am the person who put the initial thumbs down comment on here and I wanted to report back that already yesterday the city had workers fixing the bridge, nice work! The Dog Park is such an asset. I love it and so does my dog! » I'm glad you will be putting a trail through here to connect with the path on the other side of the pond. I would like a path going all around this green space in addition to the planned path. Nice park, well maintained. I would like to see expansion of disc golf if possible. Great little well-maintained neighborhood park. We love the new Pavillion. I agree, please install sidewalks/trails within the Chanhassen Hills Neighborhood. Wayfinding signs would be a bonus! love the open space, the woods, trails. that it is so accessible. also love the nice beach and good parking. » awesome area, thank you! Love the dog park at Minnewashta! Big open place to play and exercise with our furry friends! NEEDS WORK .e NEEDS WORK The trails around Lake Susan need improvement. Very cracked, pitted, bumpy and uneven. Have seen people trip and fall. Rollerblading is very difficult and unsafe due to conditions. » The Chanhassen Rec Center is sub -standard compared to other adjacent towns. We could definitely improve it. Aim high, add an indoor skating rink and a pool. Need a safe way to cross Highway 5 at Powers. Underground tunnel? The lights in this tunnel do not work! Please keep these lights on 24/7 like the tunnel under 101 by Lake Susan apartments. Urgent issue here. Need lights on so residents can use at night. URGENT! Crossing Powers @ Lake Lucy Rd is difficult -- I don't recall if a crosswalk is marked, and if it is it seems ignored by cars. The speed limit on Audubon needs to be reduced. 45 is too fast along this road, lots of cars go considerably faster. If it can't be lowered, at least enforce the limit. Maybe add a flashing speed sign » Get the Regional Trail fixed! This section has been closed for years. The trail access parking lot is pretty much useless if you can't go east more than a half mile. » Bring back our crosswalks! No crosswalks over Powers Blvd from the tunnel (which is usually filled with water, mud, or ice and the lights never work) to Lyman. Almost a mile distance. Stoplight is badly needed at W 78th and Hwy 41. Traffic has dramatically increased over the past several years. Crossing the street is difficult and dangerous. Please, please, please put a cross walk, stoplight or tunnel at the W 78th street and hwy 41 intersection. It is nearly impossible to cross when running, biking or walking our dog. Thank you! Cross walks used to be here. This is an active community with lots of walkers and lake susan is a circle which is used alot for walkers, etc. It's dangerous not to have crosswalks. This is my favorite area to run that is near our home, but since I usually run with my dog it would be wonderful to have more trash cans in along the path both north and south of Lyman. » It is extremely scary to cross Galpin to get to the park with the amount of traffic. Not many people fully stop for the stop sign unless they really see a pedestrian. Crosswalks need paint at least. This pond smells awful. » More lighting along Powers for late night/early morning walkers and runners. It is very dark 50mph speed limit is too high for Powers. We need a wider shoulder or bike lane to allow pedestrians and bikers to use Highway 5 from 41 to Minnewashta Parkway Sidewalk is very exposed and vulnerable to northbound traffic. Can we have a railing (similar to what exists just south of here so we can have a barrier between walkers and traffic?) "1- beautiful location, but old, dated equipment and would love to have rubber floor instead of gravel 2- would benefit from additional trees surrounding the park 3- basketball court is cracking" » Would love to see a way to control/slow traffic on Yosemite/ Apple Road, especially as this area continues to develop. It would also be great to Excelsior to northern Chanhassen via walk/bike trail Needs new equipment, new floor, rubber mat instead of pebbles, and improved drainage. The grass is usually soaked and huge puddles of standing water days after rainfall. » The bridge crossing the creek between the Oaks and Stone Creek Park needs to be fixed, it's tilted and I'm not sure it is entirely safe as is. » Needs a lower speed limit on Powers & guard rails for the path. May people drive on the shoulder when someone is waiting to turn into Utica Lane - this is EXTREMELY dangerous. It would be really nice if you didn't have to cross the street to use this path. How about a sidewalk along the east side of Audubon? Powers is dangerous for pedestrians This part of the trail is often closed and locked, so it's not accessible. Fix the trail please!! A splash pad would be great here - many families in the immediate area Very dangerous for walkers/bikers here. Walkers along Powers traveling from Saddlebrook to Santa Vera are basically walking along the shoulder of the 50 mph street. Please provide buffer/railing. This intersection is very dangerous. Cars are traveling too fast for this street (Powers is 50mph here, cars generally travel 55+). Traffic is stopped to make left hand turns in both directions. This crosswalk needs a flashing crosswalk signal like the one on Powers has. Traffic never stops here and this is a crossing between neighborhoods. » Area too dark. Needs better lighting. never safe for pedestrians and bikers; let alone turning cars! NEEDS WORK area could use a cross walk marked. Sidewalks set to connect » when the city took out the slide on the hill and graded the north/south sides of one association and this area, where area, it changed the trajectory of the sledding hill sending sidewalks meet, is not safe, thank you! kids toward the trees instead out toward the clearing. Great park but wish it had a rubber floor instead of rocks! My » dark crosswalk area .... could use a street light here. most toddler tries to eat them, and big kids throw them. months it is dark here! Thank you! Need a safer way to cross the street. Most people don't stop » I've been walking across this crosswalk with my daughter at the blinking signs and have had cars stop for the stop sign, but then almost Need a flashing crosswalk. hit us in the crosswalk. I think a flashing pedestrian sign is needed. The Hwy 41 & w 78th street intersection really needs a stoplight. It's impossible to cross 41 if on 78th street. Love the park but please move garbage cans away from the benches. They are stinky and bugs prevent you from having a rest on the bench. Shaded seating around the playground area would be great. his part of Galpin needs a comprehensive overhaul. Mailboxes on the opposite side from the houses forcing residents to cross a four -lane road to get their mail will result in the death of a resident. WAY too much cut -through traffic on this street. Plus semi traffic too! (took down power lines this summer!) Center island at ends of streets would reduce speed and semi traffic. 30 mph is too fast for this street. Too much cut -through traffic especially at rush times. Bike lane on highway 5 from Minnewashta Parkway to 41 At crosswalk, road is wide enough for a car to pass another car stopped waiting to turn west. Dangerous for walkers when 1 car waits for pedestrians, + 2nd car assumes the 1 st is turning + doesnt stop Cross walk markings needed across Lyman Blvd at this intersection to connect trail system more visibly and safely for pedestrians as cars approach up a hill on a curve from the east. Archery range is UNSAFE! Please get rid of it. Not worth the risk of injuring or killing a child just a few feet away at the playground! Please lower the speed limit. There is a downhill (blind) curve, right before a walking trail ends. Please try to keep pedestrians (residents and their children) safe. Speed limit is too fast. There is a downhill curve, headed north toward Excelsior, and the trail ends. Please lower the limit to keep our pedestrians (residents and their children) safe. Need to provide a safe way to cross the street durning the auto Motorplex cars and coffee. People got 50mpr down the street and no one stops for people crossing. » Crosswalk time is not long enough either e -w or n -s. Its a little scary. Need aflashing crosswalk for visitors crossing to PP. Sherriff is now monitoring on museum days --what about non -museum days? » The southern part of City Center Park is nice (veterans memorial, concert area), but the northern part behind city hall and school is boring and could use updating Often difficult to make a left-hand turn from westbound Coulter Boulevard onto southbound Galpin. Limited visibility of cars on northbound Galpin and, at times, heavy traffic. "The baseball field at this park needs upkeep. The infield is overgrown with grass. it also needs additional fencing along the dugouts. Batted balls go directly into the walking path directly behind." The sidewalk here was done incorrectly when they re -paved last summer. The grade change is not to ADA code and is very steep. The contractors the city hired should have to come back and fix it. Sidewalk along this section of Powers needs landscape buffer- entire rest of sidewalk has this, but this area does not. Walkers/bikers are exposed to high speed traffic. Dangerous intersection. The cars along Kerber are going too fast for the street. Cars generally do not stop for pedestrians. 62nd street needs better lighting - it's very unsafe to walk to Cathcart Park from surrounding areas The playground equipment at Pheasant Hill park could use improvements. Afew of the slides have small holes forming and the equipment is beginning to rust. loose and uneven pavement on the trail This intersection is dangerous for anyone trying to use the path to walk/run or kids to cross with bikes. Please add a crosswalk/stoplight before someone gets hurt! 11— This is another wooded area that would be nice to preserve in its natural state and have public access allowed. Full path all the way around Lake Ann would be a huge benefit to this area and Chanhassen. Solar powered speed signs. Yosemite is a popular cut through from Mill St. to lake Lucy Rd. Living along this road, we along with two other neighbors have witnessed many vehicles traveling too fast. » would be nice to have a bike trail going through 78th Street / downtown Chanhassen. Currently have to either take the street or the sidewalk, neither of which is great for bikers. More painted/signed crosswalks would be nice on Audubon as there is lots of fast moving traffic. It would be nice to have a safe way to get to the river crossing by bicycle (or foot?). This road is not one I prefer to ride given it's width and visibility. The planned trail would be g reat. Please push this road through! Getting access to the area of Chan behind this is difficult! Very unsafe crossing -cars rarely slow down or stop for pedestrians. Perhaps one of the blinking pedestrian crossing signs and reminders that it's the law to stop for pedestrians in a crosswalk? Perhaps more preserve acreage could be obtained in this area. Adjacent preserve could use some more signage and map display so one can determine where one can legally walk in this wooded area. » Add a sidewalk/trail along Pleasantview. It's already too narrow just for vehicles and is worse if there are pedestrians on the road. » Consider adding a fishing dock accessible from North Lotus Park. Need a community pool With a number one city, you would think there would be a public pool option. Not everyone can afford Lifetime & not everyone wants to go to a lake. Open this road!!! More trash cans would be nice. I run along this trail and I would pick up more trash along the trail if I didn't have to carry it for miles. the cross walk over hwy 41 near MMW is still not safe - cars don't stop even when the lights are flashing. makes getting to lake minnewashta regional park by bike challenging. Flashing yellow turn light added? The red light doesn't always change to turn into the neighborhood and daily cars go through the red light » We need to get that road through. Only one entrance to The Preserve neighborhood is not enough! Traffic police needed during MMW school start and end times! Hazard for vehicles on 41 and entering/existing the school. Children do not feel safe in crosswalks! Speed bumps --pleasant view road a defector trail but is dangerous and speed limits are not observed. Speed bumps would slow vehicle traffic and protect bikes and walkers. Unsafe section of road for bike/pedestrian crossing. Need elevation adjusted to reduce blind spots. » Water fountain needed herman field park could use a pavilion, better and more playground equipment, better connection to the regional park trails. overall better use of the open field area. anything to get more people thr TRAIL GAP TRAIL GAP So many bikers on Powers from 5 to Excelsior. Can Chanhassen and other cities work to get a path all the way from 5 to downtown Excelsior? I've heard this desire from numerous, numerous people. The city already has a future trail connection planned from Lake Lucy to Lake Ann Park. Make it happen! It would be nice to have safe bicycle and pedestrian access to Excelsior via Northbound Galpin. Clearly a multi -city effort, but anyone in this area now is somewhat landlocked due to the poor options Partner with Hennepin County to connect the existing path in Chanhassen to downtown Excelsior. » Any way to make a biking trail around both lakes? Is a full paved circle along Lake Ann going to happen? Would LOVE this idea! Please don't develop this area into private land- keep it public! » Complete the trail segment along Highway 5 from Highway 41 west to Arboretum Drive so that pedestrians/cyclists can safely access the Arboretum. Include a safe crossing over Highway (underpass). It would be amazing for the city to invest in the lakeshore property from Princes estate. Let's make Lake Ann world class with a path the whole way around!!! Would be great to have a long trail along the tracks to connect with other regional trails. What happened to this proposed trail extension? why was it abandoned? Connecting this gap to the east would be extremely valuable. » Paved, safe path needed here Missing sidewalk here. No easy way to get a stroller or bike from 78th into this shopping center. Missing sidewalk on Wells Fargo Bank side of street. No easy way to get from 78th into the shops in this area with strollers or bikes. Missing sidewalk told long ago this area would be connected. This year, a resident posted "private property signs where trail is partially mowed??? Access to the trail to the West would be nice from Galpin if possible to plan while development is occurring in that area. It would be nice to see a pedestrian access to this ravine preserve. Is there anything that can be done on Audubon over the railroad tracks. Riding a bike along there with walkers around is a daunting task. Lighting needs to be better there too be of sidewalk changes Difficult for bikes to travel from the trail on the road above down to the trail through the tunnel. Have to carry bikes up or down the stairs to complete the transition from one trail to another. It would be nice to have a sidewalk/path here separate from » Please add a trail that goes all around the pond in this green the road, especially because it is shown on this map as an space, and add an inlet path from the Canterbury Ct cull -de - existing trail. sac. Thank you. Would be nice if this trail went all the way to Sunset Ridge Park, to avoid having to cross Lake Drive. H K �91i. Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. Creative Solutions for Land Planning and Design City of Chanhassen Farb & Rec System Man Needs Assessment: Key Findings Parks 1. Chanhassen has a large number of park acres compared to other cities of similar population. The City is still active in developing new parks, which should serve its growing population well into the future. Future park development should be strategic to address new development and currently underserved areas. 2. Accessibility to a park (neighborhood, regional, community, etc) is good. There are pockets of low accessibility in the south part of the city due to fewer parks there, and a few areas in the northwest part of the city due to barriers to access (Lake Minnewashta, major roads). More tunnels under busy roads would help increase park access. 3. Partnerships with school district have contributed positively to availability of facilities and efficiency of operations. 4. Interest in park amenities like permanent restrooms, shade, lighting, grills, wifi, etc. 5. Picnic shelters are in high demand and rent out quickly. Facilities (including Recreation Center & Senior Center) 1. There is interest from residents in improving small neighborhood parks with updated facilities (basketball courts, playgrounds) that are falling apart or old. 2. Community parks are generally well used and well liked. Some residents feel that athletic facilities could be enhanced and permanent restrooms should be added. 3. There is a desire for an improved, state of the art Recreation Center with indoor facilities like a running/walking track, larger fitness center, indoor/outdoor pool, meeting spaces, family activities, and additional fitness classes. Many residents say they use Recreation Centers in Eden Prairie, Chaska, and Victoria because the Chanhassen Rec Center is not up to par with their needs. Rec Center and Senior Center should be co -located to improve overall usage and facility offerings. 4. Seniors appreciate the existing Senior Center offerings, but there is a desire for more active programming, fitness facilities, and meeting space. Increased awareness of Senior Center continues to be needed. 5. In comparison to other cities, Chanhassen meets or exceeds the amount of outdoor facilities and fields. Athletic fields should be evaluated by field size and need for each size in order to properly allocate fields at various parks. while in good shape, there are improvements needed to better serve athletics, such as lighting, restrooms, etc.. 6. While an indoor skating/hockey rink is not provided in Chanhassen, there are rinks available in Chaska (2) , Victoria (2) , Shakopee (1) , Eden Prairie (3) , and Minnetonka (4) . 7. Chanhassen needs to continue to evaluate and respond to changing recreation trends. For example, while the City has responded well to pickleball, it has not addressed disc golf needs for experienced players as well. 123 North Third Street, Suite 100, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1659 Ph (612) 252-7140 Fx (612) 338-6838 Open Spaces 1. Most residents are very happy with the amount of perceived natural open space throughout the city. 2. There is an opportunity to improve connections to the City's park preserves to address interest in more natural play areas. while valued for their visual appeal, park preserves are currently not widely used. 3. Residents want the city to acquire more natural open space (particularly around Lake Ann) in order to preserve land, prevent future development within the City, and to provide more natural trail corridors. Programming 1. The city has good working relationships with recreation groups and associations, who do a good job of providing a variety of programs. 2. The City provides introductory level athletic programming for very young children (under 6) and team, league athletics (softball) for adults. There is a desire from some residents that the young athletic programming be improved in terms of structure and coaching. 3. Interest in more teen, adult, and senior programming in arts, fitness, and outdoor education. 4. The City provides several holiday, themed, and summer concert events, which are well attended by residents. There is interest in additional events in the parks, possibly associated with "places'' defined for those events. 5. Better facilities are desired for events, such as a kitchen. 6. There is a desire from many residents for the City to provide more programming, such as aquatics, to meet the needs of those who can't afford private facilities. Trails 1. Most popular facility provided in community. Community's 76 miles of trails is notable in comparison to peer communities. 2. There is a strong desire to complete trail gaps, continue to expand the system, and to improve crossings of busy, high traffic roads. High priority areas include the crossing of Highway 5 and the completion of a trail around Lake Ann and Lake Lucy. 3. Safety issues need to be addressed on the trail system. 4. Interest in natural surface trails. 5. Ongoing maintenance, lighting to expand nighttime use, and winter access important. Management and Operations 1. There are concerns about deferred maintenance issues, especially on trails and in small neighborhood parks (playgrounds, basketball courts, hockey rinks) . 2. Concerns about maintaining natural resources and lake water quality. 3. Recognition needed that ongoing investments will be needed to maintain the quality system developed.