H-3. Recreation Center UpdateCITY OF C HANHASSE N
Chanhassen is a Community for Life -ProvidingforToday and Planning forTomorrow
TO: Todd Hoffman, Park and Recreation Director
FROM: Jodi Sarles, Recreation Center Manager
DATE: December 13, 2016
SUBJ: Recreation Center Update
Dance for Fun: The winter session of dance has begun with 171 participants registered to date.
There are 25 classes offered in a variety of styles.
The Winter Dance Showcase will be held at the Chan Rec Center on January 28. This will give
our students experience dancing in front of an audience. We will have two shows at 1:45pm and
3 :45pm.
Rec Center Sports:
• Small Fry Sports (ages 3-5): We have had sessions of football (19), soccer (26), basketball
(35), and golf (16). We currently have 27 children participating in Track &Field.
• Lil' Star Sports (ages 4-6): We completed two successful sessions of Lil' Star Sports. Our
soccer program had 96 participants, and basketball had 65 children participating. With a
short session for December, we are offering track & field. This has been a December success
with 40 participants.
2016 Artisan Fair: The 6th Annual Artisan Fair was held on Saturday, November 5 in the Rec
Center Gym. Over 30 local artists sold a variety of hand-crafted items. Approximately 500
visitors came to the Rec Center for a day of local shopping.
2016 Holiday Boutique: This event was held in the Rec Center Meeting Rooms on Saturday,
December 5 from 10am-2pm. Twenty-eight vendors participated.
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Personal Training: Our Personal Training participation has increased due to Facility
Supervisor, Juli Al-Hilwani obtaining her certification. We have sold 12 Getting Started Three
Packs, two Five Session Packs, and two Ten Session Packs.
Fitness Center Orientation: We started offering Rec Center Fitness Center Orientations. Juli
Al-Hilwani is our instructor. The sessions are 45 minutes and teach participants proper usage and
settings on our equipment. At the end, participants are given two free daily passes to come back.
Pickleball: With the popularity of our program, we are now offering additional evening and
weekend times. We typically have between 16-24 people playing.
Punch Card Sale: The Chanhassen Recreation Center's annual sale runs December 1-31. The
promotion offers a free 10 -Punch Card with the purchase of a 40 -Punch Card. It's a $27.50-
$35.00 savings (depending on the category).
Free Fit for Life Trial Class: Thursday, January 5, 10:3 0-11:3 Dam
Free Winter Wellness Revival Trial Class: Wednesday, January 4, 7:30-8:30am.
Dance for Fun Winter Showcase, January 28, 2016: Performances are at 1:30 pm and 3:30 pm
at the Chan Rec Center.
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