03-12-2014 Chanhassen Environmental Commission (EC) Regular Meeting March 12, 2014 Members Present: Glenn Kaufmann, Katie Mahannah, Bret Borth, Keith Anderson, Amy Omann Members Absent: Matthew Myers, Amy Wenner Staff Present: Jill Sinclair, Environmental Resource Specialist Minutes: February minutes were approved. Arbor Day Planning: The tree planting event will be on Saturday, May 3 at Riley Ridge Park. Nineteen trees will be planted. Hopefully, the weather will be warmer than last year, but it seems like there’s a good chance it will be just as cold again. There was still a very good turnout of volunteers so hopefully that will occur again. Jill reminded the commission that the other important date coming up is the Arbor Day Poster Contest presentation at the city council meeting on Monday, April 28. The commission will talk about who can attend the tree planting event and the poster presentation at the April meeting. Commission Term Accomplishments: The commission will compile a list of this past year’s projects, events, education, etc. This was done last year for the joint meeting with the City Council. Last year’s document will be updated for this year. Keith volunteered to edit the document. Commission interview : The commission interview Jonathon Myers. After the interview the commission discussed their recommendations for the City Council. Sustainability Report: The commission reviewed the latest draft of the report. They discussed the cover and thought that it could be changed slightly to distinguish it as a different year. The layout will be two pages per section and the bullet points in each section will be kept. The font may or may not change. Katie will be writing the introduction. General Discussion :  The commission would like to be updated on proposed development in the city. They are interested in a monthly update of new projects and any new or creative technologies used by the developer to enhance or manage natural resources.  Amy O. has developed an onboarding packet. Keith volunteered to help work on it. The commission will discuss it at the April meeting. Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:45 PM. Minutes prepared by Jill Sinclair 1