Administration Fee Breakdown 6-7-05 CITY OF CHANHASSEN HIDDEN CREEK MEADOWS PROJECT NO. 05-12 BREAKDOWN OF ADMINISTRATION FEES - 6/7/05 Estimated Total Cost of Public Improvements 3% of Public Improvement Costs (up to $500,000) 2% of Public Improvement Costs (over $500,000) Street Lighting Charge (for electricity) 4 Light(s) @ $300.00 Final Plat Process (Attorney Fee for Review and Recording of Plat and Development Contract) Recording Fees a. Development Contract b. Plat Filing c. Road Way Easement Park Fee 17 Lots x 4000 Surface Water Management Fee G IS Fee ($25/plat and $1 O/parcel) TOTAL ADMINISTRATION FEES Hidden Creek Meadows.FEE.xls i A_ L~f 816,589.93 u.~". $ $ $ v 15,000.00 6,331.80 ,/' $ $ 1,200.00 . 450.00 $ $ $ 50.00 50.00 50.00 $ $ 68,000.00 30,049.00 $ 235.00 $ 121,415.80 <;/74t ral ~.^f 4. Improvements. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Sanitary Sewer System B. Water System C. Storm Water Drainage System D. Streets E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Street Lights G. Site Grading/Restoration H. Underground Utilities (e.g. gas, electric, telephone, CATV) I. Setting of Lot and Block Monuments J. Surveying and Staking K. Landscaping L. Erosion Control 5. Time of Performance. The Developer shall install all required improvements by November 15, 2005. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. 6. Security. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Contract, payment of special assessments, payment of the costs of all public improvements, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit in the form attached hereto, from a bank acceptable to the City, or cash escrow ("security") for $951.323.92. The amount of the security was calculated as 110% of the following: Site Grading/Restoration $ 370,550.00 ~ ';$!OUi ~ 'SO Sanitary Sewer $ 54.195.00:::. '5 4 r:f~" Streets ,.r $ 54,305.00 :. f;"1 ~C>~ $ 75,517.00 {ltiV;2 ' t" ~l'& $ 192,717.93 =- t'11. 1\'1. ,# Watermain Storm Sewer, Drainage System, including cleaning and maintenance ....fIS"r Street lights and signs ~y tf Erosion control $ 18,665.00': \t l.t Cd; ~;.~~~~ "" .....- Engineering, surveying, and inspection Landscaping $ 48,250.00 a ~ Z.,o)~O ,"" TOTAL COST OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS $ 864.839.93 SP-2