Letter from Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority 2-16-05 HENNEPIN COUNTY REGiONAL RAILROAD AUTHORITY 417 North Fifth Street, Suite 320, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1362 (612) 348-9260 FAX: (612) 348-9710 February 16, 2005 Dean Carlson, President D & G of Chanhassen, LLC 7820 Terrey Pine County Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Re: Hidden Creek Meadows Development in Chanhassen Dear Mr. Carlson: The Hennepin County Regional Railroad Authority (HCRRA) owns the Hopkins to Victoria Corridor that is adjacent to the above referenced development. HCRRA worked with the Hennepin County Surveyors last summer to install signs along this corridor to identify its property boundaries. The signs are located approximately every 200 feet, so there are several signs adjacent to the development property. I have also enclosed a HCRRA property map of this area to demonstrate that our corridor is100 feet wide in this area. In addition to the signs, you can approximately locate the property boundary by measuring 50 feet from the centerline of the Three Rivers Park District recreational trail located on our corridor. Please respect this property line during construction and afterwards. Do not drive, park, or store equipment or materials, or remove vegetation from the corridor without prior written approval from HCRRA. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 612-348-2691. Sincerely, '1~jo-J~ Jessica Galatz Property Management Specialist Enclosure (1) cc:J3pbG~l1~r{,)p,~~' .(Eity'9~Q~a$I$e1j, BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Peter McLaughlin Chair Linda Koblick Vice Chair Mark Stenglein Secretary Gail Dorfman Treasurer Mike Opat Randy Johnson Penny Steele ../ ~"<.l'\"Z.~""""",".~~ ~TJ 01 ,..:. t>.! 1<.1 ;r: tJ') N '" 11.. o 10 I- l1.I l1.I :r (J) ~!.I a! ti ~ J ~ \t) (\( "'t- O "I;f- o z <J 8 a:: u - ~d ~Z I~ ~~ mB.: wLaJ B.:~ 0: 0.. - ~ ! 8 ,: \ ' -c, !J__ o :1' ~:..:: ''>b ~'" 4?,~. Irr ", " '"1-/ "'-'" r Ul/ llJ I cr: u .::::( , ~ ! I OJ ~ ~ . ~ ~,' .. 1 I.. I .. "- " :i~ \1.\ (6 .~, ~.41"0] JT .........w ~fIlIl1N"~U --__~>l! tz W'lll'.1:2t... I~: Ie _... ~'j1> ~~,.' / r';~)::" J)'I':/ ~y J / /..' " r' (~y ~~. ,:,,-, ~ ..~ Ct) ""'l- !--. ( , ~ ,~i <j-" p:' ~ ~(.."' -;:-' "- ..-:.~. "".... lL ~ () "" <:+ / ,,-' ,. / '" ~.--~ ""~ / "- 'Z / "" V "~ ~,c "- 1,_'; " "" "" '" " ~.~:r: J./) f::? .:~;~. ~f () v') ~ .-~ "" ~~ "- lJ" z "" '" lL o / /.1,,,, .' z .. /';.:- ,\ .,,,. it- .." ,,(r <r ~ :::t -'= Ld \.11 2 u~ o ~ ui (I) ~O' .. ,,'" ~ " V~'i ~ ~~,:'" "'c; , +.'t- #,'.", .I';;'Q~ / ."~ :7/ c ' ..- / :;1- <</ / -"" "'" ' .fi.~"f" 4l ~'!'~<I- ~~ ~';-~-..{</ ..:;"- '/ q....., ~~ (;?" /,/ i0.. y~ ~ .,J'~' ., ~,... 5;; ..?? .... "\: L~ ,-," ~ /1/ ~, ~ o I~ I I ~~!.~ I "'~;~ I .~ . i.~ '.j "7 In 21 ,. __ oe 011 " :2) , . '::yft 1\ ,J)"'" \ ~ /)V :t~~' \ \ ~\~ ' ui -;~~. V~l\ ~ \ v:) \ ?-~ .~ \ \ \ \ \ .--" )~O, &O~ 1 . ~ \,:.'t ,,0. ~ ';~1C~ \,: .. \, ~ , ~ \ 1~ -lL 'ON iNn H:)!.IIl_ ~~{~.. a 'i::rot - _;, .. <t. il ( \\\~, I: I' V/1'3'~:l0 ~\~ ~ -- '\d.~\ 0';' ci - ~_' v~1 0 ~ <t \~\ ___ !i I ~,: ']I~ I ~ l ~ ~; I~~J ~ ! ! ! J J J L.t.. o ~ ~ \,.~0'- '" ,~~~~P-I I ~..y ~/ \1 :-/" "". wI 0) ~c f 1.1.. CI y ". a.,::. :;:. :;i c~ ,,~V~'fo o'l'~" .,.~ ~~" 0:: I.1J &i <.( \~~r-- ~ ...,,/ ..- / / / /'0 . N -- (f) LiJ (t' o <( .. --- r"" z <( U) <( 2 W _..J (1. /0":- ~ /./. / A,0 'V' / 0' / to I I i :I , I 1>//'3'S I 00. \ ;jii _.~