Confirmation of plat filing 7-29-05 07/29/2005 13:34 FAX LC710 ~ CHANHASSEN MAIN :...... ................. .......'............ .... ..... . ...................... .::,Tel~~h6ne: (6?1)452i~oijO;'iFKX~;~~5iY'452~55$(}:...,.... .i'.'..'........... ...............,..,....;.......,..:.......,....:....... '.'.; ...,...... '. '.' . ........,......'..' .......... ....... '....... ,.,.........'............,:.. . '.',. ;..,':.:,';'>:...}.>>' ',.." . .." "',."i, ......... ..'.... ,.... ....) .... ....... ,< ,......... ... .......:" :;;:;:. i'., .:'.' ..'..... .': ....... ..... ......... ........... ..............,. .......' ....................... ............'.....,. ;.: "'.'E~ ~B'NSMlilPfIj~lW::. .:::.,...,.... '.". i..... '. ....,... .,....,...'..'.:":.. .:, "''i..., ' . ..... >c.,." ;.. 'i, i................,............' .';. .."" , " " : '.;,> .'.......:' ....... < . .,.... ,............ ',' .... :i,,:;' , DATE:,; July 29 2005 ,< .........:.ii: "I . ....'...... .....'.... 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PINEHURST '. .... . <......,..,:...,...:...... . <:...... .....".:......: .,......,. .... ......./..,.....1... ...... Ii .....' ..... .............- (PlowshareS',De~~t6p~~rit~ LEC):> , .... .' ..:..,.,...:....... ......... '.. .'. . '.i . . .' . '........ .,'. .... .' ".'.' .... ..... " ".'. . . . .... .... ..' .' . ...>. . ........ .. ..' '.,......:.. ....... ,.... .. . ....; i" Ii .. .. . ..' .... . .. .... .... ...... . ....... ... ...... ..... .....Ii..!0;XE;;.. . .. ......!.iI < ...........> ..' i . (lO~~NTS,i;~~~edrJ~fJ~~f""'~~fiil~.j;.;~~~i~~~~~~~~~n."PI.t~~.i'<. ., ...; .. .iii<> .. .i< .... . ...' .........<>.:.)'.' ................. ...... ..' ..:...... ..... ........ :':". " ..) .' ..... ..' . .' .;'.. .:;..' .... .':..' .' '. ... .'. '.....................:.........,... . .' ................. ....,...... . '.'..> . ,'. . ........,..'i, .' '., ........ '.' ...........<. ..,'..::,:: '''\,.''i/'' ..' :.;.....,.:............. .... .......... 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Abstract Document No. . 91: c.)7 ,t -, . G'. 7' 1+ 'it 7'-(3 () Pr if {ft.(3! ff-y( ?L(32,. (f,'{t1l(33 f:><:tI1 ~ :; ~/ A..q I 9 ~/3C;' J} 4l 1''136 ~~f ~t;4 I I ~ecl~rat~?\Jl o~ Res~!ic~~e\ C~ve~.~ ' if L(/ q 4.1 ,9 J;} l1.2~V &.;,,,;tY-~1i"V\ ~O c..~~(j,,'1'Wi''YV ,~!. "- rF L..( I '11../L/C} . at '1.;3 0 o'clockA.M~. on (' -a..5 , 200~, With the County Recorder I Registrar of Titles of Carver County, MN. CLIENTfMA TTER: City of Chanhassen - Pinehurst Developer: Plowshares Development, LLC AI THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT(S) WERE FILED: Resolution No. 2005-41 Vacating D& U Easements r Plat "2- =3 L{ 5 ~ Ga-ant of Trail Easemefitftom ISDNo; 276 '; ~Encroachment Agreement for Outlot B 9 Encroachment Agreement for Misc. Lots J () Declaration of Easements for DrivewaylParking Mortgage Consent to Plat from Lakeland Development Contract Quit Claim Deed to City for Outlots A & B Partial Release of Mortgage for Outlots A & B Grant of Trail Easement from Plowshares .. SIGNED: 7 .... . 1t;~f~/..~,p.,.-< /\/ /' " .. .,/ / ~/ //J .. / --'?;{J/-/ \ Thank you! ;,.."'"" 119678 Torrens Document No.