General Notes and SpecsSYI\Jit\ 7iE'1\Ji7H777H7�[U'd'� Materials and construction methods specified in the plans reference the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MNDOT) Standard Specifications for Construction. The Contractor shall obtain a current copy of MNDOTs Standard Specifications for Construction and review the specification sections applicable to the plans. It is mandatory that the Contractor be knowledgable of the applicable MN D OT specification sections during construction. No additional compensation will be paid to the Confractorfor additionalwork due to unfamiliarity vsth the applicable specification sections. Contractor shall referto the geotechnical report for additional requirements and recommendations EARTHWORK NOTES PROTECTION 1) The Contractor shall maintain all benchmarks, monuments and other reference points. If any are disturbed or destroyed, they shall be replaced at the Contractors expense. 2). The Contractor shall contact the Engineer immediately if any unknown functioning underground utilities are discovered during the course of the project, which may interfere with construction. The Contractor shall wait for instructions before proceeding. 3) The Contractor shall be responsible forany damage to functioning underground or overhead utility lines. Damaged utilities shall be repaired immediately and service restored at no additional cost to the Owner. 4) The Contractor shall provide barricades, shoring and other safety measures required by OSHA. 5) The Contractor shall protect all adjacent existing facilities from damage, including, but not limited to settlement due to excavations, erosion, etc. The Contractor shall be responsible for the repair of such damages. PROJECT CONDITIONS 1) The Contractor shall become familiarwith the project site, and compare actual conditions in the field with those shown on the project drawings. The Contractor shall contact the Engineer immediately if any inconsistencies are found between the existing conditions and the project drawings. 2) No extra compensation vsll be allowed due to unusual conditions which could have reasonably been determined or anticipated by examination of the project site and project drawings. PLAN GRADES 1) Elevations shown on the project drawings are finished grade elevations, unless noted othervsse. Elevations not specifically indicated shall be determined by interpolation of uniform slope between spot elevations and/or contours, or between such points and existing elevations. Adequate slope shall be constructed to provide positive drainage away from structures. 2) If inconsistencies exist on the plans between contours and spot elevations, the spot elevations shall govern. TOPSOIL 1) Adequate imported and/or stockpiled salvageable topsoil shall be utilized for this project. 2) Topsoil shall be free of clay lumps, roots, brush, large stones, and debris, and shall have a minimum organic content of 5 percent. 3) Remove topsoil to its entire depth from areas, which are to be disturbed by new construction work. Existing lawn areas, which are not in the proposed construction area (s) shall remain in place. The Contractor shall field verify topsoil depths between any soil borings, and remove to greater depths than indicated in the soils report if such conditions are encountered. Salvaged topsoil shall be maintained in stockpiles. 4) Stockpiled topsoil shall only be used for finish grading of new lawn areas. Excess topsoil shall be removed from the site by the Contractor. 5) Protect all existing lawn areas, plantings, and other landscaping to remain in place. Any damaged areas shall be replaced at the Contractors expense. UNFORESEEN OBSTACLES 1) The Engineer shall be contacted immediately if any unforeseen major obstacles are encountered during excavation, such as abandoned wells, abandoned or functioning utilities, subsurface streams or rock, etc., which would add significant expense to the Contractor. 2) The Contractor shall still be responsible for completing all work required for this project where encountered conditions maybe reasonably determined from a soils/geotechnical report and review of the project site and contract documents. DEWATERING 1) Surface drainage shall be provided during construction in a manner so as not to create a nuisance to adjacent areas. 2) All excavations shall be free of water during construction within the excavations. Dewatering shall be accomplished by pumping or trenching, and shall be conducted regardless of the cause, source, or nature of the wafer. 3) Berms, cofferdams, or piling shall be provided as necessary to protect excavations. 4) Excavations shall be sloped to drain, and necessary pumps, hoses and other equipment shall be provided to keep excavation free of wafer. 5) All temporary equipment used for dewatering shall be removed from the site when no longer necessary. FILLING AND GRADING 1) Rough grading of all areas within the construction limits, including adjacent transition areas shall be reasonably smooth and compacted. The rough graded subgrade surface generally shall not be more than 6 inches above or below the established subgrade elevations. All ditches, swales, and gutters shall be graded to drain adequately. The subgrade shall be evenly sloped to provide drainage away from building walls in all directions of a minimum slope of 1%. The Contractor shall provide rounded transitions at top and bottom of banks and other breaks in grade. 2) Fill and backfill materials shall be inorganic soils free of roots, rocks, boulders, and debris. 3) Bedding material or granular backfill larger than 2" in its largest dimension shall not be allowed within 2 feet of new underground pipes. Material larger than 3" in its largest dimension shall not be allowed within 1 foot of su bgrade elevation. 4) Imported compacted fill material shall have a maximum of 12 percent passing the #200 sieve, by weight. The proposed fill material shall be tested by an independent testing lab for suitability as compacted fill for this project. The Contractor shall pay for the testing services and provide a copy of the test results to the Engineer. 5) The Contractor shall fill and grade as necessary to bring surface to required elevations, and provide all materials necessary, whether obtained on or off the project site. 6) The Contractor shall place compacted material in uniform horizontal lifts not exceeding 8" in depth for clay soils, and 12" in depth for sandy soils, and compact as required to achieve specified density. 7) Compaction shall be obtained vslh the use of vibratory rollers or rammers. During compaction, fill material shall contain moisture content, as necessary, for the required compaction as indicated by an independent testing laboratory. The moisture shall be uniform throughout each lift. It the material is too dry, water shall be added vslh approved equipment and methods, which vsll not wash out fine material. If the material is too wet, it shall be dried by harrowing, disking, blading, or other approved methods recommended by the independent testing laboratory. 8) Areas designated for pavement in excavated (cut) areas shall be scarified to a depth of 1 foot. The Contractor shall bring the subgrade material to optimum moisture content as indicated by the independent testing laboratory, and compact the subgrade to the specified density listed below forsoils underneath pavements. 9) The Contractor shall not place fill material when either the fill material, or the material on which it is to be placed, is frozen. Any soft or yielding areas appearing in the fill resulting from frost, rain, or any other reason whatsoever shall be scarified, removed, recompacted and/or ofhervsse rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer before any new fill is placed. COMPACTION TESTS 1) Utility Trench Backfill: The Contractors independent soils technician and approved testing laboratory shall perform in-place density and moisture tests at random depths in trench backfill at 100 foot intervals, or fraction thereof. Compaction of trenches shall be a minimum of 96% of the maximum dry density (as determined by the independent testing laboratory) in lawn areas, and at depths greater than 3 feet below areas designated for pavement. Compaction of trenches at depths within 3 feet of paved surfaces shall be a minimum of 100% of the maximum dry density. 2) Compacted Fill Under Pavements: Compaction tests shall not be required beneath new pavements. Adequate compaction of materials under pavements shall be determined by test rolling the subgrade, and checking for excessive rutting. Test rolling shall be performed as per MNDOTSpec. 2111. 3) Areas exhibiting a failed compaction test shall be re -compacted and re -m tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to acceptance of the project. 4) Copies of all compaction testing and test roll observation reports shall be provided to the Engineer. 5) Optimum moisture -density relationship will be determined by testing laboratory in accordance with ASTM D698 and maximum density determination made by Method D of ASTM D698 unless otherwise noted in these specifications. SUBGRADE PREPARATION 1) Finished subgrade elevations shall be as follows: a) Light -Duty Bituminous pavement: 9+' belowfinish grade. b) Heavy -Duty Bituminous pavement: 12" below finish grade. c) Bituminous trail: 6" below finish grade. d) Concrete sidewalk: 4" below finish grade. of Lawn areas: 4" below finish grade. B Planting areas: See Landscaping Plans/Details 2) The tolerance for areas to be paved shall not exceed 0.15 feet above or below plan subgrade. 3) The Contractor shall protect newly graded areas from erosion. Settlement or washing that occurs prior to acceptance of the Work shall be repaired and grades re-established. DISPOSAL OF EXCESS WASTE MATERIALS 1) The Contractor shall remove excess excavated material, debris, and waste materials, from the Owners property and legally dispose of it in accordance vsth all governing codes. SPREADING TOPSOIL AND FINISH GRADING 1) Scarify subgrade to depth of 3" prior to placing topsoil. Spread topsoil evenly over complete subgrade as follows: a) Lawn Areas on Private Property: Spread 4" lightly compacted layer of topsoil. b) Lawn Areas in Public Right-of-way: Per City requirements c) Planting Areas: See Landscape Plan/Details 2) Finish grade accurately within 0.15 feet of finish grades shown on the project drawings, less the thickness of any sod where it is to be installed. Slope all grades away from buildings to provide positive drainage. 3) Prepare topsoil suitable to receive seed and/or sod. Grading of areas designated for topsoil shall be reasonably smooth and even, and in accordance with MN DOT Spec. 2105.3G and 2574.3A4. All debris and stones exceeding 3" in diameter shall be removed from the soil surface of these areas prior to seeding. Areas compacted by vehicles or storage of materials shall be plowed, disked and harrowed to match texture of otherfinish graded areas. 4) Grass seed shall be in accordance vslh MnDOT Spec. 3876, seed mix No. 25-131, applied at the rate of 220 pounds per acre oras indicated on the landscape plans. Mulch shall be applied and discanchored to all seeded areas and shall meet the requirements of MnD OT Spec. 3882, Type 3 or as otherwise indicated by the Engineer. UTILITY NOTES STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS 1) The follovsng standard specifications shall apply to this project: a) Minnesota Plumbing Code - MN Rules Chapter 4714 (MN Dept. of Labor and Industry-MNDLI) b) Uniform Plumbing Code, latest edition (UPC) c) "What you need to know about utility service connections in the 2015 Minnesota Plumbing Code" http://www.dli.mn.gov/CCLD/PDF/pe-usc.pdt d) City Engineers Association of Minnesota (CEAM) Standard Specifications of American Society forTesting Materials (ASTM) B American National Standards Institute (ANSI) g) American Water Works Association (AWWA) P) Minnesota Department of Transportation 'Standard Specifications for Construction" (MN/DOT) 2) The Contractor shall comply vslh all local ordinances and codes 3) Certifications of all utility materials, as well as shop drawings, shall be submitted to the Engineer for review POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE AND FITTINGS - SANITARY 1) Smooth walled polyvinyl chloride pipe and fittings shall consist of SDR 26 or SDR 35 pipe, unless noted ofhervose, and meet the requirements of ASTM D3034 and Section 2621.2A5 of the CLAM Standard Specifications 2) All pipe and fittings shall be SDR 35 for depths of up to 20 feet, and SDR 26 for depths exceeding 20'. 3) Pipe joints shall meet the requirements of Section 2621.3A3 of the CEAMSfandard Specifications. DUCTILE IRON (DIP) PIPE AND FITTINGS- WATER 1) Ductile iron pipe and fiftings shall meet the requirements of Table 604.1 of the UPC, and Section 2611.2A1 of the CLAM Standard Specifications 2) Pipe joints shall meet the requirements of Section 605.5 of the UPC, and Section 2611.36 of the CLAM Standard Specifications. Stainless steel fasteners shall be prohibited. 3) 6" pipe shall be Class 52. 8" and larger pipe shall be Class 50. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (C900 PVC) PIPE AND FITTINGS- WATER 1) Polyvinyl chloride pressure pipe and fittings shall meet the requirements of Table 604.1 of the UPC, and Section 2611.2A3 of the CEAMSfandard Specifications 2) Pipe joints shall meet the requirements of Section 605.4 of the UPC, and Section 2611.36 othhe CLAM Standard Specifications. GATE VALVES- WATER 1) Gate valves shall meet the requirements of Sections 2611.2C and 2611.31) of the CEAMSfandard Specifications HYDRANTS - WATER 1) Hydrants shall meet the requirements of Sections 261 1.23 and 2611.31) of the CEAMSfandard Specifications 2) Hydrants shall be Waferous WB67, or approved equal BLOCKING AND ANCHORING - WATER 1) Wafer main blocking and anchoring shall meet the requirements of Section 2611.3A4 of the CEAMSfandard Specifications 2) Provide thrust reaction blocking consisting of concrete vsth a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 2000 psi. 3) Place between undisturbed ground and the fitting to be anchored. Place thrust blocking so that the pipe and fitting joints are accessible for repair. 4) Mega -Lugs may be used in lieu of thrust block if allowed by local utility. WATER SERVICE PIPE AND CURB STOPS 1) Copper tubing for water services shall meet the requirements of Table 604.1 of the UPC, and Section 2611.21) of the CLAM Standard Specifications 2) HDPE pressure pipe for wafer services shall meet the requirements of ASTM D2239, ASTM D2737, ASTM D3035, AWWA C901, CSA 3137.1, and Section 261 1.21) of the CEAMSfandard Specifications 3) Curb stops for water services Section 261 1.21) of the CEAMSfandard Specifications HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE PIPE (HDPE) AND FITTINGS - STORM 1) HDPE pipe and fittings shall meet the requirements of ASTM F2306, and Section 2621.2A8 of the CEAMSfandard Specifications 2) Pipe joints shall meet the requirements Section 2621.3A3 of the CEAMSfandard Specifications 3) Minimum wall thickness shall be 0.035 inches for 12 and 15 inch diameter pipe, and shall be 0.05 inches for 18 and 24 inch diameter pipe. 4) HDPE storm sewer crossing above and within 10 -ft of existing or proposed water main or services shall meet the following standards per the MN plumbing code: 4"- 10" Diameter: AASHTO W62 12"- 60" Diameter: ASTM F2306 Fittings: ASTM D3212 REINFORCED CON CRETE SEWER PIPE (RCP) AND FITTINGS -STORM 1) RCP pipe and fittings shall meet the requirements of ASTM C76, and Section 2621.2A3 of the CEAMSfandard Specifications 2) Pipe joints shall meet the requirements of Section 2621.3A3 of the CEAMSfandard Specifications 3) The ASTM strength class of pipe shall be Class III unless othervsse shown on the Plans. 4) The pipe shall be drawn together by some approved method of jacking or winching. This pressure must be maintained until sufficient backfill is placed to keep the joint from opening. END SECTIONS - STORM 1) End sections shall be provided at all pipe inlets and outlets. 2) The end sections shall consist of material matching the material of the pipe, which it is being connected to. Materials and joints shall be as per the specifications described above for the applicable pipe material. 3) The Iasi 3 joints of RCP shall be tied, and the end section shall the be provided vsth an approved trash guard. MANHOLES AND CATCH BASINS - SANITARY AND STORM 1) Unless othervsse noted, manhole and catch basin structures shall consist of precast concrete, and meet the requirements of Section 719.6 of the UPC (sanitary only), and Sections 2621.2C and 2621.31) of the CLAM Standard Specifications 2) Catch basins shall be provided writ the follovsng castings: a) Along curbline: 27" Structure: Neenah R -3075-L, 48" (or larger) Structure: Neenah R -3067-L b) Isolated (in paved area): Neenah R-2553 c) Isolated (in vegetated area): Neenah R -2560 -EA w/ type "C" grate 3) Manholes shall be provided writ the follovsng castings: a) Sanitary: Neenah R-1733 w/ concealed pick hole b) Storm: Neenah R-1733 lettered'STO R M', center pick hole INSTALLATION 1) Unless ofhervose noted, installation of all wafer and sewer pipe, fittings, and appurtenances shall be as per the CLAM Standard Specifications. TESTING REQUIREMENTS 1) Waterand sewer pipe, fittings, and appurtances shall be inspected and tested as perSections 2611.3E -2611.3H and 2621,3F -2621.3H of the CLAM Standard Specifications. 2) In the event of discrepancies between the testing requirements of the MN Plumbing Code and the CLAM Standard Specifications, the most stringent vs II govern. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NOTES STANDARDS 1) Minnesota Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, most recent edition. GRANULAR BASE COURSE 1) Compacted thickness of finished base course: Light -Duty Pavement -6" Heavy -Duty Pavement- 8" Bituminous Trail - 4" 2) Process material for aggregate base shall meet the requirements of MNDOTSpec. 3138, Class 6.. 3) The subgrade shall be tested and observed to the satisfaction of the Engineer prior to placement of aggregate base material. Install base material as required to accommodate new plan grades. 4) Wet base material to approximate optimum moisture content either prior to delivery to job site or as soon as practical after being placed on subgrade. 5) Place in layers not exceeding 4" thickness (loose). 6) Compact vslh pneumatic or vibrating steel drum rollers. 7) After base course has been graded and compacted, thoroughly wet and slush roll vslh roller until all aggregates are thoroughly embedded. 8) Allow base course to cure for a minimum of 72 hours prior to bituminous course application. BITUMINOUS BASE AND SURFACE COURSE 1) Mix Designation Numbers for the bituminous mixtures on this project are per MNDOT Spec. 2360 2) Pavement smoothness requirements will be waived for this project. 3) Density for the bituminous mixture on this project will be the ordinary compaction method (MNDOT 2360.6C). 4)Light-Duty Bituminous Pavement: Bituminous Base course shall conform to MnDOT2360, Type SPNWB330B and shall be 2 inches thick after compaction. Bituminous Surface course shall conform to MnDOT 2360, Type SPWEB340B and shall be 14 inches thick after compaction. 5) Heavy -Duty Bituminous Pavement: Bituminous Base course shall conform to MnDOT 2360, Type SPNWB330B and shall be 2 inches thick after compaction. Bituminous Surface course shall conform to MnDOT 2360, Type SPWEB340B and shall be 2 inches thick after compaction. 6) Bituminous Trail: Bituminous Surface course shall conform to MnDOT 2360, Type SPWEB340B and shall be 2 inches thick after compaction. 7) Place no asphaltic mixture when the atmospheric temperature is below 45 degrees and falling, nor should pavement be placed under wet conditions. 8) Mixing a) Paving mixture: Uniform mixture of course aggregate, fine aggregate, mineral filler and asphaltic material. b) Grading and mixing: Conform to applicable sections of the Minnesota Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, Section 2360. CONSTRUCTION METHODS 1) Properly clean base course and deliver hot mix asphaltic concrete in clean tight vehicles vslh covers if necessary. 2) Lay to a smooth surface without segregation of material and attain compaction as early as possible. Commence rolling while the material is hot, (minimum spread temperature 250 degrees F.) as soon as if will support the roller without undue displacement or hairline cracking and continue until a minimum of 96% of maximum has been attained, no further compression can be attained and all roller marks are eliminated. 3) The completed surface: Smooth, free of pockets that will retain wafer and shall not vary more than 1/16" per foot nor more than 1/4" under a 16'sfraight edge. Entire surface must drain. No flat areas are permitted. 4) Perform all Work in accordance vslh the applicable requirements of the Minnesota Standard Specifications for Highway Construction. PAINTED LINES 1) Special marking paint compound especially for striping bituminous paving in one coat. 2) Manufacturers: Pratt & Lambert, Inc.; Sherwin WIliams Co. or DuPont Co. 3) Colors: Use white paint for concrete and asphalt. 4) All surfaces to be painted must be thoroughly clean and dry. 5) Lay out painted lines vslh chalk on pavement in accordance vsth Project Drawings. 6) Accurately apply paint to the chalk marks, using striping machines, 4"vide stripes. 7) Apply paint in strict accordance vslh the manufacturers directions. 8) Protect all paint from damage by traffic until dry. 9) Apply handicap logo at handicap stall. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 1) Aggregate Base Testing: a) The granular base course shall be test rolled and observed by the Contractors independent soils technician as per MNDOT2211.3C2 (Quality Compaction Method). Once the base course has been tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer, pavement may be placed. b) One mechanical analysis (ASTM D-422) per 500 cubic yards of base or fraction thereof. 2) Bituminous Testing: a) Test temperature of first truck. b) Ordinary compaction (MNDOT 2360.6C) CONCRETE PAVEMENT, CURB & GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK STANDARDS 1) ACI 318, ACI 316, CRSI, ACI 301, latest adoptions. 2) Minnesota Standard Specifications for Construction, most recent edition GRANULAR BASE COURSE MATERIAL 1) Compacted thickness of finished base: 6" - Concrete Pavement/Aprons 4"- Concrete Sidewalk 2) Base material shall consist of MNDOT 3149.262 Select Granular Borrow. AGGREGATES 1) Coarse: MnDOT Spec. 3137. 2) Fine: MnDOT Spec. 3126. WATER 1) Clean, fresh and potable, MnDOTSpec. 3906. AIR ENTRAINING ADMIXTURES 1) ASTM C260. 2) Provide entrainment of 4 - 7 percent by volume. PORTLAND CEMENT 1) ASTM C150, Type I plus an approved air entraining agent, or Type IA air -entraining Portland cement. OTHER ADMIXTURES 1) MnDOT Spec. 3113. 2) Calcium Chloride or materials containing chlorides or nitrates shall not be allowed. PROPORTIONING AND DESIGN OF MIXES 1) MiDOT Spec. 2461.3 2) Concrete Classifications a) Curb and gutter, slip -formed concrete: 3A22 b) Sidewalk, aprons, incidental concrete, manual curb & gutter: 3A32 c) Concrete pavements or aprons: 3Y43 d) Repair concrete, fast strength concrete: 3Y43 3) Concrete Specifications: a) 3A22: 1-2" slump, 3900 psi, 4-7% air b) 3A32: 2-3" slump, 3900 psi, 4-7% air c) 3Y43: 3-4" slump, 4300 psi, 4-7% air d) Temperatures of all concrete during placement shall be 50 -deg F to 90 -deg F CONCRETE PLACEMENT 1) Place concrete as soon as possible after mixing. Place before initial set has occurred, and in no event after if has contained its wafer content for more than one hour. 2) Avoid overworking concrete or allowing concrete to fall unrestricted for excessive vertical distances, and other situations which can cause segregation of the aggregates. 3) Concrete pavements shall be placed in accordance vslh applicable portions of MnDOT2301. 4) Sidewalks shall be placed in accordance with WDOT2521. 5) Curb and gutter shall be placed in accordance vslh MnDOT2531. PROTECTION 1) Provide adequate protection against rain, sleet and snow before and during placement and finishing of concrete. 2) Protect concrete from premature drying. Provide temporary covering as required. Keep concrete continuously moist for 7 days. 3) Treat concrete vslh membrane curing compound in accordance vsth MnDOT 2531.3G. COLD WEATHER CONCRETE 1) Do not place concrete when the atmospheric temperature is below40 degrees F., orwhen the concrete is likely to be subjected to freezing temperatures within 24 hours after if has been deposited unless adequate temporary heating is provided. 2) Maintain concrete temperature of 40 to 90 degrees F. for 3 days. Protect from freezing for the following 5 days. 3) No frozen materials may be used in the concrete. Chemicals may not be used to prevent freezing unless approved by the Engineer. 4) Perform all cold weather concreting in accord vslh ACI 306. HOT WEATHER CONCRETE 1) Do not place concrete when the atmospheric temperature is above 100 degrees F. 2) Maintain concrete temperature of 40 to 90 degrees F. for3 days. Protect from temperatures over 90 degrees for the following 5 days. 3) Thoroughly wet dry porous surfaces before concreting. 4) Wafer reducing admixtures voth retarding properties are required for all concrete placed when the temperature exceeds 80 degrees F. 5) Perform all hot weather concreting in accord with ACI 306. FINISHING 1) Provide a broomed finish on exterior sidewalks and ramps unless noted otherwise. QUALITY CONTROL 1) The Contractor shall hire an independent testing firm to provide the following tests: a) The independent testing technician shall perform random field testing of the fresh concrete including slump, air content, and temperature. (ASTM C143, C173, C231 and C138). One series of the aforementioned tests shall be performed on the first load of concrete. b) The independent testing technician shall cast a set of four compression test cylinders for the first load of concrete as well as 1 set for every 100 cubic yards, or fraction thereof, of concrete thereafter. Compression tests shall be performed on one test cylinder at 7 days and two test cylinders at 28 days. The fourth test cylinder shall be retained in the event of failing compression tests on the 28 -day test cylinders. C Co ydght 2015 T 0 N r N r i W U) Y U W 7■ Sjoquist Architects, Inc 2800 University Avenue SE, Suite 100 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414 612.379.9233 Fax 612.379.9263 http.,Ilwww.4oquist.com SCHULTZ ENGINEERING & SITE DESIGN 18 South Riverside Avenue Suite 230 Sartell, MN 56377 Ph: (320) 339-0669 Fx. (866) 633-1830 schuitLeng@iive.com www.schultzengineeringdesign.com 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that 1 am a duly licensed Engineer under the laws of the state of Minnesota BRIAN J. SCHULTZ, PE XXIXXI2016 43129 DATE LICENSE NO. Revisions 1621 Sjoquist Project Number 16058 Schultz Eng. Project Number TWEET PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY ORTHODONTICS 7845 CENTURY BLVD CHANHASSEN, MINNESOTA GENERAL NOTES & SPECIFICATIONS